V !' ' The Gastonia .Gazette ' uh4 erary Tuesday ul W4 tp fie Gasette Pu bilabial Company. .'B. D. ATKIXS ATKIXS Editors and Mgrs. BUBSCRI PTION PRICK: n. map 't& months Fear months Oaa month TS SO 16 GASTONIA Gouty Sea of Gaatoa Ooaaty Al ter Janaary . 1B11 No. tS Mala AffUM. PHONE NO- FRIDAY. AUGUST 13, 1I0. rr. v.7. no means of knowing lrbat the other towns are going to offer the Carolina & Northwestern Railway as a bid for the location of th shoos. We do know that Gas tonia ought to have them and believe that the movement to se- v.. tnr nnr town has the cure lurw hearty approval of the entire citizen ahlp. Whatever Gastonia does must u rfnn at once. Tomorrow Is the j .hirh th officials will receive propositions and a mass meeting of citizens is called for to night at 8 o'clock in the city hai: to complete the details of our offer The ten committeemen are busily at work today securing subscriptions to the fund being raised. Every citi r.ootnnia should have his CrCU Wl "u' name on this list. If any one has not subscribed yet he should do so wre niehl or certainly be at the meeting and make a subscription there. It Is going to take money to get them but they will be worth much to the town In the years that are to come. There should be such a crowd present tonight that city hall will not hold them. the REINS IN BUTLER'S HANDS. It was really the unexpected which happened at Greensboro Wednesday when Duncan and Alexander threw np the sponge in the Republican State convention and Morehead was made chairman of the State execu tive committee by acclamation, re ceiving the unanimous vote of the hody. In view of the bitterness that had been injected into the campaign for some weeks previous to the 10th, -both sides to the contest slinging mud right and left, the whole State was expecting to see a long-drawn-out and disrupting session. But they were surprised. It was short and harmonious to such an extent that the press of the State has gen erally characterized It as a "love feaBt." Morehead stands for a re-organisation of the party In the State. He wants to make It "respectable." How be can accomplish that and and be dominated , by Marlon Butler U mora than we can figure oat If those Republican who constitute the Adama-Puncan wing, the defeat ed faction, are to be believed. Mar ton Butler Is anything but a respect able man; In fact they have brand ed him a a traitor, an lngrate and everything black and unsavory that they could find adjectives to express. And Butler Is the party' leader in the State henceforth. In our opin ion Morehead and Butler have set themselves a hopeless task. There are perhaps some Republi cans who win refuse to admit that Chairman Morehead Is a creature of Butlerli crafty hand but the evidence Is so strongly against such a conten tlon that It Is generally accepted over the State that Butler is now the real head of the party In North Car olina. Knowing this. It Is hard to understand how the better element of Republicans can stand by the par ty with its present leaders A most significant move was the incorporation In the platform adopt ed by the convention of a self-gov eminent plank, which is taken by many to be a bid for the anti-prohl hition element In the Democratic ranks. In the insertion of this small paragraph in the platform many, both Republicans and Demo crats, profess to see the real reason for Butler's return to North Caro lina politics. There are not a few who openly declare their belief that Butler is nothing less than the rep resentative of the whiskey interests who are still fostering a hope of some day winning this State back to the wet column. If this is their game we believe it will prove a los- ng one. Morehead's elevation to the State chairmanship means several things It means that the "ins" are "out" ann the "outs" are "in." It means that the pie-brigade must bow to the behest of "Mary Ann" Butler, the remembrance of whose former con nection with public life in this State Is a stench in the nostrils of decent men. It means that the effort to make the party "respectable" will be but a pawing of the air. It means best of all, that the Democrats will continue to hold the reins in the Old North State and with increased ma jorities. Kntcrtaiiietl by Mrs. Morris. Mrs. W. M. Morris delightfully en tertained the Sans Soucl Club yester day afternoon at her home on West Airline avenue. Progressive trail was played and refreshments, in cluding ices and watermelon, were served. Misses Irene and Louise Barrlnger served punch. In addi tion to members of the club there were present several invited guests, all enjoying a most pleasant after noon. WHEN TuVeIHARVESTED "TOUR COIN PUT IT IN THE PULLING FOR THE SHOPS. Gaatonlaaa la Mass Meeting Ileartily Endorse Movement and Committee ed Tuesday night by representative Thing ' tn Shape for Proposition to be Submitted to Road Official To-Morrow-Another Mass Meet ing To-Night. The city hall was comfortably fill is Busily Engaged la. Getting citizens who gathered in a mass meeting to discuss the proposition of making an offer to the Official of the Carolina Northwestern Rail way to secure the location of their recently burned shops here. It was the unanimous opinion ot the meet ing that Gastonia wanted the shops and that we should leave no stone unturned to obtain them. Mayor T. L. Craig was chosen chairman of the meeting and the ob ject was stated by him. He called for a discussion of the subject and quite a number of business men were heard on various phases of the subject. It was the consensus of opinion that, In order to obtain the shops, It would be necessary, to of fer to the road a site for the plant and a cash bonus. As to what amount of cash would be necessary or how much could be raised was left open and a committee of ten was appointed by the chair to take a canvass of the town yesterday and today and raise by subscription all that could be raised and report to another meeting tonigt. As previously stated a number of towns along the line are making strenuous efforts to secure these shops and it will be necessary for Gastonia to do her level best to be sure of success. Hickory .Newton, Hudson, Llncolnton and Chester all want them and all these towns, with the possible exception of Newton are working hard to that end. .-The Ga zette enumerated last week some of the benefits that would accrue to the town by reason of the location here of these railway shops and it is not necessary to go over that ground again. Gastonia seems to be a unit in agreeing that they will be worth as much to the town as any two av erage cotton mills. Certainly they would benefit, either directly or In directly, every citizen of the town. This is conceded on all sides. It on ly remains for Gastonians to show their faith by their works and go down in their pockets after the cold cash. Another mass meeting is to be held in the city hall tonight at 8 o'clock at which time the committee which has been busily engaged for two days in taking subscriptions to this fund will make its report and other business pertaining to this proposition will come up for discus sion. The court room should be full to overflowing, City Father Meet, The regular monthly meeting of h Htr council '-tor August -.was held at the city hall Tuesday night. Mayor T. U Craig presiding and all the members being present. The mayor was Instructed to have fitted up for the city physician an office on the second floor of the city hall and have a sign put on the door. The monthly report of City Physician Mc, 0. Ander wa received and adoDted. Bills to the amount of $954.96 were referred to the finance committee for payment. The board adjourned to meet again next Tues day night. Picnic at Patterson Grove, The Gazette is requested to state that there will be a basket picnic at Patterson Grove near Kings Moun tain on Thursday, August 18th. Dr. M. Templeton, o Wake county, vice-president of the North Carolina Farmers Union will deliver an ad dress. An expert authority on co oDerative creameries will also be present and deliver an address on this subject. Music will be furnish ed by the Farmers Union Band of Gaston county. The public Is cor dially Invited to come and bring well-filled baskets. On on Extended Trip. A party of nine left Gastonia on No. 39 this morning for Spartan burg, S. C, to join a personally con ducted touring party which the C. C. & O. Railway is taking on an ex tended Northern trip. They were Messrs. John R. Rankin, John Frank Jackson, George Grlce, Mark T. Wil son, Fred Riddle, Clyde McLean, Meek Barnett, Oscar Neill and Char lie Loftin. The party, traveling in two trains, will go via Cincinnati to Nfigara Fallsf" Toronto and other points of interest in that section. They expect to be gone a week or ten days. Attend the mass meeting at the city hall to-night at 8 o'clock. Gas tonia must have the .0 & N.-W, shops. Meeting Postponed. Secretary S. W. Bradley of the Crowders Creek Dredging Associa tion requests The Gazette to state that the meeting of the association which was announced for tomorrow, Saturday, afternoon at 2 o'clock at Pleasant Ridge, has been postponed till Saturday afternoon, August 20th, at 2 o'clock at the same place. This action- is taken because of the fact that Mr. J. D. Elliott, of Hickory, could not be here tomorrow. Mr. Bradley, Mr. W. A. Falls, and Mr. W. D. Anthony spent Tuesday on Clark's creek in Catawba county, In vestigating the dredging work now in progress on that stream. Unfort unately the dredging boat was not n operation that day as some re pairs were being made. They gain ed considerable information, howev er, and this will be given to the as sociation at Its next meeting. Just a few bushel of wheatlplanted in the ground be come MANY BUSHELS of grain; so will the money you put in our bank from time to time become a BIG SUM. The interest we will pay you will help it to grow. Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank ' Your business is solicited on the grounds of fair and liberal dealing with assurances that every courtesy will be shown you consistent with sound banking. ' Interest paid on time deposits. .: Citizens National Bank of Gastonia IL P. Rankin, Pres, C N. Erin, Vke-Pres., A. G. Mjer; Gulier. Companies Combined. Newton Enterprise. The Henkel Live Stock Company and the Henkel Horse and Mule Co. have been combined under the style of the Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co., with headquarters in Statesville. L. P. Henkel is president and D. J. Craig secretary and treasurer. The Catawba directors are D. M. Boyd, W. A. Carpenter, Harvle and Char lie Geither. The capital stock Is $100,000. Spencer Blackburn Has Also "Come Back." Wilmington Star. Even ex-Congressman E. Spencer Blackburn has "come back.. After his defeat, for Republican State chairman by Judge Adam and Dun can he moved to Oklahoma. . It la not known whether he has . "come back" to get even for old scores, or whether he has been lured by decep tive Republican prospects In the State, or whether be ha found out that North Carolina la the best State la the Union. Anyhow.s he ha "com back." - Put Wagon on the Road. Some time ago, as noted in these columns, the wholesale firm of F. D. Barkley & Co. was appointed agents in this territory for the Indian Re fining Company, a competitor of the Standard Oil Company. Some months ago property in North Gas tonia was leased and tanks built by this concern. Wednesday Messrs. Barkley & Co. put their wagon on the road and are now selling oil and gasolene to -,the merchants in this territory. They take In the towns of Gastonia, Dallas, Lowell, McAden ville, Belmont, Mount Holly, High Shoals, Bessemer, Kings Mountain, Clover and the country stores. Paying for Rights-of-Way. Unofficial information obtained by The Gazette regarding the move ments of the Piedmont Traction Company Is of such character as to dispel any doubt that might have formerly existed in the minds of arc of our local people as to the inten tions of this concern to build its proposed road. Representatives of the company are now here buying and paying for lands on their right-of-way on which options had pre viously been taken. Up to the pres ent time, according to rumored esti mates, they have paid out on this score in town and within a mile or such a matter on the eastern out skirts of the town, no less than $40, 000. It is gratifying to know that the company is going ahead rapidly completing its preliminary work and there Is a general feeling of anxiousness on the part of Gaston ians m general to see them begin actual construction work. In Choosiwi a Bs ink in which to deposit your money, you should consider v " , ' . . ' . ' , ; ;' . ' i " e " ' V - . this will you be offered . ,,-".,.r , t Courtesy, ij -Ample Facilities, ; Safety?. ; We possess all three of these qualifications, ' and cordially invite those a contemplating . opening accounts, to . confer with us. '.., 'jf:J First National Bank Gastonia, N. C. Gaston County's Oldest and Largest Bank ; L. L Jenkins, PresL, J. Lee Robinson, V-PL, S. N. Boyce, Cashier. TODD'S Cream Bread Is Best It is made for retail and not wholesale trade. Bakers have to make loaves to sell at much less than five cents. Our erf am loaf is full value. Try one. Phone 63. A New Serial Story. At the conclusion of "Cameo Klr by," the excellent serial story now running In The Gazette, and which will end within the next few issues, we will present to our readers an other excellent story entitled "The Stowaway" by Lewis Tracy. In a letter to the editor the manager of the American Press Association says: "Tracy's stories are always read with considerable interest and this story, In the writer's opinion. Is an exceptionally fine serial story." The serial story has become a regular feature of The Gazette and it is gratifying to the editors to hear from many of our readers expres sions of delight at the high-class re productions we are giving. In the course of a year The Gazette rives its readers quite a number of sto ries which, If purchased In book form, would cost $1.50 each. There la no better time to subscribe than today so you will set the first chap ters of the new story; at the same time you will set, for a six months subscription a splendid cloth bound rest pocket dictionary, worth 25 cents, free. .' : Attend the mass meeting at the city hall to-nlghi t 8 o'clock. Gaa tonia must have the .0 N.-W. shops. ; Thomson Mercantile Cos Specials Continue All Through This Week A few Ladies' lingerie $5 batiste ready-to-wear one- piece dresses in all colors, while they last at $1.48. s A few Ladies' ready-to-wear wash coat suits in all colors, worth from $4.50 to $7, while they last at $2.98. Scores of other specials just as good for this week. Come and see them for yourself. We make it interesting every day in the week for the shopper. We are head quarters. Remember that. i Thomson Mercantile Go. Gastonia, N. C. Sliced Bacon Sliced Beef Hams, Chickens and Eggs Good Tea arid Coffee Ideal Grocery W. H. Poole, Prop. Phone 107. Comp any Notice To Taxpayers I have been ordered by the board of county commis sioners to accept tax returns up to and including Monday, August 15th, 1910. After that date those who have failed to return their taxes will be double-taxed and there will be ho recourse. Attend to this to-day and save yourself the double tax. ... . al2c3. 8 C A. J. SMITH, Register of Deeds and ex-officio clerk to Board of County Commissioners.

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