rAoa six. FKIDAV, AUGUST 12, 1810. RIGHT OVER WOOD SHIwGLES I HSIflNGLES ran t Uld without fa or bother rfht owe tlx old roo4 thinctM. chaajria tha top of roar buiUlrui Itutactly (ram flr catcher to A FIREPROOF ROOF that will last m Irac at tt bafldlnc ftaalf and MW notdt rapalra. For further 4cta0a4 toior rini, pricoa. OMU, apply to LONG BROTHERS Exclusive Agents Gastonia, N. C Queen City Granite & Marble Works CHARLES FORD, Gastonia Agent A Marble or Granite which shows lettering well Is what 70a need for a memorial. Our fine grained American Light Marble or oar Wlnns boro Blue Granite will give 70a very durable, handsome monuments and distinct Inscriptions. Lanra stock on hand at oar works. Call and see them. Take the DU worth Street Cars. Phone 1618. Boulevard & Falmer Streets, Charlotte, N. C. JURY LIST. TUB INSURGENTS. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Catawba College and Preparatory School. Bot exes. Private rooms and board for ladies but under school super vision. Strong faculty. Special attention to A. B., B. S. and B. L. courses FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS Expended on new Laboratory equipment. New furniture. Buildings reno vated. Location ideal. Healtbfulness unsurpassed. Tuition rates very moderate. Board at actual cost on the club plan. :-: :-: : Fall term begins Sept. 7, 1910. Write for catalogue. JOHN F. BUCHHEIT, A. M.. President. FS2 Newton, N. C uIFam A inmtiftHfc Da School. Preparatory and Coiim in, I'hyalcal Culture, Pedacogy, Business, etc Conservatory oi standard maintained by large staff of experienced, college uctors. Takes only 100 boarderi and teachea tho Individual, Mm n raeai ennsuan Home schook r reparacory ana Collegiate counts. Ark trained instructors. Takes only Uaaurpawd health record. Bi Large jrymuaaluia. Park-like campus. Concerts, lectures, tennis, basket ball. Write (or our catalog before electing theoollega for yourdanahter. HENRY JEKOME STOCKAKO, A. M., Pn. BaUlgh.M.C. rick bulldlnga. Steam heat. Excellent table. Trinity Park School A Firit-ClaM Preparatory School Certificates of Graduation Accept ed for Entrance to Leading Southern Colleges Faculty of ten officers a-d teachers. Campus o( seventy-five acres. I ibrary containing more than Inrty thousand bound volumes. Well equipped gymna sium High standards and modern methods of instruction. Frequent lec tures by prominent lecturers. Expenses exceedingly moderate phenomenal success. Twelve years of For catalogue and other information address F. S. ALDRIDGE, Bursar Durham, N. C. S6cl0w Trinity College Five Departments Collegiate. Gradu ate. Engineering. Law. and Education. Large library facilities. Well-equipped laboratories in all departments cf science. Gymnasium lurnished with best appara tus. Expenses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. Teachers and Students ex pecting to engage in teaching should investigate the superior advantages offered by the New Department of Education in Trinity College. For catalogue and further information address R. L. FLOWERS, Secretary Durham, N, C S6cl0w Names) of Jurors Selected for Sep I The Spirit of Insurgency Growing What It Means. Charity and Children. :K We are glad to see the spirit of Insurgency growing among our peo ple. The uprising Jn Congress at I first met only sneers from the "Reg ulars" but It long ago changed those sneers Into fright and afterward In to despair, i Speaker Cannon may a buse the , Beverldge contingent all he pleases and claim that they are the autocrats of our public life and belong to the rule , or ruin class, but the country knows better than that. It knows that these , men at least grew tired of the domination of two or three men In our publlo affairs and that they determined that their tyranny should end ;, and with this righteous end In view they bonded themselves together and proceeded to overturn the Cannon dynasty. But the real cause of the uprising lay back of the Insurgents. They began to get letters from home. The people gave their representatives some Instructions. The voters took a hand in the business, and the av erage servant Is quick to respond to the voice of their masters. Some few are still reluctant to obey, but they see now that they made the mis take of their lives, and it is too late for them to correct the mistake. They have discovered that the cli mate of Washington is not entirely suitable for their health, or that the pressing demands of their private business must have a little more at tention, and so the places that now know them will soon know them no more. Aid rich has given up the gun. Hale has heard it thunder. Old man Cannon is about to kill himself in his struggle against the rising tide. But he cannot stay its onward prog ress. It is pathetic to see this man grown gray in sin, fighting for his life, when he should be enjoying the evening of his days in quiet and peace. There never was anything In Payne, and there 1b evidently not a great deal in his constituents. He probably suits them very well which shows how easy they can be satisfied. The insurgent spirit has a strong al ly and sympathizer in Theodore Roosevelt. He belongs by nature to that element. He cannot be tied down by party tradition, and his neck was not made for a collar. The spirit has spread over the whole country. The slavish obedience to a set of self constituted bosses is get ting to be a thing of the past. The man who boasts that he has never scratched a ticket finds that it no longer brings applause. It never was an honorable thing to be a slave, but it is less honorable now than ever. The insurgent is not the cause but the effect of the changed and the changing conditions. We welcome his coming. He has wait ed too long, but he is here now and here to stay. tember , Term of Gas ton Superior Court. . . ,." ;y.-v?Y-;-i; The following la a list of Jurors chosen at the August meeting of the county commsslonera Co serve at the September term of Oaston Super lor Court, . which convenes at Dal las on Monday, September 11th: Or FIRST WEEK. " 5 ; J, P. Starnea, Gastonia. 8. O. Fry, Gastonia. Robert F. Lay, Dallas. s J. C. Crawford, Gastonia. H. J. Shannon, Gastonia. D. L. Payne, Crowders .Mountain. Fred E. Carpenter, Cherryville. R. J. Durham, Dallas. W. A. Hendricks, Gastonia. ' J. H. Ramseur, Cherryville. E. H. Armstrong, Gastonia. G. W. Ragan, Gastonia. W. H. Adams, Gastonia, Miles WItherspoon. Cherryville. M. A. Shannon, Gastonia. J. O. White, Gastonia. Sidney L. Klser, Dallas. J. G. Shannon, Gastonia. J. F. Llneberger, Jr., Dallas. R. C. Mauney, Cherryville. Ed Vickers, Cherryville. M. A. Service, Gastonia. John Wilson, Gastonia. G. L. Webb, South Point. S. B. Barnwell, Gastonia. J. Bynum Long, Gastonia. W. A. Leeper, Sr., South Point Ed E. Carson, Crowders Mountain. W. A. Farrls, Cherryville. J. H. Kennedy, Gastonia. T. L. Payne, Crowders Mountain. M. C. Auten, South Point. Cicero Harris, South Point. W. W. Wilson, South Point. C. E. Mason, Crowders Mountain. J. R. Howell, Gastonia. SECOND WEEK. R. J. Sifford, Gastonia. Fox Pay sour, Gastonia. N. W. Thrower, South Point. W. D. Qulnn, Dallas. A. M. Smith, River Bend. W. W. Bennett, Crowders Moun tain. Wirt Summey, Dallas. R. L. Rankin, Gastonia. J. L. Neill, Gastonia. C. S. Wells, Crowders Mountain. M. T. Wilson, Gastonia. H. D. Roberts, South Point. R. E. Currence, Gastonia. David Wright, South Point. W. L. Ormand, Crowders Moun tain. Frank Alexander, Cherryville. D. W. Mitchem, South Point. J. L. Bryan, Gastonia. 'KThe Power of Heredity,' ' Monroe Enquirer.' In : his splendid charge ' to the frand Jury. last Monday morning, Judge W. R.AU.en said among other 1 good things, that no man can know how far reaching heredity is.. None can tell to what an extent the parent j leave an Impression on the child not only in Its physical being, but la , Its moral nature as well. That is a true statement, but Judge' 4T,en brought most interesting facts' - to , support that statement,1 facts which j made every man la the crowded court room atop and think. Judge Allen cited the case of Max Dukes,' a drunkard, and a common bum, a no ted character for thriftlessness and intemperance. , This Max Dukes was born in' 1720. Of his descendants 1,200 have been identified and of ineser, jib . were inmates of poor houses, 440 were viciously diseased, 60 were prostitutes, 7 were murder ers and 60 were thieves." On the oth er hand there was Jonathan Ed wards, the distinguished minister of the gospel, who was born in 1703. Of the descendants of Jonathan Ed wards. 1,394 have been Identified and of these 295 were college gradu ates, 65 were professors In colleges, over 100 were preachers,' over 100 were lawyers, 60 doctors, 75 in the army and navy, 185 were authors. 18 were editors, 3 United States Sen ators and 15 were railroad presidents. PROFESSIONAL OAED3 JONES A TIMBEKLAKE. Attorneys and Counselors First Floor, Realty Building, GASTONIA, N. C. CARPENTER & CARPENTER Attorneys-At-Law DALLAS, N. C. Office over Bank of Dallas. P. WOODS GARLAND, JR., Attorney and Counselor Office over Torrence-Morrls Co's. Main Ave.' Gastonia, N. C W. H. ADAMS Notary Public Office Citizens National Information call on or address v James KER, JR., T, P.' A., s:-Charlotte, N. C. ' IL & LEARD, D. P. A., v,",';--;...v-.-;-.i'.. Raleigh,1 N. C. - c. b. rtan. a.' p; A.; KJ ,; ' Portsmouth, Y! ', Impbrtant Word to ., ' ; ' ' . ' v.. : :.J-:::jy . . We wish to femlnd advert is- , era that copy for change of ad- ' , vertisements In . The Gasette I must .be in this office not later ; than 8 a. m. on Tuesdays and - . Fridays In order to be sure of Insertion In tho papers of those -day.; Otherwise we cannot ln sure Insertion. ; When it comes ; In later than this It la impoasL, ' ble to giro it the proper atten tion If it can be handled at alL Advertisers who get their copy v v In by , noon , on Mondays : and v Thursdays will secure better dis plays and more satisfactory ser rice in every way ; as -we will . then have more time to devote to them. It is as much to tho advertiser's interest as it Is to ours to ( have a neat.' well-die- . played, correct advertisement and to this end we ask your co- operation by getting copy In ear ly and giving us sufficient time in which to properly handle it. New business will, of course, , be handled as well as possible and as late as possible before go ing to press ciiuj cuiuiun aareriwemenis f can be handled as late as 1 p. m. on Tuesdays and Fridays. These regulations are neces sary because of the constantly in creasing demand on The Ga zette's advertising department. Mr. Advertiser: Help us to give yon the best possible results by giving us plenty of time on your copy. Bank. SPECIAL NOTICES LADIES LOOK Subscribe for The Gasette. South Fork Institute Prepares boys and girls for our best Colleges and fits them for the com mon vocations of life. Under Chris tian influences. Two dormitories furnish ideal home-life. Seven com petent teachers. Expenses moderate. Last year largest attendance in his tory of the school. Fall term begins Aug. 30, 1910. For further information and cat alogue address Do you cut your own stencil pat terns? It's much cheaper than buy ing them already cut and you can find more desirable designs. We have the stencil cardboard, 20x24 inches, at 23 c-nts a sheet. A'so carbon paper about same size for 10 cents a sheet. H. P. ALLISON DEAD. S. J. HoneyCUtt, Principal MAIDEN, N. C. Weil-Known Citizen of Kings Moun tain Passes Suddenly. Yorkville Enquirer, 5th. News was received here this morn ing of the unexpected death of Mr. H. P. Allison, which occurred at his home at King's Mountain this morn ing at 9 o'clock. Mr. Allison was over on a visit to his York county relatives last week, and went home feeling as if he were going to be sick; but without any idea of any thing serious. The deceased was a son of the late Col. W. B. Allison and was 60 years of age on October 11, last. He has been living at Kings Mountain for about twenty five years, was a Justice of the peace for quite a time and until about two years ago, was in the newspaper bus iness. His wife, who was Miss Kath arine Dixon, of Kings Mountain, died about four years ago. He leaves two daughters, Mrs. B. M. Ormand and Mrs. H. N. Moss, of Kings Moun tain, and the following brothers and sisters: J. F. Allison, Kings Moun tain; R. R. Allison, Yirzah; J.O.Al lison. Yorkville: Mrs. W. J. Farris. This is the best time for young people to start business life auspiciously we have I near Rock Hill; Mrs. J. b. Barron, Tlrah, and Mrs. J. W. Dobson, York- GAZETTE PUB. CO. 236 W. Main Ave. Phone 50. Legql Blanks Of All Kinds Warranty Deeds, Mortgage Deeds, Quitclaim Deeds, Executor's Deeds, Chattel Blortgage (North and South Carolina). Bonds to Make Title, Agricultural Liens, Attachment Blanks, and others. Mall orders receive prompt atten tion. Gazette Pub. Co. 236 Mala Ave., Gastonia, N. C Business College, Richmond, Va. ever seen. Ex-Sec Gage said recently if he could find 20 young men thoroughly capable he could put them on salaries of $25,000.00 per year. We have many more applications than we can fill. Three recently for male stenographers and bookkeepers at $100 per month each to start on. Recently we have entered students from England, Porto Rico, N. W. Va, N. C, S. C'and Va. "One of the very best business colleges in America.!. Christian Observer. . vllle. McNlnch is All Things to All Men. Madison County Record. : Down in Mecklenburg Mr. Mc Nlnch says that he is as good a Dem ocrat as Webb, in Gaston and Lin coln he is a business 'man. over in Madison and Mitchell he tries to be a Republican. Now why should any body want to vote for a ahifter like V . ... . . - . ' . "1 J.' U..: 11-e . .1 rt Oi n dim C. L '""v uu" " "P' w ueceive Aauuig uuuncw coiiege aouu or uie roromacruvcr. rnuaocipoia tenograpacr. 1 the voters but she won't go in these digglns. Yates Webb is a Democrat ; alright, no question about that, he is a business man too, and a good one, be will attend to business for Republicans as weU as Democrats as many of them know In this county, all you have to do is to call on him Mr. Webb should and we believe I will get the best vote ever before In j this county. "Leading business college of the South." J. A. Buell, Pres. B. S. M. E. A. it comes to education, the best is none too. good. Write for full particulars concerning the best 'investment you can make to SEABOARD AIR LINE SCHEDULE. These arrivals, departures and xranectlons with other companies are given only as information Schedule taking effect May 15, 1910, subject to change without notice. . .. ... Trains leave Charlotte as follows: - No. 40, daily, at 4:50 a, m., for Monroe. Hamlet and Wilmington, connecting at Monroe with 33 for Atlanta, Birmingham; with . 38 for Raleigh, Weldon 5 and Ports-mouth. With 68 ' at Hamlet for. Raleigh. Richmond, Washington, New York. No. 133, daily, at 9:60 a. m., for Lincoln ton," Shelby and Rutherford ton. r 1 -' ' - No. 44, daily, at 5 p. m., for Mon roe, Hamlet, Wilmington and all lo cal points, connecting at Hamlet wkh 43 for Columbia; Savannah and all Florida points. No. 47, dallyVat 4:45 p. m., for Rutherfordton and ail local points. No. 132, 7:15 p. m connecting at Monroe for all points North, carries Portsmouth sleeper. Trains arrive In Charlotte as fol lows; No. i33r:50 a. m., from all points North, brings Portsmouth sleeper. "''-. ' . No. 45, daily, at 12:01 p. Mi from. Wilmington and all local points North. . - - 1 - ; '" No. 132, 7 p. m., from Ruther fordton, Shelby, Lincolnton and C, ft VT TXT nll.v nnf.t. TnttmanM (19 No. 4 arrives 10:30 a. m, from Rutherfordton and all local stations. No. 89, daily, at lp:50 p. m., front Wilmington, Hamlet and ' Monroe; also from 1 points East. . North and Southwest, connecting at Hamlet v. and ' Monroe. , ' ; , '."'A . " :'V; Cafe cars on a" trs!n.r Ticket office S , ,-'; 0 All trains run ' C. A N-W. RAILWAY. Schedule in Effect Sunday, June 12, . 1010. xrM t u d rvrrx-r Train No. 10 (Passenger) Leaves Gastonia daily 9:30 a. m. Train No. 8 (Passenger) Leaves Gastonia dally, (except Sunday) 5:40 p. m. . r . Train No. 60 (Mixed) Arrives Gastonia daily, (except Sunday), 4:00 p. m. v . SOUTHBOUND. - Train No. 9 (Passenger) Arrives Gastonia dally 4:40 p. m. Train No. 7 (Passenger) Arrives Gastonia dally (except Sunday) 10:25 a. m. : Train No. 61 (Mixed) Leaves Gastonia dally (except Sunday). 12:25 p. m. ; "FREE SCHOLABSHTPSV . We , have Scholarships Number's 107, 108 f and 109 to Linwood Fe male College .worth 812.50 each t9 anyi young lady who wishes to. enter at the fall opening. We offer oneo these certificates to any worthy,, d serving young lady In Gaston, Lin coln, ! Catawba and Cleveland coun tlesX ; C, and York or' Cherokea counties, S. C.,' who have never at-; tended Linwood College and wish to do so,, free of cost to her, provided: She7 will agree and -arrange to. rw main in the school one year, and al so that her application is accepted, and reaches us before 1 wo hare giv en pur three . Scholarships .away. Please make application, in your own hand-writing , . , PIEDMONT TELEPHONE & TELE GRAPH C03IPANY, R. B. Babfngton, General Manager. Gastonia, N. C, July 86. 19l0.

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