TUESDAY, CUCFTEMBEIl 27, 1910. pica twu THB OABTOXIA GAZETTE. , J-kmual g- J" 5 fD oo MILLINERY OPENING Wednesday and Thursday, September 28th and 29th Tailored suit and up-to-date drew goods. Our new stock is practically all in and we never had a larger or bet ter selected assortment to offer you. COME and look through our store. You will be welcome to come and see the new things whether you buy or not You are cordially invited to attend our millinery opening WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, September 28th and 29th, and to inspect our beautiful line of dress goods and tailored suits. Our garments are such as we are proud to show and you will be proud best, workmanship is perfect, Price is only $12.50, $18 and HI. Sclmeider's Greater 122 West Main Avenue See For Auto Oils, Greases, Soap, Etc Auto tubes and material guaranteed See us for anything in steam or water fittings. Machine and foundry work a specialty. Give us a trial. Yours to please, Gaston Iron Works Gastonia, N. C. For Sale On Chester Street Only one more desirable lot, 75 X 175, alley in rear, suitable for home builder or investor, in attractive neigh hood, near projected traction line. Just $300 secures deed, time loan. Be quick and see J. WHITE WARE Citizens National Bank Building, XOTICK: THE FARMERS' UXION GIN. COME tothe new Ginnery in Dal las. Beat equipped Ginnery In the County everything new and up-to-date and tbe best work guaranteed. "Will treat you right Brother Farmer. Will have meal and hulls for sale or exchange for seed. S30clmo W. S. ROBINSON. Ifks Blanche Carson left last week for Concord to enter the Laura -Suderl&ad school. Display ST o n o St 5 2L ST o p 5" 0 to wear. Materials are the style is authoritative. Ou $20. Store - Gastonia, N. C. Us Spark Plugs, Carbide, vulcanized. ' All work satisfactory. balance arranged by long FIRE INSURANCE Phone 54. Taken to Asylum. It Is learned here that (Mr. Jona than Harvey, a farmer living at Crouse, was taken about two weeks ago to Morganton and placed In the State Asylum, he having become mentally unbalanced by reason of ill health. Mr. Harvey has been a res ident of that section for many years, having had charge for a long time, up to a year or so ago, of ex-Sheriff M. H.'Shufford's plantation near Crouse. His friends here will regret to hear of his misfortune. Mr. Jacob Wllmert, Lincoln. 111., found her way back to perfect health. She writes: "I suffered with kidney trouble and backache and my appetite waa very poor at times. A few weeks ago I got Fol ey Kidney Pills and gave them a fair trial. They gave me great ro ller, so continued til) now I am again In perfect health." J. II. Kennedy A Co. Columbia. S. C, Is to have a new morning daily paper which will be friendly to the Blease adminlstra tion. SAFE MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN Foley's Honey and Tar Is a safe and effective medicine for children as It does not contain opiates or harmful drugs. Get only the genu ine Foley's Honey and Tar In the yellow package. J. II. Kennedy & Co. The Atlantic Coast Line Railway will expend $22,000 for a Y. M. C. A building for its employees at Rocky Mount. N. C. THE GRATITUDE OF ELDERLY PEOPLE Goes to whatever helps give them ease, comfort and strength. Foley Kidney Pills cure kidney and blad der diseases promptly, and give comfort and relief to elderly peo ple. J. H. Kennedy & Co. The Atlantic fleet returned to Hampton Roads Sunday after more than two weeks battle practice. Stubborn As Mules are liver and bowels sometimes; seem to balk without cause. Then there's trouble Loss of Appetite Indigestion, Nervousness, Despond ency, Headache. But such troubles fly before Dr. King's New Life Pills, the world's best Stomach and Liver remedy. So easy. 25c. at all drug gists. President Taft returned to Wash ington Sunday from Cincinnati and will hold daily meetings of his cab inet all this week to consider im portant matters. S6e Stowaway By LOUIS TRACY. Author of the "Pillar of Light," The Wings of the Morning" and The Captain of the Kansas." Ceelright. 1905. by Edward J. Clod. SYNOPSIS. CHAPTER I Overhearing a con spiracy between her uncle and tbe captain of his ship to sink tbe vessel and collect Insurance, Iris Yorke se cretes herself aboard the Adromeda just before It sails for southern seas. Her uncle, who is her guardian and has commanded her to wed old Dick ey Bulmer, thinks she has run away to avoid the distasteful marriage II Philip Hozler, young and hand some second officer of the Andrmeda, discovers Miss Yorke aboard. III- Irie tells Hozier of the plot to sink the vessel, and he keeps watch on Captain Coke. Mysterious defect In the steering gear discovered, caus ing the ship to veer from her course Coke treats the matter lightly. IV While putting into a harbor at an unknown island the Andromeda sud denly is shelled by a mysterious foe on shore. V Shots wreck shin. Hozier is wounded and his life saved by Iris. VI Survivors are hauled up on a cliff by ropes let down by a party of refugees, the leader proving to be Dom Corrla de Sylva, deposed president of Brazil. VII, VIII and IX Rescued and rescuers escape from detached cliff to main Island, and ship's crew and refugees togeth er attack Brazllllan soldiers, who seek to capture Dom Corrla. They capture a launch in which to escape to mainland of Brazil. CHAPTER XIL ltvxxt koinnio in exchajtoi auiLD- uios. C OKE and his merry men be came pirates during; the early morning of Thursday, Sept. X On Monday, Sept. 6, Darld Verity entered his office In Exchange buildings, Liverpool, and ran a fever ish glance through his letters to team If any envelopes bearing the planetary devices of the chief cablempanles had managed to hide tbemaelvea among; the mass of correspondence. There was no cablegram, of course. Dickey Bulmer, who had become a waking nightmare to tbe unhappy shipowner, had said there wouldn't be said It twelve hours ago after wringing from Verity the astounding admission that Iris waa on board the Andromeda. It was not because the Teasel was over due that Darld confessed. Hulmer, despite his sixty-eight years, was an acute man of business. Moreorer, he was blessed with a retentive memory, and be treasured every word of the bogus messages from Iris concocted by her uncle. The storm had burst unexpectedly Bulmer came to dinner, ate and drank and smoked In quiet amity until Da id's laboring muse conveyed his niece's latest "kind love an' good wishes," and then" "Tell you wot," said Dickey, "there's another Ave thousand due tomorrow on the surveyor's report" "There 'is," said Verity, knowing that his guest and prospective partner alluded to the new steamer In course of construction on the Clyde. "Well, It won't be paid. You are lyln about Iris. You've been lylu' ever since she disappeared from Bootle. Show me 'er letters an' their envelopes, an' I'll And the money. But of course you can't. They don't exist." Then David set down the untasted wine and told the truth. Not all that was not to be dreamed of. In the depths of his heart he feared Bulmer. The old man's repute for honesty was widespread. He would fling bis dear est friend into prison for such a swin dle as that arranged between Coke and the shipowner. Dickey rose from the table. His movements showed his age that night. "I'll think it over, David," be sld. "There's more In this than meets tbe eye." So here was Verity with no shred of hope in his mind that his one time crony would raise a finger to save him from bankruptcy. The office boy announced a visitor, evidently not the terrible Bulmer, since he said: "Gennelman to see yer, sir." "Oo is it?" prowled the shipowner. "Gennelman from the noospaper." A quiet mannered young man ap peared. "May I ask if you have received any private news of the Andromeda?" he began. David creaked round in his chair. "Is she lost?" said he in a strangely subdued tone. I I fear she Is. But there is much more than an ordinary shipwreck at issue. Several telegrams of the grav est import have reached us this morn ing. Perhaps before I ask you any questions you ought to read them. They are in type already, and I have brought you tbe proofs. Here Is tbe first." David took from the interviewer's outstretched hand a long strip of white paper. For an appreciable time his seething brain refused to comprehend the curiously black letters, for this is what he read: REVOLUTION IN BRAZIL. SERIOUS POSITION. STARTLING ESCAPADE OF A BRIT ISH SHIP. Rio de Janeiro, Sept. 6. A situation of exceptional gravity haa evidently arisen on the Island of Fernando do Noronha, whence. It la said, ex-President de Sylva recently attempted to es cape. A battleship and two cruisers have been dispatched thither under forced draft. No public telegrams have been re ceived from the Island during the past week, and the authorities absolutely re fuse any Information as to earlier events, though the local press hints at some ex traordinary developments not unconnected with the appearance oft the Island of a British steamship known as the Androm eda. Later. De Sylva landed last night at the small port of Maceio, In the province of Alagoas, a hundred miles south of Pernambuco. It la currently reported that Fernando Noronha was captured . by a gang of British freebooters. De Sylva's return la unquestionable. Today he is sued a proclamation, and his partisans have seised some portion of the railway. Excitement here is at fever heat. Verity glared at the Journalist He laugbed almost hysterically. "Tbe Andromeda!" he gasped. "Wot rot! Wot silly rot!" The shipowner grasped another print ed slip. This time he was able to read more lucidly: Pernambuco, Sept. 4. Publio Interest In the abortive attempt to reinstate Dom Corrla de Sylva as president was waning rapidly when It waa fanned Into fresh activity by news that reached this port today. It appears that on the 31st ult. a daring effort was made to free De Sylva, who, with certain other ministers expelled by the successful rev olution of two years ago. Is a prisoner on the Island of Fernando do Noronha. Lloyd's agent on that Island reports that the British steamer Andromeda, owned by David Verity A Co. of Liverpool, put into South bay, on the southeast side of Fernando do Noronha, early on the morn ing of Aug. SI. and tt is alleged that her mission was to take De Sylva and hie companions on board. The garrison, fore warned by the central government and al ready on the qui vlve owing to the disap pearance of their Important prisoners from their usual quarters, opened fire on the Andromeda aa soon aa she revealed her, purpose by lowering a boat. The steamer, being unarmed, made no attempt to defend herself ana was speed ily disabled. She sank within five min utes off the Grand-pere rock with all on board. With reckless bravado her com mander ran up the vessel's oede signals and hoase flag while she was actually go ing down, thus establishing her Identity beyond a shadow of doubt. A note of pathos la added to the tragedy by tire undoubted presence of a lady on board, probably Da Sylva's daughter, though it was believed here that tbe ex-president's family were la Parts. Telegrams from the Island are strictly censored, and the foregoing statement is unofficial, but your correspondent does net question Its gen eral accuracy. Indeed, be has reason to credit a widespread rumor that the Island is still In a very disturbed condition. No one knows definitely whether or not De Bylva baa been recaptured. It to quite certain that be has not landed In Brasil. but the reticence ef the authorities aa to the state of affairs oa Fernando Noronha leads to the assumption that be and a few stanch adherents are still In hiding In one ef the many natural fastnesses with which the Island abounds. The British community en the littoral la deeply atiresd by tbe drastic treatment received by tbe Andromeda. It is pointed out that another ship, the Aadree-y-Mela, believed to have been chartered by tbe Insurgents. Is under arrest at Bahla, and tbe similarity between the two names Is regarded as singular, te say tbe least. Were It not that Lloyd's agent, whose veracity cannot be questioned, has stated explicitly that the Andromeda put late South bay, a. point significantly far re moved from the regular track of trading vessels. It might be urged that a terrible mistake had been made. In any event, the whole matter must be strictly in. quired Into, and one of his majesty's ships stationed in the south Atlantle should visit the Islane, at the earliest date possi ble. Delayed In transmission. Something buzxed Inside Verity's head and stilled all sense of actuality. He gated at the reporter unblinklngly, as though thought Itself refused to act. "Is that the lot?" he Inquired me chanically. "Nearly all, at present Ilere, how ever, Is a short telegram from Paris which is of minor Interest." And Verity read again: Paris. Sept. 1 The members of Dom Corrla de Sylva's family, seen early this morning at the Hotel Continental, deny that any lady connected with the cause of Brazilian freedom took part In the attempted rescue of the ex-president They are much an noyed by the unfounded report and hold strongly to the opinion that the revolu tion would now have been a fait accompli had not a traitor revealed the destination of the Andros-y-Mela and thus led to that vessel's detention at Bahla. The lady! Iris Yorke! At last Da vid's supercharged mind was begin ning to assimilate ideas. Tbe Journal ist's voice came to him as through a dense screen. "You will observe that the former president's relatives tacitly admit that there was a plot on foot," the other was saying. "It Is important to note, too, that tbe long message from Per nambuco, marked 'delayed in trans mission," seems to Imply a prior tele- cram which was suppressed. It al ludes to a revolt of which nothing Is known here. Now, Mr. Verity, I want to ask you" The door was flung open. In rushed Dickey Bulmer. In bis bands he held a crumpled newspaper. "You infernal blackguard, have you seen this?" he roared. David stood up. He held on to tbe table to steady himself. Even Bulmer, white with rage, could not fall to see that he was stunned. But Dickey was not minded to spare him on that account "Answer me, you scoundrel!" he shouted. "You are glib enough when it suits your purpose. Were you in this? Is this the reason you didn't tell me Iris was on board till I forced the truth out of you last nieht? Now let's have it! No more of your flamin' "YOU INFERNAL BXfACKGCABD, HAVE TOT SEEN THIS t HK SOAKED. made up tales. Wot took you to shove the Andromeda Into a rat trap of this sortr David seemed to be laboring for breath. "Arf a mo'. No need to yowl at me like that" he protested. He fumbled with the lock of a cor ner cupboard, opened it and drew forth a decanter and some glasses. "Ah," be said, smacking his lips with some of tbe old time relish, "that puts new life Into me. The story Is all moonshine on the face of It." "I think otherwise, Mr. Verity, and Mr. Bulmer, I take It agrees with roe," said the reporter. "Wot!" blazed David, into whose mind bad darted a notion that dazzled him by its daring. "D'ye mean to in siniwate that I lent my ship to this 'ere Dom Wot's-'ls-name? D'ye sit there an think that I'd allow a bon nle lass like my Iris to take a trip that might end In 'er beln' blown to bits. It's crool, that's wot It Is, reel crool." "The lady referred to was Miss Iris Yorke, then?" "'Ooelse? I've on'y one niece. My trouble is that she went without my permission, in a way of speakln. 'Ere, you'd better 'ave the fax. She was engaged to my friend, Mr. Bulmer; but beln' a slip of a girl an fond o' romancin', she Just put herself aboard the Andromeda without sayln "with your leave' or by your leave. She wrote me a letter, w'lch sort of ex plains the affair. D'ye want to see ltr "If I may." "No," said Bulmer. "Look 'ere. Dickey," went oa David, "this dasbed fairy tale won't hold water. You know Coke. Is 'e the kind o' man to go bumpin' round like a stage 'ero an' hoisting Union Jacks as the ship sinks? I ax yon. Is 'e? If s nonsense stuff an' nonsense. An' If the Andromeda was scrapped at Fer nando Noronha, oo were the freeboot ers that collared the Island, an' ow did this 'ere De Sylva get to Maceio? Are you llstenln'f "Yes." said Bulmer, turning at last and devouring Verity with his deep set eyes. "Well, wot d'ye think of ltr "Did you send the ship to Fernando Noronha r. It Is needless to place on record the formula of David's denial. It was forcible and served Its purpooa. That should suffice. ' "If-if Iris Is alive the partnership goes on," said Bulmer. "If she's dead It doesn't" "D'ye mean ltr "I always mean wot I say." Tbe click of so Indicator on tbe desk showed that Verity's private telephone had been switched on from the gen eral office. By sheer force of routine Darld picked up a receiver and placed It to his ear. The subeditor of the ' newspaper whose representative had not been gone five minutes asked if he was speaking to Mr. Verity. "Yes," said David. "Wot's up nowr and he motioned to Bulmer to use a second receiver. "A cablegram from Pernambuco states specifically that the captain and crew of the An dromeda fought their way across tbe Island of Fer nando Noronha, rescued Dom de Sylva, seized a steam launch, at tacked and cap tured the Ger man steamship Unser Fritz and landed tbe insur gent leader at Maceio. Tbe mes sage goes on to say that tbe cap "d'tk mean it? tain's name is Coke and that be Is accompanied by bis daughter. Eh? What did you say? Are you there?" "Yes, I'm 'ere, or I think I am," said David with a desperate calmness. "Is that all?" "All for the present." "It doesn't say that Coke is a ravin', tearln', 'owlin' lunatic, does it?" "No. Is that your view?" Bulmer's band gripped David's. Their eyes met. "I was thlnkln' that the cbap who writes these penny novelette wires might 'ave rounded up bis yarn hi good shape," said Verity aloud. "But there is not the slightest doubt that something of tbe kind has oc curred," said the voice. "It's a put up Job!" roared David. "Them bloomln Portygees 'ave sunk my ship, an' they're wbackin' in their flam now so as to score first blow." To Bulmer David said savagely: "Wot's bitten Coke? 'E must 'ave gone stark, starln' mad." "Iris is alive!" murmured Bulmer. "An' now, David, I'll tell you wot I 'ad in me mind in comin' 'ere this mornin'. You're hard up. You don't know where to turn for a penny. If you're agreeable I'll put a trustworthy man in this office an' give 'im full pow ers to pull your affairs straight Mind you, I'm doin' this for Iris, not for you. An' now that we know wot's 'appenin' In South America you an I will go out there and look into things. A mall steamer will take us there In sixteen days, an before we sail we can work the cables a bit so as to stop Iris from startin' for 'ome before we arrive." (To be Continued.) State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing Dusineaa in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the Bum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscrib ed In my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, Seal. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure 1b taken in ternally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. The British steamer Mariner cleared last week from the Wilming ton port with a cargo of 9,991 bales of new crop cotton for Bremen, Ger many. How Good News Spreads. "I am 70 years old and travel most of the time," writes B. F. Tol- son, or Elizabethtown, Ky. ev erywhere I go I recommend Electric Bitters, because I owe my excellent health and vitality to them. They effect a cure every time." They never fail to tone the stomach, regu late the kidneys and bowels, stimu late the liver. Invigorate the nerve and purify the blood. They work wonders for weak, run-down men and women, restoring strength, vig or and health that's a dally Joy. Try them. Only 60c. Satisfaction positively guaranteed by all drug gists. The Nashville American and the Nashville Tennesseean, two dally pa pers of NashvlllexTenn., have bwfl merged into one paper to be called The Tennesseean 7kAp4 American, which will support iVc$v Hoope?. Republican and fusion Yandldate for governor. Subscribe for The heytasetta.

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