PAOB SIX. TUB GA9TOXIA GAZETTE. ( . TUESDAr, 6ETTKM11ER 27, 1010. r 1L UNO A c Three good men took stock and appraised the Williams Furniture Cos bankrupt stock. The stock inventoried 2 9 2 9) Factory Cost, Less the Freight This stock is for sale beginning Saturday MoroiD n Octo tar 1st Sale will continue until closed out. Those coming early will have choice of the stock. The people tell me that the Williams Furniture Company always kept a good stock. I have been out of the furniture business for ten years and am not posted, so will leave it to your own Judg ment. 1 am Going out of the business again as fast as this stock will move. If you think of buying between now and January first, you will make money by buying now. A 30 or 60 day bankable note is as good as cash with us Bememlber The Day atiflrday9 Qcfolbeir Wm urn omna At Williams Furniture Co.'s Craig & Wilson Building.