TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1910. THE GA8TONIA GAZETTE. 1AGB V7TBL THE GAZETTE'S FRIENDS. 3 O c 8 5 o s a O o CO C VS 0) 25 o a. o S I O c F o c The Gastonia Gazette. PENNY COLUMN. ONE CENT A WORD They Brio Results; try 'em. WANTED WANTED You to know that The Charlotte Evening Chronicle "The Great Penny Paper" Is on Bale in vAnr tnwn ftftch evening, and that George and Guy Terrell are our reg ularly appointed agents and will de liver at your home or office for one cent per day or six cents per week. Rlva It a trial. tf. WANTED $300.00 to $1,000.00 from six to twelve months on gilt edged security. Address "Business' rara flfl7.fttfi Oil C 4. LOST. tst 110 bill on streets. Reward for return to Gazette office. OH RENT FOR RENT: Rooms centrally locat ed naar nost office and bank, suit able for bed rooms or offices; In Tor- hiiildinz. ADDlV to L. F. Groves. O 7 c 4. FOR RENT, two furnished rooms at 207 Dallas street, one black from depot. W. G. Boshamer. tf. To Keep Posted on DoalneM News of Gastonia Read These Items Twice A Week They're Money-Savers for You. ' , , If you are not already having your prescriptions filled at Kenne dy's they want you to. Tes ma'am, Warren can shoe your horse while you wait. Try him and see. Near the court house. Bread Is the staff of life. Clean bread keeps the family healthy. Con sult Todd about It. Mr. T. I. Belk, the real estate man, has some new properties listed In his adv. on page three today. Everything In style, quality, color and fit that the young man de mands In his clothing can be found at Swan-Slater Co's. Clerk C. C. Cornwell of the Su perior Court gives notice In the case of A. D. Black vs. Frances Black. See legal ads. Mrs. Mary J. F. Abernethy ad vertises a re-sale of the Open View Farms on Saturday, Nov. 5, 1910. For description of property, terms, etc., see adv. in legal column. Schneider's greater store Is closed today and tomorrow. They have something interesting to say on page two about their millinery and tailored suits. Twice 1000 Is 2000 and that's just how many ladies' fine shoes Robinson Shoe Company has and they give you the prices also. See their adv. Messrs. Long Brothers call your attention to the fact that their store is the stove house. They can fit you out in anything in the heating stove line. Page two. Eflrd's has a big list of special ly attractive bargains for this week. Don't fail to read their adv. on page seven. Their motto Is: Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. Then there's your city taxes another sure thing. City Tax Col lector J. W. Carroll has a little talk for you also in today's paper. Look It up and read it. It Is said that there are two things, death and taxes. Sure it is that Sheriff Shuford wants your tax es for 1910 and tells you In The Ga zette where to meet him with the coin. Col. C. B. Armstrong was disap pointed .last Saturday because he on ly sold 8207.95 wfcrth of furniture when heexpect&tf to sell $350 worth. He's notVoin to quit on that ac count, howWver. SeeqflTv. Watch Worth Owning Should be an accurate timekeeper. A man it frequently judged by the watch which he carries. An acurate watch meant a man who is accurate in hit engagement! and transaction!. Every timepiece that we carry is Carefully Adjusted by Our Expert Watchmaker before'leaving oar establishment That's why our patrons place confidence in ns as sellers of Accurate Reliable Watches As a gift to the boy or the girl a watch is most useful and always appreciated, being a serviceable device as well as an ornament The chief function of a watch, however, is to give correct time and long service and that's what T0RRENCE MORRIS CO.'S watches do. Prices from $1.00 to $200.00. SEE Torrence - Morris Co. JEWELERS For Reliable Watches. PELLAGRA: ITS LESSON. FOR SALE. Former Senator Rufus Blodgett, of New Jersey, died at Long Branch, N. J., yesterday, aged 76. FOR SALE Two cotton gins, good wheat mill, one corn mill, one saw mill, 2 engines, good planer, 1 ehingle machine, one 35-horsepower boiler, 8 acres of land with 5-room house on, It, drilled well. Address M. R. Jenkins, Iron Station, N. C. O 4 c 2. FOR SALE Nice bay driving mare, five years old. Cheap to quick buyer. O. L. Rhyne, Route 4. F O 21 o 3. MISCELLANEOUS. YOUNG'S Steam-baked Bread re ceived dally. Phone orders have prompt attention. Elite Grocery, Phone 92. O 4 c 4. THE CENSUS FOR 1910 Interests all of us. The Gastonia Library expects to have one of the first sets of reports published. Also a copy of the new soil map of Gaston county, Those papers, magazines and books we have been telling you about are here. Look us up in the T. M. C. A. building, corner of Main and South streets. tf. Linen Shower a Success. The linen shower given Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. H. Reddish on West Franklin avenue by the Woman's Hospital Association for the benefit of the Gaston Hospit al was a decided success. There was a large number of ladies present and 180 pieces of linen were donated, in cluding almost everything needed by a coRpItal. There were manv h?nd- .":i.e pieces In the collection and all were eerv'ceable. Light refresh mnts were erved and the ladles en joyed the casion immensely. YOUNG s steam-Dattea ureaa rw eeived dally. Phone orders have prompt attention. Elite Grocery, Phone 92. O 4 c 4 OLD PAPERS five cents a bundle. Good for pantry shelves, packing household goods, wrapping, etc. Ga sette office tf. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1010. Death of Isaac Putnam. Isaac 'Putnam, a well-known clti- sen of the Cherryrllle section of the county, died at Cherryrllle at noon yesterday after a brief illness, aged bout 45 years. The funeral and Initial took place at Mt. Zlon Bap tist church, three miles north of Cherryrllle, at 11 o'clock this morn' tag. The deceased is survived by his mother,' Mrs. Harriet Mltchem, one half-sister. Miss Nannie Mitch em, and two half-brothers, Messrs. Dave and Thomas Mltchem. Subscribe for Ths Gazette. Prof. Robert Durham, of Cen tenary Female College, Cleveland Tenn., was In town a short while Saturday afternoon shaking hands with old friende. Mr. Durham was en route home from Raleigh, 'whith er he was called to attend the fun eral of his step-father, the late Ma jor B. F. Dixon. He reports the in stitution with which he is connected as being in a very flourishing condi tion. Young Men's Suits $10 to $25 And there's not a suit tn our store so cheap that it falls short In the style, quality, fit and finish that the modern young man demands. All the materials, -colors and styles that belong to this season are here and we want you to see them. Hats and Furnishings and Odd Trousers, too. Swan-Slater !Co. Outfitters for Men and Boys Probably One Thousand Deaths a Year in North Carolina From the Disease. The Importance of pellagra as a disease was brought home to tne newsnauer reading public last week when this obscure malady claimed for ita victim one of the best known editors of the State. John M. Julian, editor of The Salisbury Post, was a public-spirited man, and a man whose life taken at the very meri dian of its usefulness, was of great value as a public asset. A terrible disease! Like some wild beast of the jungle that emer ges under cover of darkness, seizes its victim, and escapee without being seen, so pellagra, of unknown origin and destined to strike next we know not where, continues to levy lta deadly tax on the public health. And, now, direct your sympathetic attention to the unfortunate victim: Suffering from a disease of fatal tendency, with its true nature un known, he adds to his physical suf fering the mental unrest of the fear that the hidden cause of the disease mar even then be lurking in his home to drag down some other mem ber of the family. Repeat this trag edy a thousand times, and you have a mental picture of what pellagra means to North Carolina in one year. Since the first day of January, 1910, to September 1, 1910, there were reported through carefully col lected, official death certificates, now on file in the office of the State Board of Health, 70 deaths from pel lagra. Our records do not extend beyond January. Now, 70 deaths In eight months means an average of 8 death per months, or for twelve months 105 deaths. Our registra tion law covers only one-fourth the population of the State. For the whole State we would theu multiply the 105 by 4, which would make 420 deaths per year. Now, consider one more fact in making our est! mate, namely, that the disease is new, and not more than one doctor in six or eight is yet able to recog nize it. This simply means that a very large number of deaths from pellagra are unrecognized as such. Assuming that only as many deaths from the disease are unrecognized as are recognized, we are very probably near the truth in placing the esti mate at about 1,000 deaths a year. All this is a warning. Is pellagra spreading in our State? We don't know. Most authorities believe it is. Can it spread? We answer by quot ing some figures given by Dr. Ed. J. Wood of Wilmington, In a paper on the disease: "In 1879 the number of cases In Italy was 97,855. About this time in Yenetia, among 10,000 deaths 500 were due to pellagra. Since 1881 the number has declined me- terlally, supposedly owing to the strenuous efforts on the part of the Government in the more careful In spection of Indian corn and in the improvement of the general hygienic conditions. Next to Venetia stands Lombardy, with 300 deaths, then Emilia, with 200 deaths. Piedmont, Umbria, and Tuscany attribute over per cent of all deaths to pellagra. Neusser asserted that in 1886 in Venice, with a population of 36,588 natives, there were 1,086 cases of pellagra. "In Roumanla In -1885 there were 10,626 cases; In 1886, 19,797 cases out of a population of 5,300,000. In 1892 there were 4,500 cases. In 1898 21,272 cases. Trlller says that In 1904 In Roumanla there were 30,000 pellagrins." ,. Then It did spread In other coun tries. It. is a serious disease, anil in Itself is a strong argument for a bet ter equipped State Board cf Health than one whose total revenue from all sources does not amount to $12, 500. But after all, there is something of inconsistency in all the newspa per excitement over this new disease. Why discuss the needs for knowing the means of preventing pellagra, when we know how to prevent tu berculosis, hookworm, malaria, ty phoid fever and other diseases, all of which, takea together, destroy ten or twelve lives in our State while pellagra takes one? Let us use what knowledge we have. Let us have a public health department adequate to Investigate pellagra and, what is much more needed, to teach the people the life-saving facts already available. Let no one misinterpret the mean ing of these facts. North Carolina is Just as healthy as any other South ern State in fact, we have a death rate but slightly higher than the av erage death rate in the United States. We are to be congratulated on the fact that the very large pro portion of our diseases are prevent able diseases; but as a people, If we do not arouse ourselves from our in difference in matters of public health we shall deserve the penalty of san itary indifference and ignorance disease and death. And, if there be those who believe In placing the candle under a bush el, who believe in withholding from the public the knowledge of the pres ence of disease until it becomes well intrenched among us, or those 'who believe It Is hurtful to Interpret the meaning of these sanitary facts for the people, may we seriously Inquire of them, by what other means we may arouse the public to a proper sense of its obligations in this funda mental problem of public health? To the policy of publicity the writer is fast wedded. Our motto, inso far as In us lies, is: "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Extai peo&u At the TTi) nil m 7 l-2c Poe Mill Bleached Domestic Special at 5c 1000 yards 5c Apron Ginghams at - 3 l-2c 5000 yards 7 l-2c Ginghams and Chambray Special at 5c Mennnen's 25c. Talcum Powder at only 10c Ladies' 10c. Black Hose, Special for - - 5c Specials in Men's Pants and Clothing Men's Pants, worth $1.50, at - 98c $1 Men's Pants at 75c $7.50 Men's Suits at - - - - $4.98 1000 pairs of Men's, Ladies' Misses' and Children's Shoes, all piled out on counter, at a big reduction. We have hundreds of other good bar gains all through our big store. X Mo MkCo Leaders of Low Prices The advertising cars of the RingUng Brothers shows are here today and the force is busy putting up advertising matter. October 25th is the date and it is probable that this show will bring to Gastonia the largest crowd it has ever had. Word comes from Charlotte that hundreds of the citizens of our neighboring city will be here, the Southern hav ing made a very low rate for the oc cuiod. special trams will be run all during the day, it is understood Rlngling Brothers is one of the larg est shows in the country. Mayor uaynor of New York city, who was shot and seriously wound ed several weeks ago on the deck of a ship as he was about to leave for Em ope, resumed work at his desk yesterday, having recovered from bis injuries. Pnbscrib for The Oaifttt SALE OF LAND. By virtue of the power of sale conferred no on me by that certain mortgage deed ee- emeu un me 1 jio aay 01 April 1909 kl r j w . . . . auu ir in losiDrr. m wife, which is duly registered ic the office of the Register vi m ouioo loamy in Book No. 74 page 114. defanlt bavins been made ia the varment m pan 01 ue inneDetednes secured thereby. I will sell to the highest bidder for caab. at the Court House Door in Dallas N Cat noon on Saturday. Nvrrahar Sta, 110 that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in the Town of Dallas." adjoining the lands of B. E. Summey. R. O. Fordhatn. fanes Taylor and others, beginning at a atone. Jmei Taylor's northwest mn-r mA runs West 6 poles and 11 feet to a atone in the edge of the street: thence Sooth 24 poles with said street to a stone at the intersection of two streets; thence East 6 poles and 11 feet to stone, Taylor's corner: thence N. 24 poles to the beginning, containing one acre, more or less. This October 3.1910. E. E. SVMMET. MOITCACB 11 ID) A HID) Ladies' Fine Kid Patent Colt and Gun Metal, Cloth Top and Kid Top, Button and Lace. $2.50 and $3.00 the pair This is the Best Array of Ladies' Nice Shoes Ever Shown in Gastonia at This Price. Robinson Shoe Company. The First Step4 towards prosperity and Independ ence Is a deposit In a good savings bank. The biggest fortnnes In the world had their foundation In small savings. The Savings Bank, opens accounts with as little as one dollar. Make a deposit today and start on the road to independence. . The first step isn't hard and the others are. easier, once you get the habit. Interest 4 per cent per annam on open accounts. Gaston Loan & Trust Co. J. Lee Robinson, Pres. Savings Bank E. G. McLurd, Treat. Cotton Crop Only 65.9 of Normal. An Associated dispatch from Wash ington yesterday says: "The aver age condition of the cotton crop on September 25th was 65.9 per cent of normal, as compared with 72.1 a month ago; 58.5 a year ago; 69.7 in 1908 and 66.6 the average of .the last ten years on September 25 as estimated by the crop reporting os. i of the Department of Agricul- ir. . Fancy and plain articles of Tart oos descriptions wiQ be food on sale at reasonable prices In the fan cy work booth . daring the Floral -Fair. .. - . GASTOXIA COTTOX MARKET. (Corrected semi-Weekly by W. . I Balthis A Co., Cotton Brokers.) Good middling 11 l-i; Strict middling ....... 1-8 Cottonseed .......... .....45 -

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