TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1910. TUB GASTON1A GAZETTE. , rAOtt ttVM. H sign) J S rn f05 -"Si S CP s Personals and Locals. Mrs. J. P. Glenn spent yester day In Charlotte. Miss Margaret Willis, of Char lotte, was a visitor In Gastonla yes terday. Mrs. J. Grler Love is visiting relatives at Chattanooga and other points in Tennessee. Mr. Will Wetzell left Sunday night for Rowland, N. C, whene he goes to accept a position lth the Rowland Drug Co. Todd's Steam Bakery reqjnests that all persons who expect xi con duct lunch stands on show day, Oc- tnhfir 25th. eive in their ilers for bread, etc., as early as possible. Dr R. M. Reid returned this morning from Philadelphia and his friends are glad to see him looking well. He is Just recovering from an operation for appendicitis. Mr. Rawlinson McFadden, of Spartanburg, S. C, spent yesterday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. R. McFadden. He has Just return. ed from a hospital in Charleston, S C. where he underwent a success ful operation for appendicitis. Mr. Brown Lee Hall, of Bel mont, who has been in the Presby terian Hospital at Charlotte for the past several weeks, is not improving. He has undergone several operations and his condition is not at all en couraging. His friends will regret to know that this is true. Mrs. Mary Moore Morrow, who has been spending sevral weeks here with her mother, Mrs. J. D. Moore, and other relatives will leave in a few days for Lumberton to visit her Bister, Mrs. C. H. Durham. From there she will return to Richmond to complete the course in a leading bus iness college of that city. His friends will regret to learn that Mr. John W. Gaston s condition Is bordering on the critical. He un derwent an operation for appendi citis at the Presbyterian Hospital at Charlotte last Wednesday and is not rallying from the effects as was hop ed he would. His many friends nope, however, that he will recover rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Jenkins, of Asheville, are spending the day here. Mr. Jenkins camel to attend the an nual stock holders Vmeeting of the Bessemer City Bans at 2 o'clock this afternoon and the quarterly meeting of the directors ortlie Bank of Dal las at 10 o'clock this morning. They expect to return to Asheville tomor row. Mr. J. L. Beal has received no tice that he won four prizes on his White Wyandotte which he had on exhibition last week at the Alamance County Fair at Burlingtoi. His prizes were for first and second hen, "first pullet and second cock. There were many fowls on exfivhlfon and the competition in White Wyandottes was especially strong. Mr. Beal and Mr. H. Rutter both have fowls on ex hibition this week at the Central Carolina Fair at Greensboro. Supt. H. Rutter of the city wa ver ana ngnt departments has re ceived notice that he won second pullet on his White OrphlngtoAs at the Appalachian Exposition now In progress at Knoxrille, Tennf Mr. Rutter had only three owls pn ex hibition. There are over fwy thous and chickens on show at Knoxrille, many of the big Eastern poultry raisers baring fowls there and hence It is a matter for conrrainlatlniMi that Mr, Ratter won over many of them. At Belmont last Thursday Mr. 8. S. McNInch, Republican candidate for Congress, and Mr. Judge Little, Q ex-Democrat, of Charlotte, pok A Watch Worth Owning Should be an accurate timekeeper. A man is frequently judged by the watch which he carries. An acnrate watch means a man who is accurate in his engagements and transactions. Every timepiece that we carry is Carefully Adjusted by Our Expert Watchmaker before leaving our establishment. That's why our patrons place confidence in us as sellers of Accurate Reliable Watches As a gift to the boy or the girl a watch is most useful and always appreciated, being a serviceable device as well as an ornament The chief function of a watch, however, is to give correct time and long service and that's what TORRENCE M0RR1S CO.'S watches do. Prices from $1.00 to $200.00. SEE Torrence - Morris Co. JEWELERS For Reliable Watches. PLEASED This is the expression of all those who have looked over our FALL showing of Ladies Shoes. :-: :-: and Children's If you have not seen our new shoes we invite you to visit our store at your first opportunity. :-: :-: Our Styles are the NEWEST Our Price are the LOWEST Robinson Shoe Company qJ l M. "U) T 1MM Our Two Big Stores are Brim Full of Fall and Winter Goods and at Unusually Low Prices Specials in Every Department Ladies Ready-to-Wear Garments One Lot of Ladies Brown Serge Suits Justin Worth $20 our Special Price $16.50 One Lot of Ladies Blue Serge Suits worth $ 1 8.50 special $ 1 5 Ladies Blue and Black Serge Suits that are easily worth $15 our price $12.50 Our Ladies $10 Suits can't be beat We have a good line of Suits at $20. Skirts T at Belmont. They bad an audience of about seventy-five of which least one-third was composed staunch Democrats. Air. McNinch made his regular high protective tar iff spiel and Mr. Little did the mud slinging. He severely criticised KItchin, Glenn, Aycock and the whole State Democratic administra tion, but he got small encourage ment on that line from his audience. Rev. W. H. Reddish returned Saturday from attending the meeting of the Catawba River Baptist Asso ciation, which was held lasteek at St. Paul's Baptist church in upper Cleveland county. Rev. Mr. Reddish went as a spec.Vl representative of the South Fork Institute and at his request the Catawba River Associa tion adopted this school as their as- sociational school. This will greatly enlarge the territory and the patron age of tbe school, which is already in flourishing condition under the presidency of Prof. S. J. Honeycutt, Ice, preached a most appropriate at i sermon. The present pastor, Rev. S, or S. Oliver, assisted by the three for mer pastors, Rev. J. J. Kennedy, Rev. E. A. Sample and Rev. R. J. Mcll- walne, then conducted the commun ion service, following which there was an intermission, during which a rublic dinner was served on the grounds. In the afternoon there were twb sermons, one by Rev. E. A. Sample, aarlotte, and one by Rev. R. J. Mcllwaine, of Monroe, both former pastors of tbe church. At the con clusion of these sermons a few min utes was given to each of the pas tors io relate his experiences as pas tor of the church. As a closing bymn the congregation sang "Blest l'e the Tie That Binds." Among thope who attended the service from Oafl.onla were Mr. and Mrs. J. Oscar Wnite. Mr. Thomas H. White, Mr. nnJ Mrs. I. V. Spake, Mr. A. C. Jones. Mr. B. F. Ormand and others We have the best assortment of skirts that we have ever shown une lot or wool panama skirts at $5 Good line of panama skirts at $3 Voil skirts from $5 to $10 All Sizes You will find here some of the best values in ladies silk waist you ever looked at. fXhese come in black, blue "ges Gold Dust nyrn, prices 2.98 & $3.50 ajjde Laundry Soap i v, J . ...10c I e short lengtns '" I P'et-es, at T. INeW VjOOClo 40-lnch Curtain Scrim, pp HOME-GATHERING DAY. Interesting Exercises Held Sunday at Long Creek Presbyterian Church Three Former Pastors Present. At Long Creek Presbyterian church in this county Sunday a most Interesting program was carried out, the day being celebrated as Home- Gathering Day. The original plans for the celebration contemplated a two days meeting including both Saturday and Sunday, but the ex tremely inclement weather of Satur day required the crowding of the en tire program into one day on Sun day. It was also expected that there would be present a large attendance of former parishoners from a dis tance, but the bad weather also worked to keep a good many of these away. However, on Sunday at both the morning and afternoon hours there was present a large congrega tion from the surrounding neighbor, hood and the program was carried oat completely At the morning hoar Rev. J. J. Kennedy, the eldest of the three for mer pastors present In point of serv- Ladies Underskirts all Prices and Kinds 75c skirts for 48c SI .00 skirts for 75c $1 25 skirts for c $1 50 skirts for $1.25 Our stock of Ladies, Misses and Children's Sweaters is complete. Big range of col ors and styles to select from. Ladies from 1.50 to $5 Children's from 98c, 1.25 and $1.50 1000 Yards 5c Apron Ginghams at 3 l-2c $1 alarm clocks for 74c 7 l-2c Bleaching for 5c Notions Just received new lot of patent leath er belts prices 10, 25 and 48c New collars and jabots at 25 and 48c Take a look at our jewelry case in dry goods department. When it comes to the Hosiery prop osition we are right. Ladies hose from 5c to $1 50 a pr Children's and Misses hose at 10, 15 and 25c Extra Specials Mennen's 25c talcum powder for 10c Violttta toilet soap 3 cakes for lOc Sweet Maiden soap 3 cakes for 10c Lana Oil Buttermilk soap 3 cakes for 15c Good Tar soap for 5c Williams Shaving soap 5c Williams Shaving stick for 19c 1 spool of sewing cotton lc 1 paper brass pins lc 1 tallow candle for lc 1 cake toilet soap lc 2 balls of white sewing cotton lc 1 card of pearl buttons lc 3 lead pencils for lc 2 spools good machince thread 5c Mens Clothing Just received six rew patterns and styles in men's suit s, we have marked these suits at prices that wont last long Four Prices-10, 12.50, 13.50 and $15 Men's $1.50 pants lor 98c We have the beM line of men's pants from $2 to $5 we ever had. Boys' suits from $1.50 to $7.50 Mens' Fall and Winter Underwear is here all kinds 50c fleeced underwear for 38c or 75c per suit One lot of men's ribbed underwear positively worth $1 our special 75c Big lot of boys ribbed union suits for 48c. 2 for 95c Boys' fleeced lined underwear 23c a garment or 45c per suit Men's good overalls for 48c Apron Front B. B. y.eralls for 75-: Cone at . ss union made overalls for , 89c. 2 pr. for $1 75 id S. C- THE" chedv ( 1 livery Day. C ne and Take a Stroll Through ouT!;? Jres. We are only too Glad to Show Yc; Through Whether You Buy or Not :-: a 1 Hie Mo Mk Co Gastonia, North Carolina A photograph of baby the morn ing when they're smiling. Special styles and offer for baby pictures at Green's. Fifty-Seven Preachers Quit the Min istry. Nashville Christian Advocate. Firty-sven members of the Upper Iowa Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church have surrendered their credentials and will engage in secular pursuits. Many of these men are university graduates, and a num ber have attained local distinction. It is safe to say that they are men above the average in point of intel lect and ability. The reason given ror this wholesale abandonment of the ministry is that the salaries paid are not sufficient to maintain their families according to a decent stand ard of living and to give their chii dren the education they deem neces sary. The cost of living is increas ing every year, and the compensa lion or tne preacner has not kent pace with it. In the Upper Iowa Conference the average Is less than $700, and many receive less than "The Kind That Wear" SWAN -SLATER CO. Sole Agents $500 per year. This problem is by no means confined to the Method ut Episcopal Church. Distress signals are flying in every Conference in Southern Methodism, and instances of actual suffering in the families of preachers have been reported. John S. Huyler, the millionaire candy manufacturer, died Saturday at his home at Rye, New York. Fut several years Mr. Huyler spent much time in Asheville. He formerly own ed the lands embraced in the present holdings of the Mountain Retreat Association, known the country over as Montreat. These lands he sold to the association at a nominal sum For several years there was a defer red payment, and Just a few weeks Ho this was released, Mr. Huyler do nating to it the unpaid balance H gave much money to religious tdu a iona and charitable causvt A new season means new styles in photographs. The very latest are on display at Green's studio. Mr. D. J. Craig is having plans prepared for a handsome residence to be erected on his lot, corner Wal nut and Mulberry streets. It will b a ten-room brick structure, with all modern conveniences. Stateaville Landmark, 7th. Mr. Solomon N. Cone, member of the wealthy Cone family of Greens boro, was found unconscious In his bachelor apartments in Greensboro Saturday morning by his valet. Blood was flowfng from a ballet wound behind his left ear and a re volver was found lying on the floor. He was removed to St. Leo's Hos pital and is still living. No state ment has been given out as to how tke shooting occurred. It was at first reported as an attempt at sui cide. Later reports state It was probably accidental but no state ment has been made by the man's family. 8a bee ribs for Ths Gasetta. Part of Your Salary should be put in the bank each week, and you will fine', having once ac quired the saving habit, how quick ly the money accumulates. Erery -man who has to make his own way in the world and every woman wage earner should open an ac count in the savings bank, and make it a rule to save some portion of their earnings. Four per cent inter est paid. 11-18. Gaston Loan & Trust Co. J. Lee Robinson, Pres. Savings Bank E. G. McLurd, Treas. You Get The Wife And We'll Furnish The Home Never before In all oar experience in Furniture and House Furnishings have we been better prepared to furnish your borne than we are now. Besides having by far the largest stock to select from, we have every thing that a home needs to make It comfortable and happy. We espec ially call your attention to our very large stock of Suite, Sideboards, Hal Racks, China Closets, Rockers, Bugs, and all kinds of Floor Covering. See our line of Bfrds-Eye Maple and Mahogany Furniture. Erery. " -thing in Furniture, Stores, Ranges, Heaters, and House Furnishing; Goods. . ,f ' Satisfaction guaranteed or your money cheerfully refunded. Gastonia Furniture! Co 124 and 126 Main Ave. - - - - Phone 23 THE HOUSE WITH THE QUALITY AND THE SERVICE