t FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1010.' THE OASTONIA GAZETTE ' PA OB TB1URX ,; 1 . , - Legal Advertisements: . iSOTICK OF MOHTQAGB BALK. Horth Carolina, " " , Gaston County. ' , Br .Virtue of the power of tale contained la a certain deed of mort gage from Jaroea O, Whltworth and wlfe, Bertha L, Whltworth. to J. M. Campbell, dated the' 11th day of February, 1907, and registered In Book No. 85. Page 847, In the office of the Register of Deed for Gaston county, we, the undersigned execu tors of the estate of J. M. Campbell, deceased, will on . Monday, November 21st, 1910, at 12 o'clock M. at the court house door la Dallas, at public auction, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to wit: A certain tract or parcel of land la Gaston county, adjoining the lands of Moses Stroup and others; beginning at a pine, Meacham's cor ner, and runs with hla line South 8 West 33 poles to a rock; thence a sew line South 68 East 105 poles to a rock In the old line; thence West 20 East 30 poles to a red oak, old oorner; thence with Stroup's line North 70 West 105 pole to the be ginning, containing 21 acres, more or less. g This 14th day of October, 1910. J. A. NEWTON. L. L. CAMPBELL, J. S. CRIM, Executors. A. L. Bulwlnkle, Attorney. FN 4 c 4 w. NOTICE. North Carolina, Gaston County. In the Superior Court. Hester Campbell vs. T. H. Campbell The defendant above-named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Buperior Court of Gaston county, by the plaintiff to obtain an absolute divorce from the defendant; and the eald defendant will further take no tice that he is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of eald county, to be held on the elev enth Monday after the first Monday In September, 1910, at the Court House of said county In Dallas, N. C and answer or demur to the com plaint in Ball action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint. This the 12th day of Oct., 1910. C C CORNWELL, Clerk of the Su perior Court. FN4c4w. NOTM'K OP SALE OF LAND UN DER MORTGAGE. By virtue given In a power of sale In a certain mortgage deed executed by D. A. Garrison and wife to S. A. Shetley, the undersigned mortgagee will sell for cash to the highest bid der at the Court House door in Dal las, N. C, on Tuesday, November 15, 1910, at the hour oX 12 o'clock M, the fol lowing described real estate: A one-half undivided interest in the following tract of land lying in Crowders Mountain township, Gas ton county, North Carolina, begin ning at a atone on the North side of the Southern Railway Co's. track, a corner of the Ormand Mining Co. tract and the Dilling and Baker land; thence with the Dilling and Baker line South 4 West 16.78 chains to a. stone, Mauney's corner; thence with Mauney's line North 86 West 5 3-4 chains to the center of 'the main track of the Southern Rail. way Co.; thence with the center of said line of railway South 30 1-4 IWest 8.42 chains; thence with said nine of railway South 40 West 2 4-5 johains to an iron stake in the cen ter of the eald railway track; thence !a new line North 40 3-4 West 14.9 chains to a white oak stump; thence 'another new line North 6 1-2 West l8 3-4 chains, crossing a branch to Ja stone In the field, Ormand Mining iCo's. corner; thence with said com pany's line South 85 1-2 East 24.37 phalns to the beginning, containing lng the land' conveyed to D. A. arrison ic Co. by deed recorded In ook 65, Page 185., Said property sold to satisfy a ertalh- note secured by said mort- rare deed. " S. A. SHETLEY, Mortgagee. . K 4 c 4 w. NOTICE OP SUMMONS. ate of. North Carolina, County of Gaston. v In' the- Superior Court, September Term, 1110. ilaacot Cotton Mill Company. fOaliM tiff. U TS. ienlta Cotton Mill Company. De- ' fendant Let the Defendant -above-named ake notice that an action entitled .s" above has been instituted la the superior court of Gaaton county, and that the summons la the cause Is sued returnable to the September Term of aald Court was returned by the Sheriff not served, the Defendant after due 'diligence not being found within the State. The purpose of the actloa it to recover by the Plain tiff funds amounting to the sum 13,009.00 wrongfully diverted and paid to tbe Defendant by J. A Smith, treasurer of the Besseme City Cotton Mills during the yea 1907 and 1908, which funds at th time belonged to the Mercantl Trust ft Deposit Company, of Bal more, Trustee, and were received ly the Defendant with notice of suih fact, and that the Plaintiff In tills action Is now the owner of the rlgtas of the said Trustee. Let the Defendant appear at t November Term of the Superlo Court of Gaston to be held at th Court House In . said county and State on the 11th Monday after tbe first Monday in September, 1910, and demur or answer the complaint in the cause, or the relief therein de- manded will be granted. This the 14th day of Oct. 1910. C. C. CORNWELL, Clerk Superior Court Gaston County P N. 4 c 4 w. NOTICE OF SUMMONS. North Carolina, Gaston County. In the Superior Court, September Term, 1910. Laura Quinn Earwood, Plaintiff, vs. Walker Earwood, Defendant. Let the Defendant above-named take notice that alias summons was iseued in the above entitled action at the September Term of the Super, ior Court for Gaston county, the purpose of the action being to re cover a decree of divorce absolute by the Plaintiff from the Defendant on the ground of fornication and adul tery, which summons is returnable to the November Term of said Court. When and where let the Defendant appear and answer the complaint of the Plaintiff, which complaint is on file in' the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for Gaston county. This October 11, 1910. C. C. CORNWELL, Clerk Superior Court Gaston County. F N 4 c 4 w. Tomorrow, the 29th, is your last chance to register for the No vember election. The registrar is re quired to be at the voting place on that day. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh tli at Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely de range the whole system when enter ing it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should "never be used except on prescriptions from reputa ble physicians, as the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P. J. Cheny ft Co.. Toledo, O., contains ne mercury, and Is taken" in ternally, acting directly, upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken Internally and made in Toledo, O., by F. J. Cheny & Co. Tes timonials free. Sold by Druggists. Price, 75c. per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pill for eon- stipatloa. Mrs. Garland Torrence and children returned yesterday from a week's visit to relatives in Salisbury and Charlotte. UTILE BALD SPOT. Men Be Sensible, Don't Let it Grow More Conspicuous. If you are beginning to worry about that spot right on the top of your head, where the hair is thin or has disappeared entirely; Don't worry any longer. Go to J. H. Kennedy ft Co's. at once and get a 50 cent bottle of Par isian Sage. If that won't check the falling hair, and cause new hair to grow; nothing on this earth will. Dandruff causes hair to fall and baldness; dandruff germs cause dandruff. Pariaian Sage kills the germs; eradicates dandruff; stops falling hair ' and Itching scalp, er money back'at J. H. Kennedy ft Co's. It win cause the hair to grow. If the hair root be not dead. . It causes the hair to -grow thicker, more luxuriant, and puts so much new life late It that it grows lus trous) Md'beautlfuL The girl with the Auburn hair on every' package, 50 cents at J. H. Kennedy ft' Co's. and druggists ev erywhere. Mall orders filled by American makers. The Glroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo. N. T. 14-21. WILL NOT GET SHOPS. Carolina A . Northwestern To Down Gastonla's Qffer Because' of Refusal to Purchase and Donate Additional Lands BellevsQ Thai tthopa Will Remain In Ohester mnt at theA)utcome. t getbe Carolina ft Northwestern l&llway shops. This Tact was deflantely determined Monday afternooVras the result of a cnference between Mayor T. L. Craig, chairman of the committee having the matter in hand, and General Manager L. T. Nichols of the road. Mr. Nichols, for the road, declined to accept Gastonla's offer unless our citizens would purchase and donate to the road some land adjoining the site of six acres tendered and was told that the road would have to take the offer as It was made or decline It. He did the latter. Even had the committee handling the matter felt disposed to purchase this additional land and they were not they could not possibly have secured it as the owners refused to sell and the railroad folks had been so informed. londay's action was a direct re sult of a meeting held at the city hall last Thursday night, at which the majority of the subscribers to the fund of $8,500 offered the railway were present. At that meeting it was decided to notify the officials that they would be given five days within which to accept or reject the offer of Gastonia and that, should the same be accepted, they should put In writing what they proposed to put in Gastonia In the way of shops and people. There was considerable discussion at this meeting pro and con. Quite a number of citizens, be lieving that we had been very badly treated, were Insistent that Gasto nia's offer be withdrawn. The senti ment that we should not take snap Judgment on the road., however, pre vailed and it was decided to give them five days to reach a decision. It is the consensus of opinion here that the shops will remain at Ches ter, despite the fact that officials of the road insist that such is not their intention. There is a feeling among the people here, and there is appar ently good foundation for such be lief, that Gastonia and other North Carolina towns were largely used as levers to prize up Chester, which has during all the past practically knifed the road in the matter of giving it business. It has been understood here all along that the offer of Ches ter contained, among other items, an agreement from practically all the business men of Cheater that they would in the future give the C. & N. W. a large part of their business. There is a general feeling of dis appointment on the part of Gaston lan's that the town failed to land the shops but all feel that Gastonia did her part in offering considera tions totaling In value about $20, 000 and giving the road more than two months in which to consider it. It is not putting it too strong to say that a large number of people in Gastonia feel that the railroad gave the town somewhat of a raw deal in the manner In which it handled the proposition. Gastonia hsa in the past given this road a targe amount of business, more by far than any other town on the line In fact and, if anything, was entitled to the best of treatment which she dldu et. Want a nice residence cheap? See W. B. Biggers, 617 East Franklin. Now Is a chance to get a nice resi dence cheap. W. B. Biggers, 617 East Franklin. BANISH CATARRH. Breathe Hyomel for Two Minutes, and Stuff ed-Up Head Will Van ish. If you want to get relief from ca tarrh, cold In the head or from an irritating cough in the shortest time, breathe HYOMEI (pronounce it High-o-me.) It will clean out your head In two minutes and allow you to breathe freely, awake or asleep. HYOMEI will cure a cold In one day, it will relieve you of disgusting snuffles, hawking, spitting and of fensive breath In a week. HYOMEI is made chiefly from eu calyptus, a soothing,' healing, germ killing antiseptic, that somes from the eucalyptus forests of Inland Aus tralia, where catarrh, asthma and consumption were never known to exist. HYOMEI Is pleasant and easy to breathe. Just pour a few drops into the hard rubber pocket 'Inhalef, breathe It, and cure is almost cer tain. A complete Hyomel outfit, Includ ing Inhaler and one bottle of HYO MEI, costs only $1.00 at druggists everywhere and at J. H. Kennedy ft Co's.' If you already own an inhaler, remember that you can get an extra bottle of HTOMEl for only 50 cents. For free trial sample write Booths Hyomel Co. Buffalo, N. T. . l4-28. LECTURES on the Catholic Church by Rev. Father Waters of the Apostolate of Virginia St. Michael's Church Gastonia, N. C. Beginning Sunday, October 30, 1910 Every Evening at 7:30 Sunday, Oct. 30: The Bible. Monday: Confession. Tuesday: Purgatory. Wednesday: Is One Church as Good as Another. Thursday: Infallibility of the Pope. Friday: Marks of the True Church. Saturday: What Is Communion, or the Heal Presence? Sunday, Nov. 6: The Blessed Vir gin Mary. The object of these lectures Is to explain clearly the teachings of the Catholic Church. Whilst the reason ableness of Catholic faith and prac tice will be pointed out, nothing unkind or discourteous will be said of anyone or any organization. A question box will be placed at the entrance. Those seeking Infor mation may write their questions and place them in the box. The questions will be answered before the lecture. These matters will be treated for the sole purpose of enabling all to know the truth and to remove many mistaken ideas regarding the Cath olic church. Books of explanation will be given those desiring them and the lecturer will take great pleasure in answering privately and other wise all questions put to him. All are Invited to At tend. Seats Free. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. One lot, South Marietta street be tween 4th and 5th avenues, east front, 100 by 200 feet. A very de eirable location, close In. Price on application. Nice six-room house and lot on aorth side of Fourth avenue in south Gastonia. A nice location and a good big lot, 72 fet front by 200 deep. House nicely fitted up with sewerage, bath room and electric lights. House rents for SIS a month. Price S3, 40. Three-room house, lot 50x150 on Gaston Terrace and Fourth ave., Gastonia, price $800. 500 acres, 4 miles north of Lan caster, nice 10-room two-story house and plenty of out houses. 8 or 10 horse farm open, $26 an acre. 804 acres adjoining same, 6-horae farm, and 7 houses, $21 an acre. SO acres, 5 miles east of Lancas ter, right by Antioch, at $50 an acre, with a good chance to double in price in the next 2 or 3 years. An tioch is preparing for a 150 thous and dollar Industrial College. Other bargains later. Watch this space for bargains I list and sell real estate, no mat ter where located. T. M. BELK RHAL ESTATB AGENT Lanraeter, 8. C W. B. Knight Gastonia Agent Gaston County Has 40,000 people, sixty-one cotton mills, $300,000 worth of macadam roads and thousands of prosperous farmers. Gastonia 10,000 people, sixteen cotton mills, a $60,000 court house nearing comple tion, a $65,000 appropriation for postofflce building, new passenger depot in prospect; is on the new York-Atlanta National Auto High way and the Piedmont Traction Com pany's line. There Is only one sure way to reach these people, vis: through the advertising; columns of, The Gazette. Issued semi-weekly, on Tuesdays mad Fridays. Advertising rates reason able and made known on application. Carries' several times as much adver tising as all other Oaaton county pa pers combined. Write for sample copy. Address Gazette Pub. Co. 236 W. Main Avenue, Gastonia, N. C r SBBT wS SBBBBk II SB 1 S3 ST V King off Externals Accepted by the Mothers of America as the one and only external preparation that positively and quickly CURES all forms of In flammation or Congestion snch as Pneumonia.Croup, Coughs, Colds, Pleurisy. Since Go wana Preparation has beta introduced hen it has gained A strong foot-hold in many ot our beat famines whom I know are giv ing yon advertisement right along without solicitation It always makes good. Weidling A Son, Tiffin, Ohio. Druggists, BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT IN THE HOME All Drallli!,. SI. SOe. 25e. COWAN HEDICUCO.. DURHAM, N. C. iMfMltH, MMf rifuairi kf fMC Rniu lit Notice Your Town Taxes for 1910 are now due. Please call and Settle. J. W. Carroll Tax Collector Lillian J. Atkins TEACHER OP PIANO AND VIOLIN Studio 323 E. Franklin ave. Gastonia, N. C. Will resume classes September 15th. A student's erchestra will be or ganized. Those desiring to take or chestra work can do so regardless f whether they are members of either piano or violin .lasses. Terms reasonable and made known on ap plication. Bur More Land. Make Debts Easy. MONEY TO LOAN $1,000 to $10,000 On Improved farms 10 years time; business property, 3 years. Ask. Building and Loan 65e share month ly. Loans anywhere. Fire and Life Insurance. DAVID P. DELLINGER Lawyer Notary Public Room 203 Realty Building. Gastonia. N. C. Ladies and Gentlemen Have you tried Auto Cleauer for Polishing:, Renewing; Furniture In terior Wood Work, Auto mobiles, Etc.? Give it a Trial. We also have Four High Grade Metal Polishes for Polishing Anything: in the Brass Line. Fresh Dry Cell Batteries al ways on hand. Yours to please Gaston Iron Works Dr. W. H. Wakefield of Charlotte Will be In CHJERRITVTLLB On Friday, October 2 St til it MOUNT HOLLT On Saturday, ' October 21th. The doctor limits eis practice to diseases of eye,' ear, lose and threat and tttiag glasses. 014. It. 11, SI. Will yea pardon as for sargssttag : that now Is tbe time te have sittings ' made tor, the. holiday, photographs. We can five your work better attsn- - tlon than later. Phone 147. Green's, studio. Follow Clarence Pop Around the World!. ' ' .... J-N ' --v. "':'-.V. Editor Clarence Poe of The Progressive; Farmer and Gazette has just started on st tour Around the World, making a special study of everything bearing on the South Southern Agriculture, Manufac turing, Commercial Opportunities, Politi cal and Racial Problems, etc, etc. Mr, Poe's articles will appear exclusively in t118 Progressive Fdrmer & Cazette RALEIGH, N. C STARKVILLE, MISS. and will alone be worth ten times the subscription price. "Mr. Poe is one of the foremost and ' soundest thinkers in the South to-day." . Atlanta Constitution. No one else has ever made a world-torn as the special representative of Southern in uresis and needs. Write at once for free sample coplesw Tl.t . . icsMve Farmer and Ga zct( . flic Gastonia Gazette, both one $1.00 to new subscribers to tiu i..(UT. . Regular price $2.50. 025c5w. in the Subject is Real Estate Talk With Haithcock A'. often out of office moving around ver town. Try office phone 288, or S. G. Fry's Residence, No. 264 Large shipment of Druggets and! Rugs Just received at Rankin Fur niture Company. Call and see them. Prices right. ROOSEVELT'S Own Gcok The Most Popular Cook .mi. CtfrlfM tj Ckmrtu SerUmm' Stmt ByThe Most Popular L!ri W s-Hi 77V4 rVl dm to beok form by RocttrtTi cWfi hind & sols aceeunt f U CHAKLES SCXIBfCCt'S S08S 153 rtfth Ave nee New Yert f. WANTED' NOW Oy RCfey.TevajuS VSlage jj W Colon R.e.rh's JJ