FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, 18, 1010. THR OARTONIA GAZETTB PAGE TOItK3 Legal Advertisements 8ALK OP VALUABLE HEAL AND l'EUSONAL l'KOi'EHTV. North Carolina, Canton County. The undersigned will, on Saturday, November 20th, 1010, . commencing at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., Mil on the premises north of Gastonla, -N. C, to the high est bidder, on the terms atated be low, the following real and personal property, to wit: 1. 17 town lots, ranging from 47 1-2 to 57 1-2 feet In width and from 120 to 251 feet In depth, which lota He to the north of the lands of the late I. N. Davla In northern Gas tonla, and east of Morris street, and adjolningthe lands of Craig and Wilson, John Cooper, Peter White, Bradley, Parks Huffstetler 'and others, a plot of which may be seen at the home of the undersigned or In the Clerk's office of Gaston county. 2. Two tracts of land lying In Dallas township adjoining the lands of W. M. Morris, P. A. Summey and others and known as the Martha Cox place. One tract: Beginning at a stone and runs thence S. 34 poles to a stone and pointers; thence E. 30 poles to a stake and pointers; thence N. 34 poles to a stake and pointers, on Hoylo's old line; thence with Hoyle's old line W. 30 poles to the beginning, containing six acres, inoj-e or less. Tract No. 2: Adjoining the lands of V. G. Morris, E. 13. Holland and others, beginning at a stone on A. Hoylo's old ii'ic and runs thence V. with .Union's line -0 poles to a stone; tin nee s. Il l pol a io n stone I and poiiuci.s; tbenee E. 20 poles to a stone a :ul poiuers; them e X. ' POleS tO le'iIMIiHg, COIIUM oif' about 4 and 1-1 acres. Porr 'Mi ill Property: One large seven-vea r-. Id dark bav horse; one young dark Jersey cow. Terms of ale: One-third cash; one-third in six months; oDe-third in twelve months. This Stli day of November, 1910. HENRY WILLIAMS. T & F. Nov 25 c 3 w. RESOLUTION'S OV RESPECT, ftufus Plnkney nankin. Whereas It has pleased the Lord of the universe to remove, by death, our brother and co-laborer, Uufus Plnkney Rankin, therefore be It re solved by his fellow-stewards of Main Street M. E. Church South: First, That In bis death we have suffered the loss of one whose pleas ure It has ever been to discharge with courage, fidelity and with sig nal loyalty to the trust Involved, all duties officially Imposed. Second, That we shall long cherish this memory of him as of one who loved bis church, supported her In stitutions and attended upon her or dinances as of one who was ever zealous of her noble works. Third. That we extend to the sor rowing wife, and the grief touched children expression of tenderest sympathy In their sad reflection hour, and points them to the poet's noble prayer: "Forgive my grief for one removed, Thy creature whom I found so fair; I trust he lives In Thee and there I find him worthier to be loved." Fourth, That we send to the grief stricken widow a copy of these res olutions, furnish copies for publica tion In our local paper, publish In The (lastonia Methodist, and record in the minutes of the board of stewards. J. H. SEPATtTC. It. B. HABINGTON, E. 1). ATK1X?, Committee. is Our pictures cost mono;.- b't' they :e worth it. Let's prove it to you. Ircen's Ftudio. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND UN PER MORTGAGE. North Carolina, Gaston County. Under and by virtue of the power -of sale contained In a certain mort gage deed from Miles W. Hanna and wife to J. L. Parrish, dated the 27th day of February, 1908, and recorded in M. D. Book 68, Page 180, which mortgage was assigned by J. L. Par rish to J. W. Culp and by J. W. Culp to me, I will sell the following de scribed real estate at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in Dallas, on Monday, Pecember 5tji, 1910, at 12 o'clock M.: Adjoining the lands of S. N. Boyce, M. L. Mauney and others, beginning at a stone in Boyce's and Mauney's line, (said stone being 185 feet in the direction of North 84 2-3 East from said M. L. Mauney's corner on the east side of the old road) and runs from the said corner with Boyce's line North 84 2-3 East 87 1-2 feet to a stone on Boyce's line; thence North 8 1-2 West 250 feet to a stone; thence South 84 2-3 West 87 1-2 feet to a stone; thence South t 1-2 East 250 feet to the beginning, containing one-half (1-2) acre more or less, and being the lot purchased by J. L. Parrish from J. P. Reld, by deed recorded in Book 67 of Deeds of Gaston county, Page 107. This 29th day of Oct. 1910. R. A. CALDWELL, Mortgagee.. A. L. Bulwinkle, Attorney. FN 25 c 4 w. Mrs. Reed Worked Against Grant. Asheville Citizen. One of the features of the Toting Tuesday was the energetic work in behalf of the Democratic ticket by Sirs. Fannie J. Reed, at Biltmore. The deposed postmistress of that town, whom Grant found it necessa ry to file affidavits against, personal ly went to the polls, as the story goes and worked ail day against Grant and the result was one of the won ders of the election. From carrying the precinct two years ago. Grant lost It this year by 96, Mr. Gudger leading the ticket. I F. POUT OF THE CONDITION THE OF i.Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Long spent Wednesday with friends in Gastonla. Mr. Ed Ray, of McAdenvllle. was In the city on business Wednes day. Mr. J. M. Torrence, of Besse mer City, was a business vii'.ior in Gastonla Wednesday. Mr. D. J. Keeter. of Grover. manager of the Grover Mercantile Company's store, was a business visitor In Gastonla Wednesday. For the first time In many years Charlotte is to have a baby show. The event Is to take place December 10th under the auspices of the Wo man's Club. The J. H. Coffey Wagon Works is working on one lot of fifty one horse farm wagons. They tara out from three to four of theae wagons a day. Misses Myrtle Titman, of Low ell, and Mabel Padgett, of Guatonia, visited relatives here F. .duv inl Saturday. Lincoln County News, loth. -Mr. and .Mrs. H. N. Garrison, of Bessemer City, will make their home in the future at Corsicana, Texas. Mr. Garrison been there several s, and tirs. uarnson expeeia i l.ini tin it in a short while. ; Charlotte Obseiv I'oi renee and duugh Torrence, of Gasto- ests of Mrs. John V. 1(0) C(Q)b ft , wee join Announces the Opening of Their NEW DEPARTMENT On the second floor we have added a new department which will add greatly to the convenience of customers, making It possible for them fts buy articles of almost every kind at one store, having all their purchase promptly delivered at one time. j , T t HQjf ij JEIEl Tills department will contain Five and Ten Cent Counters, where there are displayed tin and enameled ware, kitchln utensils, ahlna and glassware, woodenware, stationery and school supplies of every kind, holiday goods, novelties of every description, and hundreds of articles of every description. Firsl National Eank at Gasionia in the State of North Carolina, at the ciose ot business, November 10th, 1010. KE.SOLRCLS. Loans and Discounts. .. $504,265.34 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 985.03 U. S. Bends to secure circulation 100,000.00 Bends, Securities, etc.. 12,500.00 Banking house, Furni ture, and Fixtures . . . 20,000.00 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents).. 49,703.61 Due from State and pri vate Banks and Bank ers, Trust Companies, and Savings Banks... 1,105.61 Due from approved re serve agents 47,471.32 Checks and other Cash Items 8,921.46 Notes of other National Banks 925.00 Fractional Paper Curren cy, Nickels, and Cents 188.93 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie 13,427 Legal-tender notes 5,000 .. 18.427.00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circula tion 5,000.00 r: tcr, nia ijiri:, Mis. ca me V.'. dne. .'.r. .Mis. Fror Mits Mali. are the f iMe on Toner; Ul HT .nth ('"ilege street ;ii'l Miss Tern nee ! e t-'embrich concert The best time to be photographed like the best time 'to repent, is now, because one may never again hare the opportunity. Better see Green. Mr. and Mrs. H. B." Moore, of Lexington, Va and Mr. and Mrs. J. Vv Walton. . of Rsphin. .,Va., who came to Charlotte to attend Synod Ut;week. spent Tuesday and Wed nesday of this week In Gastonla as the nests of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1L .Kennedy, and , Dr. "and Mrs. J. C. Galloway. Total $769,493.30 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in... 100,000.00 Surplus fund 20,000.00 Undivided Profits, less Expenses and Taxes paid 26,032.86 National Bank Notes outstanding 100,000.00 Due to other National Banks Due to State and Private Banks and Bankers. . Due to Trust Companies and Savings Banks. Individual deposits sub ject to check 178,824.15 Time certificates of de posit 163.942.64 Cashier's checks out standing 13,388.75 Notes and bills redis count ed 76,000.00 Bills payable, including certificates of deposit for money borrowed. Liabilities other than those above stated Interest reserve . . . Monday nip:! t and remained over. Wednesday's Charlotte Observ rr: Miss i-'usie Hoffman, of Gasto in.i, who came over for the Sembrirh c ncert Monday iiiKh;, is sjiendin several days in the city with Mrs Luke Seawell. Next week Miss Hoff man will go to 'Mount Holly to at tend the Rhyne-Burwell wedding. The Catawba County News says that two Socialist votes were cast in that county at the recent election. Last summer the Gaston county Socialists talked of putting out a ticket but when the election came round no Socialist tickets were seen or heard of. Mr. and Mrs fl. it. Thompson of Stanley, passed thrauh Uncolii ton yesterday en loute to Morgnn- ton in response to a telegram con veying the news tnr Mrs. Thomp son's brother, who has been serious ly 111 with typhoid fever, was at the point of death Lincoln Coau ty News, 15th. The Gaston Poultry Association has just issued its annual premium list for the regular fall show which is to take place November 29th and 30th and December 1st and 2nd. It contains, in addition to the rules and regulations of the association a full list of the prizes offered for the various kinds of fowls to be exhib ited. This is the fifth annual exhi bitlon. 8,555.90 16,417.16 10,331.84 50,000.00 6,000.00 Total $769,493.30 State of North Carolina, County of Gaston, ss : I. S. N. Boyce, Cashier of the above-named bank, . do j solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. 6. N. BOYCE. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of Nor. 1910. W. 31. Wilson, Notary Public. Correct Attest: A. A. McLEAN. J. O. WHITE. J. LEE ROBINSON, - Directors. Small Wreck at Kings Mountain. The Herald, 10th. Several cars on freight train No, 72, northbound, were demolished at the station here early Sunday morn ing. The cause of the wreck is un known, but has been attributed to nearly every one connected with the company at this place. One car, loaded with fire-proof brick, and one loaded with cotton seed, were smash ed into splinters and several were thrown from the trucks, tearing up the track on the main line and the side tracks. The platform of the freight depot was thrown down. A derrick and wrecking crew from Spencer were on the scene in a few hours and by Sunday night traffic was resumed? No one was Injured. You want good pictures, of course, and of course we want to make them. Let's get together on this proposition. Green's Studio. re- A Merited Tribute. Richmond Times-Dispatch. One of the most gratifying suits of the congressional election in North Carolina on Tuesday was the election of Major Charles M. Stedman to Congress. This result is spoken of by those who appreci ated him as "a long deferred re ward," and we rejoice that it has come to him when be is In the very pink of condition and when he can be of Immense service" to' his people upon whom be has never turned his back. A strong lawyer and most Impressive speaker, a man with a level head and a big heart, he will do North Carolina and the. South great service in Washington. Men's and Boy's Clothing Lwtcst style Men's Suits, Browns, Grays, etc., priced from . .$8.50 to $:20 Men's Overcoats, some special values in llainconts at . .$10, $15 and $20 Boys' Suits, in Blues, Grays and Browns from $1.J)8 to $0.50 Ql s 111 our Shoe Department we curry a large and varied assortment of the best and most reliable makes. ' Ladies' Bed Cross Shoes in Patent Leather, Vici, Cravenette Top, Button and Lace $3.50 and $4.00 Lady Jefferson Shoes, in all Leathers, from $2.50 to $3.50 For Men the Crossett Shoe in Gun Metal, Kid and Pat. Leather at. . . .$4 Mastcrbuilt Shoes for Men in all Leathers at $3.50 and $4 Ladies' Coat Suits We have a full line of Ladles' Coat Suits in Blues, Blacks, Grays and Greens, Serge and Cheviot, also the new Diagonals, at. . . .$7.50 $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $18.00, $22.50, $25.00 and $30.00. Dress Goods Persian Silk Waitings at 75c, $1, and $1.25 per yard. Plain Mescaline, Blue, Pink, Yellow, Red and Black, at $1.00 Suestne Silks, all colors, at 29 and 30c Poplins, Blue, Tan, Rasberry and Garnet, at 30 and 50c Full line Percales and Ginghams In the new Checks and Dots. llliiomsoi SwCswtilenipaiiy Gastonia, North Carolina Instance of the Equality of Oppor tunity. Baltimore Sun. The Governor-elect of Tennessee Is Benjamin W. Hooper, less than 40 years of age, who does not knojv his real name, or who his parents were. He was found en the streets of Knoxvllle and committed to the care of an orphan asylum, whence he was taken 10 years later by Cap tain Hooper, of Newport, Tenn., who gave him his name and ' educated him. It is one of the 'splendid things about this republic of ours that the name a man makes for him self Is the only thing that counts. the things be does, the oniy.ones reckoned np when the people look about them for their leaders; From orphan- asylum to' the 'Executive Mansion!' From nameless wall to Governor of a sovereign State! The way Is always open In this country to those who 'work and strive sad keep the faith. , Overworked Himself Because of Joy at the Democratic Victory . Lenoir News. Uncle Bob Suddeth, a well-knowu rrlored man of this place, who vot v.l the Democratic ticket in by-gone days before the franchise ane:ni niMii to the constitution was pass .!, was found leaning against a b,x about noon the day after the elec tion, looking woe-begone and sick. When asked what was the matter he said he was feeling sick from over work. He said, "When I got op d-a mornln' and heered dat my fokes had got Into der place ergi. I felt so good I went to work an overdone myself and now I am put ty near sick on account of It." We want you to do us a favor. Look up the pictures you expect to have framed for Christmas presents and bring them la now. "-Two hun dred styles' of mouldings to select from at Green's Studio. Anson Boy's Success as a Farmer.. Wadesboro Ansonlan. There is a boy in Anson county who farmed on his own account this year, renting a small farm from hi father. He did his own work aad did not spend his nights In drlnklag and carousing around the communi ty but got some wholesome pleasure) at watching the results of his labor, He studied and followed the best aa4 most up-to-date methods of farmlas and we have It on reliable Informa tion . that he will clear not a cent less than $500 on the crop raised by, himself, after rent and all other ex penses are paid. He began during the first of the year and now has a, few months to spend at another bus iness, where he will clear a few dol lars every, week. 5 The man whe ; thinks and works Is making money, the man who loafs and' dissipate, ought to starr.'"--' " ' Subscribe for Tbe