rranAT, November, is, 1010. TUB GASTONIA GAZETTE. FAGK Fim 5P I o I 0 g Cl ! o o H 0 2 rn CD to Q CO o o H O WE COULD : IF : WE WOULD B U T WE WON'T Ilrdnre the price at the expense of quality. The PRICE of an article hi forgotten Ions before tlio QUALITY and the Idea which originated in one lone window with two or three watch m u i stock of Jewelry quality first and then price has glv en us a Quarter of a Century of unequaled success in the Jew elry Business. Torrence - Morris Co. JEWELERS Expert Watch Repairing - - Artistic Engraving PENNY COLUMN. ONE CENT A WORD They Brtnt Results; try 'em. WANTED WANTED, $300 to $600 for e,x to twelve months on gilt-eled se .i.Htir Address "FINANCE. ' care Gazette . V 1 t. WANTED: To borrow $1000 on $4, 000 real estate Becurlty. "Quick" care Gazette. wanteii. to buv corn. Write or phone 224. A. B. Rhyne. 18p4. WANTED, twenty-five check boys Wednesday at 4 o'clock. Eflrd's. WANTED You to know that The Charlotte Evening Chronicle "The Great Penny Paper" is on sale in your town each evening, and that George and Guy Terrell are our reg- alarly appointed agents and will de liver at your home or office for one cent per day or six cents per week. Give it a trial. tf. New Shoes rv We have just 'received a new lot of Ladies' Patent Colt Cloth Top Button, Vici Kid and Box Calf Blu- cher Shoes- $2.00 and n $2.50 NEW ARRIVALS FOR: Saturday audi Monday's E 1L IL fl N To MakeJThese Two Days Busy Ones we are Going to Have Some Very Strong Specials Outings Just received one solid case of gray out ing regular 10c value (or these days at 8 l-2c 8 l-2c outing in assorted patterns 7 1 -2c 7 l-2c outing in short lengths at 5c White) Flannel 27-in all wool white flannel at 36-in all wool white flannel at" 48c Robinson Shoe Company. LOST. LOST: Nov. 2 heavy winter laprobe between Gastonia and Dallas; nght of 10th one between Gastonia and Lowell: nlffht of 11th one be tween Gastonia and Clover. Return to W. C. Davis, Gastonia, N. C. N 18 c 2. The Furniture House With The Quality and Service Ginghams, Percals, Etc. 12 l-2c renfrew ginghams for - 10c l-2c apron ginghams at 5c 12 l-2c percals in dark and light patterns at 10c 10c percals and ginghams at 8 l-2c :t Bleaching and Sheeting Barker mill bleaching at 10c One lot of bleaching in short length re- 10c 7 l-2c 6 l-2c 6 l-2c 3 l-2c gular 12 l-2c value at Poe mill bleaching for 7 l-2c druid sea-island sheeting Easley mill sheeting at 27-in sheeting, good quality for Shoes! Shoes! You will find here one of the largest stocks of shoes in this country. " ' - Shoes for the whole family 1 Ralston health shoes for men in all leathers $4.00 Fellowcraft shoes for men at 3.50 Churchill and Alden shoes at 3.00 These come in gun metal, vici and pat. leather Men's box calf and gun metal shoes at $1.98 $3.00 gun metal shoes for i4j 2.50 Men's $1.25 satin calf shoes for N 98c Men's good heavy work shoes at 1.25 and 1.50 Ladies' Queen Quality shoes in all the new styles at 3.00 and $3.50 We also have a good stock of ladies' shoes from 1.25 to $2.50 Children's solid leather shoes, button or lace, with tap heel for 48c Hickory Stripes Hamilton stripes at Iron Mountain stripes at Anchor hickory shirting at 8 l-2c 8 l-2c 10c We have 5 or 6 hundred pairs of ladies' and men's shoes piled out on counters at a BIG reduction. "OH RENT FOR RENT: Three offices, second floor Realty building. All modern conveniences. Gastonia Insurance & Realty Co. tf. ROOMS FOR RENT, furnished er unfurnished. Desirable locatioa on East Franklin avenue. Apply at I Gazette office. tf. We have but one purpose in build ing up a good business, and that is to handle "Only" the VERY BEST goods that money can buy, and then live square up to our promises. Of course good Furniture, Stoves and House Furnishings cost slightly more than cheap, trashy kind; yet in af ter years when the real test of serv ice comes you'll find its always the cheapo st to buy the best. Shirt Cheviots Cotton belt cheviots at 10c Bedford chevoits for 8 l-3c Laxart chevoits extra heavy grade 10c Counterpanes and Sheets $1.00 counterpanes for $1.25 counterpanes for $1.50 counterpanes for 75c full size sheets for 50c full size sheets for 75c 98c $1.25 50c 39c FOR RENT, Seven-Toom residence with modern conveniences on South Oakland street. Possession Jan. 1st. E. L. Little. 25 ti. FOR SALE. FOR SALE, fine Berkshire boar, 12 months old. Peter S. Rhyne. 1S FOR SALE: My stock of goods te the highest bidder for cash, Men day, November 21st. P. M. Rhyne, Dallas, N. C. tf. APPLER Oats seed for sale, 75 a bushel. J. Frank Jackson. I$p2 FOR 6ALE: Cheap, nice residence on proposed street car line, ene half cash. W. B. Biggers, 617 East Franklin avenue. D 9 S. FOR QUICK SALE, Forty acres of land. Apply to Wm. H. Lewis, Atty. 25c4. Our line of sideboards, hall racks, rockers, book-cases, china closets extension tables, library tables, suits, stoves ranges and all kinds of floorcovering will interest you. satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Monev Cheerfullv Refunded : OR Children's kid blucher pat tip shoes all solid leather, size 8 to 11, for 98c Misses' kid blucher shoes, size 12 to 2, for $1.25 Misses' button shoes with good heavy soles 1.50 Men's and Boys' Underwear Men's 50c fleeced lined underwear for 38c each or 75c a suit $1.00 men's fleeced underwear for 63c each or $1.25 a suit Boys' ribbed union suits at 48c Boys' fleeced lined shirts and drawers 25 each CASH : Gastonia Calicoes Just received new shipment of beautiful rrjjjt calicoes, price Furniture Co. 5c Underwear 124 and 126 Main Avenue. Phone 23. GASTONIA'S LEADING CLOTHIERS mm MISCELLANEOUS. TOO LATE to get your order in for Thanksgiving, but get ready for Christmas. We've got what you want and the price is right R. T. Padgett. lie 1. QUAIL AND RABBITS wasted at the Crown Cafe, S. S. Harris, Prop. N2S c 8. THE EXPRESS strike in New York is now over. We can rask your nit out on schedule time. Cive us ysur order. R. T. Padgett. 18c-l. ANY ONE desiring to invest $2,500 safely and profitably address "Se curity." care Gazette. 22 e 4. SEE ALEXANDER at the Castonia Hardware Company for combina tion mail boxes with nam plate. DONT FORGET, now is tie time, Padgett's shop is the place, for silts to your measure. Cleaning pressing; altering, etc. R. T. Padg ett. - ' 18 c 1. IT IS TIME Ladies' ribbed shirts and pants 25c Ladies' 75c ribbed union suits for 50c Ladies' fleeced lined ribbed underwear 48c each or 95c per suit Misses' and children's union suits 25c Boys' Pants All kinds and sizes from 25c up-to $1.98 Pi- Men's blue flannel wool shirts 98c each Men's B.-B. Overalls 75c Cone and Boss Overalls 89c, 2 pair for $1.75 Just received new lot of men's clothing and overcoats 4.98 to $15.00 $7.50 up $1.50 Men's suits from Overcoats from Men's odd coats at New shipment, all sizes, just in, prices .' S3 to 97.50 the Pair GOOD UNDERWEAR We are fully prepared to take care of every Man's Underwear require ments. This important item of a man's attire receives here the atten tion it deserves . . .50c to 91.50 the Garment. We are agents for the Ihiofold Health Underwear. We can please yon. to buy that Winter Suit And Overcoat 0 nritTha: Everything in Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Millinery, Etc. Mo LK CO, $IO.OO to $25.00 Let Us Show You. Gastonia, North Carolina Swan New Fall Patterns SI.OO and SI.SO - Slater Co. Outfitters for Men and Boys. Town and County. Are you boosting Gastonia? Soon the gobblers that gobble will gobble no more. Mr. S. J. Hand, of Lowell, was a Gastonia visitor yesterday. Mr. J. R. Lewis, of Dallas, was in Gastonia on business yesterday. And. then will come Christmas. Already the young folks are begin ning to talk of Santa Clans. -The farmers' are all busy. Most of the cotton Is picked And wheat sowing is the order of the day. Air. and Mrs. S. N. Craig, of route one, Belmont, are among to day's shoppers In Gastonia. Chief of Police G. Lee Beam, of Cherryville, was a busiaess visitor in Gastonia yesterday. The merchants are preparing for the Christmas trade. Soon the stores will begin to take on the usu al holiday aspect. William H. Lewis was re-commissioned by Governor KItchin on yesterday as a notary public for Gaston county, and will be sworn In today by the Clerk of tie Superior Court. A number of Gastenians will probably go to Richmond next Thursday "to witness the Thanksgiv ing football game between the teams of the University of North C-roIlna and the University of Virginia. ' Among today's visitors to Gas tonia Is Mr. J. II. Cherry, of Moult Holly, route one. Mr. Cherry paid The Gazette office a pleasant call. He has been taking The Gazette for many years and says he could not keep house without it. His many friends will learn with pleasure that (Mr. A. M. Smyre. who has been 111 with pneumonia for the past two weeks at the home' of his daughter, Mrs. D. M. Jones, on York ' street. Is greatly Improved. He has so far recovered that he expects t be up within the next two or tirsa days. , -- '4 1 To Raise More Clamor. Wilmington Star. . .j remaps Roosevelt Is playing tfcw clam In order to raise more clamor.