v., v PAGE ETGITT THB GASTONIA GAZETTE FIUDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1010. Money For You in Bunches Anyone wanting1 to purchase a nlc residence In Gastonia can get a bargain If titer will tee W. B. Big- aera, 817 East Franklin are. V D 9 p 4. At The COTTON CARMVA A movement has been started to drain Brown creek In Anson county, thereby making fertile 90,000 acres of fine lands. It is claimed that the drainage of the valley will add $1, 000,000 to the taxable values of An son county. Money saved is money made--If you want to stretch your bank account attend this most unusual SALE WeVeHowered prices to a dangerous level-the sale that has helped so many during the past three weeks is still DRAWING THE CROWDS BIG LOT HOYS SlITS Jl'ST UK OEIVEI) AT aUTOX t'.lKMVAL PIUOKS. $5.00 values at $;!. S4.00 values at 2.H ifci.00 values at ll.8 KLK1X WOOL HLAXKKTS. $6.00 kind now $4.98 SS.OO value at 8:1.08 $4.25 value at S.1.29 S4.0 value at S2.08 $3.50 kind now ifcl.OH $.1.00 kind now at S3. 4 8 Cotton IUankelN ut less than else- wtierv. Cotton Carnival prices yoji see. lSUIlXIANTINKS, SKIMiKS, I'AXA MAS, ALL tX)LOKS AT COTTON CARNIVAL THICKS: Sl.OO values now 79c 73c values now 49 and 58c 50 to OO values now. . . .39 to 48c MUX'S XOIUIIKKT Sl ITS SELLING MKK HOT CAKKS. Still we have them to suit the most evading, at (Villon Carnival prices too: $2.39 values now $10.73 $20.00 values now $14.73 $17.00 values now $12.93 $15 to $10 values at $11 and $11.93 We are still selling excellent Suits, of good styles at Half and less than half-price. We respectfully atk that you put us to the test on this proposition. Our Shoe stork is large, but we are receiving daily additions to this department and selling all kinds at otton Carnival Trices: ITALIAN HUMOR. Story ef the Ingenious Nephew and His Witty UnoU. While this perhaps has nothing to do with current literature, we jot it down because it impressed us as be- ing particularly good and because it illustrates as well as any story that we have ever heard tha pecul iar Guaiiiy oi Italian humor. ra solacci is a youth of much elecance and little discretion. He has been spending right and left, and one Charles W. James, of Madison duy he finds himself unable to pay county, tried aviation last week a la his hotel bill. Owing to the avarice I Darius Green. He got a pair of ea gle's wings, tied them to his arms, hoisted an umbrella and leaped from a 50-foot cliff. He reached the bottom In double quick time and al most lost his life. He will recover. Mr. Fisher Helms, an old soldle In Union county, who went through the whole war and carries five wounds, this year made with his own hands three bales of cotton and nine two-horse loads of corn. He is 69 years old and the mule he work ed Is 14. Chatham Record Federal Judge Connor, holding court at Raleigh, yesterday issued a summons for Ed S. Abell, a well- known attorney of Johnston county, to appear before him to show cause why he should not be adjudged to be In contempt of court. It Is alleg ed that Abell secured the contlnu ance of a very important case by ex hibiting to the court a telegram an nouncing the desperate Illness of his wife. It is claimed that the tele gram was faked THOSE FLUFFY RUFFLES LADIES' VIRGINIA SHOES. :$.50 kind at $2.48 $2.50 kind at $1.98 of his father, he appeals to his uncle: "Dear Uncle If you could see my shame while I write you would pity me. Do you know why? Be cause I have to ask you for 100 francs and know not how to express mv humble gratitude Ao, it is impossible to tell you I 1 preier to die. "I send you this by a messenger, who awaits an answer. "Believe me, dear uncle, your most obedient and alfectionate nephew, FASOLACCI." T. b. Overcome with shame for what I have written, I have been running after the messenger in or der to take the letter lrom him, but I could not catch up with him. Heaven grant that something may happen to stop him or that this let ter may be lost. F." The uncle receives the letter, is touched by its contents, considers and replies : Mv Beloved Aephew Console yourself and blush no longer. Provi dence heard your prayer. The mes senger lost your letter. Goodby. "1 our affectionate uncle, "AKISTIITO." Bookman. Gastonia, N. C. THE CALL OF THE SOCHI. Uames R. Harris in Merchants Jour- . naj and Commerce. The spirit of the age has chang ed. It is the beginning of the eud of an era the end of an era of cen tralization and congestion of popula tion Every economic error tends of itself to correction from within rather than from without. The mad rush for the cities has Blackened its pace; "the tumult and the shouting" grows lower in the busy marts of trade. Thousands upon thousands long to be "far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife," and pause to reflect if they would not be bet ter off if they returned to the land from which they hastened a few years back, lured by the high prom ise of the city. The North is rilled to overflowing. Say what you will, there is no "last West. The pendulum has swung back: the mighty movement has be gun. Naturally the question will be asked: "What will be the fairest field for the endeavors of this vast throng in the next decade?" The logical solution of the prob lem i3 the South. And though In other less favored sections the cit ies will not 6how aa much growth in the future as in the past ten years, j we predict that the cities of the South will keep pace with her rural districts and both will enjoy equal i prosperity because there is not to- ! day an overcrowded metropolis in ' her whole domain, such as you will find in other parts of the country. The South sends her message of hope to all men who want to get ahead. Her opportunities are preg nant with profit for the present and the promise of a tremendous growth sure to be an accomplished fact in the not distant future. Her prosperity outstrips her growth in population. Her promises uvea mio performance. Her doors are open wide, not only to her own people, but to the stranger within her gates. Her latch-string is al way out and her fields are full of and red by night, where steel and iron hold their sway. High Point vies with Grand Rapids in her wood working plants, Lynchburg with Boston in the shoe trade, and Bir mingham is a worthy sister of Pitts- Durg. bo the thrilling story runs through mining, manufacturing, farming, transportation, trade, and commerce. It Is the story of a people favored by climate and a thousand natural advantages, coming into a fuller and broader realization of the magnifi cent potentialities of their own land. The way has been hard and difficult. But her people are awake. They are pushing to the front. They wel come the rest of their common country to come and share their good fortune with them. And the next few years will witness a growth which will be a revelation to the rest of the wdrld. To paraphrase: "Southward the star of progress takes her way, Her first flush youth already pass ed. But brighter, steadier in her later day, Her noblest effort Is her last." I Man Is Vunlty. Exchange. Man that is born of woman is of few days and many growls. When the spring comes, gentle Annie, and the rain waters the earth he com- plaineth because of the mud and a few weeks later his soul is grieved because of the exceeding muchness of the dust. In the winter he cryeth it is too cold, and in the summer he would fain join an Arctic expedition nal ne may escape rrom tne sum mer heat. When the sun shineth brightly It hurteth his eyes and when it hideth behind a cloud it giv- eth him the blues. When the wind bloweth he curseth the cyclone, and when it stoppeth he moaneth, O, give us a breeze. Yes, verily there Is nothing which satisfieth man. He cometh into this world crying, and he leaveth grumbling. And this, too is vanity. MAKE THIS TEST. HOI How fertility. Like the fabled sleeping beauty he had slumberd for many years and the world knew her not. But today she is alive and awake to ev ery change and every activity that pells progress. Her example is stimulating to the utmost. Present conditions are but a pretage of the things to come. Her neias re Ailed with janascape dotted with inn,, our ,,, . -..lurngie urr BKies Diackened to Tell if Your Hair is Discus. ed. Even if you have a luxuriant head of hair you may want to know whether it is in a healthy condition or not. 98 per cent of the people need a hair tonic. Pull a hair out of your head; If the bulb at the end of the root Is wnue ana shrunken, it proves that the hair Is diseased, and romilren prompt treatment if its loss would be avoided. If the bulb is pink and full, the hair Is healthy. we want every one whose hair requires treatment to try Rexall "93" Hair Tonic. We promise that It shaH not cost anything if it does not give satisfactory results. It is designed to overcome dandruff, re lieve scalp Irritation, to stimulate the hair roots, tighten the hair al ready in the head, grow hair and cure baldness. It is because of what Rexall "93" Hair Tonic has done and our sin cere faith In its goodness that we juu io iry it at our risk. Two zes. 50c. and li no Rni i store The He all Store. The by day J Abernethy-Shlelds Drug Co. the greatest , j f t MORTGAGK SALE OF CITY KIITY. By virtue of two mortgage deeds, executed by George Foster and wife, Florence Foster, the one to the Gas tonia Insurance & Realty Company, dated March 27, 1906, and of rec ord in the office of the Register Deeds for Gaston county, in Book No. 63, on Page 124; and the othe to E. J. B. Moore, dated March 23d 1908, of record in the office of said Register of Deeds, in Book No. 6 8 on Page 190; which mortgage deeds and the bonds secured by same, having been assigned for value to M. W. Whltesides, and being now In my hands for collection, I will sell ior casn, to the highest bidder, to satisfy said mortgage deeds, on Monday the 2d Day of January, 1911 at the Court House door in Gastonia. at 12 M., the following described City Lot and premises, situated in the town of Gastonia, in said coun ty: Beginning at a point on the South side of a cross street (4th Ave.) 144 feet from Marietta street, thence East with the edge of said cross street (avenue), 95 feet to p. stake, W. C. Holland's corner; thence South with said Holland's line 40 feet to a stake on a 10 foot alley W. C. Holland's line and cor ner, thence West with said allev 95 feet to a stake, W. C. Holland's cor ner; thence .V. with W. C. HoiUn-- line, 40 feet to the beginning. Title to purchaser to be made by mort gagees. This December 1st, 1910. W.M. H. LEWIS, Attorney for the Asal D 30 c 5 w. Hit It Right. Kegan Paul in his reminis cences speaks in one case of his bishop as "an astute and insincere man," giving this instance of his in sincerity: At a meeting of the cler gy at Clapham his chaplain told him that old Dr Blank, who had been many years in the diocese, was vexed at having been forgotten. "Yes," said the bishop, "I have not the smallest recollection of him, but I will make it all right and will go and speak to him. Which is he?" He was pointed out, and the bishop made his way to him. "My dear Dr. Blank, I have not had a moment for real conversation with you. I need not ask you how you are after all these years. Do you still ride your gray mare?" "Yes, my lord. How good of you to remember her!" etc. The chaplain, who was within ear shot, said when he again came near the bishop, "Then you did remem ber Dr. Blank after all ?" "Not a bit of it," said the bishop. "I saw the grav hairs on his coat, and I chanced the sex." Child Hadly Burned. Cherry ville Eagle, 1st. Clarence Beam, the little son of Mr. Lee Beam, who lives near Flay, Lincoln county, was badly burned about the face and hands last Sat urday evening by the explosion of a can of powder. It is supposed the little fellow was burning powder on the hearth of the fire place when a spark came in contact with the pow der in the can. As it happened the powder was in a pasteboard can, otherwise it might have proved fatal. o dear to the feminine heart are simply perfect when we launder the lingerie. Send us youra this week and see how daintily we do them up. Don't be afraid to send your laciest garments. We will not Injure them In the slightest degree. Snowf lake Steam Laundry Phone 13 TAFTS MESSAGE COMPLETE. President Finishes Ilia Message to Congress and Turns it Over to Government Irinting Office Is an Unusually Long One. Washington, Dec. 1. President Taft today completed his annual message to Congress and sent it to the government printing office in its final form. The message was laid before the Cabinet at a special ses sion which began at 10 o'clock this morning and lasted until nearly 3 in the afternoon. The message is said to be an un usually long one, the estimates run ning from 30,000 to 40,000 wOrds. The proofs were pulled tonight from 37 galleys. The President went over every feature of the document ith his Cabinet advisers. Lebovit Depart ment Stores Leeds Pottery. Leeds is probably the most, cos mopohtan center of industry in al England, that of pottery being the most ancient. This industry rose to Borne eminence at one period, both m regard to domestic and ornamen tal ware of the white filigree order but now the onlv branch which re mains is that of artistic majolica, in which we find real works of art in the choicest of designs and color ing. Such productions, worthy of special note, are the flower vases and pedestals for the same, small vases and other ornaments, and it is doubtful if either the Moors, who founded this industry, or the Ital ians, who developed it, produced anything superior to the modern pottery from Leeds. Consular Re ports. Ready Example. The school managers were pres ent all of 'em and the teacher was anxious that her scholars should do well. She picked upon Tommy as the most likely to do her credit. Tommy's knees showed through his trousers, and because the managers were present Tommy sat with a hand on each knee. "Tommy," said the teacher, "will you please give me" the teacher was always polite when the man agers were present "will you please give me a sentence with the word 'toward' in it?" Then Tommy rose and in a grace- iui attitude, with a thumb on each knee, answered: "Please, teacher, I toward my trowsis." London Answers. Are now located in their handsome new build ing and splendid values in Dry Goods, Millin ery, Clothing, Shoes, Ladies' Coat Suits, Sweaters, Blankets, Comforts, Trunks, Valises in fact everything kept in an up-to-date de partment store. Everything going at sale prices. BO V 1 z Department Stores Leaders in Low Prices - Next to Long Bros. XML KNOW Who IS YOUR Honey When IT IS IN Cleverer Than He. The confirmed bachelor came back to the club lunch from the end of the earth, and we all asked him if he was married (he is nearly fif ty). "I shall marry a clever wo man if 1 do, he replied grimly. "Thought you didn't like those clev er women," said the youngest mem ber simply. "I don't," said the bachelor, whose views are well known and widely spread. "But if iver I marry itl'l be an infernally t-vrr woman wno QOC8 11. lxm- n Chronicle; i 1 A National Bank is an absolutely safe place to put your money, because the United States Government ex amines regularly all National Banks. Ask our patrons -how we treat THEM. Make OUR Bank YOUR Hank Citizens National Capital an 1 Surplus, $75,000.00 A. L Moore, Pres. C 11. Evan?, Vice-Prei. A. & Myers, Culier Bank

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