- t SECOND SECTION-Pages 9 to 16 FONIA GAZETTE ITIILISIIED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. SINGLE OOl'V 8 CENTS. Devoted to (lie lrwtcUoa of Home nd the Intreta of the County. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. , VOL. XXXL GASTON 1 A, N. C. TUESDAY, DECiaillEll 13, 1010. NO. GAS' THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT. Gastonia Boys and Girls, and Older Folks Too, Enter Heartily Into Holiday Joys A Few Reflections on the Season and Its Meaning. Christmas! What magic there is in the word. It thrills the breast of the boy and girl with Joy; it stirs In thebrebSts of men and women of mature years sentiments which lie burled for mtost of the twelve-month beneath 'weights of toil and care and worry. It makes even the old feel young agatn. It is the one season of all the year when the serious things of life are Teally thrown aside for a few days and when love, friendship, sentiment and good cheer are given full sway over all the kind. To the mothers and fathers es pecially, and to all persons of ma ture years to more or less extent, one of the greatest of all the pleas ures during this season is found in watching the little folks, from the year-and-a-half-old on up to twelve or fifteen or even older. From the time Christmas and Santa Claus are first mentioned, weeks before the day of the event, they bubble with enthusiasm every day. Their child ish prattle Is all of Santa Claus and his reindeers, his probable where abouts at all times, what they want the good saint to bring them and so forth. In order to secure good be haviour and obtain the doing of most any task it is only necessary to remind them that it will soon be Christmas and that old Santa Claus is watching them and that he brings the moBt and the best things to the good little boys and girls. As the boys und girls troop from their homes to school and back again ev ery day they linger longingly before the show windows where the holi day trinkets are so temptingly ar rayed and their bright little faces as they pick out in their minds what they want are good to look upon. In Gastonia the Christmas spirit is already rampant. The merchants have on display splendid lines of all I kinds of Christmas goods and their j openings have been well attended, i .Many people from nearby towns and the surrounding country do their I shopping here and scores of them I are on the streets every day. The I local merchants spare no pains to ! make ample prepartaions to fill the j wants of all. That they are enter j prising and up-to-date is evidenced i by the largo nuin'ber of Christmas j holiday advertisements which The Cazette carries today. It will pay every reader of this paper to read these advertisements through and then do their shopping with these firms. It will save you time and worry in searching for goods here and there and you will have the further satisfaction of knowing that you are buying from the enterpris ing and successful business men of this section. Early next week the manv Gas ton boys and girls who are away a college in this and other States wil begin trooping back to the horn fireside for the Yuletide and there' will be many happy families reunit ed for a week or so. Gaston has more young people away t ichool than ever before In her history and this Is a fact which should be very gratifying to all our citizens, ahows that the spirit of progress nermeatlnz our entire county and that the future Interests will be committed Into bands and heads that have been well trained for the battles or life. Despite all the happiness that one sees on every band at this glad fes tive season, there are many aching hearts, many saddened lives about us. To display the true Christmas spirit, every one of us should make It our special work to do our best to carry some light and some comfort into a darkened home or life. In so doing we will reap a harvest of Joy for ourselves and will do a service which will meet the approval of that One In whose memory and to whose honor we celebrate Christmas day. Personals and Locals. Deuth of L. L. Flowers. '.Mr. L. L. Flowers, aged about yuars, died at i o'clock last Thurs day morning at his home near Spencer .Mountain on Gastonia route two. Mr. Flowers was only ill two or three days, the cause of his death being a brain trouble of some kind. He lived alone, having no family. The funeral p-1 burial took place FrhJay afternoon at Long Creek Baptist church. Election of Ofllcers. At the regular meeting of Gaston Conclave No. 391. I. O. H.. held last ILhig ,)arti(,ular 8eason Friday night, the following officers were elected for 1911: Past Arch on, Ft. T. Padgett; Archon, J. W. Culp: Provost, W. G. Rhyne; Finan cier, H. G. Winget; Treasurer, G. C. Killian; Secretary, S. S. Morris; In spector, Charles Robinson; Prelate, R. C. Craig; Warden, T. E. Robin son; Outside Sentinel, William Xo- len; Trustees, J. A. Hunter, W. G., hyne, B. T. .Morris. Mrs. Fred H. Robinson andv Mlrts Lois Durham, of Dallas, were town shopping last Friday. Mr. E. E. Detter, of Bessemer City, was In town a few hours last Friday shopping. He wai en route to Dallas to attend a Masonic ban quet. Mrs. Claudius R. Miller, after spending a week here with her mother. Mrs. R. D. Atkins, left Wed nesday morning for her home In Barboursvllle, W. Va. There are nineteen hundred and eleven calendars now on the market. With so many It is certain that every person will be able to se cure at least a copy. -The family of Rev. and Mrs. J. It Scroggs expect to leave today (Thursday) for Charlotte, their new home. Their legion of Shelby fiiends regret to see them go. Shelby Highlander, 9th. Itev. Dr. S. B. Turrentine, the new Methodist presiding elder, and family, are now occupying the S. R. I'. Iavis house, which will shortly be converted into the district par sonage. Shelby Highlander, 9th. -The electrical department of the city has in a show window at the Page Company's store, No. 238 West .Main avenue, an attractive display of some special electrical de vices which appeal to housewives at There are hown chafing dishes, utility irons, I. P. and G. E. irons, toasters, hot atcr cups, toaster stoves, etc. Any f these articles make appreciated oliday gifts. Any one wishing to now more of these articles should phone No. 323 and the department will send a man to demonstrate their uses and how to handle them. FOR YOUR OWN SAKE Consider the Matter of INDIVIDUALTAILORING To Ih attired correctly Is, of course, the aim and ambition of ev ery careful dreswer. There should lie little need of ix-rounding any thinking nutn that MADK-TO-HIS-MEASUKE garment are lxtt and mark him him as COIUtECT. MADE TO YOU It MEASURE clothes reflect individuality they accentuate your idca and ideal make your dress an integral and in separable part of your iieiMonallty. WIIL NOT obtain the cleverest tailoring irt the price of the ordin ary? WHY NOT have garment of oise and urace, that will lift you alxve the many and single yon out from the crowd? Every suit we deliver if designed expressly for the individual customer and tailored to conform with his particular build and require ments. All of our garments are strictly MADK-TO-MEASl'RE as we sell no ready-made clothing of any kind and represent no such concerns. At EXTREMELY HEASONABLLE PRICES we place within your reach, faithful reproduction of the most exclusive styles and fabrics, with our GUARANTEE of QUALITY, Krfect FIT und entire SATISFACTION. YOUR CONTENTMENT WILL RE COMPLETE IF WE TAILOR YOU. Frazier-Wetzell Co. Fine Tailoring 204 West Main Avenue - Gastonia, N. C Nothing More Appropriate for Christmas Presents for Members of the Family Than Spend Your Money for Something Useful Here lire some special holiday prices; read them and then come to our store and select your presents. Avoid the rush by coming early. Rugs, (something that would greatly please wife, sister or mother) from 50c to $5.00 Druggets from 5.00 to $25 Nice leather upholstered rockers, makes a fine present $6.00 and up Wicker rockers $3.50 up Oak rockers $1.50 and up QJiildreu'a rockers something: to please the little fellow 5Cc and up Bed room suits in Oak, Mahopanv and Birdseye Maple some to suit every taste and purse from $12 50 and up Parlor suits $30 and up Ladies' writing desks in Oak and Mehoerany $6.50 up A few combination book cases and writing desks to go at COST during- the holidays. BLANKETS: Cotton from $1.25 up Wool blankets $4 up Express wagons from 75c and up Fancy ebony mantel clocks $4 and up Pictures, a large variety to select from 3 5c up We don't advertise to give away anything. All we have to give goes into quality of the goods you buy from us. You can't get something for nothing. Don't be mislead by offers of firms who propose to give you something for nothing. It goes on to the price of the stuff you buy somewhere. Let us help you solve your Christmas shopping problems. .Rankin Furniture Company No. 129 West Main Avenue - Gastonia, N. C.