V ( ' 4 4 .-.mammj Jo a vi:l-: xu:: . days asd ri-DAY3. ix cle copy 3 c::.vr3. looted to the Proteitioa of Home and the Interest of the Coua ! f 1.60 YEAR ix ai;v.: VOL. XXXII. gastoxlC n. c. tuisday; j.xuarV s, mi.; 1. 0VL1 GJ PUXX-IIOLLIS. Proniinei ' ness ' i - cm-- AC, Young Slount Holly IIu.sl Weds West Virginia ,1 of Ilollday Social ."ersonal Mention. Corresperfdence 'of the Gazette. ..AMOUNT HOLLY, Jan. 2. The holiday eeasoa at Mount Holly this . year was the most pleasant one" in the history 'of .the town. The little fulls enj yed "the usual Christmas trea ce! ration in each of the four churches. Quite a number ? visi tors nere here. The weather was perfect, and on the -streets not a sin gle, arrest was made during the en tire week. ' - . .... j . t . A, decided surprise was sprung on our folks last Thursday mornlnrf Business College, Charlotte, Js visit lnghis aunt, Mrs. N. A. Mcintosh." Miss Iver Mcintosh, a senior of Dav enport College, la spending the hol idays with homefolks. Mlss Joan- nah Stroup, of Alexis, is visiting, at the home ofher brother, Mr. A.'U. Stroup. Misses Prlscllla and- Jen- nle Chillis, of Denver, are visiting at the home of their Bister, Mrs. W. A. Broadaway. Mrs. T!onrad Delllnge! and children are vlaiftng relatives here. Mr. Sidney, Hart and M1bs Mae Kale, 'of Mount Holly, were quietly married at the home of the bride. Only a few relatives and friends were present. : S OLD COURT HOUSE SOLD. Auctioneer ". W. - . Meek Adams .WORTH ; NEWS. ' Knocks Down County 'a Property V ml Dallas for $7,000---Xo Other Bid County Commissioner In Seion-mner to be Elected T.a. v V ' T.h.wviwnn.,. foflock yesterday, afternoon r,m. silas s:mz dead.. Only Brother of Mr. AT M. Smyre Passes Away at Old Home, Xear , . Nwtc'n,-r-Funeral and Burial this Afternoon. , . :.' .' " ' I In response to a telegram : an nouncing the critical illness cf hi only hrother, Mr, Sflas Smyr, at the latter's borne two. miles l.om ton, Mr. A. M. Smyre !cft fir that place on the morning C. & v N.-W, train, yesterday. In the afternoon telephone .- message from Mr. " Smyre to bis family here conveyed the aad intelligence that, bis brother died : KINDERGARTEN CLOSES. Two Aged Sisters Talis Away Nw Scats for School House- Personal when the news flashed from one to I rnrnnn)iii l t,-. i another that Mr. Tom Dunn was v .WORTH, Jan. I. : Something married.' .; The particulars are as fol- very,remarkDle joccurred near here lows; Mr. Dunn boarded 12 at last Thursday and Friday, whea Belmont Wednesday afternoon where Mr. Ann Hiifratti -4 v. ! be Joined bis bride-to-be, Miss Louise Jiome on Thursday and her alster llollls. of Martinsville, W. Va, rn Mrs. Rebecca Cloninger, died atjber the meantimie, all arrangement for home oily one, tundred yards away : ,;tbe marriage In Charlotte had been on Friday.-4 Mrs. Huffstetler lacked 1 made. : The couple were .driven from onl aim Auir itt ill . . v - ' touj at. j-ears oia, the station to he Methodist parson- while Mrs. Clonlnger was nearly 88 age and there, In the presence' of years old. '.' : v ' ? ( the triends.of the groom, were unit- ' lrs. Huffstetler was toe widow ot ' ed In marriage by ReV. Dr. Gilbert Ell ( Huffstetler. w.ho died during the T. Rowe, They. came to Mount Hoi- Civil War, and was theother -n of ly over ; the Seaboard Thursday six sons morning and were greeted at the four, of whom. MeBsn. David Jacob station ; by the entire brigade V. of and 'iBi'm..' young folka who waved to them the Ed Terrissare now livingl She was hand' of welcome ( To-Day Other Business. At high noon yesteydayy following Relatives here did. not know he was 111,. until yesterday; and it-la pre- an order previously made by the jsumed that his fatal illness develop- ooara or county commissioner and ed rather suddenly properly advertised, (Mr. W. .T Meek Adama as auctioneer knocked down the old court house and grounds and the old Jail and grounds at Dallas to company composed of Gastonia This morning Mrs. A-' M. Smyre. Mrs. D. r M. Jones and; ' Mr. J Fred Smyre went to Newton to attend the Wee-. Tote Under Tutelage of Miss LaFar Give Public Exercises for Oiristmas and Greatly Delight i-f Audience. v' - ' Far's kindergarten took dace at 10 I o'clock last Friday morning. Owing Mark.a Episcopa, , c to the inclemency of the 'weather DSATIiOFCZD U.m. Blrsl ," Rebecca Cloijnger, . I' i Oonunuulcant of E)lcopal CI t inCJounty Died Friday at aV, -" ed AgV-iBurial v 'a Qout f . " Graveyard Saturday. . ' ,y : : , ' Rev. W. H. Hardin, rectof of ZL ureh, of thU some were"unable ta attend but a goodly number of those interested In the welfare of the kindergarten were present; ! . - k The first number on the program wag the Christmas song which the ehildren aang-merrily, Next rfwa a recitation; by little -Elizabeth ' Love, who softly and sweetly declared ehe waa going to have auch a good time and was glad that Santa was near. Then came recitation by all. the children, which waa followed by lit tle ; Hem-y Franklin Glenn, one of - i ; uij fisuiua uienn, one or funeral and burial services which .. .- .... . - 7 w ar w v wviu ui iuc take place At 2 o'clock. Intftrmpnt mtlt Af Tu,v v . r , I - eva, A' UD KUU A1VW WO business men for the sum of $7,000. will be at Ahe St. Jamea Lutheran mti ' v , ... There were no other bids.. Mr. Ad- church, near hla home of which he bowed the tiny speaker throughout ams read the bond which was rivM I had been lonr a rmminoi - iTS. . tw . : . - . , . " I . - .v... -uu ,v- m1.u a71uyBi.ajr mna aenrnc city, was calleS to High Ehoals Eat- by the gentlemen in question during the last removal campaign to start the bidding for thla property at f 7,- 000 and asked if there were other bida; There was nothing but silence. It was simplya matter of form' and "going opce, going twice, going three timesrgone" and the historic property,, used by Gaston- for ; BJ tive. member. ' rv Mr. Smyre lived at the old Smyre homeplace where he was born and reared. He resided with his eon. Mr; C. Ed Smyre. and a little arrand daughter, Sallie Fisher, daughter of his . only; ; other : child, Mra. - Sallle FJsher, .who i died about 14 : : yeara ago. Hia death leaves Mr; A M. years, passed in,to the hands of in- Smyre the only surviving member of divlduala.. - . '.-.iXtf.&r-i;, large family. His wife died Tour was full of rice). The. bride is an accomplished little woman and waa very attractive and is most pleasantly remembered by the friends she made during her atay here two yeara ago. The irroom is one of our successful young busineVs ana vraa widely known . as a good Christian woman. - She waa buried I Friday at the -Bethel graveyard, the funeral being conducted by ,Rev. j; M. Senter, ' 1 ' aooui ; two ; houTa before W death a peneioo of $35 was handed When, the board of county com-1 yeara ago. missionera, with all the members I ' . present; convened . yesterday - for Flags Presented. tneir nrst meeting in the new court The Gaatonla e.r large room on the nrst Daughtera of the Confederacy,' has f ' " -" cuiuiorwipiy i coninoutea to the Gastonja Library crowded. It - was interesUng Jlrom five beautiful flags - Including ' a " WR" ,w meet- North Carolina State flag, United menw 1 .1 v T " v nanaea l. "."vw-i-mhj trom me watea pag, and the three different ft 1 : ".?r moBS P Hfftetler for her mmature, Mt ere were present a num- flags of the Confederacy.' x This iifi a larp circle of friends here. - and ... throughout the Stats. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn will make their home- at Mount Hoily for the present with the 1 groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs; Frank Dunn. ; , jy,. VAr.9 Jay Davenport entertained at en elegant supper at her pretty aa l.urban Ihome last Friday'; evening. TJiose enjoying Miss Davenport's hospitality were fllsses Mary and Eva Bowles.' " ' The younger, social set enjoyed an informal party with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Costner last Thursday evening. but she was toe weak to aim the re ceipt,, hence the pension will be re- turneiL-'- ' ':'' -'-Sf :V.. v f.r' t - , 'Mrs. Clonlnger, who died on Fri day morning at I0C 9'clock,? was ; a member ot the Episcopal church, and her funeral waa conducted Saturday. uy Kev. w." H. Hardin, of Gastonia, and the burial took tlace -at V the Cloniger graveyard near here 'Mra. tjloninger; was a good woman And her; death i Is ' greatly mourned H by ner. cblldren.and her many friends. ' Mr. Sidney Garrison la at home from Wake Forest' College to epend ber of Dallas people who had come to present to the board a request, backed; by some $00; or more citi aens, ; asking that the sale of ' the county property at Dallaa be ooat. poned until March. ; The petition did not' state but it was. generallr nn- deratood that the purpose In asking tma delay waa that the Legislature might be asked to pass' a bill either it. greatly appreciated ' by the man .agement of the library and Is a moat appropriate one. . " An ExceUent Sermon. r- ' -; At St. Mark's Episcopal church Sunday night Rew John S.' Moody, of Hickory preached a most excel lent, aermon on ' the theme "The domain this property to .the town Working Man. or the Man? on the to continue to hold ft Streetj.Why the-Church Fail, to "The Old Maid's Contention" Rivi the hoHdvxf, n r en last Saturday evening In Rhyne's hat Wcently aold to Messrs C . W by - the Betterment Association and . Junius Costner a nice tract of s av uc;ess, ana xnorougniy 1 land about two milea west of here air. Milea Stroup, a former Tealdent of this community but now of Stan ley; was a pleasant visitor, her Mo- day.The public school authorities of this place have received a. set of hew desks for the convenience of the pupils. . This 'it ateo In the rh direction,- as the: pupila can make enjoyed, i A nice sum was realized from the effort." t . . : .--;;,;'::'1 Among our holiday 'visitor were Jlr. and : Mrs. Walter Moore, of EfateBville, (Messrs. Archer and liar-fr-vV Bowles, of Greensboro, Mr. ' Mrs.j. Armistead Burweli, of f Ue lr. and Mrs. Milton Set r, of Hickory, Mrs., N. Ramsey,' of lotte, MissBessie Hoffman and Mr William Hoffman, of LIncolnten," ilr R. B. Bablngton and Mr. KennotC Eablngton; of Gastonia, and, hisses to continue to hold it property. Mr. E. Lee Wilson, Mr. A. L. Bui winkle and Mr. A. R. Anders spoke la favor of the petition and some time was devoted to discussing it and looking over the petitions. When the matter waa put to' a vote, however. it was decided by the board that the request should not be granted and, as a , consequence,; the u . re- Gcjp Him.! Rev. Dr. Moody wat heard by a large audience in spite of the inclement weather, and his dis course was extremely : forceful a.nd convincing. I Softly and aweetly then ' was tung the hymm telling about the star that ahed iUTwOndrou light. iilThit se lection : was aung by. 8arah Love, Eliaabeth Love and Burke Herbert Parker, a;'.;;;; ''.rpk, ;,i;-:.. men followed a recitation bv Gertrude Montague Clinard and thla little girl of aeven yeaf-s was eaual i , occaafon ; as she told with beaming eyes of the wonderful San ta Claua. v" i . , , r Little Miss Daisy was next In line and this piece wat aung by Louise Wilson and Elizabeth Love. 1 Well did these little singers carry out their parte as they nodded their heads to and trd.T.:'irfi;i-y:x Last pf all was given "Rini. Rinr. Happy Bella of Christmas" h v. Bnrk Herbert Parker,. Sarah Love Eliza- beth . Love and Gertrude Clinard.' In Which the children: as thr their crimson bells to and fro aana- tne words and repeated the message the angels brought to earth long ago. These exercises closed the kin. dergarten .for the period and it will re-open again in February, the date to be announced later. ,.,-..-'V : t if J' Pays Five Per Cent Dividend. V : A meeting of the board of direct. ort of " the Arlington Cnttnn was held Saturday, December 21 st. At this meeting the usual semi-annu al dividend of five per cent, was de clared and it waa paid to the stock holder yesterday. urday 4 to. conduct the funeral cf ;Mrs. Rebecca Clonlnger, who died a t her. home .near .that plac Frldcy morning aPiO ofciock. Mrs. Clon lnger wa before her marriage to David ; Clonlnger - Mis Rebecca Ta sour, 'and was bota) in this county Febl' I, 1823, being nearly 88 years of age at her death, . . i i.Mrs. Clonlnger -was the oldest communicant ; . of the Episcoral church Ilvina: in 'faaHfn'1 jng been a member, of St. Joh a'a Jhurcbat High ShoaTs-for mre ttaa jrrro. An interesting Incident I J told in connection, with her. msI.i ' loyalty for the church. ' Manyeara ago a prominent Episcopal minister tar a ' U l - a -.. w vicuc-n ai iiign snoais and Mrs. Clonlnger determined to aend the .aervice';- in eplte of. "the 1 a-y rain. ' Coming to the ' Smv: r . Springs branch, which" it was nete. ary, to cross to reach the church, the water wa found to be consider ably above the foot-bridge. Deter-, mined not to be kept back b" a lit-' tie; high water, it ; is relat, : Mrs. Clonlnger removed her shoea apd stocking and waded . the submerged foot-bridge whil other not q tealous' or determined remained away from the aervice n account of the high water. Mrs. Clonlnger was the mntWr . jeven children, Ave of whom still Uvlng. These are four dn in ters, Emeline, Nancv. Martha. " Julia, and one son, Mrf Mosea Clon iger. One brother, Mr. Phillip PaV ; our, also survive. 7 An account of the death of Mr. Huffstetler, a sis ter of Mr. Clonlnger will be found . In our-worth letter In thla issue. ; Following the funeral service held t the home Saturday morning by Rev. Mr. Hardin, the remain were laid to rest in the Cloniger grave yard near Harden station. - ' lAlch; from Washlngtoa' state that the coming of a new year And the United State Treasury ia tter; shape than- it did twelve months ago. The 1 difference la' about 120,000.000 in' favor of the present thowing. better progress , In t thelrstudles when they are comfortably seated. , Mr. A. E. (Moore, and J. L, Boyter are doing aome nice farming on the Loray Farm near Pasour (Mountain. We are glad to have these gentlemen Nellie TiiPton t.a iPtt . " I " " u "ese gentiemei 'of EeimS v STANLEY YOUTH KILLED. ' ?Ir. Jlarvin Allen, Aged! Sixteen. Ao fIJontaDy tffiot and IfJUed by Dl X'ncle, Mr. John Armstrong, While Out IIuEfinr--LncJa News Items. Correspondence 'of The Gazette. . LUCIA, Decl 3 l.Mr. Marvin Ed fear Allen, aged 16 years, a student of the Lucia gfaded school, was shot and almost instantly killed Tuesday ..crnoon . while out , hunting, in cor-jpany with " his father, Sir. Wil :: i Allen, of this place, and two , : ' Young Allen died in fifteen r-;s-: as the result of the shotgun v :;:nd which he sustained at the cf .Air.. John Armstrong, who t at a equlrrel in the top of a . Young Allen ran under the to get the; squirrel, -when the tarrel of the gun wes accident (.':. !: j r; ! the entire load en ; i- loyslwdy. , A physician i r.r. c lately -summoned,' but ce.: I he done to save .'the f the : Funeral ser- ' : rslay at now ' :' Kev. Mr. Mc- 5 ' the Baptist ''- : ' evcctdlngly sad. The 'r"v ' - - haVa ; the;-dee;-H.st "'i'' ntre commurity. ''r- - student c! I"ir-U 1 tr. tr hu: They, are good business men and do good wherever they go. :- V ; ? b ' f fe.' '"' Public InstillMlon of Officers. ' ' ; At the regular meeting of Gasto nia Lodge No. 53 Knight of Pythla last night it was decided to have a public ? Installation of offlcera ; on Monday night, ! January 1 6th.- - A committee of three was appointed to make .irarrangementa therefor and, if it succeed in. carrying out the contemplated ..' plans, the occasion will be a delightful one. It is expect ed thatiGrand Chancellor A. E. Mc-' Causland, -of . Charlotte, and several other prominent' Pythlana will be present ' ' An . invitation to be pres ent will be extended to all the lodges in -the county and the local KhigtU will' be accompanied.- by friends. Each member will be ask ed to- bring one person, either wife, sister or friend and there will Drob- amy oe a large number of ladles present.. This event will hfl'nTT,o- what in the nature of a "housA- warmlng".. as the lodge' - has v Just gotten settled in its 'new and. hand somely furnished hall. In the Realty ouuumg. Details . of the occas!on will be published later ' . ; r.- John Hunter has accepted a rorition as one of the bookkeepers at the. Citizens Nat: nal, Bank; and entered nnnn .n .na. property wa eold- at noon corded above. ; ;;Vf . A -' DECLINES TO SERVE. : . M. C. L, Chandler, of the Loray Mill, Gastonia, who was chosen at the November election as coroner for Gaston county-- for the next two years, appeared before the board and served notice that he declined to serve. ' The board' declared the of fice' yaeant and will today appoint' coroner. to-fiU-out -the term in Mr4 Chandler's place. . - v A similar case came up whea ilr. John Murphy declined to serve afc ConatabJe for Dallas township. - The board declared the place vacant and appointed Mr. J. V.. Stroup to the place, giving him till the first Mon day in February to qualify. ; : ';'.' .'; jury list. 'An important item of business transacted yesterday wa the draw ing oL the Jury for the February term of Superior Court. u It 1 as fol low: S".-. : : - First Week. ' " I' C. Arrowood, Bessemer City. ; Charles Rhyne, Dallas.' ! ' "Thomas Putnam, Loray, -W.' R. Rankin. Belmont. ' ' W. H. Brasweil, McAdenville. ' J, T.R. Dimeron, Bessemer City J. L. Roper, Belmont. - , M. A. Rutledge, Dallas. 'A. P. II." Rhvne. Dalian J. L. Henderson,. Lowell, route L. Peter C. Beam, Cherryville. ' George P. Pelf, Cherryville. . John F. Bradley, :Gastonla.- RC. Ormand, Bessemer City. J3JL.huford, Gastonia. W. O.-HImore, Lowell, joute 1. A.. G.- Myers, Gastonia.'' M.S. Garrison, Belmont. . '', P. M. Rhyne. Dallas. M. A. Friday Dallas.; .. . 1 ,'A. Lynn, Gastonia, route 1. , : '--.-' ,. ' ' ' ' ' v - :! . ' .ZP' cv .-u -n - . 5 - 5 f a-! v" . ec - V ' ' - I"? fi . - - ' - iB . ; - f 5 NX s " i . - ' x (Contina?! ci i-39 s.) This map will bow some Idea of the lnterurban trolley system con templated by the Dukes as It may ul timately appear years hence when It has reached a stage of jjjjrtlal per fection in the Carolinas. The avowed scheme cow. calls for a line, or lines, running from Green wood, S. a, to Durham, this State, and embracing such cities as Ander son, Greenville," Spartanburr Qaff ney and intervening po!nt3 j nth Carolina and Gastonia,- C. Ce, Concord, Salisbury, Lexington. 'Lorn fsvllle,- High Point, Grecriboro, Burlington', Graham, Hillsboro. and Durham inNorth Carolina. A soon as' this line ia finished it will undoubtedly be extended south toAugusta, or some other city, the object being to reach thr coast for service when the Panama canal is finished And readr for nipilnn A It will also be extended probably to Raleirh inrt r o " " J vs., vcuvci a UUt 111 nd possibly Info' Virginia. t ' It has been suggested, too that a line radiating from Charlotte to Wilmington' and Sonthport would not- be, amls3," particularly if the Blewitt's Falls plant of the Rock' ham Power Company Is acqui. This would give another connect: with the ocean trade. The line is shown running " to Great Falls, S. C, th . ower : ter of the Southern Powc C. which may be built ia ti: company's Interest ia' th: grows. :' . This map is dcs!r : graphic Idea of vhr.t trolley" syf'--n ir.ny 1 course cf a ' v .

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