mm m mj PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. f .is. .V $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVA5CX 6LNCUS COr.Y 3 CENTS. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interest of the Count j. 'J 4 v tl : ; . : " r 1 1 ' i J ' ' v;----v ;.-.,' . ".V'' V i ' ' ' ' ,.' NO. , AOL. XXXU. . i . ' . ,-. f:i- v; .. ': :,-.'. ' - V. ':f ' . ' , . , -. .',...(. : . . '.:;: v . . . . - . ? - - ... .,, ' mmm'm , , . i , r - . j ; ; ; ; r .- ; . ; : 1 r- , , SSS"" i.n ... ... .. .. . - 1 I .a - - i .. . I Lowell Locals. Correspondence of The, Gasette. 1 , ' LOWELL, Jan; l.We are nay lng real winter vreatlier today .in .great contraUothat of hat week . - .wh"en tbe farmers began to gather X up their plowa", anl roend up theiy tafneM In preparatioa for, plowing. - But it's ; 1I right to have winter weather. in the winter time., ;'f V The. health of the tqwn la goo4 ut we have a 'meaTe.yV acare in . our schools, as they are baring ., at - - Belmont nd of her placed Since the. public echooli ' started' ,np Jan ', Prof. Ramseur )iaa had " iairhou8e,- almoet beyond Its seat ing capacity:. untU weelu,; the scare of measles tiirnned tnem'out to' . ' the point where ; the teachers now hare plenty of. breathing room. - VEer.xE. ft Cr&wder attended the laymen's missionary meeting at Lln- ' -col oton'' Monday. ';-r.' ff - "The aldermen pf the town 5 are " ' making some needed improvements in the way of stone curbing, using - 1 .tone from the bid Sam ArmstrosgJ - chimnyt wtiich ;was built perhaps 7 & years"go -"7S ' ''-'--i-V -; u: ' Mr.JIe AFotd retprned : last ' week from the Presbyterian Hosplt ' , l, Charlotte, where- he underwent 4 serious operation. ; He Is ; getting Along nicely.Mrs." Frank ttobineon kft ft few days go for Hot Springs. ?,vArk.,whete she wlH, spend, .some - time in the bope of,: securing relief from severe ase of rheumatism. .The two otton gins here have ' been busybf late rounding; up last year's crop. -I Those wha have been " bidding alt of their crop in seed un - til late and who are now having it x an ginned are, MeBerst: J. N. Dixon,1 , , Miles Rhyne,fe: P. Lewis and Sloan -; -Springs.; .Their crops wUl aggregate v perhaps 100 bales. '' ' ;' ; V . Rev. R., 'A. Miller left this morn "' 'ing for Llncolnton.; LOItVY tOCALS. ' 1 Correspondence of The Gazette.' . LORAY MILLS, Jan. 19. Mr. A. ' ,B. McAllister entertained bis second ' -'bands and section ;tien ;at his home " ; 6aturday . evening,"- January-; 14th. " " Rev, A. S. Anderson, pastor of the Loray Presbyterian '-church, was present also. Refreshments and tl ' garslwere servedand air who were -there say that they bad a very pleas v ' l ant evening and enjoyed themselves very much. ' . Mrs. Jethro Bo wen, who has been f visiting friends and relative InTen- nessee andCtJloradb,! returned home .i last week.- Mr. T.'Xf.' McEntlre went vto Sparfanburg; .8. C on business y; last aturday.-Mr:: C. J. Moss, ' of Glendale, S. C.j has , accepted the po- ait ion of second ;bamd in: the cloth ro6m. Mr. E. C Robinson has been promoted to the position of secohd -hand in the spinning rowa to" suc ceed J." H. -SIcEJuire, resigned. -r "The little daughter, of !Mtv ' J. R. Young is qujte sick with pneumonia. Mrs. Douglas, maaiger of the Lo , Tay Hotel, ls very sick with pneu- : ; mbnia. Mr, George Hill, of Tnca pau, S.. C., spent .Thursday at the ! Loraj.- Mr.' J." D, Baber and family, (who recently -went from here to Hud- v son to accept the position" of5 chief 1 engineer of the. Hudson Manufactur ing "Company, stopped' over at: the Loray Thursday ? on their way to Iva, SVC., where,Mr Baber faas ac cepted a similar, position with the Iva .Mills?'.;- :.J.V;-V. '. 4.r f:v.- v' Will' Jotnson, a gentleman of dusky hue, tanked uponbay mm and. tan shoe polish last- Sunday m9rning and then,' taking bis Rat ling guh and trusty'tegro razor, proceeded to raise sand In the negro section-of the Loray village, but Po liceman Lewiatabbed , him before' any serious damage "was done. Echriont Items; Corresfcndence of The Gazette. ' -BELMONT, Jan. -19. Miss Sue ftowe was a Gastonia -risitor. Tues- daj. Miss Virginia Robinson, "of Lowe!!, srent a few days recently with Mrs, AV.. R. Stowe. Mr. Grady Rankin, cf f.astonla, was a business visitor in Eeltuont Wednesday. . A number of the youngersocial (get of Behnctitwc-nt to McAdcnvtlle Tuesday night-to be present-at a i; "TelegTam" prty ' given Meta McGhee. " Mist . Mr. A. A J- Rankin has returned from Llncblnton where he attended A conference of romlneijt Methodist ministers and laymen. Rev. Vif: I C. Killlan; of Gaetonia, was In town a short-while" Tuesday .Rev. WDeat was a business visitor In Char lotte Tuesday. Mts. R. K Rankin, of 'Gastonla,' spent Tuesday In Bei mont with relatives. T; . The building wcupieaand owned by "the ' enterprising- firm of . fitowe Bre8"Cb.-," is undergoing repairs and overhauling. ; Among other improvs- ments,. the front of he store has re ceived an additional coat. of paint and is now being Tetouche4 wltha. handsome oak-finish. i These- im provements , and conveniences are characteristic of this ; firm which hever neglects an?o&portunity"either T showing Itself modern andVp-td-date In every respect or of affording any favor or convenience to its many patrons. :. iMr. R. W. White, of Gaston la Is spending some time in town engaged in -interior deco'ration' work:" in the Presbyterian . manse, completion. , J. now , rearing The epidemic of taeasles which has been raging in this locality for the last few' days seems to be ratker on the (ncrekse than on the decline Frotn- the ' physicians' ; reports there are about fifty 'faseiyin the town and vicinity. Mr. J. R. Gaston and Mr. . J.,' M. Sloan are very actively agitating the Catawba bridge matter, and Judging from theW petition lists are meeting with success. A consulting efagineer from York, Pa.;, was' here a day' or two ago exhibiting plans and Bpeci- flcations.:-: ;:;-;'t. '::. n;;': ; r'.:v;,7'i .:' ; ri&:tyth 1JEW8 OF .THE OLD MILL. "- ' ' Correspondence- of The Gazette. OLD MILL, Jan! 18. This (the Gaston la Cotton Manufacturing Co's plant) is the oldest milj 4n. Gastonia, hence everybody knows It ; as ; the "Old. mlil.7 i This mill f is running along, nicely after the holidays. The carding , and spinning :. departments are :' running .day . and nignt. It la turning out a high grade of combed yarns and sheeting. ftirs. Cv; J.: Bumgardner, who has been at the Gaston Hospital for treatment,- has recovered sufficiently to return. to her heme. Mr. J. A. Crenshaw has move! back here from -Charlotte. -Mr. - Archie Fox ; has moved ' here , from Llncolnton.Mr. 'Robert. McGinn has returned' tp this place witn njs -nrifie.' He worked at Dallas long enough to capture this prize.;. We are always glad to have our old boys return, especially when they .bring helpmeets along -'with them. ' - , V ' . , Mrs Lula Hucks and Mr, ftannie Hayes.have moved to this place from JilghhoMs. - The death angel entered the home of "Mf. M.-'iBr Hehry lasf'Saturday night and claimed their Infant child. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J.t J. Beach, I':'; FLIXT MILL NEWS. '-r: ;' Correspondence of The Gazette. v. C FLINT- MILL, ian. . 18. Mr, ; E. O. f herrlll moved Monday into the .house vacated by Mr. H. L. Llneber ger, until recentlythe efficient man ager of 'the' Farmers Union ware house, who with, his .family has mov ed back' to hl country residence., ':- Miss Edna Propst and Miss Julia Chandler spent the week-end in Mc-y Adenville with Mrs. Ed Austin, -Kf:, Miss Buna Pasour 'haa gona to the City. Hospital, . Gastonia,: for; treat ment. At last reports she was get ting along nicely. . ' Mr. . Hedgepath and family moved to Mayesworth on Friday, the 13th. ; l"Mr. James HArkey and family have moved to the -eonntry, south of GastonlaV-j1-. . . : -". Jin Clarence' Hark ey and family, of Mayeswortb, have moved into the house once owned by Mf.-J. T. Capps, who has moved to. Bessemer City. ( "Friends" will soon learn oL an ap proaching marriage at the Flint. -f ' ": . ixa.i locals. ' .'. y Correspondence of Tfte Gazett LUCIA, Jan. IB. A very pleasant measuring party .was given Saturday night at "the home of Mr. and -Mrs. J. k H Underwood for the purpose, oi raising funds ; lor Improving tne Methodist ; narsonage. . The- ones present were . Misses- Annie . Patter son, of MounV. Holly; Fanafe Edr wardsof Lowesvlllef Annie Under wood, of River Bend; Lula Belle and Edna Black; Maude' and Bertie Hew itt, Ore Davis, Ida Broadway, Ada Connejl, i and . RobenaCt Mcintosh; Messsr.' Llmmie Underwood, pi mv- er pend; Will Broadway, of Besse mer City;' Roy Gibson, of. Charlotte: Webb Henkle and Carl Mcintosh; of Lowesville; Tyner and - Fred Mcln- tosh, Clarence trhup, Oral Ian Abernethy, Gwilford Hewitt. John Beatty andNtVHlie' Jenkins, of Lucia '..'-''''."-' V- '- r When all had gathered each one was measuredLand paid a penny -for each foot and inch they measured. Then : the girls went In ' a separate room and came out one at' a time wrapped in a sheet and were auc tioned off talk in g to . the boys w ho got them as- many minutes as they paid cents. . After,, that snapp,' good niht..i button " andseverai; other games were -played. About 19 o'clock alj left for honae after a much en- loved evenlnK.-. .-"V:.- x i . Mies Abie Patterson of Mount Holly, is visiting Miss Ada' Connell and Misses Black, A sociable was given Saturday night at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Nance which the young people enjoyed Very much, Mr. Gib son, v of Charlotte, spent Saturday and Sunday at his aunts, Mrs. W. A. iM.clntosh. . 1 v .; l T V -. LOXG SHO.YLS ITEMS. Correspondence of The Gazette. ; LONG SHOALS, Jan. . 19. Miss Clyda Rutledge, after spending few days ; in Charlotte, returned home last Monday. Mrs Ila Huss is visit ing relatives and friends in Crouse this ' week, Misses 'Venia and Emma-Lee Carpenter returned home last week from Shelby, accompanied by their snjece and, cousin. Misses Florence and Rachel' Carpenter. Misa lAicy feryte Pasour spent sever al days "with her sister, Mrs. M.' L. Carpenter, this week. -iMrs. Michael Klser, of Bessemer Cijy, Is visiting friends And relatives here this week 'Rev; J. M. Senter and ' family spent Saturday night at Mr. J. B Summey's. ? , ' , NEWS FROM "THE rOINT.' YORKVILLBr S. C. R. F. D. 8. J an. ' 1 7. A box supper was given Friday, night aV the Point school house t9 raise money for the pur pose of overhauling the school build Ing. 'v Quite i nmber of boxes were sold; the price ranging from 6o cents to $6.50. -One very interest ing , feature of the evening jr as '" e guessing contest, the successful con testanti being Master ' Howard Cur rence who ' was awarded the ' first prize. Mr. Neal Carson, of Besse mer- City, "received the booby prize. Candy was V made by; the " efficient teacher, ' Miss Caadace '.Wolfe, and sold ; at auction.. After the candy, and , boxes were sold and. expenses paid, the neat' sum v of $40.-83 "'was realized. A; very large ; crowdwas by aiL -;- '-.;. :v';.-;-v'r i-Messrs.' Ed and Neal Carson, of Bessemer City;" Tom Carson - and Lowry Falls, of ' Gastonia; -Miss Nannie-Carson; teacher at Allison Creek Misses Winnie and Nannie Stroup, or PinevHle, attended the ; box sup j?er Friday night iSi ' were' guests until Sunday of Mf W: P. Boyd and family. ' -'.,(' Jiiss" Agnes Oates, of Bessemer City,5 is visiting her -sister, Miss Bell Oates, teacher at Forest Hill. "A party was given Saturday night at the home of. Mr, and 'Mrs. J. D. Brandon in honor of the-. visiters in the, Point, which ' was enjoyed ; by quite a number " ;-. . , ;- ' . Messrs. Ed Mitchem and. Cliff Jen kins, ; of Lowell, attended, the box supper Friday .nightv",tV i'; -5 V Mr; Alex Bigger was visitor at Lowell Sunday. ',' : i . :. . .' ' The following item is from the CherryvilJe Eagle of ;'the ; IJthi "Messrs. , Ed C, Stroup, J. Mf Beam, W. L. Aderholdt and W. E Gardner have bought ou the livery- business of Harrelson BrosC; and. also that-f E. L,' McGinnas, of this place, and will conduct a general livery busi ness' a?t the old atan4 of Mr. McGlr naa, with Mr; Ed C. Stroup as gener' al manager, - : f - ";-;.:. :':-' Born . - J . ' r To Mr. aifd Mrs. . P. . JI. Smith, Thursday, January 1 19th. 1911, ; CAPT. SUl?vlRROW DEAD. Former Gatoolan jSuccnmbs to At tack of Pneumonia. After Very r Brief Illne9 End. Came at New . ton Whither He Moved Only, i Few- Dayi Ago -Burial To-Day. y Many Gastonlans were' profoundly shocked yesterday - morning : when the news became "current that fcapt. Lee Summerrow,. until very recently a, resident pf Gastonia,' , died some time, Wednesday night at Newton, to which place he bad moved his family from here only ft couple of weeks ago, Tuesday's Issue of the Catawba County News;-published at Newton, carried the news that Capt. (tammerrow was sick "but .it was not known that he was dangerously 111 until Wednesday- afternoon ' when' there was. , a sudden turn ; for the worse. s ' : Mr. Thomas Boone,' of the' cleri cal force at' the freight depot," ft. step- son oi aeceasea, - was summonaa home late Wednesday 'afternoon. Mr. W. F, Michael, ; a nephew, aj compsnled by Mrs. Michael, went to Newton on the. morning ' train yes terday to be present-at the funeral which will take prace this afternoon at 2 o'clock. ' . ? J . v . ' Capt. Summerrow moved to Gas tbsia a year or two ago to take a 'position a( the freight depot. ; Prior to that time he Trad been a conduc tor for ft number of years on the Carolina A North-Western ' Railway ill which capacity he became known to many people along the line, -? In December he went to Charlotte to work; leaving his family 'here. 'About two weeks ago he came Jiere; t and moved his fahnfiy to Newton- .where they expected t o. reside in" the fu ture; .Surviving him are his widow and several children. Capt. - Sum. merjrow was about 45 years 6f age and was orlginaHy :. from Newton He . had many friends here ; whose sympathy ; goes out to the bereaved widow and children. ' . ' GOES TO NEW ORLEANS,, Dr. G. W. Taylor to Take Special - Course at Tulane. ... ' The, following Item Xrom yester day's Charlotte Observer will , Inter est many of our Teaders: ; ."Dr. George W. Taylor, of Mc- Adenvllle; has gone to New Orleans to pursue special studies In medK cine. For the past several years he has been practicing at McAdenville and Is regarded as, one pf the best posted i and most -capable of ''the younger physicians In J the State. Havingy ambition and a desire to know; more about the" great profes sion which he follows he has gone to New. Orleans to pursue special stud ies in Tulane University. . i In his honor Mr. 'and Mrs. Harry P. "Harding, Misses Lottie and Grace Albea and Messrs. J. B,. Ives and G, T. Newell entertained ati.Gresham'8 Monday evening. - A - spread f was served, that 'would have dene honor to a king and in the most appetizing fashion. ; Dr. Taylor will, be In New Orleans studying some time." I - i DOLG.GOOD WORK. (Juarterty-Report of AVoniaH'g'Char- ity .Association Shows That Moch - Good Worik is Being Done , , 5 A -, large' number Vf entiiisiastlc members; of; the Woman ' hnrlty Association met in regular scsmou at the Gas'tbn Hospital Wednesday , af ternoon. ' -' , : : . i J ' .; -v i The reports of ; M re. H1 : B. Moore) president, and -Mrs.' D. E MeConnell, assistant secretary ' and "treasurer, showed that; during the .past quar ter sjx patients hare been cared for, three of. whom were In desperate condition. : One was . almost blind but, by careul medical attention.' his sight has ' been restored. . These' were ' all from , deserving families who were in great .need of help. The representatives of the several churches . havel kept 4n touch with the families of the patients by. per sonal visits. The members of - the association,:. as well as the patients, are very appreciative of " the. free services given by the physicians. ;v . Friday and Saturday of next week the, association will serve oysters for the benefit of the charity work; as the demands for aid now far exceed the - organization's ability t6 serve. The place for serving oysters will be announced later. -' " ' ;- v: At a caucus of Democratic mem-bers-elect of the next national Con gress held in ' Washington CRy last night, Representative Cramp Clark; of Missouri, was chosen as candidate f6 Spealier of the 'House. ; . " LEEJACKSON DAY. Appropriate Exercises Yesterday by "t Daughters of the Confederacy' Address by fr. ft,' J. Durhanu la the Library yesterday morning at 10:30 o'clock the usual exercises in celebration', of Lee-Jack son Day were held under, the auspices' of the Gastonia Chapter,' United Daughters of the Confederacy. - Mrs. D. A. Gar rison, president Of the local chapter, presided, ' The library was decora ted for the occasion in white and red bunting,' together with a number of potted plants. A special feature, of the decorations was the grouping of the 'three Confederate flags which the chapter recently donated to the UDrary, oirecuy oenina we speaxera stand. ' ' ; i';; . ; The principal feature of the pro gram as announced In The Gazette las week, was the address of Mr. S. J. Durham ; who spoke ' most elo quently -' In defense of that spir't which prompts men to battle for the right, as did the Confederate heroes of the sixties. There were present about fifty veterans from ; various parts of the county,: all of whom heard ; Mr. Durham's splendid . ad dress with Intense interest. Across of -honor, was bestowed upon Mr. J. L. Burke, of Bessemer City, Cross es were. ' in' readiness for 18 other veterans who, bad applied for them, bu(t M,r Burke was the only 6ns pres ent to receive ,'lils cross. At the conclusion of the exercises refresh ments were served to the veterans of whom it was considered' that there was an unusually good attendance considering the inclemency , of ' the weather. . '''i'l- ' ..'';; . From now on active preparations will be made by the' ladles of the Gastonia chapter for a successful celebration 'on May 10th. on which occasion': "Congressman B,.i Yates Webb, of Shelby, has consented to delver an address. The exercises on (hat day will probably' be held In the court house, . . . BILL NYE PAY. February 22nd Designated by State ; ' Superintendent Joyner for Its Ob servance In '; Pnblfc. Schools of State AU Pupili Will be Asked . to Contribute One tent Each. ; Raleigh Cor. Charlotte Observer, 7 ? Wednesday February 22, has been designated by Hon. ? J. Y, Joynfr, State Superintendent of. Public In struction, at "Bill Nye day" lu the public schools of North Carolina A special heur will be set aside.on that day for the teachers to read to the pupils a biography of Bllr Nye.and a brief program of his writings will be carried out. ' ' Superintendent Joyner has been in correspondence with the Bill Nye memorial committee of the North Carolina. Press Association for some time, and the ; final arrangements were completed today after a con ference with "Ir. J. P. Cook, treas urer of . the committee. The pro gram for the use in the schools, em bracing the instructions from the State superintendent to the county superintendents and the teachers, .will be sent out by the committee in I ample time. Incldentallyr the- move men contemplates voluntary contri butions from the' school children to the Bill Nye memorial fund, which Is to be applied to this erection of a handsome building at the Stonewall Jackson Manual Training School , at Cbncordi Every, child in the SUte attending a public school, will . be asked to bring one penny or more on Thursday foHowing Bill Nye dy,' which will be appllfd to this pur pose. :i;-yi:f':,j- C;y;':.''.;-.fV"'- Superintendent Joyner ls - taking most kindly , interest lit ths great movement; and has responded nobly to the petitions of the committee, a co-operation Which is heartily appre ciated by the committee.' as well as all the editors of the Stair who. are deeply T interested in hd memorial cause.;- . . - - Library to be Reopened. ' . . Gastonlans generally will be pleas ed to learn thatthe 'library ls( to be re-opened at'ah early, date. ; It was closed a' few weeks ago because the library association" did not have suf ficient funds to ma n tain IL . A few days ago theT. M. C A. officials ncy cepted a proposlti6n-made to them by the library association to take over the books, . furniture', etc., and reopen the library to the public This, we are informed," will be done at -an early date.; The .Y. 'M. C. A.. which owns the building and has an Income fronfjentals, ' is in better shape -than was the library associa tion to finance the library. DIED IN LOUISIANA. " Mr. E. ML; Ford, Natlr of Gastonia, - Paases Awy at ShreTeport Body U be Bornxl at Belmont Had Jlany Relatives In TbJs County. . The following - item V from '.Th Charlotte Kews of yesterday after-. : noon, win be or interest to a -larga nhmber of our readers: ''r - "The body of Mr. E, iI. 'Ford, who : died yesterday at the. Memorial San itariu?nt , in Shreveport, La., .; wl'I reach here tonight on' train No. 40. - "A telegram announcing Mr.' Ford's . death was received ' here ' last nPght by Mr. Walter Ford, nephew of the t deceased - gentleman, whQ Is connect ed with the freight department ot the Southern. . -; ; r ' The body will be taken to Bel mont, where it will be met; by rela tives and taken to Bet hesda Metho dist church in Gaston county for burial. "Mt. Ford wa ft native, of GastMt ' county, but spent ft good deal of his life In Charlotte..; He was a well-'. known architect and building con- tractor and a' number of handsome buildings hi the city bear his name. He later went to (Little Rock; Ark.. ' 'where he lived for a number of years and went from there to Shme--' port, where be Jiaj since livedo H ' was a very successful business man and was one of tbe best known architects in Shreveport. -v "Mr. Ford is survived by three' children, Mr. Tom. Ford, Mrs. Sarah Jane Leeper and Mrs. . Emma Stowe. all of Gaston county. He was a brother of the late My. W. O. ForJ. of this city,' who died here on ttee 6th of December. ' "The deceased - was 60 years ' ot age. i The cause of his death was ' erysipelas. He commanded the re spect of all with whom he came In contact and was most excellent cWen," Nt;'Ci:,::v::-:;;: , HOMAGETO 0G CORN,M , . ';''--;- ..;; "V- The Most Important of All Cereal Oops Will RecelF Special Atten tion at the National Corn Eicposl . tloo to be Held aiColumbos, 0, , January Sd-February 11, - SpeciaLto The'Gaaette. . ;V;y - ; Columbus, 0. Jan. 18.--,,Kln Corn," - file most iniportant ; cereal crop, which amounted In 1910 to 3, 121,381,000 busheis, .wilt So tender ed epecial -homage at the National t Corn, Exposition to be held in Co lumbus, Jnxi. 80 to Feb; li;; At no' . time in the history -of agriculture has this all important crop been so recognized one day being set aside known as "National Corn Day.! The festivities in celebration of .."Kins; Corn'!, w,lll continue throughout the day with addresses, by prominent farmers and famous orators, whea the matter of production and (con sumption of the corn crop . will be threshed out. .' It will be one of the most notable days of the greatest of all agricultural expositions, and one '' which will be a sterling milestone la 1 the progress 'of agriculture. ;.': , ' While the entire day will be glvea over to discussions ot corn improve ment by. noted. specialists, the even- . ingBfgraBlll-be-ef-stiH-reater- Interest to. many of the visitors,, for V the splendid National, Corn Banquet will be the feature. Plates will be laid for 1500 guests, the Ohio Cora Improvement Association to be the host. The banquet will he held la the Immense Exposition auditorium, and. with the grandest menu of all com products, : Intermingled with catchy music and : other entertain ment 'features,', the evening will be one of much gaiety. ;; . " ; J The program for the day includes addresses by P. G. Holden, of Iowa; C. G. Williams, Chlo; G. I. Christie, Indiana ;" William : Deitrlck, Illinois; C.tG., McCall, phfo ; W. -J. Spillman department of agriculture. . ; ; At the erening corn 'banquet. Sec retary" James Wilson of ! the depart ment - of agriculture will the principal speaker. His topic will be "The Evolution of American Agri culture.'; Sepator Burton,, of Ohio, Senator Clapp, of Minnesota and other notables, will speak. - Govern or Harmon; of Ohio, will preside at the ceremonies Incident to the ( -ca8ion, and-ecFetary' San dies, cf - . Ohio '. State Board of Agr! vU be toa8tniaster. s James H. Tillman, the slaver cr Editor Gonzales and a nephew or Senator Ben Tillman, Is reported be dying with tuberculosis at l.'i home in Columbia', S. C He recent ly returned; from, the V,"-f, wt,er he went ia a vain bore of re-cv, ; ' -his health.

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