G AZETI a. ( I U'lii 1U ? ' PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TCESDAY8 AXD FRIDAYS., SINGLE COPY 8 CENTS, Devoted to.Uie Protectio of Home and the Interests of the County. 1.SO A YEAR IS ADVANCO. . 1 1 TOL. 2XZJL V. v". GASTOXIA, N. C. TUESDAY, J IX IT Alt Y 24, 111. no. t. i BESSEMER BRIEFS. Correspondence of The. Gazette. ..'. BESSEMER CITY, Jan. , 23. MT. - Whltworth . Blanton, a well-known employee of the Osage Mills fell distance, of about ten feet la the boiler room last Friday and was dan gerously .hurt;, breaking hla leg la two places and suffering Internal In juries. .5 Mr. Blanton's life was de spaired of Saturday tout he Is report ?ed considerably better today and his many friends now entertain l a -hope . .for his recovery. " '-.'i'- "Z " Mrs. Sarah Pettywjfe of Mr. Pink Petty died, suddenly the latter part j-of last week. , 'Mrs. Petty fell on the "ice New Year' morning, breaking a lower limb. -, FronT this .Irijuty. she ... tfas improving satisfactorily 'when ilelzed with heart failure." She1 was N the mother' of eleven children, the . daughter ofMr., J. P. Sills, ' and san . honored member I of the Methodist Protestant .church. . :: i ,,' , Dr. T. S.- Royster and SuptT R. A. ' McArver,. of thex convict force came TorT nurlr meetinc with k "fatal ac- ciaent an : a runaway x-rtaaynisoi. 1r .yickrvpiT had AccofflDanled . Dr. ; Royster aeveral miles la the country, vWhen returning to town about 10 J O'clock the horse they were driving -carried them down an enbankment overturning the buggy and throwing , both occupants to the ground. -. Dn ; Royster ' is nursing a dislocated shoulder and Mr. McArver has a bad : wound In the head. He was . on unconscious much ofthe day Satur ' day, "but Is a great deal better; today. He expects to be but again in a day or two. - , . -. Mrs." Mag fiarvla "ha been critical ly. Ill at the -home of her father, Mr, J. P. Carpenter,' but -Is thought to be ; slightly better todaysMrs. Barbara 1 Kiser, of route two, has Just return- ed from a -visit of two -weeks at , Reepsvllle, Lincoln county, to her son. Dr. W. A. RlserLIttle Charles , wnimey, granacnua oi mt. na airs. V.Cl B:;-Wni!tnejf, k' tee right sick with measles-'Mlss Addle - Rendle- man visited her friend. Miss 'Maggie Hall, -at Kings Mountain- Saturday . night Mrs Nellie Mason, Mrs. E. L; Froneb.ergervandfMlss Amellabel v Crawford,.-were Oaatonia ' shoppers . aturday.Mrs. Bea . Myers "and children, of Gastonla, - are Vialftng Mr. and Mrs. W. AWhltaker.--Mrs. J. F. Scott spent several days of last week In Gastonla. Messrs. C C. ; and D. .A. Klser -bought about fifty : acres of fine land- from Mr. SJl Dur ham last week. : The land lies about one mile north of town. Mrs. 'Staten has come from the Western part of ' the State to spend the remainder of the winter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Torrence. Messrs. 3 T. R. Dameron. Mellon Craig ani S. L. tflser are visitors in Gaston ia todyrf8rowth and condition that an early Rev J. F1. Armstrong will preach at Concord church next Sunday at 11 a. tn.) : the ' new Carolina school house at 2;30, p. mand Bessemer City" at nlghC ', . ' High Shoals News. Correspondence of , the Gazette. . HIGH SHOALS, Jan. 23.-The at tendanceln both of out schools has been good . since Christmas It has been some, better this year than usu al. We are glad to see our. people taking ; a great interest in' school work. There da not 'a mllL company in tne state more interestea in me ' education of their people; than . the High Shoals" Com pany.v They , sup plement the county fund! enough to give a nine months free school ev . e'ry year. J ; .v.t '.j .- ' . ",Mr. Sidney , Delllnger, , of Kings Mountain spent Sunday with Mr. R. Dellinger. Rev. J. E. Cfonlster spent a few days Jast week with ret atives at "Mount Holly. -Mrs. S. R. Broome is spending ajTew weeks vis iting her son and' daughter at Con cord, and XJreensboro. Misses Ada Settlemyre and Lillian. Putnam, spent Saturday and Sunday 1n Hickory vls iting. Miss Mollle- Heafner nd sis ter, of. Long Shoals,: spent Sunday i with Misses Edna and Rosa Warren. Misses EmmatMay i and - Alma Kyng, of Forest City,' spent a few days last week with Mrs. J. W. Dan iels. Miss ' Edna? Noell, of Lincoln ton, Is visiting In town today Mrs. D, E. Summey, who lives near, here ia Improving, we awe glad to learn, The C. & N.-W. trestle forc is spend- lng a 'few days here repairing- the trestle at'thls-Iace. , - , Mrs.' John W,' Danfel gave' a re ception Friday night in honor of her guests. Misses Mae and Alma Kyng, of Forest City. ; The guests .enjoyed the games, 'interesting contests," pi ano solo by; Miss little Lof tin", vocal solo by Miss 'Alma Kyng, and recita tion by Miss Mae Kyng, Yery 'much. Delightful refreshments were served The out-of-town-guests were, Miss Mary Wilson Gastonla. and Mr,; Roly Padgett, Llncolnton Saturday nigit Mlis Lettle LofUn and Miss Elva Hall entertained at the t lfbtel In ) honor "of their ; guest. Miss "Mary Wilson. As on the night before everything was ( enjoyed to the fullest extent. " . ; i ? Sunday afternoon Mr. A.1 Q. Kale served a ..delightful luncheon at his beautiful home for the High -Shoals visitors and friends v a Messra Rolland Padgett and Ern est Wllkle werelgh Shoals visitors Sunday ;":.V ;;". :A ": A CHERRYIILLE CdAT. Th Eagle, lth. ' ; . - Mr. T.w. Kendrick has purchased a Shetland pony and a minatnre bug gy to match, which attract a good deal of Jnterest ' here, ; especially among the llttie folks. ; -; Mr. W. J. McQlnnas and little son, William, left for Ervln,. Tenn., last Thursday "Mr: McGlnn'as will : en gar in thclibtel business, at that place. ThV rest'of the familyhave" been there, fo. some time. ; : . Mr. Alonzo Black, brother of nr townsman, Cir. Worth Black, who has .'been, rlsltlng relatives here for the past three weeks "returned to his home In Texas last Saturday.; v- Her many friend here :wlll 'be glad to learn that Airs, A. W Howell Is getting along-very well 'at the bos-. pltaK In Charlotte, c ' Mr.-Cf. L. Gates has sold his resi dence , In the south-western part of town to Dr. Falls,',of this place,, and has. purchased the house and lot for merly belonging to the late Calvin Rudlsill.. ; ( , ; v. The annual stockholders meeting of the First National Bank, of Cher ryville, wa held .'Tuesday, the ,17th. Out of the 250 shares of stock 19V were; represented. : The cashier's re port showed thebank to be In most excellent condition and .that the past year was5 one of the banks; most prosperous years. ; At the December meeting of th directors the usual 4 per cent semi-annual dividend . .was declared, a substantial amount hav ing just previous to this been put to surplus, which now gives the bank a surplus equal to 20-; per cent of its' capital stockThe stockholders were so - well pleased with the . banks Increase of the capital stock to $50,- uvv- is oeing consiaerea. xne loiiow Ingwere elected directors: , W. A, Mauney and D. M. Baker, of Kings MounUm; ,C. -.Blanton, of Shelby; S.'S. "Mauney M H Rudisill, D. . P. McClurd, Dr. W..H.:Houser, N. B. Kendrick, and' -M. L. Mauneyiof Cherryyllle. Theold officers were re-elected as follows: President, S. S. Mauney; vice, president, W. A. Mauney; cashier, M.' L.' Mauney, . NEWS FROM DALLAS,' ROUTE 1. Correspondence of The Gazette. . DalIas,R. V. D. 1, Jan. 23. Mrsi W. A. Thomas, of the Plsgah neigh borhood, spent last week In this1 sec tion visiting he? daughter, Mrs.- G E. C. Pasour, and other-relatives,- Mrs. Etta White has been suffering from rheumatism for the past week or more. Messrs. David S. Pasour and Rupert Clemmer have lately iiad their well's dug deeper.- 'Messrs. Da- J id and, Anderson Huffstetler. of igh Shoals, were in this Bectlon on business Saturday Mr. and Mrs.E E. Ratchrordvl of Gastonla, visited at the. home4, of Mr EV S. Ratchford Wedhesday. Mr. and Mrs. XT. .. C. Best,' of Bessemer City,. route one, spent Sunday at "the home of Mrs. Sarah ' Pasour. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Jenkins were- among thoae from route one who attended the funeral of Mras Julia C. Holland at Dallas last Monday. Little "Miss Opel Clemmer, ; of ,Be88ener City, spent last week with' her grandmother, Mrs, Etta 'WhltecMrs. J. LI Clem-mer-Tlgited at the home of Mr. jG. E. C Pasour Wednesda! Mr. Calvin N. Hovla spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mason at Harden.' Mr. Thomas Jenkins was the guest Saturday" of Mr, Crown Ratchford. 'Mr, and Mrs. G. L. pest' we're the' guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. O. Pasour. Mr. L. C. Pasour made a business trip to . North Gaston Frl dajr.' Miss Olive Senter, the clever jroung; teacher at ; Davis acbopl house, went to Harden Friday after noon to spend . the week-end : with homefolks. Miasms Edna and Mattle Best spent Saturday with Miss Fan nie Rhyne. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jenkins gave a jpound supper to a number of, ,thelrvyouDg friends Sat urday nights Mr.fA. M., Pasour is having s well dug. Mrl- and -1 Mrs. Rupert Clemmer and little son, Har ry, visited at the home of Mrs. Etta White last Wednesday. Some of the farmers In this aec tlon are taking time by the forelock almost done breaking ground for Spring planting. Mr. Gtllum, . who Is running a store In this" section, be came quite sick one day last week and was taken to his, home In Dal la The Misses Rudisill. visited' the home of Mr. P. P. Costner Sun day. M rs. Ten nesaee Clemmer. and daughter' Miss Belle, spent Friday afternoon with , Mrs. Christie " Jen kins. 'Miss Sparkle and Pearl Hayes visited relatives af Dallas Saturday night.;' ' r - IROX 8TATIOX NEWS. Correspondence of The Gazette. V IRON STATION; Jan 23. Mr. and Mrs. Lewie Halhnan, of Maiden, spent the week-end with : Mr. . and" Mra J; M.. Hallman. Mrs. A. F. Harris and little daughter spent Sat urday and Sunday; with relatives at Mount' Holly. Miss Mattle Goodaon, of Machpelah, is spending some time . There wlll .be a box supper at the school house here next Friday night. Everybody is Invited to come. Miss Inez Rudisill, the popular teacher at Stroup's school hose,' spent Sunday with homefolks onroute one. Mr. Dave Clanton, of Llncolnton, route six, tils spending some time with his granddaughter, Mrsr R. A. Long. Mr. Lorenso Armstrong has return ed home from the Presbyterian hos pital, 'Charlotte, and his many friends are glad to know he' is much improv ed. Mr. John Hambrick Is building a handsome cottage In the northern part of the village. Mr. Will Brown has moved his family here from near Charlotte. MK ; Brown will have charge of the wheat and corn mill. Mr.. C, C. Hauss, county organizer met ' the Ironton . Local , F. E.'f C. U. here last Saturday nlght--Rev. W. J. (Sechre8t preached two J&ble ; ser mons here yesterday at the Presby terian church. Mr, , WaKer ' Brad shaw made a business trip to Gas tonla last week. ' STANLEY-NEWS NOTES. Stanley Cor Llncdln County Newsv n ... . ..... r A i Mm. rancis bmun, wue oi Mr. M B. Smith, died at her, home two -miles south of town. Tuesday ev-. ealng after a severe Illness of sever al weeks"; from appendicitis. She leaves a husband and eight children to mourn their loss, all, of whom were , at the bedside when the - end came. Mrs.; T. L. Cllne and Mrsi Roscoe Smith having 'arrived from Ashevllle a v few. .days before., Fun eral services were held in the Luth eran church conducted 4y her past tor, Rer. R H.;"tnine,; this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, after whjch the re mains, were laid to rest , In Christ's church cemetery. , . ; ; -.' ?. . Mrs. Smith, was s lovable Christ ala woman and) will be greatly miss ed, especially In he'r home and com iminlty , where she . lived; and ' ItIs Indeed the deepest " sympathy of her. many friends that goes out to the loved ones In their bereavement. .Mlse Georglk Randlemen, of Iron Station, baa accepted a position, as stenographer with , the Farmers ft Merchants Bank Here, and Is staying wKhhOr sister Mrs. J. M. .Rein- hardt. ,.. . -;;. 'Little Jessie Smith, the' six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs L. H Smith, had a very narrow .-escape irvut b iaiai injury ueauay wmra playing In the barn; caused by jump lng frofQ the barn loft and landing on the cow's head, -which she didn't know was there.'-- The horns Inflict ing an ugly , wound, in one leg: A doctor . was. called . lmm'ediately : an It is hoped that the little ' girl will soon be all right. . . ' , V ' Mr. W. M. Atwater was In town Sunday en route to Ills home at Lln colnton Trom a two-weeks business trip to New York. : L ; " . . shaii Battle. v Company & ta Give ExbiblUon 8at . tUda Xear Dnnn AI1I1 Sergeant Waddingtoa to Renudn Till Feb ruary Fifth. ': ' " ,' : ;! r Ji :1 . Gastonians , will . have an oppor tunity Saturday afternoon to see a sham -battle, Capt. A Lj. Bui winkle of Company B First North Carolina Regiment, . ' having ; made arrange ments for the; exhibition of military tactics to take lace at' 3 o'clock ia the field north of the Dunn -Mill in South Gastonla. The public Is1 cor dially Invited tor be present to wit ness this contest.;; As i is the, first event, of. its kind to be pulled off in Gastohia there will no doubt be a largo crowd on hand to see and hear. One platoqn of the company will be in camp and the other platoon sjrill attack the camp- ' r . r: The Adjutant . General of , the State Guards has , given Sergeant John Waddlngton,' o( the 17 th Infan try, Ui. 8. A., Atlanta,, Ga., who has been here for some days ' drilling "Company B. permission to remain here until February 1 6 th. ' By this arrangement the Gastonla company will have had his services longer than any other company in the State. Sergeant Waddlngton has been drill ing the boys every day since his ar rival a-nd his Instruction will prove very valuable to them. "Messrs. Robinson Brothers will give a pair of shoes to the member Of Company B making the best score in marksmanship at ' Camp v Glenn, Morehead City, in July. "The Swan Slater Co. will give a hat to the best dillled man In -the company. Series of Meetings. - . , Beginning the first Sunday In April a ten days series of meetings Will be held In the First Baptist church. In which the pastor, Rev. W, H. Red dish, will bo. assisted by Rev. J p. Harte, pastor of the First Baptist church at Hickory. . . ' ' . : Death of Mrs. Loyd Dunn. News was received here last night of the death of Mrs., Loyd Dunn, which occurred at her home near Charlotte at 6 o'clock yesterday ev ening. Mrs, Dunn was 29 years of age and is survived by her husband and four children. ' Before her mar riage she was 'Miss Mobile Auten a daughter of the late John- Auten: She was' a slater of Mrs.. M. HK Hen drlct, of Gastonla, route four, and a slsteMn-law of Mr.' C. M. Dunn, of Gastonla. The funeral services are to be held at the home this after noon ' at 2 o'clock and burial will probably be at Pleasant ' Grove cnurch. Mr. . and ; Mrs.C. M. Dunn apd children and "Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Hendrick went- to Charlotte this morning to attend the funeral. TOxUSE BnXBOARDS. 20,000 Colored Posters to be - Dls : played InXext Three Months to Teach Tuberculosis Prevention - Value $100,000, "During the next three months, the billboards of the United States will display 20000 ' educational posters on tuberculosis, according to an an nouncement made today by the Na tional Association for, the Study and Prevention ysf Tuberculosis. " f ; --;; This will conclude the campaign begun a year ago when the National Billposters Association, donated free space to the. tuberculosis cause, the Poster Printers Association offered free printing, and nine paper manu facturers gave ? the paper' ; for the posters. The 'combined -r value of these several ;' donations ( for this three-months campaign Is . nearly -IipO.OOOr- ;-?" -'v :.' v-v ..- The postera are In six different de signs and are all printed " in three cblors. They are 7 , feet wide and 9 feet high 'Already nearly 2,500 of these postera have been hung on the billboards of 46 different cities, and it . is planned to ' distribute 20.000 more before April '1st in over 400 towns and cities. .'Any anti-tuberculosis society In the United States may receive free Of charge, ..except for transportatlon7" as many of these posters - as can' be hung on' the boards in-lts territory. . The NationaJ Association with .: the Tuberculosis Committee of the National Billpost ers and Distributors are conducting the campaign.;::' -v. :l-:'''' . The pestersshow in graphic form how, fresh air, good food, and est cure tuberouloets; bow bad air, over work,', andcloeed windows lead to consumption; and'how the careless consumptive menaces ytbe health of his family by spitting' on the floor. ' - CONTRACT LET. McArthur Brothers to BnUd Sooth , Atlantic Transcontinental Railway from Tennessee Coal " Fields to ' Southport WU1 Touch Gastonla,' ; Nashville, Tenn., . Jaa'. ' 19. The charter 'of the South Atlantic Trans- continental , railroad waa filed here yesterday with the secretary , of State for the domestication of that roa4 in, Tennessee. This Is a North Carolina corporation and . Is under the control by legislative act of the governor, auditor and chairman of the corporation commission and their successors for the protection of the securities of the roadHrhlch are to be paid to the State for the) use of the convict labot and to the counties for public aid subscribed to the con struction of the road. McArthurBrothers company, one of tne oldest and most reliable con tracting and construction companies in the United i States., has the con tract for the construction and equip ment of the road. BOND OF $1,200,000 TO BE GIVEN 4 The papers filed show1 a $1,200, 000 guarantee bond, or its equiva lent, to be filed bjr the construction company with the treasurer of North Carolina for the construction, equip ment and completion of the road in accordance-, with the contract and specifications that have been filed with and accepted by the State di rectors of North Carolina. CHARTER PROVISIONS. ' The charter provides for " a road from the ' Tennessee coal fields, by way of-Knoxville, Sevlervllle to Wa terville, at the line between Tennes see and North Carolina; thence up the Pigeon river; by Waynesvllle,' Canton, Ashevllle, Hendersonvflle, Rutherfordton, Shelby, Gastonla and Charlotte and- touch every county seat through which it passes,, to South port, N. C. ; This road has, by at joint resolution of the general as sembly; the endorsement of Tennes see It Is understood here that the State and the counties on the 80-odd milea In Tennessee 'will certainly give the same aid that North Caro lina' is giving on the' 540 miles to be' built In North Carolina. , - COL. " JONES FILES REPORT. Col. S. A. Jones, commissioner, 'appointed t by the -overnor " under joint resolution adopted by the Ten nessee legislature In 1909, has filed his. report for work . done 'to date with the governor and general as semlily which report Is conceded to be a most comprehensive statement of railway and water" transportation in the south and a lucid report of the revenues of the nation as they are applied to southern and middle western states transportation devel opment A-complete report from a Tennessee dally paper ' will follow this wire so that the people of North Carolina may know that Tennessee is with her In this great work of try ing to free North Carolina from transportation monopoly , and to stop freight rate discrimination. " Mr. Conrad's Father Dead.' Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Conrad re turned to Gastonla last Friday from Lewisvllle,.' Forsyth county, whither they were called : on ' the Sunday previous the 15th, by a' telegram announcing the death of the form er's father, Mr. J. H. Conrad., - He had been 111 for two months, suffer ing from an attack oi grip, but was considerably .better, apparently, and sat tip half an hotfr before he died. A sudden turn for the worse termin ated 'fatally. Deceased was in his seventy-third year ; "and had .been a trong and vigorous man up until he" was stricken with grip. He was a native of Forsyth county and. was for quite a while sheriff, having al so held ; other county ' offices. He served during the first-year of the civil war in the 4 An Regiment of North Carolina volunteers. - He was wounded, "howeverand for the re maining three years of, the war serv ed 1 In the Confederate offices . at Greensboro.' He Was a' strong 'Dem ocrat and act've In politics. ' He was a member ' . of the M.' E. Church. Funeral . services were held at the home last Monday afternoon," Rot. J. B. .Tabor, officlrt'ng. ... Surtfvlng deceased are a widow, who Is 72 years old,' , and-the following chil dren, viz: -. J. O. Conrad of Char lotte; U 1 Conrad, .Thomasvllle; WG. Conrad, Lexington ;'Z. B. Con rad, Lewisvllle; .S. G.' Confad, Gas tonla, and 'Mrs. John Whitman, of Tobaccovllle." He was -the last sur viving, member- of :- his Immediate family . Mr, Coafad 'has the sym pathy of many Gastonla : friends . in his bereavement. . , . '- ; . Persorials and Local. ; -Rev. R. A. Miller, of Lowell. : was a visitor in the city , yesterday. , ;Mr EJ lSandifer ,of Dallas. was a business visitor In Gastonla . yesterday, ;.'' jV; ;;; '';' ' '. , Mr. L. C. Pegram Is In Colom- ; bia, 8. C., attending Federal Court as a witness In a cotton case. - . 1 : , Mr. F. W., Garland left last night r for Raleigh where he will spend a week. ' ; . Mr. T. A. Dunn and Mr Alex West, of Mount Hollywere business visitors to Gastonla yesterday. ' i -Mrs. Meech Smtth, of Clover, & 1 C, was a shopper In Gastonla yester- , . dy. . ' Dr. C. E. McLean, of South : 1 Point township, was ; a visitor 4 ' Gastonla yesterday. ' " 1 Royal Arch Chapter No. 6 will hold regular meeting in the Masonlo hall tonight. , , Mr. R.F; Ratchford, of Lowell. route one, was a business visitor ta Gastonla yesterday. ;-' . ,. O- Mr. W' A. Davis, of Lancaster, ter, S. C, is spending several daya Jiere on a visit to his brother -Capt. . John F. Davis. Mr. and Mra Roscoe Klncaid. of Lowesvllle, spent Sunday In1 Gasto lla as the -guests of Mr,: and Mra. W. C. Davis. . , : ,y .,':...'. .:;::;,:.. ' Mrs.' F. J. Bradley, who hast -been at the City Hospital for treat ment for some time, returned Frt-., day to her homo at the Loray. - Mrs. K. D. McCullough whav was at the City Hospital for treat ment last week, returned Saturday to her home at the. Loray. Mrs. M. M. Nelll was called to ' Llncolnton yesterday , morning by a. message stating that her llttla grand child, a child of Mr. and Mrs. . Will Hutchinson, was Ili.:-v.' :,v':': Mr; Eli P, Llneberger will speak at an open meeting of Plsgah K Farmers' Union to be held at tha ' Plsgah school house Thursday night of this week. - . - ' Mr. D. R. Lavender, of Gaffney. ) S. C... waa In Gastonla' and vicinity yesterday looking at a tract of tim ber land which he Is thinking, of . purchasing. , s Mr. Ed Bryson, brother of -Messrs. R. Hope and Lee Bryson, of Gastonla, and Dr. Ike .Campbell have formed a partnership and will ' open a drug store at Clover, e.'.C at an early date.' . . . . 1 --Mr. : B. C. Bess, of, Bessemer City, route one, was in Gastonla Sat urday and told, The Gazette that he expects' to move at once to Kansaa where he will engage in farming. Ha Intends going about' next Monday. Mr. James R.. Shannon, who was seriously ill wlth -arlp at hia ' home on route four for four or flvo ' weeks, was able to be up town Sat urday for the flrst time since his 1U- , ness. ' '':. Mr. J. Lean Adams and Mlsa Johnsie Adams motored to ' Rock Hill, S. C, yesterday afternoon. They . expect to return to Gastonla this af- ternoon accompanied by Mrs. J. Leas ; Adams, who has been . visiting -friend there. - Register of Deed A. J. Smith yesterday Issued license for the mar riage of Mr. , Oliver H. Helms and Miss Minnie Clonlnger, both of Mt. Holly.N License was Issued lastFrl day to Mr. Claence Lutz and, Miss LucyFrlday both of Dallas. ; L : Because of extra advertising; ' . which encroaches unon Our columns this Issue the opening chapter , of "Cy Whttaker's Place," our new ser-. lar story announced .to begin wRh today's issue, is carried over and will appear either '.Friday or next Tuesday. Watch for it. .' . ' : Don't fail to read the two-pag ' advertisement of the J. M. Belle Company In this Issue It tells about their , big clearance sale which be- ' gins this week , and which has com to be an Important event In local trade circles. They list a large num ber of attractive -baxgafns. It vOl pay.you to read them. - '., Arrangements have been mad ' by the Y. .M. C. A. for the re-opening of the library. Beginning yesterday It will be open each day . from 2:30 to 5 p'. m. and from 7 to 9:30 p. m, 'f he Y. M. C. A. trustees have a number of "'plans 4 under considera tion for extending the -scope of the library and It Is probable that at aa early date they willbe able to gire out something definite with refer ence to the future policy to be per- s 9 sued.. '

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