GAZE IfE ii it 'h ii .. -, PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. SINGLE COPY 3 CENTS. Detoied to the Protection of Bom nd the Interests of the County. 1.00 A TEAK tS ADVAMCS. T VOL. XXIII. GASTONLi, Jf. a FIUDAT. FEBRUARY , 10 l. NO, 1(K H0LLAND-B0YDEN. 11 BELMONT IS BUSY. Not Lees Than Five Handsome Resi dences ; Notr Going Up' School Teams Play Basketball tire Fpr sonal and News Items. ,.'.."- , : ; ' 3; ; Correspondence of The Gazette-. ' . (BELMONT, "Feb. ,3. Mis Lottie - Alexander, of the Presbyterian Col lege, Charlotte,; was an attractive visitor to her . sister, Mrs, . Norma Alexander Stowe, Saturday and Sun day. In her honor Mrs. Stowe en- tertained ' '. few of 1 her' friends at cards eo Saturday from 8 to 11. :. Miss Mary Robinson attended the mid-winter concert given by the stu- ' dents of the Presbyterian College on Monday nigty. While in Charlotte she was the guest of Miss Annie Neal Clark at the college. k -:--- v'-.;. ! 'An interesting game of basketball ;was played . on the high .school grounds Saturday af ternocnf between the teams; representing the7- King's Mountain high school and the Bel mont high school. - The game was re plete "with features; the wor1t of Armstrong and Baumgarner for Bel mont, and Sellers and Weir for Kings Mountain being more especially of the kelljar: variety; The game re sulted In' a victory for Kings Moun tain by. score of 22 to 14. Of Date there has t been manifest much activity in . building and real eatatec3rcies in our. town. " Several Important deals ."in Belmont, .dirt ' have been transacted) and at present there are under course of construc- 'tion at least five modern and conven ient dwelling houses. In addition to these there has Just "been completed the building soon to" be occupied by a new livery company.'- Belmont al ready boasts a livery stable , that is far nd away out of proportion to her other, business,- The liverymen here do . a good business with ' the traveling salesmen- who, in coming to Belmont by rail, work the towns of "Mount iHoWy, McAdenviUe, ' etc.,' by ' private conveyance." Mr. Rich- ' ard is the promoter of this latest liv ery, i .':S '' "s r Messrs R. Grady Rankin and W. H.-Adams, of Gastonia, were busl- - nesa visitors In Belmont Wednes day. 'Miss Abbie Hall, of Bessemer City ."spent few days recently with her another, Mrs. Annie HaiLMlss Amelia 'Bell Crawford, of the fiesae mer City schools, spent Sunday with her mother. . '.v,y.. ' His jnany friends in and around Castbnia' and Belmont Will-regret exceedingly to learn- that 'Mr. Will ' 'Hall has been forced ' to discontinue his studies at the Westminster school .on account of the serious condition of his eyes. He . returned home Thursday. , , , " - (Misses Ona Lhoat: and Mary Orr, of Charlotte, are expected in town Friday to spend the. week-end -with Mrs. N."A. Orr Miss Choat and Miss Om are .efficient members of J the Chartotte-pTrtrtlrwheotTO To the ardent baseball 'faa' these warm, spring-Uxe : days- are ldeail weather, r The fever ..Is showing it self in' the small school boy who dai ly Is seen trudging to school, his bat and baK, as necessary a part of his paraphernalia as book-satchel or dinner 'basket. '; '. -. ' ,,: At . St Mary's College the pros pects are bright for a winning team. Several old men are back and with these as a nucleus a strong team can be built. Jlle, Rosseau the idol ized pitcher on last season's success ful team has returned togethei1 with two brothers. " r .' 'y r; ;:f ;:; , "Prof. H. A." Query leaves Friday night for Etatesville -where he goes to attend a convention of high school principals. LIXAVOOD COLLEGE LOC.VLS, Correspondence of The Gazette. ' LTNWOOD OOLLBGE, van.T 31.--The fourth week of January -will al ways be remena'bered 1y the students ami (faoulty of Lin-wood as being one of the most , pleasant - weeks we ever spent together for the many bless-" lngs that we received from the se ries of meetings that was" held by the evangelist; J. A. Pmlth, :has made" impressions upon . us . that will live through aft the future sod "we wish it had teen the good fqrtune of ev ery one to have attended but may V'1: . : ' v tho9 who have received such truths, let their light shine before men that theymay see the fright way and fol low therein. The meeting closed Sabbath night. Every - one's faltU was renewed in Christ and the fol lowing young ladles became mem bers of Plsgah church: (Misses Lula autf Lola Boyd, EulaMa Qumn,( Es ther Foy. and Maude Mosetey. Friday afternoon Rev. J. A. Smith and President A. T. Lindsay, with a group ofy seventy girls, left the col lege twenty minutes , before five o'clock to 'go to the' top of Crowders Mountain to see the sun set. It was a beautiful sight to see. . While on this beautifuy spot service was held and, after seeing the sun set so beau tifully, the party started for the col lege and reached there at 6 o'clock. Those who did not take the trip had a Ane time for wecannot tMnk of anything . that sounds sweeter to our ears then that of a group of college girls giving the yells and singing their songs. (Monday morning Rev. Mr. Smith and a party left the college at half past five oVOock in order to get to the top of the mountain to see the sun rise. . -' ,' " ' 'Miss Mamie McGiy. a student of Ilmwoodv visited 'Mr. and (Mrs: J, 'A. Crawford the 21st and 22nd Inst, at Crowders Creek. "Miss Made Purs ley spent from Saturday until 'Mon day with her parents, (Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Pursley, of 'Bowling Green. Miss Wilma Adams spent Sunday and Monday, with her parents' Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Adams, at Bowling Green. Mlssee Annie and LoTaBrite Falls spent (Saturday night and Bun dtfy "with homefolks at Pleasant Bidge.ttlr. and Mrs. W. W. Wil son, of - Lowell, visited their daugh ter. Miss Annie, 'Monday. Miss Myr tle Falls sfrent Saturday amd Sunday with her parents. BESSEMER ROUTE . ONE, . NEWS. Correepood'ence of The Gazette. , -(BESSEMER OTTY, ROUTE 1, Jan. 31. Rev. J. F. Armstrong of Bes semer City, preached ' a ' most able sermon at Carolina school house last 6unday: arter noon. Miss Lula Brid ges, who Is teaching school at Caro lina, this .jriater, visited homefolks at Kings Mountain last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Anderson Hager spent last Saturday night with- his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Farrls, at Kings Mountain. Misses Myrtle and Sunle 'Carperter were the guests of (Masses Helen and Annie Payseur last Sunday. Alias v Vera Shrum, of Llncotnton,, spent a few days last week with the Misses Payseur. Lit tle Miss- Prue Hager was the guest last Sunday of her .little friend, Miss Genia Falls, of Kings Mountain. - The farmers of th3s ; section are getting . along; nicely ' with their spring land-breaking. Misses Cleo and . Helen Payseur,' of Bessemer CIfy;Twere "IBe guests TdTafewlIays last . week of their' friends,' Misses Jessie and Mattle . Mullen, of Lin-co.lnton.--4Miss Ha Rhyne, of Dallas, is spending this ' week with - her brother, .Mr. Monroe Rhyne, near Bessemer Oty. 4Mr. Sylvanus Beam, of route one, hias been very slok, but Is much better at this writing. Messrs. 'Hart Spencer and Mr. (M.VF, Payseur were Gastonta visitors Sat urday. There was a sociable at Mr., and Mrs. Monroe Rhyne's last , Sat urday night given by Miss Ha Rhyne, or Dallas. An. oyster, supper , was given at Fairvlew school house .Sat urday "night for the" benefit of - the school.' Olr. MF. Payseur and son, Mr. William Payseur were business visitors to Bessemer City last Tues day. . ' - ; - NEWS FROM ROUTE THREE. Correspondence of The Gazette.' .. OASTO.VIA, ROUTE 2, Feb2. Every one is busy pulling the bell cord, over thi mule's "back - these "pretty days. Mrs. John, C. Hoffman Is not so well this week. Mr. Lee Lineoerger.was a visitor: In Gastonia Wednesday.-HMrs. Sarah Ford has been slick . for several days"-, from grip.; Rev. and Mrs. R. .S, Burwell and daughter. Miss Mattie, of New Hope, were the guests Tuesday of Mr. 'and Mrs. O. p. -Hoffman. Miss Laura Linebergef was the guest of MVs. James Kendrick, of Gaston ia, Monday. J - . i ' ' :;A; -'y , -Mr. and -Mrs. Luther Stroup very delightfully entertained a number of young people. Tuesday night In hon or of JMiss Vivian Douglass. : 5 r Mlsa .,Emma Hoffman. ' : who . has been. detaineda at her home for sev eral "days on account of sickness. Is alble to take up her studies at 1 the Gaston'ia high school . again. Mr. Thomas Craig, of New. Hope, was, a business visitor in these parts this week. , . - Lowell Locals. Correspondence of The Gazette. LOWELL. Feb. 2. We are. still wrestfing with the measles. About forty scholars are out of school now, but no serious cases so far. MrJH, S Adams returned a few days ago from a visit to his son who U In the drug business in Baltimore. With the beginning of the new jear was added to the population of our town, three good, substantial families," viz: Mr. Join M. Ken d rick, John M. Low ry and "Mr. J. E. Rhyne,. all from their farms in the country, two' ' or three miles out. Mr. Rhyne is the only one to build outright, he hav ing built a nice six-room house and outbuildings. However, ; . in the change we lost a good family; that of Mr. A. W. .Emerson, who moved on a farm near Kings Mountain. - : t' Many Lowell people ..were very much 'surprised and sorry to see in Tuesday's Gazette an account of the death of Mr. R. L. Glenn. : Having made our home with Mr. J. ..P. Glenn and family while the children were all small we became very much attached to each 'other. They hav ing' moved away in the early 80's, the children grew to. manhood and womannooa in 1 uastonia and weJ hadn't seen Robert in 16 years or more, until recently we chanced 10 meet on the street cars In Washing ton City, where we quickly recogniz ed each other. Peace to his ashes and sympathy to the bereaved. IMrs. Howland, of Derita,' visit 3d friends in Lowell Saturday, return ing Monday. Misses Bessie Cox and Mabel Leonfrardt visited Mrs. De Lamburt Stowe In Belmont Tuesday night, accompanied by Mr. Lin wood Robinson. Air. S. M. - 'Robinson, .Misses Virginia and Kate Robinson and Miss Resale Cox went to Char lotte to see "The White Sister" last week. Miss Virginia remaining.. over until Tuesday of this week. 'We have had several marriages in our village since Christmas, the last being that of Mr. M. L. Milling and Mrs. Kate Ramsey; also that of Mr. Deal and Miss Ada Savage, and we understand another couple have cense "but for some reason or anoth er the marriage was postponed.' The Methodist parsonage Is. being treated to a new roof. Mr." 'Henry Cox -has the Job In hand. Rev, . E. Crowder spent; "today, in j and around Belmont. Mr. . Crowder K-s the new pastor for this charge and has already made ' a favorable Im pression among his people, Dr. J. W, Reld accompanied by his' moth er, Mrs. J. R. Reld, made a business trip to Gastonia tcday. - In mentioning the additions to our town recently we omitted the name of Mr, John Harrison, who oc cupies Mrs. Earny's ' house" and we understand he will build perhaps this summer a good house of his own. Prof..- Hamseur spent last Friday night and Saturday at home near Bessemer City. . ' ' A tXIVERSrrY NEWS. Correspondence of The Gazette, r .' CHAPEL. HILL,. Jan. 30." The University' was victorious" ia her first game of basket ball played In the Bynum gymnasium Friday nig., with Virginia Christian Col!egp. The score was 42 to 21. The local quin tet showed unexpected team wort: in the. second half and proceeded to pile up the score.. -. i"' ' - verybody Interested' in the suc cess . of Carolina athlefic tea me are dellghtad at the announcement that Mr. Branch Bocock has signed up to ooach the varsity, football team next year. Mr. Bocock has coached the V.'P. I. team for the last two years PRETTY HOME WEDDING, v ... .- V ' ' ' . Mf Sarah Smith Becomea Bride of 3Ir. George Pearson, Itev. W. Itoddisli Officiating Reception ' Olveln Their Honor Will Re - iside at UenswotavUle, S. C, . (A simple but prettily appointed wedding took vla.c Wednesdax af ternoon ait the b6ma of the bride's father on . West Airline TaVenue ex tension wneo Miss Sarah- Smith be came the bride' of Mr. George Pea r- kson. of Benaettairllia. S. C. Rev. W. H. Reddish performed the ceremony, wihtch was witnessed1 by quite a num ber of the relatives and intimate friends of the contracting parties. - The parlor, where the nuptial vows were taken' was attracthrery decorated in potted plants and flow ers, the color scheme jieing green an white. The Vows wera taken before an Improvised altar of Terns and other potted plants. The first to enter were Miss Myrtle Jenkins, In pink silk and carrying a bouquet of white carnations, with Mr. James Pearson. Next came 'Miss Ava Pear son, In yellow mescaline with chif fon and pearl trimmings and carry ing white carnations, with Mr. Piatt Smith. ' Then followed the bride and groom who were met at the altar by the. officiating minister. The bride was attractive In a gown of white mesBaline trimmed in lace and pearls and carried a houquet of white car nations. Before the ceremony Mrs. H. B. Moore sang "I Love Thee So," Mrs. W. H. Reddish playing the ac companiment. Kin Moore played Mendtelssobn's wedding march. After the wedding the happy young couple, dProve to the hornet of the groom's uncle. Mr. John Thomas, near Bessemer City, where a recep tion was given in their honor. Yes terday the groom's father Mr. T. M. Pearson, gave a dinner in their hon or at hia . home In West Gastonia. Mr, and Mrs. Pearson left Thursday afternoon for Bennetteville, S. C, where they will reside! In the future. The best wishes of many friends will foWow them. Born To Mr. and, Mrs. W. B, Morris, Thursday, February 2nd, 1911, a son. Subscribe for Toe Uasette. and has turned out some great teams up 'there. , 'He is well acquainted with climatic conditions in the South and is better fitted to handle a team of , Southern hoys than - a Northern coach. He graduated from Georgetown University where he al so studied law until he received his license. . Rev. B. W. Bpillman, Baptist Sun day school evangelist, delivered ad dresses at the Baptist church last Sunday. , He made a strong piea for Sunday school workers , to redouble their efforts to keep the Big Boy In terested in the Sunday school. Mr. Spillman devotes his entire time to Sunday school work among the col leges and universities of the South and East, '' ' :' ' ';, -v The Chapel Hill Y, M. C. A. sent a delegation of ten men including Mr. E. P Hall,' general secretary, to the Interstate - Convention of Young Men's Christian Associations which met In 'Ralergh the last thVee days of the week Just closed. This was as large a delegation' as was sent by any college In . North or South Car olina. ' The Chapel Hill Association Is in a flourishing condition 'now. There are . 325 men in the Bible study groups and the Mission study group which were organized last spring included 315 and bids fair to reach a still larger figure this year. Manager E. T. MoCulloch has an nounced the schedule for the base ball team. There are 23 games, all of which are to be played in Chapel Hill. Oak Ridge, Wake Forest; Da vidson, Guilford, South Carolina, V P. I., and the University of Virginia, all have arranged games. ' The sec ond Virginia games will be played. In Greensboro and Charlotte, April 8 and 19, and the third game in Charlottesville, Va.j April 21. ' , The outlopk for material for the team to play this schedule is very poor. .Only one' member of las year's varsity Is hack and sure that he will play his position. . This , U Captala Mackney, of Wilson. . , ; At a meeting of the Sophomore class Saturday, MrrR.,0. Hoffman was elected manager of the baseball team.' Mr .Hoffman visited tn Gas tonia last summer. . His friends will be glad to hear -of this honor being bestowed npoa hhn. ' - BRILLIANT RECEPTION. Mrs. 8. A. WUAins Entertains. Elab orately si Her Home la Dallas In Celebration of Birthdays of Dr. Wilkins and Mrs; E. W. MeUon - ; Large Namher of Gastonians Freeent. ' ' " -'iv' "Bom Air," the home of Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Austell Wflkin at Dallas, was the scene last night from 7 to 11 o'clock of a brilliant social event complimentary to Dr. WUklns and Mrs. Wilkins' sister, Mrs. 'Edward Worth Mellon,' of Charlotte, whose birthdays) both came, on that day. The guests came la two setaT the first from 7 to 9 add the second from 9 to 11. ' There were about one hundred antt fifty who enjoyedt'the hospitali ty of the Wilkin home on' this oc casion. ; ''-.-v ' The guests were greetti; at: the front door by Miss Katie Lee Lewis, of Dallas, and Miss LilWau Watson. of Gastonia. They were shown -to the cloak rooms 1p8talrs by Mrs. P. D. eimlmey and Miss Johnnie Detter. Ih tba parlor the guests were pre sented to the receiving line which was constituted as foUows: Dr. and Mrs. WUklns, Mrs. J. H. Craig, Mrs. E. W. Metlan, Mrs. H. O. Miller and Mrs. C. E. Hooper, of Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Mason and Mr. and Mrs! T. L. Craig, of Gastonia. ' Throughout the. reception hall the decorations enubodfed the Japanese Idea, the young ladies assisting In this room being all dressed In Jap anese costumes. The electric globes were enclosed In Japanese lanterns and the floral decorations were large ly of -yellow chrysanthemums. After they left the receiving line the guests were shown Into the punch room, where the valentine Idea wascarrlekft out to the 'decora tions The Jardinieres were , all made In the shape of big red hearts, the' color scheme 'being throughout red and white. The punch table In white was covered with green vines through which peeped many red hearts. Miss Ruth Boyce, of Gasto nia, presided at the punch bowl, he rng assisted by Misses Ida McAllis ter. HeJolse Cornwell, Lily Summey and Iva RudlsilL They were all In white withj red hearts fastened to their dresses. : , The guests next passed into the music room where the George Wash ington Idea was embodied In all the decorations, the colors being red, white and blue. A large picture of George Washington was draped In the national colors while just be neath it was a large red hatchet. The improvised cherry tree stood on the piano. Here the guests were greeted by Miss Catherine Mason, of alias, and Miss Catherine Carpen ter,, of Stanley. Music was furnish ed by Miss Lillian Atkins' Orchestra, of GastonK. . tpaesing fo the" dining Toonn the guests were met by Mrs. J. W. Sum mey and Mrs. Fred H. Robinson, who were assisted to serving re freshments . (by Misses Sarah Hoff man, Corlnne Puett, Mary Rudlsill, Tessie Detter, , Marie Sasser, Ruth Mason, Ruifcy Costner and Juanlta Puett. A salad course was served and the valentine Idea.' was' again carried out here., The color used was pink, ' On the chandelier were bung huge hunches of malaga grapes with foUage . intertwfned, the effect being that of a grape arbor. Under the chandelier stood the table wlfhi oluny f lace centerpiece on which' stood a cut glass vase, arounid which Va tied a hunch of pink -tulle, -the whole being banked with smilax. On the table were pink mints and prnk candelabra.' . In decorating this room the fruft Idea was carried Out. f - Much, merriment was, had in . the cutting of the birthday cake, which was in itself a creations of the baker's art. In the cutting Miss - Ruth Boyce got ihe ring. 'Miss Lottie Brake the thimble, 'Miss Laura Page the money and Miss Katie Lee Lew is theutton. V-' -'.'i ;-; ,p As the guests left they were'pre sented, with Japanese, souvenirs . by M'faees Clan-a Patrick amd ' Marion Miller, "who were seated under the back stairs under a huge umbrella -and were In Japanese costume. Here Japanese Incense was kept burning. Gaston -county's nineteen rural carriers, as well as the rural car riers all over the country, are re jolcing over the passage of a bHl by the-national House of Representa tives giving them an Increase in sal ary from $900 to. 31,000 a year It seems to be a sure thing that the blllwlll pass the Senate and become effective. . - . . . y ' . . ; Mr. John Mack Holland to Wed Miss , Alice Bostwlck Boyden Febraary -' 22nd Ceremony to Take Place at Hickory WiU Reaftle t Spencer . Mountain. : ' ' reading as follows have Just been Is sued: ' -y-s-.. '-. Mta Margaret Francisco 'Boyden " f requests the honor ..of your presence) ' at the marriage of .her daughter: Alice Bostwiick ' to ; Mr. John Mack Holland ; on Wednesday evening, February the twenty-second at nine o'clock St. James Episcopal Church, Hlcltory, North Carolina. At Home . sifter March tenth . Spencer Mountain North Carolina. The announcement of the ap proaching manlilage of these prom--lnent and popular young people will come as a pleasant surprise to therr hosts of 1 lttends here sod elsewhere. The groom-elect Is a son of Mr. sad Mrs. B, M. 'Holland, of Gastonia, and holds a responsible position . with the Spencer Mountain - Mill at Spencer Mountain. He Is a young biisitnpHm nuut ' of atlrllnv minMHAa. and Is .held in the very highest es teem .by all who know , him. Tba brlde-tb-he Is a young woman of charming personality. She possess ea rare beauty of person and many ' lovable and attractive traits of char acter which make her popular wher ever she Is known. She wilt be a welcome addition, to' Gaston society. , Both of these young people wiB hava the hest wishes of a large number of people for a wedded life of great length and happiness. Well -Known Reader Coming. Supt, J. S. Wray has made ar rangement to have Mr. Hannibal Williams, a welMtnotwn reader Of New York, here next Friday night for a reading, it -the Central school auditorkvm. vMn. Wllllamw wil read ShafkeBpeare's "Kfaig Henry ; the WJi S rs J. J 1 a. - Mm. m V . l .m, . r ourin. n im noi ones inai uas tonlans have such an, opportunity as this and It is to be hoped that no conflicting dates for this night wilt be made. Particulars l : concerning this event will' be given Tuesday. New Real Estate Firm, Gastonia has , a new ; real estate Price Rankin and Mr., David P. De) Unger. with offices In the Realty building.' Mr. Rankin was foraertr a member of the Rankin Furniture Company but sold ', his interest ' in that concern the first of the year. Mr. Delllnger is a well-known attor ney and came to Gastonia several months ago from CherryviBe. He has had four years experience in handling real estate, insurance, etc. The new firm is known as the Ran-kln-QDellinger Realty Company. They wlQ handle real estate, buying and selling, on commilseion, . will write fire nd life Insurance and handle building and loan stock. These young men are both hustlers and en ter the local real estate field with good prospects. There has never been a time tn the history of Gasto nia when there was as much activity in real estate as at present. Mrs. Ferrle Pegram, r, of Shop ton, Mecklenburg county, is spend ing some time here, as the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. L. Gallant . . Mt." Moses .Stroup. -who . lives near Bessemer City, killed two fine Berkshire hogs one -day last week. One weighed 379 pounds and the other 400. , . -. ; . . Mrs. J. D. McConnelL of Me Comnertovllle, S. C, and Dr. H. Ev McConnell. of Chester, S, C, mother and hrotber of Dr. D. E. McConnelL are the guests today of Dr. and Mrs. D. E. MteConnell at their home on West Second avenue. ' ki Mrs.. J. M. McConnell, wife of Prof. J. M. McConnell, Professor of Hlfltorv and Matem&tica h DAvldson College, arrived In Gastonia Wednes day night and is the guest of Dr. and .Mrs.. D. E. McConnell at their home on West Second avenue. In renewing his suhacription to The .Gazette 'Square Jacoh Klser. ef Bessemer City, route two, says tnai he is under many obligations to the good people who were so kind to. hhnself and family at the time he rost his residence hy -.. some months ago. The I- 'Squire . to now doankfled n his new , -residence ci the same site occupied hy the cue. wMch was burned. ' . . . I