rz3f tt"1 - ' 11 u- il C TI. , ', ; .' PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. SINGLE OOPy S CENTS." t Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interest of the County. ; ; $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. ". - ' - - V 4 VOL. XXXII. .-" UASTOMA, 5. C. V j FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 191 1. 1 NO. 14, MR. S. WITTKOrVSKY jDEAD. ANEW TOWN? NEW A. R. P. PASTOR. Re. R. R. Caldwell, of Steele Creekj , - i. Accepts Call to' Bessemer Ctty'-i-; sir. Ural Whltesldes Dead Mrs. ; T- 8., Royster Seriously 111 Per sonal Items. '''yf... - X'A'yy -f'-V'" ' Correspondence of ba Gazette. V ; BESSEMER CITY. Feb. 14.-TThe Associate Reformed ' Presbyterian church, having been without a pastor V since Rer. ;- Ev " F, Griffith resigned several months ago to ake work in Northern Mississippi, Invited B$v, R. R. Caldwell, of the Steele Creek church, near Charlotte, to preach for : them v last Sunday,'. Arrangements have been made whereby Mr.'Cald 7 well will become the pastor of this . church fa connection with his pres ent pastorate.' An effort will be made to have him move his family . here In the near future. " Rev, -M."! Hobbs, pastor of the I Baptist church, went to Biaekaburg Sunday night to preach, having been Invited with view of calling him. . for part of his time- ' v Mr. Ural Whltesldes, who for sev eral years has made his home with ,' his brother,, !Mr. Melvln, Whltesldes, . two miles west of here, was stricken with paralysis Friday and died Sat ' orday afternoon. ' He was buried Sunday ,'Ju Long Creek cemetery Rev. S. 8. Oliver, of Kings Mountain, conducted the funeral. Mf. White sides was well known in this part of Gaston county ' He had been In failing healfh forseveral years.-; fMrs. Thomas 8 Royster, of route one, is seriously ill (with appendlci tla, haying been stricken' last Friday. Dr. W. A.. Howell, of Cherryvllle, . and Dr. . 8. Royster, of the Shelby Hospital, after consultation yester-' day, decided to carry Mrs. Royster to Shelby "today where she will under go an 'operation.' It Is the.earneBt hope of a host of friends that she will" be quickly and permanently re- t lieved. , . - V Mrs. Ey R. Greene, of Charlotte, has. been spending several-days with Mrs. John Smith in the eastern part v of town. Mrs. Greene left for her , home Sunday afternoon.- Mr, D. R. Warner moved yesterday to Rock Hill, , fi. C. Mr. Warner Is a very "V capable mill man and has held a re sponsible, position with Osage .Mills Misses Abbie Mall and Amei label Crawford, of the graded school" fac ulty, spent the week end with -their "v parents at Belmont. Ex-Sheriff (' T. B. Shuford, of Dallas, was on our streets a short while Friday. Mrs. Charles G Suther, who has been - quite 111 at a Gastonia hospital for the -'past six weeks, was trough! home .yesterday muh improved. - Miss Annie Frye, for some weeks past receiving treatment at the same "place also came home yesterday considerably 'tetter. Mr. and J Mrs. Wade H. Holmes, of Lowell, 'spent Saturday and Sunday here"' with the ' family of "Mr. C. A. Thprnburg. Mr. Holmes Is the popular and efficient agent for the Southern Railway at v Lowell. Mrs. J. , P. Chandler and children spent Saturday and' Sunday with Mrs. Chandler's parent Mr,, and Mrs. A, J. Rankin, at Belmont. (Mr. J. 'A. Smith was - a business visitor to Gastonla yesterday."Mrs. J.. Armstrong spent a few hours in y Gastonla yesterday. , ' " . , ; LIXWOOD COLLEGE LOCALS. Correspondence of The Gazette. ' ' UN WOOD COLLTX3E, Feb. 1 4 . Since, our series .of meeting closed we. have been at a loss as to. what to do, but having so much work that must be' done and many plans to carry out by the first of Jsne we have decided- to begin now aidhave everything prepared so that Of will be the most successful and 'enjojrahle commencement ever held at Llnwood. Miss Mary Smith, a student f of Llnwood,; spent from Saturday until Monday with-her sister, Miss Ada, who was once a student of. Llnwood but is, now teaching near Bessemer City. Mr' J. C. Plonk, of Cherokee Falls, S. C.; and Rev. C. K. Bell, the Lutheran minister of Kings Moun tain, spent a couple of hours at Lln wood the past week. 'Misses Margie Hoard, AUa and Essie Deal, students of (Llnwood, spent Sabbath with5 their parents. Miss (Mamie- Caskey ' was the guest of Miss Hoard while at home. 'Misses Sadie . "Brooks and Annie Wilson spent Saturday night in Gastonla with Misses Pearl , and Lena Hanna. Miss Ma McLaughie has gone home to spend a few days, but will return soon to resume her dutiea. Mrs. 3. F. Pprsley, oICowl ing Green," S. . C.',. spentJMonday . at the college, with her daughter). Miss Made.- : , . ' , Mr. John (Miller, of Yorkville, 8. C visited his sister, ' Miss "Barnette, Mondays Mrs. Margaret Plonk,' of Kings '.Mountain, and her daughter, Miss- Lillie," of Cherokee Falls, visit ed 'Misses Laura Plonk, and - Nora Allgootf Monday; r. W, E. Lind say, who was called to Due West, S. C; on account of the illness of Mr. Harry Lindsay, who Is a student at 4 rskine, took . the patient to his home In Tennessee and stayed until Improvements werejnade and return ed to the college Monday night. ' - -The Young Women's Christian Association is doing good work this year and on last Wednesday night officers were elected for the follow ing , year. Miss- Farie Quinn, of Kings Creek, was elected president. She is an' enthusiastic worker In this cause and in all things .that are for good and the association feels proud of .her as their president; vice president. Miss Cora Suther, of Newells, ' a good . Christian worker; secretary, Miss Made Pursley, of Bowling Green, who has taken an early stand in such work and we feel sure she will do her duty; treas urer. Miss 6adie Smith, of Charlotte, who at all time does conscientious work. . - s t - On 'Monday , evening the senior class gave a Valentine party and sold refreshments. ' Everjr one. present seemed to enjoy themselves. CLEMMER-MAXWELL. Mr. Robert Clemmer to Wed Miss Gertrade Maxwell Mrs. Lomendl McAIwaln.Dles at Age of 82 Items of News from Dallas, Route TWO. ' Correspondence of The Gazette. DAULAS, ROUTE 2, Feb; 16. Miss Essie Hallman was the truest of Miss Nell Setzer Saturday and Sun day. Mr. B. L. Smith and Mr. T. A. Setzer attended the Farmers Union meeting In Gastonla Saturday. Mr." Plnder Withers and Miss Lochie Withers, of Crouse,v weie the guests of Mr. B. L. Smith and family'' last week. Mr. Will White; of Gastonla, visited Mr, W. B. Smith Tuesday. ; A most pleasant affair was the party given hy Miss Lizzie Rhjtne Tuesday night. : lfferent " games were played after which a sumptuous feast was enjoyed by the. large num ber present,. - ' , ' '"- .' . ' An event, which, will be of interest to the, entire community Is the ap proaching -marriage of JMiss, Ger trude Maxwell to Mr. Robert Clem mer. -The bride-to-be Is a daughter of Mr. T. J. Maxwell and has numer ous friends who wish her happiness. The groom is a son" of Mr. Henry Clemmer. He has fust returned from the standing army and will make his home here in the future. s ' . The friends of Mrs. Lomendl Mc Alwaln were very much - surprised and grieved to hear of her death Tuesday. She was ; paralzed ;about live years ago and since that time has been confined to- her bed.1. She was 82 years old. . She was, before her marriage to Mr. John McAlwaln, Miss Margaret Lomendl Jenkins. She was buried at Long Creek Bap tist church, She leaves-.a son and didghter besides her grandchildren to mourn her loss.' They have the sympathy of the entire community. ; '-".. FLINT MILL NEWS. .'; . Correspondence of The Gazette - FLINT MILL, Feb. , 15. Messrs. J.'R. Withers, E. O. Sherrill and J. L. Price went to Florida the lithon buslness.Mr. Kincaid, of Shelby, has moved to theFHnt. -Mrs. Chas.' Smith was taken to the City Hospital for. an' operation' Tuesday! Mrs. Plato Ritchie, of Belmont Tiaited friends here this week. Pelfhaps the many friends of Misi 1 lizzie Propst and tMr. Durham Weaver will be surprised to learn," of their ap- proachlng marriage on Thursday ev ening, the 16th. This popularjoung couple, will have the best wishes " of their friends. T ; MR. T. G. MATTHEWS DEAD. ' Highly Esteenied Citizen of ' Clover Passes Was Rural Mall Carrier " ' for Nine Years. Correspondence of The Gazette. CLOVER. 8. C. Feb. 16.-l-Tillman Gaines Matthews led at his home on South Main street Tuesday . after noon," at 4:30 o'elock after an. Ill ness beginning June of last;, year. Matthews was one of Clover's most highly esteemed Christian' Citizens, living olose to his profession, He was one of the main pillar of. Clo ver Baptist church and in bis death the church loses one of it main members whose place will be hard to ;""r' ! Mr, -Matthews has been carrier on rural ' route No. 1 since the service was Instituted hefe nine years ago. He was always fcund faithful to his trust, endeavoring at all times to perform his duties as laid down In the law. , - , ' , Mr. Matthews married "Miss Bulah Doster, of Fort (Mill township, ten years ago . last Sunday. , Their life together was a most lovable one, both being of the same faith and striving aj all times to set before their fellowmen exemplary lives. Mr. Matthews Is survived by his widow and two-children, also by four broth ers and one sister, namely: Messrs. W. M. D. Aj,'.R. A., J. W and Miss Lizzie 'Matthews. Funeral services - were conducted at the Clover Baptist church by the pastor, Rev. W. E. Lowe, assisted by Dr.' R. M. Stevenson at 11 o'clock yesterday, after, which all that was mortal of our friend was laid to rest in Woodaide cemetery, there to await the Anal call of his Master " Mojmt Holly Matters. Correspondence of The Gazette. MT. HOLLY, Feb. 16. Messrs. Lawrence and Robert Beaty, Char lotte, spent the Sabbath in town. M Robertliwnn, our clever R. F. D. larrleon route two, drives in a littlVarlier these days. A brand new boy greets him. Miss Margaret Kehdrick, of Kings IMountain, is on a visit to her sister, Mrs. T. I Ware. Mr. Robert F. Rankin, who has been in Sampson county for ten days, has returned.- Mrs. M. E. Du stoe, of Birmingham, Ala., Is on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. 'Dustoe. Miss Emma Henderson, an estimable aged maiden lady, is re ported .quite sick. Capt. Wash Hol land 'spent last Saturday and Sunday in Charlotte on a visit to his daugh ter, (Mrs. Violet Detter. ; ; , The betterment society will give a book reception on the 22nd- for the benefit of the school library. Each guest will be expected to bring a book, or Its equivalent ' in . cash. Miss Bertha Jenkins spent last Sat urday and Sunday in Stanley with friends. Miss Mary : Hutchinson student' of ; Presbyterian - College, Charlotte, is spending a few days at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E: Hutchinson. Mrs. Turner Johnson and Mrs'. ,Tom McCoy ' went to, Charlotte, shopping Thursday Mr, Holland, about whom, a report was circulated that, he had died and on his death-bed had confessed of slaying, a Mr. Roper some years ago and threw him In the Catawba river, was on our streets a few days ago very much alive Indeed. Oyster Sapper. ' . Next Friday , night and ftfturday and Saturday night, the jfung peo ples societies of Main Sifeet Metho dist church will givsm oyster sup per in the Craig A . f 11 son building recently vacated by the Armstrong Furniture Company; They will sorve oysters, cream and cake and coffee and will have. In addition , a candy booth. The public la cordially In vited to attend." ' Remember the date, Friday and Saturday, Che 23rd and 24th. A social event 'of large Interest In Gastonla, as it has proven for the past four, years, was the. annual re ception, the fifth, of the Commercial Club which was given Tuesday night from 8:30 to 11.30 o'clock In the club rooms. Secretary and Treaa tirer J, K. Dixon and the banquet and entertainment committees of the club had labored 1 diligently in pre paring for this event and their ef forts were rewarded with large suc cess, y,--: 'As the guests entered the club rooms they were presented, to the receiving Jine which was constituted as follows: Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Rob inson, Hon. and Mrs. Clyde R. Hoey, of Shelby; Mr. J. K. Dixon and -Miss Adelaide Erwin, of Morgan ton; Dr. and Mrs. T. A. Wllklns, McEd Pe gram and Ollss Mary (Hlldebrand, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Craig, of States vllle; Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Smyre, Mayor, and Mrs. T. L. Craig, Mr, La-' mar C. Pegram and Miss Alattle Caldwell, of Clover, S. C. 7 The guests then passed into the main club room were refreshments Were served and where music was dispensed by Alias Lillian Atkins' Or chestra. In one corner, under a can opy of hearts and other valentine like devices, was - the punch bowl which was presided over by Mrs. Minnie Holland Curry and Mrs. D. M. Jones, who were assisted by Miss-' es Lois Torrence, Lillian Watson and Myrtle Gray. The salad table was presided over by iMesdames C. K. Marshall, D. E. McConnell, and T. W. Wilon. At the ice cream and cake table were Mes- dames S. 'N. Boyce, P. R. Falls, J. D. Moore and J. Lee-'Robinson, while Misses Ruth Boyce and Marie Har din -'sted by Misses Lavinla Hun ter and Nellie Rose Sloan dispensed Coffee. In decorating the club rooms the Valentine idea was carried out in al most every .detail, hearts prevailing everywhere. Palms, ferns and other potted plants lent beauty and attract iveness to the decorations. There were present a large number of Gas tonians and quite a good many out- of-town people. The event was a most delightful one in every Tespect and all those who were present are indebted to the club for an evening of great pleasure. The valentine party given by the Junior Auxiliary of St. Mark's Epis copal church Monday evening proved a most delightful affair, The recto ry was a scene of beauty with its softly shaded lights, which intensi fied the attractiveness of the decora tions, which were potted plants and bowers of white lilies. In the living room the mantel was banked with these stately flowers, impressing up on the guests the approach of spring. The guests were met at the door by (Miss Blossom Fayssoux, who pre sented them to the receiving line, which consisted of the following young ladies in appropriate cos tumes: Miss Lewis Fry as Queen of Hearts, Miss Mary, Gordon Fry as Pysche, followed by little 'Miss Eliz abeth .'Marshall, the beautiful, daugh ter of . Mr. and Mrs. C. K Marshall, as Cupid. Miss Pauline Fayssoux as Venus, (Miss Jennie Belle Brown the Goddess of Liberty, Miss Ellen Blair Harvle as' Night. Miss Marie Har din:; ushered the guests into the punch room where delightful punch was served by 'Misses Banks . and Hampton. . The dinning room was aglow with the soft lights of many candles, show ing forth the decorations, which were festoons of hearts from the chande-' lier to each corner of the room. De licious refreshments, consisting of Ice' cream, cake' and heart-shaped mints were served. This artistically 'decorated room was presided over by ftlesdames Stovall and Marshall, as sisted by the following young ladies, .Misses Janie and ' Janette Fayssoux, Lillian Stovall and Marion Hampton. A daintily decorated table holding the silver offering was in charge of (-another Cupid, Miss Elizabeth Love, the charming little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Love. . .. airs. H B. 'Mdore was hostess to the memhers o( the Friendly : Ma trons. Club last, Thursday afternoon from three to six o'clock at her home on West Airline avenue. The home was beautifully decorated for the oc casion. ' After the guests' bad spent some time in social intercourse the hoBtess Invltedjthem Into the dining room, whlch was very attractive with its decorations of ferns and flowers. Here the fourteen guests were seat ed around the table, made attractive Expired Suddenly Tuesday 1st His Of . flee Prominent Building and Loan. Developer. Charlotte Observer,' Wednesday, j,-, . Mr, Samuel Wtttkowsky died .'in his office at the corner of North Try on and West Fifth streets yesterday afternoon at 4:50 o'clock with shock ing suddenness, death resulting, in .the estimation: of the physicians, from a stroke of apoplexy. , . During the earlier part of the day Mr. Wlttkowaky was in normal health " and waa busying himself about his affairs la the office and elsewhere. Mr. WIttkowsky achieved a for tune sice he came to Charlotte short ly after the war' to engage in the mercantile business. Mr. Witt!:owsky" was born 'May 29, 1835, in the eastern part of Prussia. He received only a free school education and at one time his parents were very wealthy. Through numerous afflictions and Improper investments the resources of the family became scant and the deceas ed was thrown upon the world to make his own way. . A distant relative of the father of the deceased sent 150 to the family which enabled Mr. WIttkowBky to come to America. 'When he reached the shores of this country he found that he possessed only three dollars in gold and hare clothing A fellow passenger from the' far-away coun try was standing on the deck of the ship upon which Mr. Wlttkowaky came to America and wtyh tears in his eyes was pleading for enough money to enable him to land ashore. The deceased gave him the necessary amount out of his pittance and land ed himself with just one dollar, this amount having at that time teen de manded before a passenger could leave a ship. Mr. Wlttkowaky was one of the most prominent men in building and loan association circles in the Unit ed States. He waa the father of the building and loan movement in Charlotte and had done much toward developing the idtea all over the State. He had been prominently identified with the national organi zation of building and loan associa tions. with cluny and carnations, The place cards were hand-painted in carnations. A most elegant course luncheon waa served and the -' ma trons spent a very delightful after noon. (Saturday afternoon the U. C. Club was delightfully entertained by Miss Annie Latimer at herhome on FrankUn avenue. a very in teresting program, delicious refresh ments were served. The" Study Club met Tuesday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. D. A. Garrison. .Besides members of the club, Mrs. Stella Schofleld, of Los Angeles, Cal., and 'Miss 'Eiva Wray, of Shelby, were present as Invited guests. The subject for the meeting was "The Pilgrims" and early New England history and the following papers and readings were given: "The Spirit of tjje Puritans," by Mrs. W.-'H. Reddish; '"Selections from the Courtship of Miles Stand Ish," by Mrs. J. M. Sloan; two char acter sketches, "Roger Williams" and "Cotton Mother," by Mrs. Frank L. Wilson; reading, "The landing of the Pilgrama." by Mrs. T. W. Wilson. Light refreshments' were served at small tables, the centerpiece on each table being a bowl of violets. " The place cards bore hand-painted vio lets on one ; side and appropriate quotations on the reverse. Comic valentines were passed, - each guest being allowed to select her own. McLard-Babe "Mr. Otto' caber, spent Wednesday at Shelby1 where he attended the marriage oA his cousin. Miss Tillle Baber, to xnvljfohn R. McLurd, of Eufaula, Ala.' The ceremony : took place In Central - Methodist church at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The bride is onejrt Shelby's prettiest and most popular young ladies and Is a daughter of Postmaster. B A. Baber. The groom Is secretary and treasur er of a cotton mill at Fufaula where they will reside. There were quite a good,; many " out-of-town relatives and friends . present at .the wedding, among them being Mr. W. N. Davis, of Gastonla, a relative of the bride. ln. - corporate Loray Mill Gaatonl&ns Entirely Ignorant of Movement Look Like Bad Move for Gas tonla Turn on the Light Lei Cs Know What It Means. "Stroup: Incorporate Loray MIJJV Gaston County." This little Item In the list of new bills introduced in the House . of Representatives Monday brought th first intimation most Gastonians had! that the Loray Mills Is seeking, to effect a municipal incorporation. The provisions of the bill are not known yet to the public. Mf. Aiw,' drew E. 'Moore, assistant treasurer' and general manager of the Loray Mills, is In New York, henc no In formation from first hand can be se cured by The Gazette today paper has sent a requestfo Mr. Stroup for a copy of the bill and w expect to have it in time to give the details to our readers In Tuesday's issue. '"'", ;v Just why the Loray wants a aepi. aTate municipal corporation, when the Loray community, physically ' speaking and to all intents and purv poses is a part of the town of Gas- 1 tonia, is not clear at this stage. - In the absence from the city of Mr "T Moore, The Gazette is unable to pre- , sent the mill's side of the matter. , - It is reported that the ; territory proposed to be incorporated -Is'' half v a mile square and immediately Joins-'' the Gastonla corporate limits on the) -i western edge. . ;:,"t':y" ' Those business men whom The; Gazette has asked for an opinion are- -1 unanimous In saying 1 that, as they ' look at it, this is a bad move for ' Gastonla. It seems to be the reneral " opinion that the Loray section of - ' town rightly belongs within the cor - ' porate limits of Gastonla and, if It - is incorporated at all at this time, it should be made part and parcel of the town of Gastonia." im a facVV recalled by most all Gastonians thai previous movements looking to th 1 annexation of this territory by th town of Gastonia have met with.' strong opposition on the part of the -v' mill management. (. Lack of space forbids going in details on this question today, One strong objection to the passage, of. this bill, however, may be mentioned! now. That Is that It would forever bar Gastonla from growing .. west ward. If the town should make any rapid strides of growth it would, In less than ten years, grow all around the Loray and we would have a mu nicipality within a municipality. Such a situation would ' be a most perplexing one. . r This is a matter of vital impon ance to the town of Gastonia. : .If will certainly bear close inspection; from every side. If It Is a .good thing for Gastonla, if there are strong and legitimate arguments la its behalf, then Its promoters should not object to coming, out and' mak ing a stronr open fight for It.' Let us have more light on this matter. J It the city council Institute a thor- ... cueh investigation and ascertain , vOither, as a municipality, we want to let this measure go through with- '; .on. s fight. DEATH OFOUNG MATRON. Mrs. Minnie Waldrop Died at Loray . Tuesday Night Funeral and Bar ; lal Wednesday. - & After a brief illness Mrs. Nannie ". Waldrop, wife of Mr. J. J., Waldrop, ; died at her home at the Loray (Mills Tuesday evening at 6. o'clock, aged 28 years, 'Mrs. Waldrop was before her marriage Miss Nannie : Hill, of Rutherford county, and is survived, by her husband and two children, one an infant only a few days old. There also survive four . brothers, Messrs. Charles Hill, of Gastonia; R. O. Hill, of Charlotte, and Alex and Barney Hill, of Rutherfordton, alt of whom were present at the funeraL. Funeral services were conducted at' the Loray . Baptist church, of which the '. deceased was a faithful end loyal memher, at 3 o'clock Wed nesday afternoon by the pastor. Rev. C M. 'Robinson, followed ty Inter ment In Hollywood" cemetery J- The pall-bearers were Messrs. L. A. Bar bee.; Elbert Hardin, -G. W. Nance, Calbert, Geo. Harrell and Jake Alex ander.'. y'U": -'-'.. : ' . Mr. and Mrs- Waldrop had beea living at the Loray for about six years, or nearly ever since their mar riage, and had' many friends here whose tenderest sympathies o out to the stricken husband and the mo therless little ones in their deep be reavement." ' BUI Introduced in Legislature to V.'