GAS . - ,.'!. I:' . - GAZ . t IONIA ETT-E Published twice a week Tuesdays and Fridays. 7 SINGLE COPY 8 CENTS. ' - -4-Wvoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of tlie County. $1JH A YKAB IN ADVANC VOL. XXIII. GASTONIA, N. C FiUDAY, MARCH 3, 1011. NO. 18. t tjr .H,JN I-m, t MASONS HAVE BIG TIME. GASI0N BILLS PASS. ins . CHILD BLKADS TO DEATH. Cat Its Tongue Tuesday and Died Rniulav Fmm Slow Xjnmm of Blood. Correspondence of Tbe Gazette. - DALLAS, ROUTE 2, March 2. Carl Clifton, the Infant son of Mr. and lira. CarlTinbereer. died almost suddenly Sunday morning; about 2 o'clock The child tell last Tuesday and slightly cut his tongue and slow ly bled to death. Funeral exercises 4 were conducted C at the Lutheran chuTch at Dallas .Monday at 11 o'clock. The bereaved ones have the avtnnathv nt tha rnmmunttv. Mr, B. Li. - smiio auenaea court In Gastonia, Tuesday.-Misses Lo rena and Lucy mlth were the guests of "Miss Lathie Smith Tuesday and Wednesday. , Misses "Myrtle and Grace Robinson visited Miss Noll Setter Saturday. The school of this district closed Saturday afternoon. The pupils had a "spoiling bee" and a sumuber of vtaitnrlt were there to hear them Though it was snort term u was very profitable one. Mt. T. A. Setier was a visitor to Stanly Tuesday.-Mrs, T. A. Setier and Mrs. W. B. Smith visited Mrs. John' White Tuesdsy. Mesdames McCombs snd Mason, of Stanley, were the guests of Mrs. B. L. Smith Saturday. LORAY. LOCALS. Correspondence of The Oasette. .CORAY -MILLS, March 2. Mr. Bart (Morrison died at his home here last Friday and his body was buried In the Loray cemetery Saturday af ternoon. ' Rev. A. 8. Anderson, con ducted the funeral services. Mr. J. R. Young spent Saturday and Sunday with his uncle, Dr. G. E. Young, at Forest City.; Dr. Young Is suffering from a" stroke of paralysis. Mr. and Mrs. C. J, Moss spent the week-end with the former's parents at Olendals, 8. C Miss Frownle Wyatt has been very sick with the grip for the past week. Miss Annie Newton, who hss been sick for the past few days, is able to be out again. Mr. Will Gilliam Is confined to his room with grip this week. Mrs. W. F. Riddle has returned home after spending a week with her parents st Kings 'Mountain. Miss Lucy Currie. of Charlotte, Is visiting friends here this week. Miss-Nannie Weir, of Tucapau, spent last week with Mies Cora Baker. Mr. Robert Bradley, who has been working at Bennetts vine, 8; C, since the first of the year, has returned to Oastonla. Misses Cots Baker and Lola Smith spent Sunday . with Miss Claudia Harris" st Kings Mountain. Messrs. Norman Morrow and E. C. Robinson spent Sunday in Bessemer City. Miss Earley Bell spent Sundsy with her parents In G rover 'Mr, W. R. Msuney came over from Greensboro Wednesday to visit friends and rela tives here. Mr, Haskel Beard, who recently went from here to Easley, S. C, to accept a position as second hand n the doth room with the Eas ley -Mfg. Co.r was over on a short visit Saturday. Mr. Louis Lockmsn hss. resigned his position ss loom fixer and wil return to Ms home near Spartanburg. Mr. Oliver May field spent Sundsy with relstlves in Spartanburg. Mr. Lee Corn has re turned home from KInston, where he has been attending school. Mrs. Katie Bell has rented her bomenear Grover and will move back to the Loray In a few days. Miss Robbie Corn; is able to be out again after be k M fined to her room for several . a dav with grip. t h inriir a young man's fancy lightly turns tp thoughts of love," and Judging from the numerous lov ing couples thst were strolling around In the park last Sunday af ternoon, its sure nuff so. Many Loray people are attending court In Gastonia this week. BESSEMER ROUTE ONE, NEWS. Correspondence of The Gatxette. . . (BESSEMER CITY. Route 1, March I The school at Fair View losed Urt -Tuesdaywlth "Missj Fannie Brown, of Chester. S. C teacher. Miss BrowH hss taught school . at Fair View for thres winters and m tcught an excellent schoo each win ter." . : ; ' , . . . Misses Ella Kiserr and Lizzie Car penter, . of High Shoals, were the guests, lsst Saturday and Sunday of Misses Myrtle and Sunle Carpenter, of Cherry vllle. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Payseur, were Gastonia shoppers last Thursday. Messrs. Tate Kiser and Loy Carpenter, of Long Shoals, spent last Saturday and Sunday with Messrs. Clyde and Arthur Caroenter. 1 Misses Annie Payseur and Lula Bridges spent last Saturday and Sunday visiting in King's 'Mountain. Miss Myrtle Carpenter entertained a number of her friends last Satur day night. Among those present were Misses Fannie BrowV Ella Kiser, Lizzie Carpenter, Mary Jane Mauney, Cara and Jane Stroupe, and Sumnle Carpenter. Messrs. Tate Kiser, Lay Carpenter, Arthur Sellers, Esley Snead, Andrew 'Mauney, Clyde, Arthurs and Everett Carpenter. All report a most delightful evening. Mr. Anderson Hager was in King's Mountain last Saturday, having some dental work done. Mr. J. A. Hager, was a business visitor to Oastonla last Monday. Mr. Herbert Beam of Cherryville, spent last Saturday and Sunday with his uncle, Mr. David Faker, of King's Mountsin. The people of Carolina school have organized a Sunday school snd think it will be well attended. There were 41 on ( roll last Sunday. ' Mr. Thomas S. Royster, mall car rier on route one, went to see his wil last' Saturday, bhe is in the hospital at Shelby. 'Mrs. Royster has been operated on twice at the hos pital It seems that she is not get ting along very well. We hope she wil br back at her home soon. Mr. Augustus Clark, who Is at tending schoof st Cherryville, this winter, visited home folks last Sun day. 'Mrs. Sylvanu Beam spent a few days last week with her brother, Mr. Sylvanus Mauney. Miss Fer ris Froneberger, of Cherryville, visited home folks last Saturday and Sunday. MR, J. P. SHEITON DEAD. Highly Esteemed Citizen of Stanley Succumbs to Stroke of Paralysis Was Sixty-Pour Years Old. Correspondence of The Gazette STANLEY, March ?. After suf fering since the 14th from a stroke of paralysis, Mr. Julius P. Shelton died st his home Sunday morning about 2:05 o'clock. He was strick en so severely that It was feared from the very first that he Would not recover and ,the end coming as soon as it did was not unexpected. Mr. Shelton was 64 years old sjid is survived by a wife, two daughters snd three sons, all of whom are mar ried, and a number of grandchildren, who have the sympathy of their many friends in this bereavement. Mr. Shelton was a loyal member of the Methodist church here and at tended the services as regularly as his health would permit and his pres ence will be greatly missed. Rev. W. S. Hales, his pastor, conducted the funeral services Monday morning at 10 oclock and the remains were laid to rest in Christ's church cemetery Mrs. Shelton will In the future make her home with her son, Mr. Al fred Shelton, who lives at the old Shelton home, three miles west of town. . Mr. and Mrs. George Shelton, of Matthews, and Mr. and Mrs. Beatty, of Charlotte, returned to their homes Monday evening. (Mr. Fred F-nsr la home from Marshville visiting his mother for a few days. Mrs. "J. T. Deal, ofLexlngton, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Peterson. High. Shoals News. ( Correspondence of The Gazette. , HIGH SHOALS, March 2. Mr." J. W. Daniels spent several day last week in Baltimore buying dry goods for- the spring season. Mise Ida Cronlster spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister Mrs. G. W. Aber nethy, at Stanley Mr. D. B. Lynn and Mrs. A. C. Fox bare been right sick the last' week with'pneumonia. but we ar glad) to state' they are much better, at the present writing. Rev. J. E. Croneter filled Rev. Mr. Caldwell's appointment at Mount ZIon Sunday. We are glad to see our people taking so much interest in music. The cornet band Is still practicing regularly, and getting in nice shape, a string band was organized recently and is getting along well. We wish them much suuecess in their work. The school and mill girls played an interesting game of basket ball Saturday in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Black visited 'Mr. James Lazenby Sunday. Mrs. Ida Aber nathy is going to move to her farm neaT Alexis this week. Mr. Fred Browne of Lincolnton, visited his mother Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Clark spent Sunday in Lin colnton. Mrs. J. M. Broome spent Saturday and Sunday in Lincolnton viBtting. Rev. O. E. Hinson gave a helpful and an interesting talk to tbe children at the graded school this morning which was highly appreciat ed. Mr. Rodgers, of Lancaster, S. C, is spending a few days with his daughter, Mrs. Nesblt. LIXWOOD COLLEGE LOCALS. Correspondence of The Gazette. LIN WOOD COLLEGE, March 1. We enjoyed the twenty-second of February to the fullest extent. We college girls are proud of Washing- ton; We love and revere him and how thankful we 8Te to celebrate his birthday. It always brings about a pleasant time for us and best of all a good dinner. Miss Ethel Spencer is spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Will Whiteside, who is one of the matrons st Llnwood. Miss Lillle Lawson re turned Tuesday to resume her work as she has been away on account of her sister's illness. Miss Nellie Big ham spent Saturday night and Sab bath with Mr. and Mrs. John An thony in the country. 'Miss Mamie McGill spent Sabbath with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Whitesldes in Gastonia. Mr. and Mts. John Lindsay have gone to Tennessee to spend s while with relatives. Mr. J. E. Taylor, of Lancaster, S. C, visited his daughter, Miss Hattie, who is a member of tbe faculty at Llnwood. Mr. Taylor was accompanied out to Llnwood by Dr. D. A. Garrison, of Gastonia. Miss Emma 'McGill spent Tuesday with friends at the college. Misses Farte Quinn, Lels Blgham and 'Marie Simpson spent Saturday night and Sabbath with Mrs. John Carson. A party was given, in their honor by Miss Mary Anthony. 'Monday afternoon Misses Sudie Brooks, Clyde Cain, Laura Feather stone, Myrtle Fespermsn, Ova 'Mitch ell snd Harriett Vernoel, accompani ed by Miss Fanet Alexander, a mem ber of tbe faculty, left the college t 1:30 o'clock for Kings Mountain and by 5:30 o'clock she was back at the college. They spent an hour in the (own shopping and conversing with friends. We are proud of our "Champion Walkers" and are glad that they are bringing back the old time fashion of traveling for even the poor can afford travel by foot if they put forth the zeal and effort tha the L. F. C. girls do. . Mount Holly Matters. Correspondence of The Gazette. .MOUNT HOLLY, March 2. Mr.C. E. Hutchison is having a central office for the Nlms, Woodlawn and Armon Mfg. Cos fitted' up in the old Academy building ' Mrs. T. A. Dunn Is on a visit to her people in Martinsburg, W. Vs. . Miss Bee Grice spent lsst week in Paw Creek with her sister, Mrs. M. J. Hipp. ; ;; ' : Rev. J. A.' 'Bowles went to Lln oolnton Monday to attend a district preachers' meeting. ' Dr. S. 8. Tururentlne and Rev. H. K. Boyer will deliver addresses here on the second- Sunday inght ,ln the interest of missions. t Building Handsome Home. - Mr. Mae Bradley has in course of erection a handsome brick residence at the Loray.TIt Is located" Just west of his present residence. When completed he will occupy it. - BOYS ARE ACQUITTED. Clarence Moore and Brady Clemmer on Trial For Killing of Lude Bur gess Cane Now With Jury Other Cases Disposed Of Grand Jury's Report Criminal Docket Still Holds Number of Cases. Clarence Moore and Brady Clem mer, two young white boys, aged abuut 14 and 16 years, were placed on trial this morning when court convened at 9:30 on a charge of manslaughter. The charge against them la that, through criminal negli gence, they shot and killed Lude 'Burgees, a young mill operative of Plneville, who was on a visit to rela tives at the Flint Mill here. The killing occurured on the day before Christmas. Attorney O. F. 'Mason defended the accused boys and Solici tor George W. Wilson prosecutued for the State. Judge Biggs began his charge to the jury at noon. Later: The Jury returned a ver dict of not, guilty. There are yet about thirty cases on the criminal docket and it will re quire strenuous work to reach the end by to-morrow night, which will round out a solid week of criminal court. YESTERDAY'S CASES. The following cases were disposed of yesterday: State vs. G. W. Taylor, retailing, fined $100 and costs. State vb. Alvin Johnson, retailing, four months on the roads. State vs. Burgin, retailing, fined $25 and costs, required to give bond in the suum of $100 to appear at each court for 12 months and show that he has not sold liquor. State vs. John Short, retailing, four months on roads. State vs. Ernest Lineberger, false pretence, nol pros. State vs. Jim Bobbins and Forest Elmore, affray, fined $10 and the costs each. R. L. Ray, assault and battery, de fendant to pay doctor's bill of $15. Clem Watts, alias White, assault with dealy weapon, four months on the roads. Jim Brandon, carrying concealed weapons, sixty days on roads. State vs. George Torrence, assault, fined $10 and costs. State vs. Enos Walls, retailing, fined $25 and costs. State vs. Enest Lineberger, gamb ling, fined $10 and costs. In a number, of cases called yes terday the defendants were called and tailed, the record being judg ment nisi sci fa and capias. The following cases have lieeu disposed of since noon Tuesday. State vs Will Black, larceny, four i .on hi on the roads. .... te vs Mary McGill, assa l.t deadly weapon, four months in jail. State vs Press Cobb, retailing, five cases, one year on the roads. State vs Robert Brown, assault, fined.$10 and costs. State vs Oliver Parker, assault with deadly weapon, Judgment sus pended on payment of costs. State vs Walter Bryant, retailing, ctiiee months on the roads. State vs Will Bryant, retailing, six tronths on the roads. State vs Ed Fonstal, larceny, six months on the roads. State vs Joshau Lea, assault with intent to commit rape, thirty days on the roads. State vs D. A. Lynn, larcey, not guilty. State vs B?lla Washington f and a, nol pros. State vs Sam Patrick, f and a, not guilty. State vs Walter Deaton and Mar tin Kanlpe, f and a, fined $10 each and the costs. State vs Will Hayes, Green Mc Lean and Kirk Hoffman, gambling, e-w-u i1n;d $15 aiid ccets. . Siat vs. 'Rnrvey Merrill, Isrceny, judgment suspended on payment of costs. SUMMARY OF DOCKET. 1 Following is a summary of the criminal docket, showing the classi fication of the 131 . cases thereon: Fornlcaction and adultery, 8; aban donment. 2, retailing, 32; assault . (Continued on page 4.) . - . . .- - jT Aver One Hundred Visitors Tuesday ' viirh a. a n mi I, f .-.1 to Rank of Master Mason Those JTio Were Prevent From Other Lodges. k Tuesday night was the occasion I Of a smoker given by Gastonia Lodge No. 369 Masons and the event was the most largely attended and one ot the most interesting gatherings of Masons ever held in Gastonia or Gaston county. It was the first time the lodge had entertained in its handsome new hall on the fifth floor of the Realty building. The occasion of this large gather ing of Masons from over the county and from other points was the rais ing of Mr. A. G. Man gum, of Gas tonia, to the rank of Master Mason. The ceremonies attendant upon the conferring of this rank furnished much pleasure, 'twas averred, to those, present. A feature of the evening was the large number of speeches by promi nent Masons, among those addressing the assemblage being Judge J. Craw ford Biggs, of Durham, who Is here holding court; Hon. C. R. Hoey, Messrs. A. G. Mangum, R. C. Ander son, O. F. Mason, Thomas T. B. Wil liams. J. L. Stacy, J. F. Scott, T. B. Leonhardt, G. H. Marvin, J. J. Beach, F. Dilling. W. C. Felmster, J. S. Wray, J. R. Lewis and J. H. Separk. Including the visitors, who num bered 119, there were about 225 present. Following is a list of the visitors: Lowell Lodge No. 590: G. A. Big gers, L. A. Stone, E. N. Crowder, J. L. Robinson, J. W. Reid. R. B. Shields, P. W. Hand, P. P. Murphy. South Fork' Lodge No. 462, Mc Adenvllle: A. A. Armstrong, W. L. Walters, J. C. Poole, W. A. Bentley, M. J. CrlcKmore, J. M. Teague, P. B. Hall, G. W. Rumfelt, J. E. Anderson, E. C. Ray. A. K. Hembree, J. C. Walker, G. L. Wright, W. D. Poole, J. E. Watts, J. F. -McRae, J. I. Ham mett, M. J. Ray, L. N. Glenn. Cherryville Lodge No. 605: M. L. Craft, A. H. Huss, A. D. Gates, T. B. Leonhardt, G. Lee Beam, J. B. Houser, E. C. Brown, W. H. Houser, H. S. Sellers. J. C. Ballard. J. 8. P. Carpenter, J. M. Beam, R. J. Morri son. Whetstone Lodge No. 615, Besse mer City: S. J. Durham, C. E. Whit ney, A. W. Harmon, C. A. Kiser, R. E. Scarboro, W. L. Ormand, R. P. Collins, S. R. Beam, D. K. Tate, J. J. Omand, C. C. Clark, H. W. Clark, T. S. Clark, B. F. Beamguard, I. A. White, D. A. Garrison. Mount Holly Lodge No. 544: A. U. Stroup, George Grice, J. F. 'Hoffman. Walden Lodge No. 274, Green? vllle, S. C: Charles H. Gibson. Fairview Lodge No. 339, Kings Mountain: Charlea Dilling, W. P. Fulton, M. L. Harmon, J. S. Llpford, J. J. Beach, C. B. Falls, W. S. Dilling, T. P. McGill, L. P. Baker, F. Dilling, "J. M. Patterson, G. T. Boone. Gaston Lodge No. 263, Dallas: G. R. Rhyne, M. E. Hoffman, O. F. Ma son. W. D. Robinson, C. C. Craig, R. O. Costner, E. E. Detter, A. V. Summer. J. D. Derr, A. L. Bulwinkle, P. D. Summey, F. H. Robinson, A. R. Holland, A. Stovall, A. J. Smith, J. R. Lewis, W. N. Brown, S. A. Wil kins. Faiston Lodge No. 356: A. B. Har relson. Perry Wright. Fountain Inn Lodge, Fountain Inn, S. C: J. R. Young. Union Lodge No. 75, Union, S. C: John Acock. Jackson 'Lodge No. 53, Lancaster, S. C: W. B. Knight. f Tucapau Lodge No. 253, Tucapau, S. C: T. M. Mclntire, C. L. Chandler. Penta Lodge No. 88, Barnesville, Ga.: A. L. Perdue. Lodge No. 9, Philadelphia, Pa.: J. F. Scott Royal White Heart Lodge No. 2, Halifax: E. W. Gillam. HIghbriten Lodge No. 262, Lenoir: J. L. Bush. Mars Hill Lodge No. 370, Mars Hill: G. W. Corn. Alpine Lodge No. 208, Clover, S. C: T. H. Riddle, J. L. Stacy, H. L. Wright, J. Howard Jackson, J. W. Campbell, Thomas T. B. Williams, L. L. Brison, F. E. Clinton. Durham Lodge No. 352: Judge J. Crawford Biggs. George Washington Lodge No. 82, Ansonia, Conn.: G. H. Marvin. Newton Lodge No. 54, Newton: W. C. Felmster. ' ; Lee Lodge No. 454, Opellka. Ala.: G. R. Spencer. " Clifton Lodge No. 215, Clifton. S. C.: Dr. O. G. Falls. ' . "Cleveland Lodge No,4 202, Shelby: Clyde R. Hoey. Will R. Hoey." . Lincoln Lodge No. 187, .Lincoln- Bill For Bona Issue Has . Passed Both Houuses Salary Bill For County Officers Becomes a Lav uuaii to be rrotecteo umer Loral Bills of Interest. rne uazette received tnis morning from Raleigh very Important and in teresting Information relative to Gaston county legislation. Below Is given a brief summary of the more important bills acted upon up to date: The bill to place tbe officers of Gaston county on a salary basis has passed and enrolled for ratification. The original bill was amended so as to allow the clerk of the court $2,000 instead of $1,800 and reducing the sheriff's salary from $2,600 to $2,000 also appointing tax collectors for each township in the county ex cept Gastonia township, the sheriff being made tax collector for it. The original text of this bill was publish ed in a recent issue of The Gazette The bill to classify the county commissioners has been ratified. This act, it is understood, fixes the election of county commissioners in Gaston so that only two of the six will retire at any one time, there al ways remaining four old member on the board. Later we hope to give our readers this bill in fu.ll. A bill to protect quail In Gaston, county for two years has been rati fied. 1 A bill to allow the commissioner of Mecklenburg and Gaston counties, to build a bridge across the Catawba river at Sloan's ferry has passed both houses. A bill to allow the town of Cherry vllle to issue bonds for municipal im provements has been passed and rat ified. A bill to allow the town of Gas tonia to issue bonds for municipal improvements passed all of its read ings in the Senate and yesterday passed the House. A bill to amend the charter of th town of Stanley has been passed and enrolled for ratification. FLINT MILL NEWS. Correspondence of The Gazette. FLINT MILL, March 1. Mrs. Mary Pettus, who went to the Pres byterian Hospital at Charlotte' Sun day, wil be operated on to-day for pendicitis. Miss Callie Wither, been suffering from an attack of ap pendecltls. Miss Callie Withers, who has been spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R Withers, has returned to Llnwood College. Mrs. D. J. Gardner and Mrs. Will Hoffman spent last Thurs day with Mrs. Charles Ward. Mrs. , Nettle Ross, of Clifton, S. C, spent the week-end with her parents, Mt. and Mrs. Howell. Mr . William Chandler, of Lowell, was here Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Durham Weaver will go to Lincolnton Saturday to spend a few days with Mr. Weaver' . w - - j w t- ttru. partem, Air. auu nri. v. xr. Yrowr 'Miss Eula Sherrili has gone to Stanley Creek to spend the week. Mr. Arthur Harkey, of Booger Town spent Saturday night with .friends at the Flint. Miss Eula Stowe will spend Saturday and Sunday with friends at Belmont CLOVER CULLINGS. Correspondence of The Gazette. CLOVER, S. C, March 3. Mia Jennie Forbes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Forbes, died last Tuesday at noon, after a lingering illness, dating since before Christmas, of consumption. Miss Forbes was bright girl, one loved by all who knew her. She leaves a father and mother, two brothers snd two sister to mourun her departure. Her re mains were laid to rest in St Paul' cemetery Wednesday at noon. Herald Changes Hands. .s JurV 'Mr. J. T. Westmoreland has chased fom Mr. C. A. Bury The KJjrg Mountain Herald, publication of which was suspended a week or two ago, and expects to start it up again at once. He has moved the plant into the second floor of the new Hord building. Mr. Westmoreland ha been formeman of The Gaston' Pro gress since it started. He came bar from Mount Airy. . - , " " ' ' .. ton: J.. M. Relnhardt , ' - . , spartan Lodge No. 70, Spartaa burg,S. C: J. N. Boeder. Plneville Lodge No. 445. Pinevllls? W. H. Thrower.