MA": ZEXTE 1 A PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. -TV SI3GLE COPY 8 CENTS. DevWd to the Protection of Borne sad the Interests of Ihe County. ' f 1 J50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. XXX1L '. GASTONIA, N. G.-u. TUESDAY, APRIL 18, ilk' NO. 81. A CANNING FACTORY. GASTONIA BOY WINS. DIES AT ADVANCED AGE. GASTO OA : .'it asm ; BESSEMER BUDGET. . k Sunnyslde School Ooes-Dr, Gar- ''.'''ren Betteiw-Eaiter iBervlces--Per-r', sooal Mention and Newsy Brief, . V Correspondence of The Gazette. V tl. - ' BESSEMER C1TYV April 17. The J Sunnyslde public school, three miles oat "theCherryvMe road from here. ; closed last Friday with a ball game ;? In .the afternoon, between the Sunny X 7 aide team and the Long Creek team, "-untfik debate ;'at night. The debate . attracted the' entire country-side and - the young; disciples of Demonsthenes acquitted themselves admirably. The question discussed was Woman suf-:'- frage'nnd'ibe young men participat or ing were Sample Hagaf, Walter Ho V Vis WalcWn "Weaver and Grady Kls l r.,f , The' school ;has 'been taught by t Mr R. p. Caldwell, of Cherryville; ' iMlsa Bessie McKeown and Miss Ma ry Hagaij.of route' two. The patrons pf -the school express themselves as greatly pleased with the character of worts done.' - ''-'f:-. -'' false Zona. Stroup, of " route one,' who is' a senior student at DaVen port College, Lenoir, came home Fri day to spend Easter with her par-, enta,. Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Moses Stroup. 'Miss Zoo Ormand,' a student in the Normal ' Institute at Ashevllle, came" home to spend Eastey. She will return' this afternoon by way of Spartanburg. Dr. R. E. Garren re-, turned Wednesday from the Presby terian Hospital in Charlotte, where he has been for two weeks recover ing from an operation for appendi citis. His many friends here, are de lighted to learn that he is. rapidly gaining strength andSezpects to be about bis work within. Jhe next few days." .. .-.. : ' . v The Methodist Protestant Sunday school gave an Easter program Sat urday night which was greatly en joyed by a large congregation. A re vival meeting began In this church yesterday; to continue through (his week. .The pastor, Rev. J. A'.. Lay, Is being assisted by Rev. W..H. Bras well, y . - . Miss' Lula Hornbuckle, of Ken napolis, spent Saturday and Sunday here with, her brother, Mr. - J. E. Hornbuckle. Mn . J. E. Settjemyer, of Chester, S. C, spent the eek-end here visiting relatives Miss tNeille Hlcklen, of Lowryvllle, S. C, has purchased from Mr. W. P. Bum gardner his home in the eastern, part of town and has moved here to make this her home. GIr. C. F. Boyd, of Gastonia,; route one, was here last Thursday on business. Dr. T- H. Royster nd -Mr. E, E. Detter : were Charlotte visitors last Thursday. Mr. Frank Frye was in Gastonia for a few hours Saturday. ' : ; ' v r The second quarterly conference for' this pastoral charge will, be held at Concord Methddist church ' next Saturday and Sunday by Dr. S. Bv Turrentlne, of Shelby. Dr. Turren tine will preach p.t Concord Saturday morning and Sunday morning and In the Bessemer . City ; church Sunday night.- s - . ! - ; One of the largest crowds ever seen In the Methodist churcV here was attracted last night to witness (he Easter exercises rendered, hy the Sunday ; school. A large numoer crowded the aisles and stood- during the entire service whlle'many others were unable to get Into, the house at all. It U putting it mildly to say that the occasion was a most enjoya ble and helpful one. The music was a special featured f -''ii. (McAdenville Matters.- ; i Correspondence of The Gasette. McADENVILLE. April 1. The Red Men had - an interesting tlmo vjhere Saturday night. They did work In the third degree and liad the ' - pleasure of entertaining the members of Gastonia Tibe No. 4. ' This or der is entering Us third year here and has in the neighborhood of sixty ' members.: ' ;..'..' . ' t Messrs. . S. P. Mauny and J. T. Belk, of .Charlotte, spent Sunday here with the former's iamlly.-?-Mr. and "Mrs. S.. A. Mangum,' of North Charlotte,1 visited relatives -here Sat urday and' Sunday. Prof, il , I Vebb returned home Saturday night from Buford, Gat, where "he visited his sick daughter, who has been in a hospital in Atlanta. He reports that she Is getting along nicely, which will ' Je good news', to her" many friends in Gaston. Mr J. C. Poole Is visiting friends and relatives in Oklahoma and Texas. Dr. James A, Anderson was a Charlotte visitor last weekt.JMr.tand Mrs. I.'.W. Shields spent Sunday ; in Lowell with : their son, Mr, RVB. Shields, and wife. ! -Mr. R. R.: Ray leaves tonight for Philadelphia and New York where he will spend' several days on" busi ness Mrs. A. M. Dixon, of Gastonia, spent some time here laat week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Ray; Mr. - H. L. Roberts, of Salisbury, was a McAdenville visitor last week. Mr. ,T. A. Stewart, of Bessemer City, was here Friday. 'Mr. Charleai D. Pigpen, of Green&boro, nas mov ed his family here. He has a posi tion with the McAden -Mills. Mr; M. B. Albea spent Saturday and Sunday with his family in Charlotte. Mr. L. W,; Jenkins spent Sunday In Greens-. boro with friends. Mrs,' -J. C. Wal ker "visited relatives In Spartanburg. S. C, last , week. Mt., ' John M. Branch, of Gastonia, spent Sunday here with his son, Mr. J. R. Branch. JMr. J. P. Brittain spent Saturday and .Sunday with relatives In Lin eolnton. Mrv A. C. Kolly Was a Charlotte visitor Friday; Miss Blanche Armstrong and Miss Letle Noxman, of Charlotte; were.McAden vllle visitors Sunday. Crouse Route One News. Correspondence of The Gasette. CROUSE Route 1, April. 15. The fcaby girl of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Car penter has been right sick but Is some better at ; this writing. Mr. and Mrs. F, B. Carpenter- were la Crouse shopping Thursday. Ver non, the little nine-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Riser, has been right sick but is resting well today. Little Miss Dovle Panther visited at Mr. Julius Alexander's Sunday. Mr. John A. Riser and family spent Sun day at ''Mr. 01.' A.' Carpenter's -Mr. W. R. Carpenter went to Mortimer Sunday to relieve the telegraph op erator of that place, for a" few days. Messrs. F. B.-Carpenter and J. M. Alexander attended court at Lincoln ton Wednesday. Messrs. j. M. Alex ander and 'Benjamin Ross were in Gastonia ' Friday , on business. Messrs. Christy Riser, Clay Klser. Charlie Carpenter, Lester Tritt, S. L." Carpenter and B. "M. Quinn attended the county meeting bf the Farmers Union at Gastonia Saturday. Strange, Bat Time?. Catawba County News. ' . " -Make an error In reporting a bit of news, and inside of ten minutes after the paper has been sent out, In comes the person whom "It affects; write a column about him In praise, commendation, advertisement fcf his business; aud Vdlvvil a word"B do yon ever hear from him. That's part of a newspaper's experience ; t -5 iZ April 12th Legal HoUday. Monroe" Enquirer 13thl' X ' Yesterday, April 12th, was a legal holida In North Carolina. On the 12th day of April, 1776, the people met, at Halifax and passed fesMu tlons of independence. - lfyou illl notice the State flag, which ought to float from every school house in the State, you will observe tlie date April 12, 177 . That date Is a mark of honor to the passing of the Halifax resolutions. The Legislature .'" of 1909 made April 12th a legal holi day, but it is not generally observed throughout the State." So far as le gal holidays are concerned we have too many of them, anyhow. " ', . ,v ; 'Thirteen women wilt hold Import ant municipal offices In Colorado as the result of last Tuesday elections. Pueblo, the State's .second largest city, elected a woman auditor and Leadville, Telluride, Idaho Springs. Greely and Montrose elected women treasurers, as did the small towns' of Fair Play and RIdeway. There are four, women members of the Colora do legislature and one of the com missioners of the county of Denver Is a woman. - - UNION NEWS NOTES. ,1 Correspondence of The -Gazette. , i UNION; April 17. Mr. Fred Rid dle spent the week-end with his par ents, Mr. and 'Mrs. J, W. RYddle. The children of the neighborhood en Joyed a lively egg-hunt at the school house Friday. afternoon. Mlss Ma mie Henderson spent several days last week in New Hope with her sis ter, Miss Pearl Henderson, at Mrs, C. A. Womtile's. Miss Edna Stroup has gone to spend some time with: her sister, Olrs." E..H. Poover, at Weav ervllle. "Miss Mabel .Patrick v spent tt week-end with hlrparents,Dr. and Mrs. G. R. PatrlcV Miss Pearl Henderson's school " at New Hope closed Friday afternoon and she Is at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Henderson. Mr,, and Mrs. G. A. Sparrow spent .last week at Olney attending ; Kings Mountain Presby tery. Mr. Robert .Wilson attended the play at Belmont Friday 'night.-. Dr. G. R. Patrick and Mis Ruth Pat rick attended Kings Mountain- Pres bytery last week. VlisesLena and Blanche Wilson wereVGastonia shop pers Saturday. Personals and Locals. K s Mr. -3JV111 Wetxell, with . the Abernethy-Shlelds Drug Company, is spending a few days at Rowland. ' Mr,' Sidney-WInget '.left this morning for Winston-Salem and Greensboro- on business. -Mrs, R, C.' Warren is entertain ing the Tuesday Afternoon Club at her home on South York street this afternoon. ,; : .. -r The Oaxette Is requested ' to state that, the Woman's Hospital As sociation will hold its regular meet ing at the Gaston Hospital tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr. Clare ; Henderson ts 4 again with the Abernethy-Shlelds Drug Co. during the absence from the store of Mr. Charles Gray, who. is recuperat ing from aTecent Illness. ' ". Mayor and Mrs. T. L. Craig and Ml&a Lillian. Watson returned this morning from Newborn after a visit to Mrs. CrsJg's father, Mr. W. M. WatSOn, ', '; " : .. Prof. J. A. Livingston, of Bre vard, has purchased an Interest in The Progress Publlshlnjr Company and It Is understood will arrive some time next month to assume active connection with the Arm. --Word ' was . received here this morning that Mr. William Arowood is very low at his homeWbout one mile from Bessemer City. ' Mr. Ar rowood Is 95- years of age and there is little hope of his recovery. He. is the father of Messrs. L. C. and D. M. Arrowood, of Bessemer. City, Rev. R. C. Anderson, of Gasto nia, and Mr.. Frank L. Jacksorfynan ager of the Montreat propferLlCs at Black Mountain, spent yesterday in Ashevllle perfecting some details In the, transfer of the Huyler holdings to the Mountain Retreat Association. Mr. Anderson is expected home to night. ,'k -:V; " V; -:;: "V Boys, get in the corn club con test. V There Is time yet.- Write iont, to en- contest and to go in to Prof. F. P. Hall, of Belmont ter your name in the contest then make up yeur mind to go win. There will toe a number of hand som prizes to win, a list of . which has been appearing from 'time to time In' The Gazette We expect to add to thla list considerable in the near future. :. :"-' -' : ' . ... . - .. i . Mr. Summey C Cornwall, the civil engineer, waa awarded the con tract by the Treasury' Department, to furnish su nreyolanfl blue prints of the site for fl Gastonia federal building and is engaged today in making the survey.. (The specifica tions call , for Information down to the minutest detail. .. For Instance he is required to give the number of trees on the site, tie kind and size of each, the- character of the soil, and a hundred and one other things. The survey he furnishes is preliminary to the drawing of the plans. for. the building itself, Gastonians are hop ing and expecting that the contracts will be let and work commenced on this bulldinfc some time during' the coming summer. . .. fit. C 8. Brown, Making Arrange ments to Begin Operation of New V Industry in June IUa Large Pos slbnitles. ; . . ' Gastonia is to -have a new Industry in the shape of a. canning factory. The Gazette learns from Mr. C. 8. Grown of the firm of C. 8. Brown & Co., proprietors of the Gaston Veget able A Seed Farm, that be is now aklng arrangements looking to this d and expects to have his plant reitty- tor operation. . It will be lo cated just south of Gastonia a short distance on land leased by this firm and which they are cultivating 'for the first time as a truck farm. . . ' . In talking to The Gazette man yes terday Mr. Brown said: - . "Our plan will be either to pur chase all surplus fruits and vegeta blee grown around Gastonia at a fair market price or do canning on shares at the option of the grower." , He added that he would be pleased to discuss the matter with all the growers of truck 'or fruit in this im mediate territory in order that be might approximate the amount of fruit and vegetables that could be se cured here for packing under favbraA bl conditions, He further- stated that, to secure the success of this en terprise, they need and will do ev erything possible to merit the patron age and co-operation of growers merchants and consumers. That there is room for such a plant here does not admit of argument. During the winter montha thousands of cases, of canned tomatoes, leans, peas, corn and other vegetable are purchased by the local merchants for the local trade. There is no reason why all of this coilld not- be grown and packed right here at home, Mr. Brown Is very enthusiastic over the prospects for thlsTcannlng plant and Is sure that success awaits the venture if only the people here will co-operate with him. Gastonia Defeated. "'. In the game of baseball between the teams of the Gastonia and Shel by High Schools, played at Shelby yesterday afternoon, Gastonia was defeated by a score of 10 to 6i- Gas tonia was in the lead until the sixth Inning, when the score was tied. In the elgth Shelby made fiva runs and In the ninth the Gastonia boys were only' able to score on. White's playing at third forVGatonia was es pecially good. Batfes: Gastonia, Pearson and McLean; Shelby, Moore and Anthony. . Alabaman Abandons State-Wide Pro hibition. '; State-wide prohibition was aban doned in Alabama last week when both branches of the Legislature adopted the Smith liquor regulation bill. This provides that 45 percent, of the voters of a county may peti tion for an election to determine whether liquor shall be sold in that county, either by saloons, dispensary or otherwise. Each county is there by given full power to regulate its liquor traffic.. . v - ; C : "';.; Rev. J. Frank Harrelson, of Mc Adenville, was here Saturday for the declamation contest. Miss Gerolene Barnwell, the at tractive little daughter of Mr, and Mrs. S. B. Barnwell, wonytne .hand some pair of white ramits . given away Saturday nighi the Tor-rence-Morris -'. Company, jewelers. Miss ; Lucy Wilson. . the , winsome dauglrtCT ot lit. Frank Wilson, ,won the si zA. J,n "CI. i the second prize, a half-dozen Faster When-the drawing of names mmenced at 8 o'clock the store was crowded to Its capacity. there being a ' hundred ori more, "children and others present. Mr, JamesLeach was blindfolded and drew the names from a box. The event was one of the features of Easter-tide to the young folks of the town. . 1 , :L ; -JMr. J. ii. Parker, a Gaston county man residing in North Char lotte, died last Wednesday, at the home of his son, Mr. 'A B. Parker, at that place, aged 76 years. He had been In falling health for some time. He was a native of Virginia but was living in Gaston county at the out break of. the civil war. He enlisted In Company H, Fifty-Second Regi ment North Carolina ', State Troops and served the South valiantly. He lost his (eft leg at the battle of Pe tersburg. At the close of the war Mr. Parker ; returned to Gaston and made his home here until he went to Charlotte two years ago. He lived in Stanley. A wife and several chil dren survive.- - Mff Miles O. Thornburg Awarded De- rlaimer'f Medal in Saturday's Con test Nine Young Hen Speak for It All Acquitted - Themselves Well Two ; More Medals . Next Mr. Miles O, Thornburg, of, the Gastonia high school, won the S. N. Boyce gold declaimer's medal in the contest held Saturday afternoon at the county court house, In which there were nine representatives from various schools In the county. His subject was "The Popular Election of United States Senators" and he de monstrated the fact that he has tal ent in this line. Mr. Thornburg is from the El Bethel section, near Kings Mountain. He Is a nephew ot Mrs. O. W. Davis, of Gastonia, with Whom he makes his home. v All of the young men acquitted themselves well, two or three be sides ; the winner exhibiting special talent for speaking in public and ac quitting themselves with special credit. Following Is a list of .'the speakers and their subjects as they came on the program, viz: Fred 01,' Arrowood, Bessemer City. "The Black Horse and His Rider." Clyde Bass,. Stanley, 'American ism," r . William Black, Cherryville, "The New South." Fred Farrls, "Our Flag." ' Edgar McLean, Gastonia, "Bel shazzar's Feast." Clarence Rhyne, Dallas, "The Province of HiBtory." Ralph Stowe, Dallas, "Abraham Lincoln." Vernal Summttt, Cherryville, "Rome and Carthage." -r;-- Desplte the very Inclement weath er there was a good crowd present and it showed its'appreciatlon of the contest and the contestants. County Superintendent of Educa tion F. P. Hall presided and made a brief statement before the program wat taken up. He laid stress on the great value to young men of being able to stand before an audience and speak. Inability to address a crowd, he tdd nls hearers, was a . great drawback to men. It la usually the man who can face the people and give voice to his ideas that carries the ; day.; Another man may have sounder judgment and better ideas but, unless he has the ability to place his. Ideas before the public 'in speech, he can accomplish but little. It was a realization ot the impor tance of, cultivating the speaking habit In our public schools and a de sire to encourage the young men in this line of endeavor that ' induced Mr, 8, N. Boyce, cashier of the First National Bank of Gastonia, to offer a gold medal to be given annually to the young man in the county who Is adjudged to be the best declatmer. The contest is. open to every one of the sixty white, school districts In the county and each district is limited to two contestants. This was the first contest held. It sis probable that next year the number of contestants will fee much larger. . The judges for(the contest Satur day, were Recorder D. B. Smith, of Charlotte: Prof. J.R. Henson, of Mt. Holly, and Prof. J. Y. Erwin, ; of Kings Mountain. They were out in the audience and the speakers were unaware of their Identity until the; contest bad closed. In awarding the medal Recorder Smith made a most appropriate speech." Supt. Hair announced that next year there would be two. other gold medals . offered in county contests. One, given by Mr. David P. Delllnger, of the local bar, win be given to the young lady of the county who best delivers a recitation.. .. The other will be given by 'Messrs. Long Brothers, of Gastonia, to the best debater among the young men of the county. This probably means that there will be three contests. Band Concert To-Nlght. .' ' , : Beginning at 8:15 o'clock tonight an open-air concert will be given on the public square by the , Clari Con cert Band. Provided these concerts are well attended and prove popular, they will probably be given at regu lar Intervals throughout the 5 sum mer; " .. - The Georgia - prison commission has recommended to Governor Brown that he grant an unconditional par don to Thomas Edgar Stripling the former police chief of Danville, Va., who killed a man, in thai State 14 years ago and escaped whllebelng taken' to the penitentiary. His fate now rests with the governor. - Mr. J. T. McMackin, Grandfather of . Mr. Fred M. Howell, Passes at f Elity-Seven Was a Confederate' ' Veteran 'Funeral and Burial at Bethany! Yesterday. ii ! Mr, Fred M. Howell, of Gastonia. was called Sunday morning' to Beth-' any, York county, on account of the ', critical illness of his maternal grand father, Mr. J. Thaddeus McMackin. . Death came at 3 o'clock Sunday af ternoon following a serious Illness of ' six weeks. Death was due to paral ysis together with a complication of diseases. Prior to the stroke which resulted In death Mr. McMackin had been In the enjoyment ot good health ' ; Funeral services were held yester- ' day morning at 11 o'clock at Betha ny Associate Reformed Presbyterian church, Rev.. Dr. R. M. Stevenson, -; the pastor, officiating. The body was laid to rest , In the Bethany cemetery. Deceased was born in the same community in which he died Februa ry 7, 1824, being thus in his 88th year. He married a Miss Qu'lnn who preceded him to the grave thirty years or more. Surviving are three sons and one daughter, viz: T. "EL and Robert G. 'MdMackln, of Betha ny; Horace McMackin, of Chicota. Texas, and Mrs. N. Ar Howell, ot Bethany. ; ; , ' Mr. McMackin was a Confederate veteran, having served throughout the civil war in one of the South Carolina regiments. He served the 1 Southland valiantly during that long: and bitter struggle. 4 He was a eplen--did citizen and enjoyed the highest esteem of all who knew hinj. " . '' MEETS ACCIDENTAL DEATH. Mr, John S. Hoover, of Mecklenburg. Brother of Mr. Andy Hoover, of ' ; : This County, Victim of Peculiar .''Accident., . . ; ""-".C"jq , : ; -"i The following item from yester- . day's Charlotte Chronicle will be of . Interest to many Gazette readers In asmuch as Mr. Hoover was known to many people In Gaston county: , r "One of the most peculiar and dla ' if easing accidents which has ever oo , curred. In this community, In some time, happened near Matthews Satur day morning, when Mr. John Scott ; Hoover, a prominent farmer of thw ; Morning JStar section, stumbled . In alighting from his buggy In such s; manner as to throw his weight , on the back of his neck, which waa bro , ken by the force of the fall. "This accident occurred In the vt vinity of Matthews and caused much excitement and universal regret la -the neighborhood in which the de ' ceased , lived. It seems ; that Mr! Hoover; : who : was quite an ;v elderly . manHn some unknown manner, eith er stumbled or caught his foot, while, alighting from - his conveyance and received the fall which caused hla death. The spinal cord was snapped by the impact of his fall and he died , In a few moments afterward. 1 'iMr. Hoover Is survived by . two sisters, Mrs. T. M. Shaw and Mrs. W C. Neal, of this city, and v fey two brothers, Messrs. Andy Hoover, ot Gaston county, and Jim Hoover, a resident of the eastern part of the.. State.". , DROWNED IN CATAWBA. Rev. - McNeely IhiBose, ' Promlneak Kpiscppa Minister, Loses Life In . Sad Tragedy. Near Morgan ton- Body Not Yet Found. . Rev. McNeely DuBose, one of the- ; most prominent Episcopal minlstem . in the State and until recently rector of Grace church, Morgan ton, lost hlaij . life early Saturday morning in a very tragic manner. Together -' with his. f two young sons he had gone out sev eral miles from Morganton to hunt ducks on the Catawba river, which . waa partly swollen by ' the recent heavy, rains." In attempting to wad thev river to secure a duck which he had shot and which fell on the op posite side of the stream, he - ' warn drawn y. Into i a I awl ft ;r current, ' and -drowned, i Searching parties J. have been dragging the river for his body but so far it has not been found. Dr. DuBose was for 19 years rec tor of Trinity church ; at Ashevlllet and was for several years at the head ot St. Mary's College, Raleigh. Some months ago he resigned his pastoral. at Morganton because of ill heall!i and had been spending the winter ia Florida. ' He was widely known acl greatly beloved by hosts of people la all section of the State. ' x - Special to The Gazette. r 4 4