mm PUBLISIIED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. ELVGLS OOl'Y 3 CENTS. Devoted to Uw protection of Home and the Interests of the County. . tlJW A YEAR IN ADYANC2. VOL. XXX1L . GASTONIA, N. C. FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1911. NO. 82. W -W w 'MBM'' GAZETTE LACTtEY-WILLIAMS. Two Popular Young People of the ."Loray Married Last' Night An other Wedding LiTe Newt Note and Personals from West Gastonia. Correspondence of The Gazette. - WEST GASTONIA. April 20. A wedding of unusual Interest tto the this V- people here will take place this enlng at 8 o'clock when Miss Etta Williams will be married to Mr. J. E. Lacker at the home of the bride's . parents. Rev. C. M. 'Robinson, pas tor of the Loray Baptist church, will be . the officiating minister.. Mr. Lacker and Miss Williams are very popular among the people at1 this place and a large number of their : friends will be present to witness the ceremony. ,..- v ' ' . 'Miss Delia Caveny and Mf . W. A. Stephenson were married at the home of the bride's parents, 31 r. and 'Mrs. T. . J. Caveny, at Kings 'Mountain Tuesday evening, April 11th,. at ; 8 .o'clock by Rev. J, D. Moose. Mr. Stephenson has been" living at the Loray for some time and is a Very capable and industrious young man. Miss Caveny has been staying here with her brother for some time. She la xin itlnttlu l.H on4 ano.t of' fronds here! ' Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson will make their home with his father at the Loray, Among the out-of-town guests present were Mrs. R. L, Cav eny and daughter, Messrs. .'Monroe and Henry Stephenson, of the Loray, and Mr. I II. Caveny, of Charlotte.'; ' .) "Mr. E.' C. Herrin Is expecting his family to come in today from Catee chee, S. C. Mr. George Harrison Is visiting his father at Enfield this week, y He will while there erect a large sixty thousand gallon capacity tank for his father. Mr, Russell, representing the American Auditing Co.. Is here this week going through the books and auditing the work for the past six months. Mr. . L. B. Chandler, of Tucapau, 1 S. C, spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Williams moved from the Loray to Salisbury' this week. Mr. A. B. 'McAllister spent 'Monday in Gaffney, S. .; C, on business. Mr. Gayno Boyter,' of High Shoals, spent Thursday at the Loray. 'Mrs. J. . L. Boyter is spending the week with her daughter at Woodruff, ; S. C Mr, Will Cathey, of Cllffslde, has moved back to the Loray. A colored gentleman from parts unknown made a bold attempt to teal some Clothes here one day this week, taking them wff the line at one of the pressing Clubs In broad day light. ; He was caught in the act and after giving: his pursuers , a lively chase for a mile or so he dropped the clothes and finally made his escape. A little son of Mr. and Mrs. hr P. Lewis has been critically HI for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Selvey visited the latter' parents, ' Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Johnson, near Dallas Sun day. Mr. L. J., Waldrqp. .who has been In the mercantile business on West Airline street, has purchased Mr. Hart Stacey'a stock of goods in the building formerly occupied ' by Thomas Lowdermllk and will move his stock, of goods herealso. Mr.D. C. Elliott spent Monday in Charlotte. Mr. C. W. Moore has resigned his position in the roller shop and has moved his family to Gaffney, 8. C The Infant of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Crenshaw died at the Arlington Mill Wednesday. Mr. Lonnle Groves,: of Albemarle, spent Sunday with his sister-in-law, 'Mrs- J. R. Groves, at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. F. W. Bradley on West Franklin avenue. Miss Zelpha Brooks Is spending . a fort-night with her uncle, Mr." S, H. Hughey, at Tucapau, S. C. . Dallas, Eoutel, Hews. Correspondence of The Gazette, DALLAS, Route" 1, April 20. Mr. and "Mrs. J. N. Moore and Master Reuben attended the egg bunt at Dallas Saturday evening before Eas ter. Messrs. CJaud and Albert Tur nef, 'of Sh'elby, spent Easter at the home of Mrs. Sarah Pasour, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Ratchford and chil dren visited at the home of W.W. Ratchford at Dallas Sunday. Mr. It. L, Jenkins were among those from route one who attended the Easter services at St. 'Mary's College Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. G. Pa sour and children, of Crouse, visited their mother, Mrs. Sarah Pasour, Sunday. Misses Mattle ) and Edna Best and ' Mr. Thomas Ho vis were the guests Sunday of Miss Lola Clon inger. Misses Laura and Florence Pasour visited Miss 'Mary Hager on Bessemer route two, from Friday till Sunday. Mr. George Ratchford, of Dallas, spent Sunday with homefolks in this section. Mrs. Richard L. Jenkins visited relatives at Dallas Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. C, Pa sour and children are at the home of Mr. William Thomas in the Plsgah neighborhood. Mr. S. J. White was a business visitor In Gastonia Toes da, Mrs. Larkin White and children visited at the home of Mrs. Sarah Pasour Thursday. - y: Stanley Happenings. Correspondence of The Gazette. STANLEY. April 20. Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Cline had as their guests Easter Mr. Carl Cline. Mr. and Mrs. John Fulenwlder and son, and Miss Kigler, of 'Monroe. . v A delightful Easter egg hunt was Misses Allle Mason and Bessie 'Mor ris to their school children In the Smith grove. Quite a "number of the little oiks from all over the neigh borhood were present and a right royal time was enjoyed. .. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Reinhardt and daughters, little Misses Elisabeth and Helen, spent Easter with rela tives atIron Station. Mr. Robert Peterson was home from Charlotte for Easter. Messrs. George '- Rhyne and Normon 'Roseman, of Lincoln ton, were Sunday visitors here.' V ' -Mrs. John G. Carpenter and Miss Kate Carpenter were Gastonia visi tors Monday. It will doubtless be of great Interest to the Gastonia people to learn that. Senator and Mrs. Car penter expect to start housekeeping there In the near future. -Mr. William Archer, of Shelby, spent Easter with his son, Mr. J. M. Archer, Mrs. J. M. Archer ana children spent Tuesday afrMount Hol ly with her parents, -Mr, and Mrs. A. P. 'Rhyne. Postmaster and Mrs. J, L. Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Thompson were Charlotte visitors Tuesday. " ' I " HOLLAND-RANI Miss Essie Rankld arid Mr. Yamea 4. Holland Marrieu Tuesday VAfter noon Mr. W. II. WilUnnod Cele- Urates His 64th Birthdast-Per- sonal atnd Social Items, Correspondence of TbeT3azette. -. MOUNT HOLLY, April 20. Prof. Lester Springs spent Easter at home, returning Monday -afternoon. Eas ter was impressively observed by the Lutheran congregation. : The Holy Communion was celebrated at the morning hour and at nlghran Eas ter cantata was attractively rendered at which Miss Elanor Sticker sang most beautifully. Our Baptist con gregation is holding night services. Rev. Mr. Vipperman, the pastor. Is being aided by his brother. Rev. "J. L. Vipperman, r of Spencer. Rev. and Mrs. S. F. Cathey spent a day in Charlotte shopping. Miss : Luna Smith, of , Belmont.- has accepted V a position with Mrs. T. A. Dunn In her millinery department store. Mr. and Mrs. William H." Wilkin son, living Just across the river near Mount Holly ferry, were given a sur prise party last Tuesday by his chil dren and ' a :" few neighbors friends, the occasion being the celebration of Mr. Wilkinson's 64th birthday. All brought baskets which were pre viously arranged to make the occas ion the more surprising, and one of the most delightful dinners Imagina ble was the reeult. H was your cor respondent's pleasure to v be one : of the ' guests; The party broke up about '8 p. m., all wishing for him many more birthdays such as the one he experienced on thai day. nr.! W. F. Honeycut, ub'superin tendent ": ot the Nlnjs Cotton Mills, spent last Saturday4 and Sunday in Newton on a visit to his brother who holds a like position In a eotton mill j at that place. I An unusually pretty wedding was i solemnized at the home of Mrs. Mat ' tie Kelly Rankin Tuesday afternoon at 5:30 o clock when her daughter, Miss Essie, was united iu marriage to Mr. James Jenkins Holland. - The bride's pastor,. Rev. J. A. Bowles, of ficiated, assisted by Rev. S. L. Cath ey. pastor of the groom. . ' : The decorations were beautiful in l their simplicity.- Th prevailing col or . scheme of green . and white was consistently carried out.' The Impro vised altar was banked with potted plants and on either side white ropes entwined with ivy were suspended, overarching the altar and pendant from the ceiling like growing vines. Promptly at 5:80 o'clock to the strains of Mendelssohn's "Wedding 'Ma'rch," played by Mr. John W, Hol land, brother of the groom, on the violin, accompanied by Mrs. John W Holland on the piano, the bridal par ty entered. Coming, first were the ushers, Mr. John T. Welch, of Char lotte. and Dr. Charles E. McLean, of Belmont, brothers-in-law of the bride. Next entered the groom with his best man',' Mr. Wilfls L. Holland, Jr., a brother of the groom.. Then entered the bride with her, maid of honor, MIss -Mary L. Bowles. While the bride and groom stood before the altar upon a white velvet rug cover ed with rose petals, and while the ceremony was in progress, Mr. and Mrs. Holland rendered "I Live and Love Thee." . . : 'r-'rh 'v.' The bride was lovely In her wed ding gown of white messaline satin, trimmed with ah old-lace collar and wearing a diamond brooch, a gift of the groom. Her bridal veil was caught with orange blossoms.' She carried a shower bouquet of bride roses and lilies of the valley, '; The maid of ' honor was daintily , attired in a white lingerie gown with black picture hat and carried pink, carna tions and asparagus ferns. ; The bridal presents were numer ous and beautiful consisting for the most part oeut glass, silver and china ware, linen and ' furniture which were In attestation of the pop ularity of the charming bride who Is extremely popular.. The groom Is the efficient station agents of the Sea board Air Line Railway' here' and Is a young man of great promise. - . The couple left immediately after the ceremony Htor Washington and other points in the north. The bride's golng-away -gown was a Ian coat suit with hat, gloves and shoes to match. . They will be at home af ter May 1. :The out-of-town guests were: "Dr. and 'Mrs. C. E. McLean, of Belmont; Mr. and Mrs. John T. Welch, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Shelton and daughter. Miss Mary, Mrs.; L. . D. Kelly, and daughters, Misses Georgia, Eula and Estelle, Mr. and 'Mrs. J. W. Kelly, Miss Marguerite 'Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Karl R. Detter, all of Charlotte; Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Holland, of Shel by; Sheriff and Mrs. J. D. B. 'McLean, of Gastonia; Mrs.' J. C. Puett and daughter, Miss Corlnne, of Dallas. . , Lowell Defeats Dallas. Correspondence of The Gazette. v LOWELL, April 20. A team rep resenting the . Lowell ' high i school crossed , bats with the Dallas high school team Monday, Lowell winning by a score of 12 to 3. The features of the game were the hitting of Rob inson for Lowell, who got two three baggers and lone double out of five times up; the star pitching of Leon hardt, who held the visitors to four well-scattered tilts, while the Lowell boys found Rhyne 12 times safely; the playing of McAllister and Rudl sill for Dallas was extra good. The batteries were as. follows: LowVll Leonhardt and Robinson; Dal Shuford, Rhyne and Stowe. . .;. Long Shoals Items. Correspondence of The Gazette. . LONG SHOALS, ; April 2 0' Mr. and Mrs. Clay E: Rutledge and little Sloan, of Charlotte,' SRnt last week it H O. Rutledge's . Miss Lockle Weathers spent last Week in Stanley Creek. Miss Marietta Pasour spent last week a't Mr. M. L. Carpenter's. vllr. Pender Alexander '-and Miss Hattie Costner " were married last Sunday. CALL SENT OUT, Secretary MoCausland of Suez' Tem- pie D. O. O. K. Notifies VoUries of ' State That , Good Time Awai Them Here Next Tiiesday. 1 f ' : Secretary A. E. McCausland ,o Sues Temple No. T3 D. O. K. K., of Charlotte, mailed notes under date of the 18th to all the members"ot that Temple as follows: V . "Attention votaries. Word comes to us that a class of 25 Tyros awaits us in the city of Gastonia. N. C. We, therefore, call a ceremonial session for Tuesday, April 25th. at K. of P. hall, Gastonia, N. C. for the purpose of receiving them Into the fold. ' A banquet will be served and a general good time Is promised. Team will leave Charlotte at 4:45 p.'m. Tues day. In Arabic courtesy, L.' L. Cau dle, R. V.; A. E. McCausIand, Secy." Much Interest is being manifested locally and t in . this section among Pythlans in' this approaching cere monial session. It Is probable that the attendance, will be in excess of 200. Though the above notice states that the class consists of 25 it is al together likely that by next Tuesday night it will be In' the neighborhood of 40, as word comes from several nearby towns that' candidates from those places will be brought along on Tuesday. " Since the list of twenty-five candi dates was published last week sev eral others have signed up and quite a number of others are expected to do so before the time for the cere monies rolls round. Present Indica tions are that the class of Initiates will not number less than forty, Makes Fine Showing. A fine showing was made byVthe uanic ol Belmont for the year ending March 31st, according to the state ment submitted by Cashier W.J B. Puett te the stockholders andVirec tors of that lnstitulon when they met in annual session at Belmont yester day afternoon at 2 o'clock. The reg ular annual dividend of six per cent was paid. The past year has been a most satisfactory one with this bank, which Is the largest and most prosperous financial Institution : In Gaston county outside of Gastonia. Mr. L. L. Jenkins retired as vice president and a member of the board of directors and was succeeded in both these, positions by Mr. J. Lee Robinson, of Gastonia. The officers elected for the ensuing year are as follows, viz:' President, Mr. R. L. Stowe; vice president, Mr. J Lee Robinson; cashier, Mr. W. B. Puett; directors, 'Messrs. R. L. Stowe, Vf. B. Puett, R. R. Ray, F. P. Hall, A, C. Llneberger, Thomas W. Spklnfes and J. Lee Robinson.' . V Linwood Commencement. An unusually attractive program has been arranged for tm commence ment exercises of J Llvwood , College, which will be heldiuns year on May 21st,- 22nd and 2rfd. On. Sunday, May 21st, at U o'clock, Rev. A. 8. 'Rogers, of Rock Hill, " S. .C, will preach the commencement sermon. The annual sermon to the Y. W. C. A. will be preached by Rev. Dr. J. H. Moffalt, president J of Ersklne Coir lege, Due West, S. C, on the after noon of the same day. The gradua tion exercises will take place Tues day, May 23 rd on which day Hon. E.- R. Preston, of Charlotte will de liver the commencement address. V" , Booker T. Washington and some Northern financiers are ' planning, says a dispatch from Dallas, Tex., to buy the International Great Northern Railway at the receivership' sale to be held in Palestine, Tex., May 15th. It Is said that Washington will at tempt to operate the road with ne gro employes exclusively . If he gets control of It. Congressman E. Y. Webbvof this dlstridt - yesterday made a vigorous speech In Congress In opposition to the Canadian reciprocity: treaty, tak ing occasion in the course of his re marks to reply to the strictures placed upon himself and other North Carolina members by Representative Claude- Kltchin in his speech last Saturday. : HI reply was a stinging rebuke to Mr. Kitchin. . . : William ( A. Day was yesterday elected president of the Equitable Life Assurance Society to succeed the late Paul Morton. His salary Is to be 850,000 a year Instead of 80r 000, the Salary paid heretofore. - Day Wat J. Plermont Morgan' 'candidate and was opposed by SupL Hotchklss of the New York Insurance Depart ment and by the trustees of the so ciety. The Directors elect. DECLA1MERS' CONTEST, y lyKoung Men and Young Ladies oTGas- ioou fugn etcnooi uimpeie , lot Prises Mr. Robert McLean and. Miss Margaret Louise LaFar the Winners. Ov An Interesting contest took place afternoon In the auditorium of the Central graded school when seven, young m'en and five young la dles contested for two' prizes offered by Supt. J. S. Wray. Some time ago Prof. Wray announced the contest and stated that he would give a prize for the best declamation by a young man In the high school and one for the best recitation by a young lady of the high school. The winners were Mr Robert McLean, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McLean, and Miss Margaret Louise LaFar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. LaFar. The prizes will be Swarded at the com ing commencement. .'; According to the terms governing the contest the young men were all required to deliver the same decla mation, "The Death Bed of Benedict Arnold" being the one selected. The young ladles rendered "Old Ace." the contestants were Messrs. John Elliott, Leonard Henry, Ernest Her man, Harry Cobb; Joe Holland, Rob ert McLean, Raymond Ratchford. Roy Stewart, Kenneth Lewis and Misses Madeline Thomson, Sue Ram sey Johnston, Margaret Louise La Far, Mary Rawlings and Louisa Reld. The Judges were: For the boys' contest Capt. A. L. Bui winkle, Mr. Timberlake and Mr. Miles O. Thorn burg; for the girls' contest Mrs. J. Lean Adams, Mrs. W. H. Reddish and Miss Jane Morris. The contest was a success from every standpoint and was greatly en Joyed by quite a number of patrons and friends 'of the school who were present. .. : ';. SCHOOL CLOSING. Commencement of the Kings Moun , tain Graded Schools WlU be Held April 80, ly 1 and 2. Kings Mountain Herald. -' The following is the program for the Kings Mountain graded school commencement, which will be held April 30th, May 1st and 2nd: SUNDAY, APRIL. 80TH. 11:00 a. m.. Sermon Rev. M. Statrwalt. - 1 ' MONDAY, MAY 1ST. . 8:30 p. m. Class Exercises. Class Historian -Bonnie Mauney. Class Prophet Ethel Abbott. Class Poet Fred Baker. Class Wlll-Besaie Ramseur. Awarding of Diplomas. Address Rev. Plato Durham. TUESDAY, MAY : 2ND. 8:30 p. m. Concert. Song by 8chool United. : Revels of the May Queen. Pantomime Old Folks at Home. ' Song The Glow-worm. Merchant of Venice. Good-Night Drill. Mr. P. L. Parsley, of York Oonnty, -Dead. ' The Enquirer, 18 th. Mr, P. L. Pursley, a well knowu and highly esteemed citizen of the Bethany neighborhood, died last Sat urday afternoon, after a long and te dious Illness, and wss burled at Beth any on 'Sunday, the services being conducted by Rev. R. M. Stevenson. Mr, Pursley was born in the same neighborhood in which he died, on September 11, 1835. He served through the war as a member of company G. Eighteenth South Caro lina volunteers, was at Second Man assas and other hard fought battles and was captured at the "Blowup" at Petersburg and taken to Elmlra, N. Y., where he was held for eleven montha After the war he returned to his old home near Bethany and devoted himself to farming . as a means of livelihood, and to the du ties of good citizenship as a matter of habit. He Is survived by his wide ow and the . following children: Messrs. Samuel L. Pursley, John , C. Pursley, Robert L. Pursley, Erwln G. Pursley and U. M. Pursley. The only daughter, Mrs. C. M. McKnlght, died m 1904. V :;: V J Bora ' ; ; To Mr. and Mrs. L. I Hardin Monday, April 17, 1911, a daughter. To Mr and Mrs. Joseph T Aber nethy. of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Monday, April 17th. 1911, a son. : To Mr;and Mrs. D. A. Cline, of Gastonia. Monday, April 17th. 1911 a daughter. v I Toeadaj Subscribe to The Gazette. WILL DELIVER ADDRESS. Recorder D. B. Smith, of Charlotte ; Commencement Speaker : for City ' : Schools Class Numbers Eight. ' Recorder D. B. Smith, of Charlotte, has accepted an Invitation to deliver the annual address at the commence ment exercises ! of the city schoqls Monday, May, 8th. The exercises will be held In the Central school auditorium beginning at 8 o'clock. The selection of Mr. Smith for this occasion Is a most happy one.' - He is s forceful and entertaining speaker and a gentleman ' of most pleasing' personality. Gaston lans hare a treat In store for them In Mr,' Smith's ad dress. " " " . '" '' '( ' ' As previously announced the an nual sermon will be preached , on Sunday, May 7th, by Rev. G. D. Her man, pastor of Main Street Metho dist church. '.. This year's class numbers eight, as follows, viz: Messrs. Dana Caldwell. Ernest Knox Herman, J. Edgar Mc Lean, and -Misses Lucy Boyce, Annie Torrence Glenn, Susie Rankin, Nel-j He Rose Sloan and Itara Evelyn WU-, son. This year certificates will be award ed, for the first time, to those mem bers who have been neither tardy nor absent during the entire year and also to those who have done ex traordlnarlly well in any line of their -work du ring the session. , . 1 Invitations reading as follows are being malled,out this week: , The Senior Class of Gastonia High School requests your presence at its Graduating Exercises on Monday, the eigtitft of May, - nineteen hundred and eleven '.' Gastonia, North Carolina. BIG CATHEDRAL DEDICATED. Has Been In Coarse of Const ruction 10 Years and 80 More Will be Re " quired to Finish ItCost $10 1 000,000 and Is Largest on Western Hemisphere. - ' ; r::-'-:' ' ;:; New York, April 1 9. Many dis tinguished public men and eminent ' representatives of nearly all rellg--lous denominations Joined today with .: the clergy and laity of the Episcopal church in dedicating the two com pleted chapels of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, the great granite, pile Rising on Mornlngslde Heights ; ; that has long attracted the attention of all visitors to New York; - The etw cleslastical procession which was ' ' .feature of the dedication was . thft most Imposing ever seen In the me tropolis. :a One of the finished chapels dedi cated and opened to the public Is . gift of August Belmont in memory ol his first wife. The other I in mem ory of Miss Mary King, a gift from. f , her father. ; Today's exercises also Included the dedication of the choir loft and the organ, which is the lar gest In America. The cathedral. It self . has been building for nearly -nineteen years, and on. it between ' $3,000,000 and $4,000,000 have been, spent thus far. It is estimated that, about thirty years will be ' requlredl A -to complete It and the additional ex penditure will probably exceed $10,- . 000,000. It Is to be the largest anfc , costliest church edifice In the west-.; ern world. '.v ' v. , . WITH THE SICK. Mr. J. Math Armstrong, ? of Bel- iV' lotte for an operation for append!-, cltls. v : - ' ; 'U.v": v.V : Mr. Marvin Boyd, the clever book--, I keeper for the Gastonia Hardware Company, underwent an operation at.; the City Heapltal Wednesday for ap pendicitis and is getting along nicely. Mrs. R. Love Davis has been quite sick for some days past at ier homej on East Main avenue. Y Mr. L. L. Todd is out after a week'a Illness from grip. , , v ; a J Mrs. L. L. Smith, of West Gas tonia, was taken yesterday to the City Hospital for treatment. ' The Biggest Trust. Tombstone Epltsph. , , '. v. A avaIisiim ftriar fna M fTVsrt . I Trust on earth Is the country news- j paper. It trust . everybody, get-- ; cussed for trusting, mistrusted for-j cussing, and if it busts for trusting , gets cussed for busting. There : X . but one way Jto bust pay your subscription. . . . The State of South Carolina t:a borrowed half a million dollars at three per centam to pay nec - -tt expenses until next January. f

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