JIM IONIA- ZE1TE, PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. v ,v 6IXGLB COPY 8 CENTS. Deputed to the Protection uf Home and the Int recta of the County. $1.30 A YEAR IX ADVANCE. ,1 V VOL. XXIIL GASTONIA,' N. C FRIDAY. MAY 5, 1911. NO. 86. FUNERAL OF KIRS DURHAM. COUKOLMEN TAKE OATH SCHOOL TO CLOSE. GA3r CM TO KNOCK OUT LIQUOR. V First Act of McAdenvllle's New Oty ' Council to Revoke License Or dlnance A Death Live; Briefs and Personals.,; Z ? Correspondence of The Gazette. , . McADENVILLE,,,May 4. Mrs. " : Vonnle Helton, wife of XJornellus ' Helton, died at her home here Fri day,' April' 28th, at 6 p. m.'cHer death was' caused by tuberculosis. Before marriage she was a Miss Ray, .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ray. of Mayes worth. ' She left a husband. an ' Infant -daughter about . two months ' old, father and mother, brothers and sisters and friends , to mourn her departure. Funeral ser- , , vices, were conducted In the home by Rev. R, A. Miller, of Lowell, Sat urday at 2 p. m., after which inter ment was made in the cemetery at Lowell. Rev. J. F. Harrelson was confined to his room for several days last week and not being able for servi ces Sunday his pulpit at the Metho dist church was filled Sunday morn ing by Rev. F. W. Bradley, of Gas- v tonla. Rev. Mr. Bradley's sermon ' was greatly appreciated and enjoyed by the congregation. Messrs. George F. Webb and Cas well Albea spent Sunday in Char lotte. Mrs. E. T. Bell, of Lumpkin, Ga., arrived Tuesday and will spend the greater part of the summer here for her health and" to be with her brother, Mr. J. L. Ingram, book keeper for the McAden Mills. 'Messrs. A. C. Kelly and J. L. Web her, Mrs. David McGhee, daughter and son, Miss Meta and Master Ba sil, were Gastonia shoppers Wednes day. The municipal election for Mc Adenville passed off quietly despite the fact that two tickets were out for aklermen. The regular nominees - of the mass meeting were elected by good majority over the' "Free ; Trade" ticket. The following were elected for one year aa mayor and ' aldermen: Mayor, R. H. Fisher; aldermen, Julius Kimbro, T. L. Austin, Emmet Skldmore, J. .r H. Wagstaff, .W. P. Cavin and S. R. , Nichols. One of the first acta of the new board will be the repealing of the town ordinance which gives the drug store the right to handle 11- . quor. Mrs. J. B. Reld and daughters spent yesterday in the country with Miss Ida Rhyne. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Jenkins, of Charlotte, were In town yesterday. Rev. J. F. Harrel son was a business caller in Belmont Wednesday. STANLEY'S TOWN ELECTION. ' Esquire " W. O. Rutledge Chosen Mayor Personal Mention and News Notes. Correspondence of The Gazette. STANLEY, May 4. The munici pal election here Monday resulted in the re-election of Esquire 5 W. G. Rutledge as mayor over J. M. Rein hardt, and'lhe election of the fol lowing aldermen, viz: A. M. Rhyne, ward No. 1 ; S. J. Black, ward No.,' 2; S. A. Stroup, ward No. 3, and D. A. Jenkins, ward No. 4. x Miss Mary Lee Parka, the efficient trained nurse, who ,has been nurs ing the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. T. A. Lawing for the past week of ten days, returned 1o . Gastonia yester- day. Mr.; and Mrs. W. H. R-umfelt have moved from Shelby, here and : are occupying one of the Carpenter cottages near the Methodist church. 'Miss Jessie Bush and Mr. Richard Noles, of Charlotte, were the guests of "the Misses McKeown Sunday. Prof. H. H. McKeown arrived home -last week for the summer vacation, his school at Kernersvllle having dosed. Mr. and , Mrs. R. L. Line herger . were Charlotte visitors' yes terday. Mr." O..B. Carpenter Is at tending "the M.. W. A. State ; camp meet at Raleigh having beensentas a. delegate from the camp here Mr. and Mrs'. W.. T. Walker who have had rooms .with Mr. D. A. Jen - kins for the past couple of month, have moved Into the McKeown cot tage, .;.'' - ; LIVE LOHAY LOCALS. Mr. E. L. Dalton Returns to. Take - Charge of Boarding Honse Old Time Singing m Success Personal Mention and Local Briefs. - '' Correspondence of The Gazette; WEST GASTONIA, May 4. Mr. E. L. Dalton.' who had charge of the Loray boarding house for several years but who has been living at Spencer toy the past two years, Is coming back to take charge of same again. Mr. Dalton was very suc cessful in the management of the boarding house when here before and he has a number of friends who will gladly welcome him back. Mrs. Douglas, who has been running" the boarding house for the past year, has decided to give the work up' and move to the Avon Mill where she will make be,r home. Mr. W. V. West Is the champion frog hunter In this section. He went out for awhile last Monday evening and came back with twenty-eight green-eyed monsters, the legs of which weighed a little over seven pounds. The wife and Infant child of Mr. William Trollinger died here Wed nesday night. The remains were burled in the Loray cemetery. Mrs. T. M. Mclntire and children have returned home after spending several days with her father at Greenville, S. C. Mr. S. Settlemyer spent Monday and Tuesday In Gaff ney and Spartanburg on business. Miss Zelpha Brooks, who has been visiting her uncle In Tucapau, S. C, returned home this week. Mr. W. A. Crawley made a business trip to Morganton Saturday, returning home yesterday. Miss Maude Jenkins, who has been a trained nurse at the Shelby Hospital for some time, has returned home and is visiting her sister, Mrs- Robert Mcintosh, at Stanley. . Mrs. A. B. McAllister left Sunday on an extended trip to Salisbury, Albemarle, Fries, Va., where she will visit friends and relatives. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Harrlll has been very ill with diph theria for the past week. Mr. J J. Riddle, of Kings Mountain; has. secured work in the cloth room at the Loray. Mr.H. G. Settlemyer will go to Spartanburg, S. C, Sunday where he will resume his duties as traveling salesman. A large number of people attend ed the old-time- singing at Mac Bradley's hall last Saturday night. There was a large number of good singers present and they did some exceptionally good singing. All who were present expressed them selves as having enjoyed the occas ion very much. -'' Miss Ethel Folster, who has been working in the clo.th room here for the past six months, will return to her home at Mars Hill tomorrow. Miss Foister has made a number of friends who will regret to see her leave. ' She will be accompanied by her cousin, Mr. Lee Corn. ' y Mr. Paul Caldwell, the popular drug clerk for the Loray Drug Co., has secured a leave of absence for several weeks to-take -treatment at the Gaston Hospital. Mr, . W.J P. Gilliam has sold his Interest vin the grocery store of Nesbitt & Gilliam to his brother,' MrZiJUX Gilliam, and will return to his home at Old Fort. Mr. J. M. Gilliam arrived yes terday to i take his brother's place and the business 'will continue un der the same firm name in the build ing formerly occupied by the Loray Drug Co. - To Dedicate Church. V ' : ' ; The Loray Baptist church will be dedicated Sunday, May 21st by Rev. W. R. Bradshaw, of Hickory, evan gelist of the State. missionary board for Western North' Carolina. He will preach at 11 a. m. and the ded icatory services will take place at 3:3d la the afternoon. He will then conduct a ten days protracted meet" ; r Mrs.: Mac . G." Andersand'' chil dr en left Tuesday mordiifg. for Ruth erford College on a'vlslrta Mrs. An dera' parents, Rev. and Mrs! R. S. Aberaethy; and to attend Ruther ford College commencement. ' ' -' MAY LOSE HIS SIGHT. . Cronse Boy Dangerously Wounded With Powder Personal Mention. Correspondence of the Gazette. ." ; CROUSE, Route 1, May 2. Last Monday '- one of Mr. I. M. Lynch's hoys with his brother took a can of gun powder and went down to' the, spring where they put some of the powder . In a paper. They stuck some nre to it. Tne paper did not burn as fast as they wanted 1 to so Pinkney, one of the hoys, stooped' down and started to blow up the fire. The powder exploded burning bis face horribly and he will proba bly lose his eye sight. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Norman, of Lincoln county, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs W, L. Carpenter. Mr. Sid Trltt's little daughter has scarlet fever. Mr. '.J. A. Tritt spent Sunday with Mr. F. Paysour. Mr. Henry Harrlll' and family spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. W. R. Huffstetler. Mr. James Gates, of Long Shoals, spent Sunday with 'his daughter, Mrs. A. L. Huffstetler. Mr. F. B. ' Carpenter spent Sunday with JTr.W. R. Huff stetler. Mrs. W. L. Carpenter spent Tuesday in Gastonia. CROUSE, Route 1. May 2. Mr. M. A. Carpenter and family visited Mrs. Carpenter's mother, Mrs. Frances Kiser, Saturday and Sun day. Mrs. Sylvanus Pasour and daughter, Miss Lucy Bright, were in Grouse shopping Monday. Mr. Henry Kiser and daughter, Miss El la, and granddaughter. Miss Pearl Kiser, were .visitors to Bessemer City Saturday. Llttlev Miss Audrey Kiser visited her grandmother, Mrs. Frances Kiser, . Saturday. Master James Kiser spent Sunday with his uncle, Mr. John Kiser. Misses Florence and Ethel Line berger visited Misses Cletus and Otis Pasour Saturday. Mr. M. M. Alexander and family were guests Sunday at Mr. Clay Kiser's. Mr. Spargo Carpenter and Miss Emma Lee Carpenter visited the latter's uncle, Mr. Julius Alexander, Sun day. Misses Cletus and Otis Pa sour and Ethel and Florence Line berger visited Mrs. Pender Alexan der Sunday. The young people of this neighborhood enjoyed a socia ble at Mr. J. A. Stsoup's Saturday night. A large crowd attended the singing at Bethel Sunday afternoon. WORTH NEWS. Correspondence of The Gazette. WORTH, May 2. Mr. James Withers and Miss Luvilla Friday, both of this place, gave their friends a surprise Sunday. They made the hurried trip to South Carolina where the knot was soon . tied, making them husband and wife. The groom is a brother of Mr. Bob With ers, of this place, and is one of the mill operatives. The bride Is the charming daughter of Mr. William Friday. - We wish them a long and happy life. ' Misses Olive, Lillian and Ella Senter attended the commencement exercises of the Dallas graded school Monday and Monday night -Misses Ella Senter and Violet Friday were the guests Sunday of Miss Elsie Fri day .Miss Nettie Costner was the guest ot her cousin, Mr. Jasper Car- Dftnter. at TTIffh Khnula' Rntnritav -rMiss BeUe Costner spent Sunday with Misses Bertha and Pearl Wy ant. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Rutledge spent Saturday .nd Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Eugene Clonin ger. Mt. and Mrs. , J. A. - Friday were the guests Sunday of .Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wyant Mr. and Mrs. William Friday and children spent Sunday with ; their daughter, Mrs. Frank Costner near High 6hoals.-r-Mr. and Mrs.. J. ML Friday were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Frank' Cost ner Sunday. - a , , - , Mr. J. W ArastrdfV was on yesterday named by President Taft to succeed himself as postmaster at Belmont..,. ;': ' , - ' , , V. ' " ; Miss Carrie Gregory, of Lan caster, 8. C, has been the guest this week of Miss Mary Knight at ' her home oh 'South Broad street. ;' V Large Concourse of Friends - Pays ' Last Tribute to Mrs.' Essie Moore DurhamFuneral Held at First ': Baptist Chnrch Wednesday .After , noon and Body Laid to Rest In , Oakwood Cemetery A Sketch. ' One of the most largely- attended funerals ever Jield in Gastonia was that of the late Mrs. .Essie Moore Durham who was ' laid to rest In Oakwood cemetery . Wednesday af ternoon) the services being held at the First Baptist church, Rev. W. H. Reddish, the pastor, officiating, assisted by Dr. J. C. Galloway, pastor of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian church. ' The funeral service was a very impressive one. A male quartet from the Lumberton church, com posed of Messrs. C, B. Skipper, Frank Gough, E. B. Freeman and Pope Stephens, sang "Tne Beauti ful Land." Two of the deacons of that church made short talks, pay ing loving tributes to the deceased. They were Mr. R. D. Caldwell, sen ior deacon and superintendent of the Sunday school, and Mr. Stephen Mclntyre. The pall-bearers were MessrB. L. H. Caldwell, Q. T. Wil liams, E. J. Brltt. John T. Biggs, Dr. R. T. Allen and Dr. N. A. Thomp son, all members of the Lumberton Baptist church. The floral designs were profuse and beautiful. Special designs' were sent by the Woman's Missionary Society, the Sunday school, the congregation, the Sun beam Society and the Meredith Col lege girls, Mrs. Durham's Sunday school class. There was a beautiful wreath made of carnations and lil ies from the family. Mrs. H. F. Pope and Mrs. Stephen Mclntyre, of Lumberton, accompanied the funer al party. Accompanied by the bereaved husband" and children and several members of the First Baptist church of Lumberton, Mrs. Moore's body arrived here Wednesday morning on No. 39 and was taken at once to the home of her mother, Mrs. J. D. Moore, Sr., on West Air Line avenue where It remained until it was tak en to the church for the funeral service. During the day scores of friends of the deceased called to view the remains and pay a last tribute to her. Essie Modena Moore, the second daughter of the late Captain and Mrs. J. D. Moore, was born at Dal las, this county, April 29, 1877, and had hence just passed her' 34th birthday. The operation which re sulted in death was performed on her 34th birthday at Dr. Thomp son's Hospital at Lumberton. She was married to Rev. C. H. Durham, who was then pastor of the First Baptist church here, November 24, 1896, the ceremony being perform ed at her home by Rev. Dr. J. C. Galloway. To them were born three children, Wllma aged 10, Mar garet aged seven and Kathleen aged 18 months. In 1898 Mr. and Mrs. Durham moved to Ashevllle - where for two years he was pastor of the French Broad Baptist church. In 1900 they moved to Lumberton where Mr. Durham has since been pastor of the First Baptist church. 'For the past two years she had been In failing health though her family and 'friends did not realize that her condition was as serious as the physicians found it to be when the operation was performed. Surviving- Mrs. Durham in the Immediate family are her mother, Mrs. J. D. Moore, Sr., four brothers and three sisters, viz: Messrs. H. B., John C, James D. and Charles M., all of Gastonia; Mrs. Mary Moore Morrow, Mrs. T. A. Norment, of Grottoes. Va., and Mrs. Blsmark Capps, of Lynchburg,' Va. AH of these were present at" the funeral except Mrs. 'Norment who was de tained at her home on account of Ill ness.' " 1 ' -:' Mrs. Durham joined the Baptist church when she was eleven years old and had remained a loyal and consistent member till the time of her death. Hers " was a ' lovely Christian character and she won for herself many friends,. ,Her passing brought poignant - sorrow to scores of girlhood friends in this - county. Though dead, she yet llveth and her influence remains for good, Mr. J. H. Elmore and Miss May Harrison , were married Tuesday night at the home of be fcride's mother, Mrs; John Harrison, la the New; Hope community, the ceremo ny, being performed by Rev. R. 8. Burwell, pastor of New Hope Pres byterian church. ? i ' ; ; " Mayor and, . Aldermen; and School a Commissioners Sworn in foflfe term of Two Years Prof. S. Wray ray of ' ItsvElected Superintendent Schools Committee ' Assign Made. . In the council room at the city ball Wednesday night the city coun cil met in adjourned session for the purpose of winding up the business of the two-year term which "has just expired and, to start In on another two-year term. The annual state ment of Treasurer John O. Rankin was read, accepted and ordered re corded on the minutes of the coun cil. The city clerk was instructed to have same published in The Gas tonia Gazette and The Gaston Prog ress. ' Following this the oath of office was administered to Mayor Thomas L. Craig and Aldermen J. O. wnft. g. M. Morris, A.'" B. Elliott, a L. Chandler, A. M. Dixon, J. H. S park and John Cv Rankin, all of v horn were re-elected Mondav to sen e for the ensuing term! Xlderman Se park was elected v&yor pro tern, Alderman S. M. Morris was re-elected street commissioner, Mr. Jhn O. Rankin treasurer, Mr. JohpR. Ran kin city clerk and AlnArthur C. Jones city attorney. Standing committees were ap pointed as follows: Aldermen White and Dixon water and light and fire committee; Alderman Dixon and Separk finance and auditing com mittee; Aldermen Morris and Elliott buildings and grounds committee; Aldermen Separk, Rankin and Chandler cemetery committee. Immediately on the adjournment of the council the board of school commissioners met and all took the oath of office for the ensuing term, except Mr. A. M. Smyre who was absent from the city. Prof. Joe S. Wray was re-elected superintendent of city schools for another year, It was finally decided to add an elev enth grade to the high school. This will require the addition of one or more teachers to the high school faculty for next year. A resolution was adopted request ing teachers to make application for election with the understanding that, if elected, the application will be equivalent to a contract. The board -will meet again tonight. PROGRAM COMPLETE. Memorial Pay Exercises Next Wed nesday at Court Houses Address by Congressman Webb The Pro gram. Next Wednesday there will, as usual,' be a fitting celebration of Con federate Memorial Day under the auspices of Gastonia Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy. As previously announced the features of the . program will be an address by Congressman E. Y. Webb and a dinner to the ex-slaves who either went with their masters to the war or who, remaining 'behind, did some service at home for the Confedera cy. The exercises will be held in the court house, beginning at eleven o'clock. The program is as follows: Prayer, by Rev. J. ""J. Kennedy. Song, "My Country 'Tis of Thee," by the choir. Roll Call. ' Song, 'Tenting on the Old Camp Ground," by male quartet, Messrs. Wilson, Moore, Wetzell and Padgett. ' Presentation of Picture of Con federate Flags to Graded Schools, by Mrs. 8. A. Klndley. , 'Unveiling of Picture, by . Misses Ruth Boyce and Nellie Rose Sloan. Acceptance of Picture, by Prof. J. S. Wray. Solo, by Miss Eliza Lindsay. Introduction of speaker, by Hon. O.'f. Mason. - ; Address; by Hon. E. Y, Webb, t J ' Presentation of Creeses of Honor, by Mrs, H. M. Eddleman. t v ' - Benediction, by Rev.- John . Hall. , March to Oakwood Cemetery. . ' Song, . "The Christian's .Good Night.". ;, ..v.;, ',.. , Decoration of Graves by Children of the Confederacy.' ' , -.-. Prayer and Benediction, ty Rev. Dr. J, C, Galloway. . ' ' Immediately after the exercises the veterans will go in a body to the Craig & Wilson 'building where the ladies- will serve a splendid dinner as usual. After? the veterans have finished, a dinner will be spread in the same building for the ex-slaves of the county as Indicated, above. There are. only "about 35 of these now' living In the county. , - Work of Session Ends To-Day Ser . mon Sunday Night, . Class Day ' Exercises Monday Afternoon and Graduating ' Exercises Monday ; Night With Address by Recorder : SrnlU Prizes to he Awarded.-- Today marks the end of the actu- , al school work of the city graded "! schools for the session of 1910-11. The school children are all in high glee as the day marks the beginning of the happy vacation period which , as usual, will prove, very very short. . . The commencement exercises wW f . begin with the annual sermon' he-. fore the graduating class which will be preached. by Rev. George D. Her- ' man, pastor of Main Street Metho- -dist church Sunday night at eight o'clock In the auditorium - of the Central school. Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock the class day exercises will be held. ' in the auditorium and at 8:30 , o'clock Monday night the graduat ing exercises will be held at the same place. A feature of the exer- clses will be the literary address by Recorder D. B. Smith, of Charlotte. ' Certificates of graduation will be awarded three young men and five young ladles, viz: Ernest Herman, Dana Caldwell, Edgar McLean, Misses Lucy Boyce, Annie Glenn,- Susie Rankin, Nellie Rose Sloan and Itara Wilson. One of the most interesting fea- . tures of the graduating exercises Is the awarding of several -prizes, as. follows, viz: Gold medal given by the Gastonia Chapter United Daugh- 1 ters of the Confederacy for the heat essay by a member of the graduat ing class on some phase of the civil war, the subject assigned this year being "North .Carolina's Part In the Civil. War;" the, superintendent' prize? given by Supt. J. S. Wrky,' for ' leadership in scholarship, in the , tenth grade, $5 in gold; the Tor- , rence-Morrls gold medal for , the best oral, reproduction of. a story, open to all grades In all the schools;' ; the Torrence-Morrls prize for the. best kept school room at the Central school and for the best kept room, . and grounds at the mill schools. All , of these prizes are . keenly' sought; ; after and their awarding Monday night will be one of the interesting; i' features of that occasion. The faculty of the city schools during the year just closing Is con stituted as 'follows: . r ' Central school: Misses Ellst ... Bradley, Eula Glenn, J. Marie Craig : Julia Bell Brown, Hassle L. Ponder May Withers, Eunice Bryan, Rosst Lee Dixon, Ethel Jay Zoe Porter. Mary Whitesidea, Carrie Glenn and- E. May. Stuart. ; , " Modena Miss Hattle Hanna. Avon Miss Jane Morris. Old Mill Miss Pearl Gallant. Ozark Miss Ella Lewis.. " Trenton Mill Miss Carrie Mor ris. , " Colored school J. A. Rollins, . principal; assistants, 'Maud Blake. Cora Mauney and Mamie L. Rhodes, D. O. THOMPSON DEAD. Prominent Citizen of Mount Holly 4 Expired Suddenly Yesterday J Death Due to Heart Failure. Mr. Daniel G. Thompson,' aged IT years, a prominent and highly - saw : teemed resident of, Mount Holly died at his home In that place at noon yesterday quite suddenly. Mr. Thompson had been in his usual good health and came in from- the field at noon. Soon after sitting ' down to the dinner table, however,. ; he fell over as if in a faint, and when those sitting at the table with him lifted him up at once, he was, , dead. Physicians who . were sum moned hurriedly in , the hope that life might not be entirely extinct pronounced death due to heart fail ure. --,.,--: ' ' ' ,'. The deceased, who has made hla home for about 20, years at Mount Holly, is survived by' his widow, who; was Miss Mary Asbury before her marriage,- and : five children. ; These are Mrs. Lola Delllnger and Messrs. Houston and Loyd Thomp- ' , son, of . LlncolntonL Prof. Earl Thompson, principal ot the Durban gradded schools, and Mr. Edward E. Thompqon, of Mount Holly. ' . For the past . twenty years " Mr. J Thompson had heen - a steward la j the Mount Holly Methodist' church. . I where'hls funeral was conducted ttrf 10 o'clock this morning by the pas- , tor. Rev. J. A. Bowles. Followlax j ' the funeral services . the remalaa j were laid to rest In the Mount Hci ly cemetery .. . ; ' . v A