ETTE. 4 published twice a week- Tuesdays and fiudaybt ? .- A' SINGLE OOPX 8 CENTS. lMtvoted to the Protection of Horn and the InterecU of the County. - $IJM A YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. ZXXIt GASTONLA, N. C . - FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1011. NO. 40. -1 Ji JiiU 'v.,, ....- -- .-, a.' ; LORAY LOCALS. '.Correspondence of The Gazette. - - WEST GASTONIA, Mar 1 8. M r. ' W. V. West went over to Charlotte ; Monday and came back with Mr. A. ,; E Moore's fifty-horse power seven . passenger Welch-Detroit ; touring , car. -Mr. A. E. Moore spent Mon- ' day In Greensboro on business. Mrs. Mollle Knight,' of Greenville, 6. C:, is visiting Mr. and 'Mrs, C. L. Chandler. Mrs. : Cole, of Charlotte, Is spending the week with Rev. and .Mrs. C. M. Robinson. -Mr. L. AT '.Barbee and daughter. Miss Eunice, . attended the' commencement exer cises at Boiling Springs High School. Miss Gertrude Barbee, ' who has been attending school there for the , past year, returned home with them today. - ' The Loray Tigers will play their first game of the season Saturday afternoon, May 27th, when they will croBS bats with Mayesworth's strong aggregation of baH tossers on the latter's ground. These Tigers are getting restless, and blood-thirsty, and expect to eat up- that M ayes worth bunch alive.' Mrs. F, W. Bradley is spending a fort-night with her cousin, Miss Kate Bradley, at RusBellviile, Ark,- Mr. H. W. Counts and children spent Sunday with his' parents at Peak, S. JC. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Hill have moved from the Hoskins MiJI, Char lotte, to the Loray. Mr. George Mlttag, 'of Glendale, S. C, has se cured work in the weave room. -Mr. Ernest Hull, who bis been at tending school at Mars Hill, Is spend lng some time with his friends at the Loray. Mrs. L. P. Lewis and children are spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Monroe Rhyne, near Bessemer City. Mr. Ode Wea ver and faimly have moved to the country. Mr. Lee Hipp and family are moving here from Shelby today. Quite' a number of the Loray boys went to Charlotte this morning to attend the district meeting of the Red Men. Luther Burbank gave us theeeed lss apple and the" rose without a thorn, but It still remained for Mr. A. B. McAllister to develop the top less onton. He sent Jim, the little darkey that sweeps the picker room, to break the seed bearing stems out of the nice onions In his garden. Jim took hi ten cent barlow and proceeded to cut the tops off even with the ground. When taken to task for his rash act he explained It In this way: "I 'clar to goodness, Mr. 'Kallster, I thout you wanted all cut off so's they'd come out new agin." Dallas, Route Two Items. Correspondence of The Gazette. . DALLAS, R. P. D. 2. Mr. R. C. Nants left Thursday for Roxbury, Va., to spend some, time with' his brother, Mr. J. X Nants. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Setxer left yesterday for Charlotte to spend several days. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Smith spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Smith. -Misses Ltfcy and Lonna Smith were : the guests Saturday of Misses Venfand Nell Setzer. This dry weather is right hard 'on far mers."' Their crops have been plant ed but are . not coming up on ac count of it. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Llneberger spent unday with Mr. and Mrs. Setzer. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Llneberger visited Mrs. Llneberger's parents, Mr. and Mrs.. A. J. Wyatt, yesterday.' '. , ' BESSEMER ROUTE ONE NEWS.- Correspondence of The Gazette. Bessemer City, Route 1, May 17. The farmers", are nearly through planting their crops of all kinds. Wheat Is looking fine in this sec tion. Mr. x R. 1 C. Damron spent Saturday and Sunday with his fath r, Mr. J; T. R. Dameron. Mr. Jno. Metcalf ls spending this week In Gaffney, S. C, with "his brother.- Mrs. T, R. E. Oates and Miss Bar bara Deck spent Friday at theliome of Mrs. Sarah Deck. Miss Mary Ha ger ls quite sick. Mr. and Mrs. Bea Ormand and Master Melyln and Miss . Mary Ormand spent Sunday with Mr. W. LT Huffstetler's family. Mm Myrtle and Mr. Thorn and little Ruth Davis, of Lincolnton, spent Saturday ' and Sunday with their grandmother, Mrs. S. A. Deck. Little Misses Elizabeth and Anader White, of Bessemer City, are spend ing a few days with Miss Llda Huff stetler. Smyrna church had a pic nic and a grave decoration Satur day. There was a large crowd pres ent. There will be communion ser vices at the Bessemer Presbyterian church the fourth Sunday in May at 1 1 o'clock.' -" McAdenville Matter. Correspondence of The Gazette. . McADENVILLE, May 18. Rev. and Mrs. J. Frank Harrelson and little son. Bain, are visiting relatives in Cherryville this week. Mr. J. C, Poole returned Sunday from Okla homa and Texas, where he- spent several weeks visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. John Costner, all of Salisbury, are visiting In McAdenville this week. Mr. R. R. Ray left Wednes day for Richmond, Va., to attend the meeting of the American Cotton Manufacturers' Association. Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Hood, of Lincolnton, spent Sunday with relatives here. Prof. J. L. Webb is spending this week at home after completing a ten days singing school at High Shoals. Dr. James A. Anderson was a Charlotte visitor Monday. Mr. ; L. W. Jenkins visited friends In Greensboro Sunday. Mrs. W. C. Barber and little daughter, Francis, spent a part of. last week in Char lotte -visiting Mrs. Barber's mother, Mrs. M. B. Albea. Mrs. J. A. An derson and children left Wednesday on a visit id relatives at Langley, S. C, and Augusta, Ga. Mrs. Ellen McCauley spent Sunday with friends in Charlotte. Crouse Route One News. Correspondence of The Gazette. CROUSE. Route 1, May 16. Mr. John Gates and Miss LOnia Queen, both of Long Shoals, were happily kmarrled Saturday afternoon by Rev. Luther Carpenter. Mrs. Pearl Huff stetler is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Gates. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus Kls er and children spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. Hiram Klser. Mr. Joe .Anthony and fami ly and Mr. John Klser and family spent Sunday with Mr. A. L. Huff stetler. The guests of Mrs. Susan Huffstetler Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. Flay M,cGlnnra and sister, Miss Pearl, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Huffstetler and children, and Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Norman and children. Mr, and Mrs. John Abernethy visited their sister at High Shoals, Mrs. Daisy Robinson, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Harril spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. W. R. Huffstetler. Mrs. Ella Ford and children, of Lin colnton, spent the week-end visiting relatives on route one. Mrs.: Joe Beal spent Sunday with Mrs. John Carpenter.: Mrs. ; Docia Cody and family spent Saturday: and Sunday at the home of Mr. R.' iZ Ford. -Mr. and- Mrs. Wiley McGlnnas, bf Kings Mountain visited their moth er. Mrs.. John M. McGlnnas, Satur day and Sunday.' v - IRON STATION ITEMC Correspondence of The Gazette.', IRON STATION, May V 1. Mrs. W. Q. Abernethy. and children, of Stanley, spent , Monday with Mrs. Fannie Long. Mr. Bob Goodo made a business trip to Morganton a few days ago Mr. and Mrs., E.- I. Rhyne attended the funeral Sunday of little Helen Friday, 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Friday,, near Harden. Miss : Lela ' Hallman, of Hickory, is visiting her cousin, Miss Georgia Hallman. Miss Eva Del linger has returned home from Lin colnton. Miss Anna Smith . has been spending a few days' in Lin colnton with, friends and relatives. Mr, G. W, Brown spent the week end wltlLals daughter, . Mrs. .Daisy Derr. of Stanley."T-i7.-"viV-..-;-v. ; Mrs. William Bradshaw returned home Sunday, from a month's visit to her daughter, Mrs. Rome Brad shaw-, near Hickory. Mr. George Howard was In Gastonla last Satur day on business. Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Dellinger, of Lincolnton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Dellinger. Mr. . - Morris Bost, of Maiden, Is spending a few days In this section. Mr. and Mrs. Worth Edwards, of Stanley, -spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr", and Mrs. James Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Laban SenT ter, of Alexis, have been visiting their niece, Mrs. D. O. Long.tMIss Georgia Hallman will entertain a number of her friends tonight In honor of -her guest, Miss Leila Hall man. KINGS MOUNTAIN ITEMS. The Herald. 18 th. Mr. Will RudlBill Bpent Monday in Gastonla. " Mr. Ernest Neal spent yesterday In Gastonla. Mr. Larche Ratchford, of Gasto nla, was a visitor here Sunday. Mrs. John White, of Gastonla, was shopping in this city Wednes day. Miss Dellghtal Ware Is spending several days In Gastonla with friends. Mr. Claude Porter, of Gastonla, spent a few hours in town Sunday. Misses Fannie and Susie White, of Gastonla, were In town Friday with friends. ' Miss Ethel Patrick, the nurse who attended Mr. Ed Perry, has re turned to Gastonla. Mr. W. A. Allen spent last Sun day In Gastonla, the guest of his son, Mr. J. B. Allen. Mrs.. Lydia Davis, of Gastonla, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Lizzie Falls. Mrs. Davis will be in the neighborhood several days. Misses Ethel and Blanche Austin, of Gaatonla, spent Saturday with Miss Lillie Watterson, on Mountain street, this city. Mr. Henderson Long, of Gastonla, and Mrs. Worth Falls left Saturday morning for Knoxville, Tenn., to visit their sick brother, Mr. N. R. Long. Court Next Week. The May term of Gaston Superior Court - will convene next Monday morning, May . 22nd, with .Judge J. Crawford Biggs presiding. The criminal docket, which will occupy the attention of the court during the first part, of the two - weeks term, contains so far exactly one hundred cases. It Is not likely, however, that all of these will come to trial at this term. There ' are twenty prisoners In the county Jail awaiting trial, equally divided as o color, there being ten white and ten color ed prisoners. , The civil calendar, which will be found , elsewhere In this issue, Is scheduled to be called on Friday, May 26th, though the trial of criminal Issues may. possibly delay the beginning of the civil cas es. The list of jurors for each of the two weeks Is also to be found elsewhere In this Issue. Died In Faraway Russia. Mr. David Lebovitz, proprietor of the Lebovitz Department stores, re ceived yesterday the sad news of the death of his father, Mr. Joseph Labe Lebovitz, which occurred at the lat- ters ' home in Ligum, Russia, on April 20th. Death followed a short Illness, the deceased being about 85 years of age. The deceased was by profession a teacher, and was highly respected In his native community. He left only one n-, Mr. David Le bovitz, of this city, and two daugh ters, one of whom lives in Balti more and one at the old home in LIgum. Mr. David Lebovitz this country iri 1889 and hence had not seen his father in more than 21 years, but heard from him: regularly, having' received a letter only a few weeks ago saying that he had been slightly ill; but was better, ,; , .Mr. George R. Patrick. Jr., ; o? the Union section was inown this morning, en route to Dafidson Col lege y. to resume ' his sMdies. ' Mr. Patrick has .been' at home recuper ating from a. recent spell of sick ness. TO WAR TIME AIRS. Thin Gray' Line Marcnesto Tunes of the Long Ago Reunion of Veter ans at LiUIe Rock Ends With Big Parade Old Soldiers Make Good Showing General Gordon too 'Hi to Review Parade. Little Rock, Ark., May 18. While bands played war-time airs, the sol diers of the old South today march ed through the streets-of this city in their twetny-flrst annual parade. Their commander-in-chief, .' General George W. Gordon, : of Memphis, Tenn., was confined to his room by the order of physicians. As the line of march passed the hotel, the vet erans saluted. The reviewing stand .that had been-Intended for officials, was given over to aged and Infirm veterans, although many were In line who had lost a leg, an arm or were maimed from wounds received at war. Governor Donaghey, of Arkan sas with his orderly and private sec retary occupied a carriage Jn the pa rade. During the day several persons were prostrated from heat and ex haustion, but ambulances had been distributed along the line of march and the sufferers were cared for promptly. 'No case proved fatal. The last event of this year's reunion was the Confederate ball, which was given tonight at the auditorium, attended by those who remained for that pur pose and who Included dignitaries of the United Confederate Veterans and kindred organizations. Camp Shaver, where a large num ber of veterans have been lodged and provisioned by the -city, will be deserted tomorrow. At breakfast lunch baskets with rations to last until he reaches home, will be given to each veteran tomorrow morning. In the line of march tallyhos car ried sons and daughters of veterans, one with ten girls composing a brass band; carriages bore such guests as Mrs. W. G. Behan, president of the Confederate Southern Memorial As sociation, and squads of former slaves also in line received showers of silver coins from the spectators. In the place of General Gordon, i General K. M. Van ZandL of Fort Worth, and Adjutant General WI1-I Ham E. Mickle, of New Orleans, led the procession. Covering a distance of nearly two miles, from starting point to where the turn for the march was made, the parade required about two hours to pass a given point. ""The largest division in line was that of Arkansas, with Texas, Georgia, Ten nessee and Alabama close competi tors.; Roses were distributed to those taking part in the parade, not only to the veterans, but also to the musicians, drummers and all mem bers of organizations allied to that of the veterans. Gaston Boys in Winning Band. . ' . A unique feature of this week's celebration at Charlotte and one that has been looked forward to with pleasurable anticipation by hundreds of people for the past sev eral months was the band contest which took place. Wednesday night. A grand stand bad been built at the corner of Church and Second streets and when the contest began there were no less than 2,000 people in the stand and in the Immediate neighborhood. first prize of the Woodmen in which' Mr. 1150 was w Band of Ch Kenneth Tod 'f Gastonla, and Mr. Fred Stowe of Dallas, played. There are fifteen pieces In this band and the prize' was divided among the players. The second prize, $100, went to the Hickory Grove. S. C, band while the third prize, $50, was won by the Mount Pleasant . band. This contest was one of the most pleasing features of this year's cel ebration In Charlotte, ' r Concert at Central School. i. Tins evenlna- ' at e-ht thirtr ' tn the - Central school " auditorium a concert : will be given under the auspices of the 9th grade. . .Th program will consist of isinglng, humorous readings and other selec tions, followed, by i a short! Ply. "Way Down East." An evening of fun Is promised. A general admis sion fee of 15 cents is charged, the proceeds to be used toward defray ing the expenses of a reception to be given the graduating class by the ninth grade. : :' ' -') 'Squire W. Meek Adams was -a business visitor' to" Charlotte this morning. . - - : ; - The In drlotfe i. 4 i ' m IN SOCIETY. Several Pleasant Occasions In Gas- tonta Social' Circles This Week. The meeting of the Study Club for next week will be held on Tuesday at the residence of Mrs. G. A. Spar row at Union church,, south of the city, ' ' At her home In Clover, S. C, at 4 o'clock this afternoon Mrs. J. W. Campbell will entertain the Book Club and a feature of the entertain ment will be the announcement of the approaching wedding of Miss Mattie Caldwell, Mrs. Campbell's niece, and Mr. Herbert L. Wright, of Clover. The wedding will be sol emnized on June 21st Among the guests will be Mrs. J. Lean Adams, of Gastonla. The regular meeting of the U. C. Club was held with Mrs. George W. Wilson at her home on West Second avenue Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. The general subject for the meeting was "Foot-Prints of the Indians" and among the numbers on the program were a legend by Mrs. Fred Bark ley, reading from "Ro mona," by Miss Lowry Shuford, "Indian Names and Some of Their Meanings," by Miss Bertie Duff. Be sides the .members of the club the Invited guests present were Mes dames D. E. MgConnell, C. K. Mar shall, O. F. Mason and R. M. Reld. On Wednesday morning from 10 to 12 at her home on South Oak land street Mrs. J. Lean Adams was hostess to the Tuesday Afternoon club and several Invited guests. The game of forty-two was played at four tables and after the game a delicious salad course was served. Besides the members of the club those who" enjoyed Mrs. Adams' charming hospitality were Mes dames O. F. Mason, John F. Love, T. W. Wison and E. P. Rankin, Mrs. R. L. Swan, of Columbia., and Miss es Katherine Mason and Mary Ra gan, Miss Columbia Kelly, of Salem, Va., and Miss Jenn Howe, of Car rollton, Ky. The following item from the Rock Hill Herald will tie of interest to many of our readers. Rev. Mr. Hardin is a brother of Mr. L. L. Hardin, of this city. "The engagement of Miss Kate Gleen and Rev. Edward King Har din was announced at a dinner par ty given by the Hon. and Mrs. J. Lyles Glenn In Chester last Thurs day. "This announcement will prove of interest to many friends of the con tracting parties throughout the State. "Miss Glenn Is one of Chester county's most charming and attract ive daughters. "Rev. Mr. Hardin Is pastor of St. John's church of this city, and his friends are congratulating him upon his choice. The wedding will occur In June." ' Invitations were received here Wednesday reading as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel P. Smith request the honor of jour, presence at the marriage, of taelVdaughter Cllffle ciyhy Mr. Robert Edgar Currence on Thursday afternoon, June first nineteen hundred and eleven at half after five o'clock At Home . Marion, South Carolina. The groom-elect is a former Gas tonian, having spent several years here as an employe of the First Na tional Bank. His home Is at Clover, S. C. Some months ago Mr. Cur rence went to Ashevllle to accept a position in the American National Bank. He has a host of friends In Gastonla who are greatly interested In this , announcement and whose best wishes and congratulations, go out to him on account of the happy approaching' event. 1 . At her home on ' South Marietta street Wednesday afternoon from 3:30 to ,6 o'clock Miss Zoe Latham entertained the members' of the S. and O. Club and a large number of Invited guests most-pleasantly. The house was beautifully decorated for the occasion, the (color scheme ' of the decorations being pink and green.' A pleasant game of trail Was' played,' the score, cards being hand- painted in carnation, designs. De lightful piano selections were . ren dered by. Miss Annie Clifford and ' - '. . Miss Carrie Morris.. At the con elusion of the game delicious ' re freshments were served In two UNW00D .COMMENCEMENT. .: : --'',' . Exercises Begin With Annual 8er v moB Sunday Morning by Rev. A. 8. Rogers, of Rock H1IL S. C. Literary Addreas by Hon. J. 0, " McCmlL; , ' Vv'u The commencement exercises of Llnwood College will take place on -Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of next week, according to the pro gram. !. .t Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, the commencement sermon will - be preached by Rev. A. S. Rogers,: of Rock Hill, S. C. At 8 p. m. Rev. J. S. Moffatt, president of Erskine Col lege, will preach the annual sermon -to the . Young Women's Christian Association. On Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock frtiA r1aa. n,v AMrrlui will h. YiaIA ' and at 8 o'clock Monday night the 1 annual concert will be given. The graduating exercises will take place Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, -followed by the literary address. - -which will be delivered by Hon. J. . D. McCall, of Charlotte. Moonlight Picnic. In honor of the visiting young la- dies the young men of the town gave a moon-light drive and picnic, to Spencer Mountain last eynlng. About fifteen couples leQcbwn at -six o'clock, forming a merry party, in buggies, carriages and automo biles. Supper was served near the . banks of the river and a Jolly good ( time was had by all. The return trip was made after nightfall.' COLORED SCHOOLS CLOSE. Graduating Exercises of Highland Graded School Successful Year. The work of- the Highland graded school came to a close Tuesday night, May the 9th, with an attract ive program by the grammar grades.' consisting of songs, recitations 'and drills.. .' The following were the graduates from the eighth grade: Myra GUV more, Ella Springs, Cornelia Rice. Louise Thompson, Curly Theus, Claudle Theus and Kelly Ragan. Certificates of punctuality : were ' awarded Loretta Hope, Pauline Big- ., gers, Ella Springs and Georgia Cost ner. . This has been a successful year with the school. A total enrollment of 362 was reached, larger than any year In the history of the schooL Principal J. A. Rollins and his corps . of assistants deserve great credit. courses, a salad course and an lee course.' The favors to the guests were beautiful Japanese fans. The invited guests were Mesdames J. K. Dixon, J. Lean Adams, W. M. Mor ris, P. R. Falls, M. H. Curry, George W. Wilson, D. E. McConnell, Ed Tuttle and D. A. Garrison; Misses, Carrie Morris, Mildred Llneberger, Bertie Duff and Lowry Shuford; Miss Maynard, of Hagerstown, Md.;' Miss Nora Mashburn, of ''Marlon; Miss Jenn Howe, of Carrollton, Ky.; . Mrs. O'Neil, of Atlanta; and Mrs. R. L. Swan, of Columbia, 8. C. ' One of the most pleasant social occasions of the week was the lawn, party given Thursday afternoon, from 5 to 7 o'clock by Mrs. I ' . -JV Wetsell at her home on West Air line avenue at which the hostess en tertained the members ; of " ths Friendly Matrons Club and a large number .of Invited guestsv Mrs. Wetzell was assisted In entertaining by Mrs. W. H. Reddish. Mrs. J.-. D, Moore and Miss Mabel Padgett, and the score cards were given out by little Miss Josephine Moore. The game of progressive Bunco was much enjoyed. Refresments con- slstlng - of strawberries 1 and cream and cake were served. : The Invited guests, besides the club members, were Mesdames , P. R. Falls, J. K. Dixon, Fred Bark ley, A. A. McLean. J. M. Sloan, D. R. LaFar, D. E. Mo Connell, R. A. Love, John , F. Love, J. Lean Adams, A. L. Purdue, F.L. Smyre, S. A. Robinson, R. C. War-' ren, A. L. Jenkins, Frost Torrence, W. B. Morris, R. C. Williams, D. A. v Garrison, I. A. Campbell, - C. -V. Blake, C. K. Marshall, B. H. " Par ker, John C. Moore, James D. Moore, W. H. Reddish, J. M, Shuford, M. Jones, Clary, G. W. Ragan, D. A. Cilne, J. W. Atkins, J. Mac Hollanl, and JM. Best, Miss Mildred Llse berger. Miss ; Jennings, Miss Ke!!y, of Salam, Va.. Miss Jenn Ho we, tt Carrollton, Ky., and Miss MateL Padgett. - ; :

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