CAST N I'A o AZETTE. I, PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. 6LNGLK CX)PY 3 CENTS. Dev oted to the Protection of Home and the' Interests of the Conner. . 91 AO A YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. XXXII. GASTONIA, - TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1010. NO. 41. ii 1: 11 IC MOUNT HOLLY MATTERS. Celebrate Stiver Wedding Other News Notes.' Correspondence of The Gazette. 11 T. HOLLY, May 21. Prof. Earl Thompson is at home from Durham. wue.-e do taugnt during tne ( past wlutitr in th graded school. He nil! have chirge of hit father' farm. -Numerous citizens went to' Char lotte for the 20th of May celebration' among a few whose names we learn ed were Dr. Hoffman. Paul Lents, Ed Jones, Prof. Henson, Mrs. Jim Holland. Rev. and Mrs. D. E. Vlp- perman have returned from Jackson ville, Fla., where they went to at tend the Southern Baptist conven- tlon. Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Rhyne hare returned - from Lincolnton where they were "called on account of the sudden death of Dr. Yoder, the lather of Mrs. Rhyne. At this writing the one-year-old child of ' Rer. and Mrs. S. P. Cathey Is se riously 111 of colitis. Mrs. Cathey's father, Mr. Bartlett and sister, ot Rutherfordton are with them Dr. and. Mrs. T. M, McCoy spent the lat- . ter part ot the week in Charlotte, taking In the many attractions ot he week. Mrs. Elizabeth Starr, the mother ot Mrs. Turner Johnson, has gone to Livingston Manor, X. Y., to spend the summer with her son.- Mr. and Mrs. Asbury, of Charlotte, ' are spending a few days In town with relatives. Mrs. Robert Dunn Md children are In Yorkvtlle, S. C, on a visit to Mrs. Dunn's parents. Mrs. Robert Rankin and two chil dren and Miss Lillian Rackley are spending some time in Sampson coun ty with Mrs. Rankin's parents. Mr. 'Archie Bowie's, son of Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Bowles, is at home from Greensboro on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. George Jenkins cele brated their silver wedding Monday, May 22, at their elegant home' from 8 to 11 p. m, Many silver tokens ex- . pressed the high esteem In which they are held 'by' their numerous friends. Mr. John Hutchison, of Norfolk, Va., is in town on a visit to 'bis brother, Mr. Egbert Hutchison. Misses Mary Rhyne, Mary Hutch ison and Dorothy Nlms are at home from Elizabeth College, Charlotte. Dr. and Mrs. Charles McLean, of South Point', came up Saturday and pent the Sabbath at the home of Mrs. Mattie Rankin. Very Impressive memorial exercis es were held In the Methodist church Sunday at 11 a. m. In honor of the late Daniel G. Thompson, who died suddenly May 4th. Resolutions of respect were read; the cheir ren dered appropriate music and the .pastor preached a very helpful and appropriate sermon. ' Mr. Thompson was a very valuable citizen and a devout and useful member of the church. ' r ' Mr. M. L. Furr, oneyof our, most progressive farmers and an honored Confederate veteran, attended the reunion at Little Rock. Ark. On his return he stopped over in Tennessee to spend some time with his brbther. GASTONLV ROUTE ONE NEWS. ' Correspondence of The Gazette. GASTONIA, Route 4, May 19. MrsJ. F. Thomas and Mrs. O. W. Pearson spent Thursday with Mrs. J. W. Puckett. Mrs. S. S. Clemmer and daughter. Miss Ida, . and , Miss Nannie Dickson, visited Mrs. , J. J. Gamble Friday. Miss Ida Clemmer . and Miss Nannie Dickson visited Mr. and Mrs. T. R. E." Oates Tuesday. ; Miss Ferry Puckett spent Thursday with Miss Ida Clemmer. Miss Nan nie Dickson Is spending this week -with Miss Ida " Clemmer. Mr. Zeb Pearson, of Gastonla, visited his brother, Mr. George Pearson this : week. Mr. Jim Carpenter visited -Mr. S. 8. Clemmer Thursday. Miss Barbra Deck visited at Mr, S. , S. Clemmer' Tuesday. Mr. Jim Car v' son lost three of his milch cows and a mule the past week. - v j. Delegate Ralph Cameron, of Arl xona. In Saturday's debate In the House, urged Democrats and Repub licans alike to admit Arizona into the Union.- : ' i Subscribe to The Gazette. ; V PLAY AT ST. MARY'S. College Boys ; WU1 Present " The : Land of Live for Nothing" To .-, Night. , Correspondence of The Gazette. V BELMONT, May. 23. The boys are .going to pu.on quite a show Tuesday night For , some weeks past they nave been assiduously re hearsing "The Land of Live for Nothing,'! an extravaganza of good songs and bum Jokes. After seeing a rehearsal Saturday evening, the correspondent Is confident that- it will prove, a complete success, Qulg ley and Graeber in "Der Faderland fer Mine" will undoubtedly he the hit of the occasion; two better Dutch comedians are scarcely able to be lo cated hereabouts. Songs, such as. "Don't take your Girlie to Coney, "Meet Me Tonight In Dreamland," "Put Your Arms Around Me Honey," etc., are well rendered and Shea and Tom McCIoskey, serve well as tar gets for "Pat" Roache's mirthful "busts." The show Is the first , of the kind ever presented at the col lege and no pains have been spared to make it "go well." The curtain will rise promptly at 7:30 p. m.; Tuesday the 24th. Tick eta may be purchased at the door for 35 cents or ordered from C. F. Wetherall, St. Mary's College, Bel mont, N.N C. Gastonla people , can come over in the early evening on No. 12 and return on No. 35, which leaves Belmont at 10. Bessemer Route Two News. Correspondence of The Gazette. BESSEMER CITY. Route 2, May 20. Crops In this section are suf fering a great deal from the dry weather. The Platonic Literary So ciety of Sunnyslde school will give a public debate .Saturday night, May 27th. The question for debate will be "Resolved, That Intemperance Is more harmful than bad literature." The speakers on the affirmative are Sample Hager, Fred Arrowood and Grady Klser and the speakers on the negative are Walden Weaver. Clyde Arrowood and Walter Hovls. These speakers have had considerable practice and can speak well. Every body is Invited to be present. Mrs. Barbara Kiser spent Satur day and Sunday with her sister, Ma ry Mauney, on route one. Mr. D. A. Kiser was a business visitor to Gastonla Monday. . WORTH NEWS. Correspondence of The Gazette. WORTH, May 22. Mrs. J. A. Friday went to the Gaston Hospital last week' where she is undercolna treatment. Mr. H. E. Cloningerand little daughter. ' are spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Rutledge. Mr. and Mrs. Chris tie Kiser and children, of the Bea ver Dam -section, spent last Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Riser's oar. ents-Mr. and Mrs. Andy Cloninger. A large crowd of our young peo ple from this section attended the singing at Bethel church Sunday af-. ternoon. Misses "Mabel 1 and Flor ence LIneberger entertained a num ber of their friends Saturday nlsrht In honor of their guest. Miss Nellie Abernethy. Mr, Sydney ' Hovls, of this place., met with a painful acci dent Friday by getting his hand In some of the machinery n the card room.'' His hand was mangled so badly that it had to be amputated. -Mrs. C.- L. Thornburr and 1 Mn. Tollle Clonlnger visited Mrs. L. D. Costner. The little ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Friday is, quite sick at this writing.- Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Friday spent last Saturday and Sunday at the home of . Mr. P. S. Carpenter. Rev. J. M.' Senter and wife, were the guests of Mr. Hiram Kiser Saturday night, ' " -. , ' - I A" Worker and a Climber. The Highlander (Shelby.? '." Congressman Webb is one of the most active, men In Congress, a hard worker and a climber; and with It all, he Is conscientious and straight as a shingle. . He will be one ef the leaders of the general tariff revision movement In the .next Congress. " .1 Crouse Route One News. Correspondence of The Gazette. , CROUSE, Route 1, May 20. Far mers . in this section have - begujx working (heir -cotton and corn and have a very good stand. Mrs.. C. D. Tate and children spent . the past week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs Julius Alexander. Miss Audrey Ki ser and her little brother, James, spent Saturday with their grandpar ents. Mr. and Mrs. Julius AJexander. Mr. Ed Mauney and family vlsit- I ed at Mr. Mike Riser's Saturday and Sunday. The Crouse high school closed j Thursday and Friday nights with entertainments. Mr. C. D. Tate has gone to Bessemer City to work and will move his family to that place soon. Mr. Frederock Carpenter and family visited bis daughter, Mrs. Omar Stairwalt, Saturday. Mrs. C. D. Tate and Miss Annie May Alex ander were Crouse shoppers Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Abernethy visited at High Shoals Sunday. Dallas. Route 1, News. Correspondence of The Gazette. DALLAS. Route 1. May 22. Mr and Mrs. Emanuel Cloninger were the guests Sunday at the home 'of p. L. Best. Miss Bessie Costner and brothers Messrs. Ralph and Paul, re turned home Thursday from visit to relatives In Charlotte. Mrs. Lar- kln White visited at the home of Mrs. Sarah Pasour Friday. Misses O'Brlan, of Gastonla, visited their aunt, Mrs. J. H. White last week. Mrs. Robert Littlejohn is right sick from an attack of appendicitis. She expects to undergo an operation very soon. Mr. Thomas Hovis and sister, Miss Blanche, of Bessemer City, were the guests Saturday of their grandmother. Mrs. Charlotte Best. Miss Etta White visited friends at Bessemer City a few days last week. Miss Maggie McClellen, of Char lotte came over last Thursday to visit her cousin, Miss Bessie Costner. Mr. Larkln White has been on the sick list during the past week. Mr. Ed Mauney and family were the guests Sunday at the home of Mr. Tolly Cloninger. Miss Aliens Rhyne, of Dallas, spent a part of last week with her grandmother, Mrs. Christie Jenkins. Miss Etta White and little Miss White Moore, attend ed the closing exercises of the Crouse high school Thursday and Friday. Paul, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Best, is right sick.. UNION NEWS NOTES. Correspondence of The Gazette. UNION, May 22. Mr. George Wilson has returned home from Mt. Pleasant Academy where he attend ed school the past session. Rev. G. A. Sparrow and Mrs. T. H. Snirmw are in Raleigh this week visiting rel atives, and attending tne commence ment exercises of Peace Institute.-. Mr. C. C. Henderson "spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Henderson. Mrs. G. A. Spar row , will entertain the study Club Tuesday afternoon. Miss Blanche Watson is the guest of Miss Leila Wlltinii.- Mlsges Erroll Henderson JU'd Finny Wilson are at home from Southern Prbyterlan College Miss Clara p trick and Mr. M. P. Henderson are visiting friends In Dallas. . Pays Up and Is Released. The following Item is from Satur day's Charlotte " News : "Frank Smith, the young man from Gasto nla, who was charged with" flashing worthless Checks, was given av pre liminary hearing' before , Magistrate D. C. Moore yesterday afternoon and was dismissed, , he having returned to, the firms the mounts ' of the checks.- One check was on the H. C Long Co. for' $5, another on the Charlotte Drug Co. for $10 andean- other upon the Majestic Lunch , for $5. In each Instance the money was returned..; Smith explained that he had lost much moner sine beinr in Charlotte by evil associations. . His wife and two children were in court with him." S . :. . SUPERIOR COURT IN SESSION. Number of Small Cases Disposed of Elmore Case Continued Tfll Second Week. . ;', - ;. Gaston County Superior Court convened yesterday morning at 9:30 with Judge J. Crawford Biggs, of Durham, presiding. The docket ot something over one hundred cas es is being rapidly cleared and it is highly -probable that the criminal docket will be disposed of by tonight with the exception ,of the Elmore case which, at the solicitation ot counsel, was postponed till Wednes day of the second week. Following is the list of cases al ready disposed of: State vs. Joe Farrar and Mary Young, f. and a. Farrar was dis charged. Mary Ybung plead nolo contendere and was required to pay costs and give bond of $100 to ap pear at next term of court.. State vs. Frank Sherrlll, retailing, discharged. State vs. J. M. Parker, retailing, discharged. State vs. George Hendricks, nolle pros with leave. State vs. Craig Best and Mrs. Dock Holland, f. and a., nolle pros with leave. State vs. Liza Jane Steel, larceny, nolle pros with leave. State vs. Roseoe Metcalf, retailing, plea of guilty, 4 months on roads. State vs. Frank Stewart, carrying concealed weapons, plea of guilty, 4 months on roads. State vs. Frank Stewart, gambling, verdict of guilty, defendant fined $15 and costs or 60 days on roads. State vs. Dan McCoy, John Wright, Ross Sutton, gambling. Two form er fined $10 and costs. .' Sutton giv en 60 days on roads. State vs. Jack Anderson, gambling, nolle pros. State vs. Ed Campbell, larceny, plea of guilty. 6 months on roads. " State vs. Henry Merrill, larceny, 2 years on roads. State vs. Alfred Wright, larceny. 1 year on roads. State vs. G. L McKenzie, gamb ling, plea of guilty, $15 and costs. State vs.' Ess Long, retailing, guilty, 4 months on roads. State vs. Ess Long,- gambling, plea of guilty, $15 and costs. State vs. Kirk Hoffman, gambling, plea of guilty, 60 days on roads. State vs. Brltt Johnson, gambling, plea of guilty, $15 and costs. State vs." Walter .Ballard, gamb ling, plea of guilty. $25 and costs. State vs. Dock Thorn burg, gamb-' ling, plea of guilty, $15 and costs. State vs. Will Shipp, assault and battery. Defendant pleads guilty of simple assault and' on recommenda tion of solicitor judgment was sus pended on payment of costs. : State vs. Frank Clayton, larceny, verdict of guilty, 1 year on roads. State vs. Judson Wyatt, assault with intent to rape; not a true bill. State vs. Martin Moss, gambling, plea of guilty, $25 and costs. State vs. Jake North, carrying concealed weapons, plea of guilty, $20 and costs. State vs. William Partlow, carry ing concealed weapons, , plea of guilty, $25 and costs. State vs. Clarence Williams, car rying" concealed weapons, not a true bill. State vs. Ess Long, retailing, ver dict of not guilty. State vs. Tom Long, retailing, not guilty. - A contract has been let to an Ashevllle firm to build one of the main driveways through the proper ty of the Methodist Chatauqua - at Waynesville and work will commence at once. Already $190,000 worth of stock has been sold and is being placed rapidly. . When completed this promises to be one of the best equipped chatauquas in the country. Governor Blease, of South Caro lina,, today appears, both as attor ney and defendant, at a reference In Greenwood, 8. C, in a civil suit of the Virginia-Carolina Chemical ' Co. against the Governor, Mrs. Sarah El la Evans and George Washington Hunter. ' This isihe first time of which any knowledge is had of ' a Governor of the State practicing in the courts. . ' ''' r BRADLEY FAMILY REUNION. Mrs. Margaret E. iBradley Celebrates Seventy-Third Birthday With Din. ner '; to Children, Grand Children ' and Great Grand Children. r : ' Saturday was a blg'day at the old Bradley home place Just west of town, the occasion being in the na ture of a family reunion in honor of the seventy-third birthday of Mrs. Margaret E, Bradley. The old home is no'w occupied by Mr, and Mrs. Will Clemmer, the latter being a daugh ter of Mrs. Bradley. One of the principal features of the day was a sumptuous dinner spread on long tables under the shade of the trees in the yard. Ful ly a hundred people were present to partake of the good things which were spread before them. It was a royal feast indeed and so bountiful was the supply that when dinner was over, to quote one of the guests "it looked like there was as much as when we started." ' Other features were short talks by Rev. Dr. J. C. Galloway and Mr. R. J. Moss, of Smyrna,, S. C, the latter a son-in-law of Mrs. Bradley. The whole day was full ot keen delight; and pleas ure for both old and young. A There were present for the cele bration seven of Mrs. Bradley's nine children and a majority of the ,43 grand children and seven great grand children. The children are Messrs. W. Flnley, Harvey and John Brad ley and Mesdames George Daley, Lou Pearson, Robert J. W. Moss, Wil liam Clemmer and Kerr Foy, all of whom were present except Mrs. Pearson and Mr. John Bradley. Mrs. Bradley is in the enjoyment of good health and Saturday was a most delightful occasion to her as well as to all whose good fortune It was to be present. IN SOCIETY. Invitations reading as fol ws were received in town yesterday! Mr. ana .Mrs. Kobert Benton Bass invite you to be present at the marriage or their daughter Lillian John to iir. ctrarles Clyde Armstrong Tuesday Afternoon, the sixth of June I at two o'clock I "Glendore" Cunningham, .North Carlina At Home after JuneHhe twenty-seventh One hundred and twenty-two York Street Gastonla, North Carolina. The groom-elect Is the eldest son of Col. C. B. Armstrong and is gen eral manager of the Armstrong Company. He has hosts of friends whose best wishes and congratula tions go out to him on account of the happy coming event. At her home on West Airline av enue Saturday afternoon from 4:30 to 6 little Miss Hallene Mauney de lightfully entertained a number of her little friends at a birthday party. Various games were played on the lawn after which the little folks were ushered into the dining room where a delicious salad course was served followed by cream and cake. The dining room and table were tas tily decorated, the color scheme be ing pink and white. The center piece, a large pink cake was lighted with six tiny white candles. In cut ting the birthday cake the thimble fell to Master Lindley Rutter, one dime to Miss Mary Owen, the other to Master Allan Smith, the ring to Miss Jeannette Mauney, it being to small -for her, a drawing contest was held in which Miss Alice Herman was the winner. Miss Hallene was the recipient . of many handsome presents, and proved herself to be a charming little hostess. An Immediate Investigation ' of sweeping scope of ; the renewed charges that Senator Lorimer, of Il linois, Is not entitled to his seat is provided for In two resolutions, by Senators LaFollette and Dillingham, and the whole subject figuratively held the boards yesterday id the Sen ate. . The colored Presbyterian church, Rev.! J., A. Rollins pastor. has closed a successful meeting run ning three nights, closing Sunday. There were fourteen additions to the church. ' : '' ';,' At the regular meeting of Gas tonla Lodge No. 188,-1. O. O. F.. on' Thursday night of this week very important business, including nom ination of officers for next term, will come up for transaction. All mem bers are urgently '. requested to at tend. . . . - - ; MRS. C RUSH GRAY DEAD, y . Young Wife and Mother 8nccnmbs . to Illness . ,of Several Months S y Leaves.' Two Infant Children I Funeral and Interment at BetheL ' The sad intelligence reached town yesterday of the death of MrC C. Rush Gray, of Hickory, which oe curred about 8:80 plocklresterday 1 morning at -the home of her father, Mr, R. B. Riddle, of the Bethel see tlon. ' . ; '. ." ', ' ' Mrs. Gray had been confined te her bed for several months with anemia and death came as a relief to her suffering. The deceased before' her marriage to Mr. Gray, which ' took place In June three years ago, was " Miss Helen Rlddre and was known and loved in Gastonla where she had visited extensively. Her -, charming personality and sweet Its position endeared her to every one who knew her. ' ' , Mrs. Gray is survived by a sorrow V. lng husband who, with two infant ' ' ' children, Margaret, two years old ex-. actly on the day of her mother's death, and Robert, the three months old baby, feel keenly the loss ot the mother. In addition a father, Mrl R. B. Riddle, four brothers, Messrs T. H., J. L., R. S., and J.'A. RiddM and one sister Miss Martha Riddle, all of the Bethel section of Yon. ; county survive. The funeral services will be held this afternoon at Bethel Presbyter Ian church, of which the deceased was a devoted member. The pastor, ; Dr. Adams, will conduct the services and the interment will be in Bethel cemetery. PEACE COMES TO MEXICO. Formal Agreement Signed by Botlt Parties Inrarrecto Troops to bar Disbanded Promptly. An Associated Press dispatch sent out from Jaurez, Mex., Sunday and, appearing In yesterday morning' papers says, in part: ' Officially designated representa tives of the Mexican government and the Tevolutioniss at 10 o'clock; to night signed a peace agreement : at the customs house here Intended to end the hostilities that have been waged in Mexico for the - last six months. Though covering only the princi pal points negotiated thus far, th agreement practically records the concessions by the government ot those demands which started, on No vember 20, the last armed revolutlo in Mexico. Telegrams announcing the signing of the agreement wero dispatched throughout Mexico ' to revolutionary and Federal leaders alike. Judge Carbajal represented thsx Federal government and Dr. Vasqnea Gomes, Francisco I. Madero-and Se nor Pino Suarez acted for the revo lutionists. The troops, it is provided, will be disbanded proportionately . as each State is restored to tranquility. As the revolution in many States has been incited by the opposition to the Governors the retention of arm ed forces until the new Governors are instilled, constitutes a' practical guarantee that the issue will not b evaded. Weeding Out the Dogs. Charlotte Observer, 23rd. ' We understand that Gaston ''coun ty expects to raise about $8,000 this year from a $1 tax upon dogs. One farmer's attitude toward the matter was Illustrated, at Dallas.. when he shot a. worthless dog to avoid tax- paying and cheerfully returned the tax upon two who were ot some use. ' Here, therefore, we have the double aspect of the dog problem presented to view. . Taxation raises money for which there is abundant need: It al so tends to the elimination of worth- less dogs. Let dogs which are noth ing but a public nuisance perish from the earth and let the others par their way. Problems of revenue, et - sheep-raising, of neighbors undis turbed sleep, of hydrophobia and the fear of hydrophobia, are all sim plified. The dog who has no owner or whose owner does not value him from the standpoint "of utility or sentiment at one dollar a year can ' he very advantageously. removed. We hope that . more counties wM adopt the dog tax and that, with the progress of enlightenment,- a State dog tax will be enacted before long. I Miss Nell Johhson, of McComh City, ML. who graduates from Converse College. , Spartanburg, at the approaching commencement - la' expected in the city in a few days to vlilt Miss Johnsle Adams. -