THE: :GASTON5A -GAZETTE 1 . -1 PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. SINGLE COPY 8 CENTS. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interest of the County. flSO A TEAR IN ADVANCE. XXX1L ;' GASTONIAN. C .. TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1911. NO. 49. IN SOCIETY," REPUBLICANS LIKE RATS. FIRST COTTON BLOOM. It ia Reported by Mr. William Haw kins and Was Found the 18U Bessemer Briefs. -I .-, ,. " - Correspondence of Toe Gasette. BESSEMER CITY, June 19. The enthusiastic Interest being manifest . ed intbe big Fourth of July picnic ;At Sunnyalde school house guaran tees a record-breaking crowd and a fine occasion. " Mlssea Eva and Zoa Ormand, of the Normal College, Ashevllle, and the former of whom graduated from that institution two weeks ago," are in town for the summer. The ladies of the A. R. P. church gave an ice cream supper Saturday night which was largely attended and thoroughly enjoyed.- Mr, E. L. Froneberger was business visitor to Ashevllla several days of last-week. Mrs. J. E. Hornbuckle and little Miss Cor nelia .Hornbuckle, both of whom have been quite ill, are convalescent, Mr. E. L. Houser, of The Dallas Advocate, was a business visitor here one day last week. He reports crops good and wheat harvesting about over in the Eastern part of the coun ty .--Mr. J; A. Hager, of route one, was" a visitor here Thursday. The people in his section are rejoicing over good local showers and a fine .wheat yields Mr. P. J. Moser and Mr. J. P. Loner, of Lincolnton, were here on business Wednesday. Mrs. Jacob KIser, of route one, is spending a few days here with her son, Mr. W, W.- KIser. Mr. J. Y. Kincaid and daughter, Miss Mabel, pent Saturday and Sunday at Pleas ant Ridge visiting relatives. The family of Mr. J. L. KIser spent the week-end with Mrs. Klser's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M."R. Eaker,.on Kings Mountain, ' route one. Misses , Iva Thornburg, Tessie Hastings and Le ona KIser, from the Bessemer City Methodist church, and Mr. 8. B. Ho vis and Miss Zona Stroup, of the Concord church, have been elected to represent the Epworth Leagues of these churches at the Epworth League Assembly which' convenes in Hickory Wednesday of next week. Mrs. W. tL Odell, of Concord, apent Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs. 8. J. Dur ham. .' . ' , -;. Mr. WTlllam Hawkins, who Uvea on Mr: W. M. Swift's larm near here, reports the first cotton bloom heard of in this aection. It was found yes terday, the 18th instant, r- Rev. R. R. Caldwell returned from Charlotte today where yesterday he filled his regular appointments. GILLIAM-CORN. Miss Eugenia Porn Becomes Bride of Mr. W. P. Gilliam In Pretty Wed ding W1U. Make Their Home at Old Fort. Correspondence of The Gazette, ette. 19. X ie of nn- WEST GA8TONIA, June very pretty wedding and one usual interest to the people here was solemnized Sunday n-orrinc, June 18th, at 7 o'clock when iiiu Eugenia Corn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Z. Corn, was united in marriage to Mr. William P. Gilliam, of Old Fort, at the home of the bride's father in West Gaston ia. The room was very attractively arranged and decorated for the occasion the prevailing color scheme of green and white being car ried out. : - The bride was very beautifully at tired in a lovely dxesa of blue satin trimmed with cream Irish lace with hat to match and carried a shower bouquet of. bride's roses. Miss Eth el Foister, the maid of honor,' wore a blue messallne dress trimmed with white Irish lace. The bridal party entered to the strains of M.endels shon's Wedding March rendered by Mlas Viola Chandler and was preced ed by Mr. M. W. Nesbitt, the groom's best man and "Miss Ethel Foister, who sto'od on each side of the altar during the Impressive ceremony. Rev. C. M. Robinson, the bride's pas tor, ' performed the ceremony in the presence of a large number of invit ed guests. Mr. and Mrs. Gilliam, ac companied by Mr. M. W. Nesbitt and Miss Ethel Foister, left on train No. 39 for Ashevllle where the honey moon will be spent. They will then go to their home near Old Fort. The popularity of the couple was shown by the large number of handsome and .useful-, presents presented by .their friends. '-. . - - Miss Corn 1s one of West .'Gas touia's ' prettiest and ' most pop ular young ladies and is known and admired by a1 large circle of friends and acquaintances. -Mr. Gilliam has been living in Gastonla for the past two years., being' a member of -the firm of Nesbit A Gilliam, but 'recent ly sold out to his brother and return ed to his farm; near Old Fort.- We extend to -Mr. and "Mrs. Gilliam our best wishes for a long and. happy life. . In a speech delivered In' Washing ton yesterday before members of the Commercial. Club of Cincinnati -who had come to attend, his silver wed ding. President Taft spoke of the fu ture and intimated that be expected to retire from-public life at the end of his term and open a law office in bis old home town, Cincinnati. . McADENVILLE "WINS. Defeats Belmont at Baseball Abe Stafford Buffers . Fractured Jaw . Bone LIto Personal ftnd - News - Items from the Town by the River. Correspondence of The Gazette. McADENVILLE, June 19. In' a snappy game of ball McAdenville de feated Belmont at McAdenville 'on last-Saturday, June 17th. The feat urea of the game were the good field ing, of the McAdenville team an the battery work ' of Belmont. These same teams will play again on next Saturday at Belmont. The score fol lows.,;. - :. f . V . ; -R' H E McAdenville 000 002 000 4 6 1 Belmont ....010 000 401 2 9 4 ' Batteries. McAdenville Brltton, Costner and McKelvey; Belmont Willltt and Bumgardner. Struck out by Brltton, 1, Costner 2; WllHtt, B. Bases on balls off Brltton, 1,. Wil lltt, 2. "Umpires, Shields and Lynch. Mr. R. R. Ray spent some time last week at Ashevllle visiting friends. Mrs. Frank Simmons and daughter, Allle, were Gastonla visi tors Friday. Mr R. F. Ezzell and Mrs. J. L. Smith, of; Charlotte, and Mrs. W. B. Rogers, of Lynchburg, Vs., were the guests Wednesday , of Mrs. J. C. Walker. Rev. J. Frank Harrelson returned Saturday .from Ashevllle where he went as -a dele gate to the Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias. Mrs. T. - A. Stewart, of Bessemer City, spent Sunday here with her sister. Mrs. W. E. Roberts. Mr. George Wilkerson, of York ville. 8. C, spent some time here last week visiting friends and relatives. Mr. J. D. Turnec, of : Charlotte", spent Sunday here with his son, Mr. B. N. Turner. Mr. Wj M. Red wine visited relattvea at. Albemarle and Salisbury last 'week. - Mr. J. T. Ingram, Jr., was a Char lotte visitor Friday. MIbs Helen Julian, of Thomasvlllei is the guest this week of Miss Mamie Ray. Mr. John C. Rankin and Mr. J. C. Wal ker enjoyed an auto ride to Char lotte Saturday afternoon In Mr. Ran kin's new machine. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Anderson returned Friday night from Lynchburg,- Vs., where they have been visiting relatives. Mr. JoBeph L. Webber spent Sunday in Charlotte with homefolks. Mrs. M. J. Adcock, of Fort Mill S. C visited relatives here last week. Mr. I. F. Mabry visited friends in Concord last week. Mr. I. W. Jenkins was a bus iness visitor to Charlotte last week: Mr. W. B. Nichols and family re turned Friday from Oklahoma whe3 they have been living for several months. The sun sets In the West but Mr. Nichols cant set-tie there. Mrs, JW. L. Jackson, of Salisbury, is the guest of Misses Eliza and Dai ay Hooper. ' - . y While playing baseball here Satur day, in tne game between Belmont and McAdenville, Abe Stafford suf fered a fractured jaw bone. He was hit while trying to catch the ball. - yrr. A. - Cnr iMi a Chpr'.ott visitor Friday. Mr. J. F. Currie, cf Clarkton. spent Sunday here. Mrs. W. E. Roberts has been quite sick for several days.' . i The Taft, Silver Wedding. One of the most brilliant social functions ever held at the . White House took place last night . when President and Mrs. Taft celebrated their silver wedding. Twelve thous and invitations had been Issued and fully 5,000 people attended. It was the second silver wedding ever cele brated in the executive mansion and was perhaps the most imposing func tion ever given by a president and his wife. .. Outside the gates looking on were at least 16,000. The pres ents received amounted in numbers to hundreds and their value ran Into the thousands. Congratulatory tele grams were received from many of the prominent rulers of the world. To save the life! of his wife, who was in a desperate condition in the Georgetown University Hospital " at Washington, Senator Luke Lea,- of Tennessee, yesterday submitted to a transfusion of blood from his veins to those of his wife. The operation was successful and, Mrs. 'Lea - hss grown considerable stronger .with greater chances' for her recovery. More than a quart of blood was tak en from the Senator's veins and as a result he was so wesk that lie was forced to take his bed. He is re gaining hla strength rapidly, howev- er. . -- J-. y ie mls- Mr. R. M. Johnston had the fortune last week to. have a large' barn and its contents on his farm in Mecklenburg county destroyed by fire. -His loss was about 11,200, with no Insurance, v v V, . Reports from the Grand Lodge meeting Knights .of Pythias were made to the local lodge last night by Messrs. J. H. Kennedy! who went as representative of Gastonla Lodge No 63, and Mr. S. A. Robinson, grand ; Inner guard. They reported one of the most largely attended, most profitable and most enjoyable sessions in the history of the order in the State. - . - - Personals and Locals. Miss Mary Adams, of Clover, was a Saturday shopper in Gastonla. . . Dr. Frank R. Anders was among the visitors in Charlotte Sunday. Mr. Luther DevlneVof the Dal las section, was in town yesterday, Miss Lola Davis went to' Cbar lotte this morning. ; ,. - x , , Mr, W. E. Todd ia a business visitor to Charlotte today. Miss Bessie Adams, of Clover, 8. C, is a visitor in Gastonla today. Mr. Join J. George, of Bessemer City, is a business visitor in the city today.. v - . Mr. Lamar C. Pegram, after an illness of some days, is able to be out on the streets again, ; Mc Will Johnson, of Belmont, was among the business visitors In town Saturday. Mr. Arthur C. Jones has return ed after a visit to his father at Ab ingdon, Va. . ' Mr. J. J. Ormand, of Bessemer City, was among the business visi tors in town Saturday. ; ' . Mr. Clarence Armstrong, of Bel mont, was in Gastonla on business Saturday. Miss Helen Prior, who has been the guest of Miss Blanco Gray, left yesterday for her home in Atlanta Misses Zelda and Lois LoqAmII leave tomorrow for Hamlet to sfyftnd some time with friends. Misses Martha Riddle and Ma bel Brandon, of Bethel, were among the visitors In town yesterday. . Dr. D. E. McConnell returned yesterday from a abort vlait to his parents at McConnellsville, S. C. Rev. 0. A. Sparrow, of .Union, Is spending a short while In town to day. -Mr. R. M. Stevenson, Jr.. of Charlotte, was a Sunday visitor in Gastonla. Mr. A. G. Myers leaves tomor row for Kanuga to attend the State Bankers' convention. Mr. J. R. Patrick, of Bowling Green, is a business visitor In town today. Mr- W: T. Jerome, of Concord, was a business visitor In Gastonla Monday. Mr. J. Meek Huffstetler, of the Union section, is among the business visitors in Gastonla today. Miss Mary Query, of Plnevllle, Is expected in the city tomorrow to visit Mrs. Joseph H. Adams. . . Dr. L. N. Glenn is attending the sessions of the North Carolina Medi cal Society in Charlotte today. Mr. William Camp, of Clover, was a business visitor in Gastonla yesterday. Solicitor George W. Wilson, was called to Lincolnton yesterday on professional business. 'Mrs. J. Labaa Smith has return ed from Hickory where she visited her daughter, Mrs. Lewis Gwln. Mr. L. R. Summerrow, of New ton, spent Friday night and Saturday in Gastonla as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Michael. Mteses ' Nellie Rose and Chris-' tine Sloan are visiting their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 'L. Rose, at Wadesboro. Mrs. Lizzie Falls and son, Har ry, of Kings Mountain, returned home yesterday afUr spending sever al days with frlenda in Gastonla. Mr. V. E. Long left Sunday for Knoxville, Tenn., on a visit to his brother, Mr. N. R. Long, who Is crit ically 111 In a hospital In that city. .Miss Mattie Davis, of Gastonla, is spending some time with her sis ter, Mrs. W. L. Cook. Mooresville Cor. Charlotte News. Mr. Thomas Laban Grler, of Harrisburg, was in the city a short while Saturday en route to Linvllle to spend the summer. Dr. McO. Anders went to Char lotte today to attend -the annual meeting of the North Carolina Med lcal Society. . v . Messrs. J.' B. Houser, E. S. Hous er S. S. Harrelson and George W. Becker; of Cherryville, were Gasto nia business visitors yesterday. Mlse Faye Whlsnant, who; has been the guest for several days of Miss Myrtle Nolen returned yester day to her home In Gaffney, 8. C. Gastonla is full of engroes to-' day.' A big excursion from Charlotte pulled into town this morning at 9:30, with five coaches loaded full. X Miss Essie Wilson left yesteri I day for Knoville, Tenn., where she will attend the Summer School tf the South. - . ;.- . rMlas Martha Lattfmer, accom panied by her friend. Miss Bishop, of Fredericksburg, Va., left last Friday for Montreal to spend the summer. Mr. Fred. M. Hbwell.-who Is spending his vacation with his fath er near Clover, was in town for a short while yesterday. ; : j ; 'Ralph, tbe little son of Dr. and Mrs. T. A. JWflklns, who has been quite ill for some days, ia now' very much better. . " . ' ; THE EVENTS OF THE WEE Kr Detter-Hlght Marriage at Loolsbnrg Glenn-Hardin Wedding at Ches ter Gastonla Girls at Gaffney Mrs. Smyre . to Entertain Other , Social Items. . '- . ': ' MRS. SMYRE TO ENTERTAIN. At her residence on WestiAirllne avenue tomorrow evening at 8:30, Mrs. F. 'L. Smyre will entertain in honor of her sister, Miss Columbia Kelly, of Salem, Va who baa been the attractive gueat of Mrs. Smyre for some time. During her stay here Mfss Kelly haa been the recip ient of many aoclal honors. N, STUDY CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. SLOAN. The regular meeting of the Study Club was held last Wednesday after noon at the residence of "Mrs. J. M. Sloan, tbe subject for study being "Romance of the Revolution." There were two excellent papers', "Revolu tionary Heroines," by Mrs. George A. Sparrow, and a paper on "Songs and Bards of the Revolution," prepared by Mrs. Joe S. Wray but read by Mrs. D, A. Garrison, Mrs. Wray be ing unable to attend on account of Prof. Wray's Illness. An especially interesting "round table" discussion was led by Mrs. J. P. Reid. Several delightful piano selections were ren dered by Misses Lavinla Hunter and Nellie Rose Sloan. At the conclusion of the program I.ceB and cake were served. WHJTESERHART ANNOUNCEMENTS. Invitations reading as follows have been received by friends In the city: Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. White request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Beulih A. to Mr. E. Clarence Jerhart on Wednesday evening, June twenty-eighth y at eight o'clock Eight twenty-two West Main avenue Gaatonia, North Carolina. Miss White is a young lady well known in this city for her personal charm and attainments. The groom-to-be is from Perksie, Pa., and is a young man of rare worth and business quallicatlons. He is general manager of a cigar manufacturing establishment in his home town, and he, together with his father, owns a chain of similar en terprises throughout various States. GLENN-HARDIN MARRIAGE AT CHESTER. A beautiful marriage was solemni ized last Thursday at Chester In the Bethel M. E. church when Miss Kate Glenn became the wife of Rev. E. K. Hardln, pastor of St. John's M. E. church In Rock Hill, S. C. The cer emony was performed by Rev. M. W. Hook, - of Chester, and the ushers were .Messrs. J. H. Glenn, W. H. McNalry and Messrs. James and, Gra dy Hardin, of Clover. The best man was Mr. Legare Hardin, of Gastonla. The bridesmaids were Misses Edlna Dargan and Nettle Spratt, and Miss es Margaret Childs and Kitty James. The dame of honor kaM Mrs. Linden Smith, of Clover. Rev. Mr. Hardin is a brother of Mr. L. L. Hardin, of Gastonla, and is one of the ablest and most promin ent young ministers in the Methodist church. His bride is a native of Chester, and -has taught for several years in the public schools of that city. Both parties are well and fa vorably known in Gastonla, and the best wishes of numerous friends are extended them. The above account is taken from the Chester Reporter. ' . AT HOUSE PARTIES IN GAFFNEY. The following from the Gaffney correspondence of The Charlotte News will be of Interest . to Gas tonlans: . "Announcements have been receiv ed In this city, of the house party, which Miss Irene Wheat will tender to her guests next week. Miss Wheat will have as her guests during this time. Miss Sadie Boyster, of Greens boro, N. C.; Miss Marie Torrence, of Gastonla. N. C; Miss Lena Collins, of Spartanburg, Miss Lottie Klutts, of Chester, and Miss Hallle Torrence, of Gascon ia, N. C. "The house party will begin on Tuesday evening, June 20th, . with the arrival of the guests, supper at 9 p. m. "Wednesday evening. June 21st, will be held a tennis tournament at the Irene Park. This will be quite an enjoyable event and is very odd. The tennis court will be lighted with electricity for the occasion." Other Gastonla girls who are 1n Gaffney are Misses Ruth and Lucy Boyce who are house guests of Miss Freeman Garrett. - - ':- ? IN HONOR OF f VISITING LADIES. '"T At her attractive home on North Falls street Mrs. William Hill Har din entertained Monday from five to seven In honor of Mrs. William Mc Donald Goodman, of Knoxville, Tenn., and Mrs. J. Mack Holland, of Spencer Mountain. The guests were greeted, at the door by Miss Marie Hardin who presented- them to the receiving line where the hostess In troduced her oharmlng , guests ; of honor. Miss Sadie Tate, .of Morgan ton, presided over the punch , bowl, assisted by. 'Misses Sarah Mellon and Emily Butts, of Charlotte. . The host-, as was assisted In the dining room by Misses Blossom Fayssoux, Louie Lowell Downs Gastonla, In an Interesting gsme of baseball Friday afternoon at Loray Park, the Lowell boya bested the Gastonla tea" m by the score of 3 to 2, . Both pitchers were working In fine style. Pearaon for Gastonla fanning nine and Price for the opposition struck out ten. The features of the game were the hitting of Mason for Gas tonla, who secured two three-baggers and the fielding of Carpenter for Lowell. Sunday School Picnic . The Gazette has received for pub lication the following communication from Rev. E. N. Crowder, pastor of Lowell. Bethesda and Ozark Metho dist churches: "Ozark Sunday school, of Gastonla, and Bethesda Sunday school are to meet with the Lowell Sunday school in a picnic Sat urday, June 24th. This is a special outing for the Sunday schools of my charge but is not confined to Meth odists only. Other friends who will do so are invited to come with their baskets and enjoy the day," Releases Homing Pigeons. Saturday morning at 15 minutes past 5 o'clock, Mr. C. M. Nolen re leased about 40 homing pigeons which he had received the day ie fore from Mr. D. J. Warren, of Phil- ipsburg, N. J. After circling In the air for just a few moments they in stinctively struck for the North. Mr. Nolen has not yet heard from Mr. Warren, but says that they were ex pected to make the trip before night, covering a distance of over. 600 miles. Death, of. G. A. Spake. At his home on Willow street Mr. G. A. Spake died at 4 o'clock this morning after a lingering illness. He had suffered a stroke of paralysis some months ago and another stroke last Saturday night, from which he never recovered. The deceased waa 66 yeara of age and came here some months ago from Cleveland county, where his remains will be taken for burial tomorrow morning. He Is survived by his wife and several children, one of whom, Mr Phillip C. Spake, machinist at the Dunn and Clara Mills, has been for several years a resident of Gastonla. Fry and Susie Love, serving delic ious ices and sandwiches.-- The pret ty home was very charming with its decorations of daisies, queen's laee and other spring flowers. Mrs. Good man, sister of Rev. W. H. Hardin, was most becomingly gowned In tan marquisette over blue insertion. Mrs. Holland, one of Gastonla's re cent brides, wore her wedding gown of white satin held with orange blos soms. DETTER-H1GHT MARRIAGE. Special to The Gazette. LOUISBURG, June 16. The mar riage of Miss Anna Starr Hlght and Mr. Eli Earle Detter was solemnized at the Baptist church Wednesday ev ening, June 14th, at 10 o'clock. The church presented a scene most beautiful, bedecked as It was for the occasion, the altar In daisies and ferns, the choir in ferns and sweet peas. Before the bridal par ty, assembled, Miss Sallle T. Wil liams rendered several selections. Just as the bride and groom arrived at the door, Mrs. ' Arthur ' Hynes Fleming sang "Constancy," then en tered the? bridal party to the strains of Lohengrin's Wedding March. The ushers were Mr. Samuel Perry Boddle and Mr. James Lee Palmer, Dr. Thomas H. Royster and Mr. Gro ver C. Wiley. Miss Johnnie M. Det ter, beautifully attired in. white mar quisette over messallne, . carrying white carnations and ferns, came down the main aisle. Following came the bride with her brother, Mr. Hugh Edgar Hight, while the groom with his best man, Mr. Karl Detter, awaited them at the altar. Rev. L. W. Snoope received the vows of the two, and with the beautiful ring ceremony-made them one In the sight of God and man. The bride' wore a g6ing-a way gown of blue chiffon broad cloth, with gloves and hat to match, and carried a shower - bouquet of bride's roses and lilies of the valley. She is one of Louisburg's fairest daughters, and the charms of a sweet, unselfish dis position have : endeared her to the hearts of both old and young. Her people have always stood prominent In the affairs of the county. The groom is a young business man of Bessemer , City, of highest social standing. and stands foremost among the pharmacists of the State. .;.,, The out-of-town guests 'Were Mr. Karl Detter, ? of Charlotte, Misses Johnnie .and Theresa Detter, of Dal las, Mr..Grover-C. Wiley and Dr. T. H. Royster, of .Bessemer City,. Mrs, R. G. Burroughs, of Henderson and Mrs. R. C. Beck, of Roanoke Rapids. . Mr. and Mrs. Better left on the 11:30 train tor Ashevllle and Lake Toxaway. where they. will spend sev eral weeks - before going to 'Besse mer City, their future home. They Threaten ' to Desert Sinking ' . Ship of Protection Senators In Open V RevoltSay They Will Smah the Tariff AVall. An Associated Press dispatch from Washington to this morning's pa-, pers says In part: : . , . Republican opposition to the Ca nadian reciprocity bill in 'the Senate . reached the atage of open revolt to- , day. Led by Senator Dixon, of Mon tana, who again failed In bia demand for an explanation or a speech in fa vor of the bill from some of the Re publican leaders who championed the measure, the Republican opponents -declared that if the bill passed many . Republicans would join the Demo-: crata in an attempt to lower tjje du ties on all manufactured producta. - "When the cornerstone (a pulled out of the system of protective tar iff," aald Senator Dixon, "when the . farmera' producta are thrown Into m free market while hla purchases con tinue to be protected, there are many good protectionists in the Republl- -can ranks here who will vote to base the duties pulled down on iron, and steel, chemicals, cotton .and many . other thlnga." 1 - Other Northwestern Republicans signified by their approval of the Montana Senator's words that the passage of the reciprocity bill, which it is admitted will have a majority of votes In the Senate, will be attended with a fight that threatens to throw open the whole tariff subject. "We want to make one kllllng.'declared Senator Crawford, of South Dakota. "We find the Senators from Penn sylvania, New York, Connecticut Massachusetts, and Maine, State that have already reaped the great est harvest of protection, advocating this measure that proposes to put on tbe free list every article raised" In the Northwest. I want to deal with, thai matter in Its entirety. If Penn sylvania, 'Mississippi and Massachn-1 setts have joined hands in a new po litical propoganda, it is time for the rest of the country to strike out oa new track." Knocked Senseless. Mr. Joseph Patrick, a craneman working for the John T. Bennett Company near the Flint Mill " wa struck in the forehead yesterday af ternoon by a hammer and rendered unconscious for seven hours. It seems that a negro was driving spikes, when" his hammer slipped, struck a rail and glanced, dealing , Mr. Patrick a terrifflc blow. In fall ing his head struck a rock or cross tie with the above-mentioned re sult. Dr. H. F. Glenn attended the injured man, removing him to the Gaston Hospital. At 11 o'clock last, night he had recovered conscious ness and will be able to go back to work in a day or two. Death of Mr; Self. ' , Mr. Rufus Self, of High Shoals. - died last Friday morning at $ o'clock at the Gaston Hospital. Mr. . Self had been In the hospital about a ' week, being afflicted with some form of heart trouble, an inflammation of the membranous tissue surrounding the heart. Mr. Self waa 68 years old. v A brother came down from . . High Shoals and accompanied the ' body back to High Shoals where tho burial took place Saturday. . ' , -f l .. Miss Kate Wiley, of Bessemer City, is visiting Mrs. A. A. Ramsay. Concord Times, 19th. , Mrs. J. H. Separk has returned v to her home in Gastonla after visit ing MIsb Maude Brown for several days. Concord Times. ; ', -: v . Mrs., Chas. Coble and, T. XL Simpson, ; of Bessemer City," spent.' Saturday and Sunday in the city with. friends. Concord Times, 19th. .. Mrs. Watt Nichols and daughr ter, Annie Erwln, of Chester, S. CV ' are spending a : few days with the- former's parents. Sheriff, and Mr. J. D. B. McLean. . , . .. . Rev. R. R. Caldwell, of Besse mer City, passed through ' the city : yesterday en route home after hav- , lng filled the pulpit at Groveton A : R. P. church, Charlotte, last Sunday. , Mrs. M." W. McClelland and son. James, of Charlotte, returned ttt ' ' their home yesterday after a visit to the former's sister, Mrs. L. F. Sharp on route two. - ; , , . . .' Mr. Andrew E. -Moore returned yesterday from Waynesville whero f he spent the week-end with Mr. Moore who is spending the summer there.---.: v. , s,".- . - ,, VV. . Mr. W. P. Pressley is now lo- cated at Monroe, N, C, having re- ! . signed his position with the Loray Mills at Gastonla, N. C The Textile ( Manufacturer. . v ; - Miss Margaret Query, who ha ! ; been attending the Student Y. W, C ' A. Conference in Ashevllle, returned J yesterday and Is the guest for a few ) ; days of Mrs. Joseph H. Adams. . ; he first, ripe tomatoes of the , on are reported by Mr. . R. M. , . Johnston, who gathered a quantity ' of fine ones from his garden yeater day. ".-s A. -. Trains No. 44 and 36 werebota held up today on account of a freight wreck below Greenville, S. C. Nov 44 was marked 7 hours late while No. 86 Is scheduled to arrive at 1:2S Mr. S. S. Morris returns today from Milwaukee, Wis., where he a been attending a national assembly of the Improved Order . of Hepta- SOphS. i .;.-'" -v'. .; Messrs. B. II. Parker and J. O. 5 White returned this morning on Kx 3? from a business trip to Boston, Philadelphia and . other ."Northern points. -. f r

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