' 1 : r ' . v. , , ...-......,, G ASIC i HA ITillb r PUBLISHED TWICE A WEE Ik TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. . . . , .-. .. - -r SINGU. COPY 8 CUNTS. . Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interest of the Gouty, ?$iJMA YEAR IN ADVANCE, ' ' VOL.'XXXU. GASTONLA, N. C. TUESDAY, JULY 4, mi. I0UNT HOLLY CITIZENS HERE. SPINNING MILLS CLOSE, no. na v - I, y i' '. Hi I V i ' TIIRONO AT SCNNYSIDE. Immense Crowd Gathered at Annnal Joint Picnic of Farmers ynion and Letter 'Carriers Prof. , Brooks Absent - but Splendid , 8abstltate f Found ln" Person "of Prof. 3, A. BlTins Speech by Zeb Green-, r Typical Picnic Scene. ' Br P. T. A T Pbone to Case SUKNYSIDB. July 4. The picnic glrea by the Gaston County Farmers Union and the Gaston County Rural ; Letter- Carriers Association 1 is . a k grand Buccetrs. At this hour. 11 a. m., the grounds are filled with a moving, seething throng df humani ty while In front of a platform gaily - bedecked .with flags and bunting sits another crowd listening '-intently' to "Zeb" Green, of " Marsh vtlle, State organizer of the Farmers Union and editor cf The, Carolina Union Farmer. At an early hour this morning the Sunnyslde school house grounds were crowded;-.- People are here from all parts, of the county, the majority of course being from tfie western sec tfons, but familiar faces can be seen on every hand from Lowell, Belmont, McAdenrille Union. South Point, Dallas and many other places, in cluding Gastonla. In fact the coun ty seat Is furnishing a larger part of the picnic crowd. , Leaving Gastonla at an early hour and Joining the procession which grew larger' at every cross - roads were vehicles of all kinds and de scriptions. ' As the "picnic grounds were Beared pedestrians' by .the score were added to the pleasure-beat throng. From Gastonla for a few miles out the dust from the recently torn-up - and graded aand-clay roads was fearful,-the sticky red particles of dust filtering through the air and settling on one's face and figure. But a light shower Jxad fallen along the road a mile.' pr so from Besse mer City and from there on the ride over the new stretch of ' macadam turnpike , was delightful. Winding from the elevated riae on which the town of Bessemer City Is situated, .the -road down to the Long Creek bridge describee curve after curve. resembling in many respects the real znovataln turnpikes In their circuit ous descents. A typlcaL scene greeted the eye on arrival at the Sunnyslde grounds. The. varied array of peoples, the blaring brass band, the cold drink stands dispensing Iced sweets to the weltering ' crowd, ithe sporting couples, etc., presents the same scene that one Invariably encounters on the average all-day picnic. At exactly 10 a. m. Rev. J. Frank Armstrong, or Bessemer City, open ed te cerc'ses ih r ifh prayer and a short Introductory speech In which he put forth the praises of the best section of the beat county in the best State In the Union. - Mr. , Charles Robinson. a prominent Farmers Union man, then Introduced Mr. Green who Is speak ing now on the general topic of "Agriculture and 'the Farmers Un ion." He is being listened to with good attention. An able and eloquent substitute in the place of Prof. E. C. Brooks, of Trinity College, who was to have de livered an address bat who was de tained, is found in the person . of Prof. J. A, Bivlns, of Raleigh. State superintendent of teacher training and formerly of the graded schools at Charlotte and Monroe. ' He will deliver an educatloal address just after dinner which will be served on the .grounds about 1 o'clock, r V ; H. A. QUERY. ' . UNION NEWS NOTES. y Correspondence of The Gatette.. McADENVILLE, July ft. Miss Helen Julian returned to" her home In Thorn asville- lasf week after be ing the guest of Miss Mamie Ray for several , days. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Barber visited relatives at Rock Hill. , S. C, last week.-? Mr.-James L. Web - fcer is spending several days at - Wrightsvllle Beach. Miss , Minnie Cracber, of Charlotte, visited at the home of Mr. R. R. Ray last week. ' Mrs. M. L. Jackson returned to Sal- .' isbnry last week fetter spending sev eral days here with friends. Mr. J. P. Brlttain visited relatives at Lin- . colnton Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. R. R. Ray was a Gastonla shopper Wednesday. Mrs. L. N. Glenn-and ' eons. Master Robert Ray Glenn and Charles' Glenn, visited' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. RC Ray, Saturday and Sunday, n - Mrs. R, F. Enell, of Charlotte, was a McAdenvllle visitor last week. -Mrs. Sadie Weaver and Miss Ver sa Funderburk, of Lowell, were Mc Adenville visitors , Thursday. Mr. S. Ivey. of Salisbury, is visiting friendsjhere this week. Mrs. W. J. Williams Is spending the week in Lenoir with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. . L.,A. Funderburk are visiting rela- - tires at Hnntersvllle this week. Mrs.-M. E. Cashlon was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A, B. Mitchell, of Gas- onla. Messrs. M., J. Ray and G. L. ebb attended the meeting of the extile - association at GreenYUle. S. !., Saturday. Prof. J. L, Webb, Mr. R. Blair, L. N. Lancaster ana Mr. H. P. Lynch attended; the district meeting of.- the Red Men . at Kings Mountain Saturday. Mr. Will Tbornburg,' of Lexington,, Is visiting relatives here this week. Mrs. Lau ra Hlslop. of Charlotte, spent Sun day with relatives here. Miss Worth Turner, of Charlotte spent Spnday here with friends. Mrs. S. H. Man gum is spending the week In Char lotte with her son, Mr. 8. .A. Man gum. Mr." Sidney Win get and .Miss Elizabeth Phillips, of Gastonla, were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Mabry. Miss Phillips wUre main over for the. week as the guest of Mrs. Mabrv. ; , , McAdenville Matters. Correspondence of The Gazette." UNION, July 8. Miss Jennie Sw ing, of Washington. D. C, is spend ing the summer with her sister, Mrs. G. A. Sparrow. Miss. Grace Tltman, of Lowrysvllle, is expected this week to visit her cousin. Miss Mary Wil son Miss Helen Brandon is visit ing her cousin, Miss Erroll Hender son. The young ladies of the1 Dor cas Society will have their annual moonlight picnic on the church lawn. Cream and cake will be served for the benefit of the society Miss Kathleen Thompson, of Rock HUL S. C, is the guest of Miss Elsie Byrne. Miss Byrne 1 spending the summer with her mother, Mrs. Neely Craig. Misses Sammonds and Pat rick, -from the City Hospital, Gasto nla, were guests at Dr. Patricks Sun day. Miss Minnie Sparrow is a Gas tonla shopper today Mr. Evans Sparrow and" Mr. Miles Henderson visited friends in Dallas Sunday. Miss Leila Wilson entertained a num ber of young people In honor of Misses Byrne and Thompson. Mrs. Vernon Crier and children of Gasto nla; Mrs. J. R. Renfrow and daugh ter, and Miss Elite Hudson, of , Mat thews, are guests at Dr. G. R. Pat rick's today. IN SOCIETY. MRS. LONG TO ENTERTAIN. The following cards have been is sued for tomorrow afternoon: Mrs. Vardry 'Edward Long will receive Wednesday afternoon, the Ifth of , July ' . five to six Mrs. Edgar Long Mrs. Lizzie Falls- . , MISS CARPENTER ENTERTAINS AT GtfERRYVILLE. Miss Florence Carpenter entertain ed delight. uUy FiJday evtclr.g at a lawn -party at her home in Chefrjr vllle. The affair was In the nature of a moonlight picnic, the guests dispersing themselves over the lawn, whiling the hours away with merry conversation. Japanese lanterns hung here and .there over -the lawn added much to the beauty of the scene. A bounteous supper, consist ing of .all the season's delicacies, war spread' under the trees, and en joyed to the fullest by all. In addi tion to all of Che'rryvi;ie's social setv there .were present many . visiting girls from surrounding towns. MRS. FINGER ey-,t: ENTERTAINS. ; C . , -; l Mrs. Gordon'' Finger was hostess at a thimble party "yesterday after noon in compliment to her husband's sister, Mrs. Robert C. Williams, of Gastonla. Many dainty bags filled with pretty handiwork, were brought, and for an hour or so, needles were plied with rapidity and skill, while the merriment of conversation kept heads as : well as hands' interested. Mrs. Finger received her guests in white lingerie and was, as always, a hostess of ready wit and assiduous courtesy. The sewing resqfved it self Into a contest in which two prizes were offered for rapidity and skill. The winners were Mrs. E. M. Hannon and Miss Eugenia Rowe. Dainty Ices were served. Charlotte News, 1st. .Let's have your slogan. It's the Glorious Fourth but Gastonia's not celebrating. ; V Let's take an early start' next year and make the 4th a great day in Gastonla. . . .; . .- ; x . In a nole to The, Gazette dated June 29th Mr. M. C Llneberger of Dallas, route two, sends us a cotton bloom picked' by Mr.- J. P. Horne from his field. ' He adds that cotton in that section Is fairly good, though it Is-needing rain. - . Mr. W. Lw Smith took his class of, young folks from the First Bap tist church Sunday school to Spen cer Mountain this morning where they are spending the day picniclng. There are about 20 In the crowd and It roes without 'savins that thev are having a good Urns. -x DEATH OF 1R. TORRENCE. , . ' J Former Gastonlan Passes---Promln-" ent Physician ' of .Charleston " Many. Relative in This Section -: Funeral Yesterday ' at Pendleton, .'. S. C. . V y',J. .'-';;',;! - :i ..; " Late Saturday night "the distress ing news came by telephone to Mr. Frost . Torrence that ' his brother,' Dr. Crown Torrence,- of Charleston, 8. C, had died suddenly. ' His relatives here knew that he had been in fall liTg health for some time,, but were unaware of the serious, nature of his iJlDess. . r : .... . ' Dr. Torrence was about 35 years old and a son of the late Dr. W. J. Torrence, of the Crowders Creek sec tion, south of Gastonla. -Dr. Tor rence left Gastonla some years ago, first locating at Union, S. C, and la ter removing to Charleston where his death occurred. Dr. Torrence is survived by his wife, who was a Miss Sloan, of Pen dleton, S. C, a brother, Mr. Frost Torrence, of Gastonla, and two sis ters, Miss Spark Torrence, of Gasto nla, and Mrs. V. M. Hanner, of Flor ence, S. C. "The funeral and Inter ment were at Pendleton, the home of the deceased's wife. Mr. and Mrs. Frost Torrence and Miss Spark Tor rence attended the funeral yesterday. Mr. J. D. Scott Dead! - Mr. J. B, Scott, night operator at the Southern depot, was called laBt Thursday to Pacolet, S. C, on ac count of the death of his father, Mr. J. D. Scott, which occurred Wednes day previous at JO a. m. The fun eral and burial took place Thursday at Jonesville, S. C, the former home of the deceased. Mr. Scott's death was due to heart trouble. He had been In failing health for four or five months but had been confined to his bed for only four or five days. Deceased was a prominent citizen of Pacolet where be had been engaged In business for the past ten years. He was mayor of the town for three terms and was otherwise prominently Identified with its business interests. For twenty years or more he was a member of the Methodist church. Surviving are his widow, three sons, Mr. J. B. Scott, of Gastonla: Mr. L. D. Scott, a traveling. salesman, of McMlnnville, Tenn., and. Mr. T. J. Scott, a traveling salesman, of Llth onia, Ga., and one brother, Mr. J. M. Scott, of Wlnnsboro, Ga. Mr. Scott has the sympathy, of many Gas tonla friends in his bereavement. ; Presented With Gold Watch. ' l""" At a called meeting of Gastonla Lodge No. 369 A. F and'A.-M. last Friday night, when the newly elect ed officers for. the ensuing term were Installed, Mr. W. Y. . Warren, the capable secretary of the lodge, was presented with a handsome gold watch as a token of the high appre ciate n of his fellow -members for laithful services to the lodge. The case was handsomely engraved on the back with the initials "W Y W." The presentation speech was made by Mr. P. W. Garland, Jr. The officers installed were' as follows: W. 'L. Thompson, w. m.; ' Marshall Dilling, s, w.; Chas Ford, J. w.; P. W. Garland, s. d.: J. W. Culp, J. d.; E. G. McLurd, treasurer; W. Y, War ren, secretary; F. R. Anders. and George Smith, stewards; Mf A. Grigg, tyler. To Visit Old Grave. , v - Mr. R. D. Alexander, of Birming ham, Ala., accompanied by his Uls ter, Mrs. I. Y. Sage, of Atlanta, Ga., and niece, Miss Margarett Alexan ander, of Mount Pleasant, . Tenn., were interesting visitors in town Friday. They came for the purpose of visiting the grave of Zecharlah Spencer at the foot of Spencer Mountain on the Solomon Hoffman plantation. Zecharlah Spencer was an old Revolutionary character, the man -from whom Spencer Mountain was named. He la the great-great-grandfather of Mrs. Sage. Thy were driven out to the old grave by Mr. E. L.-Wilson, spending the day there, r They - returned home the same afternoon. V,., , 1 Mr, Bess Manager. v -iir. J. ' Flay Bess was yesterday appointed manager of the Gastonla branch of the Southern Cotton Oil Company, succeeding Mr. R. M. Ste venson who waa moved to the Char lotte plant about four months ago. Mr. Bess bas been acting manager since that time. He has been with the company for the past two years In .the capacity of bookkeeper and this promotion '- to " a position of greater responsibility is a deserved recognition of his -business ability. Mr. Bess is a young business man of excellent qualities and his numerous friends, congratulate him on his ad vancement, ' - - ;--v V j . President Taft's family went.the latter part of last week to Beverly, Mass., their summer , home. - The president left' Sunday for Marlon and Indianapolis,' Ind., where yesterday and today he delivered speeches. Delegation Before Commit I ' sionera Present Strong Petition for 1 Bridge AcroM Catawba fieverml From Other Towns Argue ia Its Headed ea'ded by Messrs. J. A. Costner and J. W. Holland, a strong, deter mined delegation or Mount Holly cit izens came to Gastonlaiye8terday, about 25 or 30 strong. They came for the purpose of petitioning the ooara or county commissioners in regular monthly meeting to help in the construction of an independent bridge across the Catawba in the place of the one washed away some years ago. Jt was about ' two o'clock wLhen Chairman John F. Leeper announced that the commissioners were ready for the Mount Holly contingent. Mr. J. A. Costner then put before the board in a strong, forceful way their reasons for coming, re-lnforclng his speech with strong argument and logic. The substance of his tajk was that there was no question of the need of a bridge at that point, an admitted fact, that the Mecklenburg commissioners bad intimated a wil lingness to help, and as a climax-td his speech he said that the York Bridge Company, of York, Pa., had submitted plans and specifications that would call for an outlay of only 113,500, a very moderate cost as compared with the other two bridges across the Catawba above and be low Mount Holly. Mr, Costner then called on several other men to make arguments in fa vor of the bridge. , The following men made forceful, logical argu ments; Messrs. C. E. Hutchison, A. P. Rhyne, A. A. Farrar, A. M. Hen derson, A. U. St roup and J. B. Hen on, from Mount Holly. From Low ell, Messrs. John C. Rankin and S. M. Robinson; from Gastonla, Messrs. W. T. Rankin, C. B. Armstrong and S. N. Boyce;;from Dallas. Mr. J. C. Puett: from Kings Mountain Capf r. Dining, argued in favor of the bridge. The principal arguments used by practically every man were the necessity of a bridge and the cheapness of the cost of construc tion. The men then retired and the commissioner's proceeded to delib erate the matter. The following cit izens were present from Mount Hol ly: Messrs. A. P. Rhyne, C. E. Hutchison, J. M. Hoover, J.. W. Hol land, Luther Nims, Lester Knowles, J. A. Costner, J. B. Henson, W. J. Boger, R. G. Rhyne, J. D. Tucker, R. Torrence, J. M. Springs, W. B. Rutledge, A. M. Henderson, A. U. Stroup, A. A. Farrar, P. E. Lentz, J. S. Hoffman. Alex West and T. L. Ware. MATTERS EDUCATIONAL. County Board of Education Holds Regular Meeting Fire New School Houses to be Built Oth ers to be Repaired Apportion ments Made and Committeemen Appointed. Important matters pertaining to the county's educational interests were discussed and disposed of at the regular meeting of the board of school commissioners of'' Gaston county at the court house yesterday. The board Is composed of County Superintendent F. P. Hall, chair man, and Messrs. S. N. Boyce, J. H. RudlsIIl and H. A. Rhyne. All wyre present except Mr. Rhyne. , New school houses were ordered built In Districts Nos. 12 and 13, Gastonla township; No. 11 Cherry vine township, and No. 10, River Bend township. Additions to the present school houses were ordered built at Belmont, Lucia, Mount Hol ly .(colored) and South Point No. 2 (colored). Applications for loans from the State were approved as follows, vis: Belmont $600. Gastonla Nos. 12 and 13rJ.ucia and No. 11 Cherryvllle $250each. , , New committeemen were appoint ed for the entire county and the reg ular semi-annual apportionment of school funds for the county - was made. These will be given in ad ear ly issue, of The Gazette. Lack of space renders it impossible to carry them today. The board recommended that the eleventh grade be added to the course of study In all-, the public high schools of the county, thus making a full, four-years course. - It was ordered that the Loray pub lic school property be transferred to the town of Gastonla. This proper ty consists of a commodious and comfortable building and' a lot 130 x 200 feet. Supt. Hall will hold examinations for entrance to the State Agricul tural and Mechanical College, Ral eigh, at the court house , on Satur day, July the 15th. Any Gaston county boys whq expect to enter this institution this fall should take the entrance examination at that time. - Regular examinations for public school teachers for the county will be held as follows: For colored teachers Thursday, July 13th; for white teachers Friday and Saturday, July 14 th andUlBth. They .will be held In , Supt. Hall's office at the court househere. v : 7 Lawn Party;"- i ., . ''' ' The Gazette Is requested to state that Miss Mabel Falls' class of young men and - Mils Bettle Gam ble's class of young ladles of the Pisgah Associate Reformed .Presby terian church Sunday school , will give a lawn party and ice cream sup per on the. lawn at the Pisgah par sonage Tuesday night, July 11th, be ginning at 7:3i o'clock. f The public is cordially Invited. . ' - . ' .: Strong OflJ EW0 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEET. Transact Much Business Many Claims Paid Mount Holly Bridge Proposition Disposed Of County Will Aid to ExUnt of 36,000. The board of commissioners j of Gaston county met in regular month ly session yesterday with Chairman J. F. Leeper presiding and every member . present. The , following claims were ordered paid: Jacob Klser, 54 days' service as assistant assessor for Cherryvllle township, $162. J. F, Puett, for 50 days, service as assistant assessor in Dallas town ship, $150. W. N. Davis, for 54 days' service as tax assessor, $162. R. L. Fite, hardware for court house and balance for building fence at county jail. $18.36. J. Q. Holland, salary for June $100. , Gastonla Plumbing &' Heating Co., labor at Jail, cleaning out sewer, $6.15.- L. E. Rankin, for services as as sessor In South Point township, $159. W. A. Jackson, repairs to brfdge In South Point township, $2. . J. T. Oates, 50 days' service as assessor, $150. W. B. Rutledge, 56 days' service as assessor, River Bend township, $18. Craig & Wilson, ' fertilizer for county home farm, $138.89. S. T. Stowe, services as engineer in locating road, $112. 50. C. C. Craig, salary and expenses county home, $233.56. L. F. Ewlng, 60 yards stone for fNew Hope road, $30. W, A. Falls, services as assessor for Gastonla township, outside, $115.50. J. D. B. McLean, expense con veying George Torrence to hospital at Goldsboro, $23. T. L. Ware, work on roads, Cher ryvllle township, $13.85. T. L. Ware, work on roads, Dallas township, $65.19. T. L. Ware, work on roads, Gas tonla township, $17. T. L. Ware, work on roads, River Bend township, $4.18. G. R. Rhyne, Jail fees,1 etc., r for June, $122.35. T. L. Ware, expensees chalngang camp No. 1, $672.24. T. L. Ware, expenses chalngang camp No. 2, $752.84. T. L. Ware, stone for New Hope toad, $42.66. T. L. Ware, stone for Llnwood road, $10. T. L. 'Ware, stone for Stanley road, $16.67. T. L. Ware, expenses for Todd's grading force, $1,099.24. , Rankin-Armstrong Furniture Co., supplies to camp No. 2, $3. Gastonla 'Livery Co., team for conveying committee of grand Jury, $3. B: F. Carpenter, one days' service on pension board, $2. Moses Stroup, one days' service on pension board, $2. . T. L, Ware, salary- and ex. 'int., $103. J. H. Kennedy ft Co., supplies for chalngang. $2.60. W. M. Nolen, salary and expenses for help as Janitor. $33.20. L. N. Glenn, salary and expenses of conveying lunatic to Morganton, $47.67. The following - were ordered ex empt from poll taxes on account of physical Infirmities: U N. Jenkins, John Stamey, W. "L. Smith, C. A. Rumfelt, M. W.' Saunders. J. F. Leeper, J. F., McArver and T. L..Ware were appointed a com mittee to investigate and adjust damages done by Stewart ft Jones to Gastonia-Lowell road. - Zlmri Evan was declared a pau per and allowed to go to the county home. Eaau Graham and Sophie Graham were reinstated as outside paupers. The sheriff was authorized to is sue peddler's license to John An tolne. The allowance to W A. La wing was increased to $10. - The exemption to Miles Currence, col., South Point township, was re voked. . . - It was ordered thatthe final ar rangements concerning the Sloan' ferry bridge be completed, the con tract being awarded to C. W. Re quarth Co., for $57,500 as per orig inal contract, and the company to file a construction bond In the sum of 50 per cent of construction price and maintenance bond for a period of 12 months in the sum of 100 per cent, oX the price of - the concrete bridge. - - f : Will Day was declared a pauper for one quarter tnly, at $12 per quarter, J. R, Lewis,-agent. . Isaac Rhodes was .declared a' pau per and allowed $4.50 per quarter; Sam Wyley, agent - -; . It was ordered that T, L. Ware's report as county superintendent of roads concerning . the road leading from Long Creek church to a point in the Kings Mountain-Bessemer City road be accepted as a public road. V ..v . v. - . . It was ordered that the register of deeds be authorized and directed, to record tax returns till Monday, July 10th, upon payment of 25 cents fees. WILL HELP BUILD BRIDGE. ; It -was ordered that the commis- Itffl mm Thirty Yarn Factories to Gaston WQf ' be Idle for Ten Days and Postdbty- Longer Poor Market Oondlt Given aa Cause." Information '-obtained Saturday froto a reliable soulrce Is to the ef feet tfiat thirty or Derhaos more of. ' the spinning mills In Gaston county ; are now idle, having closed Saturday , ' to remain closed till July 10th. Mil prominent and well-posted spinner la sponsor for the statement that, in an likelihood, a large per cent of these factories will remain idle throughout the entire month of July. -The num ber of spindles represented in tbJss shut-down Is about 75 per cent, ot the' entire splndlage of the county. As a result of this move several ri thousand operatives will be idle aa. til the wheels begin to whir agauw Those mills which manufactare yarns for their own use in makiac cloths of various kinds will, so It lav' stated, -son tlnue to operate. f Poor market conditions for yarn -Is given as the cause of this shun down which is by no means confined to this immediate section. Many . mills in South Carolina . and in other sections of the Southern manufactur ing field are curtailing also. In the ', matter or cloths the market 4s not so -bad as It is In yarns. BURNED BY GASOLINE. Sam Kenley, Machinist at Works, Suffers Severe Injury Taken to Gaston Hospital Threw Gaaoline on Fire. . - Sam Kenley, aged 22, a machinist at the plant of the Gaston Iroa v Works, Inc., was so badly burned, about 1T)0 o'clock this afternoon a .' the result of a gasoline explosion, that his condition is considered very . grave. He was rushed to the Gaa ton Hpspital for medical attention., - ? From the best Information obtain- able before going to press it seem ; that Kenley threw some gasoline oa a fire in the foundry, probably t y ' mistake, and the explosion -whlcH followed set fire to his clothing. - -fr. Kenley has been with the firm; ; for a year or more as a machinist and his unfortunate injury is great )y regretted by his fellow workers' and friends; all of whom trust that: he will recover. Attend the mass meeting at the city hall tonight if you are Interest ed In the interurban and .street ' grades. v . .. " His many friends will be gladk to know that Mr. B. F. S. Austin, sn. ; perlntendent of the Ozark Mill woov has been confined to the City Hea : ' pital for some days as the result er injuries sustained. In an auto accV . dent, is able to be down on tae ' streets some. He is still at the pital and bas to use crutches to about but hopes to be able to turn to his home within the next fvsr ' days. ',:-y:K!' Mr. J. E. Clonlnger, of renta ; -one. Mount Holly, was among yeav terday's visitors in Gastonla. Bsk f t says the crop prospects in his section, j are the poorest since the dry snsxe mer of 1881. That year he says fcss : V made two bales of cotton off of about: ' eight acres of land and 75 bushelaof . : corn from 18 or 20 acres. Preaent .'; ' prospects, he says, are fer a repeti tion of the 1881 conditions this swna- mer. ' , ... Aa - t - sloners lof Gaston county join wttlk. Mecklenburg county in the erectioat of a bridge across the Catawba, pre- " vided Gaston's part does not a ceed $6,000, to be built during 1 SIX. . It was ordered that the report eft? : J. Q. Holland be accepted, approve! ' and recorded in record of public a. ; ficlals. - , v' It wae ordered that the reports C J. F. McArver and O. G. Falls, taa . committee to investigate the chares against chalngang camp be acoeptesV 'V approved, and recorded in the miik- ntes. . It ' was ordered that Prince Me Dowell .be declared a pauper and at-' ' lowed $4.60. per quarter, Joaa. -Clonlnger, agent. -; It was ordered that the report off v the county physician be accepteaV approved and filed. , , ... . Whereaa, on the first Monday ba ''. January, 1911, a resolution waa no-; cepted, providing for the executioa otr -a deed for the county property known as the "Court House Square and jail lot situated In the towa eP -Dallas, to certain parties mentloaedl in said resolutions, and whereas since 1 the tender of said deed to the said; parties, grantee! named In' said' rea olutlon by A. J. Smith. Register - et Deeds, which deed was not actepleaV by'said grantees mentioned same for reasons hereinafter named to- -wit: That said grantees ment!aa ' therein. Intended to orginUe a eer. -: poratlon to whom said granteea da '-'. sired the deed to be executed aa ' whereas such corporation has beeat chartered. Now, therefore, be It te 5 solved that the board of county eon- i -mjssioners execute . and tender through A J. Smith . a fee simple; y '-1 deed without warranty to the sal 2 -corporation, to-wlt, the Gaston Land: and Manufacturing Co. and deliver said deed upon the. payment of tTj- -000 to the said Smith, as agent far said county.or upon the execution et a pro mlasorr note to the said county for the said sum of $7,000, fully cured by proper indorsement, . r. .. .. , - , in 1; X if':-

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