V! - . - . V- it. TT Ji-ii 1I1L - PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. SINGLE COPY t CENTS. , Devoted to the Protection of Borne and the Interests of the County; ' " $1.50 A TEAR ET ADTANCSU ' v. VOL. XXXII. GASTONIA, N. C. ' TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1811. no. ex COLLEGE STUDENTS' RALLY. DR. J. B. CARLYLE DEAD. COMMISSIONERS IN SESSION. r THE FOURTH AT HIDDENITE 'V Fifteen Hundred People Enjoyed the . Dy Drl White Salphnr ' ' Springs- Hotel Gaests Hy Mnjr ' t Methods of AmnsementB. Correspondence of The Gasette. -HIDDEN1TE, Julr The annual 1 " Fourth of July celebration at Davis , - White Sulphur Springs was a mark ed success this year. ' The crowd was estimated at from a thousand to fifteen hundred. As usual the peo ' - pie came from far and near to spend ' the day. A large number took din ner and supper at the hotel. The visitors began to arrive at 10 o'clock - and by - noon the hill was covered with merry-makers; The attractions of the day were the skating rink, which furnished amusement for the spectators as well as the skaters ,. themselves, the bowling alley, which always contributes its part to the amusement, was the scene of many ' hotly contested games. The record score of the day was 221. At 2:30 the base ball game at Fair View was , attended by a large number of fans. ' In this game the Hldddenlte team - '- suffered Its first defeat of the season, , at the handa of the fast young team from Vaahti. During- tb day the Piedmont Orchestra employed for the . season, gave several concerts which added greatly to the pleasure of the occasion. The '' management has been very fortunate in securing this . quartet of musicians for the sum- mer. One of the many new attrac ' tlons of the hotel is a beautiful walk to Bubbling Spring. Tbis is truly one of the beautiea of nature, and is always enjoyed by those who visit .- the spot., Lowell Locals. Correspondence of the Gasette. LOWELL, July 7. We had - no public celebration of the 4th here but tomorrow, Saturday the Sunday ' school picnic comes off and we are looking for- a large'Crowd. Miss Shoaf, of Rowan county, is visiting Miss Mary Held this week. ' -Miss Iva Tnornburg, of Bessemer City, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. . Holmes, this week. Misses Flossie .V and Freddie Steele, of Monroe, came' 1 'home with their sister, Mrs. Dr.. Rob v inson, to spend a few days. " Miss Bessie Johnston, of Gastonla, Is spending a few days .with Mr. Hall Cox'a family. The Lowell Mill No. 2 is running this week to cafch up with back orders, the pther two have : stopped for the week.v . BElilONT, JBTOGET. , Correspondenoe of The Gasette. ' BELMONT, July 10. Miss Katie Rankin left Monday for Spartanburg, - S. C, where she will take a nurse's 'course. Miss Gertrude Stowe, who ;has been real sick, is greatly improv ed. Mira. Mason and Mrs. -Wheeler, of Besseiirer City, visited friends - here last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. Gi Dixon visited his parents near Low ell Sunday. Rev. J K. Hall, of Rutherfordton, was In town Thurs- - - day. Mr, W. D. Crawford was ' a ' Charlotte visitor Monday. Little - Mist Ruth Garren, of Bessemer City, Tisi ted Misses Meliabel Crawford and Abbie .Hall last week. Mr. John Rank hi visited homefolks Sunday. Messrs. G. W. Stowe, W. D. Craw- ford, R. P. Clark, C. P. Lineberger, W. T, Hall and O. A. Gullick attend- , ed aa : ice cream supper at Union church Friday night. Miss Ethel '.McKee, of Spartanburg, S. C, Is vis iting her grandfather. Mr. Wiley - MeKee. Misses Jessie Bradley and Mary Craig visited the latter's sister, y Mrs. G. G. Dixon, Friday night- . ' Poultry raisers, of whom there f; are many In Gaston, will be Interest ed In our new poultry department which will appear regularly. Misses Fan-nle White, of Gasto ' nia, N. C, Bessie Patterson, of Kings Mountain, N. C. and Fannie Tborn- - burg, of Bessemer City." . N. C, Messrs. Ernest Scogglns, of Smyrna, P. D. Smith, of Gaston ia, N. C, E. C, Caldwell, of Kings Mountain,. N. C, :. have been visiting Misses Mabel and Fst41e Csstels: on Logan street. ' ; Gaffney, (S. C.) Ledger, nth. ?.:. The Blacksburg correspondence of The Gaffney (S. C.) Ledger of to--., day contains the following item . which will be read with regret . by many. Gastonlans: "The many ; ' friends of Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Cald well are sorry to learn of the severe Illness of their Infant son and hope , for him a speedy recovery. Dr. Pitt man. ' of Gaffney, has been over to : see the little fellow several times." f . We have lately received the cat- - alogue of the A. A M. College at Raleigh.. This technical Institution - . Is doing a most valuable work for .our State. 1 Men trained there are 1 certainly making' good f as farmers, as engineers, as textile workers, Indeed in all forms of skilled enter prise. Toting men who. want to en- v . ter life equipped for success in all Industrial occupations will do well to : consider the A. 4 M.- Last year 20 students were enrolled Its- faculty this year will include. 5 r teacher. "' Personals and Locals.' Ralph, the little son of Dr. and Mrs. 8. - A. Wilkins, who has", been gradually Improving for . the past week, is reported as not being so well today, ;- .. , ; s v . j Mlssee May, Lena and Eulalia Quinn and Mr, C. H. Parham leave today for Sparrow Springs, Kings Mountain, route: three, where they will spend two or three weeks. ;. Mr; ' William King, of Chester S. C., was the guest Friday of his wife's parents. Sheriff and Mrs. J. D. B. McLean. Mrs. King is spending some time, at Hendersonvllle. . ; Mrs, D. M. Jones and Mrs. J. Lee Robinson and family left this morning for Zirconia where they will spend several weeks visiting Mr. and MrSjy A. M. Smyre. Mr. Archie L. Jenkins returned last Tuesday night from Greensboro where be attended a meeting ' of North Carolina assistant postmas ters. He reports a good time. - Misses Bess Johnson, Willie Bradley and Beulah Johnson return ed Saturday night from a delightful stay of some days at Wrlghtsville Beach. -. . Mr. Fred L. Smyre left Saturday night for Zirconia where he visits his parents for a few days. From there he goes to Asheville where he attends a convention of hardware dealers. Mr. J. T. Spencer, who Is spend ing the summer at Love's Springs Cowpens, 8. C, has been here with his family for a few days. He says he la Improving and expects to- stay al Cowpens till fall. Miss Bertha Long has had for several days as guests at her home on East Airline avenue Miss Ellen McPhail, of Mount Olive, Miss Car rie Young, of Greensboro, and Miss Allie Strickland, of High Point. Mts. A. M. Dixon and sister, Miss Mamie Ray, have returned to their homes in Gastonia and Mc Adenvllle, respectively, after a visit at the home of Capt. R. E. Cochrane. Charlotte News, 6th. . Prof. Edgar Long after spending Sunday with his family left yester day for Clover, Yorkville and other points In South Carolina. He Is traveling in the Interest of Erskine College. ' . Her. many friends will learn with pleasure that Mrs. S. A. Gllfll lan, 'who has been ill for the past three or four weeks at the Gaston Hospital from, pleurisy, la very greatly Improved. ' ' Misses Estelle and Susie Ran kin and Miss Louisa Reid were smong those wh- went from Gastonia on the Charleston excursion last Wed nesday, operated by the Tenth Av enue. Presbyterian Sunday school. Messrs. Fred and Will Wetsell, Grady Rankin and H. M. Bosfcamer, let yerferrfsv afternoon ""n N". rs fcr Washington, Ner York find At lantic City for a stay of 10 days or two weeks. Several Interesting side trips are also planned. - The Gasette was in error when It stated. In Friday's Gazette, that Mr. Carl Jenkins, of ' Manilla, who was here last Tuesday, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. .- L. Craig. He was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Wilkins at Dallaa. V - Sample copies of National Monthly, , the big dollar magazine which we are giving away free with every- year's subscription to The Ga sette, can be had by "calling at this office. The July number. Is just out and it's a good one. ; - ; ? Sunday's showers were very light here. Unlike most -of the Sun days recently the day was not op pressively hot.'. In the afternoon there were cooling; breezes which were calculated to lull one into quiet slumbers. .v- . - Miss Nena Rhyne will give a box supper at her home for. the ben efit of the Mclver Loan Fund of the State Normal Frl4ay evening, July 14th. The hours are from 8 to 12." t?i public is cordially invited to at tend. ; . - - : t; Mr. Garnet Cox,' of Lowell, who has been .attending the pharmaceuti cal department of the University . at Chapel Hill, Is at Morenead City to stand examination ' for license to practice his profession before "the State Board of Pharmacy. . " . Mrs. John H. Redford. after a visit of two weeks to her daughter, Mrs. James O. Moore, left Saturday for her home In Raleigh. She was accompanied by little Miss Mary Hewlt Moore, who will spend some time with her. ; . '.' Mr. R. S. Galloway, of Due West, 8. S.. arrived yesterday from Ches ter, S. C, to be the guest for a week' or two of the family of his uncle, Rev.. Dr. J. C. Galoway. He will go from here to Charlotte to visit his sister. Mrs. DeArmand Klrkpatrlck. The children of the Baptist Sun day school at the Clara Mill enjoyed a treat last Thursday. Besides Im bibing co;d drinks 'provided for them they were entertained with an excellent address by Rev. W. H. Red dish, pastor of . the. First Baptist church. ; - j . . . i IN SOOETY. THE EVENTS OF THE WEEK. Miss Reld to Entertain At House ' , Party "'in Oiarlotte Mrs. McCon Nell at Home Mrs. Morris to En 1': tertato Other Social Items, ' : MR8 McOONNELL AT HOME. . In honor of Mrs. R. J. Slfford, of Richmond, Vs., who arrives today, Mrs. D. E. McConnedl will be in mally at home tomorrow morning from 9:30 to 12. -, LITTLE FOLKS AT" HOUSE PARTY. The members' of the Dainty Tea Club have been entertained for a few days at a house party given by Miss Sadie Thomson. The Kttle'glrls comprising 'this club, future social favorites in Gastonia, are Misses Ethelda Armstrong, Bennie Boyce, MaTy LaFar, Christine Sloan and Sa die Thomson. MRS. MORRIS TO ENTERTAIN. In honor of Mrs. R. J. Slfford, of Richmond, Vs., who is the guest of Mrs. D. E. McConnell, and who is a former member of these societies, Mrs. B. T. Morris will entertain the Woman's Home and Foreign and Young People's Missionary Societies at her home on West Main avenue Thursday afternoon from 4:30 to 7 o'clock. ' ENTERTAINS THIS AFTERNOON. The leading social event of the ev ening is the domino party to be giv en this afternoon from 6 to 8 by Miss Eleanor Reid at her home on South Broad street. The honorees are Miss Anna Lewis, of Yorkville, S. C, a college-mate of Miss Reld's at Win throp, Miss Nell Jenkins, of Rock Hill, S. C, Miss Ellen McPhail, Miss Carrie Young and Miss Allie Strick land who are the guests of Miss Ber tha Long. The affair promises to be most delightful. CELEBRATES HER BIRTHDAY. ' , Little Miss Margaret Starnes cele brated her sixth birthday this morn ing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Starnes, on Wil low street. Quite a number of , her young friends were present and games of various kinds were played, furnishing much enjoyment to the entire party. . Refreshments consist ing of cakes and ices were served. Little Misa Margaret was the recip ient of happy felicitations from her young friends on this event. AT HOUSE PARTY IN CHARLOTTE. . , Tha following clipped from Fri day's Charlotte Observer Is of Inte est: . f ; - At a sewing party Saturday morn ing Miss Rose Walsh will be hostess at her home on West Morenead street in honor of her guest, . Misa Alma Henley, of Greensboro, and Misses Jennie Pegram, of Gastonia, and Lottie Klutts, of Chester, 8. C, guests of Mis Lillian Reid. Miss Lillian Reld will entertain this morning at her home on West Morenead street at a bunco party In honor of her guests, Miss Jennie Pe gram, of Gastonia, Miss Lottie Kluttz, of Chester, and MSas Alma Henley, of Greensboro, the guest of Miss Rose Walsh. ;.. DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR AT MISS LONG'S. Friday evening from 8:30 to 11, Miss Bertha Long was the charming hostess at a bunco party in honor of her visitors. Misses Ellen McPhail. of Mount Olive, Carrie Young, of Greensboro, and Allie Strickland, of High Point, and Misses Grace and Nettle Rudialll, of Kings Mountain. Tables had been - arranged conven iently, around the broad veranda which was brilliantly lighted by a string of Incandescent. Refresh ing punch was served from one cor ner of the porch by Misses Louie Fry and Violet Rankin. During the ev ening charming vocal and Instru mental selections were rendered by Misses . Fry and Long. At the con clusion of the games an ice course -was served by the hostess assisted by Misses Zelda and Lole Long. Rev. C. E. Dearer, of Maiden, who recently held a revival at the Clara Mill, will preach tomorrow v enlag at 7:45 o'clock at the Clara Mill school house. , The public is cordially Invited to be present and hear him. - " . The annual W. O. W. picnic will be held at Belmont' Thursday,' July 20. A-great day la promised. There will be baseball, a brass, band and a speech by Hon. E. Y. Webb. A de tailed account, crowded out of to day's Issuer win appear In Fridays Gasette. Under the direction of such a committee as Messrs. R. P. Clark, W. D. Crawford and A. J. Sanders, nothing will be left undone to insure a good time. Piedmont Association of Lenoir Col lege to Gather a Dallas Next Frii day Several Addresses - Baskei Dinner cb Old Court House Lawn. The Piedmont Association' of Le noir College, Hickory, composed of alumni and old students of that In stitution in this section, will bold a rally at Dallas next Friday, July 21. There are in Gaston county some thing like SO graduates and old stu dents of Lenoir College and these, together with many from adjoining counties will spend a day. In Dallas which will be rendered enjoyable by the carrying out of a varied program. The exercises will be held on the lawn of the old court house square. One of the principal features will be an address by Hon. J. Yates Kll Han, of Newton, census supervisor for this district There will also be short addresses by the following, vlx: Mr. Marcus Mauney, of Cher ryvllle; Mr. Carl Carpenter, of Gas tonia; Mr. R. L. Plonk, of Kings Mountain; Mr. John J. George, of Bessemer City, and Mr. O. P. Rhyne, of Gastonia. Everybody is invited to come and bring baskets for a basket dinner on the grounds. ' Jn the afternoon there, will be a game of ball between Dallas and some visiting team. A good band will furnish music throughout the day. MRS. MARGARET HOWE DEAD. Aged Lady of OIney Neighborhood Passes Away Interment Friday at Olney Church. Mrs. Margaret Howe, widow of the late David Howe, who died a year or two ago, passed away Thurs day night at her home in the Olney section of this county, aged 77 years. Death was due directly to a stroke of paralysis which Mrs. Howe suffer ed on Tuesday previous to her death, though she had been in failing health for two years or more. Following funeral services con ducted Friday afternoon at four o'clock by her pastor. Rev. G. A. Sparrow, at Olney; the body was in terred in the cemetery there beside that of her husband. Deceased had for many years been a member of this church. Mrs. Howe was a daughter of the late Robert Torrence, of this county. She is survived by one brother, Mr. R. S. Torrence, of Pinevllle, and three sisters, namely. Mrs. Emily Faires, who lives four miles south of tbwn; Miss Jane Torrence, who lives with Mrs. Faires. and Mrs. Re beccah Rhyne, who lives three miles north of Gastonia. Mrs. Howe was held in high es teem by many friends to whom her death brings a feeling of deep sor row. Infant Dies. , Claudie Horton, the one-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Horton, 807 West Franklin avenue, died Sat urday morning at 6 o'clock. Rev. W. H. Reddish conducted the funeral services Sunday and the interment was in Hollywood cemetery. Accepts Presidency. The Chester (S. C.) Reporter of last week says: "Rev. Davison M. Douglas, of Baltimore, has accepted the presidency of the Presbyterian College at Clinton, which was ten dered him recently, and will go to Clinton in August to take up his new duties. Dr. Douglas Is at present paetor of the Marlon Avenue Presby terian church in Baltimore." Rev. Mr. Douglas Is a native of Black stock, 8. C, and is a brother of Dr. J. M. Douglas, of the faculty of Da vidson College, formerly principal of the old Gaston Institute here. " i ; 1 Marriage Licenses. Since July 1, marriage licenses have been issued from the Register of Deed's office as follows: M. E. Alexander, of Spartanburg, S. C, and Miss Mattle Snider, Gastonia; G. H. Black, Bessemer City, and Miss Maude Biggerstaff, Lawndale; W. E. Clemmer and Miss Maggie Ha gans, Gastonia; James Hartman and Miss Mary Clark. Gastonia; Latta Lay and Miss Nola Barnhill; Tyner Mcintosh and Miss Lena Black, Mt. Holly; F. C Ratchford and Miss Mattie Best, Bessemer City; W. A. Summey and Miss Susie Moore, Lin colnton. . -: : - ,: ., . Mr. Shannon's Ctifld Dies. A peculiarly aad death was that of little William Edmund Shannon, the 13-months-old son of Mr. 8. E. Shannon, which occurred at the home of Mr. Shannon's brother-in-law, Mr. 8. M. Pearson,' on West Airline av enue last night at 10 o'clock. As will be remembered the little one's mother died last Friday. Since Sat ruday the child had been ill with pneumonia and all that loving hands and tender medical skill could do was done ia- the efforts to save -Its life.' The funeral services will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the residence of Mr; S. M. Pearson on West Airline avenue by Rev. Dr. J. C. Galloway and interment will be made In Oak wood cemetery by the side of Its;, mother. The .sorely stricken ialher and children have the heartfelt sympathy . of the entire community In their aad bereavement Misses Webb Stanton and Bell Campbell, of Bethel, passed through the City last Wednesday en route to Hamlet, the former1 to visit Mrs. Cole, pleasantly remembered In Gas tonia as Miss Ethel Pegram. Miss Campbell visits her sister," Mrs. Hope Barnett, of Eagle Springs, near Ham let. . , ..-:!.-'':::. 'A ':;v :?;-y 1 1 Noted Educator Passes After Pro tracted Illness End Came at Wake Forest Where He Held Chair of Latin. lal from Wake Forest dated yesterday' and appearing In this morning's Charlotte Observer chron icles the death of Dr. John Bethune Carlyle, A. M., LL. D., professor of Latin in Wake Forest College and one of the foremost educators In the South. He died at his home there early yesterday morning following a protracted Illness from tuberculosis. Dr. Carlyle was a native North Carolinian, having been born In Robeson county In 1859. Twenty years ago he married a Miss Dunn, of Tennessee, who survives together with two sans. He was graduated from WaWForest College in 1887 and since 1891 had held the chair of Latin In that college. He was one of the leading members of the Bap tist denomination in the State (fid was chosen president of the Baptist State Convention at Wilmington in 1907. Dr. Carlyle's health began to fall last fall but he continued in the ac tive discharge of his duties until April of thle year. y The Observer's correspondent says of him: "In his work for Wake Forest College, Dr. Carlyle endeared him self to the people of North Carolina, regardless of religious affiliation. A man of tremendous energy, splendid natural ability, and thoroughly equipped, both by study and obser vation, he was a leader of men. He was a brilliant student, an eloquent and forceful platform speaker and clean and pure in his life. He was largely responsible for raising the funds for the Wake Forest Alumni building and secured the larger part of the $16,000 expended in the erec tion of the building. In addition he raised $9,000 for the Wake Foreet College hospital. The crowning achievement was, however, his work hi raising the endowment fund of $150,000 during the year 1907, and, in fact, the strenuous efforts made in that campaign undermined his health and from It he never fully recovered. This work was completed at the meeting of the Baptist State Conven tion in Wilmington In December, 1907, and the announcement of the result the splendid achievement brought forth an ovation from the gathered hosts for the man John Bethune Carlyle who had accom plished the task." SHAMELESS PRODIGALITY. Tennemee Legislature IRoundly Scor ed by Governor Hooper for Man ner in Which it Used People's Money Among Other Things Paid Political Debts With It. Its actions for some months past has attracted to the Tennessee Leg islature the attention of the people In other States, especially those im mediately bordering the Volunteer State who take an Interest in cur rent events, especially of a govern mental nature. This Legislature, which adjourned last week, was characterized as the most tempestu ous In the history of the State. The Lewlsburg (Tenn.) Gazette of the 7th Inst, has this to say of Governor Hooper's last message to that body: "That was a ringing message which Governor Hooper sent to the Legislature Monday aad was enough to humiliate every member of that body unless their consciences are as hard as the hide of a rhinocerous. The Governor scathingly takes v the members to task fr their shameless prodigality and recklessness. He shows that their recklessness Increas es the expenditures of the State to nearly one . and a quarter million dollars beyond what the govern ment's receipts would be during the biennial term, the amount of ex penditures being $9,029,995.80. That the people's representatives would be guilty of such an outrage was never thought possible. They not only unlawfully voted them selves $65,000, but H seems that they used the people's money to pay all kinds of political debts. Their outrageous action has caused a wave of indignation to sweep ; over the State from one end to the other." ALL AMENDMENTS LOST.' Senate Shows Its Intention to Pass Reciprocity Bill Cummin s Gives Up Fight Against It v -:, An Associated Press dispatch from Washington yesterday saya in part: . The Canadian reciprocity - - bill emerged unscathed tonight from the most serious ordeal It has yet ex perienced in the Senate. The series of amendments offered by Senator Cummins of Iowa and the two offer ed . by Senator Simmons of North Carolina, all seeking to Increase the number of Canadian manufactured articles that shall be admitted, to the United States free of duty, were vot ed down by large majorities; .. .. - The -vote In favor of the. amend ment was ao small ; that Senator Cummins asked far only five roll calls, although . he had previously an nounced his intention of asking tor at least ten. The maximum vote for his tariff amendments waa 14, com pared to ; a' maximum vote of S3 against." . .. ..- .; The defeat of the Cummins amend ment cleans the situation in - ;the Senate and leave the reciprocity bill much nearer final passage. : " v;. .- - ' ; Read the list of slogana on page six and see if you cant add good one yourself. , , rwA epec Hold Postponed Meeting From Monday Board of Equalization; New Coroner Sworn In On ' mittee Appointed for Erectiom Bridge. ' '"' ' ;.; ' ;' Pursuant to their adjournment ' last Monday the board of county commissioners met yesterday ' to transact business postponed from last: meeting. The most Important mas ter before the board at this meeting; was the question of assessing the taxes. The board of equalisation; to in Joint session with the commission- . ers and together they are going over the tax books. ' K David Jamison, of Bessemer City, appeared before the board with n complaint In regard to excesstvs taxes. On account of an error In thai assessment it was ordered that Gan-' . ton county refund to him the sum of $19.47. Mr. R. L. Wilson, the coroner elect, appeared before the board and. tendered his bond in the penal anm. of $2,000 with T. W. Wilson and t L. Craig as securities for the faith -ful discharge of his duties. HI -bond was accepted and he was sworn ' Into office by Chairman Leeper. Messrs. O. G. Falls, R.. K. Daven- , port and John F. Leeper were ap pointed a committee to act with aw like committee from the Mecklen - -burg board In the erection of that Sloan's ferry bridge. A flO.OOO CHURCH. Belmont Methodists Expect to Begin: Work on Handsome Edifice Tent Meeting a Success. . , ; As a result of the tent' meeting which the Methodists have bean holding at Belmont for the past week or ten daya and which came to a close Sunday night a congregation with nearly one hundred mem hern has been organized at that place and. in the near future, these Methodists will, we are informed, begin tie construction of a $10,000 house of worship. ;? This tent meeting was conducted by Rev. J. A. Bowles, pastor of Mt. Holly circuit, assisted by Rev. Geov D. Herman, pastor of Main Street church, Gastonia. The attendance)' was large at each service and much, interest was manifested. Sunday morning, at the close of the sermon, the organization was perfected with, about 100 members. Sunday night eight more were received on profes sion of faith. , Lowell Loses to Belmont Lowell lost her first game of ball of the season to Belmont on tfce latter's diamond Saturday in an elew- . en-Jnnlng contest by a score of 6 to 6. The work of Price was excellent, he only yielding seven hits white Honeycutt for Belmont fanned four teen. The features of the gamer were the fine work of Mlllen In onto field and Hamphill at the bat The) ; latter got two three-base hits, theix- work, being phenomenal at all til Farmers' Institutes. " t Farmers Institutes will be held tsa, ' : the county this summer as followac Gastonia, Wednesday, August 23rd;; ' Belmont, Saturday, August 2(th; Cherryville, Saturday, August 11th. Notice to this effect haa been Sent . out by Mr. T. B. Parker, director mt Institutes of the the State Depart ment of Agriculture. As usual them ' will be held. In connection with the -Institutes for. the farmers. Insti tutes for the farmers' wives. It tto hoped, that as many Gaston, county farmers and their wives as possible will plan to attend these sesslonev You cannot fall to be benefitted. . thereby., , . Teachers' Examination. Public school teacher from ntt sections of the county wfll be in . Gastonia Friday and Saturday tor the purpose of "standing examina tions for certificates. County super-1 intendent F. P. Hall will conduct the) examinations " In his office at . the) court house. On these two days, thn 14th and 15th, three sets of exaas- inatlons, will be submitted to tie) 1 white teachers of the county, nante ly: ' The, : regulan examination tor county certificates,' examination tor high school teachers' certificates andU examination for five-year State eo tlflcates. - The colored ' teachers t the county will be examined Thursday, the 13th. . Mrs. Walter E. Adams, of Str Louis. who .Is spending several ( weeks with her sister, Mrs. J. H,., Mayes, in Charlotte, will arrive tm. Gastonia in a few day to visit fbe famlly of Mr. John H. Adams. .; ; ' The Gazette Is requested ta -state that the Ladles' Aid Society of ; West "End Methodist church will give an ice cream supper on thw grounds .at the church Saturday -night of this week from 7 till 11 pv m. The public la cordially Invited -to attend. : ' ... - r . ..--Misses Bessie and Estelle Lnvev. of Selma, Ala., spent Sunday aaLl Monday here, the guests of Mrs. IV , D. Barkley. leaving yesterday after noon for Statesvllle. Misa EsteCsr L6ve will return Thursday to be Mrsw Bark ley's gneet for a week. Miss) Grace Brown, of Concord, la alaocn- . pec ted to visit Mrs. Barkley. ; :; -i-in the " woods many trees arsn dying. Including some eaks whlcTx, are supposed to be about the hard iest of all trees. . The older peor say that this Is the first summer tx " thirty years that such haa been tl -case. It Is due to the protract: ; . drought Many wells are dry, mt-' other are very low and number!: small streams are no longer stre&r .

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