i . . . . - M IE PUBLISHED TWICE. A WEEK TUESDAYS 'SINGLE COPY 3 CENTS. -i' . Devoted to the Protectlua of Horn and the Interests of the County. A TEAR IN ADVANCE FKIDAV, JULY 14, 1911. NO. Hfc. DR. G. J. ATKINS DEAD. LAYING OF RAILS. W. O. W. PICNIC AT BELMONT' H H ''.'.' . i'v .'. vol.' xxxk ', : v, ' .;- : ':t -:i'C ; iT fr-tf'Si. :'r 'ij '' 0 ,:'! : :i gastoxia. n. a v' Crouse Eoute One News.i V w'ww uwui,v vruw "vnaa ' : . i - . , Corjespoodence of The Gazette. ;" CliOUSE.x Route 1 July 11. Mr " Alex KIser is crowing eomethJng In , the way of spring wheat. i& finiBh ed cutting wheat July 4tb. - Mrs; Docia Cody and - family spent the week-end at the home of Mr. : and Mrs. VV. -L. Carpenter.- The people ' v are about through threshing wheat In ; this , neighborhood.; .Wheat , ' threshed oiit very well, most .;of It ... averaging one-half bushel ; to - the shock. Carpenter and Weather . spoon' are threshing. in this section and the people are well pleased, with ' tbelr work. . . .Miss Lockle Weathers was the guest of Misa Anna May; Alexander - Saturday, .ll83e Mable and Flor ence Lineberger and Miss Nellie Clotrrrrger and Miss Addle Long were tb guests of tie Misses Abernathy ''Saturday ' and Sunday. Miss L.qja - Clonlnger spent Saturday and Sun day with Miss Grace Stroup. Mr. and Mrs. Pender Alexander and sis- '. ter, Miss Anna May, spent Sunday - with Mrs. C. D. Tate.- Mrs. r E C. " Weathers Is spending a few days with - her sister, Mrs. Julius Alexander. Mrand Mrs.. R. L. FordTahd daugh- ter, Mies Lee Ethel, visited Mr. W. ' L. Carpenter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. ' Flay McGinnls visited Rev. M. L. Carpenter , - Tuesday. Miss Mary ' Weathers visited Miss Clyde Carpen ter Enday. . -:v . . : : : "- - Dallas, Route 1, News. than water. 1 Correspondence of The Gazette. . DALLAS, Route 1, July 13. Mr. and Mtb. Mike Klser and children, . . of Crduae,- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.,Ed, Mauney. Mrs. V 'J. ' Dougan and children visited Mrs. Will Turner Wednesday v. Miss Ma- 'J bel Dixon, of Gastonia, spent Sunday as the gueet of Misses. Laura , and Florence Pasour.-Mr, and Mrs. Ar- . thur Jenkins gave'a singing Satur- r. day night to qute irnumber of their young friends.-Mr. and Mrs.'C, E. G.' Paaour and children, , of , Crouse, visited hls'Tiiother, Mrs. Sarah Pa sour Sunday. Miss Myrtle Friday and sister, f Worth."spent Saturday and Sunday as guests at the home of Mr. Christie Jenltln.-Mr: and Mrs. Price Ratchford visited at Mr. Aaron Jenkins' Sunday. Mrs. Lizzie Quinn , and daughters, Misses Mabel .- and . Carrie Dixon, ofGastonia, came up J Friday to spend some time with Mrs. Rose Pasour. - ' . , . Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, at the borne of Mr. G. 1. Best, his ' daughter, Miss .Vattie, became the bride of Mr.' Crcwh Ratchford. Quite a number of the young friends of the contracting parties were pres ' ent' to witness this union of hearts and lives "and all wish for them - much happiness in the years that are to come. Miss Florence Pasour is visiting Relatives and friends v at . Crouse this week. ; Dallas, Route Two Items. ;'v-:--' ' i - , Correspondence t The Gazette. DALLAS, Route 2. We have been having-refreEhing showers In this , Beet ion of the country. Mrs. J. A, White, of Charlotte, who, has been .visiting her son, Mr.i Join White, has returned to her home.- Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Lineberger visited . Mr. and Mrt' Jobn' L. Smith Sunday. Mrs. John Gattis,;- after spending " some time here with relatives, has returned to her home In Charlotte. ',. Misses :Vera and Nell Setzer and Myrtle Lineberger: were the guests Saturday and Sunday of Mrs. Robert . Lineberger in Stanley. Miss Lathla Smith -was the guest Saturday and Sunday of Miss Myrtle Robinson. Rev. and Mrs. Cline, of Stnleyv and guest Miss Fannie Setzer,' bf. New ton, were the guests Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs.', T. : A. , Setzer. Mr. . Walter Lineberger ' spent . Sunday with his brother, Mr. Robert Llne- berger, at Stanley. , niCKOItV GROVE NEWS. LOWELL, Route 2, July 12. Mr. D. 'C. Abernethy, who has- been sick . is improvlng.-r-The Hickory ' Grove - people are having a new coat of paint put. on the church.' -The cem etery is also being cleaned oft. Mr. " William Ferrll is doing the work. " Alexia and .Hickory Grove choirs attended a singing- at Burlington Sunday.' Mr. Gu Flowers and fam ily, of Spencer Mountain, spent Sun day with i Mr." AmzKHovis. Mrs. Mattie Faulkf of Charlotte, Is visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.. E. Etfcers. Mrs. Sarah Smith, of Stan ley, spent Wednesday night at the hbme ofMr. W. R. Joy.-rMr. . Jim Caldwell, T)f Gastonia, ,U visiting rel atives in this section. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clemens were Gastonia visitors Wednesday. ' - " . , r - ; -- The- profcraeted meeting will be gin at Hickory Grove the fourth Sunday lo.July.. The pastor,, Rev. W, 'B.: McClure, will be assisted by : Rev. J. J. Beach, of Gastonia. 4 Mrs. I M. Flowers attended the . county meeting at Costner's school house Saturday. Mis Katie Auten, of Belmont, was a visitor here Sun- flJf' Bd Mr Rbln8f' f RankiBtown. BDent -Fundar with of Rankintown, spent 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Linebejger near McAdenvllle. .' " . ' ; Stanley -Happenings. -v i - - ' i ' Correspondence of The Gazette. v ;t STANLEY. Jalf 12. The two-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Phil lip Starnes died Sunday night alter several weeks illness of an Incurable malady.. Funeral services were conducted from the home by Rev. W, S, Hales and interment was made In the city cemetery , Monday after noon..,,'.;: t , K ' ' Beulah, the 12-months-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. G Wilkle Aber nethy; passed away Tuesday after noon, after a few days Illness. The remains were taken to Mt. Zion church, near Alexis, wh.ere the fun etral services were conducted and In terment made In the family grave yard, Wednesday afternoon. .- Mrs. D. F. Summerrow, after vis iting relatives at Charlotte and Stan ley for seveiral days, returned to her home at Erwin, Tenn.i Wednesday. Mrs. C. E. Sbealley and children, of Spartanburg, S. C.rarrlved Wed nesday to spend a month with her parents, Mr. and Mlrs. Calvin Finger. Misses Allle and Edith Mas6n left Wednesday for Salisbury wher they will be the guests of tbeir uncle,' Mr. John Maeon, and Miss Jessie" Wlth erspoon, for a week. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Carpenter and children, of Kings Mountain, are spending a few days with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Goode, of Macon, Ga.t are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Reinhar.dt.--Mrs. R. H. Cline has as her guest y Miss Fannie Setzer, of Newton. ', t Tbe Stanley Cotton Mill closed down this weeik and will remain closed until new cotton comes in. Miss Bennle Hlatt, of Charlotte.! s expected to arrive Friday to be the gueEt of Miss Ethel Hales for a few days. Rev. Mr. Black, of Dallas, Tex., ts expected to arrive and begin a series of meetings at tbe Baptist church about the 20th. The Baptist people expert to begin the work of remodeling their church in the near future. The work of enlarging th postof flcet has just been finished. It is a great improvement as well as con venient. Mrs. O. B. Carpenter and eon are the guests Of her father, MrStphen Sraith, at Ashevillew for a couple of weeks. Mr. Carpenter is traveling for Hhe Gimeburg Tailoring Co. Mr. Frank CaTpenter will assist his father In. the store here until Mr. O. B. Carpenter returns VWRTHJpWS. Correspondence of The Gazette. , WORTH, July 10v Mr. Jerome Camp has moved his family here fr?m Seifev where be will succeed ,A'r. 'st!!4'?'V3L', vv-. Vaa 'efr: - irS here for several 'yearg.--Mra. !.7a cob Huffstetler Is quite sick at this writing. Mr,, and Mrs. vOyT. Friday spent Sunday with Mr. ana Mrs. Zeb Payne. Mr. and, Mrs." P. S. Carpen ter sp.t Sunday. at the home ofTMr. J. A. Friday. . . . It has been published W The Ga rette that there wlfl be a union pic nic at Friday's school house August, 6th. It Is a mistake, however, as no date has yet been decided upon. There was an ice cream supper at the home of Mr, David Friday Sat urday night. A large crowd was present. Mr. Thomas Wyatt la on the sick list. -Mrs. Ellington spent la3t week with her sister, Mrs. Jacob Hultstet!er. Miss Belle Costner was the -guest of her cousin, Miss Grace Shrum, Saturday and Sunday. LORAY LOCALS. ; . ' . . .- ' Correspondence of The Gazette. - . VVEST GASTONIA, July 13. Di. William "Hunter has located In West Gastonia and will make- the Loray Drug Co. his ' headquarters. Wre have been badly In need of a good physician on this end of town for some time, and we feeV quite, sure that Dr. Hunter has made no mis take in locating here.v - x Mr. W. V. West carried Mr. A. E. Moore's big touring car. to Waynee ville last week for Mrs. Moore's use whle spending the summer with her parents. He went via Spartanburg and Hendersonville, making the run to Asheville, a "distance of 143 1-2 miles in, exactly -eight hours, - which is making pretty good time consider ing the rough mountain roads over which he traveled a good part of the way. . . .'' .-';;. ' Mrs. C.'A. Tomlln returned to ter home near Statesville last week af ter spending several days with Ji-er father, Rev, F. W. Rrad ley. Misses Lillian and Mary Jane Elliott are spending the week with- relatives at Kings Mountain and Spartanburg. Mrs. W. B. Smith Is" visiting Mr. and Mrs..W, V. West-k-Mlss Vada Pettet, of Clifton, ts spending the week with her? sister. Mrs.'S. Settlemyer.- Miss Esther, Bradley left last - week for Statesville where she will spend sev eral weeks with Mr. and Mrs. C. A Tomlln. Mr." J. Br- Elott, of Ln- j colntoni spnf Monday with Mr.' and Mrs. A. B, Elliott. : . -. Bonnie, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.. B. Allen, died at the home of her grandfather In I Kings Mountain last Saturday. The H .re main were interred In the , Kings .Moumara cemetery sunqay. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. J B. Horton died here last week and the body was buried In Hollywood cemetery. i Captain A. L. Bui winkle and his soldier boys have been entertaining us with a sham battle in the grove in front of tbe Loray Mill occasion ally, and Judging from the way some of the folks twenty-threed, when the rifles began to crack we couldn t stand very much of the real thing up here. - A large number of West Gaston- lans went over to Pisgah for. the lawn rarty and ice cream supper last Tuesday evening. Kev. J. A. Peeler will begin a se ries of revival services at Franklin Avenne Methodist church Sunday, morning at eleven o'clock. Every one , Is: cordia-lly Invited to attend this meeting. i ; Mr. W. M, Pick, who has been spending some time In Texas and Oklahoma, returned to the -Loray this week. He tells us that the peo ple of Guthrie, Okia., have to haul their water about forty miles, and that drinking water sells at the rate o five cents per glass, also states that this Is the first town be was ever in where Budweiser was cheaper . f ;-. BESSEMER ROUTE ONE NEWS. Correspondence of The Gazette. ' BESSEMER CITY, Route lJuly 13. Mr. Dobb Holland has been very ill but is much Improved.- Mr, Joe Holland and children were the guests of Mr. Dobb Holland Wednes day. Mr. B. C. Rose and Miss Malta and Master Paul Rose visited Mr. .Tames Holland. Thursday.- Mr. Phil lip' Holland was a Gastonia .visitor Thursday. Mr. George Long ' and Mrs. Ida Griffin were. married at Mr. James Holland's home the Fourth of July. Mr. Jftmes Holland is quite sick at this time. Misses May and Hester Rest are visiting at Mr, Dobb Holland s. Mr. Jesse Holland was business visitor to Gastonia Thur: day. Long Shoals Items. Correspondence of The Gazette. LOXQ SHOALS, July 13. Que a number of our young people gtth' ered at the home of Mr. J. B. Sun mey Saturday night to witness the marriage of Mr. Arthur kpps and Miss Susan Moore. After watch ing ajid waiting the mi(nlgn ,n r arrived, the sad party returned with out the bride. .Vir. uuuiey deter- mineiNto have M, brH. snt mend early Sunday morning who was 'ortunate eu uh to tual r for him. They drove across the i iV lire to Mr. M. A. Carpenter's where Rev. W. L. Carpenter Joined them together In holy matrimony. Immediately after the ceremony they drove to the home of the groom where a sumptuous supper was serv ed. Those who were fortunate enough to be present were Misses Clyda Rutledge, Vehla, Emma Lee, Lizzie. Pearl and Vivian Carpenter"' Virginia Rhyne and Wllmar ' Beal,' Messrs. Anderson and Dock Kfrer, W. R. Carpenter,. Spargo Carpel r, Jrhn Rhyne and Berge Beam, .vir. and Mrs. Sylvanus Klser, and' Mrs: M. Mauney. Mrs. James IJutnam, after spend ing a few days In Shelby, returned home Sunday. Mrs. Calle Withers and granddaughter, -Miss Lockle, spent Saturday- and Funday at Mr. Julius Alexander's. Miss Olive Sen ter ts visiting relatives In this sec tion. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Slgmon and family, of Htckorjr, spent . Wed nesday night at Rev. M. L. Carpen ter's. ', LINCOLN LOCALS. Lincoln County News, 11th. - Misses Ollie and Willie McAllister are visiting relatives in Dallas. - Miss Nellie Harrill is spending several days with, relatives In Gas tonia. i Mr. M. B. Clonlnger and family, of Gastonia. spent Saturday and Sunday in Lincolnton, the guests of relatives. - ' . Misses' Lucy Howard and Pearl Steele of Gastonia, spent Saturday and Sunday here with, relatives. - Mrs. E. C, Wilson and son Mr. Frank . Wilson, of jOastonla, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lineberger Saturday and Sunday.-- :r.lJ--. -. . , . W are sorry to note that Miss Bryte Hoover,' one ' of the popular clerks of, the Simmons Company, hs not been able to be at her work for a few-days. It is feared, that, fevefr may develop. - 4.. : ... Miss Boney . Moody, of' North Brook, and Mr. William McFarland of Kings Mountain, were happily married at the home of the bride on Jury 8rd. Rev. S. W. Bennett officiat ing, y, , . .. .. . . ;. ; r . " . . - ' 1 111 ' Subscribe to The Gazette. "s Uncle of Messrs. E, I), and J. W. At V kins and Former Resident of This . Cwuuty, Pawtes Away mt Newell !. Was a BrtAher of Bishop James " Atkins -Burial at NewBs Yesler . . day. ' Mr. J. W. Atkins, of Tbe Gazette, was called Wednesday afternoon . to Newells, Mecklenburg couaiyv on ac count of the death of his uncle. Dr. George J. Atkins, which occurred &H the latter s home there Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Dr At kins had been ill for. the past four months from heart trouble, though the immediate cause of his death was -uraemfc poisoning. He was taken home last week from the Char lotte Sanitarium, where he had been .undergoing treatment for some weeks, and. was thought to be much better. He became worse Monday, however, and continued to grow weaker till the end came. , Funeral services were conducted In the church at Newells yesterday af ternoon by Rev. Mr. Taylor, pastor of Hickory Grove Methodist church assisted by Rev. W. A. McAuley and interment was made In the Newells cemetery. and interment was made in the New ells cemetery. Surviving deceased are his widow and three daughters, Frances aged 17. Josephine aged 14, and Janice aged ten. Dr. Atkins was a son of the late Rev. James Atkins, Sr., for many years a prominent member of the Holston and Florida conferences of the Southern .Methodist Church. He was born at Knoxville, Tenn., Octo ber 31, 1853, and was hence In his 59th year. He was a practicing physician, being a graduate of the North Carolina Medical College. He Inarried Miss Minnie Frances Ar nold, of Thomasville, at Asheville December 22, 1892. In 1899 he lo cated at Stanley, this county, where he practiced his profession for '5 years. Pinre then he had lived at China Grove, Thomasville and New-' ells. Dr. Atkins Is survived by one brother, Bishop James Atkins, of Waynesville, who was present at the funeral, together with a number of other relatives. Two brothers, the late Prof. B. E. Atkins, of Russell vllle, Ky., and the late fcapt. j. j. Atkins, of Knoxville, Tenn., preceded him to the grave. Deceased had since early life been a member of the Southern Methodist church. He was a devoted husband and father and a loyal friend. His death will bring sorrow to many friends. HISTORICAL EVENT REVIVED. Exhumation of the Remains of the Late Sheriff Wiley nt Tajlorsville Recalls Career of Man Who Play ed Romantic Part in the Early History of the State. Charlotte Observer. Taylorsvllle, July 7. Mr. Eugene atz, son of the mayor of Hickory, yesterday exhumed the remains of his grandfather, the late Sheriff Wi ley, of Caswell county. Mr. Wiley died twenty-three years ago on a farm one mile from Taylorsvllle owned by the late R. F. 25. Llnney. Years ago Mr. Wiley was the rich est and biggest-brained man in Cas well county. He, with several other prominent officials of tbe county, be-l calue involved in the murder of "Chicken" Stevene, whose only crime was that he was a Republican, and Republicanism in those days in North Carolina meant criminality. Gov ernor Holden occupied the guberna torial chafr at that time, and his subsequent Impeachment resulted largely from this trial. An inexorable fate seemed to pur sue Mr. Wileyand his colleagues ev er after, and friends, riches and re nown turned to dust and ashes at their touch. He lived at Statesville for a while connected with the warehouse: at Hickory as policeman and Anally died in poverty at Taylorsvllle. His remains will be placed by the'eideof his wife who died ten or twelve years ago at Hickory. Thus est the ashes of the last actor In onV of the most stirring tragedies enacted in North. Carolina history, in which were in volved tbe honor and lives of more than a dozen officials, from the one who occupied the Governor's chair to the smallest county officer. COMING BACK HOME. Families in the Northwest Are Com ing Back to Native Heath. Seattle, Wash., July 5. Families left here last week for Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee and North Car olina to make their homes.- A large number who have been brought to the . west on home-seekers' tickets are arranging to go back to . the Sooth. .The "Back Hojne" move ment seems to be getting in Us work here in the west. When questioned about it, the representatives of . the western 'railroads and " boards of trade saytbe South is probably about to "boom." but declare that ythey will keep the stream of people mov ing west. A representative of one of the railroads who la also a mem ber ' of, the Seatttle : Commercial Club, threatened last week In a cafe to make trouble for J. A. T. Bacon, a former Southerner In this city who has been writing' unfavorable letters about, the west which have been. published rn Southern newspa pers. : Typewriter papers aad manuscript covers at Gazette office. r ; Plcdmcnt & Northern Putting Down . Irons Between Charlotte "and Mt. Holly Line W ill be Completed . to V. Gastonia and Cars "Running by . xSirlstmas.' , TheTfttrowing extract from a story La The Charlotte Evening Chronicle of WedtreBday will be read with in terest by Gaston coirntlans; Work on the link of the Piedmont Traction Company's lnterurban line between Charlotte and Kings Moun tain Is being rushed all along the line and the grading is being rapidly completed. Some of the sub-contractors .have completed their work and.lt will be only a short while now before the grading on the entire line will be completed. There are en gaged In the work five steam shov els, more than 200 teams and prob ably more than 350 men. The last work to be completed on the line will probably be the bridges over the Catawba river at Mount Holly and the, South Fork, between Mt. Holly and "Gastonia. Work on the piers and abutments for both of these bridges has been started and is progressing with dispatch. The laying "of the lron has begun on the section between Charlotte and Mt. Holly. Several car 16ads of the heavy rails have been received in the city and a large force of hands has begun work, the first work be ing the doubling of the track from Lakewood Park to Hosklns. When this is completed the line will be continued on toward the river and Mt. Holly and this first link will probably be ready for operation in a comparatively short while. All the trolley wires, sub-station and other equipment, including freight and passenger cars, electric locomotives, etc., have been ordered. 7 CITY FATHERS MEET. Held Reeular Session Tuesday Night -Ordinances Amended New Ones Paused Town Not to As sume Liability in Grading Frank lin Avenue. The city council met In regular session Tuesday . night with all the members present except Alderman J. H. Separk. The matter of placing lights on Oakland and Marietta streets at tbe intersection, of Fifth avenue was re ferred to the water and light com mittee with power to act. The clerk was instructed to settle withsAV. P. Glover, W. S. Sherrill and Robert Taylor for damages done to crops by the laying of a eewer line, provided he not pay any of the above more than J5. The' following ordinance was adopted: "That each dray, omnibus or express wagon shall have a num ber thereon and tha drayman or owner, of such dray or omnibus shall keep that , number in a conspicuous place and upon failure to keep such nuniber so provided shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic tion before the mayor shall be sub ject to a fine of ten dollars." 8tIon 60, Chapter 7 ot the town ordinances was amended so as to au thorize the town physician to act as quaiiantine officer, ex-o-fflclo, and In his absence, the' mayor, to faithfully discharge the duties of quarantine officer as prescribed by sections 15, 20 and 21 of Chapter 62 of the pub lic laws of North Carolina. The following ordinance was adopted: "When It Is reported In writing by an officer of the town, to the town physician or mayor upon Informa tion or suspicion that there is a case of one of the diseases described as communicable, contagious or infec tious and dangerous to human life, and particularly the diseases men tioned n rule 9 of the State Board of Health, suspected or believed to be in a house in the town of Gasto nia, It shall be the duty of said town physician within 24 hours after re ceiving said Teport to visit said house and . examine the inmates thereof, to ascertain if any Inmate on inmates, have either of the dis eases mentioned, or symptoms there of, and If after Bald examination he believes that one or more of said In mates have either of said diseases mentioned, or symptoms-' thereof, then ltball be his duty -to Immedi ately report said fact to the quaran tine officer. Such visit and examina tion is not required when a case of one, of the diseases specified or char acter mentioned Is reported by a li censed physician called In to visit the person or persons reported to have either of said diseases, or when said report is made by a household er within the meaning of Chapter 62, Section 17, of tbe Public Laws of 111." - Section B7r Chapter 7, of the town ordinances was amended so as to make the penalty 1 2 5, Instead of from $10 to (50. - . - '. Section 133, Chapter '12, ot lhe town ordinances was amended so as to make It a misdemeanor for any p do. t,p. allow slop or water from bath tub or sink to empty or drain upon any stfe& 6r highway of the town. . , The report of Superintendent Rut ter s estimate of the cost of laying a sewer on Fifth avenue was accepted. The .mayor was Instructed' to In form the Piedmont Traction Compa ny officials that the town of Gastonia wouid in no way be responsible for iamages growing out of the grading of anklia svenue and to forward said company, a copy of the official profile. J .1:1 . ' .J'.i?L - Bills to the amount of $2,08 lj 11 were referred to the finance commit tee for payment - - i 'Subscribe to Th Gazetta Greas Time Promised Yates Webb. ; to Speak- Other Prominent Heat Expected Thursday July 20. Next Thursday, July 20,' the . Woodmen of the World at Belmont"'' will hold their annual picnic in th grove at the school house. For sev--.. eral years this picnic has been bold at Belmont and has come to be re- , garded as a regular affair In that , part of the county. This year the j management .hopes to surpass alt previous records for attendance andc a general good time. To that end, - : the local committee on arrange ments composed of three young busk in ess men of Belmont. Messrs. R. , Clark, W. D. Crawford and A. J. i Sanders, are directing all tbeir f , forts. From the present outlook they ate succeeding admirably . ,. No doubt the major attraction of -the day will be a speech by Hon. E. ' Yates Webb, who has promised ta ; be present provided be can spare a. . day or- two at that, time from his du- ties at Washington. This in itself should Insure a record-break Ins: crowd. Mr. E. B. Lewis, or Kin ston, prominent in Woodmen circles throughout the State, will also de liver an address. Besides these twoK ' the committee is in correspondences with several other prominent meib whose names will be made known, later. In the afternoon there will be . god baseball game, not a corn field, slugging match, but a game on a. good diamond between two picked, teams from Belmont and Lowell, ri val towns. Intense interest is being manifested In tbe series of games bar ing played between these two towns, the last of which, an eleven-inning -affair was won by Belmont by tha., score of 5 to 4. . v Music will be furnished through out the day by a first-class bandX The management Is anxious to se cure a good crowd and in view of these attractions everybody is urged o come Thursday, July 20, and . bring a well-fiMed basket. CHERRYVILLEU CELEBRATION. The bfg Cherryvllle celebration I to be pulled off August 5th. Already huge posters are being distributed over the county announcing the fact that the celebration Is to be bigger and grander than ever. Some of the , attractions offered are two balloon ascensions with double and single parachute leaps by an aviator from Chicago, barbecued meats of all kinds, horseback tournament with prizes, moving picture and vaude ville shows and three cornet bands. The indispensable merry-go-round . , will also-be on hands. The main feature will be an ad dress by Governor W. W, Kitchln. A. free dinner will be served to the old -soldiers. The people of Cherryvilh are going at this with a vim and in., a way that leaves no doubt of Its-. being a success. Excursion, rates ' have been offered" on the railroads. . , STANLEY ALSO. Another big day in the county wilt be the annual picnic and old sol dier's reunion to be. held at Stanley Thursday, July 27. The main fea ture of this celebration wilf be the , address by Senator Simmons. In . addition, however, there will bar many side attractions, such as base- . hall games and the merry-go-round." Ten thousand people are -expected to be present in Stanley on that date - NEW RESIDENCE SUBURB. Company Formed to Develop Prop . erty on lnterurban Between Char lotte and Mount Holly. Charlotte Chronicle,' 12th! The latest In the way of real es tate company in Charlotte is the ln terurban Land Company, which was formally organized' Tuesday night by , the election of officers as follows! President, Harvey Lambeth; vice president, S. E. Messner; secretary and treasurer, .W, D. Wilkinson. JTh -company is chartered with an a -thorized capital stock of $50,000, ot which $9,000 is paid in. The stockholders of the new com pany sometime ago purchased a well situated tract of 43 acres of land ss the lnterurban line to Mount Holly, which they propose to develop into a . residence suburb. The tract is four and a half miles from tbe city and . Is well adapted to - the development . that is proposed.' An lnterurban de pot will be iaeated at the suburb. Mr. C S. Brown In Toils. " Mr. C. 8. Brown, the proprietor ot the Gaston Truck' Farm, a short dis tance south of town, was up before the . mayor this morning, on the t charge, of retailing whiskey. This news came asxa surprise to townof--' flcials and citizens alike, . for Mr. ,- -Brown had seemingly been an Indus- - y trlous and ' law-abiding citizen. 0 ' account of the ' unusually largo : amount of whiskey being shipped to -Gastonia, the officers began to sua ; pect some one. By a clever bit- ot' - . detective work suspicion was direct- ' . ed against Mr. Brown. Last night Chief, of Police Carroll, Pollcemens : Williams and Hord secreted them selves near Mr. Brown's warehouse and nabbed several In the act of re-' -ceiving the liquor. Mr. Brown was arrested and brought to town. , This. morning in the mayor's court, he was -found guilfy and was put under av $200 bond for his appearance at the September term of Gaston county court - He baa some; personal prop erty1 and It Is thought that he will be able to secure the bond. . ' . ; ... .'. . .. ' ' V . - -LRev. J. M. McLean of Rowland. , has been spending several day la. V town vlBltlng relatives,; He left tnl . morning for Kings Mountain. i ' V :-a' " t I ' !'. i