IONIA G PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FIUDAY8. SINGLE COPY 8 CENTS. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interest of the County. f 1.50 A TEAR IN ADVAXGL A VOL. XXXII. GA8TOX1A, jr. a TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1911. NO. GAS' AZETTE 1 . . re BOY SHOOTS BROTHER. Son of J. K. Holland Victim of Acci ' dent - Bat ' not Seriously Hurt New Items Yrom Bessemer City, Route One.' '. Correspondence of The Gazette. BESSEMER. CITY, Route 1. Aug. 7. Mr. J. E. Holland's little son, Garnett, .accidentally shot his little brother, Furman, - last Thursday with a. shot gun. One shot entered the little -"-.fellow's shoulder, ope went in his side and another In bis leg. - None of the wounds were ser ious,' however, and the boy Is now able to "be out. . Miss Fannie Alexander spent the week-end with Mr. ,R. H. Alexander. Mr. J. ' E. Holland and family spent Thursday with Mrs. Martha Holland.- Quite a number of our people attended the celebration at Cherryvllle Saturday. Mr. .Jesse Holland and Mr. Claude Long Tint ed at Mr. J. E. Holland's Saturday. There was a singing at the home of Mr, George Jenkins Saturday night. Mr. Dolph Holland and fam ily visited Mr. Miles Shannon Satur day. Mr. Will Best ,1s building a new eight-room house near White & Jenkins mlll.-i-Mrs. Nannie .Van dyke. Mrs. Martha Holland and Mrs. J. H. Holland spent Wednesday with Mrs. Z. C. Tate. Mrs. J. W. Millen spent Friday with Mrs. R. H. Alexander. Mrs. B. C. Best has re turned home from Kansas. -Miss Myrtle Griffin, of Dallas. Is visiting Mrs. J. E. Holland. LORAY LOCALS. Correspondence of The Gazette. WEST GASTON I A, Aug. 3. The rural sub-station has been moved from the mil 11 office to the store of Mr. H. W. Counts in the Mc.i Bradley- building. Mr. Counts having been appointed clerk-ln-charge to succeed Mr. J. Stacy Boyce, resigned..- . ' Mr. W. V. West is able to be out after being confined to his room for several days. ' .He drank some fee water Saturday afternoon . while very hot, and It came pretty near fixing him. . The Loray Tigers defeated the Belmont youngster on the letter's i ground Saturday afternoon, July 30th, the score being 13 and 3 in fa vor of the tigers. Batteries: Bel mont, Bumgardner and Costner; Loray, Gordon and Willis. i ; Mr Will Dalton and family are spending the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Dalton. Mr. O. W.Mayfleld, of Spartanburg, S. C.. ' has returned to the Loray and Is working in the veav rrnn.M C. L. Chandler , has purchased a Buiek automobile iroi.. Mr. a. Kirby.Iand Is taking lessons at the steering wheel under Mr. T. M. Mc Entire. All who are not quick mov ers and good Jumpers take warning and stay on the sidewalk. Rev. J. A. Peeler is at Ftalesvllle this week assisting Rev. J. P. ' kla in a series of revival services. Mrs. E. S. Fletcher, who; has been sick for suite a while, was taken back to the City Hospital for treat ment this week. Miss Blance Trex el, of Spencer, is spending the week at the Loray as the guest of Miss Claude Harris. Miss Amy Sloop, of . Salisbury, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. B. McAllister and others this week. Mrs. McAllister will accom r"pany her home Sunday where she will spend a couple of weeks visit ing friends and , relatives. Mr. H. Grady Eettlemyer is at home spend ing his summer vacation with his parents., , . Dallas, Route Two Items. ' Correspondence of The Gazette. ' DALLAS, R. F. D. 2, Aug. 5. Miss Susie White, after spending two weeks with her aunt, Mrs. H. G. Rhyne, has returned to her home in Gastonia. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Set- -zer and family had as their guests -. from Thursday until Monday Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boat, and Misses Fan nie and Mamie Setzer, of Newton. . Misses Winnie and Vena White were the guests from Thursday until Sun day of their brother, Mr. Jno. White. ' Miss Winnie Odell, of Florence, &. C, Is the guest of her untie, Mr. P. -J. Maxwell's 'family. Mr. Moses Rhyne has been right sick the - last few days. Miss WJnnle White - Is spending a few days with Miss Lola ' Rhyne. ;Mr. Avery Wallace was a business visitor to 'Mount Holly Tuesday. Mr. T. 1. Setzer attended the Farmers Union meeting In Sails bury last Wednesday and Thursday. Miss Nell Setzer and .Mr. Conly ' Stecer are visiting friends and rela tives in -Newtoa. Mr. and Mrs. Ja- - cob Carpenter and . little daughter. Willie May, were the guests Satur day of Mr. and Mrs. W. B.-Smlth.-r- . Miss Lochia Weathers was the guest from Thursday until Saturday of Misses Lucy and Lorena Smith. A large crowd of young people enjoyed the singing given Sunday - evening by Mr. Christie Jones. rMr. T. A. Setzer had the misfortune to lose two cows last week. He thinks they ate too much cope and It kill ed them. ' : - ' ' , :v" '-!-.-V MR. B. F; CARPENTPR DEAD. Highly Esteemed Citizen of Croose Passes Away Mr. Charley, Mur phy Taken to Morganton Hospital Personal and News Notes - from . cronse. :,v ; VW a Correspondence of The Gazette, CROUSE, Route 1, Aug. 6. ' While at work at the Landers, union gin house Mr. Christy Kiser fell and broke his arm, He was Immediate ly taken to Dr. Hoover,' who dressed his wound. He' Is getting along very well. Mr. Pender . Alexander and wife are spending this week' at Mr. Luther Costner'a, her father. . Mr. Benjamin Franklin .Carpen ter passed away at his home- In Crouse July 27th. Deceased was born in 1872 and was therefore 39 years old. In 1896 Mr, Carpenter married Miss Maggie- Rhyne, who with six children survives. At all times Mr. Carpenter worked for the best Interests of hie community and was respected by all who knew him. Mr. Luther Hubs and family spent Saturday with Mrs. Huss' mother, Mrs. Frances Kiser. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kiser has been right sick but is better. Mr. Isaac Rhyne and wife and little daughter, spent Sunday at Mr. Julius Alexan der's. A series of meetings IS 1 in progress this week at Webb's -chapel. Mr. Charlie Murphy was car ried to the hospital at Morganton Wednesday. While in a serious con dition we hope for his recovery. Mrs. W. B. Carpenter Is quite sick from typhoid fever. Mrs. Clay Kls-, er and children spent Tuesday wh her parents; Mr. and Mrs. Julius Alexander. McAdenville Matters. Correspondence of the Gazette. (Crowded out of last issue.) McADENVILLE, 'Aug. 2. Miss Chainpee Surratt, of Jackson Hill, is the guest this week of her sister, Mrs. L. N. LanlBter. Misses Vena and Edna Roberts returned Monday to their home In Salisbury after spending a week here with friends and relatives. Mr. J. L. Ford, of Salisbury, is a visitor here this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Webb were, the guests Saturday and Sunday ofMr. and Mrs. E. M. Hlslop at Salisbury. Miss Trlssa Dixon, of York-llle, spent several days here with friends and relatives last week. From here she went to Salisbury to visit her nephews, Messrs. H. K. and H. L. Roberts. Miss Meta McGee is spending a few days with friends at Blowing Rock. Miss r" Mamie Ray left Wednesday, for Blowing Rock to spend a few days with rrlend. She was joined In Charlotte by Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Taylor. . Mrs. C. A. Helghllc, of Mt. Pleas ant, Is spending a few days here' with her' husband who holds a very Important position with the. Pied mont & Northern Rail way -Co. Mrs. Carrie letlmer Is spending t! e reel, with relatives in- .Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. I. y. Clemmer, of Newport News, Va., were the guests here Sun day of Mr." and Mrs. W. A. Kirksey. Mr.-Frank Norman, of Charlotte, was a visitor here Monday. Mrs. L. N. Glenn and Mrs. A. M. Dixon, of Gastonia, were the guests Sun day of therr parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Ray. Mr. Joseph T. Ingram, Jr spent Wednesday In Charlotte. Mr. J. F, Curry, of Charlotte, Is spending a few days here this week relieving Mr. A. C. Kelley, who Is off on his vacation. Miss Grace Al bea was a Gastonia visitor Tbursdayt Mr. Thomas Skldmore, of, Bing ham pton,. Ten n., is spending the week here with - relatives. -Mr.v S. B. . Brymer, one of Gastonta's most popular policemen, was here Wed nesday shaking hands with Ms many friends. Mr. Brymer served here as policeman for nine years and we are always glad to have him visit our town. "-'; Mr. M. 3, Ray was a business vis itor to Gastonia - Tuesday. Misses Eliza and Daisy Hooper spent Sat urday and Sunday in Bessemer. City as the guests of their brother, Mr. C. W. Hooper. -.; Has Come Back Home. Mr. John Nants and family, who left Gaston county some five or six years ago and went to Virginia where they purchased a farm and settled down, have returned to the old" home county to make their home Int the future. They arrived several days ago.. Mr. Nants sold his farm when he left but says he is looking for one to buy now and expects to stay in good old Gaston this time. The Gazette likes to chronicle events of this character. We would like to hear of more -Gaston countians who have emigrated to the West or any other section coming back. They couldn't do better. Gaston Is one of the very- best, counties In all the Piedmont section of the Caroiinss. famed is for Its fine lands, its manufacturing Interests and Its Industrious- and prosperous citizens. Mr. and Mrs. 'John J. Nichols, of the Bethel section, were In, town last Thursday, Mrs. Nichols speed ing the day In Charlotte. w BAD NEGRO THIEF CAUGHT. Police Department Made Good Hani When It Landed Bos McLean Last Night Has a Bad ' Reputation Had Robbed a Clothing Store and Was' Selling Brand New: Garments at Less Than Oost Bound Over ' to Court. ' ' Chief of Police J. W. Carroll, Pa trolmen Hord and Aderholdt and Mr. Clarence Johnson landed ' Bus McLean, - a notorious negro thief, last, night near Lowell. From his person they took a .44 calibre Colts revolver and from his hands they took a nice new tan leather suit rase, which was tightly packed with brand new clothing,-which be had evidently stolen somewhere in this section. He was brought back to Gastonia and was this morning bound over to the September term of court by Mayor Craig, v In de fault of bond he was committed to the county Jail. ' - The suit case contained four pair of pants, three coats and a quantity of shirts, ties, collars and . other "gents furnishings," all of a cfieap quality. One coat was tagged with lot No. 6610, size 35, and another coat, a gray one, was No. 8525, size 35. One pair of pants was tagged lot No. 825. size 34-35. ' v McLean did not deny stealing the clothing but said he .broke into . a store near Greenville, S. C. The of ficers, however, are of the opinion that the goods came from some countrv store perhaps not far from Gastonia, . . McLean's record is a bad, one. He has served several sentences on the chailngang and had only been releas ed about a month ago. About three weeks afro he entered the residence of Mr. Bob McArver and stole a quantity of clothing. Last night he was offering some very wonderful bargains In clothing in East Gastonia and the suspicions of some were aroused. The police were promptly notified and started In search of McLean. In the mean time he had shaken the dust of Gas tonia .from his feet. -As usually happens,' however, the Gastonia of ficers kept after him till they land ed their game. SCHOOLS OPEN SEPT. 14THr f - . - Superintendent's Salary fixed at tl, 600 Three Hundred New Desks . PnK-hased-Committee Appointed ' to' Consider Medical Examination of Pupils Mr. MrEntlre Resigns from Board Other Matters. ' At a meeting of the bo'ard of city school commissioners last night sev eral matters of interest were .dispos ed of. . -.. i Superintendent Wray was author ized to close a contract with the Peabcdy Desk Co. for 300 desks for the city schools at the prices sub mitted. . Ihe superintendent's salary was fixed at $1,600 per year, beginning June 1, 1911, this being an Increase of 1100 per year.- At a meeting of the hoard held Tuesday night, August 1st, Mr. T. M. McEntire's, resignation .as a mem ber of the board was presented and accepted with reluctance. The committee on buildings and grounds were ordered to make such repairs and Improvements on the school buildings a& they deem rea sonable and necessary. Dr. McConnell, of the board, and Supt. Wray were appointed a com mittee to confer with the .Woman's Betterment Association to consider the matter of medical Inspection of the school children, v It .was ordered that the schools open September the 14th. The matter of vaccination at the Loray school was referred- to the committee appointed to confer with the Woman's Betterment Association and. also with the city physician to ascertain if an hour cannot - be appointed for vaccinating the chil dren at that school. 1 v Family Reunion. - There will be a family reunion of the Shetley and Frooeberger fami lies on Thursday, August 10th, at the home of Mr. S. A. Shetley, two miles south of Bessemer City. All relatives and friends are invited to come with well-filled baskets, v Pfcnic at Boogertowa. v Thursday, the 10th. Is the date for the Farmers' Union picnic to be held at Boogertown, south of Gas tonia, by the locale of Tanyard, Mountain and ChapeL President D. H. HU, of the Agricultural and Me chanical College, . Raleigh, will de liver the principal address. - Mr. R. L. Nunn, State organizer, of. Stokes county, will be present sod make an address. All preparations have -been made for a big event and everybody is invited to come and bring well filled baskets. There will, be 'music during the day by the Farmers Union- Band. Gastonia will be repre sented .by a good crowd. The mem bers of these three locals would be glad to see the people present from all sections of the county. -' : CHERRYVILLE THE MECCA. ";-"rV Tea' to Twelve Thousand People At tended Celebration . Saturday ' ' Governor Kltchln. Made Splendid Speech Ut Largo Audience--Banting of the Balloon and a Heavy Downpour of Rain Only ' Drawbacks Old Soldiers Treated " Royally. ". ..' ; ; V- All roads led to Cherryvllle Sat urday; at least all Gaston county roads did and it looked as if a good part of the population of Lincoln and Cleveland counties were there to help swell the crowd and enjoy 'the occasion. There were visitors also from York, Mecklenburg; Ca tawba and even remoter counties. The newspaper man saw at least one man who drove 35 miles to get there. The crowd Is variously es timated at from 10,000 to 12,000, none of the estimators placing It lower than the first figure. Gov ernor Kltchln said It was the larg est crowd he ever saw in a town the size of Cherryvllle. It looked like circus day and a big circus day at that in the fall of the year when crops have been gathered and folks have more time than now to recre ate and look for a good time. From early morn' till the noon hour people poured Into the town from all directions, coming in auto mobiles, buggies, . wagons, horse back, on motorcycles, afoot and In all sorts of ways. Main street took on the appearance of a midway at the fall fair. The venders of pea nuts and red lemonade, the spielers for the vaudeville shows and the restaurant keepers kept the welkin ringing while the Clara Concert Band, Gastonia's crack musical or ganization made the air merry with martial tunes. The crowd was out for a good time. Despite its size no 8lpm was seen of drunkenness and there was no disorderliness. In this respect the crowd was one of the very best anybody has ever seen in Gaston county. Because of a sad' mishap one of the principal attractions on the pro gram was necessarily cancelled and a good many people were thereby disappointed. It was the balloon ascension. The balloon went up. but In smoke. While the owner and operator of the "sky-buggy" was filling bis apparatus with gas It caught fire from the gasoline light underneath. It was quickly con sumed and the fond hope of seeing the air man do stunts high up In the ethereal blue vanished from the hearts of many. The balloon man was the loser by perhaps several hundred dollars. The train on which Governor Kltchln was to arrive was about an hour late so It was 1 o'clock when he began to sneak. He addressed the people In the open air form a stand erected on the graded school grounds. He spoke for sn hour or more and was heard with the very strictest attention by a large crowd, Most of his hearers had to stand, notwithstanding which. fact they re mained during the entire time the Governor spoke, an hour or a ifttle more. The Governor spoke on the requisites of good citizenship and his address was a strong, logical, convincing treatment of his subject. The prime requisites for a good cit izen are intelligence. Judgment, courage and honesty and on these topics he dwelt at length. Mr. Kltchln has been heard a number of times In Gaston during political campaigns and has a large following In the county but It is certain that his address Saturday, on a subject into which he Injected nothing of politics, made him more friends. No person could hesr and heed his ad vice without being a better, a broader, a more valuable member of society. At the conclusion of the address the ladies of the town served a sumptuous dinner to the Confeder ate veterans, more than two hun dred, on the second floor of the new city hall.-As they emerged from the building after having refreshed themselves at the tempting tables of good . things, Governor Kltchln greeted them at the entrance and shook hands with all the grey haired warriors, many of whom are now tottering on toward the end. He greeted them with a word of cheer and praise' for their bravery In defending their homeland and the veterans showed their appreciation of the Governor's thougbtfulness. i Shortly after y 3 o'clock a heavy ralnr scattered the crowd somewhat and marred to some extent the last part of a day in every other war-delightful and profitable. . The Cherryvllle people had made ample preparation for the eitertaln ment of their guests and everybody felt free and easy. c The day was In every sense a suc cess and everybody who partook of the town's hospitality will wtrnt to go back-next year.. Veteran Reunion. ; Thursday of this week, August 10th. is the date for the annual meeting of William Gamble Camp United Confederate Veterans. ; It will be held at Dallas. The good la dies of that town will as usual pro vide a good dinner for the veterans and they - will be otherwise entertained.'- , Capt." J. Q. Holland, com mander of the camp Is quite 111 at his home and will not be able to to attend. . .Mr. Thomas H. ; White, secretary and treasurer of the camp, requests The Gazette to state that all the veterans in the county- who cant possibly do soare requested to attepd this reunion. . Mr. C. A, Mitchell, of Bessemer City. was. a business visitor In Gas tonia yesterday. TAX LEVY THE SAME. Total Levy is. Same as Last Year, Only Change Being to Equalize . Difference la School Levy Made by Last Legislature Only Few Com plaints Heard as to Assessments Chalngang ( Camp No. 2 With out Superintendent Jury Drawn for September Court. The board of county commission ers met in regular session for Au gust at the court house yesterday and transacted considerable busi ness. The general county tax levy was made and the total is the same aa last year. It Is given below; Tbe list of special tax levies Is crowded out of this issue but will appear Friday together with a list of the months disbursements. The Jury list for the September term of Gas ton Superior Court was drawn and is- given below. A few complaints as to tax assessments were made and adjusted. Following Is a record of tbe board's transactions aa taken from the minutes: M. E. Lovett was exempted from poll tax, account physical infirmi ties. ' R. L. Hoffman exempted from poll tax, account physical Infirmities. Perry Wright, ex-Confederate sol dier, was granted license to peddle without cost. It .was ordered that the contract or's construction bond for building of Sloan's ferry bridge In the sum of S28.7&0.0O be accepted and filed. It was also ordered that contractor's maintenance bond for same bridge In the sum of $44,615.00 be accept ed and filed. Thos. H. White was appointed a commissioner on Long Creek Drain age Commission in lieu of A. C. Stroupe, resigned.- The following bids were received on Crowders Creek bridge as per plans and specifications: - Virginia Bridge ft Iron Co., with extra concrete, $2,400; without ex tra concrete, with 30 cents per foot for extra piles, $2,240. Roanoke Bridge Co., with extra price of 25 cents per foot for extra piles, $1980. Austin Bros., piles $5.00 each ex tra, $2,046. L. Moeeley ft Owego Co., $7 extra Tor piles, $2,136. York Bridge Co., $1,723. The contract for the erectlpn of this bridge, which is on the Gasto-nla-Piegah macadam road now being constructed, was let to the York Bridge Co., York, Pa., tor $1,723, to be built according to plana on file In office of register of deeds. JURY LIST. The following persons were se lected to serve as jurors at the reg ular term of Gaston County Super ior Cpurt to be held Monday, Sep tember 11th: FIRST WEEK. E. F. Wilson, Gastonia. J. N. Hanna, Gastonia. Kelly Ford, Cherryvllle. A. B. Lineberger, Bessemer City. L. H. J. Houser, Cherryvllle. W. H. Pureley, Gastonia. Robt. S. McGlnnas, Cherryvllle. R. A. Cloninger, Dallas. . J. T. Bennett, McAdenville., H. L. Rhyne, Bessemer City. J. G. Rutledge, Stanley. C. H. Hoover, Mount Holly. S. G. Shelton, Dallas. E. L. W)lson, Dallas. G. Lee Beam, Cherryvllle. James Rhyne, Dallas. C, W. Falls, Gastonia. L. P. Rankin, Mount Holly. . Geo. B. Cloninger, Dallas. T. M. Oates, Bessemer City. C. F. Smith, Stanley. W. A. Robinson, Mount Holly. W. L. Adderholdt, Cherryvllle. R. E. Johnston, Belmont. David Wright, Belmont. W. J. Swift, Bessemer City. E. P. Lewis, Gastonia. H. G. Wlnget, Gastonia. F. 8. Kale, High Shoals. Mike Best, Bessemer City. Robt. B. Hicks, Cherryvllle. " C. H. Blackburn, Cherryvllle. W. A. Rankin, Mount Holly. J. L. Leeper, Belmont. J. B. Beal, Gastonia. SECOND WEEK. H. S. Dixon, Gastonia. J. L. Loftin, Mount Holly. J. C. Grissom, Gastonia. D. S. Underwood, Mount Holly. A. A. Cathey, Belmont. Thomas Hovis, Stanley. H. D. Stilwell, Mount Holly. T. F. Cannon, Stanley. John R. Rapkln, Gastonia. ' Walter C. Ford, Cherryvllle. Frank Navy, Kings Mountain. ' ' R. J. Underwood, Mount Holly. ' W, F. Pearson, Gastonia. J. L. Kiser, Bessemer City. W. W. Wentz, Belmont. : Henry De'rr, Mount Holly. ' J. H. Pursley, Gastonia. Geo. W. Clark, Bessemer City. 7 County Supt. . of Roads T. L. Ware, 'was instructed to go over the roads at High Shoals and do what ever repairing is necessary. - . ' John O. Martin was allowed to pay single tax. , ' . It was ordered that the -superintendent's position of chalngang eamp No., 2. formerly held by R. A. McArver,' be declared vacant. : : Commissioner John F. Leeper was elected a delegate to' the State Asso ciation of County 'Commissioners; to meet at, Aehevine. - ' TAX LEVY FOR. THE YEAR 1911. It Is hereby ordered by the board of county commissioners of Gaston county,- N. C, that - the following taxes be levied for the year ' 1911, on the one hundred dollars valua tion of : real estate ' and personal property-, which each tax payer own ed on the first day of May, 1911, listed or required to be listed by law, for the payment of the expens es of the State and county. govern ETES ON GASTONIA. Business Men and Farmers of OChesr , Sections Looking This Way Teav nessee Man Wants to Start Ban' rell Factory Another Wants tm Establhdi Business College h diana Farmer Asks for Informs tion About Farms. ' ,' Gastonia is a good town; Gaston is a good county. Those of us who live here know this and folks sway from here are finding it out. 8eo . retary Robinson of the Commercial Club Is receiving a number of la ' qulries from other sections of tfct country 'requesting information sua to openings for various kinds of In dustries and also as to farmlns lands and values. A few days ago Mr. Robinson re ceived a letter from a gentleman living In a thriving town in East. Tennessee which was in part aa fob lows: 'Ms I am seeking a location forsv small factory will ask you to gts me what information you can eon-, cernlng your town in the way of wa ter and shipping facilities. Alan state the location of your nearest tight barrel factory." Another letter reads as follows: "During the past four years 1 have been conducting an interesting and fairly successful business school, at this place but the field here- la . limited, the demand for work la thin line is about supplied and I am clon ing my work here this summer. I" would like to establish a flrst-elaau. permanent business college In sanm good live town. Have you such a school In your city? If not 1 might come there and look around. I have? been Interested In reading some thing about Gastonia in the Inter urban edition of The Charlotte Ob server. Of course if you already have a business school there it la alt right. I .am considering several places. I was formerly connected: with the Massey Business College and altogether have had large ' ex perience In this line of work. Will be glad to furnish testimonials and. references if desired." Secretary Robinson also received! a few days ago a Jetter from a gen tleroan In Indiana making inquiry concerning the farming interests, here. He desired to know some thing of the crops raised, the kindL of soil, markets, etc. Mr. Robinson, in writing, sent this inquirer a copy of the Gaston County Soil Survey re cently Issued by the United State Department of Agriculture. A gentleman who has for many years been closely Identified with the cigar-manufacturing business in Pennsylvania, and who -has been successful in that line of buslaeasw . has recently had his attention drawm to Gastonia as a good place for that location of a factory which he ex- ; pects to project soon and The Ga zette is Informed that he will visit Gastonia In a very short time witH a view to investigating thoroughly conditions here. .- Still another industry, which Gas tonia may possibly get is a factory which makes bagging. It Is already -in operation in another town - bat the owners are ', very deslrlous of moving to Gastonia and if the prop er inducements are held out it cam no doubt be easily gotten. ' Gastonia would welcome all 'of, these and more. We have "the towm . of opportunity'-1 for ;them.S CondS : Hons here are, favorable .to the op eration of any number of .. small -plants of most, any character. Fan. , mers, and most especially If they de sire to' engage In trucking and can ning business, would find ' a rlefe field here. " - f - r In the meantime, while the eyes of many are on us from various' di rections It behooves every Gas-, tonian to do his part boosting the? town. ment, and for the purposes of rais ing the funds authorized by the saw- i eral acta of the Legislature, author izing special taxes, vis: - A tax of twenty-one (21) cents om the one hundred dollars valuation of , real and personal property, for the purpose of the general State tax. A tax of four (4) cents on the ana hundred dollars valuation of rent , and personal property and . twelver (12) cents on each taxable poll far the purpose , of the - State penetoa ' tax. 1 - " A tax of twenty-one and two thirds (21 2-3) cents on the . one hundred dollars valuation . of real ; and personal property and thirty-, eight (38) cents on each taxable poll In said county for the maintenance of the poor and for general purpoa-. ea. v " r" ;A tax of twenty cents (20) on the one hundred - dollars valuation of real and personal property and saw and 50-100 ($1.50) dollars on eeh taxable poll in said ccranty for gejs eral school purposes. A tax of twenty-five (25) cents on the one hundred dollars valua tion of real and personal property and seventy-five (75) cents on each, taxable poll In said county for tnsr puppose of special road tax. In eon- pliance with Section 464 Laws of 1905. : . . ' j It is further ordered by the board! of county commissioners of Gaston county that the license or prlvllega taxes mentioned and described Da Schedule. B. and C. of the Rereano and Machinery Act, In which tao counties are permitted to levy alike? tax as that levied by the State, W: and the same are hereby imposal and directed to be collected as there in set out, except under Section C2 of said Act, which baa been prohib ited by a former order of the bosxi r