V THE GASTON 1 A : G TTE r PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. ' " ', . i 1 , " 1 . 1 . 1 11 . '' , , , ,3 .'".- single copy a cents. 4 GASTONIA IS A BUSY TOWN. tixo a year in advancev ; VOL. XXXIt . i ' , GASTONIA, S.O. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26,1911. ! i... ' NO.103i. it " " ' . . ' " . 1 ' ' ' . . .1 . rmin MOUNT HOLLY MATTERS. Three Weddings Wednesday Iihk ' Company in Handsome New Quar . tera Young People Home for the Christmas Holidays. Correspondence of The Gazete. MT. HOLLY, Dec. 21. The Mt. Holly Drug Company hag moved lnio the new brick building recently erected by Messrs. M. M. Lentz and J. B. Henson for this successful ana enterprising firm. This building is one of the most attractive business bouses in the town. The exterior front is built of beautiful red brick, trimmed in granite, with windows ot solid plate glass and transoms of beautiful prism glass. The walls or the interior are tainted in green, while the celling is of a cream tint. The fixtures, show cases and all other conveniences are of the latest design. The firm consists of Capt. W. F. Hoi land, who has been In business here more than 20 years, and his two sons, Mr. Willis Holland, who is the com petent pharmacist and prescrlptlon . 1st, and Mr. John Holland. Wednesday, December 20th, was a day of marrying and giving in mar riage for Mount Holly, there having been three weddings during the day. At 2:30 p. m. Miss Maysle Rankin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William nankin, was united in marriage to Mr. Alexander McConnell, of Lowes ville. At 3:30 another marriage or unusual interest was celebrated, when Miss- Hattle Hoover, daughtei of Mr. and Mrs. Houston Hoover, was married to Mr. Howard Cloninger, oz Stanley. Rev. J. A. Bowles, pastor of the Mount Holly and Belmont Methodist churches, officiated In both instances. Then at 8 p. m. Miss Johnsie Lineberger was led to the hymeneal altar by Mr. R. C. Rlcn ardson, of South Carolina, the cere mony being performed in the Luth eran church by the pastor, Rev. W. J. Boger. The Christmas holidays will bring many of our young people who are off attending school home on a visit to friends and loved ones. Messrs. Russell Kale and Richard Davenport, of the A. and M. College at Raleigh ; Excell Rozzelle, of Trinity; Fred Cannon, of Augusta Military School; Misses Mary Rhyne, Mary Hutchin son and Dorothy Xims, of Elizabeth College, Charlotte; and Miss Fay Davenport, of the State Norma!, Greensboro, have already come in. PEARSON-PLYLER. Popular Young People of West Gaa tonla Married Last Wednesday. A very pretty wedding was sol emnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Plyler near the Arlington Mill, when Miss Artie Mae Plyler and Mr. Oscar Pearson, both of West Gxsto nia, were united in marriage Wed nesday evening, December 2oth, at 7 o'clock. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. J. A. Peeler in the presence of a large number or friends and relatives. The populari ty of the couple was attested by the large number of handsome and use ful presents which they received. Their many friends extend to them their best wishes for a long and hap py life. LOST: Between Gastonla and Besse mer City, a hand bag containing 3 $5 bills. Reward for return to Gazette office. 29p2t MISERABLE DYSPEPTICS. All the world looks gloomy to the man with the upset stomach. He sees the world through smoked glasses and never tries to rub off the smoke. Cheer up, Mr. Dyspeptic, there's bright days ahead of you. Go to J. H. Kennedy ft Co's. this very day ana say I -want a box of MI-O-NA tartets. Take them as directed and if tne misery doesn't leave your stomach and bring a sunny smile to your gloomy countenance, go and got your 50 cents back. MI-O-NA stomach tablets will promptly end the distress of indiges tion, will stop nervousnens. dim ness, biliousness, sick headache and -sleeplessness. Fifty cents buys a large box at J. H. Kennedy ft Co's. and druggists everywhere. 26-J9. Have muu uuiv a n vi ni u i iwi rani mi imA3cs The Holiday season is drawing near. Have you placed that order for those Grate Bars, and Boiler Arches yet? If not we would be pleased to have your orders now, so you would, not be delayed in getting them. We have quite a lot of patterns and can fit you up properly. We make castings of almost every description, and we would be mighty glad to serve yoa. Our machine shop y we not have the pleasure of serving YOU. tbastbn iron Phone 53. 232 E. Airline Ave. Dallas, Boute 1, News. Correspondence of The Gazette. DALLAS, R. F. D. 1. Dec. 21. Mrs. J. C. Friday and daughter, Miss Dora, of Dallas, route two, spent the Week-end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Pasour. Miss Eunice Al len is spending this week at the home of her uncle, Mr. Pinkney Allen, in the Beaver Dam Section. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Clemmer and little son were th e guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. White. Mr. and Mrs. u. L. Best were guests Sunday at the home of Mr. J. J. O. Pasour Mrs. B. Lee and child, of Sylvania, Ga., are expected to arrive on route one this week to spend the holidays wltn home-folks. Mr. Beeler Lineberger, of Dallas, moved his family on route one to the C. W. McAllister farm. We welcome these good people to our community and wish them much success In their new home. Miss Sudle White spent Sunday at tne home of Miss Elvira Herron. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Best and children were guests Sunday at the home ol Mr. H. L. Rhyne near Bessemer. IKON STATION NEWS. Correspondence of The Gazette. IRON STATION, Dec. 18. Mr. anil Mrs. R. C. Goode were visiting in Charlotte last week. Miss Alda Ren dleman Is expected home today from Macon, Ga., to spend the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rendleman. Mrs. .O. P. Rudisill and little daughter are vis iting near Dallas. Prof. C. C. Beam spent Saturday and Sunday with homefolkB near Crouse. The box supper which was to toe given here last Saturday night was postponed for a week or more. Mr. Nelson Brown Is preparing to build a cottage on the lot he purchased some time ago. Miss Effle Harris returnee home Sunday from a visit to her sis ter, Mrs. Anderson Bradshaw, at Mt. Holly Mrs. Forney Hovis was taken last Friday to the Lincoln Hospital foj treatment. We hope for her a speedy recovery". It is rumored thai Iroi.lon is to have a wedding or two In the near future. Miss Sullye Brown was shopping in Charlotte to day. ' HAVE YOU READ IT? The Adler-i-ka book, telling how you can EASILY guard against ap pendicitis and get INSTANT relier from constipation or gas on the stom ach, is being read with much inter est by Gastonla people. It is given sway free by The Adams Drug Co. SHARP, STABBING PAINS Generally Tell of Sick Kidneys A Gastonia Resident Shows You the Cure. The sharp twinge of pain in tne small of the back that strikes you af ter any sudden twist or awkward mo tion, tells .of weak, sick kidneys. Ear ly sign of weakened kidneys are: Backache, lame back, sharp, darting pains, dizzy spells, tired-out state, de disturbances of the urine too fre spondency. And there are usually quent urination, Bcalding or burning pain during passage, discolored urine and sediment. Doan's kidney Pills are prepared especially for sick, weakened kid neys, backache and urinary disorders have cured thousands of such cas es. Doan's are endorsed throughout the civilized world are recommend ed by Gastonla residents. W. P.- Waldrop, Loray Cotton Mills, Gastonla, N. C, says: "I con sider Doan's Kidney Pills a very re liable remedy and I give them my highest endorsement. I took this preparation for a pain over my kid neys and It brought me prompt re lief at the same time making: my health a great deal better." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foste r-Mil burn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for -the Unit ed States. Remember the name Doan's and take mn hm. You? is at your service. Works BESSEMER BRIEFS. Correspondence of The Gazette. BESSEMER CITY, Dec. 21. The smallpox patient, Mr. James Cald well, is in a very serious condition. He was taken sick In the old hotel building, almost in the central part of tovu and consequently the busi ness men are in more or less danger,, not only so. but the people of the town and tui rounding country are In danger Dr. Glenn and the offi cers of the town, this Wednesday af ternoon, removed the patient to the pest house. The disease is at the pustular stage now and in a few more days the danger will be greater because then the scales will begin to drop. The Atlas Manufacturing Company has installed some new machinery for the purpose of stamping the name of the company on the cement bags they are now making. This is some thing new in the mill business here. It looks now that the mills ought to do pretty well with their products and it would be a great thing for this section if they could get In a better shape. Mr. Horace Robinson is visiting relatives in town. Mrs. S. J. Dur ham, spent Monday in Charlotte shopping. Dr. Royster will spend the Christmas time with homefolks. Mud, mud everywhere Every body says its the worst in years. Gaston Loan J. Lee Robinson, Pres. Savings Queen City Granite & Marble Works CHARLES FORD, Gastonia Agent A Marble or Granite which shows lettering well Is what yon neec for a memorial. Onr fine grained American Light Marble or our Winma boro Blue Granite will give yon very durable, handsome monument ant distinct Inscriptions. , Large stock on hand at onr works. Call and see them. Take tht Dilworth Street Cars. Phone 1018. Boulevard & Palmer Street. Charlotte, N. O JOL 1 l-Av i Z&i Baltimore Dental Parlor, Inc. Painless Dentistry Between Trade and Fourth St. 22 S. Tryon St. Charlotte, N. C. $5.00 TERMS: Well don't worry these at arranged to suit. To enable every man, woman 'and child is Charlotte and surrcmnd fng towns to get their teeth attended to we will for a short time only practice modern Dentistry at the following low prices: Teeth without plates ..... .(per tooth) $1.00 Set of teeth ......$3.00 Fillings in gold, silver and porcelain 50e to f 1.00 up Gold crowns and brfdgework ........ f3, $4 and S3 - Examination, Extracting and Cleaning FREE. Work Guaranteed Fifteen Years.. ', . Open dally, Sunday 10 to 3. Lady Attendant. MR, MONTAGUE DEAD. Proprietor of t Falls House Dies In Charlotte Sanitorium After Illness of Some Time Funeral and Bur lal at Belmont This Morning. Mr. J. E. Montague, owner and proprietor of the Falls House here, died early yesterday morning at tne Charlotte Sanitorium where he had been undergoing treatment for sev eral weeks. Death was due to a stomach trouble. Mr. Montague had been in falling health for the past several months but had looked arter his business until a few weeks ago. He was about 60 years old and was originally from Dubuque, Iowa. Deceased came to Gastonla about two years ago and purchased the Falls House from the heirs of the late J. L. Falls. He had personally conducted It since. Mr. Montague was an experienced hotel man, hav ing been connected at one time with the Orton House, Wilmington; tne Hickory Inn, at Hickory, and other hotels. None of his relatives pr business associates were in town today hence The Gazette Is unable to say what changes his death will cause in the management of the hotel. During his recent illness his only daughter, Mrs. Clinard, has been in charge and it is understood that she will con tinue to have charge of the house. Funeral services were held at St. Mary's, Belmont, at 11 o'clock this morning, Interment being in the cem etery there. A number of Gaston ians attended. Mr. Montague was a member of ahe Catholic church and a prominent member of the Knights of Columbus, a number of members of that order at Charlotte acting this morning as an escort for the body. Mr. Scott Loughrldge spent Sun day with friends in Rock Hill, S. C. Mr. Miles Henderson, of Lln colnton, is spending the holidays with relatives in the Union neighbor hood. PART OP YOUR SALARY should be put in the bank each week, and you will find, having once acquired the saving habit, how quickly the money accummulates. Every man who has to make his own way in the world and every woman wage earner should open an ac count in the savings bank, and make it a rule to save some portion of their earnings. Four per cent In terest paid. & Trust Co. Bank E. G. McLurd, Treas. THE GREAT CARE with which we prepare prescriptions makes It impossible for mistakes to occur. Using only the best, fresh est and purest drugs, we measure them out with absolute acuracy and combine them scientifically. Send doctor's skill will be backed up by equal expertness and conscientious ness. Adams Drug Co. Our Patent Suction Teeth They never slip or drop. YOUNG MAN BADLY CUT. Negro Slashes Mr. Charles Hord ai Loray Last Night Twenty Stitch es Taken in Wounds Condition Not Very Serious. Charles Hord, an employe of the Loray Mills and a nephew of Police man A. B. Hord, was badly cut about 11 o'clock near the Loray Mill by an unknown negro. Several ugly gashes were made on his face and shoulders. Dr. D. A. Garrison was summoned and dressed the wounds, twenty stitches being required for the most serious cut. Hord was carried into a house near where the cutting oc curred and was removed to his home this morning about 5 o'clock. His condition is not considered as dan gerous. Hord and two or three companions were at the depot when No. 35 came In to meet a friend. As they went MAN IS NEVER SATES And we plead guilty to the Charge. While we are profoundly grateful for the splendid pat ronage received during the past, we are entering upon the most sensational trade-getting prices ever projected by this firm. Every article of merchan dise will come under the ban of Must-be-Sold prices: Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Dress Goods, Shirts, Underwear, Gloves, Hosiery, Trunks, Suit Cases, Neckwear, and in fact every thing in stock will suffer the DEEP CUT in prices. It is'nt worth while wasting space to name prices here, as you know as well as we, that printed prices amount to nothing unless you see the goods. We invite you to come see the goods and let us name the prices. V7 ITT) Department Store. Life Insurance We Invite OUR MOTTO: "The Most Protection at the Least Cost: If you are considering buying life insurance, we can save you money. Let us explain to you the ' cheapest and most liberal contracts on the market REAL ESTATE, everywhere. INSURANCE, every Esew GENERAL INVESTMENTS, every land. Holland Realty & Insurance Co. B. M. HOLLAND, Pres. P. WOODS GARLAND, Jr. Tic'e-Prt J. M. HOLLAND, Sec. and Treas. F. L B0NF0EY, Architect ! Office, 102 East Main Ave., Gastonia, N. C toward the Loray, It seems, they were blowing horns. Several negroes) were a short distance ahead of them, and objected to the noise. . From this a difficulty arose resulting tn Hord's injuries. The police authori ties arrested a negro youth tola morning and placed him behind th bars to answer to the charge but It is not known that he is the right onew' The Gastonia Chapter, U. D C will meet in the chapter room on Friday afternoon, December 29th, at 3:30 o'clock. ( Messrs. Gregg Cherry, John. Fayssoux, Francis Whitesldes and, S. B. Hovis, of Bessemer City, part of Gaston's delegation at Trinity College, Durham, have arrived at their homes to spend the holiday. Mn H. B. Gaston, of Lowell, has been at home for some time on ac count of a broken collar-bone, sua tained while playing basket-ball. FIED Competition t - r-.l . i ' r