GAS IT' TT firs ETIE Fii '4 PUBLISHED TVi'ICB A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. GASTONIA IS A BUSY TOWN. , SINGLE COPY S CENTS. $1.50 A YEAR IS ADVAXC2 . 1 VOU XXXIL GASTONIAv X, C. .. , FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 11 1. Vv , NO. 104. .- i- DR. P. R. LAW DEAD FINAL TRANSFER MADE a. LORAY LOCALS LORAY MILLS. Dec. 28 Th Loray Mills closed down Friday ar ternoon at half past 5 o'clock tor the Christmas holidays, and will re sume operations again Tuesday morning. A is the usual custom, the children of the operatives were treated to a nice bag of fruit, candy and nuts,tbis treat being hauled out and delivered by a person dressed to resemble Santa Claus, thus affording the youngsters quite a lot of amuse "ment as well as delighting them with the nice presents. -The operatives presented) the su perintendent and overseers of the various departments with handsome and useful presents as an expression ot their appreciation for the kind ness that has been shown them, also their gratitude for the pleasant feel ings and relations that have existed between -them during .the past year, The presents were very gratefully received, with many thanks for the loyalty of the people in the past, ana they were assured that everything would be made as pleasant aa possi ble for them In the future. ' Christmas trees . and entertain ments are being given at the various churches in the village, and although the rain has been pouring down In cessantly, and the streets are very muddy, on account -of tne recent grading that has been done, large numbers are turning out, and the en tertainments are being enjoyed and appreciated by every one.: The good lights- are coming in mighty handy Jor it would be almost imposstbleHo get about at all after dark; and people who are liable to be .looking for places at this season of the year would never find them. Very little of that fire water, the kind that will make a rabbit eat up a bull dog alive, is being used in this end of town, and up to the pres-, ent time, everything la going along very pleasant and lovely. We wish to extend to The Gazette man- and hla co-workers our most sincere wishes for a merry Christ mas, and a happy New Year. CARRIERS- REMEMBERED. Patrons of Crouse Rural Mail Car . rler Present Them With Appro- filiate Gifts. . c ... The patrons and friends of the ru ral mail carriers out from Crouse remembered their faithful services during the Christmas season. The following note of thanks Is self-explanatory: - - ' " v. To the patrons of rural route No 1 and No. 2: , We your carriers take this meth od to thank you for those nice Christmas presents. We assure yon we more than appreciate the feeling that prompted the giving of sucn tice things. .. Carrier No, 1 on it supposed once bad a new' new set of harness ana got through all O. K. But No. t did not fare so well. His faithrut old horse broke a tug in trying to pull the heavy load at Christmas time and ' left ' the driver sitting there looking where he must get out , In the mud to fix the harness. How- .' ever the driver was in too good a hu mor to "cuss" so but little damage "was done. Again thanking you all we will try to serve you in sucn manner as to at least merit some of . the kindness. LAFAYETTE CARPENTER, NO. 1. W. H. HOOVER, NO. 2. Crouse Bout One News. : ' Correspondence of The Gazette. -CROUSE, R. F. D. 1; Dec 27. Miss Audrey Klser and Master James Kiser spent Christmas at the home of their grandfather, Mr. Jullu. Alexander. Mr. Sylvanus Car pen 'er - Is wearing a broad smile It's, a girl. Mr. C. D. Tate and family spent Christmas at the home, of Mrs. -; Tate's father, Mr. Julius Alexander. Mr. John Kiser and family visited at the home of Mrs.' Riser's father Sunday. Mr. J. P.. Alexander and ' -wife spent Christmas at the home oi ' Wis. Alexander's father, Mr. Luther Coslner. Mr; F. B. Carpenter and '-'"anally are spending a few days - at Kinrs" Mountain with relatives. - Landers Chapel school closed forva . week's Christmas holiday. Mr. Blc kle Carpenter and family have mov ed from Mr, Frederick Carpenter's - l laco to the John Rudislll Manufac turing Co's. mills and Mr. Os;ar Flirewalt has moved Into the house vacated by Mr. Carpenter. Messrs. Darius and Burton Pasour sperc Sunday with Mr. Clay Klser. .Vs ' Fraates Klser is spending a few days with her son, Mr. Clay Klser. Mr m J. M. Alexander, of Bessemer City, Is . spending a few day wjth nomefoiks. , A party of surveyors is today surveying South street from Frank- , lin' avenue .to the Ci ft N.-W. cross ing at the Southern station." From authentic sources It is learned that it. Is the intention of the lnterurban "people to runa car line -up" this . '. street. - ' BESSEMER BRIEFS. Correspondence of The Gazette. BESSEMER CITY, Dec. 28. The Christmas time has eome and gone again and it may be there are those in the world who", have not 7 yet grasped the true idea as to the mean ing of the day or bow the" day sh6uld be spent. It would be a great bless ing If we could fully appreciate thai in the midst of the busy world, in, Its comings and goings,., in the Inn or its eating and sleeping, in the man ger where its beasts ef burden He. among the traffic; part and parcel of its daily duties here, with it. among it. of it, comes the Lord Christ, And unto the anxious world He brings the great evangel. Not in holy hours alone may it serve, him, not at solemn-altars only kneel to pray, nor without psalms and hymns chant his praise, for In the manger he Is born, AH bout's are his, and every place, and the common speech is the speech of the kingdom. There -was a great concourse of folks at the Christmas entertainment tii d tree in the Baptist church Mon day night. The number was thought to be about one thousand. Revs. E. G. Carson and family, of Charlotte, and J. W. Carson, of New- f erry, 8. C, arrived Monday to spend he holidays with their mother, Mrs. J. B. CarBon, on Crowders Creek. Monday afternoon one Ben Hemp hill, colored, was disemboweled witn a knife in the hands of two white men. It was in a drunken melee at old Wooten postofflce. Mr. Clyde Arrowood, who Is working with Mb brother in Shelby, is spending the week with, his par ents here. Mr. Torrence, formerly ot this place, but now living In Hen derson ville, is with' homefejks this week. The Christmas entertainments, both at the Presbyterian church and Mountain View school house were good and reflect credit on those who had the work in hand. Revs. Hobbs and Harrelson spoke to the school at Mountain View. , Messrs. W. D. Gates and J. C. Bal lard, of Cbetryvllle, were in town Tuesday on business. Mr. John Williams has felven up his position in the depot here and Mr. Lee deta iner has the job. Mr. Charles Wil liams, who has been in Arkansas ror six weeks or more,, was on a visit to his mother the first of the week, but Is spending the week-end In Salis bury. Mis Mav Williams, who has had a position in Salisbury for somen time, is at home again. On December 24 th Mr. Moses Stronp, of the Concord section, while reading the paper thought he heard a rap at his door, but being quite feeble, Mr. Stroup did not respond immediately, and very soon a negro man, Galloway,, by name, uninvited; entered the room ostensibly to get Mr. StroupMo give him two half dol lars for a whole, that he might pay a debt of fifty cents to another negro on the tflace. Mr. Stroup arose and went to a window to more clearly see to give Mm the chsnge. The re tro who had followed snatched the puree from Mr. Stroup's hand and made a hasty retreat. He was later captured at a corn, shucking and the purse that at first contained fifteen or eighteen dollars was recovered to gether with about half the money. Mr. D. P. Rhodes, the new super intendent of the Osage Manufactur ing Company, - was i here Thursday making preparations to start the mill on January 1st!. Mr. Bruce Ar rowood, of Concord, was here for a few hours Wednesday. - Wednesday was a great day at the A. R. P. parsonage. One that the pastor and. family shall not soon for get. Nearly the entire congregation came with well-filled baskets, the contents of which gave to all a sumptuous dinner- with some left over. Then' they made provision for ILe pastor's family and horse ror the future. There was K only i one thing to mar the pleasure of tne day. Mrs. T. R. E.- Oates became very ill toward the close of the- day and It was necessary to call a physfo cian. - Dr. Royster came and found that Mrs. Oates was suffering with an attack of indigestion. , '. ,-. - Declares Five Per ent Dividend. . Besides transacting routine busi ness the directors of the First Ita ness me uirecwrj oi me r irst ma- i, , . - , . tlonal Bank, at their regular month-il,1? f 7 er ""f,"1 5 ly meeting Thursday, declared the usual semi-annual dividend of five per cent and passed $5,000 to the surplus fund. The general condition of the bank, as shown by the offi cers' reports, was found to be satisfactory.- The regular annual meet ings of the stockholders and direc tors of this institution will be held Tuesday, January 9th. j. . Gastonians at "Dollar Dinner. Solicitor G.'VvY Wilson and Mayor T. L. Craig were Gastonla'a repre sentatives at the "dollar dinner" giv en by the Greater Charlotte Club at the Selwyn hotel last night.' The ar falr .was a great success Judging from the. morning paper's report. - ' Mr. and Mrs. Archie L. Jenkins returned yesterday from Ashevllle, where they spent the holidays with Mr." and-Mrs. L. L. Jenkins. - . ;' Lowell Locals. Correspondence of The Gazette. LOWELL, Dec. 28. Prof Ram seur closed the school here on the 22nd' for the holidays and will re open January 2nd. Miss Nina Pat rick and sister Miss Clara, are visit ing during the holidays in Atlanta. Messrs. Grady and Harley Gaston are at home for the holidays. Mrs. Dr. Robinson" went down to Monroe Tuesday to visit her parents. Rev. and Mrs. M, T. Steele. Work on the lnterurban lipe and depot has been at a stand-still for several days. The cotton mills re-' turned work this morning after be ing shut down since last Friday. We cannot begin to mention all the friends and relatives on a visit among us. Their names are legion. Mr. P. P. Murphy took a run down to Wilmington for a family re union Christmas day, he will return tomorrow. Miss Frank Leonhardt is on a visit to friends in Marion. Mrs. E. N. Crowder, Kenneth, Miss Lucy and little Willis Lou are on a visit to her mother at the old home place near Forest City. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Hand spent Monday ana Tuesday in town with relatives. Stanley Happenings. Correspondence of The Gazette. STANLEY, Dec. 28. Among Christmas festivities were the the Christmas trees at the Methodist, Lutheran and Presbyterian churches. "Valley Farm," a comedy drama played by local talent In the school auditorium Wednesday evening was a very entertaining little play and was greatly - enjoyed by a full house. Mrs. Charles-Peterson and little daughter, of Laurel,, Miss., arrived last week and are the guests of her parents-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Peterson. Mr, Peterson Is expected to arrive about the last of January, and they are thinking of locating here in the near future. . Among those home for the holi days are Mr. H. C. Whitener, 6f Princeton, N. J.j Miss Bayne Rut ledge, Claremont College, Lenoir; Miss Edith Mason, Hamlet; Mr. Leon Smith, University, Chapel Hill; Miss Mayme Peterson and Mrs. J. F. Deal and son, of Lenoir; Miss Ethel Hales, Mc Aden ville; .Miss Willye Summer row, Charlotte; Mr. Robert Peterson, Charlotte, and Mr. Russell Cline, or Newberry College, Newberry, S. C. Miss Reedy Hoggoa of Lowryvllle, S. C, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Loven. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mason and son, of Charlotte, are the guests of relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Aicher and children spent Christmas with relatives at Shelby. Dr. and Mrs. C. J. McCombs and children are spending the holidays with relatives at Unlonvllle.-Mrs.Jno. Fulenwlder and children, of Monroe, are visiting her parents. Miss Hester Summey, of Iron Station,. Is .spending a tew days with Miss Bessie Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Smith and children, of Norfolk, Va.,. are visiting relatives here. v Dinner Sets- Are Going. Though The Gazette's . offer to give a handsome 42-piece dinner set to every, person turning in ten year ly subscriptions or their equivalent which means $15 worth of subscrip tions, either renewals or new ones, una ueeu on uuijr a iuui i nuio uu iu i the holiday season at that when most I has been on only a short time and in people are averse iq wonting, we hare given' away several sets and a number of ladies are now busily en gaged in getting up clubs of ten. The first lady to secure one of these was Miss Zuba Pursley, of Bowling Green, S. C, route one. The second was Miss Mae Carroll, of Clover, S. C, route one. The third was Miss Maggie Gamble, of Bessemer City, route two. These have already gone out and the winners express them selves as highly pleased with their dinner sets. Right at present Is tne best time of all the year to get sub scriptions for The-Gazette and any body can secure ten by doing a few hours easy work. Any young lady, man or woman who wants to get one of these should write us at once for sample copies. -Mr. John A. Lynn and Miss Be- Wednesday. December 27th, the cer emony being performed, by Esquire W. Meek Adams at his office.. VThe Harry-Baber Company have moved into their new quarters next door to the First National Bans. McLean Brothers have taken - their old stand while Rockett ft Adams have leased the space formerly occu pied by- McLean Brothers. . . At 7 o'clock tomorrow night a band conceit will be given , in the ttull 4 v tk nAnoa shf fTlA Clara and Dunn mills. There wiUookk,e.ePeI' aftr flr8t probably also - be several addresses and short talks, following -which re- iresnments Win pe serrea , in tue school room down stairs for the children of the neighborhood. ; The affair will be somewhat in the nature' of a dedication of the new building which has Just been completed and will -be regularly used after the holi days. ' , ' . . - w - y . . .v.-.- Editor Presbyterian Standard and Well-Known Divine Dies Sadden ly in McCoIl, V & C Had Gone Thither to Participate ia Daugh ter's Marriage, ' The death of Rev. Dr. P. R. Law, of Charlotte, which occurred last Saturday night In McColl. S. C., came as a dinstinct shock to his many friends In Gastonia. Dr. Law had gone to McColl to officiate at the marriage of his youngest daughter. Miss Llda Law, to Mr. Robert Chap man. . Dr. Law was editor of the Pres byterian Standard, the official organ of the Presbyterian Church in North Carolina. In his travels for that paper and In other visits to Gastonia he had formed many acquaintances, all of whom are deeply grieved. Dr. Law was In failing health and al though not many, knew it he was a constant, though : uncomplaining sufferer. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman left Imme diately after the marriage ceremony for Cuba, and although notified oz Dr.-Law's death, yet it was too late for them to return. In Tuesday's Charlotte Chronicle Is found the following sketch of his life which is appended: The life, history of this good man Is one of inspiration and helpful ness. Dr. Law was possessed of those characteristics which enable men to stand against adversity until one would almost believe they had become innured to it. Holding one purpose steadily in mind, the doing of his Master's work, he never swerved to one side or the other, for no obstacle was strong enough to even momentarily draw him from the path of service. It was in Martinsville, Va., in 1849 that Dr. Law was born, hence He was in his 62nd year when he dlea. He attended school at Davidson, and after completing his college course he attended Union Theological Sem inary at Hamden-Sidney, and shortly after, having been ordained a minister, he began work in Or ange Presbytery. He served as evangelist and stated supply for IMttsboro, Haywood and other churches in Chatham for some years, and then came to Charlotte, where he icmained two years, going :m 1887 to Lumberton, and in 1891 to Lumber Bridge. For some years following he filled various engage ments in the district about Fayette vllle, and came to this city again as editor of The Presbyterian Standard in 1907, and in this work of the church perhaps Mb best talents and energies were developed. The life of Dr. Law was one of ex treme heroism and withal was a lire filled with benevolence, for he was no ordinary worker in his Master's vineyard, but toiling early and late, he has gathered a rich harvest of good and his influence and works will live after him. Personal Mention. ' Mr. A. J. Badger, of West Gas tonia, and a Miss Reeves, of Char lotte, were married here Tuesday by Esquire W. Meek Adams in his office in the Glenn building. The church social given lasr Tuesday night by the ladies of tne Methodist church of Belmont was a success despite the inclement weath er. More than $30 was cleared. Mr. E. W. Query, of Steel Creek, Mecklenburg county, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. Joseph H. Adams. Mrs. J. L. Carraway and chil dren are expected tonight, from lit tle Rock, Ark., to spend some time with Mrs. Carraway's parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. F. Glenn. Miss Erroll Henderson return ed last night from Red Springs -where she has been in school. She was accompanied by her friend. Miss was accom Ora Glenn Misses Addle and Eloise Erwln, of Morganton, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Dixon left yesterday for Charlotte where they will visit friends before return ing to their home. ' Miss cucy Beyce and Miss Kath- erine Mason, of Gastonia, will arrive in the city today to visit Miss Cora Annette Harris at her home on North Church street. Charlotte Ob server, 28 th. Mr.- John Holland returned yes terday to Candor, Moore county, af ter spending the holidays in the city with his parents, Capt. and Mrs. J. Q. Holland. Gastonia Lodge No. 63 Knights of Pythias will install officers for the ensuing term next Monday night. In connection with the installation there will be a smoker and a good social time. All Pythians are ; re quested to be present. v Messrs. Grady Rankin, ; George Gray, Fred Wetzell, George Mason and Floyd Whitney and Misses Col umbia Kelley, Violet Rankin, Marie Hardin and Katherlne Mason attend ed a dance given in Lincolnton last Monday night. - . Miss Virginia Sherrill, who has been spendlpg the holidays witn homefolks in Catawba county, win return tomorrow and will be witn Thomson .: Mercantile Company the year. The recent , heavy rains washed a deep ravine across East Franklin avenue between ' Willow and : Avon streets where a high fill had recently been constructed by the ; grading force of Messrs. Stewart ft Jenea for the Piedmont ft Northern; Railway Co. This street jhas been well nigh Impassable for a week or more. . . , After Sunday write it 1912. Boost Gastonia every day during the coming year. . Miss Annie L. Fry is visiting friends this week in Goldsboro. . Mr. J. E. Ford, of Belmont, is among today's visitors in town. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ragan were visitors to Charlotte yesterday. Mr. P. J. Lineberger and Mr.-W. H. Moten returned yesterday from a viBit to Charlotte. Mrs. W. J. Sechrest, of Dallas, was In Gastonia shopping Wednes day. Monday the county commission ers will meet in regular session for January. Miss Madeline Jeffrey, of Greens boro, is spending the holidays witn Miss Grace Strickland. Mr. John A. Gardner, a contrac tor and builder, of Charlotte, was a visitor in town Wednesday. Miss Honoree Banks is spending a few days with friends In Wilming ton. Solicitor George W. Wilson was among the Charlotte visitors' yester day. Mr. R. R. Ray, of McAdenville, was a business visitor In Gastonia yesterday. Dr. Jim Campbell, of Clover, was among the out-of-town visitors In Gastonia yesterday. Mr. Robert W. Adams left yet, terday for Atlanta to resume his work with the Westinghouse Co. Rev. F. Melchlor, O. S. B., of Belmont, was a visitor in Gastonia yesterday. Mrs. Ed Mellon and children, of Ciiarlotte, spent, yesterday In Gasto nia with Mrs, John H. Craig. Miss Nell Blanton, of Marion, arrives today or tomorrow as the guest of Miss Clara Armstrong. Miss Sarah Adams, of States ville, Is expected today to visit Miss Maud Rankin on South Broad street. Mr. R. Kenneth BaBlngton left this morning on a business trip to Rutherfordton. Miss Edith McLean returned yesterday to Chester after spending the holidays with her parents here. Mr. S. B. Ho vis, 6f Bessemer City, a student at Trinity College was a visitor In town yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Holland and children are" visiting friends in Gas tonia. Charlotte Chronicle. rMr. E. P. Lewis was a business visitor -to Lowrysvllle and McCon nellsville, S. C, the first ot the wee. Mr. J. Roy Barron, of Rock Hill, S. C, was a visitor in town Wednesday. Messrs. Clyde McLean and Ralph Armstrong spent yesterday in Long Shoals on a hunting trip. , Miss Marie Goforth, of Blacks burg, S. C, is the guest for a few days of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Baber. Mrs. Norma Alexander Stowe returned 1 to her home in Belmont last night after spending the holi days with relatives in Davidson. Mrs. H. F. Glenn left yesterday morning for Sharon, S. C, where sue will visit at the home of Rev. W. B. Arrowood. v Revs. H. G. and E. K. Hardin, of Clover and Rock Hill, S. C, re spectively are the guests of their brother, Mr. L. L. Hardin. Attention is called to a notice elsewhere-In this paper from Post master Pasour with reference to payment of postofflce box rents. Mr. R. Baxter Riddle, of Bowl ing Green, principal of the Yorkvllle graded schools, was a visitor In the city yesterday. , Mrs. J. Lean Adams, Mrs. Ross Clinton and Miss Annie Nlell spent yesterday In Clover, the guests of relatives. Misses Carrie, Elma and Zoe Hoffman, of route two, are spending the week in Gastonia with their sis ter, Mrs. J. H.- Carson. Mrs. D. F. Haizlip, of Henry county. Va., arrived In Gastonia Wednesday night on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Kirby. Miss Anna Lewis, of Yorkvllle, Is the guest for a few days during the holiday season of her friend, MIbs Eleanor Reid, Mayor T. L. Craig returned this morning from Charlotte where he attended the "dollar dinner" given at the Selwyn hotel last night. Mr. C. D. Spencer Is expected to day from Asheboro to visit Mr. John O. Rankin, Jr. The two are room mates at the A. and M. College. Misses Torrence and ; Mamie Stowe, of Belmont,, returned yester day to their home after spending a few days with Mrs. W. H. Rhyne. Gastonia business men could do nothing better than to resolve to ad vertise in The' Gazette in 1912. It means more business for yon. In : another column it is stated that the U. N. C. banquet will te given at the Falls House. Since that item was written the plans have been changed and the affair will be. held at the Franklin Hotel. Mr. John Q. Carpenter is toastmaster. Covers for thirty persons have been laid! More Information Concerning the -' Mammoth . Gastonia Real Estate , Deal Consummated ': by Piedmont Traction Company- All Deeds De livered and Payments Made, p The Gazette has been unable here tofore to give full and accurate de tails concerning the big block of real estate . purchased by the Piedmont Traction Company on Franklin av enue and Broad street from Dr. C. E. Adams and others. The transaction was one of the largest ever consum mated in Gastonia and has been tne sole topic of conversation in real es tate circles. It is still a matter or conjecture, however, as to how the Piedmont ft Northern people are to use their property, or more strictly rpeaking at what spot on the proper ty the depot and sheds are to be erected. ' v - All deeds have now been delivered and payments made. The realty bought consists, as previously stat ed, of a number of houses and lots belonging to several parties, but all in a body. Beginning at the corner of Franklin avenue and Broad street, the property extends along Franklin avenue, going east, something over 1300 feet; from Franklin avenue and Broad street, going In a northerly di rection along" Broad street about 630 feet, thence along Main avenue, go ing east about 800 feet. Included In the boundaries named are the Ad ams properties, embracing the horn place of Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Adams, together with a number of rental houses, the Kennedy and Price dwell ings, the small cottage built on what is better known to older citizens as the Beal's shop lot, other rental houses and additional vacant lots or land. Other owners conveying were. K. W. Gilliam on Broad street; J. T. Parller on Main avenue; on Frank lin avenue, C. B. Newton, J. E. Stubbs. Mrs. M. E. Phillips, .Mrs. C. E. Caldwell and J. Laban Smith. All of the above-named property was sold in a body, for the owners, tha deal being transacted by Mr. George E. Halthcock, real estate agent. Tha purchase price was In the neighbor hood ot some sixty-odd thousand dollars. It appears from the fill which - Is being made on Franklin avenue not far from Avon street that it may ba the plan of the railway company to-' lay a track through the property to the corner of Main and Broad streets. The cottage at this point xa being torn down and removed. At what point the depot or depots are to be erected Is still unknown. Work on the Southern Railway crossing is progressing slowly. IN SOCIETY. CHRISTMAS DINNER. On Christmas Day Mrs. A. 8. An derson entertained with a most en joyable six-course dinner at her home in West Gastonia. The guests were Misses Bertie Arrltt, Emma Sullender and Emma Mcllhany ana Mr. Alden S. Anderson. e MRS. J. LEAN ADAMS ENTERTAINS. One of the most delightful affairs t sVtA Tk at m m m kAtl 'flAaeail sveasa Ui haatji vuilDllUH suuiai voaovu w m the reception given Wednesday af ternoon by Mrs.- J. Lean Adams tn honor ef Mrs. Ross Clinton and Miss Annie Nlell. Potted plants and'' Christmas decorations were used ex tensively and to beautiful effect A number of ladies assisted in kali, dining-room and parlors. ' MET WITH MISS PURSLEY. The U. C. Club held a delightful meeting yesterday at 3 o'clock with Miss Ida Pursley at . her, bom on Franklin avenue. An interesting program consisting of literary and musical selections was enjoyed by tha ; members.- Those having places on the program were Misses Lowry Sho ford, Lottie Blake, Mamie Cabanlss. Mrs. W. L. Balthis and Mrs. L. U. Hardin. Christmas decorations were used; the floral decorations were ot narcissus and hyacinth- A delicious "., ' e ENTERTAINS ' MUSIC PUPILS. Last Tuesday afternoon from 3 to 5 Miss Lillian Atkins entertained her music pupils at her home cn West Franklin avenue. The time was very delightfully spent by musical selec tions and contests. In the contest ' the prize was won by Mr. KIrkpat- -rick Reid. . A salad course was serv ed at the conclusion of the contest. During the afternoon several delight ful selections were rendered oy tna orchestra. About twenty-five per sons, all pupils of Miss Atkins wer present. ' , ,v . - , e ' - MISSES ARMSTRONG AND RANKIN TO ENTERTAIN. The following cards were Issued yesterday: . Miss Clara Armstrong . Miss Maud Rankin . - At Home ' ' ' 206 S. Broad Street . Saturday evening, December thirtieth, .eight-thirty ; ' ' .' Miss Adams ' '- Miss Blanton R. S. V. P. ! . Misses Adams and, Blanton . are. from' States ville and are class-mates of Misses Rankin and Armstrong at Peace Institute, Raleigh. . Mr. P. J. Lineberger was a hol iness visitor to Charlotte Wednesfay.. --r" fir.--

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