TH PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAY8. GASTONIA IS A BUSY TOWN. 6EVGLE COPY 3 CENTS. $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCES YOU xxxin. GASTONIA, S. C F1UDAY, JANUARY 5, 1912. NO. a. V .-V- Bessemer Route Two News. Correspondence of The Gazette. BESSEMER CITY, R. F. D. 2. Jan. 4. The wheat crop In this section looks well for this time of year. Some people think It will not be any good because the Christmas season came in the light of the moon. Miss Zona Stroup gave a party Thursday night to a number of her young friends and all enjoyed the occasion very much.- The Sunnyside school will have plenty of water in a few days. A well is being dug near the macadam road so that people passing may have a good place to drink and also to water their stock. This is the only watering place between Gas-' tonia and Cherryvllle. Mr. Gordon Payne, of Cedar Bluff, Va., spent the past week with rela tives around Bessemer City. Mrs. Wac Payne and Mrs. Barbara Klser were shoppers In Bessemer City Monday. Messrs. D. A. Klser and D. A. Stroup were business visitors In Gastonla yesterday. Mrs. D. A. Stroup spent yesterday with her mo ther, Mrs. Barbara Klser. Mr. C. Moore and Mr. Audle Klser spenr last Thursday with relatives In Shel by. BESSEMER CITY, R. F. D. 2, Jan. 2. The old year is dead and a new one has come to take its place. We hope for all a prosrou8 and happy year. Misses Pearl and Ida May Mltchem, of Lincolnton, spent a ew days last week visiting friends and relatives near Bessemer City. Misses Cleo and Annie Pasour spent Tuesday night with their uncle. Mr. Lee Black, near Cherryvllle. 'Messrs. M. F. Pasour and J. A. Ha ger are in Gastonla on business to day. Master Tommie Hager, little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hager, is very sick from pneumonia. Miss Marie Gurthey spent part of last week with her cousin. Miss Annie Stroup. Mr. D. A. Mauney visited In Chester, S. C, Saturday and Sun day. Mr. F. S. Royster was a visi tor in Gastonla Tuesday. 'Mr. Luth er Klser entertained quite a number of his friends Saturday night. All report a most pleasant time. BESSEMER BRIEFS. Correspondence of The Gazette. BESSEMER CITY. Jan. 4 Dr. S. B. Turrentine. of Shelby, was in Bessemer City Tuesday for the quar terly conference. From here he went to Kings Mountain for another con ference. Professor Johnson, of the graded schools, was forced to spend a part of his vacation during the hol iday season in St. Leo's hospital, Greensboro, where he underwent a Blight operation. We are glad to re port that the last information your correspondent has is that Mr. Jonn son is getting on well. He hopes to be here for the opening of the schools Monday, January 8th. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Caldwell, or Smyrna, S. r, are visi'ln? thr'- son. Rev. R. R. Cnldwell, and fa-nlly this week. The Y. P. C. U. of the A. R. P. church had the pleasure and fun of measuring themselves at the home of Mr. J. T. Oates last Friday night. There must have been some "long fellows" there as they raised $8.60. Miss Alice Caldwell, of Smyrna, S. C, stopped here for a short while Wednesday on her way back to Lin wood College after spending the hol idays with her parents. The Osage Manufacturing Compa ny has arranged to again start their mill. The superintendent. Mr. D. P. Rhodes, has hired his men and will begin operations Monday, Jan. Stn. Those who were ushering In the New Year caused a calamity or two. The bell In the Methodist church was pulled down, breaking the cord wheel and tearing the ceiling from the belfry. Your correspondent heard a man from Charlotte say, "when It comes to noise. Charlotte Is not in it with Bessemer City." Dallas, Route 1, News. Correspondence of The Gazette. DALLAS, R. F. D. 1, Jan. 3. Misses Edna and Hester Best spent several days last week at the home of their grand father, Mr. John Lineberger. Mrs. Michael Klser and children are spending some time at the home of Mr. Ed Maunev. Mr. Polle Thornburg, Messrs. Kelly and Elvln Rhyne have returned home "from a two weeks hunting trip' to Richmond county. Costner's school opened Monday after a week's holt- -day for Christmas. Misses Florence and Ruth Pasour returned home last week from Catawba, where they spent Christmas as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ratchford. Mrs. W. R. Turner and sister, Miss Eunice Allen, were visitors to Gastonla Mon day. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mauney, Friday, December 29, 1911. ' a daughter. Mr. Starling Womack, aged 91, a highly respected citizen of Lincoln county, died at his home near Trian gle December 20th. He served dor ' lng the civil war in Co. G, 52nd Nortn Carolina Regiment. - k . LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. Loray Couple Wed on Short Ac quaintanceAnother Marriage -Personal Items. Correspondence of The Gazette. WEST GASTONIA, Jan. 4. We always swear off on the first day or the year, make our resolutions, and crawl back to our place on the water wagon, fully resolved not to take a driak under any circumstances, un less we are by ourselves or with somebody. The union meeting of the South Fork Association was held at the Lo ray Baptist church commencing De cember 28th, and continuing until Sunday evening. The program was a very Interesting one and the meet ing was well attended considering the inclemency of the weather. Mr A. B. McAllister spent Sun day In Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Hooper, of Lumberton, spent tne Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Hooper. Mr. Robert McGuirt, of Kannapolis, recently spent a Tew days with his mother at the Arling ton Mill. 'Miss Amey "Sloop has re turned to her home in Salisbury af ter spending a week with her sister, Mrs. A. B. McAllister. Mr. J. M. El liott returned to Charlotte Tuesday after spending a fortnight with his parents here. Mr. W. A. Bishop and Miss Flor ence Clark, both of the Loray village, were married Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock by the pastor of the Wesleyan Methodist church. Last Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Bishop met for the first time and by Sunday evening they had plighted their troth and made their plans for the wedding. Must 'o been a case of love at first sight. Tuesday evening, January 2nd, at 7:30 o'clock, Miss Nora Messer and Mr. James Brandon were married at the home of Mr. Herschal Buchanan. The ceremony was performed by Rev, A. S. Anderson, pastor of the Loray Presbyterian church. In the presence of a large number of friends and ac quaintances. Heed this timely warning, boys, beware of the Leap year smile. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Counts snent Sunday with Mr. Counts' parents at Peak, S. C. He will bring his chil dren back to Gastonla when he re turns. Mr. W. P. Gilliam, of Old Fort, is visiting 'Mr. and Mrs. Jotin Gilliam this week. Mrs. R. W. Hines and son, of Welford, S. C, have returned home after spending the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. V. West. Mrs. F. W. Brad ley returned home today after spend ing two weeks with relatives at Mor ven, Ansonvllle and Chesterfield, S. C Mr. W. V. West went over to Charlotte Saturday to be present at the Southern Power Co's. annual ban quet. Any one who wishes to do any mud slinging is very cordially Invited to come out to our end of town. BESSEMER ROUTE ONE, NEWS. Co-respordence of The Gazette BESSEMER CITY, R. F. D. 1, Jan. 2. Mr. R. C. Dameron is snena lng the holidays with homefolks. Dr. Lee Dameron, of Star. Is spend ing the week with homefolks. Miss Myrtle Davis and Mr. Tom Davis, of Lincolnton, spent the week-end witn their grandmother, Mrs. S. A. DecR. Miss Pearl Huflstetler gave a pound party Saturday night. There was a large crowd present and all enjoyed the occasion very much. Mrs. S. A. Deck gave a turkey dinner Christmas day which was greatly en Joyed by all who partook of her hos pitality. Those present were Mr. and 'Mrs. E. H. Clark, Mr. R. C. Dam eron Miss Delia Clark, Mr. Gus Clark and Miss Lucy Clark. Mr. W. S. Huffstetler was a visitor in Gas tonla Saturday. Mr. Sidney Klser is digging a well for Sunnyslde school house. A new rule has been put Into op eration in the central office of tne Piedmont Telephone & Telegraph Co. which is designed to eliminate still further any possible trouble In your gettin a wrong number. When the subscriber calls for a number, say 50, the operator repeats tne number. This Is not. as some sup pose, because the operator Is not sure that she understands the number called for but Is simply a double check. When she repeats the num ber If she should have it Incorrect !t is a great saving of time in giving the caller an opportunity to make the correction before the connection is given. In the State of Pennsylvania 80, 000 negroes own property assessed at $20,000,000. Mr. H. T. Hudson, auditor and re corder of, Cleveland county and for mer editor of the Star, has resigned to accept a position as private secre tary to Senator Overman. Among the candidates for his position at Shelby is Mr. N. F. McMillan, an at torney, until recently of Kings Moun tain but now practicing law at Shel by, and Mr. J. A. Anthony, of Shelby. Penny column ads are CASH. Long Shoals Items. Correspondence of The Gazette. LONG SHOALS, Jan. 3. Miss El lis Proctor returned yesterday after spending the holidays with home folks at Denver. The Misses Stanl ey, of Lincolnton, spent Christmas with Miss Virginia Rhyne. Mr. and Airs. J. F. Carpenter spent New Years day with their daughter, Mrs. LaFayette Carpenter. Mr. M. A. Mauney spent Tuesday at this place. Mr. and Mrs. .lames Putnam and children are spending this week in Shelby and Waco. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Carpenter, Mrs. 11a Spargo, or Cherryville, and 'Mr. and Mrs. LaFay ette Carpenter spent Friday at ir. S. L. Carpenter's, where they enjoy ed a sumptuous turkey dinner. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Rutledge and daughter. Miss Clyda. spent Monday at Mr. Warren Heattie's. Mr. Jacob Klser and sister, Miss Callie, spent Thursday at Mr. Sylvanus Rhyne's. 'Miss Emma Lee Carpenter spent Thursday night with Miss Olive Sen ter. Misses Olive. Lillian and Ella Senter, Mamie and Ielia Friday, all of Dallas, spent Christmas with Miss Ella Klser. Mr. Victor Adderholdt returned Monday to Lenoir College after spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Adder holdt. IRON STATION NEWS. Correspondence of The Gazette. IRON STATION, Jan. 3. Mr. Lu ther Long was In Charlotte yester day on business. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Moore, of 'Stanley, visited rela tives here last week. Mrs. Ed Car penter and son. of Lincolnton, spiVi Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hallman. Mrs. William Flack, of Forest City, 6pent last wee with her son, Mr. Otho Flack. Mr. Henry Dellinger, of Abbeville, S. C is spending some time with his brother, Mr. Calvin Dellinger. Mrs. Charlie Harrill, of Bostic, is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Del linger. Mr. Earl Rhyne, of Dallas, spent last Saturday at the home of his uncle. Mr. E. I. Rhyne. Mtss Mary Belle Hoffman returned yes terday to resume her studies at Asheville. Miss Bertie Bynum, ar ter spending the holidays with her parents returned Monday to South Fork Institute, Maiden. Capt. and Mrs. Lawson Dellinger snent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dellinger In Lincolnton last week Messrs. George Howard, Jno. Hambrlck, Dorsie Rhyne and Berlie Stroup snent last Friday in Char lotte. Misses Hattie and Flossie Armstrong visited the Misses Rudl slll last week on route one. Mrs. J. M. Rendleman, who has been very sick for some time past, remains very ill. Miss Hester Summey left yes terday for Henrietta to resume her duties as teacher in the Henrietta high school. The school opened Monday after a weeks holiday. Tne principal. Prof. C. C. Beam, spent the wrek with his parents near Crouse. - -Mr. and Mrs. I N. Ballard gave their young friends a social last Wednesday night. All present re ported a pleasant time. Christmas night Mr. Clayton Cald well, assistant postmaster at 'Maiden, was robbed of $530 In stamps and cash, he having charge of the valua bles at the postofflce. The theft oc curred at his home, whither he had carried the money. It is believed some local thief did the work and a postal inspector is investigating the robbery. Persons wishing to contribute articles for the box to be sent to tne Methodist Orphanage at Winston-Salem should send them to The Gazette office within "the next few days. Subscribe to The Gazette. There will be services at the Lindsay store house on West Frank lin avenue Sabbath afternoon at 3 o'clock conducted by Rev. R. R. Caldwell, of Bessemer City. Penny -column ads are CASH. AWAY GOES CATARRH. Breathe Soothing, Healing Hyomel Relief in Five Minutes. Where there's catarrh there's thousands of cataarh germs. You can't get rid of catarrh unless you kill these germs. You can't kill these germs witn stomach medicine or sprays or douch es because you can't get where they are. You can kill these germs with HY OMEI a penetrating antiseptic ir that you breath a few times a day dierctly over the raw, sore, germ In fested membrane. For catarrh, asthma, croup, coughs, colds and catarrhal deafness Hyomel is sold on money back plan by J. H. Kennedy Co. Complete outfit $1.00. Extra bottles of HYO MEI if afterwards needed only 50 cents. Remember. HYOMEI does not contain morphine, cocaine' or any drug that could possibly do harm. Vis. COURT? MM NEW- COUNTY BUSINESS. Proceedings of the January Meeting of the Hoard of County Commis sioners List of Accounts Audited and Paid. The board of county commission ers met in regular session for Janu ary at the court house Monday, an members being present and Chair man John F. Leeper presiding. Ar ter the reading of the minutes of the December meeting the following bus iness was transacted: . Luther Devines was released or poll tax and Dallas graded school tax erroneously charged, Amount $3.63. Julia Smyre, Ernest Lineberger, colored, Allen Revels and Dock Rev els were declared paupers and allow ed to go to the county home. Mary Teague was discontinued as an out side pauper and was ordered to be ad mitted to the county li me. Nancy Lambeth was declared an outside pauper, with an allowance of $9.00 per quarter, W. E. Beattle, agent. Jane Mauney was declared an out side pauper with an allowance of $7. 50 per quarter, T. S. Royster, agent. A. M. Rhyne, of Dallas township, was allowed to make return and pay single tax on 35 acres of land listed at $280. Dorcas and Margaret Gaston were released of taxes on $200 solvent credits erroneously charged. The entire board was appointed a committee to inspect the bridge over the interurban railroad at Rhyne's crossing. It was ordered that Gaston county pay the York Bridge Company $1, "23 for building the bridge over Crowders Creek, subject to the ap proval of a committee consisting of Dr. O. G. FallH and J. Frank McAr ver, appointed to inspect same. H. J. Shannon was released of tax es on 3 and one-half acres of land listed at $52. I. A. .Tarrett was released of poll tax erroneously charged. It was ordered that a survey be made of the proposed public road from a point where the Dallas ma cadam road ends to a point on the Cherryville and Bessemer City road most available for the same. D. H. Clonlnger was allowed to pay single tax amounting to $5.50 on property In River Bend township er roneously charged twice. Berry Sanders, colored, of Gasto nla township, was allowed to make return and pay single tax Von 80 acres of land listed at $575. R. L. Davis was allowed to make return on real estate and personal property amounting to $850 and pay single tax thereon. 'Mrs. M. M. Harrill was allowed to make return and pay single tax on one lot In Gastonla. Charles E. Sarvlce was allowed to make return and pay single tax on his property in Gastonla township. Mrs. T. G. Falls was allowed to make return and pay single tax on 53 acres of land In Crowders Moun tain township. Jacob F. Wilson was allowed to make return and pay single tax on TREED punvi jfyyffij sr. : From Th JURY LIST. Men Chosen by County Commission ers for February Term of Gaston Superior Court. Following is the Jury list made by the board of county commissioners at their regular meeting the iirst Mon day in January for the regular Feb ruary term of Gaston County Super ior Court which convenes February 26th: FIRST WEEK. I. B. Hullender, Kings 'Mountain. Robert Leeper, Belmont. A. P. Rhyne, Mount Holly. Jno. P. Beam, Bessemer City. A. M. Dixon, Gastonla. J. Math Armstrong, Belmont. D. A. Medlln, High Shoals. R. M. Johnston, Gastonla. B. F. Leonhardt, Lowell. Cul C. Pasour, Dallas. J. A. Robinson, Lowell. S. M. Morris, Gastonla. v". h. Maoiney, Kings Mountain. A. H. Baker, 'Mount Holly. . C. Bess, Bessemer City. J E. Harris, Mount Holly. .las. S. Carpenter. Ressenier City. J. M. C. Stroup, Cherryvllle. Sidney C. Carpenter, Crouse, R. l. R. G. Rhyne, Mount Holly. Frank Hultt, Mount Holly. John C. Robinson, Gastonla. S. H. Black, Mount Holly. J. H. Walters. Gastonla. M. D. Clemmer, Dallas. Klihu Riley, Mount Holly. Samuel Lutz, Dallas. M. W. Sanford, Belmont. Z. T. Hallman, Cherryville. A. Q. Kale, High Shoals. Miles R. Eaker, Bessemer City. J. H. Wilklns. Bessemer City. J. W. Craft. Cherryvllle. route 2. John H. Sipe, Cherryville. J. VV. Patrick, Gastonla. W. T. Horsley, Ixwell. SECOND WEEK. Frank L. Friday, Dallas. W. E. Dameron, Lowell. W. B. Elam. Crouse. B. L. England. A. B. Helms, Cherryville. Luther C. Pasour, Dallas. R. B. Shields. A. L. Beam, Cherryvllle. T. J. .Wallace. Jr., River Bend. D. H. McKeown. Stanley. Ed Hartsoe, Kings Mountain. J. M. Jenkins, Stanley. John A. Klser. Crouse, route 1. Joseph Holland, Dallas. Jacob Jenkins, Stanley. V. P. Harkey, Mount Holly. J. T. Cox. Gastonla. Will E. Klser. Rev. R. A. Miller was released of poll and J845 personal property. W. G. Findley was allowed to ped dle without license on account of be ing an ex-Confederate soldier J. H. Elmore was charged with single tax on 62 acres of land. E. G. McLurd was released of tax on $500 worth of real estate erron eously charged on account of Stan ley graded school. E. P. Wright was released of tax on $100 personal property erroneous ly chareed H. G. Wlnget was allowed a re duction of $100 in valuation of town Int. tax on $ 1 ,0 0 0 certificate of deposit erroneously charged. Superintendent T. L. Ware was ordered to lav off the Public road pe titioned for by M. L. Kendrick and others. M. W. Sanford was released of tax on $868 personal property on ac count of Belmont graded Bchool. D. L. SIgmon was released of pay- Charlotte (N. C.) Evening ChroaieU. DALLAS MILLS SOLD. Col. C. B. Armstrong Bids in Cotton Factory at $20,000 Will not 15 Put in Operation Until Market Conditions Improve. Col. C. B. Armstrong, of Gastonla, bought the Dallas Cotton Mills at auction sale at Dallas Tuesday after noon for $20,000. Unless this bid I bettered within twenty days the sal -will be confirmed by the Federal court, the sale having been made by Receiver S. N. Boyce, who was ap pointed under bankruptcy proceed ings. The purchase Included the mill building and equipment together with tenant houses and real estate. Two tracts of land belonging to the mill and lying outside the town limits, comprising about 40O acres, were purchased by Mr. P. M. Rhyne, the real estate broker, for $4,255. The Dallas Cotton Mill was built In 1890, being the first mill erected in the town; hence it is twenty-two years old. Up until the past two or three years it was constantly in op eration and was prosperous. The de pression in the cotton goods market crippled the mill so it became neces sary to file a petition in bankruptcy. It is equipped for weaving. Col. Armstrong, the purchaser, states that, should the sale be con firmed, the mill will not be operated until market conditions improve. The tenant houses will be used for the Monarch Mill, of which Col. Arm strong is the head. There were present to attend tns sale of this mill Mr. C. J. Webb, of Philadelphia; Mr. L. L. Jenkins, of Asheville, and other prominent cot ton mill men. ing poll tax on account of being over age. L. J. Crawford was allowed a re duction of $200 in the valuation OX property In Crowders Mountain township. Jurors were chosen to serve dar ing the February term of Superior Court, the list being given else where In this issue. At an adjourned meeting of tho board held Wednesday a resolution was adopted declaring the bridg constructed by the Piedmont Trac tion Company over its track at tno Rhyne crossing to be unsatisfactory. The chairman was empowered to confer with the officers of the trac tion company, notify them of the ac tion of the board, and make report of the matter at the February meet ing. Consideration of the adoption or the public road petitioned for In Cherryville township was indefinite ly postponed. It was ordered that the board-givo Mr. R. F. Craig a certificate recom mending a refund of $4 income tax on account of error in listing. County Superintendent of Roada T. L. Ware was re-elected for tne year 1912, as were Messrs. Jacotk Wilson and E. L. Sandifer as super intendents of chain gang camps Not. one and two respectively, all witn, the same salaries as paid last year. Mr. N. G. Todd was re-elected super intendent of the free labor grading force at a salary of $95 per month. Nathan Anthony was allowed a reduction of $200 in valuation of lot in Cherryville and was refunded the amount of tax paid on the excess valuation. W. M. Nolen was re-elected Jani tor of the court house at a monthly salary of $35. Commissioner J. F. McArver was appointed a committee to confer with a landscape gardener with re gard to the court house grounds and report to the board at Its next meet ing. The following accounts were pass ed upon and ordered paid: R. L. Wilson, coroner, holding In quest over Calvin McDowell and Jno. Moore, $27.00. Ford Undertaking Co., coffin for pauper, $5. C. C. Craig, salary and expenses ot county home for December, $153.08. J. D. B. McLean, summoning Jur ors, $12.60. C. C. Cornwell, stationery, post age, etc., $44.90. J. M. Beam, summoning registrars and Judges of election, $2.70. York Bridge Co., bridge over Crowders Creek (payable upon ap proval), $1,723. O. P. Rhodes, interest on note to Jan. 6. 1912, $50. Progress Publishing Co., publish ing annual statement of commission ers, stationery, etc., $17. J. W. Blackwood, damage to crop by reason of locating macadam road, $3. Falls House, lodging Jurors, No vember term, $13. J. F. Clemmer, 1 day's service as Judge of election, $2. J. Q. Holland, expenses of burial for J. W. Sego and Jacob S. Connor. ex-Confederate soldiers, and Mrs. S. M. Ford, widow of an ex-Confederato soldier. $60. J. Q. Holland, county treasurer, salary for December, $100. W. M. Nolen, salary as janitor. $30. A. C. Stroup, one day's service oa finance committee, $2. L. N. Glenn, county physician, sal ary for November and December. $83.58. C. W.' Requarth Co., part payment on Sloan's ferry bridge, payable Feo ' ruary 1, 1912,- $3,000. Joe 'Moses, refund of tax. $2.75. - T. L. Ware, expenses of chalngaar camp No. 1, $1,209.42; camp No. X. $1,222.32; expense of grading force. $308.13. G. R. Rbyne, Jail fees, etc., $48.35. T. L. Ware, stationery and salary. $102.50. T. L. Ware, for work, on roada as follows: , (Continued on page S.)

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