THE GASTONIA GAZETTE GASTONIA IS A BUSY TOWN. page Tnrju 1 v W'-'-YMtAM' 'THE CROW DS That Will Gather at Charlotte Next Week fortheBIG 20TH OF MAY " CELEBRATION You are Specially In vited to MAKE the IVEY STORE HEADQUARTERS. Our every facility it at your service. Bring us your wrapi and bundles. We will serve free, Iced Tea or Iced Water to all visitors, and IF THERE'S ANYTHING YOU WANT TO BUY there isn't any place you can get it quite so all round satisfactorily as here FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1812. y . SPRING AXI SUMMER SUITS AT HALF PRICE. This is an offer cannot often b made in a bona-flde way next week we will offer a lot of the choicest spring suits at half price Because We Hought them that Way. They are the very newest in every Point, Ma terial, Tailoring and Cut and here is the way they sell: S1S.OO Hulta at $7.30 30.00 Suits at S10.OO 925.0O Suits at 912.50 PKKTTY HATS THAT DON'T COST MUCH. 20th of May is exactly the right time to buy a new freh hat, for no doubt the, old one is getting a little the wore for wear now. The new ones we are showing look so well, be sides they don't cost but a little, per haps half what you have been paying. Next week we will have out dozens and dozens that will strike you as be ing juHt right Have a look at them anyway. SILK HOSE. You may want to take advantage of the special we will offer in Silk Hose 20th of May week. These are the prices: 35c to 3c Silk Hose 25c pr. Pure heavy Silk Hose 50c pr. Ixt of 75c Silk Howe 59c pr. Regular $1 Silk Hose 09c pr. One of the best at 98c pr. HOUGH roXGEKS AT 25 CENTS. Thin is a low price for a 24-inch Natural Color Rough Pongee Silk. It will !e on sale next week. Take ad vantage of it. SECO SILKS AT 15 CENTS. Next week we will sell a big lot of these regular 25 cent Summer Silks at 15c a yard. The styles are extra good and we have them in all colors. THE J. B. IVEY COMPANY, Charlotte, N. C. It 21 IN SOCIETY JtKCKITION AT KINGS MOUNTAIN. An event of unusual interest in so cial circles at Kings Mountain was a reception given Wednesday after noon between the hours of 4 and 6:30 by Mrs. Walter S. Dilling at her home complimentary to Mrs. J. E. Anthony (nee Miss Janie Craw ford) a recent bride, Mrs. G. W. Falls and Mrs. W. F. .Michael, of Oas tonla. During these hours a hun dred or more guests called. As they arrived the guestts were greeted at the front door by Miss Martha Sicnonton and little Miss Em elyn Dilling received the cards. They were then presented to the receiving line which was composed of the fol lowing ladies: Mrs. V. S. Dilling, Mrs. Anthony, Mrs. Michael, Mrs. Falls, Mrs. George Patterson, Mrs. McKay, Mrs. Young and Mrs. Martin Patterson. In .the dining room, to which the guests were shown by Miss Bessie Simonton, refreshments consisting or cream and cake were served by Miss es Nell Dilling, Xina Hunter, Marie Moss and Mary Fulton. The decora tions here were of yellow and white roses and potted plants. Next they were shown into the punch room, decorated in green and white, where delicious punch was served by Mrs. H. T. Fulton, assisted by Misses Lou ise Dilling and Eloise Williford. The house throughout was most attractively decorated with roses of different colors and potted plants. The front hall was in red and the parlor in pink and green. This occasion was one of the most delightful social events ever held in Kings Mountain and was thoroughly enjoyed by a large number of ladieB. LACKEY-CARSOX WEDDING WEDNESDAY. One of the prettiest and" most fashionable weddings of the season was solemnized at the home of Mrs. J. B. Carson, In the Pisgah section, when her daughter, Sarah Isabelle. became the bride of Mr. Samuel Plnkney Lackey, in the forenoon of May 1 5th at 10 o'clock. The guests were greeted at the front door by Miss Belle Oates and Mr. Ed Carson, brother of the bride. The parlor in which the vows were taken was beautifully decorated in evergreens, daisies and roses. Miss Janette Bigham, of Chester, S. C, skillfully rendered several 'ap propriate selections before the en trance of the bridal party. To the sweet strains of Mendelssohn's wed ding march, played by Mrs. E. G. Carson, of Charlotte, Revs. .1. W. ana E. G. Carson took their places di rectly in fronj of the arch. Miss Belle Oates, wearing white marquis ette over silk trimmed with shadow lace and messaline bands and bead fringe, entered at the left door while 1 Mr. Ed Carson entered at the right. crossing back o! the arch and taking their places on either side in front of the arch. Next came the brides- j maids. Miss Fm hia Lackey, of Fall ' ston, niece of the groom, at the left, exquisitely gowned in white mar i quisette with shadow lace trimming: i Miss Agnes Oatcs at the right, daint ! ily dressed in a lovely white em broidered net gown with lace bands and hand-mai!e dglng as trimming; Miss Florence Carson, at the le.'t, wearing a beautiful dress of white flaxon trimmed with heavy lace bands and edging; Miss Nannie Carson, at the right, dressed in a handsome marquisette gown with lace bands and Irish edging, all crossing back of the arch and taking their places on either side. The bridesmaids wore maline bows in their hair and car ried large bouquets of daisies tied with white ribbon. Next came the bride, leaning on the arm of the groom, taking their places under the wedding bell, which was suspended from the arch, where they were joined together with well chosen words by Rev. J. W. Carson, of Newberry, S. C, assisted by Rev. E. G. Carson, of Charlotte, brothers of the bride. The bride never looked prettier than on this, her wedding day, dress ed in her going-away suit of gray with black hat and carrying a show er bouquet of white roses. The brl- jOeaA (People 77ly name ii "JCoxi." J've had iona e.feAience in Luyina fiAniixAe and ihinaA foA ihe home. of have a y ouno. fAiend Ly ihe name of "flmy" who xiani me io keep heA fioiied on wheAe io Lxi y ihinaA foA heA home. Vhile at am aLoxxi Li cS miahi ai ureil fxtjtiih my leiieAi in yoxtA fafeA heAe. J have ho AecAeii. J Mitl ieit y o vi loii of ihina you on phi io know aLoui fuAnitkhina yoviA home. See my JleiieA io flmy" each wttfc. - Helieve me, Sfailhfxijtly ybuAA, . , j, jCou. Gastonia Furniture Co. The Home of Good Goods. Telephone 23. dal party left the parlor while Mrs. Carson played Lohengrin's bridal chorud. The bride has for a number of years been one of Gaston county's leading teachers, add is loved by all those who know her, for her charm ing personality. The groom is a pros perous farmer of Fallston and is widely known for his noble charac ter. Miss Daisy Gamble had charge or the presents which were numerous. They consisted of cut glass, china, silver ware and linen, which showed the popularity of these two people. Mr. Neill Carson, brother of the bride, kept the register. Over one hundred guests registered. Mr. and Mrs. Lackey's many friends wish for them a long and happy life. Some of the guests who attended the wedding were. Rev. J. W. Car son, of Newberry, S. C; Rev. and Mrs. E. G. Carson and children, or Charlotte, and Mrs. Anna Bell and children, of Blackstock, S. C; Miss es Fannie and Grace Mills, Janette Bigham and Marie Simpson, of Ches ter, P. C: Misses Stamey and Lackey, Messrs. Elliott and Dixon, of Fall-eton. Personal Mention. On page three of to-day's Ga zette will be found an advertisement of the .1. B. Ivey Co., Charlotte. Misses Mabel and Clara Patrick, of the I'nion section, were visitors In town yesterday. Mr. G. L. McKee, of Belmont, route one, was a visitor in the city yesterday. Chief of Police J. W. Patterson, of Mount Holly, was in the city on business yesterday. Mr. J. M. Sloan, of Belmont, was among the business visitors In town yesterday. Mr. Joe Patrick, of the Bowling Green section, was a visitor in Gas tonia yesterday. Messrs. George McKee and Ned Leeper, of Belmont, were brief busi ness visitors in town Wednesday. Dr. T. X. Dulin. of Clover, S. C, was in Gastonia on business Wed nesday. Mr. Robert F. Rankin, of Mount Holly, was among the business visi tors in town Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Withers, of route two, will leave Saturday Tor Hampton, Fla.. where they will re side in the future. Mr. Perry Wright, of Bessemer City, route two, was a Gastonia visi tor yesterday and paid The Gazette office a pleasant call. Rev. J. E. Abernethy returned yesterday from Monroe where on Wednesday he delivered the annual sermon before the graded schools. - Misses Carrie and Mabel Potts, teachers in the city schools, left Wed nesday for their home in Steel Creek, Mecklenburg county. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Holland are now occupying the residence on Ches ter street just vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C. Armstrong. They moved Wednesday. Rev. and Mrs. R. S. Burwell, of New Hope, were Gastonia visitors Tuesday. Mr. Burwell came up to attend an adjourned meeting of Kings Mountain Presbytery. Postmaster J. W. Armstrong, of Belmont, was among the number of Gaston countians who attended the Republican State convention at Ral eigh this week. Mr. Claude R. Miller arrived yesterday morning to spend a few days here with Mrs. Miller and little son, who are visiting her mother, Mrs." R. D. Atkins. Mr. C. A. Spencer, the veteran house-mover, has the contract for moving several houses at the Loray Mill. The work is progressing rap idly. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Armstrong moved Wednesday from the resi dence) they have been occupying on Chester street into their handsome new bungalow on South York street Since the Interurban began Its regular two-hour schedule from Charlotte to Mount Holly several weeks ago an average of five hun dred people daily have been carried between the two points. The ice cream supper given by the ladies of the Methodist church at Lowell and announced for last Satur day night was postponed on account of the bad weather and was held Wednesday night of this week. Misses Willie and Delia John ston, of Mooresvllle, are expected the , first of next week to visit Miss Abbie Hall at Belmont. While in the coun ty they will attend the commence ment at Lin wood College, j Mr. Wiley Qulnn, the well I known carpenter, has installed a , moving-picture machine at the Lo ray Mill and will henceforth furnish the citizens of that locality with the best in the moving picture line. Misses Edith McLean and John sie Adams, Mrs. C. E. Adams, Mrs. E. W. Gilliam and Mr. Raleigh Arm strong formed a party who had a I pleasant motor trip to Davidson Col lege Tuesday afternoon. Miss Marie Lent, will have for her guests for a few days two at tractive Elizabeth College students, Miss Lila Philpot, of Pine Pluff, Ark., and Miss Myrtle Gray, of Gastonia. Charlotte Observer, lfth. Misses Melva Gullick and Edna Rankin, of Belmont, students at the Presbyterian College for Women, Charlotte, are sending a few days at home. They return for the com mencement exercises which begin tonight with the annual concert. Mrs. A. P. Rhyne, of Mi. Holly, spent yesterday in the city with her! daughters, Mrs. E. R. Cannon and Mrs. Arniistead Burwell. Mrs. Rhyne came over to be with her daughter, Miss Mary Rhyne, who is a student at Elizabeth College. Charlotte Ob server, 1.1th. The following item from the Greensboro correspondence of Tues day's Gazette-News will be of inter est to Gastonians: "George H. Thompson, for the past seven years organist at the. First Presbyterian church, has resigned his position to accept a similar one in another city. Mr. Thompson will shortly leave Greensboro much to the regret of his many friends. His successor has not yet been selected by the churcn officials." Mr. Thompson is a for mer Gastonian, being a son of Mr. Thompson. He was at one time or ganist of Main Street Methodist church here. Johnston Lever-fold Mower Strong, light, powerful. Ivasv to operate, easy to draw. A splendid mow er in every way. Trim, neat and simple in construction. Johnston All-Steel Rake A light, durable, self-dumpingmachine, light of draft, easy to handle and of great capacity. Made in several sizes. a 6 Wffl "Hunt's Cure" is absolutely guaranteed to cure Itch, Eczema, Ringworm, Tet ter, or any Skin Disease or purchase price cheer fully refunded. Sold everywhere for 50c. a box, or write, A. B. RICHARDS MEDICINE CO., Sherman, Texas. Sold by Torrence Drug Company. Belmont Drug Co., Belmont, X. C. STANDARD HARDWARE CO. lole agents Majestic Ranges Full Line Door and Window Screens. COMmUNDINO A PHY SICIANS PRESCRIPTION with the care and skill It demands requires the services of an expert pharmacist to preclude all possibili ties of mistakes, and the highest point of accuracy is reached by mak ing our prescription department a leading specialty, where the utmost care is exercised and only pure and fresh drugs are used. Our prices are always reasonable. Adams Drug Co. SAVE THE PIECES for a car will have to bf very badly damaged that our garage and repair shop cannot make good again. We have workmen of amazing skill and Ingenuity who are experts on repair work. We also do renting, storage and , keep a very complete line of Gastonia Garage Co. John C. Rankin, President. R. G. Rankin, Treasurer. Harry Shuford, Manager. ' THREE-YEAR SUBSCRIPTIONS Order for SOUTHERN RURALIST THE BIGGEST AND BEST AGRICULTURAL. PAPER IN THE SOUTH SEND NO MONEY Kindly Sign the Blank Form Below and Become a Regular Subscriber. We desire to invite attention to our three-year subscription proposition. We hope to ob tain one hundred thousand additional subscriptions during the present year to continue for three years. It is practically a trial subscription and payable at the end of the first year. The subscription can be stopped at any time by paying for the period the paper is taken. The subscription price of this paper is $1.00 for three years, and the bill for the subscrip tion is sent to the subscriber at the end of the first year. When the bill goes out we slip in a list of handy premiums for the subscriber to select from, providing he pays the bill promptly, and the general result is that the bill is soon paid. SUBSCRIPTION BLAr&C Southern Ruralist, 20"South Forsyth St, Atlanta, Ga., Dept. 6-K Gentlemen : You are hereby authorized to enter my name as a subscriber to the Southern Ruralist for three years. ON APRIL 1, 1913, I will pay One Dollar for thehree-year period This order is given with the understanding that I am at liberty to stop the paper at any time by paying the subscription to that date. . Name . . . . ; ............... PostofEce. v s 1 Date. .1912. R.F.D.N0. State )K1 4