THE GASTONIA GAZETTE. GASTONIA IS A BTJSY TOWN. FRIDAY, APRIL 11,. ISIS. AUC no i 50 High Class Residence Lots Located Near the Business Center of town. Property owned by J. F. Jenkins. Gastonia, N. C Saturday, April 12th, 1913 at 1:30 P. M. PACE SIX. A Free Lot and a Bag of Gold and Silver Will be Given Away at This Sale. Music by Richardson Bros. Concert Band! This Property is Nicely Located and this will be a chance of a life time to buy lots at your cwn price as they are going to be sold to the highest bidder. Don't fail to hear the Auction eers who each speak at the same time and in the same tone of voice. : i t ; f v, a e) y 1 ,r if a W .t""'ws,V- trf'y ; " ' ' . "it 2, . ' i, - .as'-i-jf; -.Z,' jLtS - t v i , . ' ' ' & ; a z 1 - 1 v -; ; - SOLD AT THE RATE OF ONE A MINUTE This property has been consigned to us to be sold and it is going to change hands. These lots will be sold at the rate of ONE A MINUTE until every lot has been disposed of. THIS PROPERTY WILL BE Sold on Easy Terms to the Highest Bidder Don't Fail to Hear the Twin Auctioneers These Auctioneers hold the world's record for sell ing lots and it will be well worth your tme to wit ness this sale. Attend this Great Sale whether you be speculator or spectator as it will be worth while. REMEMBER THE DATE, PLACE AND HOUR: Saturday, April 12th, at 1:30 P. M. Thomas Bros. Realty & Auction Company, Greensboro, North Carolina WEBB FOR PRESIDENT. Colorado Prohibitionist, Who is Com- ; lng to Gastonia to Live, Says Pas sage of Kenyon-Webb Hill is One of the Greatest Achievements f Modern Times. Gazette readers will be interested In the story below, which is taken from the Washington correspond ence of The Raleigh News aid Ob- J server of the 5th instant for two I reasons: First, because Mr. Webb Is "our" congressman, and secondly because Mr. Ray, author of the let ter, is coming to Gastonia to live, j He is at present assistant postmas- j ter at Victor, Col., but hns effected i an eichange with Mr. .John H. Al len, one of the city letter carrier" here who recently went to Colorado Springs and entered fh" pnval perv Ice. Mr. Ray Is to beein work here as a letter carrier on A ; r i 1 1 "ti and he and his family pre expei ted here the first of next week Following is the dispatch: i W, L. Ray, of Victor, Col., wants! to run Representative E. Y. Webb 1 for the Presidency. The Webb n- j quor bill is the cause. Mr. Kay has written Mr. Webb as follows: ' "You have no doubt been swamp- ed with congratulations over your j Stupendous and matchless victory I over the most powerful political forces and influences in our great republic. However, I want to add my mite of praise to you as the au thor of the most important piece or legislation accomplished in this generation. . "Your name will go down in his tory as the first victorious cham pion of national legislation against thegreatest enemy of the human race. The next great issue to be de cided by the American people is the annihilation of the great curse which threatens the very foundation of good government. "The next national convention or the great Democratic party will be forced to mt this issue, and you might as well begin grooming your self for the fight, pinee you are the logical leader with which we can win. "Put me down as the original Webb man. I am already negotiat ing a transfer to your district in an ticipation of becoming a resident of the hom district of the ftatesmat who has accomplished more for his people than any of his o!ieazne!, and, who is destined to become the fntnre president of the co m'ry he has alreadv served ro magnificently. "You have no conception of how famous you have become all over this great country. Yonr victory gainst ucb very formidable ene mies, la -regarded as one of the irreatest achievements of modern times, "As the father of four boys al low me to crown you as chief among American statesmen. You occupy this position in the hearts of thou sands of true Americans from the Atlantic tA the Pacific. With sin- cerest gratitude and best wishes." Bobeerlbe to TU G&sett To Visit the Holy IjumI. Rev. J. W. Carson, pastor of tiie Associate Reformed Presbyterian church at Newberry, S. C, and a former resident of this county, will attend the World's Sabbath School Convention at Zurich, Switzerland, this summer. The following is from the Newberry Observer: '"The con gregation of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian (hurch in Newberry have granted their pastor, Rev. J. W. Carson, three months leave of absence in order that he may make a visit to Palestine and other por tions of the world beyond the sea. Mr. Carson will sail from New York on the Carpatl-.ia of the Cunard line the chip that rest nod so many of the Titanic- passengers a year ago and will land at Naples, Italy. He will spend a few days in that imme diate section, one of the days in a isit to I'o'hl eii and Mount Yf-sinlus. Other cities to be visited in Italy will be Rome and Florence -spending a week at the former. A large portion of the time will be spent in the Holy Iind. He -will also attend the International f-'abbath School Convention at Zurich, Switzerland, July 8-1.1. On his return trip Mr. Carson will spend some time in France, England and ?cotland. The trip will no doubt prove a very de lightful and instructive one. Dur ing Mr. Carson's absence Mrs. Car son will be at her former home in North Carolina. The pulpit and pas torate of Mr. Carson's church will be filled during his absence by Rev. C. H. Nabers, of the Theological Seminary at Due West." DISTRICT MKKTINt;. HACK FROM ATLANTA. Memorial services for the late .T. Pierpont Morgan were held Sunday in St. George's Protesflnt church, New York City, of which he had for 41 years been a vestryman and !n which the funeral services over the late money king will take place, pro bably on Anril 14th. Each wor Fbiier fo i-d in the rack before him in the church a bulletin recording the death of Mr. Morgan who was a regular attendant and took an active part in the services, one of his ac customed duties being the passing of tho collection plate. Mr. Frank Oates Dead. Tho Enniirer, 4th. Mr. Frank Oates. son of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Oates of Tirzah. died Tn the Fer.nell Infirmary in Rock Hill this morning at about .1:20 o'clock of appendicitis. He had been ill a bout two weeks: but got up yester day morning feeling much better. Later in the day he began complain ing of the old trouble again, and at about noon he was taken to the In firmary. Examination developed be was too weak for the necessary operation and he gre wrapidly worse until the end came this morning. Mr. Oates was about twenty years of age. If yon ret m aample copy of The Gazette ft is an Invitation to sub scribe. Best value for your money tn the county. Knights of Pythian of Tenth District tu Hold Meeting With Whetstone Ivcnlge Ressenier City on the 21st. Invitations reading as follows have been issued: Whetstone Lodge No. 103, Knights of Pythias tequest your presence at a district rseeting to be held in the Castle Hall of the Lodge on Monday, April 21st, 1'. 1 3 at 2 o'clock p. m. Ressemer City, North Carolina. The program for the occasion Is as follows: Organization, .1. If. Kennedy, Dis trict Deputy (irand Chancellor. Address of Welcome, S. .1. Dur ham, chancellor Commander Whet s i oil ii Lodge. i:e.sionse. A. C. Manguni, Gasto nia Lodge No". .1:1. Reports of Lodges in District. New Business. Good of the Order. Demonstrating Secret Work. Second Rank Conferred (Live Candidate ) . At 6:30 p. m., Refreshments. At 7:30 o'clock public meeting in opera house when short addresses will be made by Mr. S. J. Durham, Prof. J. G. Balrd and Dr. D. A. Gar rison. The numbers on the program will be interspersed with irfuslc. The tenth district is composed of the following lodges: Gastonia No. 53; Whetstone Lodge No. 103, Bes semer City; Kings Mountain Lodge No. 94, Kings Mountain; Mt. Holly Ix)dge No. 6S, Mt. Holly: Rathbone ! Lodge No. 37, Charlotte; Mecklen burg Lodge No. 90, Charlotte; Char lotte Lodge No. 83, Charlotte; Mat thews Iodge No. 77, Matthews. It is expected that a large number of Knights will be in attendance. Gas tonia lodg.? expects to send a large delegation. Rev. J. K. Abernethy Closes Memor able Revival at Wesley Memorial Church, Atlanta Over a Hundred Conversions. Rev. J. E. Abernethy, pastor or Main Street Methodist church re turned Monday from Atlanta where he conducted a most successful ten day revival at Wesley Memorial Church. Tuesday morning's Atlanta Jour nal says of the meeting: "Three large congregations heard Rev. .1. K. Abernethy in the closing services on Sunday of the revival which had continued during two weeks at Wesley Memorial churc h. "The day was one of the most me morable in the history of the church, and the closing scene, while a large chorus c hoir sang "God Be With You Till We Meet Again," will not soon be forgotten. "As a result of the revival, over a hundred additions have been made to the church, and a largo number of reclamations have been effected. "But despite this success, the re vival was devoid of anything sensa tional. In speaking of the results of it. Rev. W. R. Hendrix, the pastor, said Sunday night: " 'This has been the greatest meeting for a downtown city church 1 ever have seen. Every service has been an Inspiration. The blessing the church has received is beyond expression.' " Announcement Of Mayor and Board Of Aldermen. Jl'RY LIST. Jurors Chosen to Serve at Special Term of Superior Court to Begin April 14th. Following is a list of the Jurors drawn by the county commissioners to serve at the special term of sGas ton Superolr Court which will begin on Monday, April 14th, for the trial of civil cases. W. A. Dameron, Bessemer City J. Robert Bradley, Gastonia. R. O. Fordham, Dallas. J. S. Jenkins, Gastonia. J. O. Armstrong, Belmont. M. L. Furr, Mount Holly. A. F. Whltesides, Gastonia. C. W. Upton. Mount Ho. y. 3. D. Holland, Dallas. B. P. Ormand, Bessemer City. E. O. Webb, Dallas. O. B. Bell, Gastonia. O. L. Abernethy, Stanley. B. T. Bumgardner, Gastonia. T. B. Va.Hi. S. W. Wilson. Belmont. J. W. Capua, Bessemer City. Andrew L Eaker, Crouse. A dispatch from Cettinje dated April 6th says that the little King dom of Montenegro has thrown down the gauntlet to the six great powers. She declines to yield t othe demands of the powers to abandon her at tempts to gain possession of Scutari and has officially announced that "there will be no departure from an attitude which conforms to the ne cessities of the state of war existing between the Allies of Turkey". PARISIAN SAGE PUTS HAIR ON YOUR HEAD AN'O KKKPS IT THERE. What's the use of being bald? What sense is there In deliberately allowing your hair to turn gray? Do you want to look old before your time Give up the thought; old age will come all too soon. Look after your hair. PARISIAN ?age will kill the- dandruff germs, and is the only preparation, so far aa we know, that is guaranteed to Jo so. Man or woman, no matter how old you are, PARISIAN Sage will make you look younger. Why not go to J. H. Kennedy & Co's. and get a large bottle today, it only costs 50 cents, and your money back if it does not cure dandruff, stop falling hair, or itching of the scalp. It1 will make your hair lux uriant, bright and beautiful, and It is the most refreshing, pleasant and invigorating hair dressing made. 11-18 TO THE CITIZEN'S AND VOTERS OP TIIE CITY OF GASTONIA: AYe, the undersigned Mayor and Hoard of Aldermen of the City of Gastonia, hereby respectfully announce ourscles for re-elcctlon, subject to your will, at the coming municipal election to be held on the first Mon day in May, 1013. f AVe are deeply appreciative of the helpful and generous support that you have unreservedly accorded us at all times in the past, unci the en couragement and co-operation you huve given to us in currying forward measures that hare meant progress and uplift to our community an; common interest. We have endeavorrd to administer the affairs of the City faithfully, impartially and wisely, with the single view or rendering to the general public the most efficient service with the miiiitmiii cosr.x We realize that we have not measured up in the service to the high standard that we ourselves set and desired in your behalf to attain. Hut it is just to ourselves to say that we have reasonably achieved all that could have been done under the system of municipal government in vo gue for years and for which we were in no way resHnsillei and the limited finances at our command when compared with the vast needs of a large and undeveloped territory- Fnlly acquainted, as we believe we are, with the needs of the City respecting development, extension and improvement of our sewerage, lights and water system; the streets and highways of the City, and our public schools, with their ever growing demands, we have for more than a year planned to provide the needed development, and with yojir .ready and cheerful co-operation petitioned the General Assembly for the power to make these things possible. The power was granted, and we are now in a position to make certain these developments, extensions and im provements in accordance with what we believe are matured plans, most effective for the present and future public needs. Under the present charter we saw best in behalf of the public inter ests to have authority granted to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen io ap point a superintendent of public highways, capable and efficient man acting under a committee of three from the Board of Aldermen, as the superintendent of water and UghK etc., is now acting, to devote his en tile time to street and highway construction and maintenance. If it Is yom will to again entrust us with office we expect to inaugurate this sct vice in good faith with the beginning- the new administration. We believe that we are in a position to give you a larger, freer, and more efficient service in the future than In the past, and that we are in a position by reason of our experiences and our familiarity with condl tions, and for the further reason or having matured ,ilais after long deli, beratlon for hi; expenditure of thi money appropriated and to be appro priated for the purioscg mentioned, to spend the ame wisely, economi cally and with rhe greatest efficiency. ' By reason-of the 'act that a Municipal Court has been established for the City of Gastonia the duties of the Mayor have been reduced, so that it is the Judgment of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen that the Mayor's salary for the next administrative term shoulj net exceed $."Oo per annnm. We respectfully request that yon extend to us your hearty support as in the past, and we will faithfully endeavor to give you an economical administration, and one of pogress for our City and general satisfaction to our "citizens. - - Very respect fully yours, THOS. L. CRAIG, Mayor J. O. WHITE, First Ward S. M. MORRIS, Second Ward A. B. ELLIOTT, Third Ward C. Jj. CHANDLER, Fourth Ward " A. M. DIXON, Fifth Ward Jf. H. SEPARK, Sixth Ward. JOHN 0. RANKIN, Seventh, Ward