ASTON-IA GAZETTE PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AXD FRIDAYS. SINGLE COPY 3 CE.NTS. GASTONIA IS A BUSY TOWN. $1.50 A YEAR IV ADVANCE TTESDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 1913. VOL. XXXIV. GASTONIA, X. C. XO. 78. SOI NEW LOCAL BILLS IN SOCIAL CIRCLES THOSE WHO RIDE FREE SHOUT LOCAL ITEMS NEWS OF THE GOUfJTY THE G TO WORK WOMEN ON COUNTY CHAIN CAI G Bill Introduced in Senate Po-Pay by Mr. Mason Allowing Muniripal and Superior Courts In Gaston County to Commit Females to Chain Gang Another Bill Pro viries Two More Weeks of Civil Court to 1h Held in December Other Legislative News. Senator O. F. Mason will Intro duce In the State Senate, probably today, a bill providing that the judge of the Gastonia municipal court and the Superior Court judges may, in their discretion, sentence femaies to terms on the county chain gang to do the work usually done by females. This bill was drawn up and sanc tioned by the members of t no bar and was carried back to local Ral- eigh by Senator Mason yesterday I when he returned to tin- State cap!- tal after spending the week-end ! here with his family. This bill will 1 furnish the courts a means of hand ling a diflicult problem, one that 1ms caused a great deal of annoyance and exiense heretofore. It lias nor been 'possible, under the law. nere- tofore to send females to the county hain gang and as a r suit all le- , male prisoners have been confined I in the county jail where they could I render the county no ser n e ami where they were the cause of a heavy expense to the county. There is much work, such as cooking, washing, sewing, etc., that women can do at the convict camp and heme- this bill will relieve a situa tion which has long been a hard one for the officers of the law. Another bill "hbh "ill twovio'e the speedy administration of justice in the county an 1 a"oi(! a m ans or keeping the court doclts clearer than is at present possible is one in troduced in the Senate by Mr. Ma son providing two weeks of civil court for Gaston county to he held In the month of December e:n h year, making a total of twelve weeks of civil court instead of ten as at pres ent. This bill also provides that civil motions can be made at crim inal terms of court. This also will be a great convenience and will en able litigants to net their cases mov ed along with more speed than lias heretofore been possible. On nnd after October lt, the drill stores of Gnstoniii will b a strictly cash business. See nd on page slv. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. riaber, of Shelby, spent Sunday here with Mrs. Itaher's sister, Mrs. V. X. Da vis. Mr. Batter is postmaster at Shelby. MOTfT r"?M)f love or M&e I 8f Rbmwwum: "Mutt and Jeff" are tired or hav ing Bud Fisher draw them every day. They have proven their abili ty to "draw some." on their own ac count. Fisher can only draw two men, "Mutt and Jeff;" while ".Mu't and Jeff" are drawing thousands of men. women and children every day. See them at the Opera House Octo ber 10th. They're the biggest draw ing card In years. STOMACH UPSET Ml-o-na Will Prevent Further Trou hle It Quickly and Sorely Ends Indigestion and Stomach Distress. Distress after eating, belching or gas and undigested food, that lump of lead feeling In the stomach, head ache, biliousness and lack of energy, are warning signals of out-of-order stomachs. Now at once is tne time to Btop this distress. Ml-o-na Stomach Tablets is the remedy. They are absolutely narm less. Get a fifty cent box today. Their use Burely and quickly stops stomach distress and improves and strengthens the digestive system so that what you eat is converted into nutrition and the entire system is properly nourished. Money back If not benefitted. J. H. Kennedy & Co. Adv. 23-30 LATEST EVENTS IN WOMAN'S WORLD Tl ESPAV AFTEKXOOX CLl 15 MEETING. The Tuesday Afternoon C:ub ts holding its meeting this aftcrnoou with Mrs. 1). A. Uarrson at her home South York street. Mrs. H. X. Garrison, of Corsicana, Texas, is the guest of honor. TO FNTFRTAIN TWO CIARS. On Thursday afternoon of this week, beginning at Tour o'clock, Mrs. P. W. Garland and Mrs. S. X. Hoyce will entertain jointly at the residence of Mrs. Royce. on West Second avenue. Mrs. Garland beins hostess to the S. and O. Club and Mrs. Hovce to the Friendly Matrons Club. MEETING OK WOMAN'S i s i : in : k m h: n r sso i r i o n . We are requested to announce that the regular meeting of the Wo man's Betterment Association will be held on Friday afternoon of this week, beginning promptly at I!::'." o'clock, in the auditorium of the Central graded school. A number or matters of special importance are to be taken up for considerat ion an .1 it is hoped all members will be present and be on time. ... oki:-itsiii:i: wedding i sth!1v night. Mr. Robert Orr and Miss I. aura ; Fisher were united in marriage Sat urday night in the presence of a number of relatives and friends a: the residence of Mr. I.. A. Reynolds : on Trenton street. The ceremony ! was pronounced by Rev. K. A. 1 Campbell, pastor of the I oray Pres byterian Hnii'li. Moth bride and im'ooiii have many friends who will be interested in the news of their marriage. TO WED IN CHARLOTTE i OtTORER SEVENTH. The following is from Saturday's I fkarlotto Xews: ! Interesting a host of friends In I Mecklenburu and Gaston counties, as well as the adopted home of tne! groom in Virginia, are cards read- I ins- as follows: I Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hunt Rhyne reiiuest the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Maio Marguerite To Clarence Killian Rhodes Tuesdav evening. October the sev enth nineteen hundred and thirteen at. S : 1 ." o'clock St. Mark's Lutheran Church Charlotte, .North Carolina. At. home after October the sixteenth Mt. Solon, Va. The bride is an exceptionally clever! pretty and attractive girl. For several years she has been a valued member of the office force at W. T. McCoy Co "s. and won the esteem of all with whom she was as sociated. Mr. Rhodes is a son of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Rhodes, of Dallas, X. C. After graduating from college he en tered the ministry of the Lutheran Church, finishing his theological courre at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Columbia. He was li censed to preach about six months ago, and immediately received a call from the church at Mt. Solon. Va. He is esteemed in Church and State for his ability and fine traits. He has won friends in his new home, to which he takes his bride, who will receive her very cordially. . Gastonia's drug stores will Inaug urate a strictly cash system of doing business October 1st. Read their advertisement on page six. Waste House Humeri. Fire which broke out at 2 o'clock Sunday morning destroyed the waste house of the Avon Mill on East Franklin avenue. Fortunately the waste had been shipped out only a few days previous and there was very little of value in the building. The total loss will hardly exceed $150. How the fire originated Is not known. The big warehouse, on ly a few feet distant and which housed a large quantity of cloth and yarns ready for shipment, escaped injury. On and after October 1st, the drug stores of Gastonia will do a strictly cash business. See ad on page stx. Get one of The Gazette's dinner sets free. It's easy. Gaston ia Cotton. Good Middling 13 3-4c Cotton Seed 33c Do You Fenr Consumption? Xo matter how chronic your cough or how severe your throat or lung ailment is, Dr. "King's Xew Discov ery will surely help you: it may save vour life. Stillman Green, of Malichite. Col., writes: "Two doc tor's said I had consumption and could not live two years. I used Dr. King's Xew Discovery and am alive and well." Your money re funded if it fails to benefit you. Tne best home remedy for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. Price 50c. and $1.00. Guaranteed by J. H. Kennedy & Co. Adv. RAILROAD PASS HOLDERS IN ASSEMBLY Corxration Commission Sends In Namew of Senators and Represen tatives Who Hide on I'asses Railroads Assure Legislature That Their l'roMsal on Freight Hates is Marie in Good Faith. The following extracts are rrom the Raleigh correspondence of The Charlotte Observer dated yesterday and appearing in this morning's is sue: There came to the House of Rep resentatives today from the Corpor ation Commission the list of mem bers of the legislature and State officers, as far as the commissioners could ascertain them, who ride on railroad passes. Tho list follows: Senators A. 1). Ivie, J. P. Cook. A. T. Grant. O. F. Mason, tof (las- ton I, gers t ives .1. T. Page George H. McLeori, .1. II. lirid anri 11. W. Stnbbs; Renresenra R. L. Phillips. .1. Frank Ray, Foy, H. F. McMillan, H. A. (). R. Cofield. I). P. Ilellinuer, (of Gaston I. A. F. F. SeaweU. V. II. Weatherspoon. Mark Majefte, W. C. Mowri. State o'liccrs Hr. Joseph If. Pratt, W. P. Wood. M. L. Shlpman. T. (',. Colili, Hiil-Ii McRae and the Corporal ion Coin mi ssi oners!. The commission explained that n umbers of these passes were on a newspaper advertising basis, some received by directors of railroad companies and others by attorneys. Another distinctive feature of the session of the House was the pre sentation by Representative Justice of the renly of the railroad compa nies to the legislative inuutry pro pounded throimh Mr. Justice as to alleged "a m hi a u it ies" in t he pend ing proposal. Mr. Justice prefaced his reading of the reply with an hour's speech on the rate situation in general and the development of this leading up to the amended pro posal, j The reply of the railroads states that the pronosal measures to "rates j from tji West." that proportionate . rates proposed to be established south of Virginia cities will apply from points west of llu ffa lo-Pit ts- ' bur:.' zones, whether based on (Tie , Ohio River crossings or on Virginia : cities: that after acceptance of the nroposal by the legislature, it will have to be submitted to tbe Inter state Commerce Commission after' rates in detail have been worked : out. but that certainly the new rate will be apnlied just as speedily a Possibly and the application be made : in the utmost trood faith: that there; is no resolution contemplated in fiie nroposal as amended or retaliatory j legislation and that the railroad ' companies have entered the nogothv I (ions in a spirit of compromise ro ' meet the wishes of the people, rely- i ing for their protection, not on any j contract with the State, but up..;, I the sense of fairness and justice ol ! the representatives of the people and upon the faith that if the Stat" should accent the proposal. sucn course will thereafter be pursued by the State as would he in keeping with the spirit of the settlement ana .lust, fair and equitable under tho circumstances. Secretary of State and Mrs. Rry pn may become residents of Ashe ville. says The Citizen. David Carey, a farmer living near F.lm City, fell from a window in a tobacco warehouse in Wilson Friday ana was killed. Robeson County has a 14-year-old boy who is some cotton plcKer. One day last week he picked .Til pounds. Last year in one day he picked I! 1 0 pounds. .1. II. Taylor, a merchant of Greens boro. .'(i years old, was found dead in hip store Thursday morning with two bullet wounds in his body. Ke lieved to have been killed by burg lars. The Lee Manufacturing Company, manufacturing desks at Thomas ville. has failed. Kd Ragan, of High Point, is temporary receiver. Lia bilities estimated at about $60,000, with assets at $40,000. George S. Xance, the man who murdered his wife in a hotel at Hamlet and then set her body afire, was last week found to lie Insane and was sentenced to confinement in the criminal insane department at the State prison. A mob gathered around the jail at midnight Friday night bent on lynching him but the sheriff, having gotten wind of the proposed lynching, had spirited him away in an auto and took him to Raleigh. nOVT T,ET RARV SITTER WITH ECZEMA AXH SKIV ERUPTIONS. Babies need a perfect skin-covering. Skin eruptions cause them not only Intense suffering, but hinder their growth. DR. HOHSOX'S EC ZEMA OIXTMEXT can be relied on for relief and permanent cure of suffering babies whose skin erur tlons have made their life miserable. "Our baby was affteted with breax lng out of the sfcin all over the face and scalp. Doctors and skin spec ialists failed to help. We tried Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment and were overjoyed to Fee baby com pletely cured before one boxwas us ed" writes Mrs. Strubler, Dubuque, Iowa. All druggists, or by mail. 50c. J. H. Kennedy & Co. Adv. PFEIFFFTi CHEMICAL CO., St. Louis, lo. Philadelphia, Pa. THE MOVEMENTS OF 6AST0N PEOPLE Personal Items About Gaston Folk and their Friends Short Item About People and Things That Ar. of Interest to Gazette Reader Condensed for Their Convenience October first and strictly cash. Less than two months till San ta Claus comes. Rev. W. L. Sherrlll, pastor of the Methodist church at Pinevllle, was in town a short whjle between trains yesterday. Mr. F. I). Rarkley left 4n Xo. r. last night for Atlanton busi ness. He xx ill be absent from the city for three or four days. Mr. C. A. Turner, oT was a business visitor in vesterdav. Ho went from G rover, Cast on ia here to Charlotte. Mrs. K. II. Smith, who has been the guest for the past two her daughter, Mrs. It. II. 1 weeks of l'lyier, le!". Colu. nbl.l. vesterday for her home in S. C. Mrs. G. W. McLaugheti Is spend ing the day in town with her son, Mr. G. F. McL'iughcii. She leaves this afternoon for KitiKs Mountain where she xx ill spend some time with her son, Mr. I'd .McUaughen. A new schedule went into feet on the inlerurhan Sunday. now leave for Charlotte at ft er- ars 4 or in ami 1 1 in. onlv, instead at C, 7, X, : :: the summer, daily schcilul unchanged. Rev. and Maiden, came afternoon hy lic with Mrs. II. Motet), of and 1 it : as during lie remainder of tne remains practically Mrs. .1. A. lloyle, or to C.astonia yesterday private conveyance ro Movie's sister, .Mrs. .1. roil' three, who un derwent a serious operation yester day at the City Hospital. Mr. lloyle was formerly pastor of the Loray P.aptist church at this place. - A card received this morning by Mrs. W. X. Davis st tes fhat ail four of the Gastonia iifitifuits who are in the Jolinson-Wims Sanatori um at Richmond. Messrs. W. X. Pa vis and J. Lee Robinson, Mrs. John C. Robinson and Mrs. Kli P. Line berger, are getting along very wen. Mr. Davis hopes to lie able Ui re turn home in about two weeks. - Mr. and Mrs. J. Ralph Rankin and two little sous, who have been living at Spokane. Wash., for the past two or three yours, returned to Gastonia last ctjr They are at present with McrHank in's mother at her home on Morris street. They expect to move later to Riverside Farm on the Catawba, where Mr. Rankin is manager of one of the three sections into which the It, 300 acre tract has been divided. "How To Obtain Xew Eife." Many thousands of people suffer ing from different ailments have ask ed this same question many times over and our answer is to take "Kuro-Tahlets" a purely vegetable compound, formulated by an emin ent physician for all diseases arising from Disorders of tho Liver, Kid neys or Impure Rlood. Everybody is using "Hum-Tablets" with great success. These tablets can be ob tained by sending a Money Order for $1.00 for FOI'R BOXKS Six months treatment. Agents wanted. Address The World Stamford Mf'g. Co.. TOO S. Street, X. V Washington, l. C. OT-C4 The sting of a wasp last Friday killed Lady Molesworth at Trewar thenic, Kngland. She was an Amer ican, being before marriage Miss Jane G. Frost, daughter of R-lgadler General I). M. Frost, V. S. A., of St. Louis. The wasp stung Lady Moles worth on the jugular vein and she died in 20 minutes. Week by Week Each Week Appear the Statement of Gastonia Residents. Last week it was a Gastonia citi zen who spoke. The week beTore, it was a Gastonia citizen who spoke. The week before, and for many weeks before it was a Gastonia citi zen who spoke. And again this weeK it is a Gastonia man. You are not asked to act upon the word or a stranger. The best guidance that is humanly possible to give you tne encouraging word of neighbors, is always given. T. H. White, justice of the peace. 511 E. Main St.. Gastonia. X. C. says: "I suffered from weak kid neys for several years and I had a too frequent desire to pass the kid ney secretions. This annoyance ob liged me to arise during the night. Finally. I got a supply of Doan'g Kidney Pills from the Torrenee Drug Company's drug store and ar ter using them, I felt better in e ery way. I hope that my endorse ment will be the means of helping other kidney sufferers." For sale by all dealer. Price 50 rents. Fopter-MHburn Co., Buffalo, Xew York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan'g and take no other. Swiss liuilriing & Loan Fact. The officers of the Home Rulldlng & Loan Association are expecting the new series, the fourth, which Is to be opened Saturday October 4th, to be the best yet. In the three series already opened there aro 1 , shares In force, held by over lino stockholders. Every sharo Is sued during the 18 month's of the association's existence is still In force, no shares havlne been drop lied. Already neatly $21,nno has Ix'en loaned to shareholders, many of whom have built new homes with tho aid of tho loans. Law in Effect October First. The vital statistics law eiiaclei! by tlie last General Assembly goes Into effect the first day of October. On and after that date all heads of famlles, fathers and mothers, of t?:e city of Gastonia and Gastonia town ship are required by law to make a true and accurate report to tbe doc tors and mid-wives of the city and township, of all births and deaths. Where there is no physician or mid wife, the father or mother of the child is ieiiiireil by law to make the report of birth to the registrar, Ks iilire W. Meek Adams, whose iiriic is upstairs over the Shuford Compa ny's store on West Main avenue. Mr. J. II. Green has been appointed dep uty icglstrar to act in his stead In case of his absence from the city, illness or inability. Mr. Green can be found at (lie office of the Gasto nia Plumbing H Heating Company on South street. All persons bury ing their dead outside of the city are required to make a full and ac curate report to the local registrar within ten davs. HO SI'I'PFR FOR RAND. Fii.inyuhle Event Saturday Night Tor llenelit of lo ray Concert Rand, Splendid New Musical rganl.ii tion Cake of Soap llrings Over 15.00. A box supper was given In Itrad ley hall Sat unlay night for the tien ellt of the Loray Concert Hand, a new musical organization of wti'cn Mr. Kenneth Todd is director. The ladies of the Loray village furnished the boxes anil they were auctioned off to the highest bidder, Mr. T. M. Mt Kntire anil Mr. Audio E. Ream acting as auctioneers. A good-sized crowd was in attendance and a nca'. sum was realized for the hand. An interesting feature of th, ev- en i n g small t hose of a aini one winch rurntsiici no amount of amuscmen' lo. present was the auct lon'.ng olT cake of laundrv soap E.on bidder w as allowed for 'a. li p uny he bid one vote for his choii as tne ugliest man In the house. When the sidling of votes was completed it was found that the five cent cake nl soap had netted the band j 1 . n S . the number of votes cast helni, 1 , .":!:!. The highest number. 41- votes, W'as received by Mr. Call nat ion, who was accordingly declared the ugliest man in the house. Mr. A. K. Ream came second with Ml votes and Mr. Tom Plyler got The remaining llx; votes were :tn... s.i a r- tered. Tbe Loray Concert Hand was or ganized about three months ago and is rapidly developing Into a ctrng musical organization. '"atsnday night was the first time the band had' "appeared In public" and 'r.e music it furnished for th box sup per was greatly enjoyed by those present. There are twenty pieces vi the band and every player is an en thusiast. The boys are practicing hard and wllJno doubt soon tie :n a position to make music alongside the best bands in the country. They have the good will of the entire set tlement and this Is an ass-?t wM worth counting. Druggists Endorse Dodson's Liver Tone It is a Guaranteed Harmless Vegeta ble Remedy that Regulates the Iiver Without Stopping Your Work or I"lay. A dose of calomel may knock yon completely out for a day some times two or three days. Dodson's Liver Tone relieves attacks of con stipation, biliousness and lazy liver headaches, and you stay on your feet. The Adamg Drug Company sell Dodson's Liver Tone and guarantees it to give perfect satisfaction. If you buy a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone and do not find It the safest, most pleasant and successful liver remedy you ever took, this store will give you back the nt cents you paid for it without a question. This guarantee that a trustworthy druggist is glad to give on Dodson's Liver Tone is as safe and reliable as the medicine, and that Is saying a lot. Adv. LATEST FROM lOUR CORRESPONDENTS Newsy Letters from Gazette Obr pondenta Here and There Oraaj Good Old Gaxton What On Neighbors Are Doing in the Va iom Section of the County Pert aonal Mention of People Tol Know and Some You Don't KnoWi MR. P. C. Rl IUSIIJ, DFAI). Well-Known Citizen of Cherryville Passed Away at I.incolnton Hos pital llurieri at St. Mark's Sun day. Correspondency of The Gazette. CIIKRRVVILLK. Sept. HIS many friends In Cherryvllle and the county were greatly pained to hear of the death of Mr. P. C. Uudlsill which occurred Saturday morning at the Llncolntnu Hospital, follow ing an illness of several weeks. His body was brought back to Cherryville Saturday and funeral services and burial took place Sun day morning at 1 1 o'clock at St. Mark's Lutheran church, where his .membership has been for many years. The services were conducted Sy the pastor, Rev. J. C. Deltas. and were attended by a large gathering of relatives and friends. He leaves to mourn bis departure four sons and three daughters. Mr. Rudlslll was a meat church worker and will be greatly missed by all who knew him. . MOl'NT IIOLLV MATTFRS. F ii roll in en of 2(1(1 in High School Stiwt Lights Installed Other News Items. Charlotte Observer, 2fith. Mount Holly. Sept. I'.V -The boom in school work and attendance la found in Mount Holly, as well as other places. The high school here Is under the stipcrintendency of Mr. Roy Fiindeiburk, who is a native Of Monroe. The opening day found 268 fresh, active boys and girls ready for ( lass room. The two-story, three-store building opposite A. I. Rhyne's office build ing is rapidly nearing completion. It adln much to the appearance of Main street. It Is currently report ed that the corner store will be oc cupied by a drug store, up-to-date In every way. The city council some time ago contracted with the Southern Power Company for 20 lights for the streets. These have been installed. Tbe Gaston Mrlck Company, which has been In operation In the eastern part of town making a superior brick, Is branching out. Ten days ago it went Into the western part of town and purchased over 200 acres to be devoted to brlck-maklng. Grading Is now under way, get ting yards ready for drying sheds, machinery and kilns. This Is an In dustry financed by local capital. Four million brick is the output for this season. This concern Is furnishing the brick for the Latta building go ing up on South Tryon street, Char lotte. Chjerryville Chat. The Eagle. Miss Ada Crowder. of Gastonia, Is spending the week here with rela tives and friends. Mr. Evon L. Houser. of Dallas, was a business visitor In town Mon day. Our representative, Hon. S. S. Mauney, left Tuesday morning for Raleigh to be on hand at the caucus Tuesday night to nominate a speak er. From a little over three acres Mr.. Charlie Wltherspoon put on the mar ket this year 40 two-horse loads of melons from which he realized over $ 4bfi. Mr. Cadmus Stroup and family, who has been living In Altamont for some time, moved back to Cherry villet last week. Miss Mattie Kendrick left last Monday to enter Lime Stone Col lege at Gaffney, S. C. Mr. J. P. Dellinger, who has been down on his Pioneer farm in Scot land county for the past few weeks, visited homefolks here last Friday and Saturday, returning Sunday. Mr. A. L. Beam, formerly of this place but now a prominent citizen of Granite Falls, spent a few days here last week on business and pleasure combined. Miss Nellie Summer, of this place, has been elected to teach in '.the. Cliffside schools. Rev. J. Frank Harrelson has been elected princi pal. Gastonia's drug stores will inaug urate a strictly rash system of doing; business October 1st. Read their advertisement on page six. Subscribe to The Gazette. Safest Laxative for Women. Nearly every woman needs a rood laxative. Dr. King's New Life Pills are good because they are prompt, safe, and do not cause sal a. Mrs. M. C. Dunlap, of Leadill, Tenn says: nr. s isew Lire Vlllm helped her troubles greatly." TJets box today. Price. 25c. Recom mended by J. H. Kennedy Com pany. Ad?. 1 '