FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, IMS. THE GASTOXIA GAZETTE. CASTOXIA IS A BUST TOWX. PAGE THREE. Trustee's Auction Sale O F Horses, Buggies, Harness, Etc. On Saturday October beginning at 11 o'clock highest bidder for cash at the CRAIG and WILSON STABLES in Gastonia the following personal property, to wit: 20 livery horses, right out of work. Some nice pairs among them and some good family broke ones. 20 buggies, most of them in fairly good con dition. Nearly all rubber-tired. 6 surries, 2 spring wagons, 1 Brougham, 7 farm wagons, 2 four-horse, 3 two-horse and 2 one-horse. 20 sets of harness, about half one-horse and other half two-horse. A few sets of extra big heavy double harness. One mower and a lot of other property be longing to the livery outfit of Mr. E. L. Wilson. This property will be sold as advertised, rain or shine, and your price must be ours. It will pay you to take a clay off from your business and attend this sale. These are no wild branded horses but mostly ;?ood broke business horses, ready for work; the rind that ought to suit almost anybody. Remem ber they will be sold regardless of price. S. IN. Boyce Thos. L. Craig Trustees Notice to Automobilists, Motorcyclists and Bicyclists The following instructions have been received from the Secretary of State wiWi reference to the enforcement of the laws f and warning Is hereby Riven that from now on the State laws and city ordinances with reference to automobilists, motorcyclists and bicyclists will be strictly enforced by the local officer s. Secretary of State Jlryan Grimes has sent out the following to all of ficers in the State: To the Sheriffs, Deputy Sheriffs, Policemen, Marshals, Watchmen and Constables of Xorth Carolina: "Do not permit any automobile or motorcycle to run anywhere or at any time unless proper display tin mber for 1913-14 appears on rear. "Do not permit any person to operate a motor vehicle of any kind unless such person shall, upon demand, show license for the current year. . "Do not permit any person to attempt to transfer license to another person. License Is void In the hands of any person other than the one to whom issued. It is also void for any machine except the one describ ed therein. "Do not permit speed exceeding 10 miles an hour in the business portion and 15 miles in the residential section of any city or town, and 25 miles on public highways. "Persons violating the automobile law are subject to a fine of $50 or imprisonment of 30 days upon conviction before a justice of the peace or any other officer, having jurisdiction. ' "Each of the officers named herein is liable on his official bond for failure or neglect in carrying out the duties above Imposed. "Copie of the automobile law and blanks for registration will be furnished promptly upon application to (Signed) "J. BUY AX GRIMES, Secretary of State, Raleigh, X. CV The City Chapter 13 Sec. 142, (page 82.) That all persons driving automo biles on the street in the town of O astonia at night shall be required to have in the front of such automobile a headlight snfficient to give all persons on the street warning of the approach of such automobile. That any person who shall operate any automobile, bicycle, motor cycle or any other machine drawn or propelled by gasoline, steam, elec tric power or other power, or any other horseless carriage of any kind, without displaying such headlight, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor; and upon conviction thereof before the Mayor, shall be fined twenty dollars. Fair warning is given that this ordinance is to be rigidly enforced in the future. J. W. Carroll Cheif of Police Subscribe for the Gazette. $1.50 a year. 8th, 1913 a. m. we will sell to the Ordinance THE VICTORIES OP PEACE. (Continued from page 2.) bearer for other Nations! And how great is the responsibility:" He closed with a plea to each individual for a faithful discharge of this hign responsibility. After the address Mr. Bryan shooK hands for nearly an hour with men who crowded about him eager to greet the ' tribune of the people." SUCCEEDING IX WEST VIRGINIA. Mr. Lucius J. Holland, an Old Gas ton Roy, Htm Made Good a Mem ber of the Har at Blueneld, V. Va. Here on a Short Visit. Mr. Lucius J. Holland, an old aston county boy now residing in Y., where he is one or leadlna-tnembers of the bar, la eek's visit to his brotn- err Attorney . u. Holland, ana oin- er relatives In the county. He ar rived last Saturday and expects to leave for home tomorrow. Tuesday Mr. Holland spent in Kings Moun tain attending the big celebration of the 133rd anniversary of the fa mous battle. The following concerning Mr. Hol land appeared in Sunday's edition or The Bluefield Daily Telegraph whicn was the twentieth anniversary edi tion of that paper and, which by the way, is a most creditable exhibition of newspaper enterprise: "Cities which have sprung Into existence in receift years, and back ed by such rich natural resources as Bluefield, attract the ablest and best talent in all the professions and trades, and it is but natural thai Bluefield should have gained many of her ablest citizens from the states surrounding, while attracting many of her native sons. Particularly at tractive has become the legal talent here, not because that our peopl do not have proper regard for the law, but the locating of so many big min ing and manufacturing enterprises in this section have called for the best of legal talent, and the result has been the assembling of a bar Tn Mercer county that is equal to any county in this or other states. Prominent among the leaders of the local bar is Mr. K J. Holland, who is a North Carolinian, and his fore pight as to the splendid future or this city caused him to leave his old home at Dallas some nine years ago and cast his lot with Bluefield. That his move was wise is best shown ly the very large clientage which Mr. Holland has succeeded in building here, and his practice has been large ly remunerative and has placed him among those with comfortable finan cial ratings in this city. Mr. Hol land is just in the prime of a vigor ous manhood and he is using his wide Influence for the development of the city and county along lines of permanence and the higher elevation of our citizenship. He enjoys the confidence and esteem of the busi ness, financial and social world, and among positions of honor held by him is that of director of the First National Bank. He is a man or commendable public spirit, and ready at all times to aid in his adopted city's progress in any way possible." What Constitutes a Lie. John Ruskin. The essence of lying is In decep tion: not 1n words. A lie may be told by silence, by equivocation, by the accent on a syllable, by a glance of the eye attaching a peculiar sig nificance to a sentence; and all these kinds of lies are worse and baser t)y many degrees than a lie plainly worded. So that no form of blinded conscience is so far sunk as that which comforts itself for having de ceived because the deception was by gesture or silence, instead of utter ance. STOMACH TROUBLES Mr. Ragland Writes Interesting Letter on This Subject Madison Heights, Va. Mr. Chas. A. Ragland, of this place, writes: "1 have been taking Thedford's Black-Draught for indigestion, and other stomach troub les, also colds, and find it to be the very best medicine I have ever used. After taking Black-Draught for a few days, I always feel like a new man." Nervousness, nausea, heartburn, pain in pit of stomach, and a feeling of full ness after eating, are sure symptoms of stomach trouble, and should be given the proper treatment, as your strength and health depend very largely upon your food and its digestion. To get quick and permanent relief from these ailments, you should take a medicine of known curative merit. Its 75 years of splendid success, in the treatment of just such troubles, proves the real merit of Thedford's Black Draught Safe, pleasant, gentle in actio.i, and without bad after-effects, it is sure to benefit both young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25c. N. C ia Why Scratch ? "Hunt's Cure" is guar anteed to stop and per manently cure that ter rible itching;. It is com pounded for that pur pose, and we will promptly refund year money WITH- I OUT QUESTION if Hunt I I uun lua io nn uca, cczc Jtl ma, Tetter, Rlnf Torm or ' aav other Skta Daeaac Soli and pmooauV gtonntecd by ta. Price 50c. Sold By: Torrenc Drag Co., Gastonia. Belmont Drag Co., Belmont. V J 'I Mi V BOOTH'S HYOMEI Has Benefitted Thousands of Ca tarrh Sufferers Will Do the Same for You or Money Back. The Hyomel treatment that has effectively benefitted many tnousanag of sufferers from catarrh, bronchitis, husky voice and colds in the head is easy and pleasant to use. Just pour a few drops in the Inhaler and breathe it in no stomach dosing The healing, soothing and antiseptic aid will reach every nook and crev ice of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat; will surely stop crusts in the nose, raising of mucus, hawking and that choked-up feeling It will quickly allay the inflamma tion and banish the disease or money refunded by J. H. Kennedy & Co. A complete Hyomei outfit, includ ing inhaler and bottle of liquid costs only $ 1 .00, and an extra bottle or liquid, if afterwards needed, is but 50 cents. Adv. 3-10 THE H.V OF ATONEMENT. lri.vripal Holy Day of the Jewish Calendar, Vom Kippur, Falls this Year on Saturday, October 11. Greensboro News. The Day of Atonement is the holi est day in the Jewish calendar. This year it falls on Saturday, the 11th of October. Its Biblical designation is Yom ha-Kip-purim, later shorten ed to Yom Kippur. According to Biblical tradition it is one of the cy cle of holidays instituted by Moses, for we find tt mentioned in Ijeviticufc 23:. 26-32, in the list of holidays. Its ceremonial is described in Ievlt iciis 1 1, its sacrifices in Numbers 29:7-1 1. However, the Day of Atonement Is not dependent on the sacrificial ser vice prescribed in the Bible. Thus, after the destruction of the temple in the year 70, when sacrifices were abolished, the Day of atonement was able to survive, and of all the holi days of the Jewish calendar it has most completely held its own In trie hearts and observance of the Jewlsn people. Emphasis was laid upon confession, penitence, prayer and good deeds. It became the day of "afflicting one's soul" (Isaiah 57:3 5), which .was interpreted as mean ing fasting from the eve of atone ment until the following evening. As in the Biblical ceremonial, confes sion continues to be an Important feature of forgiveness of sins be tween man and his Maker, sins be tween man and man are not forgiv en until redress is made of the In jury. The eve of atonement Day, therefore, becomes the occasion for the cessation of feuds and ill-will. And the Day of Atonement s known as the Sabbath of Sabbaths when we are at peace with all tne world. The servlceof the Day of Atone ment beginning with Kil NIdre serv ice on the eve of atonement is a con tinuous one throughout the entire day. The prayers in the synagogue are intoned in plaintive penetential tones. The spirit of the masterly sermon of Isaiah (Isaiah 57:4-9), which is the prophetical portion of the morning's reading, is manifested throughout. . ' York and Yorkville. The Enquirer, 3rd. Miss Bessie Thomasson, of Clover, is with the McConnell Dry Goods Company as a saleslady. Mr. James A. Sherer, for several years past in the employ of the Yorkville Banking & Mercantile Co., has taken a position as assistant in the Yorkville postofTlce. Miss Eunice McConnell left Wed nesday for Birmingham, Ala., arter spending several weeks with tier mother, Mrs. V. H. McConnell, In Yorkville. Reports as to the condition of Miss Mattie Craig, who it at the home of Mr. It. A. Shillinglaw, on York ville, route seven, are not encourag ing. Miss Craig has been ill for al most a year and grave doubts are expressed as to the probability of her recovery. Miss Annie DuPre, of Yorkville. who is visiting in Spartanburg, was one of the assistants at the recep tion given after the marriage of Miss Helen Allison DuPre, of Spartan burg, to Mr. Carlos Roland Mosiey, of Iaurens, last Wednesday n;gnt. The wedding and the reception that followed, were quite brilliant af fairs. The Yorkville graded school root ball team is getting into shape, ana the boys are now trying to arrange a schedule of games. Superintendent J. H. Witherspoon has turned the management of the team over to the boys this year. States Finley, a member of last year's team is man ager, and Is now working toward the arrangement of games. William Moore, another old player, is cap tain of the eleven. While the team is minus a number of those wno played last year, several new boys have gone inte the sport. The regular meeting of the city council for October will be held at the city hall next Tuesday night. Rev. J. D. Moose, pastor of the Loray Baptist church, accompanied by Mrs. Moose and their little daughter. Alma, went to Moores ville Monday on a visit to Rev. Mr. Moose's father, Mr. J. W. Moose, who has been quite sick but is now some better. They returned to tne city Tuesday night. A series of special revival ser vices has been in progress at tne Loray Baptist church for the past three weeks and will continue through this week. The pastor, Rev. J. D. Moose, is doing the preaching, services being held every night at 7:30. A protracted meeting will begin at West End Methodist church next Sunday. The paBtor. Rev. Nelll C. Williams, will preach Sunday ana beginning Monday night Rev. E. H. Davis, of Rockingham, will preach every night during the remainder of the week. Residents on rural routes sbonVI sue return envelopes. Get them for any route tn the county at 80 caste per 100 at The GaaetU office. Oh, I'm a Soapmaker all right. And it's so EASY--so QUICK! dlfolva a can ct ma la m quart of writer. Now pour '.' r-' r .. tour pouola ct mtltcJ Qraaaa, do DOILII.U ct ttl. And you will have tcven pounds of fine, ha-J goa, tJc. worth, and 1 only cost 5c, a nickel, a half dime. I am RED DEVIL LYE GET ME AT ANY GOOD STORE SAVE MY In N ew 0 Quarters Padgett & Saunders Tailors Fit Style Satisfaction Sanitary Steam Pressing Phone 222 The Celebrated E. Z. Force Pump For Deep or Shallow Well. A Pump that will supply your wa ter requirements for your stock barn, hog lot, water tank, kitchen, bath room and a Pump that your wife or child can work with all the ease in the world. If you have a well you should have this Pump. Sold on easy terms. No money down. Installed free of charge and satis faction guaranteed. The more you know about this Pump the better you will like It. Call, phone or write M. W. HANNA District Agent, Gastonia, X. C. Phone 317 Cheater, St. E. Z. FORCE PUMP COMPANY, .Manufacturers, Winston-Salem, X. C. DOXT LET YOrR SUBSCRIP TION' TO THE GAZETTE EXPIRE. LOOK AT THE DATE OX YOUR LABEL AXD 6EXD US YOVR KE XEWAL BEFORE YOUR TIME EX PIRES. ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE STOPPED WHEX OUT UNLESS RENEWED. LABELS ZZ ONLY We have moved into the rooms adjoining the P. & N. passenger sta tion back into our old place. It would give us great pleasure to have you call and see us in our new quarters. While doing so you can take a look at the new fall and winter samples and let us take the measure for your new suit. s Us ee Before Placing Yonr Order For Roofing, Guttering Or Anything InTin Work. Jno. S.Jenkins & Son Davis Block Phone 804-L Gastonia, N. O. Typewriters For Sale, For Rent or Exchange "FACTORY REBUILT" TYPEWRI TERS Are perfect in quality, condition and looks. Durable and reliable In construction. Serviceable In every way and absolutely the nearest yon can get to a brand new machine. WE GUARANTEE FOR ONE YEAR, against defect in workmanship and material. , You Save from $40 to $60 on a Purchase We carry two or three machine on hand of the very latest models, standard makes. Can deliver any special kind on short notice. William L. Walters Geo. L Rawlings The stores of all the Jewish merchants in the city will be closed -from 6:30 this evening until :39 Saturday evening in observance., of Yom Kippur, er the Day of Atone-, ment, which Is the holiest day of the Mr. H. Schneider, D. & L. Lebovlts. The Fashion, of which Mr. B. tL Kassel ts proprietor, and the Gasto nl. 1titn r f nmnanv nf Iff Alex Sherman Is proprietor. Rabht Silverstein, of Charlotte, win con duct services here both tonight ul tomorrow. ji

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