GASTOXIA IS A BUST TOWN. THE GASTOXIA GAZETTE. PAGE 8EVE3r FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 11S. S3.SO S4.00 Do You Limit your Shoe Price ? Many men place a limit on the price they will pay for a pair of shoes, but isn't it better to learn about the different val ues at each price? See how much more actual value 50c or $1.00 extra will buy? Then if it means double value for your money, its econ omy to pay more. Come in and find out about the extra value in our $3.50 and $4.00 shoes. Also our Menzies work shoes, the best that can be had for , the money. Dorothy Dodd shoes for ladies. Crossett's shoes for men. Menzies shoes for men and boys. Stowe Clothing and Shoe Co. Head to Foot Outfitters Legal Advertisements. NOTICE OF SKKVICE OF SUM MONS II Y PUULICATIOX. North Carolina, Gaston County, In the Superior Court. Jessie Scruggs vs. Ambrose Scruggs The defendant above-named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Gaston County to obtain a decree of absolute divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between plaintiff and de fendant, and forever freeing and separating said plaintiff, on statuto ry grounds; and the said defendant will further take notice that he Is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said County to be held on the Seventh Monday ar ter the First Monday in September, 1913, which Is the 20th day of Octo ber, 1913, at the Court House In said County, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff filed In said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This the 19th day of Sept., 1913. C. C. CORXWELL, Clerk of the Su perior Court. A. C. Jones, Atty. for Plaintiff. O-10C4W NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All persons having claims against E. Lee Wilson are hereby notified to present the same to us promptly and all persons having claims against said E. Lee Wilson are hereby noti fied to file duly verified statements of same with the Clerk of the Supe rior Court of Gaston County, North Carolina, as required by Section 97Z of the Revlsal, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery there on. . This the 18th day of Sept., 1913. THOS. L. CRAIG, S. N. BOYCE, F-0 10c4w Trustees. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ATLANTA JOURNAL, DAILY. SUN DAY A SEMI-WEEKLY. LARGEST CIRCULATION SOUTH OF BALTIMORE, BY MAIL: -Daily A Sunday per annum. .17.00 Dally Only, per annum ...... 6.00 Sunday Only, per annum .... 1.00 6eml-Weekly. per annum.... 1.00 ALL THE NEWS! ALL THE TDIE1 PROFESSIONAL CARD R. C. Patrick ATTORNKT-AT-LAW Notary Public, Insurance and Bona- Office over IVst Office, GastoaU, X. C. W. B. MORRIS REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Sya examined and glasses properl) fitted at Torrence-Morrli Co's. DR. R. H. PARKER Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist Office at Adams drug store GASTOXIA. N. C Mrs. Mattie Anderson PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Second Floor. Realty Balldiag. GASTOXIA, N. C. Prompt and careful attention to all work entrusted to her Geo. W. Wilson LAWYER 213 Realty Building. General Civil Practice. J. M. K'Lapp Upholsterer and Furniture Repairer. Remember: All my work is guaran teed. Forty years experience. Old time furniture a specialty. I will beautify your furniture and save yon money. All kinds of office work. ZfO W. Slain Ave, with the LEA Co. PONT LET YOUR SUBSCRIP TION TO THE GAZETTE EXPIRE. LOOK AT THE DATE OX YOUR LABEL AXD SEXD US YOUR RE NEWAL BEFORE YOUR TIME EX PIRES. .ALL SUBSCRIPTIOX8 ARE STOPPED WHEN OUT UXLESS RE i HICKORY 4. Wanted ; 4. ' T t We buy logs, sawn lumber r t and dimension stock. Write for prices. t Ivey Mfg. Co. ; t Hickory, N. C ; X Cleveland Cullings. Star, 7th. There were about l. automobile parties over from Gastonia last Sun day to spend the day in this delight ful city of springs. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wray, of Gas tonia, and Mr. and Mrs. Harnett Cabiness, of Charlotte, motored over to Shelby from Gastonia last Pun day. Mrs. Mary A. llendrlrk, anrompa nled by Mr. Maurice Hendriek, or Cliffside. visited her daughter, Mrs. W. F. Clifford, in Gastonia last weeK. Mr. Walter Ramseur and son Har rison, spent Saturday here with rel atives. Mr. Ramseur Is agent for the interurban at Gastonia. Mr. John Runyan Rhyne, of near Waco, was 'Squire Josh Roberts' right hand man In arcomnlishing the rerent drainaee art by the Legisla ture. Mr. Rhyne was in Raleigh with Mr. Roberts and Attorney Gardner and after arconiDllshing their mission they returned happy. Congressman E. Y. Webb and his peorptary, Mr. Plonk, arrived from Washington, D. C, Sunday nicht. Mr. Webb arting as chauffeur, nav ing driven his new Palmer-Finger touring car through the country from the canitol. He piloted Con gressman and Mrs. Page to their homo at Biscoe. Subscribe to The Gazette. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraterni ty. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment.' Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly up on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giv ing the patient strength by building iip the constitution and assisting na ture In doing Its work. The propri etors have so much faith In its cura tive powers that they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testi monials. Address V. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists. 75e. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Adv. Business men can reach the buy ing public in Onfon better throng the columns of The Gazette than in any other vray. Advertising rate are reasonable. It will pay you to nvestiRate. Big Demand for Red Cross Seals. Four hundred and fifty thousand Red Cross Seals or stamps have al ready been ordered by cities in North Carolina, although the season for ordering has hardly arrived yet. Charlotte wants 1 50,000; Wilming ton wants 100,000; Asheville has not yet stated the number deslref , but will not take less than 75,000. Chapel Hill has ordered 10,000 and many of the smaller cities are get ting in line for a great campaign. Other cities that have already form ed committees to put the seals on ' sale are Edenton, Canton. Belmont, ! Goldsboro. Iexington, Statesville, ! Troy, Wadesboro, Waynesville, Wil son, Elkln, Marshall, Tryon, Anson ville, Wallace and many others that I cannot take time to mention here. Seals will be sent out about the 1st of November, and win be placea on sale immediately after Thanks giving. All orders for seals should be sent to the Red Cross Seal Com mission of North Carolina, City Hall, Charlotte, N. C. Mr. A utile Beam is The Gazette's subscription solicitor. He would like to write yon a receipt and can do It on the street as well as anywhere. See him if he doesn't see you first. For more than three months from about the middle of December to the end of March, Theodore Roose velt will explore South Amerrca. Col. Roosevelt will sail from New York October 4 and will spend a bout two months visiting various cities in Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Paraguay. In these countries he will be the government's guest and will deliver several addresses. In December a little river steamer will leave him and his party of natural ists at Cuyaba, Brazil, the head of navigation on the Paraguay river, and at that point the hardships of the journey will begin. Freckled Girls ' It is an absolute fact, that one 50 cent lar of WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM irill either remove your freckles or cause them to fade and that two jars will even la the most severe cases completely cur? them- We are willing to personally guarantee this and to return your money without argument if your complexion is not fully restored to its natural beauty. WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM is fijje, fragrant and absolutely harmless. Will not make hair grow but will positively remove TAN, PIMPLES and FRECK LES. Come in today and try it. The Jars are large and results absolutely certain. Sent br mail if desired. Price 50c MamrnoythTarsJ1.00. WILSON'S FALB, SKIN SOAP 25c For sale by J. H. KENNEDY & CO. MUST BELIEVE IT When Weil-Known Gastonia People Tell It So Plainly. When public endorsement Is inaae by a representative citizen of Gasto nia the proof is positive. You must believe it. Read this testimony. Ev ery sufferer of kidney backache, ev ery man, woman or child wun Kid ney trouble will do well to read me following: Mrs. S. L. Jenkins, 106 Trenton St., Gastonia, N. C, says: "My kid neys were weak and there were pains through my back and sides. I did not sleep well and usually feit tired in the morning. I was also nervous and dizzy. I used Pom Kidney Pills, procured from the Tor rence Drug Company's dm? store, and they made me well. Ano'her or iho Tamily who suffered from wokk kidneys was greatly benefitted Dy Doan's Kidney Pills." Adv For snle hv all dealers. Price SO cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, 1 .New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan' and take no other. Lincoln Locals. Lincoln County News, 3rd. Attorney W. H. Chllds spent last Monday in Gastonia on business. Mr. C. M. Ray will move into the residence formerly occupied by Dr. Bridges on next Monday. Dr. R. R. Reinhardt has let a contract to G. W. McAllister for a Veterinarian hospital building to be located on coi ner oT Government anil Water street. The dimensions of the building are to be IJGxfiO feet, and the contract calls for the build ing to be llnisht-d by December 1st. North Brook Baptist Church, re cently organized, was received Into the Kings Mountain Association, which closed Its three days meeting at Zlon church. In Cleveland coun ty, last Saturday. Sheriff Heavner was out in the Irontoh township Wednesday on a man hunt. He found his man. ZeKe Smith was arrested on the charge or tresspass and will be tried before 'Squire Cline on the 15th. .Mrs. L. M. Coffey left for Bel mont Wednesday where she goes as a delegate to the Woman's Mission ary Convention of the South Fork Baptist Association. Mr. Lee Seronce, one of Lincoln county's prosperous farmers, sold a bale of cotton for $100 this weeK to Heavner Bros. The bale weighed 671 pounds. This Is a price that Is calculated to put the farmers tn good shapo financially. ' Mrs. Esther Cody, an aged lady of near Long Shoals, died suddenly Tuesday night. The funeral services were conducted Wednesday from Pisgah church by Rev. J. H. Robert son. Rev. W. R. Dye, pastor of the Episcopal Church, will leave Mon day for New York city to attend tne General Convention of the Episcopal churches of the Cnited States. Marshall Lee, the five-year-old son of Thomas Smith and wife, of tne Reepsville community, died on Mon day night after a very brief illness. Funeral services were held at Dan iel's church Tuesday afternoon con ducted by the pastor, Rev. . L. T. Lohr. "The Leopard's Spots" which come to the Gastonia Opera House Wed nesday, October 22, is a dramatiza tion of the celebrated novel of that name by Thomas Dixon. The story has been put into play form by the author himself and the production was staged under his personal su pervision. In the light of the facts above set forth it may be seen that "The Leopard's Spots" Is a play which en joys the distinction of being set be fore the public exactly as Its au thor intended it should be a rare thing in theatricals. The play has met with tremendous success every where. "Pious Jigs" in Sunday School and Church Services. Charity and Children. The character of music In the Sunday school and at the regular church services should be altogether different. What suits one does nor suit the other. The congregations are totally different and the charac ter of the services are wholly un like. We happened to run across a book in a church the other day tha' is not suitable for either, but into" erable in the church service. i;nc song we noticed was entitled "Whis key Must Go," and another was "The Gospel Train." Pious jrgs like this that treat of saloons and rail road trains have no proper place ,ii any of the services of the church. Wood's High-Giade Farm Seeds Best Qualities Obtainable We are headquarters for Seed Wheat, Oats, Rye, Barley, Vetches, Alfalfa and all Grasses h Clovers. Write for Wood's Crop Special giving prices and seasonable in formation about Seeds for Fall sowing. T.W.WOOD O SONS. Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Wood's Descriptive Fan Catalogue give price and information about all Garden Seeds for Fall Planting. Mailed (ree on request. C OBMB GASTONIA OPERA HOUSE Wednesday, October I - I V " t::::fJ:: .t f f'' THOMAS DIXON Dramatized by the Author of "The Clansman Startling, Daring, Sensational, Dramatic Love Humor Pathos Magnificent Production Seats on Sale Monday, October 20th, at Torrence Drug Co. Prices $1.50 Come! Before our full rush begins come work done. Don't worry alwmt money ViYSW. TODAY AND BK A WALK I NO AMI TALK I NO AO VKBTISK.MKXT. YOC WILL BK PAID LIBERAL LY FOR YOl'B TISOI BLK. THAT IS THE SKCBKT OF OCR I.OO CROWNS AND $3.00 PLATES. Our work is painless mid the hest. Our prices are lowest because of our tremendous patronage. Five Ihic oMices in North Carolina. lMuy h the thief of opportunity. Do it now before our prices advunce. All our work giu rant ! tTi Yeur, and must be satisfactory. Heiiiem'H Baltimore Dental Parlor Gastonia Ilranch Phono 15 Over Morris Cafe. FOR YOVH PROPERTY'S SAKE- Mastic Paint SPECIFY IT IN YOUR CONTRACT T TTJtT DrCT DAIM-TTTDC 11 it-. ii-j i i nui iuu cvciywnere use it Dccause U is a guaranteed paint and gives more surface, spreads easily, lasts longer than any other paint you can use. It's "The Kind That Lasts" Let us show you some fine color combinations and tell you all about the iron-clad guarantee under which Mastic Paint is sold by us and backed by its makers the old reliable firm of Peaslee-Gaulbert Co, of Louisville, Ky. mrr L 0 0 21 THE SEASON'S SENS ATIO N Thomas Dixon's THE E0PARD' L POT S s Tragic Power Directed by the Author. ) $1.00 75c -:- Quick! and nee altout having your dental Our prices will soon advice. - r I he Plat e. 127 1-2 W. Main Ave, Ladr Attendant 1. ;.. 1 ? H universal satisfaction. Covers holds its color, wears and Forty years reputation is the record behind Mastic Paint The formula is on every can. You can easily apply it yourself if you haven't a painter to do it for you. Ask us for handsome fllus Mid Season $5 Offer Crowns C rrVLJu trated book on "Homes and How to Paint Them." It's Free, Gastonia Hardware Co.

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