. FBJDAT, KOVEMBEB 7, 191X THE GAST0X1A GAZETTE. GASTONIAJS A BUST TOWIf. PAGE THREE. 1: ' : The Fashion's great economical sale has been a .great success. Many eager buyers have bought their goods with great enthusi asm as the prices have been greatly reduced. For tomorrow and next week we offer again extraordinary values in our exlcusive ladies' ready4o-wear store. If you haven't bought your suit, coat, dress or hat come and see us and get acquainted with style, price, quality and low prices. We are here to treat the people right, therefore we ask you to take advantage of our beautiful goods at low pfrices. . . A November Coat and Suit Sale at January Prices Splendid Suit Values. $35.00 Suits reduced to - - - $27.50 32.50 and $27.50 Suits reduced to 22.50 25.00 Suits reduced to - - 18.50 18.50 and $20.00 Suits reduced to 16.50 13.50 and $15.00 Suits reduced to 11.98 12.00 and $10.00 Suits reduced to 7.98 Evening and Street $18.50 and $20. Dresses $15 and $61.50 Dresses 8.00 Dresses - - 6.00 Dresses - 4.98 Skirts - - 3.50 Skirts - - High Grade Ladies' Underwear. $3 00 Garments $2 00 1 50 Garments 125 1 00 Garments .75 .75 Garments .50 Great values in our millinery department. New shapes and new trimmings are arriving daily. Come and take advantage of our as sortment of bats that has been reduced to $2.98. There are values up to $6.00 1: More TMI rORMUL Mastic & Kind A CI" . ..:.LL .uLa j this excellent paint they will tell you that it covers more surface, lasts longer, and therefore is more economical than any other paint It keeps your house bright and F R K R Ask for beautifully illustrated book. " Homes and How to Paint Them," also color card of 45 color combinations. BE SURE TO USE MASTIC PAINT It Tayj and TainU 9jt Gastonia Hardware Co. o Better Walls and Ceilings USE Beaver Board instead of lath and plaster. It never cracks: needs no repairs dots away paper; u easily art quickly put op at any time ot year; suit, any k;od cf building. Let us show you how It looks. S 8 0 Pbone33 SuB: forth? Go? Dresses - $16.50 - 12.98 - 5.98 - 4.50 - 3.50 - 2.50 than 40 years the Standard of Excellence U EVERY gallon of MASTIC PAINT is backed by the name of its makers, Peaalee-GaulbertCo., Louisville. Ky.,and Guaranteed for its Absolute Purity. E?Jnt Thai Lasts' nainwl tViiv nrnnfrtv wil ith i i 0 i a with unsanitary wall- I I I BOARD f D i - erGo. ROOFING y- Qagtonia, N. C. L.umb cite $1.50 a year. November Coats at January Prices. $35.00 Coats reduced to - $27.50 25.00 and $30.00 Coats reduced to 18.50 18.50 and 20.00 Coats reduced to 16.50 12.50 and 15.00 Coats reduced to 11.98 8.50 and 10.00 Coats reduced to 6.98 5.00 and 6.00 Coats as low as 3.98 and $4.50 Extremely Low Prices in Furs. $50 Set Black Fox - $40 $45 Set Red Fox - $30 and $35 $18 and $20 White Iceland Fox 16.75 - and 12.50 $32.50 White Curry Thibet $24 n Reputation Bark of the KLMBALIi Is a reputation for reliability and for service in meeting the needs of the piano-buying public which has continued throughout its career. Reliability is required by the buyer of a J piano or player piano. Such a purchase becomes an event in the home circle. The continu ous experience of over 55 years in the musical industry in Chi cago has established confidence in the W. W. Kimball Compa ny. Therefore this company has earned its reputation through serving the public well. Kimball Pianos Kimball Player Pianos Tou have the choicest of de signs and a .large and complete stock from which to select instruments to suit everyone. One Price to All means that the price in plain figures on every Kimball Instru ment is the lowest at which that instrument can be sold. Sold on Partial Pay. ment PlaVTf Desired W.W.Kimball Co. Established 1857 8. W. cor. Wabash- Ave. and Jackson Blvd. A. J. Kirby&Co. Gastonia, N. C Cleveland Cullings. The Star? 4 th. A peculiar law suit occupied two days in Cleveland Superior Court and the jury after long deliberation gave the plaintiff. J. M. Henson. $500 damages for arrest of tne wrong man on the charge of forging a $12.75 check on the Savings Bank of Caroleen. Mr. Bailey Weathers, who lives five miles northwest of Shelby, and Miss Eugenia Bostic were happily married at Bostic by Rev. R. H. Her ring of Rutherfordton. The cere mony was performed at the hotel at Bostic which Miss Bostic owns and has been conducting for some time. Both are prominent people and nave a host of friends in Cleveland and Rutherford counties. Mr. Weathers is a big land owner and is one of the best farmers in the county. Af ter the ceremony the couple came to his house where they will reside in the future. A marriage of peculiar interest to the many friends of the contracting parties was that of Miss Gertrude Beam and Mr. Joe Cabanesa Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock at the nome of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Beam. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. I. D. Sherrill in tne presence of a number of Intimate friends and relatives. After the cer emony they drove to the home of tne groom's mother, Mrs. W. A. Calm ness, where a delightful supper was served. Mr. Cabaness Is the young est son of Mrs. W A. Cabaness, and Is an energetic and promising young; man, while the bride is an attractive and popular young lady. A "Holy Holler" and a Rattlesnake. Biblical Recorder. Word comes from Chattanooga, Tenn., that a certain "Holy Roller" appeared sometime ago in that city and claimed that he was possessed with divine power of healing and was himself immune from harm. He is said to have made the proposition that he would prove his assertion ty allowing a rattlesnake to bite him. A group of boys who were doubting Thomases took the preacher at nis word and brought a rattlesnake to him. In his fanaticism he allowed the snake to strike him five times, and when last heard from he was ly ing at the point of death. There are many deceivers in the world today, but few of them can be so Instantly and strikingly shown to be frauds and impostors. We issue Coupons for Dunlap Po ny Contest -Gastonia Furniture Co. Wire LEA to wire. On the Wrong Bus. A motorbus stopped on the Place de la Bourse, in Paris, and a man climb ed with difficulty Into a seat. He car ried one of those large black cases which lawyers and literary men with documents affect in Paris. He was poorly dressed, old, short sighted and gray headed. He was very busy with his papers, and, when he looked up from them, exclaimed aloud that he had made a mistake, and was traveling In the wrong direction. The bus was stopped for him, he scrambled out and got Into another. When he had gone, a large yellow envelope with red seals on It was found on his seat. Though there were seals the envelope was open. "Let us look," said the other pas sengers. "It may contain his address, and certainly It contains documents of value to him, perhaps even bonds or shares." The envelope was opened and the papers taken out for examination. They were a bundle of advertisements of a new restaurant which has been opened near the boulevard. "The old lawyer's clerk" spends his day riding about in buses, finding that he Is on the wrong one. and leaving advertisements behind him. London Standard. Oddities of Will Making. Of the oddities of will making the famous essayist, William Hazlltt, dis coursed pleasantly and at length in his "Table Talk." "Few things show the character in a more ridiculous light," he said, "than the circumstance of will making. It Is the latest oppor tunity we have of exercising the nat ural perversity of the disposition, and we. take care to make good use of it. We husband it with jealousy, put it off as long as we can, and then use every precaution that the world shall be' no earner by our deaths." Benefactor of Humanity. "I understand that the young man In the house next to you is a finished cor netlstr "Gee! Is hef I was just screwing op my courage to finish him myself. Who did ur FALLING HAIR Is Easily Stopped; Also Dandruff and Itching Scalp Use Parisian Sag. Since Parisian Sage, the remedy that removes dandruff with on. ap plication, has been placed on sale thousands of purchasers have found that dandruff Is unneccesary ; that falling hair and itching scalp can be quickly stopped and that hair which is brittle, matted, stringy. '- or dull and faded, can be mad. soft, fluffy and abundant. To everyone who wishes' to eradi cate dandruff, stop falling hair and Jiav. an immaculately clean scalp, free from itchiness, -J. ..Kennedy ft Company agrees to sell a large fifty cent bottl. ot Parisian Sage with a guarantee to refund th. mon ey tf not satisfied. It is an . Ideal, daintily perfumed hair tonic, free from grease sad stickiness. Delight ed users pronounce Parisian Bare the best, most pleasant and invigor ating hair tonic made. Adv. 11-7 HERE AND THERE Indiscriminate Observations and Rambling Notes Gathered Here and There at Random Over the City by One of the Xews Gatherers. An interesting and Interested vis itor In the busy town Wednesday was Rev. W. L. Sherrill, of Pinevllie, Mecklenburg county, financial agent for Davenport College, an educa tional institution belonging to tne Western North Carolina Conference of the Southern Methodist Churcn and located at Lenoir. .Mr. Sherrill is always a welcome visitor In Gas tonia. He was formerly assistant editor of The North Carolina Advo cate, published at Greensboro, and while holding that position visited this section quite frequently. While talking with The Gazette man the convesration drifted to the subject of the wonderful progress Gaston county has made in the past tnirty or forty years. "I well rememoer the day," remarked Mr. Sherrill, "when there was a still house at al most every bend in every creek and a little grog shop at almost every crossroads. About thirty years ago I went to Dallas and opened the first drug store ever operated In that town or In the county as for that. There were possibly four or five hundred people there then and Gas tonia was not on the map, or ratner was just beginning to get on the map as the railroad had just been com pleted through this section at that time. Then the county had no puo school system, no good roads, the farms as a rule were very poorly tilled and conditions generally very unencouraging. Today you have a system of public schools that ranks with the very best in the State, more than a hundred miles of fine macad am roads, not a still of any kind, more cotton factories than' any other county in the South, good churcnes dot the hills over the county, tne farmers have built up their rarms and are producing a great deal more to the acre than ever before and In everyway Gaston has gone ahead in a manner that is little short of mar velous." Mr. Sherrill is engaged just now in a whirlwind campaign to raise among the Methodists or Western North Carolina a barancc of $1,2000 on a debt of $11,000 which hangs over Davenport col lege. This amount has to be raised before the annual conference meets in Char'lotte the latter part of thrs month in order to secure a donation toward the payment of this debt made conditionally by the confer ence last year. Davenport has done a great work for the girls and young women of the Western part of this State and is highly deserving of the united support of all the Methodists in the conference. Just now, 'says Mr. Sherrill, tney are completing a handsome new dormi tory for the girls which Is being erected at a cost of $20,000, the gift of Mr. J. B. Cornelius, a loyal Methodist of this State. Our register and ballot box In the Dunlap Pony Contest will be kept at our branch office at Morris Bros, store. 8 now flake Steam Laundry. Wire LEA to wire. Personals and Locals. Dr. C. H. Pugh, of Stanley, was a Gastonia visitor Wednesday. Miss Minnie Parker spent Mon day in McAdenville on business. Mr. P. H. Van Dyke, of Cherry vllle, route two, was in the city on business Wednesday. Mr. R. P. Craig, of Lowell, route one, was In the city on busi ness Wednesday. Rev. W. L. Sherrill, financial agent of Davenport College, spent Wednesday In the city in the Inter est of that Institution. -i Lenoir News, 4th: Miss Era Munday, who has been visiting rel atives and friends in Gastonia, re turned yesterday. Misses Mabel and Carrie Dixon, of Bessemer City, route one, were among Wednesday's shoppers in the city. Mr. J. F. Dilllng. of Lowell, was In the city on business Wednesday and paid The Gazette office a pleas ant call. Mr. T. C. Holland, of Bessemer City, route one, was In town on bus iness Wednesday. Mr. Holland has a good small farm with a fine young orchard for sale, and has an adver tisement In the penny column to day. Mr. B. S. Kassell. proprietor of The Fashion, will leave tomorrow evening on No. 38 for New Tork, where he will seelct a new line of coats, suits, dresses" and millinery for December sales and the holiday trade. Cause of Insomnia. The most common cause of Insom nia Is disorders of the stomach and constipation. Chamberlain's Tablets correct these disorders and enable yon to sleep. For sale by all deal ers. Adf. DON'T LET TOUR SUBSCRIPTION-TO THE GAZETTE EXPIRE. LOOK ' AT THE DATE OX YOUR LABEL A XT) 6KXT US TOUR. RE NEWAL BKFORH TOUR TIME. EX PIRES. ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE RTOPPKD WHEN OCT UXLES9 RE-KEWED. WHEREFORE OF OPPOSITION. So Charges Against Webb by Mec lenburg Candidates Politicians Disgruntled. ' Greensboro News. It seems to be generally accepted that a Mecklenburg man will be in the congressional race against Rep resentative K. Yates Webb next year. The two most prominent candidates for the nomination are E. R. Pres ton and W. C. Dowd, and It is be lieved that a preferential primary will soon be held to decide which of them will make the rare, the plan being, presumably, for the defeated candidate to throw his strengtn to his successful opponent. We have watched with some in terest the development of this situ ation, in daily expectation that some charge would be brought a galnst the congressman in explana tion of the opposition to him. But so far there has been nothing of the kind brought forth, and from a story In yesterday's Observer it seems that nobody dreams of making sucn a charge. It is tacitly agreed that Mr. Webb's only offense Is the Tact that he does not live in Mecklenburg county, and his opponents are count ing on patronage disputes to make headway against him. The Observ er says: "The opponents of Congressman Webb are not relying on any dimin ution in his great personal popular ity with the voters as a whole, be-, cause they realize that there has been nothing in his official life that could occasion this. But In award ing the post offices there were, un fortunately for him, not as many of fices as there were candidates and so dissatisfaction was aroused in those who failed to land the plums. Some of these have sought recourse In political revenge and are espous ing the cause of other candidates, hoping that their services under some new flag will be more product ive of remunerative gain." So? In other words, Mecklen burg, humiliated because the people of the ninth district have not seen fit to send one of her citizens to rep resent them In the national legisla ture, has raised a standard of their own and summoned to It all the dis gruntled and revengeful In the hope that she may thereby destroy Webb, not that he has done anything wor thy of political death, but simply to vent her spleen, swelled to bursting because her greatness has been Ig nored. And with the Falstaff's army, consisting "of such, Indeed, "as were never soldiers, but discarded unjus: serving men younger sons or younger brothers, revolt tapsters and hostlers tradefallen, the cankers of a calm world and a long peace, tat tered prodigals lately come from swine-keeping" backed by th. solid strength of Mecklenburg, the victor In the preferential primary Is ex pected to go out and garner th. po litical scalp of the congressman rrom the ninth. It may be done. We hav. no , means of knowing how far the re volt of those disappointed at the pie counter has spread. But if this is really all that there is to th. plat form of the Mecklenburg candidate ' we rannot Imagine where, In care Webb Is defeated, the good to th. Democratic party or the honor to . Mecklenburg county Is to com. in. Subscribe to Th. Gazette. Jost received a pretty lot of House Tiling. Gastonia Furniture Company. DIES IX TORK. Too Much Time in School With Edu cational Fads. Washington Dispatch. Two years of useful life are lost to every, American binder existing ed ucational conditions because of the Increasing fads and furbelows a dopted by the latter day schools and made part of their compulsory currlcullm. This Is the finding of a body or eminent educatos, headed by Presi dent James H. Baker, of the Univer sity of Colorado, whose report has been Issued by the United States Bu reau of Education. "The great mistake in our educa tion is to suppose," says the report, "that quantity and strain constitute education. Education Is a question of doing a few essential things well and without over-strain. The col- -lege has committed a grievous mis- ; take In demanding ever more quan- tity than In quality produced under ' conditions of healthy normal devel opment." The educators, who, say the bu reau officials, spent 10 years Inves tigating conditions, would have the elementary education of the young occupy only six years Instead ,mt' eight. They would have the student pass through high school and college so as to he prepared either to enter the world at the age of 20. 'or, if de sirous of taking up a profession, en able him to be equipped within two or four years later. The Prosrrensive Farmer and The Gazette both for one year for S2.0O. Subscribe today. Wire LEA to wire. Mr. C. T. Cornwell. of the firm of Turner ft Cornwell, Charlotte, was in Gastonia on business Wed nesday. The following from a recent Is sue of The Newberry. (S. C.) Ob server will be of interest to many Gazette readers aa Mr. Carson la a Gaston countlan: "Rev. J. W. Car son, pastor of the Associate Reform ed Presbyterian church In Newowy. has received a call to th. pastoral, of Salem church. In West Tennes see, one of the largest churches ' fa the denomination. 1 It Is th. church, of which the late Rev. T. O. Boyce was pastor." Mr: Carson has the call nnder consideration. His jnany friends tn Newberry, in his; own rh arch and but of it, would b. very sorry to aee mm go. ' Tonight.. . , " '. . ; Tonight. If you feel dull and stu pid, or. billons and constipated, taft a dose of Chamberlaln'a Tablets and you will feel all right tomorrow. For sal. by all dealer. Adv.

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