vs6e two. GASTOXIA IS A BUSY TOWN, i THE GASTOXIA GAZETTE. ; , x - , FRIDT, KOYFMBER 14, 1913. 1 I The Gastonia; Gazette. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, XV13. SOUTHERN STATE BANK. - NW Financial Institution at Ashe 11 Till Will Open for Business Xt t , Week Former Gastonia Man ; Cashier. "v The following from Tuesday's Ashevilk CIttien will be of spectar interest to many of our readers in asmuch as Mr. R. E. Currence, for merly of this city. Is to be cashier, "mi Mr. L. L.. Jenkins, also a Cas- tonlan. is to be one of the directors of the new bank: The new Southern State Bans, ' -which-. will be located on Depot ' street opposite the 'Southern Raii- way station, was organized last ' Bight, and officers and directors were elected as follows: "President. L. B. Rogers: vice- president, R. L. Francis and S. Sternberg; cashier. R. E. Currence. "Board of directors: S. Stern berg. R. I Francis. F. R. Hewitt. L. 1 B. Rogers. W. V. Felment. L. I Jen kins, Col. C. C. Hodges. H. E. Gruv er, C. A. Raysor. C. A. Kluttx and -Charles F. Sumner. "iMr. Rogers, the president of the new bank, who Is also president of the Rogers Grocery Company, is a man of much banking experience, taring been connected with Wil- mington banks prior to his coming ' to Aahevllle. He has met with mucn success in a business way since com ing here. "R. B. Currence, who will be cashier at the new institution, was cashier of a Gastonia bank for three years and was connected with the j ' American Nattlonal Bank, of this j city, for the last three years. The - board of directors, as will be noted, contains the names of some of Aabevllle's most successful business ' men, and their names are also found on the directorates of other banks In this city. ' "The Southern State Bank, which will do , a general commercial an A sarin gs bank business will, it is stated, fill a long felt want in the railway section of the city and will ' be quite a convenience for railroad men and other residents of that .section. The establishment of this institution gires farther evidence of Asherille's business and financial growth. The capital- stock of tn bask, which will be ready for bust- November 17, is $25,000. , ' ' Cause of Insomnia. The most' common cause of insom nia is disorders of the stomach and , constipation. Chamberlain's Tablets correct these disorders and enable yon to sleep. For sale by all deal- - era. A dr. , We, the land-owners should try . and discourage the tenants rrom ,! renting mora tana than tney can . work. Impress on them the loea vo ; have something of their own; to try ' . and be self-sustaining and lay oy a .. little each year to buy a home of their own. To do this, we will have to teach them dlversiflatlon by flo- lug this ourselves,, and to practive , me most rigid economy. J. E, - Cook, in The Progressive Farmer. SUte Of Ohio, city of Toledo, UV':';T: se. I ' - Locas County. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that . he Is senior partner of the firm of F, J. vneney Co., doing business in ths City of. Toledo, County and . State aforesaid, and that said firm : will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by tne use of HALL S CATARRH CURE. i c FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscrlb a In my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1888. - (Seal) A. W. G LEA SON, - - , Notary Public. . Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally and sets directly npon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. . Send, for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. ; t Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Adr. " -Mr. J. R, Swann, or Marshall. N. C, was in the city on business Wednesday. .Mr A. M. Suggs, of Lowell. Touts one. was a Gastonia visitor Wednesday. V1SHED SHE COULD DIE AnJ Be Free From Her Troubles, .:' . to Rnds Better Way. Columbia. Twin. "Many a time." ays Mrs. Jessie Sharp, of this place, ;; wished I would die and be relieved . ef my Suffering, from womanly troubles, r Could -not get up, without pulling at t - something to help me, and stayed in bed I . most of the time. I could not do my ' housework. ' , The le amount of work fired me , cut. My head would swim, and I would , ; tremble for an hour or more. Finally,. 1 V took Cardui, the woman's tonic, and I . sun not bothered with pains any more, I and I don't have to go to bed. In fact, I am sound and well of all my troubles.'7 Cardui goes to an the weak spots and helps to make then strong. It acts with iwiuic nw against ner. it is tor the tired, nervous, irritable women, who feel as if everything were wrong, and need something to quiet their nerves and strengthen the worn-out system. " ' If you are a woman, suffering from sn I of the numerous symptoms of womanly - trouble, take Cardui. it will help you. .At a!l Hmmicft - . r ' XfrHt u: Cbattamoca Hatfdna Co, Ladla J i.etory Dwx. Chaoaaoof, Tana- for Smt-4 your ctM and S-paca book, Horn ..teunent lor IjgiMe,' Id plain mnwm, M.C IIS : city cocxem. , Regnlar Meeting for Xovember Tveeday Night -Ordinance Passed Forbiddlnsj Use of Roller Skates on Concrete Treasurer's Vr terly Report Adopted and Ordered Fnblished. The regular meeting of the city council .for the month of November was held in the city hall Tuesday night with Mayor C. B. Armstrong presiding and Aldermen Real, Long, Shuford, Difling and McEntlre pres ent. ' Henry Williams was released from payment of 1913 city tax on four lots erroneously charged to his ac count. An additional appropriation or 8100 was given the Associated Char ities to meet obligations caused by an unusual demand upon their re sources during the past few montns. The mayor and the city clerk were authorized to sign a contract with the American Telephone & Telegraph Company as to tne Joint use of certain poles by that compa ny and the city. The mayor and clerk were also authorized to sign a similar con tract with the Piedmont Telephone 6 Telegraph Company If same was approved by the city attorney. Aldermen Shuford, Beat and D1I ling were appointed a committee to Investigate the matter of some pro posed changes in the fire limits and make a report to the next regular meeting. The ordinance passed last month forbidding cars of any electric rail way company to stand for longer than ten minutes on South street was repealed and a similar ordinance passed In its place forbidding cars of any electric railway from stand ing within the fire limits on south street longer than ten minutes. The effect of this change will be that the cars will only have to run back as far as the court house and stand beyond the fire limit line, In stead of having; to make the turn in to Franklin avenue as they do at present This relieves the conges tlon of traffic near the square Just as well and saves the railway com pany making a very troublesome turn every time the cars have to be run back to avoid the ten minute limit. The quarterly report of City Treasurer 8. S. Shuford for the quarter ending October 31st was adopted and ordered published. The matter of the damage to the new concrete sidewalks by the use of roller skates, as well as the Incon venience to pedestrians arising from the same source, was brought up and after some discussion an ordi nance was passed forbidding the use of roller skates as means of locomo tion on any concrete sidewalk any where in the city. The penalty for a violation of this ordinance was fixed at a fine not to exceed 85 and the costs, and the ordinance goes in to effect on and after tomorrow, No vember 15th. Declare War on Colds. A crusade of education which alms "that common colds may be come uncommon within the next generation" has been begun by prom inent New York physicians. Here is a list of the don'ts" which the doc tors say will prevent the annual vis itation of the cold: "Don't sit in a draughty car." "Don't sleep in hot rooms." "Don't avoid the fresh air." "Don't stuff yourself at meal time. Overeating reduces your re sistance." To which we would add when you take a cold get rid of It as quickly as possible. To accomplish that you will find Chamberlain's Cough Remedy most excellent. Sold by all dealers. Adv. Mr. R. R. Ray, of McAdenvllle, was a Gastonia visitor Wednesday. Mrs. S. J. Wylle of Kamseur, N. C, is spending some time in the city as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wilson at their home on WeBt Airline avenue. Legal Advertisements. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Laura A. Wom ble, deceased, late of Gaston county, North Carolina, notice Is Hereby given to all persons who have claims against the estate of said decedent, to present them to me on or berore The 10th Day of October, 1914, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of the recovery of same. All persons indebted to said de cedent are requested to make prompt payment to the undersigned. This 10th day of Oct., 1913. C. A. WOMBLE, Administrator of the estate of Lau ra A. Womble, deceased. F-N14 c6 EXECUTOR'S SALK OF REAL ES TATE. By virtue of the power vested in me as executor of the estate of Sa rah A. Weir, deceased, late of Gas ton county, North Carolina, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder, for division among the heirs of said decedent, at 3 p. m. on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1913 at the court house door in Gastonia, Gaston county, North Carolina, tba following described tract of land, adjoining the lands of R. W. Carson, Robert Carson and others, and situ ate in the county of Gaston, State of North Carolina, to-wlt: . Beginning at a white oak, run ning N. 22 W. 21 poles, thence 8. 65 W. 10 poles to a stake; thence a new line N. 2 W. 54 poles to a stake; thence S. 27. E. 58 poles to a black gum; thence S. t E. 70 poles to a post oak; thence N. 87 W. 40 poies to the beginning, containing 23 acres more or less, the same being a tract of land conveyed by W. A. Pearson and wife to S. A. Weir by deed dat ed Feb. 6 1821, and recorded ..in Book of Deeds No. 16, page 41. . This 20th day of October, 121 3. . - ' v J. H. DICKSON; V Executor of estate of 6arah A. Weir, : -i deceased. . ; FN21C4W. 1 1 TALKS Oil if ' ADVEBTISIIIG Q 1 6 Being Timid About a Thing Because It Is JVetv Isn't Business MANY business men are loath to examine the advantages of the parcel post, chiefly be cause it is new. They do not see in It a means to do business at, the old stand In a brand new way. But tbey abould not let their conservatism stand be tween them and substantial dol lars and cents profits. ' THE PARCEL POST CAN BE MADE THE MOST VAL UABLE SELLING MEDIUM THAT THE SMALL MER CHANT HAS if be will only sdapt himself to new conditions. It enables him to reach every buyer within fifty miles of bim at less expense and far more quickly than any mall order bouse can. It has extended the sphere of his trade influence. By advertising bis wares specific ally In newspapers and distrib uting catalogues, price lists and circular matter concerning bis standard goods he will speedily educate bis future customers to realize that it will pay best to deal with the man near home. PROFESSIONAL CAED1 R. C. Patrick ATTORXEY-AT-LAW Notary Public, Insurance, and Bona tag. Office over Post Office, Gastonia, N. C. W. B. MORRIS REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST yes examined and glasses pro perl) fitted at Terrsncs-Morrls Co's. DR. R. H. PARKER Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist Office at Adams drug store GASTONIA, N. C. Mrs. Mattie Anderson PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Second Floor. Realty Building. GASTONIA, N. C. Prompt and careful attention to all work entrusted to her Geo. W. Wilson LAWYER 213 Realty Building. General Civil Practice. J. M. K'Lapp The fancy upholsterer and furni ture repairer. In order to save mon ey have better than new furniture. bave 4. H. K Lapp to work it oier. His work does bis talking. His work is of the best quality. TRY HDVL Freckled Girls It ta an atMnlnto fact, that one 50 cent lar of WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM will either remove your freckles or cause them to fade and that two jars will even tn the most severe cases completely cure them. We are willing to personally guarantee this and to return your money without argument if your complexion u not fully restored to its natural beauty. WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM is fine, fragrant and absolutely barmless. Will not make hair Prow but will positively remove TAN, PIMPLES and FRECK LES. Come in today and try it. Thejars are large and results absolutely certain. Sent by mail if desired. Price 60c. Mammoth iars 21.00. WILSON'S F AIB SKIN SOAP 25c For sale by v. J. H. KENNEDY A CO I m lumtM jra to ate at kck la twa No remedy that I have ever sold for Eczema, Psorl&aia, and all other diseases) of th skin has given, mora thorougn satisfaction than the .... . D.D. D.Prescrlj'Joa fcr Eezesa w v I guarantee this rwnedv. J. XI. KENNEDY A CO. if Mil -i kW- J Purpose Bark of the KIMBALL is the purpose of the manufacturers to produce and maintain tho high standard of a product which has taken the whole world for its market. The Superlative Excellence of Kimball pianos and organs has been recognized by author. ties of world renown, and pur chasers are found In all parts of the civilized world. Definite principles and A Definite Aim must be the manufacturers policy if they are to succeed. The W. W. Kimball Company maintains its purpose to serve well the musical Interests of the nation. Great Variety of design in Kimball grand and upright pianos and player pi anos offers the very best selec tion for your home. One Price to AH means that the price In plain figures on every Kimball instru ment is the lowest at which that Instrument can be sold. Sold on Partial Pay ment Plan if Desired W.W.Kimball Co. Established 1857 S. W. cor. Wabash Ave. and Jackson Blvd. A, J. Kirby &Co. Gastonia, N. C No mattef what you have used, try Mustang Uniment and see for yourself how soon it stops pain. It don't sting or bum the flesh but soothes and heals soon as applied. Pain simply can't stay if you use MEXICAN Mustang The GrealFamily Remedy QUICKLY RELIEVES Mumps, Lameness, Cuts, Burns, Backache, Rheumatism, Scalds, Sprains, Bruises, and all other ailments of Man and Beast. Since 1848 the foremost VajnTbheveroflhe South. 2ScSOctlabottfe HDiUM 4Cianal3Qi Why Scratch? 'Hunt's Cure" is guar anteed to stop and per manently cure that ter rible Itching. It is com-, pounded for that pur pose, aad ws will promptly reftmd rout money WITH OUT QUESTION if Hunts' i lima, Tetter, Ring Tona or irw nth.. Skin !"- and pcftohaftv ruaraft'4 by PrW SAc. Sold By: Torrence Drug Oo. Gasto nia; Bebnont Drug Oo Belmont. 4J oven esjrcAR V "V CXFCRIENCC I , Traoc Mama DcaiaNa Caavmoirrt Ac Anrona aanmns aTiani ne dcacrtptinfi n? III! Dfir vimitvu ' WW wnmiOT r MiantahlA. Cotnmanlnfe tlonaitrlcllrcniilldciitua. HANDBOOK Ptiita ant fraa. Oldett atrar for acurln ' patent. Patanta takaa ttaroach Mann A Co. ratal tfetialnoiwf, wtihout ahurra. In tba ScttiHUic Jlcierican. A liandaomalf fllmrtratad wartly. Traat er ealalto of nr anlenUflo tftnrnal. Terma, tJ a . (mt; four monOi, tl. SoM af all nawadaalara. 1:u;;:ucovrtKewlE.rk araaah CiOoa. C2t V g Waahlugtuo. n. C. , Liniment Better Buy a New Table For That Thanks- giving r X We are going to sell .a lot of beautiful tables at some very low prices during the coming two weeks. Every table is built witji integrity and solidity. You cannot help but find the table that will just suit you. And you will save a good deal of money in buying it, too. Behind this table sale is an experience of many years. Everyone of these tables were bought with the greatest care to give the people what they want. No matter, what kind you buy, it will give you wearable, tory service for many years to come. If you are in need of a dining-room table now, or will need one in the near future, you cannot afford to miss this sale. , We invite you to call and see us and we will show you that every claim we have made in this ad is exact and true. Rankin-Armstrong Co. The Favorite Store of Gastonia rzzzi -r Wanted The Good Short Cottons THE NORTH STATE COTTON COMPANY Will pay a premium over the King, Cook's Prolific, Simpkins or Half and Half,, for all full XX 1" to 1 1-16" cotton brought to the Gastonia market. 5 S ntrM. wMm tin nth ttAortna mni Gome work done. Don't worry sbont money. Our prices win soon advance. COME TODAY AND BE A WALKING AND TALKING AD VERTISEMENT. ' .I-: YOU WILL BE PAID LIBERAL LY FOR YOUR TROUBLE. THAT IS THE SECRET OP OUR $4.00 CROWNS AND $5.00 PLATES. V Oar work is painless and the best. Our prices are lowest because of oar tremendous patronage. Five large offices in North Carolina. ; : . Delay is the thief of opportunity. Do it now before our prices advance. All our work sTuaraateed 15 Years, and must be satisfactory. : itememlr tne riac. ; t:',.." Baltimore Dental Pailor . : MB? as tm WTV A a - Gastonia Branch Over If orris Phone 15 k ; SubccHbeforlhe Gazette. $1.50 a year. i i t j J t , . ' ' '', m kjaaiij attractive, satisfac- m 1) ' sn a si ri - II V w y. and M abont havinft' TOUT dental ,. ' x- "f Cafe. . . ; ' -' V.A-a at ai.-S , Quick! Mid-Season $5.00 Olfer " Crowns O

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