rAGS TWO. TIES GASTONIA GAZETTE. GASTONIA. IS A BUST TOWIC TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1Q13. IT - n nn n Sale At Tie 7 r.' i ! I: LJ U MCE 2 1 ; ' This Great Unmatchable Half Price Sale will begin Friday, Dec. 5, 1913 and last until Dec. 24, 1913. Great bargains for you on Coats, Suits, Etc. This half price sale will be one of the greatest sales ever known in the history of sales. So early in the season you can buy fashionable coats and suits 50 cents on the DOLLAR. This is our first annual half price sale and you shall remember this great value giving. And to accommodate the eager buyers of this Half Price sale on coats and suits, all the other fashionable merchandise in our store will go at 33 1-3 per cent off our usual regular low prices. We will admit that we are overstocked in coats, suits and other merchandise and as our space is limited, so in, order to make room for spring merchandise we are going to sacrifice our stock below the manufacturer's cost and this is ycur opportunity to supply your demand below the manufacturer's cost. Remember the day Friday Dec. 5th at 8 o'clock sharp the doors will open for your great bargains. Attractive Coats 50 per cent Off $40.00 Coat $20.00 $30.00 Coats $15.00 $22.00 Coats .$11.00 $18.00 Coats $0.OO $15.00 Coats $7.50 $9.0O Coats $4.50 Handsome Suits 50 per cent Off $45.00 Salts ...$22.50 $35.00 Salts $17.50 $30.00 Salts $15.00 $18.50 Salts $025 $15.50 Salts $7.75 $12.00 Salts $0.00 A Splendid Variety at 33 1-3 Off $4.00 Skirts $2.67 $4.50 Skirts $3.00 $2.00 Sweaters $1.33 $2.00 Kimonos $1.33 $125 Kimonos 84c 35c Kimonos 24c $3.00 Messaline Underskirts . . $2.00 $2.50 Silk Underskirts $1.75 Furs and Fur Sets at 33 1-3 Off $45.00 Fur Sets $30.00 $35.00 Fur Sets .$23.33 $25.00 Fur Sets '. . .$10.07 $18.00 For Sets $12.00 $12.00 Fur Sets $8.00 $8.00 Fur Sets $5.33 Christmas Gift33 1-3 per cent Off $8.00 Bathrobes $5.33 $5.50 Bathrobes $3.67 $2.00 Handbags $1.34 $1.50 Handbags $1.00 $1.50 Underwear $1.0O 65c Underwear 43c 35c Underwear 23c 65c Union Suits 43c Beautiful Dresses at 33 1-3 Off $30.00 Dresses $20.00 $25.00 Dresses $16.67 $18.50 Dresses $12.33 $12.00 Dresses $8.00 $8.O0 Dresses $533 Children's Coats 33 1-3 per cent Off $8.50 Coats $5.67 $6.00 Coats $4.00 $3.00 Coats $2.00 $2.50 Coats $1.67 $3.98 Bain Coats $3.98 Stylish Waists 33 1-3 per cent Off $8.50 Crepe de Chine $5.67 $6.00 Chiffon $4.00 $4.00 Lore $2.67 S53.00 Silk $2.00 Millinery $6.00 Hats $4.00 $5.00 Hats $334 $3.00 Hats $2.00 $2.50 Hats $1.67 $3.00 Plumes $2.00 $2.50 Plumes $1.67 The Gastonia Gazette ; , TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1913. OUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. "Our Idea of 'lore's labor lost' is a small town organizing a chamDer f commerce. Gastonia, N. C, is the last town to catch the lever. We would like to hear some report from Gastonia six or eight months hence as to what that energetic body la do ing.' V-Oaffney Ledger. The Ledger occasionally makes a "wise observation and this Is one oi ' them. - We would not agree that thtre are no exceptions to the rule; but generally speaking the Ledger la correct. Where there is given a spir it of hope, confidence and co-operation, even In a small town there is no better means for expressing an in telligent direction of that spirit tnan through a chamber of commerce. But where there is an absence of confidence and co-operative spirit, and the chamber of commerce Is maintained mainly for the purpose of Toicing the views of a few individ uals or mayhap the views or desires of a single individual, as lf .ttnt view or desire were the view or desire of the town or community, the organi sation cannot amount to a great deal. While this is a condition as we see it, we would not be understood as suggesting that Gastonia does not need a chamber of commerce or that she cannot derive benefit from sucn an organization. We know of many towns that are no larger than Gas tonia, to which chambers of com merce are of very considerable ad vantage. Yorkville Enquirer. That Gastonla's Chamber of Com merce was not organized solely for the purpose of giving voice to the sentiments of a few men was evident from the largely attended and en thusiastic meeting held when the organization was launched. We mean business. The fact that over 150 members have been enrolled, as suring a fund of over $3,000 with which to start, we think Is evidence enough that this Is no "one man" organization. We merely say to our esteemed South Carolina friends that the "busy town" will deliver the goods. CLEAR FOR OVERMAN. STOMACH TROUBLES llr. Ragland Writes Interesting Letter on This Subject Madison Heights, Va. Mr. Chas. A. Ragland, of this place, writes: "I have been taking Thedford's Black-Draught for indigestion, and other stomach troub les, also colds, and find it to be the very best medicine I have ever used, r After taking Black-Draught for a few days, I always feel like a new man." Nervousness, nausea, heartburn, pain In pit of stomach, and a feeling of full ness after eating, are sure symptoms of stomach trouble, and should be given the proper treatment, as your strength and health depend very largely upon your food and its digestion. To get quick and permanent relief from these ailments, you should take B medicine of known curative merit Its 75 years of splendid success, In the treatment of just such troubles, proves the . real merit of Thedford's Black Draught. Safe, pleasant, gentle in actio.!, End without bad after-effects, it is sure to benefit both young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25c n. c xa ! Fairbrotlicr's Idea About the Candi dacy of Mr. Glenn. Everything. The senatorial talk is getting a little more often, and from the way thngs are shaping the chances are that Senator Overman will have no opposition. True they talk Glenn, but the time is not ripe for a man oi Glenn s temperament to make a ! successful run. Everybody likes "Bob" Glenn but when it come3 10 taking an able Democrat out of the United States Senate just oecause some other "good fellow" wanls it J well, the Simmons vote last year ! showed how North Carolina people j feel on that line. Ex-Gov. Glenn, were tne neld open, were all things equal, could sail In over any o'her candidate. But Overman bas be come conspicuous because of his long service. He has made good as Senator; he fills many important places on committees, and his de mocracy and ability are unquestlon tioned. And the average man wno figures it out asks himself the ques tion: "Why should we put out of business a faithful public Bervant one who has familiarized himself with all the ins and outs; who is now really prepared to accomplish something for North Carolina, and put In a new man simply because he is a 'good fellow?" And the an swer is: "There Is no use." That is why Overman will succeed Over man that is why he should be reelected. TALKS Oil ADVERTISING Constipation Poisons Toy. If you are constipated, your en tire system is poisoned by the waste matter kept in the body serious re sults often follow. Use Dr. King's New Life Pills and you will soon get rid of constipation, headache and other troubles. 25c. at Drnggists or by mail. H. E. Rorklen & Co. Phlla. and St. Louis. Advv. Get Acquainted PERSONALITY in building up and holding trade is a strong asset Equally impor tant are excellence of goods and equitable dealing. The three constitute a trinity that Is in vlniHMe. Tbey make a custom er go eut of bis way to do busi ness with the concern that bas these qualities. Tbey also tend to make him a continual adver tiser of the concern's goods. The small merchant should consider these Kints In connec tion with the greatly increased possibilities for trade which the parcel post has placed within his reach. He has now the facilities to get in touch with a great many mora people than ever be fore and, at a low cost, for de livering goods which give him a distinct advantage over any one not in his locality. His suc cess, as already pointed out, is simply a question of personality, good.x. square dealing and ad vertising. I'O.VT BE AFRAID TO TOOT YOUR HORN! PROFESSIONAL CAEDfl R. C. Patrick ATTOIIXEY-AT-LAW Notary Public, Insurance and Bond ing. Office over Tost Office, Gastonia, N. C. W. B. MORRIS REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST iyss examined and glasses proper!) fitted at Torrance-Morris Co's. J)R. R. H. PARKER Veterinary Sargeon and Dentist Office at Adams drug store GASTONIA. N. G. Dr. A. J. Little Dr. H. J. Moorb DRS. LITTLE & MOORE OSTEOPATHS Specializing: Rheumatism, Nervous aud Stomach Disorders Phones: Office 1073; 707 Commercial Bank Building Residence 1888-J Charlotte. N. C. Mrs. Mattie Anderson PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Second Floor. Realty Building. GASTONIA, N. O. Prompt and careful attention to all work entrusted to her Geo. W. Wilson LAWYER 213 Realty Building. General Civil Practice. J. M. K'Lapp The fancy upholsterer and furni ture repairer. In order to save mon ey have better than 'new furniture, have J. M. K'Lapp to work it oier. His work does his talking. His work Is of tbs best quality. TRY HIM. The Progress of Charlotte. Asheville Citizen. Another Charlotte Citizen is re ported to have Installed a bathtub in his residence, and the Commercial Club of that city is preparing to hold a banquet to celebrate Charlotte's remarkable progress. Truly Char lotte "do grow." Freckled ,GirIs ' It is an absolute fact, that one 60 cent far of WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM Ivill either remove your freckles or cause them to fade and that two jars will even tn the most severe cases completely cure them. We are willing to personally guarantee this and to return your money without argument if your complexion is not fully restored to its natural beauty. WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM la fine, fragrant and absolutely harmless. Will not make hair jrrow but will positively remove TAN, PIMPLES and FRECK LES. Come in today and try it. The Jan are large and results absolutely certain. Sent by mail if desired. Price 60c. Mammoth jars $1.00. WILSON'S FAIB SKIN SOAP 25c, For silo by J. H. KENNEDY' A CO. 5 S IS Wanted Q.The Good Short Cottons THE NORTH STATE COTTON COMPANY Will pay a premium - over the King, Cook's Prolific, Simpkins or Half and Half, for all full XX 1" to 1 1-16" cotton brought to the Gastonia market. Notice To Tax Delinquent rave rs All taxes have been due and , de mandable since the first Monday in October last. Taxes delinquent on December 1st next will be collected by levy and garnishment as provided by law- without further notice. This November 6, 1913. J. D. B. McLEAN, Sheriff 5 i $ . if : f , I

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