PAGE TWO. THE GASTONIA GAZETTH. GASTONIA IS A BUST TOWN. FRIDAY, DECEMBER '12, The Gastonia Gazette FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 101S: Vital Statistics. During the months of October and November Vital Statistics Officer W. Meek Adams, of Gastonia township, nncrded 30 deaths and 30 births. Twenty deaths occurred in October a lid ten in November. The birth rec ord for the two months is not com plete as the law requiring birtn reg istration did not compel registration till after November loth, but allow ed parents who wished to do so to resister children born after October jgt. From now on complete month ly ttatistlcs will be available. A Business Change. Mr. J. T. Gilbert has sold his pho tographic studio to Messrs. R. F. Shelby and A. B. Thackston. of Kings Mountain, and the name of the busi ness will be changed to Shelby & Thackston. The deal waa made the first of the week and the new owners have taken charge. Mr. Gilbert quits the photograph business In Gastonia after having bee engaged In it for four years, having succeeded Mr. J. I. Green. He and Mrs. Gilbert ex pect to leave the latter part of the month for Jacksonville, Fla., where they will reside in the future. Mr. Gilbert has not yet decided rust -what line of business he will follow there. Messrs. Shelby and ThacR ston are experienced photographers and will be welcomed to Gastonia's business circles. Both have families and they will move to Gastonia at an early date. Personals and Local. Ralph Clinton, the three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Keen er, died Wednesday night at their home in the Jenkins addition and was buried yesterday afternoon In Hollywood cemetery. Mr. Ernest L. Stroup, who bas been in business in Greensboro Tor the past xive years, returned to Gas tonia last week and is now associi ated with bis father, Mr. A. C. Stroup In the Gaston Seed A Provision Co. ReT. J. A. Bowles, who has ween for four years pastor of the Mount Holly and Belmont Methodist church es and who was transferred at the recent session of conference to the Forest City charge, moved his fami ly Wednesday to Forest City; Mr. W. T. : Rankin returned Wednerday evening from a weeti trip to Chicago, St. Louis and otner Western, points. At St. Louis he pur chased a car load of ' fine brood mares for the Riverside Farm and they are expected to reach here this week. At Chicago Mr. Rankin at tended the International St oca Show where he says they- had on ex hibition the finest and fattest cattle in the world. Tire which originated In a iaun . dry at" Salisbury Tuesdv damaged the Flrt VciLodist church to the ex teat of about $800. With, the authorized strength in- ) creased' by 3,352 men, the United i States Army lost instead of gained numbers' hmng the fiscal year just closed says a Washington dtspatc of the tn. Including the Phllip- S Pine Scouts the army had 85.5C9 men. complied with 8, 95 twelv months ago. GASTONIA'S GROWTH. The following editorial in Satur day's Charlotte Chronicle, commend ing: the spirit of advancement and teady growth which Gastpnfa ts now evincing, is duly appreciated: '"It lie In' the mouth of notJ0 to challenge "the "growth and develop ment of Gaston la,' Charlotte's little neighbor across the Catawba. A sys tem of electric street cars was re-' entry inaugurated there and now we are told that Gastonia has laid during he past year six and a half miles of permanent paving. This sounds almost like Charlotte. We doubt if anycity of Gastonia's size in the State cas marshal better shewing In (hi particular than Gas ton's capital, is able to display, in addition to good atreeta which' have been featured, the town Js growing in every direction. It haa a new Chamber of Co prt mere and is show tag a spirit of enterprise that is hard to hinder. We look for the town to continue at it growing gait. It has the proper spirit and the proper peo ple there to make things hustle. lISHED SHE COULD DIE Asi Be Free From Her Troubles, let Finfe Better Way. Columbia. Twin. "Many a time,' ten Mrs. Jessie Sharp, of this place, "f wished I would die and be relieved - Of my Buffering, from womanly troubles. I could not ret op, without pulling at something to help me, and stayed in bed most of the time. I could not do my housework. The least amount of work fired me out My bead would swim, and i would tremble for aa hour or more. Finally, I look Cardui, the woman's tonic, and I am not bothered with pains any more, and 1 don't have to go to bed. In fact, 1 am sound and well of all my troubles." Cardui goes to all the weak spots and helps to make them strong. It acts with nature not against her. It is for the tired, nervous, irritable women, who feel as if everything were wrong, and need something to quiet their nerves and strengthen the worn-out system. If you are a woman, suffering from any of the numerous symptoms of womanly - trouble, take Cardui. It will help you, ; At aQ druggists. - WHto ft Chattanoof Madldn Co, IjkiStt J JMntory DtVL. Ctaltaaooca. Tnn., lor Sfrtimi r ymjft-artww on your cat and S4-PM book. '"Horn limtmmt lor Woman.- in pWa vrappar. W.C. 123 l TALKS ON I ADVERTISING Don't Kick Aoainst a Stone Wall KICKING a stone wall does do good and only prevents further progress. As a pastime It may furnish some exercise, but It is extremely wearing on the nerves, shoe leather and temper. The parcel post Is a stone wall that the small mer chant thiuks falsely be bas rea son to kick. It has brought him increased competition with the mail order bouses, according to his view. But the parcel post stone wall bas a bole In it that leads the small merchant Into a fertile country where bis erstwhile competitors can only follow aft er considerable delay and at greater expense. The "hole" is the sone system, which makes every merchant the center of a circle whose diameter Is 100 miles, within wbfeb he can de ' liver goods much more quickly and at a lower postal rate than any mail order bouse. The parcel post la no longer a theory, but n fact: and facts, like stone walls, are futile things to kick. Take advantage of what It offers Instead. A Bottle of Red Cross Seal. In the extensive correspondence at the Bed Cross Seal headquarters an occasional letter Is received which attracts more than passing atten tlon, even from the staff, which is somewhat "calloused" to the unusu al. One such freak letter the other day brought a smile with a touch of pathos Just behind it. It was as fol lows: "To the Red Cross Seal. "715 Union Trust Building, "Washington,, D. C. "While looking over apaper 1 found an advertisement of the red Cross Seel suiting that It w" Good for Consumption .and other diseases i wish that you would please sen a me' a bottle and also the price so in case 1 Need more I Will No What to send me the mederson 1 will see that yon get the money If i Know what It . . . josc i cua sen a me money ai once please dont fail to send Jt at once piease let me near irom you at onoe. Where Bed Cross Seals- Are Sold With the exception" of Florida and Nevada:' Red! Cross' Seals are on saie in one or mote 'cities of every State In the union., and also In Hawaii and the' Canal Zone- ' In most of the States the sate has been organized; in every city1, Village and hamlet. Ev ery conceivable method of ' convey ance is being employed In shipping the' seats 'from the' various state headquarters' to 'local agents, from the ox-team In Alabama and Missis sippi, and the pack-burro In Colora do, to the express train and the au tomobile In New York. These hot! aay seals are even being sold in mountain hamlets, where the snow will prevent the receipt of returns for months after the first of the year Stole for Bed In Prison. "I did It. I was starving. I have not eaten In three days. In prison I caught tuberculosis. Now I can't work. I guess you had better send me back to prison at least, I won't starve there!" . This was the despairing cry of a 4-year-oia man in an Eastern city when caught a few days ago with worm or stolen dresses, in vestigation showed that througn a lack of funds the local antl-tubercu-losls society had been unable to send this man to a sanatorium where he belonged, and there was no place for him but the prison. Every Red Cross Seal you buy helps some one in dis tress or helps to prevent (rouble and sickness. A Round Dozen OF WORLD ALMANACS ON HAND TO GO AT QUICK SALE FOR 20 CT5. EACH. THE REGULAR PRICE IS SO CENT8 AND WE 80LD A LARGE NUM- . BER OF THEM THIS YEAR AT THAT PRICE. THIS BOOK CONTAINS NEARLY 1000 PAGES AND IS CHOCK FULL OF VALUABLE IN FORM A TION NOT TO BE FOUND EASILY ELSEWHERE. IT'S A REGULAR ENCTt CLOPEDIA AND IS WORTH MANY TIMES ITS COST TO ANYBODY. JUST 12 LEFT TODAT, THEY MAY BE GONE TO MORROW. PHONE lm TODAY TO SAVE YOU ONE. ONLY 20 CENTS. GAZETTE PUB. CO, Gastonia, X. G. TO THE CONSCIENCE FUND. 'Squire W. Meek Adams Receives Ten Dollars from Unknown Man in New Mexico Repaid After 25 tears. About the most surprised man tn Gastonia Wednesday was Esquire Meek Ad am 8. In his morning mall there waa a letter postmarked Ros vell, N. M., containing New York exchange for ten dollars. Following is the letter. Roswell. N M., Dec. 6, 1913. Mr. Meek Adams, Gastonia. N. C. You will please find New York ex change for S 1 0 due you that you lost 25 years ago at Bowling Green and I found it and If is yours. Very truly. A. W. A friend In Christ. 'Squire Adams has no idea wnat ever of the Identity of the writer. He says that 25 years ago he was run ning a store at Bowling Green hut does not recall having lost the $10, though it is possible he lost It or It was taken from his safe without his ever knowing it. He cannot recall anyone having the Initials A. W. who lived in that section at that time and who has since gone West. In this connection, 'Squire Adams recalled an Interesting event or about 15 years ago. When he left Bowling Green he sold his safe to Mr.. William Flanigan. who is still In the mercantile business at Bowl ing Green. The old safe still stands in the store though it is minus its doors and is otherwise badly batter ed up: and thereby hangs the tale of an attempted robbery. Something like 15 years ago safe-blowers en tered Flanagan's store and blew this safe. It contained several hundred dollars In currency and silver, rep resenting the pay roll of the Bowling THE ALOE PLANT The author of th far aa we can ascerta print. Recently It w in the course ot a ser memory for The Gaze ed It from a man llvin North Carolina who t ago on a mountain ro ad. Have you heard the tale of the Aloe plant That grows in the sunny clime f By the humble growth of a nundred years It reaches the blooming time; And then a wondrous bud at Its crown Breaks into a thousand Cowers. . This floral queen In blooming seen. Is the pride of tbe tropical bowers; But the plant to the bloom Is a sacrifice, For it blooms but once and in blooming It dies. Have you further head of the Aloe plant That grows In the sunny clime, How every one of its thousand flowers As they drop in the blooming time, Is an infant plant that fastens its roots In tbe place where it falls on the ground? And fast as they fall from the dying stem Grow lively and lovely around? By dying It liveth a thousand fold In the young that springs rrom the death of the old. Have you beard the tale of the pelican, The Arab's wonderful bird, . That lives In African solitudes Where the birds that live lonely are? Have you heard how It loves Its tender young, How it toils and cares for their food? How It brings them water from fountains afar, And fishes, tbe seas for. their food? And in famine it feeds them what love can devise, The blood of its bosom and in feeding them dies! Have you heard the tale they tell of the swan, That snow-white bird of the lake? It quietly floats on the purple wave, And silently sets in the brake. For it saves its song till the end of life, And then on a still clear eve 'Mid the mellow light of the setting sun It sings as it sails in the heaven; And Its blessed notes fall back from the skies, 'Tis its only song for in singing it dies! Have you heard these tales, shall I tell you one A brighter and better than all? Shall I tell you of Him whom the heavens adore. Before whom the hosts of them all fall?" He he left their choirs and anthems above For earth with its waitings and woes? How he suffered the shame and pain of the cross, And died for the life of his foes? O Prince of the noble, O Sufferer divine,- What sorrow, what sacrifice equal to tfclae! Have you heard this tale, the best of them all, The tale of the faithful and true? He died, hut his life in untold souls Lives on In the world anew. His seed prevails and Is filling the earth, As the stars the heavens above.' He taught us to yield up our love of live For the sake of a life of love 1 His death was our life, his loss was onr gain, The Joy for the tear, the peace for the pain. Then hear these tales, ye weary and worn. Who for others do give up your all. Our Saviour has taught us the seed that would grow. Into earth's dark bosom must fall; Mue pass from our sight and die away, And then will the fruit appear. The seed that seems lost in the bosom ef tie earth Will return many fold In tbe ear. Through death comes lite; through loss comes gain. The Joy for the tear, the peace for the pain! For Herv- Hudnut's 5 nut's Extract Norris Candy, Candy, $ For Him 5 schaum Pipes, Smoking Tobacco in one pound humidors, Card Cases, etc Torrence Drug Company Phone 16 "On the Green Knitting Mill, the following day being pay day at the factory. The explosion awoke Mr. Flanagan and the late Mr. Mack Riddle, both of whom lived right near the store. Mr. Riddle grabbed his pistol and went to the porch Immediately, tir ing several shots at the robbers wno took flight and fled precipitately.' An examination showed that the cracks men had left the booty behind, sli ver and currency being scattered over the store floor in profusion, as it happened Mr. Adams was at that time conducting a livery stable in Gastonia and about 7 o'clock tbe fol lowing morning saw three men, sus picious looking characters, dust-covered and travel-worn, taking their morning meal at Heath's restaurant. Nothing had been heard In Gastonia of the robbery at Bowling Green as the robbers had taken the precau tion to cut all the telephone wires After the news of the attempted rob bery reached Gastonia up in the day Mr. Adams recalled having seen these men and believed that they were, without doubt, the sare blowers. They made good their es cape and have never been apprehended. California Woman Seriously Alarmed "A short time ago I contracted a severe cold which settled on my lungs and caused me a great deal of annoyance. I would have bad coughing spells and my lungs were so sore and inflamed I began to be seriously alarmed. A friend recom mended Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy, saying she had used it for years. I bought a bottle and it relieved my cough the first night, and In a week I was rid of tbe cold and soreness of my lungs," writes Miss Marie Ger ber, Sawtelle, CaL For sale by All Druggists. Adv. is beautiful poem is unknown, bo in it has never before appeared in as recited by Rev. J. E.' Abernethy mon and was written by him from tte. Mr. Abernethy says he obtaln g in the mountains of western ound the manuscript several years Editor Gazette. 5 i Toilet Water, 5 odors, Hud- Mary Garden Perfumes, Guth Candy, Mary Garden Citrars in boxes of 25. 50 and 100 Meer Comer" Gastonia, N. C. We' re Ready Ready now to show you the finest display of desira ble Christmas gift goods you may hope to see. Months of careful searcn lng and buying has result ed In our gathering here now the most complete stock and the best values that one could posstDiy hope to And. It means a decided advantage to you to come here early and see the Bhowlng at Its very best. Here is a partial list of gift goods now Bemng here. Glance over It: Handkerchiefs, 5c to f 1 .00 Bilk Hose, 39c to $1.48 Gloves, 25c to $1.50 Bathrobes, $1.50 to $3.50 Kimonas, $1.00 to $5.00 Umbrellas, $1.00 to $5.00 Cut Glass, big variety to select from. Numerous other goods in tbe Christmas line. Also a big line of Coat SuiU, Furs, Etc. Yes Your Christmas Money Will Go Farthest At Thomson Mercantile Company's. WARNING AND POSTED! All persons are hereby warned not to walk, ride, drive, hunt or other wise trespass on this tract of land. The law will be duly enforced against disregard of this notice. This. day of- i 7' ' ft' The above shows that the form aa4 stae. ei. W Un-pswtBlces. Price, 1 dosen. 15 etetst 9 dose. S5 cents; 50 for 50 f SOf eesvta. Three cent 4er dose, addttloaai e wmOL -AH mail orders hve prompt attentio. tU PmbUshUig Cwffknj, Gastonia, N. C Real Estate RIYERYIEW HOTEL, WITH LARGE UOT, AT MT. HOL LY. NINE ROOM HOME WITH M f J BRN IMPROVE MENTS AND LARGE LOT, AT MOUNT HOLLY. J FOUR ROOM DWELLING WITH LOT 72X2&0 - ON ' HIGHLAND STREET, GASTONIA, If. O. A BARGAIN FOR QUICK BALE. OTHER ATTRACTIVE PROPERTDSS IN TOWN AND COUNTY. Wonld like to make some long term loans at C percent on first mortgage on improved farm property. J. BUN BRYDGES PHRASE PASSAGE of McDowell's Witches' Dance on a Kimball Player Piano and surprise your musical friends. Rapid and delicate variations of tempo are made possible on the Klmoai) only, through the short travel of the tempo lever, in conjunction with the high efficiency motor. One of the TEN features of the ; KIMBALL PLAY ER PIANO. "Never-pl a y e d pianos taken In exchange. One Price To All Every Kimball Instrument Is plainly price marked, showing . the lowest price at which that Instrument can be sold. The , inexperienced and the shrewd buyer here obtain the same val ue. Sold on Partial Pay ment Plan if Desired W.W.Kimball Co. Established 1857 8. W. cor. Wabash Ave. and Jackson Blvd. A. J. Kirby & Co. GASTONIA, N. C. DONT LET YOUR SUBSCRIP TION TO THE GAZETTE EXPIRE. LOOK AT THE DATE ON YOUB, LABEL AND SEND US YOUR RE-' NEW&L BEFORE YOUR TIME EX PIRES. ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARK STOPPED WHEN OUT UNLESS RENEWED. 19. 9 ASBJCAOO, Offerings