PAGE TWO. THE GASTONIA GAZETTE. GASTOXIA IS A BUST TOWH". TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1C, 1913 1 1 i I a i j The Gastonia Gazette TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1913. YORK'S NEW COIKT HOUSE. Plans Accepted for Xew Structure which is to Occupy Site of Old Building. Monday's York News published at Yorkville prints a cut of the pro posed new court house for lorn county which presents an exception ally Lanus-omo appearance. The News says of it: "The design is by Mr. V. A. Ed wards, an Atlanta architect of wide reputation. Mr. Edward's plans Have been accepted by the commission, and it has been deided to build the new court house on the site of the present building. Work will Degin In the very near future. "York county's first court house was built in the year 1786, shortly after the organization of York as a district, and was a modest frame building, which occupied the present site. The location of the first court house was selected by five commis sioner who were appointed by Gov ernor Moultrie. During 1823-1824 this frame building was replaced Dy a two-storv brick building wnicn a few years later was destroyed by fire, but the lower story was left nractlcallv uninjured, and additions were then made which made the building what It la today. "The new court house had Its tn ceDtlon with the grand jury, anatne Hon. Thomas F. McDow had a bill passed through the Legislature In 1912 authorizing an election for a bond Issue for the purpose of build Ing a modern court house to meet the growing needs of York county This election was held during tne general elections in November, 1912, and carried by a handsome majority. The Court House Commission is composed of Messrs. J. S. Brice. W 8. Wilkerson and J. W. Anderson, with Mr. J. T. Crawford and County Supervisor Thomas Boyd acting In advisory capacity." Business me ran reach the buy ing public 1b Gaton better through the columns of The Gazette than aay other war. Advertising rates are reasonable. It will par yon to tavestlaate. The New York World, three times week (almost the same as a dally) and The Gazette both for one year for fZ.OO. subscribe today. WEEK BY WEEK Each Week Appear the Statements of Gastonia Residents. 4 last week it was a Gastonia cTti xen who spoke. The week before, It was a Gastonia citizen who spoite Tne week before, and for many weeks before it was a Gastonia citl ren who spoke. And again this weeic ltxs a tiastonia man. You are not asked to act upon the word of a stranger. The best guidance that Is humanly possible to give you tne encouraging word of neighbors, Is always given. T. H. White, justice of the peace, 611 E. Main St., Gastonia, N. C. says: "I suffered from weak kid neys ior several yejrs ana i naa a too frequent desire to pass the kid ney secretions This annoyance obliged me to ar!s during the night. Finally, I got a supply of Doan's Kidney Pills from the Torrence Drug Company's drug store and af ter using them, I felt better in every way. I nope that my endorsement will be the means of helping otaer Kidney sufferers. Adv. For sale by all dealers. Price SO cents. FoeterAfilbani Co., Buffalo, Hew York, sole agents for the United BCates. Remember the ad take no otaer. Mr. R. B. Boy Ha, of Wadesboro, l.'or cf The Messenger and inleili- gencer, was married at Charlotte Friday to Miss Jean Dowd. only daughter of Dr. Jerome Dowd, of Norman, Okla The wedding came as a iu prise to the many friends or tne young counle, whose wedding was to cave been announced at at early date for February. FAMILY AVOIDS , SERIOUS SICKNESS Bj Beu Constantly Supplied With Redford's Black-Dnarjit. McDuff, V. "I suffered for several Tears," says Mrs. J. B. Whittaker, ot this place, "with sick headache, and Stomach trouble. Tea years ago a friend told me to try Thedford's Black-Draught, which 1 did, nd I found it to be the best family medi ans for young and old. I keep Black-Draught on hand all the Bme now, and whes my children fed a little bad, they ask me for a dose, and it does them more good than any medicine they ever tried. We never hare a long spell of sick aess in our family, since we commenced asing Black-Draught." t Thedford's Black-Draught is purely ,. vegetable, and has been Sound to regu lata weak storaachs, aid digestion, re , uere Indigestion, colic, wind, nausea, beadache, sick stomach, and similar symptoms. It hit been m constant use for more ftaa 70 Tears, and has benefited more m caaa a aruuioa people. Yoiadrureist sells and recommends ' E-Draueht. Price only 23c Oet a .. Cge to-day. . ( sLCc TALKS ON if ADVERTISING You Have the Inside Track, Nr. Business Man & ' & uot profit by your supe rior position? Has it yet occurred to you that you can reach the people in your territory much more quickly and at less cost than any outsider can? The parcel post can be made to serve you Just as surely and quite a9 effectively as It serves the mail order house. Let your public know that you have good goods and that your prices are reasonable, and the orders are bound to follow. SPECIFIC ADVERTISING. WHETHER BY CATALOGUE. NEWSPAPER. CIRCULAR OR BY ALL THESE TnREE. WILL ACCOMPLISH THIS. Remember that the parcel post while it may have brought more competitors, has greatly enlarged your own opportunities for trade and extended the ra dius of your own influence. DON'T BE SLOW TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS FACT! AND' DON'T FORGET TnAT YOD HAVE THE INSIDE TRACK! HEARING POSTPONED. Special Rate Commission to Begin Sittings January 12th Instead or Iecember 17th. A Raleigh special to last Wednes day's Greensboro News says: The date for the hearings to be gin before the special rate commis sion on the exceptions by the rail road companies to reduce intrastate freight rates prescribed in the Jus tice act by the recent special session of the legislature is changed from December 17 to January 12. An or der was made to this effect today Dy Chairman M. H. Justice, of the com mission. It is understood that the change is on account of the fact that the in terstate commerce commission is to be in Greensboro December 16. 1 and 18 for the special hearings on petitions pending for violation or the long and short haul clause ot tne federal commerce act in aoDlvinz tne reduced interstate rates agreed on Dy the railroad companies and the legislature at the special session. Both hearings cannot be In Droereas at tne same time. Wilmington in the Iad. Special to The Gazette. CHARLOTTE, Dec. 1 5. Wllminr ton Is again itading the State in the sale of Red Cross Seals. Starting m with 100,000 seals they have sent In a second, a bird, and finally a fourth order fo additional seals. They now haze 140,000 and It is probable that they will need mo.e. As all the money from the saie oi these seals or stamps goes to heip fight tuberculosis It means a nne sum of money to promote this woik In this city. If seals are not on sale In anv community they can be secured by writing to ihe State Red Cross Sai Committee in Charlotte. They sen at i ror a Bheet of 100 seals. 1.000 000 seals sold this year will mean $1 0,000 for the fight against tuber culosis, 90 per cent of which win remain in the State. The Progressive Farmer anil The Gazette both for one year for $2.00. ourjscriDe today. The New York World, three times a week (almost the same as a daily) and The Gazette both for one year for S2.00. Subscribe today. FAULTY DIGESTION Quickly Shattea the Nervous Sys tem Immediate Action Necessary Try Mi-o-na, When you feel Irritable tired and despondent when you have nervous twitchings, specks before tne eyes, headaches, sour stomach, heartburn, indigestion and pains, in the colon and bowels you suffer from indi gestion, which soon develops into dyspepsia the chief cause ot nerve exhaustion you need Ml-o-na at once. Ml-o-na is not a cnre-all, but a scientific remedy that surely ends stomach misery. It builds up and strengthens the stomach walls and glands, improves quickly the digest ive system. Then the vital force and nerve energy is restored. Impart ing strength and good spirits to the discouraged, run-down and weak. Do not suffer another day. Get a fifty cent box of Ml-o-na Tablets at . Kennedy A Cos. Ad1r. 1S-2J j A RUNAWAY'S JOLLY CHRISTMAS ISMY was very, very lonely, so lonely that he al most cried. A big boy of seven and a schoolboy as well can't really, truly cry. Jimmy did have a good reasou for crying. Mam ma, the best and ' dearest of all good, dear mammas, bad gone away never to come back. Papa was almost always at his office. Jimmy beard Hannah, tbe nurse, calling. "Jimmy, oh. Jimmy! Just come and see what pnpa has sent up from the stores. It's Just line. I can tell you." Jimmy jumped up and ran to tbe kitchen. On the kitchen table lay a huge turkey, "with loads o' flxiu's," cook said; a great pile of red cranber ries, crisp, curly celery, raisins, nuts and several big boxes "Will papa be home for dinner? I haven't seen him in ever so long, and I dop't want dinner without papa." ask ed Jimmy. "I'll tell you. We'll phone to papa and ask him specially to come to our Christmas party tomorrow and to din ner tomorrow night." nurse suggested. "Can I really, truly phone, Ilnnnah?" "Yes, indeed, nnd I'll show you how," and Hannah led the way to the room where the telephone was. Jimmy had to climb on a stool, he was so little, but he didn't mind a bit. Then nurse told him just what to say to central, and he called papa up. Yes, papa was coming home to dinner and would he out all day tomorrow. Jimmy was very happy and could scarcely wait till dinner. But when dinner time enme papa did not arrive. Nurse came in and told Jimmy that papa could uot come home that night. Jimmy said nothing. He didn't cry as nurse thought he would. He only looked very sober and went to his room. Then be wasbed his face and put on his hat and coat He slipped down the stairs and out the front door. He was going to run away When he got out in the lonely coun try Jimmy began to be afraid. Night came on, and it was bitter cold. He felt tired and sleepy and crawled on der a fence and lay down to sleep. hen Jimmy woKe up nig bead was resting In somebody's lap, and some body had her arms around him. "Poor little fellow! He's nearly fro zen. Jack, carry him up to the house," he heard a motherly voice say. He looked up? Tbe lady who. was holding him wasn't a bit like his pretty nUVT GOT AX ORANGE IN HIS STOCKIKO. mother. She bad on an old. dingy brown dress and a rough gray shawl, but bad a kind face. Jack, a great big boy, carried him to the farmhouse. Next morning Jimmy was awakened by being vigorously shaken. "Get up, get up! It's Christmas, and we want to see everything." piped Bill. Tbey ran downstairs, and the little girls seized the boys' hands and danc ed around the old grandmother, who was making cake. Then they all kiss ed her and kissed mother and father. Jimmy got an orange in his stocking, too, like the others, end a nice new tie. But dinner was tbe best of alL They all crowded around tbe table. Jack bad shot a wild turkey, and tbey bad celery sod mashed potatoes, cran berries, jam and lots of other things, with a big pumpkin pie to crown the whole Tbey had Just begun to eat, Jimmy declaring he "could eat a wools boose of turkey," when there was s knock at the door. Jimmy looked up. and there stood papa, with Tim, tne very oldest boy "Papa, papal" cried Jimmy, running to him. Papa looked tired and white. He had been so frightened about Jim my. Tim had found out that morn ing from Jimmy who his father was and bad hastened to Jimmy's bouse. . "And I'll never miss having Christ mas dinner with you agtln." said paps, "But. pspa. you'll hare Christmas dinner with us today," said Jimmy. Mrs. Russell says you're to stay." So psps stayed and had dinner with Jimmy after alL i m ( III A -f.'i.ftA I I . -mm im mm) $30.00 SUITS Just as illustrated made of fine poplins, eponges, and mat lasses with guaranteed skin ners satin lining just for HALF PRICE. $15.00 Beautiful coats at 50c on The Dollar The newest models the new est materials strtctly tailored just for half the price. I8.00 coats $9.00 $7.50 $4.00 $15.00 coats $8.00 coats OPERA HOUSE GASTONIA WILLIAMS VAUDEVILLE BIG 30 PEOPLE 30 AH That ADMISSION 10c :- 20c -:- 30c FREE BAND CONCERT DAILY Doors open 1:30 and State Insurance Commissioner J. R. Young, who is president of the National Convention of Insurance Commissioners, spoke last Friday fore tbe annual meeting of tne as sociation of life insurance presi dents in New York. He strongly urged strict supervision of all kinds of insurance, predicting that If State supervision failed in Its purpose tne people would demand State insur ance. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take LAXATIVE HKOMO Quinine, t Mnftb Coufk and Headache and works oil tbe Cald. Druniats refund money if it faili to cur. E. W. GROVE'S factor on each boa. Be. At Anderson. 8. C. Friday. Ollle Kinard, a white man' employed in the Orr Cotton Mills, was stabbed to death by a negro named Will White. Kinard had been drinking and is thought to have brovgnt aboat the altercation - which resulted in ma death. Tbers were threats or ryncn Ing os ths part of cotton mill oper atives of ths town, bnt the Jail was securely guarded by the shena and bis deputies and ths mob was dis persed. tarn III Ikm, Itksr ImmiIm Isfl Cits The worn caaes, n aaattrr ef how Ions standing, are cared by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter' Antieeptie Healta OO. It rtlima aaadUcalsaith aaaM tuae. Sc. Wc,Lao. The Fashion's Great Half Price Sale Is still going on. Wonderful values in our choicest ladies ready-to-wear and mill inery departments await you here. Hun dreds of people from Gastonia and surround ings have bought thier handsome suits and coats at half price. Why don't you come and get yours at 50c on the DOLLAR? Additional lines have been added to our de partments and all to-gether makes it a beau tiful selection for your demand. Practical and useful Xmas gifts can be bought here at this sale at great reductions. Just a few more days to do your shopping and we will help you to save money. Prices will be re duced still lower for all this week and next. Don't forget the Fashion the store that handles nothing but high priced goods for less money. Handsome Furs Xmas presents for your bests $3.S.OO fox sets $23.33 $25.00 tiger sets $16.67 $18.00 iceland fox $12.00 $9.50 black lynx $533 $1&50 SUITS $12.50 Handsome models made of fine serges, diagonals, and nov elty mixtures Half Price sale $9.25 $6.00 SSSSBSBBBSSBSBBBBBSBSSWBBafJafMaBsB :-: AND mmm INDOOR 12 BIG ACTS 12 Is New In Vaudeville, Circus SPECIAL 3 P. M. 7:30 Tickets on Sale Despondent on account of being ill with typhoid fever, James W. Matthews, a prominent young mer chant of Durham, committed suicide last Thursday by hooting himself through the head. Prices of cotton for future ielv ery advanced $2 a bale last Friday on the Xew Orleans exefcan0ro '.al lowing publication of tke govern ment crop lepcrt. To Prevent Blood Poisoning Mtr at one tbe wonderful old reliable DR. roarsas antiseptic iouxing oil. inr- Sieal dreaeins that relieves pais and heal at lb tame time. Hot a liniment- 25c soc. fUM. Mona Lisa, the famous maaxet piece of Da Vlncl, which was stolen from the Lou re in Paris in August, 1911, has beer discovered In Flor ence, Italy, feud tbe man who stole it has been arrested. Secretary ot State W. J. .Bryan and Mrs. Bryan . will spend toe Christmas holidays at AshevHie, hating taken reservations at Orove Park Inn. They expeet to arrive December 19th and spend several days. For Weakaess and Loss of Appetite Tbe Old Standard feneral' atrenftbeninf tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS ebill TONIC, drive out Malaria and build np tbe eretea. A troe tonie and aar Aapetiaer. For adoita and children. Mo, Suggestions for Xmas New waists from 98c to $6.98 New Neckwear 25c to $1.25 New Handbags 48c to $5.98 New Silk petticoats $1.75 to $2.98 For Children New Coats, New Caps, little fur sets, Sweaters, children's dresses and a great selection to pick from. Friday and Saturday December 19-20 CIRCUS BAND AND ORCHESTRA and Comedy MATINEE SATURDAY ADMISSION 10c x 20c at Torrence Drug Co. A Round Dozen OF WORLD ALMANACS ON HAND TOi GO AT QUICK SALE FOR 20 CTS. EACH. THE REGULAR PRICE IS 30 CENTS AND WE SOLD A LARGE NUM BER OF THEM THIS YEAR AT THAT PRICE. THIS BOOK CONTAINS NEARLY r- 1000 PAGES AND 18 CHOCK FULL OF VALUABLE INFORM A TION NOT. TO BE FOUND EASILY. ELSE WHER. irs A REGULAR., ENCY CLOPEDIA AND IS WORTH MANY TIMES ITS COST TO ANYBODY. JUST 12 LEFT TODAY, THEY MAY BEGONE TO MORROW. PHONE IrtJ TODAY TO SAVE TOTJ ONE. ONLY t0 CENTS. gazette run. cue, Gastonia, X. C DOlVT LET TOUR SUBSCRIP. TIOX ,TO. THfi GAZETTE JCXPIRK. HOOK AT THE .DATE OJT.YOTJTt LABEL AJfD SEND .US YOUR. RE NEWAL BEFORB YOUR TIME EX PIRES. ALL etJBSCRTPTJOXA ARB STOPPED WHEN OUT VMLEBB RENEWED. n

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