ASTON! A GAZETTE PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. -SINGLE COPY S CENTS. GASTONIA IS A BUSY TOWN. 91.50 A TEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. XXXV. GASTOMA, N. C. TUESDAY AFTKILNOOX, JAM AHY 27, 1914. NO. . MR. RUSH GRAY KILLED SHORT LOCAL HEMS ON TRIAL FOR HIS LIFE PYTHIANS MET HERE J'' THE MOVEMENTS OF GASTON PEOPLl G. P. HELTON FAC1KG MURDER CHANGE OISDCT MEETING YESTERDAY THE G IN ACCIDENT AT GREENVILLE, S. C. Former Gastonian le-ts Tragic Death on Railroad of Wliicli He Was an Oflicial Body Brought to 'to Gastonia on Xo. 30 Tills Morn ing ami Taken to Bethel for Bur ial. Mr. C. Rush Gray, who hold a clerical position In the Southern Railway depot here for several years and who married in this section, died ahout noon yesterday in a hos pital in Greenville. S. C, as the re sult of injuries sustained last Fri day in an accident on the Greenville & Knoxville Railway, a short line running from Greenville to Travel ers Rest, of which he was auditor. Mr. Gray sustained Clio injuries which resulted in his death while making a trip over the road in a railroad motor-car in company with President Patterson of the road. The accident occurred "on a grade when the car struc k a small rot k which had lodged on the tr. .!;, the jar throwing Mr. Gray from his - at down an embankment, where he landed in a pile of rocks, sustaining a fracture of the skull and several tiashes about the face. Some four or five vears ago, while residing at Hickory to which place lie went from Gastonia. Mr. Gray married Miss Helen Kiddie, daugh ter of Mr. R. R Kiddle, of the lieth 1 section, who died about two veins ago. Two small children survive, lie was a native of Gaflney, S. ('.. and wan a popular railroad man. be- ; ing known to a larce number of the "emn'ovcs on the road and in the of fices in this section of 'rth and South Carolina. The hody. accompan;ed by a num ber of relatives and friends, arrived in Onstonla on No. "' th s nioMiTuji ' 5ind was taken by the Ford Cnder laklng Company through the coun try to Rethei church where it was' laid to rest beside the body of his j wife. IHSPLKASKD WITH rLANS. Monroe People t ant Some Frills on Their Post office Building. Monroe Enquirer. 23rd. When the plans for the Govern ment building 'n Monroe were first drawn they showed that the building would be a thing of beauty with por tico, stately columns and all that goes tj make an attractive building, but the bide made by contractors were '"ar above the sum appropriated lor the Government building at Mon roe, ar.d then It was that the plans were changed the portico, the col umns were cut out and in fact, the whole front plans of the building were changed, and the present plans call for a building about as plain as the hack side of a barn. The Gov ernment does not change its build ings every year, but puts up build ings to stand unchanged for about half, a century. Naturally Monroe folks are kicking about this change of plans, and especially when they know that other towns no larger than Monroe have buildings far su perior to what Monroe will have if there is no change made in the pres ent plans. The aldermen took the matter up and at a meeting held last Tuesday they appointed Mr. S. O. Blair to go to Washington and se? Senators Simmons and. Overman an t Congressman Page and ask them to have the plans of the Government building at Monroe changed. Mr. Blair will leave tonight for Washing ton. nais and Locals. Mr. S. W. Bradley, who Is in charge of a large drainage project on Muddy Fork and Buffalo creeRs in Cleveland county, spent Sunday and Monday with his family here, returning to his work yesterday ar ternoon. Mr. Bradley reports that his force is making good progress, having already started one large dredge boat to work. Another still larger outfit Is nearly ready to launch. The entire project will , probably require about IS months ' to complete. We regret the failure of the last Issue of The Gazette to reach our subscribers on Bessemer City ru ral routes on time. An investiga tion made Saturday, however, arter we learned that they had not reacn ed the Bessemer City postofnee, re vealed the fact that the fault was with the railroad employe nere who failed to put them on tr.e proper train Friday afternoon. We have made complaint to the proiwr au thorities of this neglect, and feel sure that It will not occur again soon. jir. G. H. Marvin, who with Mrs Marvin returned Sunday night from Atlanta, where they attended the Coca-Cola Bottlers Convention, is wearing a gold watch fob of which he Is Justly proud. It was awarded to him bv the Coco-Cola Company In appreciation of his efficiency as man ager of the local branch of the com nany and the good record which his v "iT , nt vear man maue uunu& i Out of the hundredt of managers' present at the convention only a few i made records which wer thus rec- . osnlzed. Personal Items About GaMon Folks anil Their Friends Short Items Ahout People and Things That Are of Interest to Gazette Readers. - Miss Little spent Sunday at Hickory with homefolks. Mr. Paul Grist, of 1-enoir, was in the city Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Rankin spent Sunday with relatives at Bel mont. Mr. C. L. Grlgg spent Sunday with relatives at Lawndale, Cleve land county. Miss Mary Quinn is visiting Mr. ami Mrs. YV. G. McLean on Fast Third avenue. - Mr. .1. K. Carson, of the Pi.sgnh iicii-hborhood, was in the city on busines.; Saturday. - Mr. 11. V. Forbes, of Crowded Creek, was a Gastonia visitor Satur day. Mi. Moses Stroup, of Bessemer City, route one, was in the city on l.usiiu s:i yesterday. - -Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore spent Sund.iy In with rc ki tives. - Mrs. M. 1.. Van Tassel!, of Ches ter. S. ('.. is visiting relatives here for a few days. - .Mr. S. I.'. Beatty, of the Cnlon nei ghhoi hood, was in the i ity on business v i 1 1 relay. Mr. K. il. Moton, of the New Hope si ct ion. was a busine.-s vi.-ltor :n t lie ity esterday. Messrs 11. L. Lbyne and V. V. Baim-eiir. of I'.essenur ''ity. were in Gastonia on business yesterday. - Frb mis of Miss Annie Aiken will ugiii to b arn that she is quite ill at hi r ho, in- on Fast Franklin av enue. - Mrs. .1 it Hall, of Belmont, and guesl Miss Maude Hayne Moore, or Lancaster, S. ('.. were visitors for a short vhile in town Saturday. Mrs. I-M Padgett and Miss Ma mie Davis, of Helk's clerical force, are spending ten days In Charlotte assisting in the sale at Belk Bros. Miss Alma Beatty, of the 1'nion neighborhood, and Misses Corrie and Pearl Moton. of New Hope, vvei e Gastonia visitors yesterday. -Vdr. J. D. Moore and family will move this week from West Airline avenue to the Clyde Craig cottage on West Fourth avenue. Miss Mildred McLean and Miss went to Charlotte Saturday to see "A Modern Eve" at the Acada in y of Music. Mr. W. D. Martin, of Brooklyn, N. Y., spent Tuesday night here as the guest of his sister, Mrs. Graham McLean. Miss Eunice Craig returned Saturday from Yorkvllle, route 8, where she visited her sister, Mrs. Claire Harper. Little Mies Sue Grlgg. of Cleve land Mills, Cleveland county, arriv rived in Gastonia last week to enter the city schools. She Is making her home with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Grlgg. Mrs. M. J. Cabanlss and Miss Mamie Cabanlss returned Saturday from Shelby, where they have been spending the past month 'with rela tives. Misses Willie Bradley and Julia Johnson left this morning for W,in-ston-Salem to visit the Methodist Childrens Home. They will be ab sent for a couple of days. Rock Hill. S. C, Record? 22nd: Mrs. L. J. Piatt, who has been visit ing her daughter, Mrs. George Vro man, left yesterday morning for a visit to relatives In Belmont, N. C, before returning to her home. ' The regular monthly meeting of the South Point township teach ers' association w ill be held with the Belmont school Friday afternoon. The meeting will begin at 1 o'clock. A full attendance is required. Friends of Mrs. Rufus M. John ston will regret to learn that she Is' . ... . quite critically ill at her home on South Broad street, having suffered a sudden attack of Illness Saturday, since which time her condition is very little improved, if at all. Last Friday a marriage ceremo ny was performed in the office or Register of Deeds A. J. Smith, Coun ty Commissioner O. F. Falls, of Kings Mountain, prforming the cer emony in the presence of a few of the court house officials. The con tracting parties were Mr. W. S. An thony and Miss Mabel Terry, both of Charlotte. Charlotte News. 2 3rd: The many friends of Mrs. H. D. Stowe, widow of Captain Stowe. one of the best known men in the county, will regret to hear that she is very 111. She is at her home on West Elev enth street. Mrs. Stowe is an aunt of Mrs. Charles Moody and Mrs. Ferry Sloan Chapman. She hv, great ly beloved In the county. j Mill News 22nd: The annual meeting of the stockholders of tlie : McAden Mills was held Tuesday in the offices of the company at Mc Adenville. The semi-annaal divi dend of 3 per cent was declared. The press upon you the appalling magni eleetlon resulted as follows: Hen-' tflde of this waste. .let me say that ry M. McAden. president:-R. R. Ray, i this means a loss of $695,000 a day, secretary and treasurer; James T. ; or $28,958 every hour. 8482 every McAden. A. L. Baker, of Ralelgv, j minute, or, in other words, every sec and Chaa. A. Bland, associate dl-.ond that passes sees a loss of over rectors. $8. O.I' Mi' .k- Be, ital Friday Xijiht. On Friday evening of this v eek. b ginning at So'clock. the pupils of Miss Mabel Little will give a pu'dic recital in the auditorium of Central graded school. All the trons of the las and the puh'j, in it d to a-'i ml. the P '- k-liw Not Coming. Since the advertisements appeared in The Gazette Friday stating that "Polly of the Circus" would be pre sented here February "id. Managei W. F. Michael, of the Gastonia Op era House, announces that the en gagement has been camelled very much to his regret.. 'I he c ancella tion of the date became necessary when it was found that the stage of the local plaviiouse is too small for the special scenery carried by company. the Hal moil Family Reunion. Mrs. G. R. Speinif spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Noah Ross, near Line olntoii, w here a family reunion was In id in celebration of the 7 1 1 Ti birthd.iv of Mrs. Speller's urn I", Mr. K. I.. Harmon, who makes his homo vs. i t 1 1 his daughter. Mrs. Loss, ihe'e ; or 7n relatives and friends pi- n. including Mr. liar nmn' live cli iiiren, Mrs. FUa 'ii-a-. net. Mrs. Frank Tavlor, Mrs N'oah Boss, Mr Hagloy Harmon an ' Mr. John Ha! mon The o i a :ou was grca'ly enjoyed by all present. , lived in tho southern edge of town I I. nil les(roe,l By I- lie. j nn(, w,)oso f.u)i,y w;(s wnr,.1lir , Fire wlrch originated from the one of the mills. shot and killed explosion of an electric switch last Alex Sutton, a negro youth employed Friday afternoon completely de- bv the Gastonia b e & Coal Co. to st roved the plant of the Spencer deliver be from one of th- com pa Mountain Stone and Brick Company j ny's wagons. located at the foot of Spencer As soon as the Melton trial is con Mountain. The large six-story (rib j eluded the trial of George Bird, col shed, built of long-leaf pine timbers i ored. for the murder of a negro wo uld containing dynamos and crush- ers. burned fiercely for several hours. The loss is understood to have been about $20,000 with no In surant o. The plant had only liee-n completed a short time. Yesterday's Chaiio'te Chronicle states that work will he begun at once on the rebuild ing of the plant. Oil 1 eel to Gastonia Pastorate. Rev. J. C. Deltz. of Crouse, has been tendered a call to the pastorate of the Gastonia Lutheran charge, In cluding the Gastonia church. Chapel Whurch and the Bessemer City hurch. He has not as yet formal ly, accepted the call but It Is under stood that he has signified his in tention of doing so. Last week's Cherryville Eagle says that Mr. Deitz has already tendered his res ignation as pastor of Bethpage and St. Paul's churches to take effect March first. H hss two othi churches, the pastorates of which It which it is understood he will re- sign. When action has been taken on these he will formally accept the ( call to Gastonia. The Eagle says: "Not only the Lutherans at Crouse but the people of other denomina tions are reluctant to see this good family leave." They will receive a warm welcome to Gastonia. Appeiinteel Deputy Collector. Jailer G. R. Rhyne has been ap pointed a deputy collector In the in ternal revenue service by Collector A. I). Watts, of Statesville, and left this morning for Rutherfordton to take up his duties. The appoint ment was announced yesterday from Statesville. Mr. Rhyne succeeds Mr. E. B. Quinn. who has been a field deputy wth headquarters at Ruth erfordton and who has been promot ed to a clerical position in the ofiV ces at Statesville in connection with the handling of the income tax huf iness. Mr. Rhyne's salary is $l,20n a year with $900 for expenses. It i i 1. . : F .. I a- , V. vvtanir will be gratifying to their many friends to know that, for the pres ent at least. Mr. Rhyne's family will remain in Gastonia. occupying the Grier cottage on South Broad street. As yet Sheriff McLean has not ap pointed any one to succeed Mr. Rhvne as jailer. Mr. England, of Kings Mountain, is temporarily charge. in Fire Los Every Second. T. J. A. Tiedemann. Jr.. Los Ange les. Cal. Insurance men, and I believe every one., realize that it is impossible to j absolutely stop fires. There will al- 1 ways be a fire loss. But It is poss: hie to stop some or a great portion of the loss. What we mustjiot have Is the terrific excess of fires and con sequential waste to which this coun try is now subject. I say excessive waste. Certainly these figures will convince you that there Is something radically wrong. During the past year the fire loss In the United States amounted to over $250,000. 000. In order to more definitely Im- White Man Who Killed Alex Sulion. Negro Boy, in Dece'inlwr on Trial in Gaston Superior Court Taking of Lviilenee Completed and Case Now Being Argued Will Go to Jiirj .'(Pine 'Time To-Morrow Another Murder Case t Follow. Gaston County Superior Court has been engaged since yesterday morn ing in the trial of the case of the , State against Gilbert V. Melton, white, for the niiink r of Alex Sut ton, colored. The taking of evidence was completed with the hearing, im mediately after the reconvening of .court at 2 o'clock this afternoon, of two or three character witnesses for the Stut'. Solicitor Wilson Is as- ! sisted in tho prosecution bv Mr. (). j Max Gardner, of Shelby, and Mr. I Stonewall J. Durham, of the local : bar. The defense is represented by , Messrs. Manguin fc WoltB. of Gasto nia. and Judge F. I. Osborne, of jt'barlotte. A large number of wit j ncsses on both sides have been ex ' ami tied. ' I' required all of the forenoon si ssion yesterday to seciir" a jury. As chosen it is constituted as fol lows: G. K. Phillips. .1. K. Free man. .1 W. .Moten, George H. Lewis, ' R. K. Itahington. A. B. I.inoherger. C. C Craig. M. R. Stowe, W. IL Crocker. J. F. Allen, G. W. Pearson. J. B. Dunn. With three speeches on each side, it is probable that the argument will not he concluded until ahout noon tomorrow. i As related In these columns at the time of the homicide Melton, who man near Lowell, will be Ptken up. It Is probable that the civil docket will get only one or at the most two days at this session. FOl N DKAD IX FIFXD. Mr. John Holmesley Explreel Friday Afternoon While Plowing in Field Xenr His Home at Cherryville Funeral and Burial at Mt. Zlon Baptist Church Sunday Afternoon. An unusually sad death occurred Friday afternoon near Che'rryville when Mr. John Holmesley, a well known and Industrious rarmer, ex pired suddenly while plowing in a field not far from his home, the body only being found after It Is suppos ed he had been dead for probably two hours or more. With the exception of having com plained of a headache, Mr. Holmes ley was In his usual good health when he went to his work after din ner Friday. He was plowing, and the manner In which the body was found lying later in the afternoon seemed to show that he had only plowed a few rounds when he fell to the ground between the plow han dles and expired suddenly. The body was found by Mr. Dorus Mau ney, who passed along the macadam road with a load of wood going to Cherryville. Mr. Mauney at first thought the hody was only a coat, not paying very close attention to It, but returned after passing and found the body of Mr. Holmesley and gave the alarm to members of his family at the house, some distance away. While there were no signs of a struggle nor any suspicion of foul play, the matter was reported to Cor oner H. P. Sellers, who empanelled a jury consisting of Messrs. S. S. Mau ney. Claud Mauney, John T. Eaker. A. H. Hubs. Dorus Witherspoon and J. Newton Xeill. The coroner's Jury viewed the remains and the place where the body was found, and re turned a verdict that the deceased came to his death from natural causes. Physicians who examined the body stated that death was evi dently due to a sudden attack of heart failure. Mr. Holmesley was between 4 5 and 50 years of age and Is survived bv his widow, who Is a sister of Cor oner H. R. Sellers, and several chil dren. The funeral and burial toot place Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Mt. 7ton Baptist church, near Cherryville. CaOi With Application. Numerous complaints are reaching this office, arising from the gross abuse by aeents of the privilege of taelne with application cash or note covering the first premium. ( An aeent taking cash or note with ; application should Immediately re turn it to the applicant uoon notice that the application is refused, or if for any reason the policy Is not is sued and delivered according to con tract. If a note Is taken. It should not be discounted until the policy Is de livered. The failure of an agent to prompt ly return the premium to the appli cant under the circumstances above stated will be construed as evidence of such "untrustworthiness" as to j render him liable to revocation of II- j cense. I 'astoiiiit 1oele.e Host to Tenth dis trict Convention Seventy-Five er More l')thians LeprCx-ntin); Ten Ioi1k'n PrMLiit Ham net Servcel at Morris Cafe Five Canclicbits Given First Bank I-n-t Night. Hetween sevent y-tivo and one hundred out-of-town Pythlans we-re here yesterday afternoon and last nlKht to attend the regular conven tion of the tenth district, which was held in the hall of Gastonia Lodge No. .'i3 by special invitation of that lodge. The- afternoon session, which began at l!:.'lo o'clock and continued until tl::)o, was devoted largely to the transaction of routine business, tho main feature of which was the hearing of reports from the several lodges comprising the district. Mr. J. H. Kennedy, of Gastonia, as dis trict deputy, presided. Following Is a list of the lodges composing the tenth district, each or which was represented by from one to a dozen of Its members: Rathbone Lodge No. '',7, Char lotte. Meiklenhiirg Lodge No. 1)0, Char lotte. Charlotte Lodge No. s:i, Char lotte. Kings Mountain Lodge No. 01, Kings Mountain. Whetstone Lodge No. loll, He'sse mer ('it v . Mount llollv Lodge No f.v Mt I Holly. ' I Matthews Lodge No. thews. Concord Ixidge No. ."I Gastonia Lodge No. .".:! Mr. George 1!. Mason, eel lor of the local lodm 77. Mat- 'on co' (V Gastonia. vice chan- w e!i omed tlx- visiting PythiaiiH in a short ad dress which was so cordial In Its tenor that none could doubt the genuineness of the reception which awaited thein heTe. Mr. L. L. Can dle, a prominent inemlM-r of the Charlotte bar, responded to the ad dress of welcome in a most hearty and pleasing manner. Following trio roll call reports were heard from the delegates representing the sev eral lodges and In each instanco the report showed progress and growth. In a few instances the gains made by the lodge were most encouraging Indeed. When the reports were all in the remainder of the afternoon session was devoted to an impromptu discussion of various problems with which individual lodges are con fronted, the discussion being not on ly Interesting but very profitable as well. At fi::!0 o'clock tho visiting Pythlans, together with a number or the members of Gastonia Ixidge, re paired In a body to Morris Cafe where an excellent supper had been provided by the entertainment com mittee. Reconvening at 7:1 30 o'clock tho lodge was opened in regular form and then turned over to the degree team of Rathbone Lodge No. :!7, Charlotte, which conferred In a most Impressive manner the first rank on five candidates for the local lodge. Prior to the conferring of this rank Mr. N. C. White, of Char lotte, demonstrated the secret work of the order. At the conclusion of the degree work Major J. O. Balrd, of Charlotte, Grand Vice Chancellor, delivered an address on "The Ideal Pythian" which not only exhibited the major's well-known oratorical abilities hut was toemlng with senti ments and facts calculated to make those present think seriously of the great principles upon which this or der Is founded and for which it stands. He was followed by Mr. S. J. Durham, of Gastonia, who made a brief but most excellent talk upon the work which lies beTore Pythlans hero and elsewhere. When the meeting adjourned at 1 1 o'clock It was the general ver dict that It was In every respect one of the most pleasant and profitable dis'riit meetings ever held in this see; ion of the State. Building Law. Tho recent decision of the Su preme Court of North Carolina In State vs. Lawing Is of State-wide In terest and of the greatest Imporr ance. It affects every city and town in rhe State, and says the State, city and town regulations governing buildings In their erection and In spection can and should be enforced. The Chief Justice, In his able opin ion, not only says that the frame buildings cannot be erected or re paired In the fire district, but show the great value of this to the city and Its inhabitants. Iet every chief of fire department and building Inspector In North Car olina get busy and enforce the law. The Supreme Court says It Is a good law and can be enforced, and that the protection of life and property calls for it. The old shacks must go, to be replaced by buildings that are not a menace to other property, but a credit to the city as well as the owner. The Insurance Department Is hav ing the opinion of the Court in State against Lawing printed In pamphlet form, and will take pleasure in fur nishing a copy to all who may de sire it. Read the dvertlemrmi in The Gasette. They are a Interesting a aewn and a -e frequently more prof HaMe Madias: tkaa tfc new HEWS OF JE COUNTY LATEST FROM OUR CCBRESPONOEKTS ? Vewsy letter ktirn Gazette Correal pondentii Here and There Ovei Good Old Gattton What OtO Neighbeir Are Doing in the Vat ion See tioiiN of the County Pes onal .Mention of People Tetsl Know and Some Von Don't KaoW BELMONT BUDGET. Correspondence of The Gazette. BKL.MO.NT, Jan. 27. Preparatory to moving from the country to town, Mr. C. H. Lineberger Is having erect ed on the lot to the rear of Dr. P. B. Hall, a handsome seven-room cot tage. Work is progressing rapidly and It will be ready for occupancy In a short while. The coming of Mr. Lineberger and family Is a valuable addition to the business and social life of the town. Mr. A. A. Armstrong, who has been 111 with pneumonia for the past three weeks, Is Improving rapidly at his home near here. The Woman's Betterment Associa tion at its meeting this afternoon will launch plans for an entertain ment to be given on or about Feb riniiy ri, which will be in the na ture' of a Valentine party. The pro ceeds will go to tho treasury of the assoiiat ion. Tho local high school basketball teams have games tentatively ar ranged for the last of the week with the- boys and girls of the Charlotte high school. . 'I be board of aldermen at a meet ing held a few days ago put the ban on rolle-r skating, a mania Tor which has posse'ssed tho children of town since tho coming of concrete side walks. The board has also resolved on stricter sanitary legislation with in the town limits. The Men's Itlble Class of the Presbyterian church Is making plans for a social meeting to be held some time in the near future at the home of the pastor. Rev. W. S. Lacy. This organization is one of the most val uable adjuncts of the churcn. The good weather of the past few weeks has brought the farmers out and much plowing has been done. WITIIFBS NKWS. Correspondence of The Gazette. WITHKRS. Jan. 26. Miss Lessle Bradley, of West Gastonia, Is spend ing some time here as the guest of Mr"s. Lloyd Hooper. Mrs. Moses Heffner received a tel egram Thursday announcing the se rious illness of her mother In Lin colnton. She left at once for her bedside. A night school is now being taught In the Flint school house by Mr. Ed ward B. Hurley. There seems to be. a goodly number of pupils in attend ance. Misses Fdna Propat and Mabel Mauney spent Sunday with friends in Mount Holly. Mr. W. W. Tupper. of New York City, spent a part of Wednesday as a guest of Mr. J. R. Withers. The health of the community la pretty fair at present excepting sev eral cases of mumps and measles. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Delllnger spent Sunday evening here with friends. ITKMH FKOM ItOUTE THREE. Correspondence of The Gazette. GASTONIA, Rule 3, Jan. 26. MrJ" Leo Robinson has bought from Mr. KM Lineberger 3 acres of land on tho west side of the Union road Just south of th3 Clara Mill and will mako some Improvements. v! I T L"i T) V. I I. . . . I .'ii. i. rj. ivuuiuiiill IB U f Jttl iui( erect an elght-ioom house at his homo place.' Miss Aleen Crawford is at home from Linwood College suffering wita a throat trouble. The little child of Mr. and M-s. Oscar Glenn, who has been quite I.1, Is now much better. The box supper at the Crawford school house Friday night was quite a success. The boxes brought a to tal of $20, and it is said some of the hoys laid in enough rations to last them a week. Business men ran reach the buy- ' Ing public In Gaston better throngs the columns of The Gazette than tat. any other way. Advertising rates are reasonable. It will pay you to loemtlmfe RIG DAY IX GASTOXIA TO-MOR- HOW ( W V. I X BSD A V. ) "The Fall of Constantinople" Gau monts three-reel hand-colored mas terpiece which will be shown at the Ideal tomorrow, Wednesday, Janua ry 28th. will certainly mark a big day In Gastonia In the way of mov ing pictures. This is said to be by those who have seen it the most beautiful picture ever thrown on a. screen, hand-colored from start to finish. This picture is new. It was; shown In Charlotte Monday and Tuesday and here Wednesday mak ing It positively the third time It was ever on a machine. No doubt this will be the first time a third-run picture has ever been shown In Gas tonia. Owing to the fact that It la a great feature and brand new . the . management had to pay a princely price to get it here and will h mm. polled to raise the price of admis sion to ten and fifteen cents, but will give you two other good licens ed reels in connection with this pic ture, making five reels. A dr. I I