PAGE TWO. ANONIA 18 A BUSY TOWN TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1914. The Gastonia Gazette TUESDAY. FEBRUARY H, 1011. FKOM A COAL MINE TO 1HSI- TION IX WILSON S CABINET. American Boy. Of all the men who make up the Cabinet of our new President of the United States none have had a more "unusual career than William 15. Wil son who is at the head of our Labor Bureau From a wnrl.r in a oal mine when he was n nt ats of ate to the position of Seen .ir of Labor Is a lone way. He ran Marl, hark to a time when the i'0er: of his fam ily was so treat that h !(oil iijini; by the roadside while the f. w jonr possession:- of h s ; :i'vt:s w :r en from the iomi'.'i- in w l-j. ) :. I v eil because his fa'tur nuilil i;ot f t the rent. He liv .1 :i: Si otlai'd a' rl.ts time. There were r.o laws c om pell! n s "boys to attend si liool in those days and he never went to sihixil lut a year In his Lfe. Work w:i h - daily portion and the hmi's n'" h's daily labor were so lone that th re was little time for sfixiv wi.-n Pis m vas done or before it h tan. V( t Pe must have done murh hard stmhine or he would never haw- berome the forceful and hlthly ;nte!!iceii' ' be is today. His father was a roal m!n"- tn a typieal coal niininc 'own with its rows of s'liaH. iiritei'ne(i. s "i 1 r.e jrrlroed houses. When 'tie Wilsons "were evlrt.d from their l'"!e ho"i,- they toe) j'-fute in a s'ahle tin. ! neafh an old tollhouse. Tin n the family came to America, arriving in this country when Will'ani was Put eleht old. the father !i:ilu3 preceded the f.aitrly by some months. The arrival of the familv at r.vitp Garden rould not have b en a v-y Jovful event, for Mr. Wilson sas of It: "We were landed at Castle Cardan with many other imm'irrnn's 1' had been arr:;r: c that my father should meet us. but he was nowhere to bo Been. We w ere w ithout mon v and the dN't'oin'ment w a so treat that my TT'o'her snt down in a la' te room, patheri d us rhiliiren .Iround her and wept. Soon, of rourse. all of us were In tears Thus we sat for several hours Finally a man a'"e- alone rnllin!' for Mrs. 11. ten N' W:Ion. He had funds, be pa:d. wih whih to send us to ronii.t. V Y . where my father w as We w re fa' en tn Jer sey Cpv and nut on board an inirn! prnn ra:n. In M-v e of tears tl)fr- verp pipjirc; nn nnr faces Wp arriv ed C nTn'rc at 7 n'e'nrl- 'n the ev e" " A'v father was on the station platform " 'r WMson tool- h'a f a i 1 v to plncKbnr"- whi-b wo n 'oal min'n; town The bnv W'tl'Tri was r'eo jc-tk oM on the wo'hI rlay of e I and n few rlavs he'o-e this time he Wert tn worV in the rna u ;ees. h's fp'ho'- he'ri c0 rrti"''(J wt'P rb'U irtoMcm he en"''' nn earn di'l pov no t wo'Vrr. Th. tinv was n litiirriv 1i"te crntf. fir,(1 f,p cavs tr"t he rl'd not re"Td if as jnv nrr-ft'-nlnr V, -i r' f ti tn hnvn fn Era '"'o th minis rvrentiror fr.r- the f -i t that J der""'ve(t b:m Of h riT-'vUere rr potnir 'n chnnl l''lirn Vip wps tint thtrtirT1 years old hrs fiy,f,r wri't 0"t TVst n see If he rnnM Letter his rnndfffon pprl the hnv y'!l"T-n t,p. rnrne fve support of the familv at homo. Tt was n'lturnl t-at n ( V, ; n i. i n iinv n roiin" ''lson was, should ;n h!s Pirri!'" t !" "J. ta'e a trre-it (nr.rrsr fn t-. 1-V.r niuc'nn Ti oi"ir ftlO nm" n-irp , h -. n- r,: ,,,, f,f (llf r""r r,f l,or Tf, .. tc cr, n,,t0..,,' en fn h's ronrinttoQ r (T rf? : r- ir V, n i 1fi f't tr o rv'dir? -ns ni piq r1m" -"c arlrrf te V- r. tk n Ijnn. r-n'oveec 'n Ikp minps TIo o--Tl In set tynp In ) newsnnner 0,"o 'n P'oschu ! t r.i-1 eil i r. c-MV- Tn'l's -Ml "as fnr q (imp n rntlroa(1 f T'e herar. qs he i"-ew to fo ynoc ef rn r V ri n rf nn f.itvp V'"-' ' V0 n'!'"l,nllop n9 fh T'frM 'Vttnp Vn,l.p,c r, .,.,r, fo oT-r V! c v in r,-, il .:, s -orn r-,,.T1 rn PV, l-lr,. fir"-"- ;'l':Onc , t""' n-o Vric.'.v 'n n-i'-v tnr'us-t-'ol "ti .c t ..,p.,,Tv Jnte-ec'r ' n p" ' J,r,r ..rf,l,'r , c 1mm ' r t.r.i- r. r-,,,.rrc.r n, the !' '., ... ,i v,,, .c , l..,:, mT n f (.. '"er. , , ,,,. m'-'' - r - . 1 , T ,, . ., jprnt rr T pr.r t-r, . . ni-v 10,iv r..:o- t. -,t 1, - .r. ., p. ea-- nf 1 :c nei- r'f 'i-,r.. f r, , Pre :r. f f. f-,r' tV... I . rV v? bond hovo.i'l v,-f '- ' v FAMILY AVOIDS SERIOUS SICKNESS -Bj Being Constantly Supplied Willi Thedford's Black-Draught. McDuff. Va "1 suffered for several J tears," says Mrs. J B. Whntaker, ol his place, "with sick headache, and Stomach trouble. Ten years ago a friend told me to trv Thedford's Black-Draught, which I did, and I found it to be the best family medi cine for young and old. 1 keep Black-Draught on hand all the Hme now, and when my children feel a ' little bad, they ask r: for a dose, and il does them more good than any medicine they ever tr.ed. We never have a long spell of yick aess in our family, since we commenced Using Black-Draught." Thedford's Black-Draught is purely "Vegetable, and has been found to regu late weak stomachs, aid digestion, re lieve indigestion, colic, wind, nausea, headache, sick stomach, and similar Symptoms. It has been in constant use for more Cum 70 years, and has benefited more -than a million people. Your druggist sen and recommends Black-Draught- Price only 25c. Get a Ockage to-day. HGKa poverty and a lack of education, Mr. Wilson is today a most forceful speaker, and he has even published a volume of poems. He is essential ly a self-made man who has over come seemingly insurmountable ob- ftiilie Kf ew.if flirt a rf li ill He now fills a position in which ne I has the happiness of knowing that I he can be of great advantage to lie cause of labor, and he hopes to set right some of the many wrongs x- i c t i n cf in trii I n rl nc t r 1 ti I u nrld T ii hopes to mal e strikes fewer and the relations between the employers and the employed happier and tctt r than they have hitherto been. For Weakness and Loss of Appetite TV" OM St:i".'-'' 1 v -' MrcnffllirnitiEr tonic. ;u i: S T la" .. : t A hill T i.NiO. dnvrs Ki i-t' m. A tri topi Its fauj cl.ilwrt-u. ' voi.vt; liciv r.ssi:s. lNdtert Spencer Smith, Thirf'en-Ver-OId Von of lr. anil Mrs. T. '. Smith, Sui i umls to Attack of Klicuniat iin Funeral and Hurial Sunday at lon Creek. Mr. aiid Mrs. T. (". .-"mi; h havo the .Mii.ain u. a i.uge num...-. i i . i .. r frit nils .n the bereavement wbiili, came to them in the death Saturday j afternoon at ':'.'," o'clock of their j eldest son. Robert Spencer Smith, i who pa-'.l away after an Illness of six weeks with in 'lammatory rheu matism. The little fl!ov took his bed on Saturday alter Christmas and never left it. Though suffering ex- ru r tat in i: pain almost constantly during his cut re :I!ios he bo-e it with a 'hritian tointude that was iiu!d r mark aide in one mi young, lie was n his thirteenth year, hav i n li bei n born .Inly 11. I !' a I . TP'- a ' ' a h 1 1 . i; t and devotion v h;h",d toward him b h!s yomi; i om pa n ion s in 'he public s boo! and the Si:r.i!:iv s hool of the F.rst ltati ' i h i' i' h was Pea ut i f u I ind.. . .:. Il;s f.-llow pupils in Miss Manna s toon; a: the Cititral trailed si hoot a hai ilni'iii' wreath of !!ow its ' s . t. Funeral serics wire hi Id at I org Cr ek Maptist i linra h. I'allas. Sunday afternoon at :'. :n o!ori, Kev. W. ('. Harrett, !,ator of the First Hapti-t . hur b ofliriaf ing. The bod was tenderly laid to rest in the Long ( reel, etnet"rv Ttie pall bearers were t,.s.s v. T Clifford. J. S Wray. .1. I! . Shu ford. W. T. Stnrev. !,. F. W. teM and II. It. Moore, all deacons of the First'Pst ohur'h. of whiih board Mr. Smith is a member. Quite a num bi r of friends from town aeiornpa'i- d 'he family to the funeral and burial. Horrible I'.Ioti lies of Kcema. Quirl ! i nn i! by r. Hob.--ill's K. ema i lint n' ( '. 1" fahl H, ,,f . w ();!. t v. 1 S'a;- - 'y do. 'or ad', se;! "e to try 'In- t'oTi--"11 s Ki 1 a Sa i I '., d ! 1; : e '... s of I lili ' ':: ei, t and tin-,. . : ' rs ' I'r. Ilob-oti's I rina ma -'o:.'. T 'd'y I l.axe t o' a spo' anx w 1.. re or, n hody and can say I an cin 1." 't will do l'e same for you. 1's on' liiiirj. healing, anti-eptir action w :!1 rid you of all si- in humors, h'a. i heads, rumples. Frzema hi -i'i li es, red tins gh'lv ors. and leaves your s. in i b an and healtnv. Het a ''uv today. ' 1 u a ran teed. AH Niug--is's. "an . or by mail. Ffeifrer Chemical Co.. Philadelphia V st. l-onji.. Adv. ro hi: I A I'MlillS OF THIS cm rv. I,nni on' for the seed failr' He has '..r the Prist few w.el s been op.-ra'ine in the ntral part of the s'ta'e. and has (Preyed and defraud- ed f'l'iner after far-ner. selling them ord nary seeds from $ 1 to $r, .er bushel that V. re not W orth more than from . 1 to per toishei Keeti your eye on the fellow who i 'ores to your house wi'h his new- i ind of seed for s'.rtne or fall sow- ineseed that ma-cs n.ira'iilous li'lds As' hi':) 'o shn-.i- his I' ' r. se- o s, 1 1 ; "n't. i'l-o"- ... if i ... . , r.t. i ne i anno- snow i n e ri i ,pr o tl e ' O " ' I i I s s ' o I i - r of L"' ! ' 1 ' ' 1 1 '' e "o" " or. ey tiaid ior smh ' ' s j .m e and addn s " ' t:u,- 1 t' ''d 'hi rn ''. us nt niii . -. r o . . -, :M a ti i fort to .'et i t; ton h u h h ' -n l, ,. :n . - l i-l ..mi iii a ; ; . to- r- "l te ' " r' t"f I t 'i' A ::i p !' :o , h, r,,-e bill s' ron ' d- I IK1 e r 'hi s,. c,.. d f -. Ills d d t: il- b dat; afe 't. " i ,s ;, j (,'f rn ' :.-s 'n tha' s. on at d rn i "v " '' T a r m ( rs rn , a , , ., t a r a : n -1 i d't-rv husir, .... , rv .,. r e.T us oo a ' e ' o ' . 1 at, v L' 'A a S t b'e af'. ' 'he bo'-r s . V'e liave n ' .'.', !..,. 1 , . , . -'''( a f fi i n . -. ' -ov i r a' r : : a- d we a-r -f'. ' f. Von herrr e 'f ".-fori . be O" -' m. .j p-c i i , i - I'll' ti is' :'i I I . 'nrv. a i o-M :n -In hem 'or o-- -s . ;i v ' ' i 'a bora - i A I'P-ovf-d : W. A c,".A'tM. r-ommiss.onrr A Lrr',( ulf ure. of I.a f;riirx I.eav Tt .tims I rCI- Pome victims of la crlnno never fully recover th- health of the limes, - and p-rs:st(ni . onehins is weal en' Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Cure in?. The o,uick ar'ion of Foley's Th(-vtcSs.noima. r, f howiontn,i,n2' Honey and Tar maVes it valuable in Brc 'y tiic n. i, eid rrii;.i, j r" ppvere la erinpe coughs. F. C,. Pre- ' IT.".. A ' ''' o:l . ' 1 " vo, Bedford. Ind, writes: "La1 prippe left me with a severe rouph ' Miss Mamie Ptowe left vester that Foley's Honey and Tar cured, day for Belmont to spend some time and t am bark to my normal weight." wi'h her parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Adv. ; Ftowe. Mrs. G. B. 5-towe. of Belmont, was in the city yesterday afternoon. Safe for Rabies, KfTer tive for Grown Tps. That's Foley's Hony and Tar Compound. It has the confidence of your druggist, who knows It will give you sat'sfaetion. W. W. Ne smitn. Ftatesboro. Ga.,- says: "I have used Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound In my family and have sold it in my store and it never fails to cure." Refuse a substitute. For sale by all Dealer. -Adv. i A Propitious Time for Municipal Im provements of All Kinds. Manufacturers Record, 5th. The recent strong improvement in the market for municipal securities should be taken advantage of Promptly by Southern communities which are contemplating the Issuing of bonds for public work. A vast a mount of county, city and municipal improvements of every kind is need ed in the fouth, for which bonds n'ust b iss,,ed- At ',he, Psent time there is a better market for such se curities, and coincident with this ability to g-t money there is a sur plus of labor available, and manu facturers of machinery and equip ment are in a position to fill orders to better advantage than would be possible if all business interests were active. The condition, there fore, is exceptionally favorable for the prosecution of public work. Throughout all parts of the South and Southwest roads are to be built, new streets made and old streets improved, sewerage sstems and wa-terworl-s are to be constructed or enlarged, and public bii'Iditr-'s e-ert ed Whil it is desirable. and nftrn important. that public birldln-s 1,1 he orn.a te a n ,1 ' n 1, .eiiin - w i h the life of the community, it is es pecially important that they should be absolutely flreurooff. Kvery courthouse and every eitv hall oueh.t to he so well constructed as to ma'-o thoroughly safe nuhlic reco'd- of all 1 inds. These t h t f t-s are important. Hut the construction of the mosr modern sewerage systems, and of water-works to guarantee an aivie simply of pure wa'er. and the .bn id ing of good road-: and the paving of streets and alius a even more im portant These all take bold of the is-amtia! 'iing th"'h, of the community. Ther is po grea'er ironomu' v.v'cf nlri-sc than th't wh:ih bv a-unn of fabo eee'io.,.. ioa.e'!ts t r 1 1 ' i i c i 1 1 ; 1 1 ' f i e s fain urtr, '. MIL' Pure wa'er. the tost - rv sewira.'e :! w e!l-nave.l fpi-'.- a ! a ' 1 w h i . b i".'i' c mo -. j ' ) , y i lei n I ' I i ss 1" ' i t i'!n ,i ed e. rv I a'h lro'i. ' ;,hout h f., (,, do these t h i r L' s is e. ono"! ; Joss , " " to the IlllMi,,.!-:,!;. of '. to OI: p. '. II t fr- fi'ials. a id 'his w ' hou : ' r;p the sotou aid suffering b'oiiL-h' tilth- illness ,-in,' the d-aths wV b 1" ter san 'ari!oti would hare prevep ' d Th- men in a n i i o-u -tn unit v who. f ; om .a narre-v and m-'s-i-r!v nnai' of r. . 1 1 . ' 1 1 ' , '-. ... in-n's ot" th;s 1'iid. wh: h :"-e ,ss, p t:a! to "e h-al'h of a o'. r un v i no Will as to its progress, a r- resonp-s'bl- 'or sir! ness ho h. n'lir- r1 ,;,iri mi 'heir part nrght have .revet d Fvory crowing town and c''v : the Sou'h neds to on trior- a-d I iv 'i on improving i icy il.iv , -verv "ir i's Provis oes rnr v'tr''i ron at-d health. TN im lud-' all sip h ''ipL's is " a ' wn--' S seW---.1 f e sis'e-is and W-1!-tiin ' -T.e's The tehl i a'most -s vn w;s(,r ;rivesf "lepf r,-. n b- made TlV peo'.l- 1 1 :i n the mo"i- s',.et wl-e-i i ' ' s p o ' ( s 1 v 4 I- e d ' d f ' 1 r ! ' ' 1 : 1 j r W Or' s of tl s 1 , TP, s, j- -e-o- o. ti'' "'s " cm v ,t - ;-i! t, i ,, -h.y mein b.."r'- entld" :ops of lllltlg. Ii-"er n vj '-on rn r t s 'or vounr' and o'd and het'er l -il'li -it'd l,o--, r ' -us rnr i he. i" o' H js i s- i i j i"v 1 ,,, ,.r,r. pt t p er, ore. that 'h- ,'H1-tPn:!-.t; nf elei'l - e -,,., T v I,, , A South cl-iou'd s'lii'i' 'he si tun 'ion in t he ll-h o fiT-osen - ro'd:'!oes 'vWfi flffV for snh WOr!- js, iie'n l'lr a'oindant ml when the la'or n'-ai!-;ib'. for t :s in i-ri a' cm"-' v. ,'or d' it the vf.rv do'ne of h' se 'hint's and the c-e "lov'"cnf o r labor ;n ivorl.o f,f Mns l id would stimulate a" hucinrss. '''-- -rr lari-ily heln In hr'niin? -i'-ou' 'hat ?r-n( ral p'oseefi' v for wtr.h all n'e loo' Pntr .ad honine This is .,. j--niiti.'s- dtiy n' oi"or' nn it v for wnrV of 'his l irid. 1 f '-e nl'll-nnta s -.' f n-'hern rn'l- .ieo -o rot nl'i-.- tn the -;tua- t'on 'he n n"ln wbos. :nirr'Ss' are a' rv r, oii"h' to si o that they are awa' en'd promptlv. trccri'i'l'l'i III i,l-?i'iM'. I'i ni'i' cv'-ryivlii-i'i. are 'al- Ipl' of t),0 , 1 U ' l :in,J I';;,, r, . ; ' s Fob-V h" d v r;''s rrf- in Irir' a he. rheiia- ' dn v and h'adder- 'roubles. Vii-i .an ' o' 'a' e !, ..i it.'o ..our '! I !. .. i.-v.s, ,. '-',!.,.. D M ' ' 1 i ,,, ,. t : , , "rd b'- r! h r P)s' m Par ria'i 'r- ' 's f-,r to hc-.l 'he-, i , .. 'C d 'li'U-tive o-"ans. For sale by a" Fi tilers A d v. Insurance Airenli. The f, , j !,,.A n , eOI ,,)' , ), .,,,),,, I'libF l.a'.iv :;:;. is of more 1 an p -.--it j inn. i0 'he c':. us ' " '.'. and (si., i ially those ,lo Mor, as a-'in's. CoMipan'(s and ' ' ' '-' ii'!1 will In' held to a hiffhrr ' i 1 i' d under it : " 'on 1 . "I hat te ro re any Jj. ' ' ' s :ss in d o any i n - u ra in e n - i ' t h s - a . . -he ar-'erit an: !y- 'or s-n h nse and 'he (ompa- p . h " h t: e (b s i ' es I o act a s a ! a p: . i ' 'or s m b 1 ieenRe on t! ' 'o be P'c. r li. d hi -lie Insur- e c,,-,,., is-ioi .er. and before any i "se to such :if-'ep' s Issued the Insuiaipc Com rn issioi er shall satis fy himself that hip h p rson so apply-!"-' f"r lb i use as an auent is a per son of eood n oral character, that he h;is pot wilfully violated anv of ttie 'ncnr'irun pi, l. : r-.. . ia hi iniM riare. atul that he is a Proper person for such , Position The Kinr of All lAatlve. For constipation us rir. Kinp's New Fife Pills. Paul Mathulka, of Buffalo. N. Y.. says they are tne "kinp of all laxatives. They are a blessine to all my family and I al ways keep a box at home." Get a box and pet well again Price 2'c. At Druggists or by mall. H. E. Bn"klen & no.. Philadelphia or St. Louis. Adv. fOR SALE: Manilla Second-sheets at Gazette office. Attractive price la Ursa lota. ! TALKS ON ! ! ADVERTISING f o t o o Don't Take It Easy Tlli:i:i: are Pi's of merchants u I; . ! or. ne to lake things e..-y w !,. a I bei Mioiild he up a l.d i t is i it I iera IWe I ; . la. y or be. au-se they sh . ; k i .. ' . ng a u K- ne. hut rat It er i - - ' I of bei ;i g iineerta in . !. . t " a 1 e a I h t i n 1 1 : m: P - r "' i : -T v is to ihing II,;: ..i a I rli I 111 liVlT'lo. ,, . t rn ,ie p' ' - - i hi i it ie l ll it'll I lie pa I' rei p-'si lio.V ell. lire- llilll I" d I el, ip Me li -it Hi h-.-.t: e he iloe-n'I ktaci bo v. ;il.r t.lkili ; llllVil'iai'.'l' of the low ''"St o'' Or! el'l IP. Is w it bin Pis W I.', h 1 ' him ! o . r T.ele with el en the la rge-t ! o:. il or del' lio:i-.e- ;.ot in hi- ' .ediate iri nil i . 11- tails to ia 1 , .e t lia 1 his tie!. I I'm- trade vastly broadeiie I and th d be ran ship a'al deliier tfimiN far more euirkly to r.iiisiimers v. dhtn his di -t rirt t ban any o"o ' - To take ad a n'.'l "e of the-e featilia s of Ihe parrel ..ost he ox ,'.iii -ut .an effective ad i rrl Fin ' campaign tit will pay bi'ii now wheie it wouldn't I'1 limes p.asti and organ l.'e an elll cieiil shipping and correspond eiu-e dot ri rt merit. The results will not be luti)' in coming;. i;FT oft ami iifsit.f: "f;al Advertisements' mmi-ioi:i; s m.i: or i,i. I ii .b r and h virtue of an older of t).. Sni'i'i ;nr Co u M,. o ' i i a .-' o n I 'i .ii t. ' v. made .u the s; ;a! am. il :i. . d "haiM I'. I .::;'! r. .u!- ii- i!!-";.aii-. .aL:aiiist Mary iiaiilwii e l.d oil's." ! !,e lit,,'.. r.sisl.Cil . Olil- ti :ss op it will on vi-:i n . Mi;cn nil. him, at 11 o'i lo.-i A M. a' Vount Holly, ilas'ou County. i' . f.e, r for sale to 'he 1. ii: h i -' bidder lor a -1. t liar certain tra t of land I ! I : u and In in t: n Kiii'i' llend Tow iisbi". (las ton i '-i;iif y. Voi'th ad;o!l ir :l' Die 1 inds f M's Ada c I!,.K, . 1,'obe t I )a i ii port . and o'Tiers. and b,r;n.p d as '..I'-m'-- !:. t n ir at a st . . ii, ;i e old pun d ru tis t hem (i S f '1 V. 'J 1-1 nob to a White I lal. : thrnre S ) II - I W " J "-s .ob - to a s'om : tin m e X 12 W f2 1-1 l ob s 'o a s'n-e: Co in e N 1 r, 1-1 F HI "- pubs to the becinnlnp. Containing' L'M aires, mote or less. The same to be sold suh'ert tn, or b'SK the wo low's iliiui ". to be ailot ' d Prior to date of sale. This February 2. 10 14. IiAVIl) !'. DFFFIVC.Fn. Com u; i s.-ione r T-MH c r,. moi: r; (.i:i:s of i.m. lly i irt ne ol the power o; s..l con : a ! I; id . :i :. . . rt. in n.ui i ibid i n nr. d !,;. Ihiir.-l Axiy .i;.d u Te to tin- nioli t -d-pi d. dati d ') tobet" 1 ". I 1' 1 ". and n ' s'( : ( (1 in Hon. v 2 ,a t paL-e 17 1 in the ollirc of Ibe Ki ister of Iliads of ila.sloti Coillitv, de fault h a iriLf In n made in tie ; ay P i I r o' the indebted!! ss se- hi. d thiiebi. I v. : ' 1 .-!! at public a'pron to the i:l-1,i s' hiibb r for ea.-h, at the Court Mo'ise door in Fastonia, V. (' . at twelve i 1 - i o'i bv h Noon, on MOMHY. MMU'll 2 VI), mil. the foj loivi i, l' drsrribid lot or par o I of land si'ua'id on North Marl-f-'ta .s'tret in the Fitv of ilastonia, N". (' ,: 1'eL'iri iii:r at a s'one on the west side of Ma .' ' a st et 1 . .", 1-1 feet Ironi the North iv st i orn r of Fin coin Ave. (fornurly Fifth St.l and t,ari(tta Stnif on V. H. Puetfs lit!", aid runs North F2 decree West ::-1 i t to a stone, corner of Ithvpe land: thence with Hhyne line South v i :'i West t 1 .1 2S-IM0 fe f t0 a s'ono. corner of lot No. IS on plot recorded In Book 2C, page " '7 in Kciris'or of Deed's office; t'.iwe with 1 no of said lot No. IS. .".-4 f I to a stone: thence East ward in a direct line to the bepin- nln p. This :inth day of Jan.. 1914. .1. AFONZO IHIYN'E, Mortpapee. T-F24 c4w John Little vs. Mttlejohn. Rock Hill Herald. GafTney pulled orT a municipal pri mary this week and the two leading candidates for mayor were John Llt le and Littlejohn. There was a third candidate and he was In th contest Just enough to make It nec essary for Little and Littlejohn to run in a second primary. Colds. constiTatlTand headache fivin J"7,C0mm0r, affl,cons and re lieving the constipation helps the Foley Cathartic Tablets because they are very prompt and thoroughly cleansing, with absolutely no un pleasant effecta. A whole bottle full fo- 2- -nts. For sale by all Deal era. AdV. Thomson's Remarkable Offerings 0 n Ladies' Spring Coat Suits High quality, stylish tailored spring suits at prices almost impossible to duplicate else where. These prices mean a big- saving to all who take advantage of them. We are showing a line of ladies' spring suits in navy, Copenhagen, tan, leather and brown shades, priced at $15.00, $18 00 $22.50 and $25.00. ' ' It's a money saving chance for you that y-iu can't afford to overlook. Come and see how much we can save you on your spring coat suit at this store. The Thomson Mercantile Co. Gastonia, N. C. Subscribe For Stock In e SMIKIFLK SO 1' T II F i; X It A I L W A Premier Carrier of the South. N. li. The following schedule fig ires published only as Informatloi uid are nol guaranteed. I Trains leave Gastonia' I No. L".i. 4:4o a. m., daily, Blr- n.inphani .-';km ial, stops on siirnal to . i-eceim pas . tiffeis for Atlanta, Ilir- aiin L-l.aia ai.d all points beyond- ! No. 4F f. : I a. in., dally, foi ' 'barlijtte, .-'ali.sbury, Greensboro anc local points to Washington, connect i. r with trains for Raleigh ani bjldnl.OI O. No. ::i. 8:00 a. rn.. daily, loca : 'or A t lanta. No. 3''.. 9:2.'. a. ni.. daily. I'niteO States fast mail. for Charlotte Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia ind New York and intermedial i ,iolnta. First No. :i7, 10:42 a. in., Atlan ta r-p'Cial. stops on signal to receive ! passengers for Atlanta and all points h von d. .Veond No. r!7, 10:". J a. in., daily. New York, Atlanta and Nev Orleans Limited, stops for passengers Tor nil points beyond Atlanta via A. & W. F. By. at vvhb h this train is gcheluled to stop. No. 11. 11:. a' a. m., daily, local 'or Atlanta and Intermediate point No. 4 2. 12:4.". p. rn., daily, loci for Charlotte. No. 12. 4:".r. p. m., daily, loca for Charlotte, Richmond and ln?e mediate points. No. 41. 5:40 p. m., dally, 'oca for Seneca and intermediate points. First No. 38, fi:71 p. m., New York, Atlanta Special, stops on sig nal to receive passengers for Wasn Ington and all points beyond. Tecond No. 2 8. 7:51 p. m., dally. New York, Atlanta and New Or leans Limited, stops on signal to dis charge passengers from points be vond Atlanta via A. & V. P. Ry.. in cluding Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans ATI d uolnts beyond. No. 40. 9:48 p. m., daily. Tor Charlotte. No 35. 10:15 p. m.. dally. Unit ed States fast mail, for Atlanta, Bir mingham and New Orleans. Pull man drawing room -eeplng can New York to New Orleans and Bir mingham. Day coaches Washington to New Orleans. Dining car service No. 30. 10:38 p. ra., Birmingham Special, stops on signal to receive passengers for Richmond. Washing ton and all points beyond. Tickets, sleeping accommoda Uons and detalled-'lnforaatlon car be obtained at ticket office. R. H. DeBUTTS. D. P. A.. Charlotte. N. C O. C. ANDREWS, Agent. Gastonia, N. C Gastonia Mutual Building and Loan Association NINETEENTH SERIES NOW OPEN Ser"fs No. 6 matured Jan uary 1, 1914, paying $100.25 per share. $40,000 loaned in 1913. Profits more than 1 7 per cent, on the invest ment, or 5 and 3 4 per cent, annual interest on dues, is our past record. E. G. McLURD, Secretary and Treasurer Office at Gaston Loan and Trust Co. Attention Farmers W H WISH TO CALF THE AT T F NT ION OF TIIF FA KM Kits OF (i AS TON OOl'.NTY TO TIIF FACT THAT TIIF OASTON FA KM ICRS FNION FOl.Ni; YOLK STOKF WAKFIIOISF I1FSINFSS AND PATKONAi;!-;. Yol K COTTON IS STILL SOLICITS I. FT IS FOR YOF. KY ALL MFANS SFF FS HF KORK YOF KI'Y FFKT1 LIZKR FOR TI1K COM INC SFASON. IT W ILL M FA N M O.N FY IN YOFK POCKKTS IF YOF I!FY FROM FS. WF F1G FRE ON SHOUT MA RO INS OF PROFIT AND ADMINISTER OUR Ill's IN ESS WITH TIIF CREATFST ECONOMY. MR. II. L. CFK, FORMERLY IN CHARGE, HAS BEEN RE-KLFCTE!) SECRE TARY AND TKFASFRFK OF THE COMPANY AND WILL BE FOUND ON THE JOB ALL THE TIME. HE WILL HE C.LAp TO WAIT ON YOU AT THE WA RK I IOCS K AT ALL, TIMES. Gaston Farmers Union Warehouse Co. Rhone IS4. Gastonia, N. C. suBscnniE POK THE ATLANTA JOURNAL, DAILY. SITS. DAY & SEMI-WEEKLY. LARGEST CIRCULATION SOUTH OP BALTIMORE. BY MAIL: Dally & Sunday per annum.. 7 0 Dally Only, pe- annum 5,'oa Sanday Only, per annum .... 2.00 Semi-Weekly, per' annum.... l 00 ALL THE NEWS! ALL THE TIME I Subscriptions thai have already been paid In at the office can not be counted toward clubs or ten unless the subscriber, at the time of mak ing payment, directed that his sub scription be credited to a certain dab-maker. This rule la adherred to atrletly. "g" DONT LET YOUR SUBSCRIp. TION TO TJU5 GAZETTE EXPIRK LOOK AT . TUB -ATB OX ' VOtm LABEL AND SEND US TOUR RE NEW AX BEFORE TOUR TIME Rjr PIRKH. ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARK HTOPPKl) WHEN OUT UNLESS RJC.