THE GASTONIA GAZETTE PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AXD FRIDAYS. SINGLE COPY 8 CENTS. GASTONIA IS A BUSY TOWN. lJJO A YEAR IN ADVAHOfc VOL. XXXV. GASTONIA, N. C. TUESDAY AFTERNOON. MARCH 3, 101 . SO. 18. FARM DEMONSTRATION SHORT LOCAL ITEMS BUSINESS OF COUNTY IN SOCIAL CIRCLES MARCH 2STH THE DATE NEWS OF THE COUNTY GASTON COUNTY MAY UNDERTAKE IT COMMISSIONERS MET YESTERDAY LATEST EVENTS IN WOMAN'S WORLD ' FOR HOLDING COUNTY COMMENCEMENT LATEST FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS Gastonia Chandler of Commerce En dorses Movement and Recommends Tluit Hoard of Commissioners Make Necessary Appropriation District Manager Millsas Puts Matter Before the Board Sixty Five Counties Have Work Going n. V There is a strong probability that Gaston county may Inaugurate the farm demonstration work under the direction of the United states de partment of Agriculture, as it is now being carried on in sixty-five of the 1(10 counties in the State. In terest in this matter was renewed yesterday by a visit to the city of Mr. K. S. Millsaps, of Statesville. dis trict manager of the farm demon &fation work for the western half of North Carolina. At J:::n o'clock ve-'erday after noon Mr. Millsaps nn't the hoard of directors of the Chamber of Com merce and presented the matter to them. At the contusion of the con ference the hoard unanimously adopted a resolution sing the proposition and recommending that the county com m issionei s appropri ate the amount needed for this work, namely plim per year. A committee consisting of President. T. I., (raiir. Secretat.v A Lloyd and Judge A. C. Jones, was appointed to accoinpa 71 y Mr. Millsap ai:d ina'-e the roiuest of the commissioners for the appro priation. This was done. No action was taken at esterday's session hut the board lias the matter under con sideration and there is good reason to believe that the appropriation will bo mad. The liepart ment of Agriculture ap propriates the sum of $ mi for this work pro ided the count v furnishes the remainijig jilim. I'rder the pro visions of the Love l,ii. which was passed by Congress orilv a few weeks ago. $10.0(10 mo'i' is available for this worl in North Carolina. That the farm demonstration work has handsomely paid those counties in North Carolina and in other States as well which have adopted it. needs no argument to prove, says Mr. Millsaps. The facts and figures constitute all the argument that Is necessary. In 1 v.". ft. said Mr. Mill saps. North Carolina produced f!". 00(i. (hiii bushels of corn. It took .Mi years, or until limit, to raise that production to I! I .ihi u ,u un. Since 100ft. (he years, under the farm de monstration system of instruction the farmers of North Carolina in creased the production to iiimi,. (mil. an iio rease of '1 1 .000. 000 hush els in live vears. more than five times the increase gained in the pre vious .'it' years. Cnder the farm demonstration system Virginia last year built over I. 1 silos, started l.loo dairies and II' creameries, all of which are now in successful operation. Last year a Buncombe county far mer produced more than in. (inn pounds of bay on an acre at the first cutting. In i number of other coun ties splendid h i roduction records were made in this on im't ion Mr. Millsaps said that tUe history oT agriculture showed tlia' no country in the wo' 1,1 h il eve- " o-iiorcil wh ! h il 1 ' r ise it'.- a r i I live stock. Il l.-. a! - .1 true nr. Hon py history that no in the world has e er prospered which ' on lined itself to one crop :t the South has done in the n, alter ,,f cotton Tn some parts and tobaci o in others. North Carol ina fa mers nn grow h 'y as well and as cheaply as can the farmers of Iowa, vet they send out of the State last ear . 1 "..".nn. ioiO for hay. Wo can rair ivestock as well as any other State in the Un ion but not on hay that we pay $20 a ton for. We can produce ensilage Ht $4 to $"i a ton and false all the livestock the State consumes. Mr. Millsaps gave many statistics to prove that the farm demonstration work is one of the greatest things the South has ever undertaken and his talk impressed those who heard him most favorably. Folev Catharti - Tablets .to en tirely effe. live, thoroughly cleansing and always pleasant in action. They contain blue flag, are a remedy for constipation and sluggish liver, and a tonic to the bowels, which are Im proved by their iise. Try them. They do not fail to give relief and satis faction. For sale hv All Dealers. Adv. Mrs. J. B. Cleveland Dead. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cleveland, formerly of Gastonia but now residing in Spartanburg, will deeply regret to learn of the death of Mr. Cleveland's mother. Mrs. John B. Celveland. which occurred Sun day morning at Johns Hopkins Hos pital. Baltimore, where Mrs. Cleve land h.ol been undergoing treatment for the past three weeks. The body was broueht to Spartanburg last night and the funeral was conducted at the Church of the Advent this morning at 1 1 o'clock by the rector, Rev. W. H. K. Pendleton. Mrs. Cleveland is survived by her bus band aaJ seven children, several of whom were at her bedside du.-ine her last illness. She was a native of Tennessee but had lived in Spartar burg sinre her marriage in 1871 ard was on of the most highly esteem ?-! and gritly beloved women of Spartanburg". THE MOVEMENTS OF GASTON PEOPLE Personal Items About Gaston Folks and Their Friends Short Items About People and Things That Are of Interest to Gazette Headers. Mr. Ernest Wilson and Mr. AI vie Dunn, of Charlotte, were visitors in Gastonia Sunday. Mr. W. 11. Glenn, of Clover, route two. was in Gastonia on busi ness Saturday. -Mr. Fred Dunn and Mr. Sam Suggs, of Lenoir College, Hickory, spent Sunday with homefolks. Miss Jen Coltrane. after a visit of two weeks to her sister, Mrs. D. A. Garrison, returned yesterday to her home in Concord. - Key. K. R. Caldwell, pasror of the Bessemer City and West Casto nia A. K. P. churches, was in ttie city on business this morning. Mr. Baxter Forbes, of Matthews, is spending some time in the city with his half-brother, Dr. C. J. M ( 'oinbs. - Mrs. 'Maude Beatty has accepted a position with 11. Sihneider. She went to work there yesterday morn ing. Mrs. Maude Beatty and little daughters, Madge and Kathleen, spent the week-end with Mrs. llen kle McCinnis at Kings Mountain. Mrs Janie Dunn and little son. Kufus. returned home Sunday from Stanley where they spent a week w it h friends. Miss Lli.a Saunders and Miss Violet McLean left today for Spencer to attend the 1 lendrix 1 hilton wed ding tomorrow. They will return to i 'iastonia Thursday. Mr. P. II. Ktird. of Klird's De partment Store, returned to the city Saturday after spending a work In the Northern markets purchasing spring goods. --Miss Lillian Watson returned this morning to Raleigh to resume her studies at St. Mary's College af ter being the euest for a week or more of her aunt, Mrs. T. I,. Crajg. Dr. Frank It. Anders and little Miss W'illard Jenkins spent Sunday in Charlotte with Mrs. Anders, who is visiting her mother. Mrs. H. II. Shields. - Miss Marie Isenhour. of Con cord, and Mrs. W. L. Isenhour, of Charlotte, were the guests Friday of Mrs. A. It. Anders at her home on Chester street. - Mr. John W. Long and Miss Maggie Foster, both of Groves Sta tion, were married by Kev. J. J. Beach Saturday night at s o'clock af the parsonage of Fast Baptist church. i Mi:-s I.illie .loyner. of Charlotte. Professor of Knglish in Queen's Col lege, spent yesterday in the city as the guest of Miss Nell McLean af her home on South Broad street. Miss .loyner and Miss McLean were schoolmates at Agnes Scott. - Mr. David Lebovit. left last night for Baltimore, lihhmond and New York to I'utchase split:.' goods for the I.ohovitz Department Stores. He will be away about a week or ten days. ll was accompanied by ,iis da nugh tors. Misses Tena and Hinda. About six o'clock este'ila' ;7 t erncum t be lire depa r men t fiscal: ed to Last Franl lin avenue to extin guish a tire in one of the Avon Mill houses occupied by Mr. Miller Lynn. The building was saved. al'hougn Mr. Lynn lost practeally all lit? household effects. - Several articles of personal ap parel including a fur muff, a tur col lar and a scarf, were left at the res idem e of Col. and Mrs. T. L. Ctatg last Tuesday night upon the occas ion of their reception. The owners may get these artii li s hv sending for them. - Mr. C. P. Robinson went to M -Connellsville. S. ('.. yesterday to be at the bedside of his mother, Mrs. Kmily Robinson, who has been rj ti t r o ill with pneumonia for several davs nt the home of her daughter. Mrs. S. A. Crawford, where she Is on a visit. - Tlans are being prepared hy Mr. F. L. Bonfoey. architect for the Holland Realty & Insurance Co.. for a handsomo modern seven-room bungalow which Mr. George B. Ma son will build at once on Fast Air line avenue adjoining the residence of Mr. C. R. Siencer. Mr. Mason recently purchased the lot from the Ran!. in estate. Cni readers, particularly the ladies, will be interested in the full page announcement of offerings in new Spring goods carried on page three today by the Efird Company. The enterprise of this firm in giving their customers the very first oppor tuity to see the latest and newest things every season is in keeping with their up-to-date methods of merchandising. Plain Troth That's Worth Money. Using Foley's Honey and Tar for a cough or cold may save you both sickness and money. F. F. Mona han, Menomonie, Wis., says: "I am exposed to all kinds of weather and I find Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound always fixes me up In good shape when I catch cold or have a bad cough. I recommend it gladly." Refuse substitutes. For sale by All Dealers. Adv. Subscribe for The Gazette. Several Itoad Matters Disiosed of Convicts Hired from Caldwell 'ount v .Juries i I ravn for Xet Accounts Paid, In- iTin or ourl .Many of Audited and Ordered ( lulling Pauiier List I se of urt Itoom Granted for County Com mencement. The board of county commission ers met in regular monthly ses sion for the month of March yester day, with all members of the board present and hairman I.eeper pre siding. .Mailers of business were disposed of as follows: G. W. Howe was appointed agent for Mary Warren, outside pauper, In lieu of G. M . Gullick, deceased. It was ordered that the road lead ing from the sand-clay road to the South Carolina line known as the Bov d read be surveyed. The sheriff was ordered to open n cartway over and through the lands of .1. D. Putman and others as per petition of T. L. Pa ne, K. .1. Klliott and others. S u pel i n t en den t of Roads T. I.. Ware was instrmted to l'o over and inspect ihe public toad near Hickory Grove church over and through Die Johnson lands with a view to i hang ing the same. It was ordered that the road as per petition of Sparrow and othe-s he opened as per report of T. L. Ware. It was ordered that the county hire convicts from Caldwell county, Gaston county to pay the lourt costs for same. It was ordered thtt a new public road leading from the Lincoln coun ty line to Lander's chapel, as sur veyed by T. L. Ware, be opened as a public road 'not as a sand clay or macadam road) and the other two public roads he discontinued when tho new road is in good shape, peti tioners for said road to pay $:!0n on the bridge when completed and all damages. It was ordered that the road lead ing from the Mountain Island Mills to the macadam road leading from Mount Holly to Lm ia be adopted to be built as a sand clay road, one fourth of all the costs of building same to be paid hy the Artiinn Manu facturing Company jml the balance to be paid by the county in one and two years from date of completion. John Perkey and Dorcas Douglass were declared paupers and allowed to go to tho county home. The use of Ihe court room for ho'i'ipg county commencement ex en l'sos was granted. V" F. S. Millsaps. representing the I'v'ted States Department of Agriculture appeared before the board and made a proposition to the effect that the Department would pay f r. towards the salary of a train- id farm demonstrator for the county loo- i h'd the county would pay the ri" " a Miile-. w hich would he about .r.cii The board took the matter ntidi - consideration but no action was taken. Tb" following juries were drawn for t''e March term of f,-,stori Coun v 1 """inr Court, whiih convenes i ai i ay. March 1 .th. . Fl R ST U'I'I'K. Mci-'nigh''' Pelmonf. Smith. Kings Mountain. I A B. A Tli oin; narrow. Gas'onia I I . Kirley. bet A. White. Bei-cetner Cltv Lewis. Belmont. Cr"'atid. Bessemer Cltv. Stone. Vomit HoVvr. rvey Williams. Kings Moun- T. I tai M. I. V 1. e L. r i,i"olint-L'pr. Belmont. dderholdt. Cherryville. Titman. Lowell. Carpenter. Cronse. It h y n e, fashion. Lowell. A . Hi M. . J. Moro tthyne. Dallas. M. Hoffman. Jr., Dallas. B. Kendrick. SFCOND WEKK. oh Raker, Crouse. A. Harmon. Bessemer City. A. Mauney. Bessemer City. C. Arrowood. Bessemer Cltv Ta : i. L. ha i er. I rmipp. W. L. I.ineberger. dastonla. K. K. Black. Mount Holly. Andrew Stroup. Bessemer City. L. L. Rogers. Mount Holly. J. M. Garrison. Belmont. H. F. Oakley, Gastonla. J. R. Gaston. Belmont. John F. Abernethy, McAdenville. I. White Ware. Gastonia. T. F. Carson. Gastonia. R. B. Riddle. Gastonia. Grier Dellinger. Special "Health Warning" for March. March is a trying month for the very young and for elderly people. Croup, bronchial colds, lagrippe and pneumonia are to be feared and avoided. Foley's Honey and Tar Is a great family medicine that will quickly stop a cough, check the pro gress of a cold, and relieve inflamed and congested air passages. It ts safe. pure, and always reliable. For sale by All Dealers. Adv. house mantels, grates and tiling at gastonia furniture company's. The New York World, three time a week (almost the Mine as a daily) and The Gazette both for one year ORIGINAL "i:t" WITH MISSES TORRENCK. The Original Thirteen Club is be. ing entertained this afternoon, boc ginning at 3: So o'clock, hy Mlssi Marie and Lois Torrem e at thetr home on Chester stteet. mm HKTTKKM FT TO MKKT FlilDAV AFTKKXOOX. The regular meeting of the Wo man's Betterment Association Tor the month of Man h will be held in the auditorium of the Central graded school Friday afternoon at .'LH0 o'clock. All members are especially I requested to be present. STOKY lionc IHHt I I I I I, K TOTS. On Friday morning of this week at I" o' lock Mrs. Joe S. W'ray will give a Mory Hour at the Public Li brary lor children from three to six ears of age who are not in school. Mothers are especially requested to remember the time and bring trie children. Th is appoint men t is in ad dition to the regular stot hours held for the different grades of school children. SOCIAL ML'KTIXG OF I PWOKI II 1,1 . I II. On Friday evening of this week the Kpworlh League of Main Street Methodist church will hold a litera ry and social meeting in the league loom of the church. The principal feature of the program will be an address by Mr. A. K. Woltz, after, which there will be a social session. The services will begin at 7 :.'!( o'clock and all the young people of the church are cordially invited. I'ltll.XDLY MAT I OX'S WITH MltS. CKAIG. Mrs. Thomas Lee Craig was host ess to the Friendly Matrons and a number of invited guests Friday af ternoon at her handsome home on West Main avenue, the affair being in honor of Miss Jenn Coltrane. oT Concord, who was the guest last week of her sister, Mrs. D. A. Garri son. Trail was played at nine ta bles, alter which delh ions refresh ments were served in three courses. Mrs. J. H. Separk won the prize for the highest score, a five-pound box of bon-bons and the guest prize to Miss Coltrane was also a bountiful box of candy. The decorations for the occasion were quite elaborate and unusually beautiful. di:li:gti:s i:u:ctki to cox t i x i : x ta i. co x g i kss. At a called meeting of William Gaston Chapler. Daughters of the American Revolution, held vesterday afternoon wib Mrs. P. It. Falls, del egates wen? chosen to represent tti"! chapter at the meeting of the Conn Iiental Congress, who h is the na tional organization and whbh me.-rs this ear in Washington City April L'u to 2 ".. Mrs But us M. Jotinston, as regen t of the i h a pt or. cio a delegate. Mrs It M elect ed di'lega e with the alternates: Mrs. S. A. is ex-olli-Keid was following Robinson. George ,.. and Miss Mrs. J. F. Thnm.-on. Mrs. S pa now . Mis. 1 ' R Fa 1 1 Mary Tin ing of ttie ch.apt Friday afternoon next regular meet r will be held on ol Iiet week, with Mrs .1 debt; 'I b 'Il of mison. Chap'. nd will I 'a v. be TII.-o-ll I I IV. I WF.DMM. AT ML HOI. IV. '1 be folli,,'. ing i I i i ol n County New s A mart;... ' : e LilH o!n'Oll i o, a .. ; Friday's ! e h interest to that of last I'.'brua ry '1 1 1 li . Dellinger and Mr. Tue- l a v : i ' T I T . when Vis .-'.; C. V. Tilsou. of ed in marriage, performed at bride's parent-. a this Thi the r v . were unit i er emony was Home of the and Mrs. L. .1. .Hv. by Rev. W. 1 1. a ; inger. Min'c The w . in Mount II g w a- a unlet home af fair, vv iin. 1 b a few relatives a;:. friends ..t.'y. Immediately af ter e'uonv ti e i oiiple - amp t,, 1 in and will be at hotn a !.:::.' a' Mr I . A . ovine- ton - in this . i- The bride is an 1 ': il v aid i qui'e la i go cita if of f r i ninr.i'v whore she r the present, attractive young popular with a nils in this com has made her home "since childhood. The croom has been living in Llnrotnton for the j.-K-t sovi" tl year- r.nd is encaged In the rr ;cr : n t il hu-iness. belnp the proprie'nr of the Kpperson-Tilson firm. He is a native of Marion. Va. He is a outicr man of fine business ability and has a host of friends in this section and is an esteemed young man He and bis bride have the good wishes of their numerous friends for a long and happy jour nev through life. Miss Mary Dellinger. of the Lln colnton graded school faculty, a sis ter of the bride, and Mr. T. M. En person attended the wedding. AVOID STUFFY WHFFZV DDF T Disordered Kldnej-s Cause Much Misery. With pain and misery by day. sleep-disturbing bladder weakness at nu-M. tired, nervous run-down men and women everywhere are glad to know that Foley Kidney Pills re store health and streneth. and the re-r ila- , tinn of kidneys and blad der. For sale by All Dealers. Adv. Hoard of education Selects Saturday, March 2Kth, as Day on Which First County Nmimencemeiit N to He Held in Ga-tonhi teachers to Meet Here Saturday to Perfect Arrangements for Itig Kvent. Saturday, March L'NIh, is the date selected by the county board of ed ucation, at its monthly meeting yes terday, on which the first annual county commencement of the public schools shall be held. As previous ly announced, this event is to take place in Gastonia and promises to be one of the biggest occasions of the kind ever pulled off in tho en tire State. Superintendent oT Schools Hall is busily engaged in pel fe ting the numerous details for that day. He has issued a call to all of the white teaihers of the county, nearly .en in number to meet him in his olht es at the court house here Saturday of this week at in o'clock for the purpose of working out to completion the details. I here has already appeared in the columns of The Gazette the program for com meiii emeiit day It is full from morning to evening with events of interest. Theie are U.iinn or more school children in the iiiuntv and of this number it is expo, ted that at least ."i.ueii to C. nun of t hem will be in at tendance on the i om meni emeiit ex ercises. A largo number of contests have been arranged and several speakers of note will be present and deliver addresses at the various places where the contests are to be held. A feature of interest during Ihe dav will be the selecting of a slogan for the city of Gastonia by the si boot children, the Chamber of Commerce having offered a prize of $in for the best one offered. DIF.D SI DDUXLY. Mrs. O. C. Hamilton, Mother of Mrs. C. .1. Mi-Combs, Paused Away tn Union County Ijist Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. C. J. MeCombs wore (ailed to 1 nionville, near Monroe, Union lounty, last Tuesday by n telegram announcing Hie sudden death of Mrs. McComhs mother, Mrs. l.ill.i Daniel Hamilton. Sbo was stricken with apolcxy and died with in t hree hours. Th ursila v 's Monroo Knquiror says of t he dei eased : "Mis. Hamilton's maiden name was Kirk. She was born at Paliners ville. Stanlv county, January II, I W.i, and was married May l7s,. In Ism; she came to Union ville and with the exception of a few j ears spent in Meiklenburg ounty lived there until her death. She leaves lour sons and six daughters. The sons are Messrs. C. K. Hamil ton, of Winston-Salem. O. A. Hamil ton, of Wilmington: Spinks Hamil ton, of charlotte, and Finest Hamil ton, a student at the State Universi ty. The daughters are Mesdames G. M. Garrison of Marshville; C. J. McComhs. of Gastonia: V. H. Love, of Monroe; I.. K. Huggins, of Marsh ville, and Misses I.etha and M.vrtie Hamilton, of Unionville. Mrs Hamilton was Prof Hamilton's sec ond wile and Mes-rs V. B. Hamil ton, of Charlotte and J. J. Ilamil tbn. of Winston Salem, are her step sons and Mrs W. A. Garrison. of Li w rero ev i I e. Va.. is her step daughter. Messrs F. V. Kirk, o" Ja I sonv ille. Fla . W. S. K irk. or Washington. D C . and D. II. Kirk, of Ol lahoma City, are her brothers and Mesdames John love, of Union ville. s, 11. c.reene. of Monroe; and F. P. Hodges, of DeLand, Fla , are her sister". "The death of Mrs. Hamilton brought sorrow to man a heart. For years Prof. Hamilton was at the head of a boarding si hool and kept boarders in his home and Mrs. Hamilton has taken a mother's part to many a homesii k and struggling boy and girl Iter's was a big heart and she was greatly loved hy many, and all over the South and in many of the Western States there are men and women who in their school days became acquainted with this good woman and always loved her who will hear of her death with genuine sorrow. "Funeral services were conducted at the home this morning at 10 o'clock by Rev. M. T. Steele. oT Monroe, and Rev. Brunce Rentoti. of Rockingham. Interment will be tn the cemetery In Monroe this after noon." Inst Right for Itaf kache and Itheu matlsm. Foley Kidney Pills are so thor oughly effective for backache, rheu matism, swollen, aching joints, kid ney and bladder ailments that they are recommended everywhere. A. A. Jeffords. McGrew, Nebr.. savs: "Mv druggist recommended Foley Kidnev Pills for pains in my back, and before I finished one bottle, tnt old trouble entirely disappeared." For sale by All Dealers. Adv. The big musical show. "Seven Hours in New York." Is to appear here soon. A car load of scenery Is carried. Newsy Letters from Gazette Cor pondenta Here and There Ova Good Old Gaaton What OWm Neighbor Are lolng In the Tii Ion Sections of the County Per aonal Mention of People Yom Know and Some Yon Don't KnoW XF.WS FHOM KOI'TK THREE. Correspondence of The Gazette. GASTONIA. Route 3, March2. The mountain school of fifty pupils Is progressing nicely under a abla and etlicient teacher, Miss Buena Higgerstuli, notwithstanding the bad w eat her. Rev. G. A. Sparrow filled his ap pointment at Olney last Sunday morning. Miss Klla Dixon spent last Sun da with Miss Mary Hutfstetler. Mrs. M. M. Robinson and attractive daughter, Miss Flowe, spent last Sunday at the home of .Mr. H. S5. Dixon. Miss Craig Dixon spent Monday and Tuesday In Gastonia with her cousin. Miss Mabel 1 1 uff stet ler. Miss Huena Higgerstaff spent Saturday with homefolks near louse. Messrs Ralph Little and Lewis W hite, of Gastonia. spent last Sun day at the homo of Mr. Capps. Miss Ora Dixon spent Sunday wltU Miss Huena Higgerstaff. Miss Jane Torreni e, of Gastonia, is visiting at Ihe home of Mrs. E. K. Faires. Mr. I.erhert Carpenter, of Grouse, route one, was a visitor In this sec tion last Sunday. We are glad to know that Mrs. E. F. Faires, who has been confined to her room with rheumatism, is Im proving. Mr. Will Pasour, who under wont an operation at the City Hospi tal, is back at home and Improving nicely. Two of Mr. Robt. Gobies children, who wore seriouslly with pneumonia, havo recovered. Mrs. T. K. Dixon Is recovering from a serious attack of erysipelas. Morn, to Mr. andVIr s. Marshall Robinson, January 2a, u line boy. L0RAY LOCALS. Correspondence of The Gazette. WKST GASTONIA, March 2. Mr. Finest Sulms and Miss Maude Foy. w re married Thursday evening at 7 oclock at the home of Mr. and Mrs A. J. Jenkins, by Rev. A. K. Dill. The bride is Ihe daughter oT Mr. J N Foy. They will reside at the loray. Misses Mamie Cathey and Tlertha Fite spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives In Kings Mountain. Mr. Avery Hoklns. of South Caro lina, was a loray visitor this weelt. Mr Walker Francis left Saturday for Shelby. Mr. lonn I-endsey, of Kannapolls, has been visiting I.oray friends this week . Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jenkins, went to McAdenville Monday to attend the funeral of their little nephew. Mr. George McAllister, of An tiexis. has been visiting his brother, Mr Frank McAllister, this ween. Mrs H. W. Counts, who under went a slight operation Wednesday at her home on West Main street, la getting along nicely. Mr Fdd Lewis and family have niov e l to Charlotte. Viss Madge Dalton left Saturday for a few days visit to relatives In Spencer. 'iss Fsther Leadford. of Lin wood College, has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs Vb k West this week. I-fda McAllister, the twelve year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McAllister, died Sunday morning at . o'clock with pneumonia. Mr Carr Dalton. who has been sick for the past few days Is re ported no better. Miss Dora Rahb. of Ressemer City, was a Ioray visitor this week. Messrs. Clyde Daegerheart and C. us Willis spent Pundav in Bessemer Citv. ItF.IiMOXT lyOCALS. Correspondence of The Gazette. P.ULMON'T. Mar. h - A social affair whbh gave much pleasure to its members was the at home given by the Men's Bible Class of the Bel mont Presbyterian Church at the manse on Friday night. February 27th. Nearly all the members of the class were present. Mr. Lacy introduced the speaker of the occasion. Mr. Hugh Query. Hta subject was. "Efficiency in Organized Work." The toastmaster. Mr. Ross Ratrh ford. called on several for speeches, many of w hom responded with ready wit. Miss Pearl Evans of Lowell played several pleasing selections of music. Mrs. Orr had charge of the musi cal program and that feature of tha entertainment was a great success as several of the men of the Bible Class have unusually good voices, and Miss Uneberger's part added greatly to It. Delicious and bonntiful refresh ments were served by Misses Annie Fite. Mary Hall and Clara Crawford, assisted by Mrs. Reese Stowe and Klizaheth Lacy. The hospitality and cordial wel come of the host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Lacy, made the occasion very delightful.