THE GASTONIA GAZETTE PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AXD FRIDAYS. 0INULE COPY 3 CENTS. GASTQNIA IS A BUSY TOWN. 11.50 A YEAR CV ADVAJTCBb VOL. XXXV. GASTONIA, N. C. TIKSDAY AFIKKNOON. MAKCH 24. 1014. NO sj. WHITEWQMAfiT ATTACKED ULTED BY NEGRO MISS EMMA DIXDN ASSAULTED BY NEGRO jfnknonn Brute Attack Maiden Iady in !Secluded Spot ami Chokes Her ' i.. Into Insensibility John Worthey Arrested on Suspicion liut Woman Wan limbic to Positively Identify liim and He Was Iteleased Irom Custody laical Police Work Dili- gently on Case. in . Unt half miiP nr i more "from the public road, .aturday afternoon about 1 o'clock, Miss Em- ma Dixon, aged about 4 5 years, was attacked by an unknown negro man and brutally choked. sue was lea lying in an unconscious condition anJ when she came to herself her assaii- ... ... i:,. i r, ant had led. Miss Dixon lives wnn her mother, who is about SU years old. These two are the only on u- pants of the old Dixon home pia ' and their nearest neighbor, a brotn- ; I er of .Miss Dixon. .Mr. i.ank Dixon, j lives about a quarter oi a mile away. 'Iheie was no witness to the (rime. According to Miss Pixon she Had been to the spring, about 7.. yards from the house to uet a inicket or I a water and was about half way bac to the house when some one behind her spoke. Hie turned around to face a negro who asked her if slie had any chickens to sell. To this he replied "No." The man sprang at her thioat and began choking her. A desperate struggle ensued and siie was soon choked into insensibility. The brute failed to accomplish his purpose, due perhaps to the fact tliar he became frightened and tied from the scene. An hour later when of ficers visited the spot there wer abundant evidences of a hard struc gle on the ground beside the path w ay. As soon as she regained conscious ness Miss Dixon walled to the house and told her mother of tne gjyme. As soon as 'she had rested sufficiently to regain her strength she walked to the home of her brother, Mr. I.ank Dixon, and told him of the occurrence Mr. Dtxon went immediately to the home nf Constable Madison Kt-ndrick, a mile away, notified him and tihoned Chier of I'olice Wiley Carroll. Sheriff Mc Lean being out of town Chief Carroll. Constable Kendrick. Policemen llord. Craig an Lindsay :ind ex-Sheriff W. C. Abernethy ton the city's bloodhounds and went Im mediately to the scene of the crime, arriving there about, an hour after it bad occurred. The does took th trail at once and headed straight for town. They followed a trail wlthou' interruption until they reached tnr corner of Columbia street and Thin? avenue, where they lost !t. The s-earch was kept up until late Satur day nit-lit and was resumed again Sunday morning. About 11 o'clock Saturday nitrt chief Carroll arrested Jafui Wor t hey. a negro tenant on ;he firm or Mr. Madison Kendrick. Thro was strong susnicion against hitn as lie lilled the description of the m;.n a? given by the woman and v as known 10 have been in the neiehborboo 1 or the Dixon home cutting wend about noon Saturday. Sunday morning of ficers took Worthey to the Dixon home to n--iin jf ininred wo man co'-' ' : '"tir'v hi'M. She jairT he looked ve' much like the titan vvro assaulted her hut she could no' positively identify him. There was no further evidence against him ann yesterday morning Solicitor Wilson cdered his release from custody. As derrtibed by Miss Dixon her assali-ar:Tw-as a black negro with a mm t.iihc and wore blue overalls. Tne .description fitted Worthey but hl3 :.hc"e did not fie the. track found m iW- vicinity of the crime hy the of- 11 ei s. There was consider-ole feeling on account of the crime and, had Mis Divon positively identified Wortny a her assailant, it Is possible thnf i rouble would have developed ha l hs beer placed in jail in Gastonia The last reports from the injured were to the effect that she hnd about recovered from the sho-k and was able to be up. Suggestion!. Our Dumb Animals. A. kind word to the driver of the delivery wagon which call9 at your house asking him if he is careful to blanket his horse, and if he doesn't find kindness better than the whip, or jerking at the reins, will help. him to "Be Kind to Animals." A handful of grass, an appTe, a lump of sugar, given to the horse that hauls anything into your yard, or a drink of water, will lead the driver to think of the words, "Be Kind to Animals.'' Encourage the "Be Kind to Ani tnals" campaign by word and deed and financial gift. It's a noble cause. You can't go wrong by being a friend to animals. You make no en emies and lose ijci friends. Politics, sectarianism the cause of the ani mal knows nothing of these. Here Is a gi'-at zroun 1 of unity and fel lowship. Aside from the advertisement It rarrles The Gazette gives Its readers rtiort then twice a much reading matter for the money as any other paper pnbM?hed In the conniy. ITad you thought about It? TOM QUICKEL WINNER RFITS 9S IN STHRY-TFILINB CONTFST BEATS 25 IN STORY-TELLING CONTEST WV. It- .,,,,1 Mm T f OlliillAl (Jets Torrence-Morri.s Medal a Hest Story-Teller in City Schools Will lie in Contest for Van Sleen County Medal liiiMirtantl Information a to Other Contest.! (Written for The Gazette. ) Iast Saturday the best oral story teller rroin eacn room 01 tne city schools came to the Central building , for a contest which was to choose j the story teller to receive the gold medal offered by the Torrenc o-Mor- ris Company. The resulj of Satur- , day's 'ontest was the selection of Tom Qui kel of the lourth grade, ! son of Dr. and Mrs. T. C. Quickel. i t . . On Tuesday afternoon Tom Js to' .onl, eU wit,, M,8S Louisa Heid for the Mionor of representing our schools in the county c oomencemen; iwl l't li -ii-in it rvmiArt nn i t - i r 1 ?, T 7; ,T try for the gold medal offered by H. M Van ?een for (ne beRt gtory te. ler in the county. Several of our teachers who came from other schools say that this 'ork of story telling is one of the most unique features nf s hool work I in their experience. The idea caul' to us about six years airo when the : Ton eni e-Morris Company gave an 1 added impetus to our work by offer- ing the schools a number of prizes. The gold medal. Mr. Morris insisted, j should be offered for something that j would be open to every one. That j it has fulfilled his mission is evident I from the fact it has never been won i by the same grade twice. ! In the six years that this pri'e lias been offered it has been won by the following pupils and grades: First year. Miss Louisa Keld, ot tne slxtn: second year. Miss Ixiuisa Reid, of the ?( venth grade: third year, Ed gar VcLcan, of the tenth grade:'h year. Little Virginia Huss. or the first grade; fifth year, Mis Al ine Keid. of the ninth grade: this year. Tom Quickel, of the fourth grade. Tom Quickel's victory is all the more honor to him for his having had some of the best story tellers of the schools against him and for bavitiL' won over 1L" others. Among those who should receive special mention in Saturdays contest ari Dan McConnell, Kenneth Campbell Leon Schneider, Lottie Warren, Mary Costner. Dan McConnell led all the primary department Dll Kenneth Campbell surpassed him. Leon Schneider of the intermediate de partment won over him. ixittte Warren of the primary department surpassed Leon and made him take second plac e in the intermediate de partment. On Wednesday afternoon at ?.? in M-e iiiidito'ium our schools will se'e I the speller to re'irc:;!!! 'is In Mie ,1',1-time spelling matc ii of ;ne tow ' '.in Thursday at the sare oo'ir. In the last contest the speiier v ill he seiecei', to represent (iast-mla township in the county commi:'f m en'. The de ion c ontest lo s,eh-' : our declaimer for the commence ment contest will be held in t lie auditorium Wednesday evening ar S::ie. The pas'ors are requeued to move up or shorten the p' i pr incelings somewhat to give time to meet on time. Tlu recitation contest for fiastonla township will he held in the audito rium Thursday evening at 7:. To. The public is cordially invited to attend all of these contests. Miss Iuisa Held won in both the essay and short story contest in Gastonta township. Her efforts are now in the hands of the judges of the county contests for these lines of work. In the parade Saturday dystonia city schools will be known by tne emblems of white and gre-n. We request that each patron of tne schools urge the children to help us show the visitors what we have in the schools. .TOE S. WHAY. Jack Frost refrigerators and tee boxes at Gastonia Furniture Compa ny's. Read the advertisements in The Gazette. They are as Interesting as news and are frequently more prof, liable reading than the news. Aside from the advertisements it carries The Gazette gives its readers more t'wn twice "as much reading matter for the money as any other paper published in the county. Had you thought about It? Subscribe for The Gazette, Read The Want Ads On Page 5 L HILL ! 10 GO TOCpPE DALLAS AND BeISt WIN DEBATES GiiMoiiiu Team Won and Ist and Is Debarred from Contest for Aycock Trophy Dallas and Belmont High Schools Kach Won in I loth Debutes and Will Contest foi trie ock Trophy at the I'nlverslty in April Debates Held Over State Friday Ntht. Gaston county will bo represented thlsear by two debating teams m the preliminary debate at Chapel Hill April I'.rd for the Aycock loving cup. These will be the teams trom the Dallas hih school and the Bel mont high school, each having won on both sides in the preliminary tri angular debates held last Friday night. To have one team in thai. contest is an honor for any couni . j to have two teams in the contest s j a double honor. Gastonia failed t make good, though she won one i side of the debate. Below are given ! the paitlculars with reference to the three triangular debates held in I the county last Friday night. More than :: ;i.imhi in 1 :.n hlgn : school auditoriums over the; Sta.e j listened last Friday night to the dis- l cussion of the same question, name- ly: " Ke.-olved, That the Ccmstltu- tion of North Carolina Should be so Amended as to Allow the Initiative J and Referendum in Statelwide Ieg- islation." The debates were all held , under the auspices of the High Sc hool Debating I'nion, fostered by I the liteiarv societies of the State j I'niversi'y and under the manage ment of Mr. K. Raloh Rankin, a Gas tonia boy who is making record for himself at Chapel Hill. The high schools of the State are arrans- i ed in triangles. The question Tor ; debate is uniform over the State ana j in order to go to ( hapel Hill to con test for the Aycock loving cup, given by the literary societies of the Uni versity, -a team must win both the affirmative and negative, each school putting out two teams. C.ASTONIA S TEAMS. Gastonia and Shelby met here and at. Shelby Friday night, the Gas tonians having the affirmative side re and the negative at Shelby. At Shelby Mr. Ernest Warren and Miss Elva Gaston represented Gas tonia and won. Shelby's debaters there were Messrs. Durham Moore d Wiseman Kendall. Gastonia wa repiesented here by Jlr. .Iiidson Shannon and Miss LouWa Reid. They lost to Shelby. The judges at Shel by were Judee W. S. Hall, of Gaff ney. S. C: Mr. Yorke Coleman, of Riitherfordton, and Mr. 'hi Ids. of l.incolnion. The judges here were Dr. J Moore McConnell. of Davidson Colle'.re; and Messrs. T. A. Adams and F. L Redd, of Charlotte. DALIJS WINS BOTH. In the debating contests held Fri day night the Dallas High School teams won both the affirmative and negative decisions, the affirmative team defeating Bessemer City High School at Dallas and the negative defeating Cherryville High School ar Cherryville. This entitled the Dal las teams to enter the final contest to be held at Chapel Hill in April. At Dallas the affirmative team. Miss Annie Newton and Latnan Fri day, gained the decision over Messrs. Williams and Ormand. of Bessemer City High School, the judges being Messrs. A. K. Woltz, of Gastonia. A. L. Quic kel and Kemp Nixon, of Lin--colnton. At Cherryville the negative team from Dallas. Ernes Lineberger and Purvey Summey, won over Clh 2 Ell dl'h-'.vttt HaS4oI)R. bb bbbbx Beam and Edward Sipe, of Cherry ville, the judges being Messrs. C. A Jonas, of Lincolnton, S. J. Durham, of Gastonia, and Ray Funderburk. of Mount Holly. In the Dalas township preliminary contest held at Dallas yesterday the winners were as follows: Earl Ram sey, of High Shoals, in declamation; Eury Queen, of Alexis, in spelling: Sam McAllister, of Dallas pole vault; Clarence Hovis, of Dallas, standing broad jump: Brady Stroup, of Alex is, running broad jump. HKI.MONT WINS BOTH. Affirmative Team Defeated Gastonia and Negative Won at Huntersville Township Preliminary Contest Held Monday. Correspondence of The Gazette. BELMONT. Marc h 23. The lo. al high school debaters of the negative team who debated against Hunters ville Friday nitht in the high school debating union won the decision of the judges there. The local debat ers on the affirmative side won at home the same night. By thus win ning both these debates, the local teams are eligible to go to Chapel Hill to compete in the final debate. ,e affirmative debaters at home ere Frank Hall and Ray Armstrong. The negative was composed of Miss Lillian Iewis and Davidson Hall. The judges here were Messrs. C. W. tt. Jr.. and E. W. Pharr. of Charlotte, and A. C. Jones, of Gas tonia. At Huntersville the judges were Rev. C. M. Pickens, Rev. J. E. Wool and S. H. Lassifer, of Corneli us. In the preliminary contests Tor South Point township held here to day Paul Trawick. of Belmont, won in spelling. Miss Irma Reid, of Low- HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS GASTONIA WOMEN HEAR MISS MW Instructor from State Normal De livers Interesting Iecture I'nder Auspices of Woman's Betterment Association Other Iectures to Follow in the Spring Tells Women How to Combat the High Cost of Living. I'nder the auspices of the home economics committee of the Woman's Betterment Association Miss Minnie L. Jamison, instructor in house hold economics at the State Normal College, Greensboro, lectured to the women of Gastonia at the Central school auditorium Friday afternoon. A goodly number of ladles were present and were not only delighted but greatly benefitted by the lecture. Friday's was the first of a series or lectures which the committee hopes to have for the women or tne town during the spring months, the ulti mate end being the employment or a teac her of househould economics for i be c ity sc hools. At a luncheon given by Mis. D. A. Garrison Friday prior' to the lecture the members of tbe committee. Mrs. Garrison, Mrs. T. W. Wilson. Mrs. D. E. McConnell and Mrs. J. F. Thomson discussed wi'h Miss Jamison ways and means of attaining that end. The possi bility of also securing two instruc tors, one for East Gastonia and ne for West Gastonia. to go amongtiie people and instruct them in house hold economics and in means and methods of keeping the homes healthful and sanitary, was also dis cussed. That out of these discus sions and plans will eventually come something tangible seems altogether proba hie. In her lecture Friday Miss Jami son used the blackboard to great ad vantage. For instance she drew a diagram of a cow, showing where the several cuts of meat are obtain ed; also a diagram of a cut of meat as it appeared enlarged under tbe microscope. She also placed on the blackboard a table showing the rela tive proportion of the several in gredients of various kinds of meat. This part of her lecture was intend ed to show the women bow they could make the cheaper cuts of meat as palatable as the higher priced cuts. She also gave numerous other rec ipes for lessening the housekeep ers work. Many valuable sugges tions wore made by the speaker which will no doubt be of great benefit to the ladies who heard her in the future conduct of their home w o r k . It is probable that the committee will sec ure Miss Jamison for anoth er lecture on "Food Values" some time (lining the spring. At the Ideal Theater today the program includes "Devil Fox of the North," a melodramatic feature in two parts, and "Slim Becomes a Cook," a Slim comedy. The Tropical Amusement Com pany, whic h showed all last week in Kings Mountain, is giving a week's exhibition in Gastonia on the Davis lots on East Main avenue. Iarge crowds attended the first perform ances List night. The company has an excellent hand, which is to take part in the street parade on County Commencement Day. ell. in recitation, and Ray Armstrong of Belmont, in declamation. "1 Ii o athletic events wore postponed to Wednesday. The gills' basket ball team of the local high school defeated the Char lotte High School team at Charlotte last Wednesday bv a score of '.VI to 21. MASS MEETING OF Gaston County Farmers City Hall, Gastonia SATURDAY MORNING MARCH 28, AT 9 O'CLOCK Hear Mr. E. S. Millsaps Of States ville, N. C. who is in charge of farm demonstration work in forty-two counties in this state, under the direction of tie United States Department of Agriculture , Other speakers will have interesting talks on FARM DEMONSTRATION YOU ARE WELCOME-COME Gastonia Chamber of Commerce A BIG DA SATURDAY FIRST COUNTY COMMEKuEMENT DAY . T I -And t School Children From AllOver Gaston Will Gather Here fori First County Commencement Satkirday llig Parade in the Mottling Where the Various Fx- ercisv Will lie Held Number of Handsome Medals to lie Awarded. Saturday will be gala day in Gas tonia. The occasion will be the first county commencement of the public sc bools and It is expected' that ."),000 or more of the y.utiu school children in the county will be present to gether with their parents and friends. Should the weather be propitious It is altogether probable that lu.OOU visitors will be in Gastonia for the occasion. County Superintendent or Education F. P. Hall, the principals of the several high schools and the 20U public school teachers have been working diligently for many weens past to perfect all ai raiigeiuents for this day. Everything is about in readiness and all who come are in sured a good time. THE PARADE. An immense parade or school children will he one of the features of the comencement. It will be tne first of a series of events and will btart from the grounds of the Central school on South Oakland street af I 10 o'clock. It will be lead bv the Hoy-,1 Italian Hand furnished free or charge by the Tropical Amusement Company, now playing Gastonia, through the Chamber of Commerce. Next will come members of the Junior Order, about ."fl0 in number. Following will be the schools of the county in alphabetical order. The line of march wil be as follows: From Central school up Oakland street to Main avenue, down the south side of Main to York street, back Main avenue to Oakland street on the north side of Main, breaking ranks at the intersection of Main avenue and Oakland street. WHERE EXERCISES WILL BE HELD. Immediately following the parade the several contests will be held as follows: Debater's Contest at court house with Prof. Joe Nixon, of Cherryville, in charge. Medal, given by Tor-rence-Morris Co., to bo presented ny Rev. W. E. Abernethy, of Shelby. Reciter's Contest at First PieiTjy terlan church In charge of Prof Hay Funderburk. Medal, given by Mr. D. P. Dellinger. to bo presented by Rev. J. H. Henderlite. Esscay. Short-Story and Siu-Hirr Contests at Main Street Methodist church. Prof. If. A. Query in charge. Medals to be presented by Rev. J. Abernethy. Essay medal is given by The Progress, the short-story medal bv The Gazette and the spelling med al by Prof. F. P. Hal!. Declaimers Contest in the opera house In charge of Prof. .1. B. Hen son. Medal, given by Mr. S. N. Hoyce. to be presented by Mr. S. Ji Hurl) a m. Oral Reproduction of Stories Con test in auditorium of Central srnooT, in charge of Prof. J. S. Wray. Medal, given by II. M. Van Sleen, to be pro tented by Mr. A. E. Woltz The medals for debate, recitation, er-say. short story, declamations and spelling are on exhibition at Tor-rence-Morrls Company's. The medal for best oral reproduc tion of stories Is on exhibition at H. M. Van Sleen's. SPECIAL PATES ON P. & N. On the tegular interiirban 'a r 1 en vint' ( harlottr 'at 8:1". and '.'.I' the P. X. will give special nun! trip rates Saturday as follows: Mt. Holly, adults 4." cents, children 2" cents; Hutchison, adults 1" cents, children 2" tents: Belmont Junc tion, adults 40 cents, children 25 NEWS OP THE COUNTY LATEST FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS Newfiy letters fcom Gaxetto Co rr4 pondeiits Here and There . Orarf Good Old Gaston Whai Ov) Neighbors Are Doing in tbe Tart ioui Sections of the County Per onal Mention of People Taa Know and Some ion Don't LOPwAY LOCALS. Correspondence of The Gazette. WEST GASTONIA. Mar. 23. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Counts went to Charlotte, Tuesday to purchase tbe spring goods for II. W. Counts. Mrs. C. A. Hendricks, left Thurs day for Spencer for a week or 10 days visit to relatives. Mr. Ernest Hun. Charlntt. visited friends at the ioraj tnis week . Miss Mat tie Magness, of Iatlmore, arrived Saturday to take charge of the millinery department for M. W. Counts. Mr. Carr Dalton left Thursday for Spencer, where he will spend a few days with relatives. Mrs. Ethel N'esbitt is indisposed at her home on West Main avenue. Azzleen Davis, tho little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Davis, has been sick but is improving. Mr. J. II. Burgin. who has been sic k for the past two weeks. Is now able to be up again. Mr. Boyt Jenkins, of McAdenvlHe. spent a few days this week with bla brother, Mr. A. J. Jenkins. Mr. Augustus Corn, of Glendale, S. ('.. has accepted a position at tbe Loray. .Mr. Grady Settlemyer, of Clifton, S. '., visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Settlemyer this week. Mr. Jule Jenkins, of Columbia, S. C. visited his brother this week, Mr. A. J. Jenkins. Miss Jennie Hamleton spent a few days this week with relatives In Dallas. Mrs. Maggie Harrell left Monday for a few days visit to relatives In Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Durham, of Gaffney, S. C, have accepted a posi tion In Loray. Mr. Roe Davis and family have moved to Charlotte. Misses Nonnia Petltt and Agnes Bates, of Spartanburg, S. C, are visiting thier aunt, Mrs. S. Settle myer, this week. Miss May Ross, of Bessemer City, spent Saturday and Sunday with ber sister, Mrs. I). S. Kendrick. Lila. the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Sahnis, is quite with measles. sick lun lor Order in Parade. Members of the Junior Order Uni ted American Mechanics, from 30 to .MM) strong, will head the proces sion in the big parade of school chil dren of Gaston county Saturday. This parade is to be one of the feat ures of county commencement day. Members of Gastonia Council No. 68 are requested to meet In the coun cil's hall at !:::() o'clock Saturday morning In order to get together and march in a body. An invitation has been extended to the councils at Charlotte. Clover, McAdenville and a number of other towns In this sec tion to join the Gastonia Juniors in this march. The Junior Order Is one of the most diligent organiza tions in the country in the promotion of education and patriotism. Mr, William King, or Chester, S. ('., spent Sunday here with Mrs. King, who is the guest of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. B. McLean. Mrs. J. C. Galloway, who has been quite ill since last Friday, when she suffered an attack of acute ap pendicitis, is reported as being some w bat better today. cents: Coshen Grove, adults 40 cents, children 2 cents; Ray, adults lib cents, children 15 cents; :c Adenville, adults .10 cents, children 1 " cents; lxwel, adults 25 tents, children 1 5 cents. PRIZES FOR ATHLETIC EVEN'TS. Following are the prizes for th athletic events, which will constitute one of the features of county com mencement day, Saturday of this w eek : 1 mi-yard hose, given L'L'ci-yard shoes, given 4 Di-vard dash, half dozen half by Swan-Slater Co. run. pair of athletic by Robinson Shoe Co. run, pair of oxfords. given by .-'towe Clothing & Shoe Co. First relay race, cash given hy Ilarry-Baber Co. Second relay race, cash, given by Ideal Grocery Co. Third relay rare, umbrella, given by Gastonia Clothing Co. Fourth relay race, leather purse, given by Adams Drug Co. J Running broad jump, pocket knife, given by Gastonia Hardware Co. Standing broad jump, pair scout shoes, given by J. M. Belk Co. Running high jump, two boxes stationery, given by Kennedy's Drue Store. Pole vault, book, given by O'Xells. Throw ing baseball, baseball, . giv en hy Torrence Drug Co. The greatest number oT single events, glove or bat. given by Stand ard Hardware Co. These events will take place on South York street between Third avenue and the pines at T. C. Smith's residence. They will begin at 2 o'clock In the afternoon.