THE GASTON I A GAZETTE PL BUSHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AXD FIUDAY8. SINGLE COPY 3 CENTS. 1.30 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. GASTOXIA. V C. TIKSDAV AFTEKXOOV, MAY .. 1IMI. XO. 30. VOL. XXXV. LOCAL ITEMS MATTER OF THE GENSUS ADVERTISE FOR BIDS SILLY D ICIOU SOCIAL CIRCLES COUNTY'S MAY BUSINESS ! SHORT COMMISSIONERS' MONTHLY MEETING Board of County Commissioners in Regular Session for May Transact Routine Business Resolutions In Memory of Late Chairman John F. Ijeeper Appropriation for Gas ton Guards. The board of county commission ers met at the court house yesterday in regular session for May with all members present and Chairman O. G. Falls, of Kings Mountain, presid ing. George Hamilton and Webb Put man were declared exempt from the payment of poll tax on account or physical infirmities. It was ordered that the county ap propriate the sum of $150 per an num to help pay the expenses of the Gaston Guards, the local military company. A resolution was passed instruct ing the county officers to see to tne strict enforcement of the State stat ute which limits the speed of auto mobiles, motorcycles and other ve hicles on the public highways oui side of incorporated towns to not more than 2 5 miles an hour. This law has not heretofore been strictly enforced, but will now be very strictly enforced. Appropriate resolutions of re spect in memory of the late Chair man of the board, Mr. John F. Leep er, were presented by the various members of tho board, tho county at torney and others, and were adopted and ordered to be recorded on tne minutes of the board. Sheriff J. I), B. McLean was in structed to lay off a cartway over and through thelands of Mrs. O. 'M. Boyd in Pouth Point townshlj), as pe titioned for by W. B. Craig, all ex penses to be paid by the petitioner. Superintendent of Roads T. L. Ware was instructed to survey a road from McAdenville to Mr. Arthur Rhyne's and make report on the same to the next meeting of the board. 'Messrs. J. F. McArver and R. L. Stowe were appointed a committee to arrange a settlement with P. S. Carpenter, of Dallas township, and A. J. Hand, of South Point, for dam age done to their lands by reason of the location of public roads through the said lands. Superintendent T. L. Ware was Instructed to survey a road from P. S. Carpenter's to MoKee's old store, and to do any grading needed with surplus labor from the chalngang. The salary of E. L. Sandifer, su perintendent of the combined chain gang camp, was increased to $90 per month. The following accounts were audi ted and ordered paid: T. L. Ware, for work on roads as follows: Cherryville township, $135. 4B; Dallas township, $120.34; River Bend township, $126.65; South Point township, $10.41; R. F. Lay, bridge force. $31.40: Rock for Stanley-Mt. Holly road. $250: rock for New Hope road, $194.67; chain gang camp No. 1. $560.35; chain gang camp No. 2, $665.01: Salary and expenses for April, $120.16; To tal $2,214.45. J. R. Beam, salary and jail fees for April. $134.96. E. Lee Wilson, replacing covered bridge over Long Creek. $50. C. J. Paysour, conveying Norah Stroup to iMorganton, $19.85. C. J. Paysour, conveying MrB. Webb Brown to Raleigh. $27.25. J. M. Kendrlck. conveying Maggie Hovis to Morganton. $10.35. R. J. Underwood, conveying V. Underwood to 'Morganton, $9.65. Carl Finger, court costs in Morn case. $22.95. A. G. Mangum. fees and supreme court costs in '.Morris case, $ft9.9.". W. H. Crawford, work on roads, Gastonia township, $13.2.".. 'Miss Georgia Connelly, services ns court stenographer, $15. Carl Finger, county treasurer, sal ary for April. $100. C. C. Craig, salary and "expenses of county home for April, $33?. 01. A. W. Warliek. lumber for bridge, $15. H. S. Sellers, expense of holdn-; coroner's inquest, $12. A. J. Smith, register of deed3, sal ary and clerk hire, $21C.66. Edwards & Broughton, records, supplies, etc.. for register of deeds office, $45.68. A. J. Smith, supplies, express, etc., $2.45. V. M. Nolen. salary for April, $40. Ij. P. Rankin, conveying prisoner to jail. $2.50. J. D. B. McLean, sheriff, summon ing jurors, $5.40. L. E. Rankin, county auditor, sal ary. $100. L. E. Rankin, supplies for court house and Jail. $8.70. J. D. B. McLean, salary for April and stationery. $169.16. Craig & Wilson, fertilizer Tor county home, $140.55. City of Gastonia, costs In cases sent to the county roads from re corder's court, $118. Carl Finger, expenses of vital sta tistics reports, $51.50. C C. Cornwell. court costs, sta tionery, etc, $26.77. Bynum Cafe, meals for Jury, $4.o5. 1. B, Rankin, fixtures for court bouse, $3.17. iMiles Waitstine, outside pauper, $4.00. Standard Hardware Co., horse- THE MOVEMENTS OF GASTON PEOPLE - Mr. Thad Clinton, of Clover, was a visitor to Gastonia yesterday. "Powhatan" at the Central school auditorium tonight. Mrs. R. W. White continues quite ill at her home on Lee street. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Stevenson, of .Charlotte, spent Sunday here witn Mr. and Mrs. J. Flay Bess. The members of the local police force are out in handsome new sum mer uniforms. Rev.. E. N. Crowder, pastor of the 'Stanley Methodist church, was a Gastonia visitor Saturday. .Mrs. 6. J. Clinton, of Clover, s. C, spent yesterday In the city as the guest of iMr. and Mrs. S. R. Clinton. Esquire W. B. Rutledge, of Mt. Holly, was a business visitor in Gas tonia yesterday. Rev. J. M. Garrison, of Ander son, S. C, is the guest of his broth er, Dr. D. A. Garrison. 'Miss Minnie Wagner, of Lexing ton, is spending a few days here with her brother, Mr. C. E. Wagner. Policeman Rhodes, of Kings Mountain, was a business visitor in Gastonia yesterday. Miss Agnes Lindsay returned yesterday from Spartanburg, S. ('., where she spent the week-end witn her sister, Mrs. L. I). Proffitt. -Mr. Terrence Wagstaff return ed Sunday from Phoenix, Arizona, where lie had been for the past three months in the interest of his health. Misses Connie Lomax and Erol Henderson, of the City Hospital, spent the week-end with friends at Blacksburg, 3. C. --Mrs. Louise Timmons and son, ! of Charlotte, were Tie guests yester- dav of her mother, Mrs. W. D. Bar- ! 1 lufetri . The P. & N". conductors have just donned their new summer uni forms. The caps this summer are grey instead of white as heretofore. -(Mr. S. S. 'Mauney, of Cherry ville, candidate for the legislature, was in town yesterday shaking hands with his friends. Mr. A. M. Henderson. jbi the River Bend section of the county, was in Gastonia on business yester day. Mr. R. L. Wagner, who has been spending some time here witn his brother, Mr. C. E. Wagner, left yesterday for Florida. Elsewhere in today's Gazette will be found a communication from Mr. E. Lee Wilson, who Is a candi date for the nomination for clerk or the court at the primaries May ltfth. -Mr. J. Frank Starnes left yes terday for Rock Hill. S. C. where he will be joined by his father, '.Mr. Clark Starnes and will go to Jack sonville, Fla., and to Cuba. The Ideal Theatre's program for today includes four reels, name ly, "Baby's Doll," "In an Old Trunk," Shultz. the Paper Hanger," and "The Poverty of Riches." Miss May Withers, one of the teachers in the high schoolvook the pupils comprising her room on a picnic to Riverside Park, Mt. Holly, yesterday. Hamlet Messenger: Mrs. Earl Morrow has moved into her beauti ful two-story residence on Hamlet avenue, that is just receiving its fin ishing touches. x. (Misses Eliza Scott Lrndsay, of Gastonia, and Margaret and Mary Rudisill. of Dallas, spent Sunday with 'Miss Mamie Henderson in the Union section. Miss ConnieN Lomax. of N'ortn Wilkesboro, was graduated lasr Wednesday from the City Hospital Training School for Nurses. She has not as yet decided where she will lo cate". ' 'Mrs. J. D. B. McLean left FrT- , day for Chester, S. C. to visit her j daughter. Mrs. William Stringfcl- , low. The latter had been here on n : visit and returned to Chester with Mrs. McLean. i 'Miss Emma McEllany. oT Spartanburg. S. C, returned home yesterday after several weeks spent here in private nursing. Miss Mc Elhaney was formerly connected witn the staff of the Gaston Hospital. Among the Gaston countlans who left yesterday for Jacksonville, Fla., to attend the annual reunion of the Confederate veterans was Miss Clara Patrick. Before return ing she will visit friends in Atlanta for several weeks. 'Mr. L. F. Groves returned Sun day night from Boston and New York having attended the meeting or the American Cotton Manufacturers Association at New York and an ex hibit of the latest cotton mill ma chinery at Boston. Mr. Fred L. Stowe, who' has during the past se&onbeen band leader with the J. ALr5oburn Min strels, has returned to his home in the county and has accepted a posi tion with the Cozy Theatre orches tra. The Cohurn minstrel closed tne season a few days ago. clippers, $7.50. Dr. L. N. Glenn, county physician, salary for April, $41.66. For Weakness and Loss of Appetite The Old Standard rtnera! atmrtlrcalatf tonic. GROVE'S TASTELESS Mil TONIC, drives out Malaria and bail da up the ayalciu. A true tonic A aurc Appetiser. For adults and children. 50c WILL BE TAKEN UP WITH THE BUREAU Congressman Webb Writes Secretary Lloyd Tluit He Will Endeavor to Have Census Bureau Correct Gas tonia Figures Some Comments on Gastonia's Population Claims. In response to a letter written by Secretary Alfred O. Lloyd of the Chamber of Commerce to Congress man E. Y. Webb, protesting that the figures recently given out by the Census Bureau did Gastonia a great injustice in that it left this town out of the list of North Carolina towns having a population of 8,000 or over, which letter was published in lrfst Friday's Gazette, (Mr. Webb wrote under date of 'May 4th as follows: Mr. Alfred O. Lloyd, General Sec retary Gastonia Chamber of Com merce, Gastonia, N. C. Dear Mr. Lloyd: Yours of the 30th ultimo is just received and I will take up the mat ter of the census for Gastonia with Director of the Census at once and see if we cannot have it corrected. With kind wishes, 1 am very truly yours, E. Y. WEBB. That the population of Gastonia will be shown to be lL'.UOU or over, if the Census Bureau accedes to the request to investigate the mutter, is not doubted by any well-posited Gas toniaii. Keplying to ,an editorial in The Charlotte Observer on the, subject in which Editor Harris sought to dis credit Secretary Lloyd's claims, the latter sent The Observer the follow ing communication which appeared in the issue of that paper of the 3rd instant : To tho Editor of Tho Observer: Notwithstanding your editorial and the report of your Washington correspondent Gastonia is still on tho map and still has tho 12,000 population. 1 agree with you that this Is a remarkable growth, but not phe nomenal, and as a matter of fact, Gastonia is still growing. My only disappointment is that some of tne surrounding cities didn't increase so rapidly as did Gastonia. Surely you haven't been gazing at that old worn-out slogan, "Watcn Tacoma Grow" so long that your eyes have become dimmed by the western sunlight, or your "think tank" befogged with the mist of tne Pacific, and have overlooked the fact that right at your own front door lies fhe best little town in the South today. Oh, no, Brother, I didn't dis pute the story of your correspond ent at all; such a thing never enter ed my mind. I never had any Idea that any person in poor little Gasto nia had a right to sit up and chirp, or try to keep the town from being wiped clear off the map. No, not that at all. I merely stated the facts, and moreover, will produce the 12000 people, every mother's son of them, if you are still under the impression that the 1 2,000 pop ulation is an "inflated notion." Come again, neighbor, and if you want the figures to show that Gas tonia did increase from 5.7f9 in 1910 to 12,000 in 1914, we'll Tur nish the proof. "Watch Tacoma Grow." Brother. "Watch Tacoma Grow," but be care ful that we don't increase another thousand in the next year by annex ing your own little burg. Do you want figures or will we bring over the entire 1 2.000 for tho parade, May 20? Kindly inform your readers that we can produce tho goods. ALFRED O. LLOYD. In the same issue. Editor Harris had the following editorial. under the heading, "The Booster Secreta ry : " "Tho Gastonia inflationist is giv ing ns the right sort of talk. He will have 1 2.000 of C.astonia's popu lation in Charlotte on May 20. as isihle proof of his claim. The 'and over' will be left at home to taKe ( are of things. Reminds us of the way Kuykendal - recollect old Kuyke? had the people of Greens boro throwing their hats in the air over his discovery that the town had a population of 'over' 4 2,000. That was in 190S. For two years the Greensboro folks patted each other on the back, and even the venerable Joe Reere of The Record joined In the joyful acclaim. Then came the census man and reported to Wash ington that he could find but 15.895 people in all of Greensboro, includ ing Gilmer and Morehead Townships. Figures do not lie. but sometimes they have a way of making the boost er secretary do it for them. Howev er, we will reserve 1 2,000 tickets for the Gastonia push and hope all will be called for." Read The Want Ads On Page 5 ON fONSmilCTION OF POSTOFFICE Treasury Depart iliet Will Advertise ftr Bids for Construction of Oas limit'-. Povtotlice Building To-Day Bids to Be Opened Thirty Days La(er- -Work May Commence Ear ly in June To Cost $75,000. Washington, D. C, May 1,11. . Gastonia Gazette, Gastonia, X. C. Treasury . Department will tomorrow advertise for bids to construct Gastonia Mstofflce. K. V, W EBB. Thus is marked another milestone In the history of Gastonia's progress. While the marking is being done In Washington there is general rejoic ing with all of Gastonia's 1 2,000 in habitants. No news has been re ceived in many moons that lias caus ed such widespread gratification among Gastonians of all classes. Within thirty days Ironi today the bids will he opened and the actual work of construction will then be commenced within a very short time, just as soon as the contractor can begin to assemble tho necessa ry materials. It is probable that work on the foundation will begin about the lirst of July. This building will cost complete about $?.".. oou. The original appro priation for this purpose was $70, (M)O, out of which was to be pur chased a site. This was done some three or four years ago, the lot pur chased being the "park" space on Main avenue owned at that, time partly by the ctiy and partly by the Southern Railway. The price paid was $14,. ".()(). This left only fiOO for a building and. as a majori ty of the citizens of the town felt that to be too small a sum to give Gastonia the kind of public building she should have, it was decided at a mass meeting to ask Congressman Webb to endeavor to secure an In crease in the appropriation. This ne did, getting $20,000 added, bringing the total up to $90,000, leaving af ter the purchase of the site $7.",000 for a building. The first news of the advertising for bids for this building was brought to The Gazette yesterday by Mr. R It. Ray, of McAdenville, who was just from Washington, where he saw Mr. Webb who commissioned him to deliver the news to Gastonia. When erected Gastonia's public building will be one of the handsom est in the 'State. Though It will not be as large as those in the larger towns it will comiare most favora ble with the handsomest of them in appearance and also in convenience and durability of structure. Congressman Webb has the sln cerest thanks of the entire town for his untiring efforts to hasten this work, which would have been com menced and finished perhaps had the citizens not asked that it be held up pending the securing of an addition al appropriation. Revival Meeting. A series of special revival services began Sunday at East Gastonia Bap tist church, of which Rev. J. J. Reach is pastor. Rev. O. W. Trlp lett, of Alexandria, Ya., a former North Carolinian, arrived yesterday and willpreach every night. The meeting will continue for ten days or two weeks. Oir for Jacksonville. Quito a delegation left yesterday for Jacksonville. Fla.. to attend the annual reunion of Confederate vet erans this week. Among the num ber were, the following: S. P. Pierce. W, E. Todd. J. Frank SraYnes. M. II. Slitiford, .1. W. Carroll. A. K. Wing. t. P. P. Muffstetler. W. F. Kim aid J. 15. Real. L. If. Long, W. Meak Adams, Ed Whjtesides. J. T. Wylie, J. E. Page. T. II. White. R. M. fcardner, Alex Crawford, of the Piigah section: J. R. Shannon, Mrs. II. II. Allgood. M. T. Parham. Ruf us section Reere Beattv A. Ratchford, of the 1'nion Miss Blanche Wilson, Mr. O. atrick, W. H. Pursley, .1. L. nd Rufus A. Ratchford, of the Cnikn section: E. K. Costner, Charles Vostner and Jacob Huffstet ler. of Diklas. For Memorial i)ay. The ladies who have in charge the preparation of the dinner to be serv ed to the Confederate veterans of the- county on Saturday of this week on the occasion of the celebration of Confederate 'Memorial Day, are ex pecting that every member of tne Gastonia Chapter. U. D. C. will send a basket, while they will also appre ciate contributions of any kind from others who wish to aid in making the day pleasant for the visitors. It is requested that all baskets and pack ages be sent to the new Craig & Wilson building not later than 10 o'clock Saturday morning. All tne children of the city, as well as mem bers of the J. D. Moore Chapter, Children of the Confederacy, are re quested to bring flowers and join tn the decoration of the graves of de ceased veterans at Oakwood cemetery. W. V. HALL HAS NOTJBEEN REAPPOINTED Congressman Webb Makes I riniaUfi ed Denial of Statements Made by Preston Workers Thai Warren Vines Mall, Republican and Co man Catholic, Has Been Reap pointed Postmaster ut .North Char lotte II U Term .Not Out I'ntll Next May. Gazette, Gastonia, X. 5. No word of truth in state ment that Hall ut .North Char lotte has beeu reappointed. Such reorts are loth silly and malicious. His term ex pires under last apitointnient next May. E. Y. WEBB. The above telegram, received by The Gazette at 11:40 to-day speake for itself. It was a reply to a mew sage sent Congressman Webb last night informing him of the persist ent use by his opponents of the state ment that he had had Hall -who is a Republican and a member of the Roman Catholic church reappolnr ed to the position of postmaster at North Carolina, a position he se cured tinder President Tafi. Doting the past week The Gazette has gained knowledge from the most reliable souruccs that the workers and supporters for Mr. Webb's opponent, Mr. Preston, have been resorting to the cheapest brand of peanut politics by appealing to religious prejudice with the above campaign material. Those who know Mr. Webb and who are familliar with the North Charlotte postolllce mat ter, were morally certain that tho statement was absolutely false. Knowing that Mr. Webb was In Washington at his post of duty, In stead of out campaigning, and be lieving that the opposition was giving him an unfair deal, this paper took it upon itself to notify Mr. Webb by wire of the rumors a bove referred to and give him an opportunity to turn the light on and give the public the exact truth re garding the situation. As noted In the above telegram Hall's term does not expire until next May. When it does expire there is every likelihood that .Mr. Webb will go after his official head and see that it falls- if Mr. Webb is Congressman at that time, as he will undoubtedly be. HEATH AT IOKAY, Mr. Frank McAllister IMes After Illness Child of Mr. and Mrs. James Hicks Dead Personals and News Notes. WEST GASTONIA. May 4. -Following an illness of about three months. Ilr. Frank McAllister died Saturday mprning at 10:20 o'clock at his home on Dalton street. Mr. Mc- i Alllster was a member of the Ixray Baptist church and was a good Christian man and a faithful mem ber. He is survived by his wife and several children. Tho funeral was conducted Sunday by Rev. A. T. Rtoudenmlre. pastor of the Ioray Baptist church, and interment was made in the family burying ground at Alexis. Iberia Hicks, the little vear-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hicks, died Saturday morning at. ." o'clock from pneumonia. The fun eral services were conducted by Rev. A. T. Stoiideninire Sunday afternoon at ? o'clock and the body was laid to rest in the l.oray cemetery. Mr. Iouis Lockman. of Greenville. S. ('.. snont Saturday and Sunday here with i uncle. Mr. C. IT. lock- I man. j Mis- V iv Ral.b. of Hccm 1 Cit v, isitod her sister. Mrs. Bessie Dulill. this wee):. Mr. Boyte Jenkins visited rela tives at McAdenville this week. Miss Tna Arrowood has been si ' for the past week but is reported as being better. Mr. Robert Caveney and wife, nf Charlotte, visited relatives here last week. Mr. Thomas McDanlel and Miss Mattie Carpenter were married Wed nesday evening at Bowling Green, S. C. Miss Dora Rahb. of Bessemer City, was a visitor at the I.oray last week. Tewis Burgin. the little son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Burein. has -been quite sick for the past few days but is better. Mrs. G. E. Willis has returned home after spending a month or two with relatives In Thompsonville, 3. C. Mr. Clyde Dagenhardt and wire have returned home after spending a few weeks with relatives In Greens boro. Mrs. Ethel Thomas, of Charlotte, was a Loray visitor last week. Mr. W. H. Bridges visited rela tives in Kings Mountain Sunday. Mr. A. J. Jenkins, who has been sick for the past week, la able to be up again. Mr. Will Stephenson and wife, of Charlotte, visited relatives at tne Loray this week. Mrs. J. D. Aloore, of Maiden, was a visitor here last weelk. LATEST EVENTS IN WOMAN'S WORLO IMPORTANT MEETING OP CHILDREN'. Mrs. T. L. Craig, leader or the J. D. Moore Chapter Children of the Confederacy, requests The Gazette to state that a very important meet ing of the chapter will be held to morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock in the I'. D. C. chapter room at the library. Every member of the children's chapter is urged to be present. Plans for the celebration of Confederate Memorial Day, May 9th, will be made at this meeting. WITH MISS ItAXKIN FRIDAY. The William Gaston Chapter Daughters of the American Revolu tion will hold their next regular meeting, which will be the last until fall, with Miss Estelle Rankin at her home on South Broad street Friday afternoon of this week at 3:30 o'clock. The program is as fol lows: "New Amsterdam and the Dutch Settlements," (Mrs. Walter Parks Moore; "Helnrich Hudson and the Hudson River and Watts and His Steamboat"; reading from Rip Van Winkle, Mrs. iS. A. Wilklns. The last number will be a discussion of New York, its harbors and importance as a military post. A feature of this meeting will bo tho first annual election of officers for the ensuing terms. TO CELEBRATE MEMORIAL DAY. The members of Gastonia Chap ter. Tnlted Daughters of the Con federacy, are making active prepar ations for the celebration of Confed erate 'Memorial Day on Saturday of this week. May 9th. This date is chosen for tho reason that May 10th falls on Sunday this year. The ex ercises will begin at the court house at 10 o'clock. Tho principal speak er of the day will be Rev. Dr. W. M. Vines, pastor of the First Baptist church of Charlotte, who will be in troduced by Mr. A. tM. Dixon, of this city. There will be special music by a choir of singers, and the High Shoals Band will furnish instrumen tal music for the occasion. There will be the usual march to Oakwood cemetery to decorate the graves of Confederate veterans buried there, after which dinner will be served to the veterans In the new Craig & Wilson building on West Airline av enue, opposite the Southern passen ger station. Successful Revival Meeting. A very successful revival meeting" has beeivin progress at West End Methodist church since 'Saturday night. Rev. N. M. Modlln, of Low ell, preached Saturday night and Sunday, and beginning last night Rev. Vr. L. Dawson, of .Matthews, Is doing the preaching. Rev. Mr. Mod lln will remain and lead the singing and assist In the services. Already there have been 2a or more con versions, and both the attendance and the Interest manifested in the meeting are unusually good. County Farmers I'nlon. The regular meeting of the Coun ty Farmers I'nion for May, instead of being held as usual on the second Saturday, will be held on Saturday, May 23rd. in the old court house at Dallas. Mr. It. P. Folk, farm de monstrator, will be present and ad dress the farmers on some subject oT importance and Interest. It is hop ed there will ho a largo attendance. rsrvnal iVfrtlon Mr. J. A. Glenn, of Charlotte, spent Sunday in Gastonia. Rev. A. R. Deck, pastor of the lialhoj Lutheran church, was in the ity on business yesterday. Mr and Mrs. J. M. Sloan. or P.i hnotit. left yesterday on a trip to l.ii I- soliv ille. Fla.. w here they will attend the Confederate reunion. Mrs. W. R. Rankin and Mrs. J. W Stow e. of Belmont. i". ere flit? i-nests yesterday of Mr. ai d Mrs. John It. Rankin at their home on South York street. - Mr. James Killian and family have moved to the farm which Mr. Killian recently purchased on the Bessemer City road just west of the city. - 'Mr. J. W. Abernethy. of Alexis, was in the city on business yester day. Mr. Abernethy is being Prom inently mentioned by the good citi zens or his section of the county as a suitable man for countty commis sioner from Dallas township. -Mrs. John A. Gerhart and Mrs. E. clarence Gerhart and children are expected to arrive in the city on No. tomorrow morning from Per kasie. Pa., on a visit to Mrs. E. C. Gerhart's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. White. Miss Connie Lomax has com pleted the course of training In the City Hospital and is now a erradnat nurse, having graduated on April SO. .miss Lomax win stand the examina tions before the State board -.this month and will then return to ner home in Wilkes county. No graduate of the Gastonia City . Hospital has ever failed to pass the Stats examina tions, and Miss Lomax's friends feel confident she will make a high grade before the State board.

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