TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1915. '.E3 GASTCXXA GAZTS Penny' Column. ' ONE CENT A WORD; -fry 'Em Hey Bring Resells. WANTED. NICE FRESH creamery butter, chickens and eggs. Ideal Grocery Co. Phones 107 and 108. ' LA.DIES mark your linen with a rub ber stamp, using indelible tnx Complete outfit 60 cents. Bares lot ox trouble and- Insures prompt return of articles from laundry or washer woman. Gazette Publishing Co. tf, WANTED : Real estate to sell at auction, farms, city or suburban property. Greensboro Kealty Auction Co., Greensboro, N. C, Box 293. N-5p EXTRA FINE pippins and winesap apples. Ideal Grocery Co. Phones 107 and 108. FOB BALE. PLASTER. LIMB AND CEMENT. In any quantities. R. Hope Brlson ft Co., Phone 76. tf FOR SALE: Seed wheat, oats, rye Clover, grasses, onion sets, heavy and fancy groceries. Gaston seed ft Provision Co.. Gastbnla. tf FOR SALE: Large double-oven Ma Jestlc range In good condition Morris Cafe. tf fOR 8ALE: Letters of dismissal and reception for Baptist church es. On rood bond paper, 50 in pad for 60 cents. By mall 6 cents extra, send orders to Gazette pud. Co., Gasbonla. N. C. tf. FOB SALE: Choice building lot, York street. E. J. Rankin. tf THREE NICE Residence Lots for sale at a bargain if taken within next thirty days. J. S. Torrence. 29p3 FOR SALE: Vacant lot, Fourth av enue, 60 by 177. Bargain at quick sale. Apply Gazette office. i2 FOR SALE: Good mare, eight years old, with colt five months old Also two-horse wagon and fanning tools. E. S. Robinson, Gastonia, Route 3. 29p2 GARDNER'S raisin, marble and pound cake. Ideal Grocery Co Phones 107 and 108. FOR SALE: Manilla Second-sheets at Gazette office. Attractive prices in targe lots. FOB BENT. FOR RENT: One 5-room cottage, all modern conveniences, one block from new postoffice. Gastonia Insurance & Realty Co. N-2c FOR RENT: Eight-room house, all modern conveniences, South York street. Gastonia Insurance & Realty Company. tf NICE TENDER green beans, celery, lettuce, green peppers, parsnips. Ideal Grocery Co. Phones 107 and 108. 26c MISCELLANEOUS. FOR ICE AND COAL the year round. call Gastonia Ice & Coal Company Phone 281. tf DAILY SHIPMENTS nice . bread. Ideal Grocery Co. Phones 107 ana 108. AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE: Phone 388 or 496-L. H. W. Counts, tf, SEE J. R. CARSON at the Buckeye Cotton Oil Company's warehouse on East Franklin avenue and get highest market price for your cotton seed. Meal exchanged ton for ton. tf. STONE'S wrapped cakes. Ideal Gro cery Co. Phones 107 and 108. Mr. G. B. Stowe, of Belmont, was In town yesterday. Ex-Sheriff M. H. Shuford has been confined to his home by illness for the past two weeks. His many friends hope to see him out again soon. Sunday's Charlotte Observer stated that Mr. Oscar Abernethy, of Monroe, who is at the Charlotte Sanatorium, was still in a very criti cal condition, being unimproved. His parents. Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Abernethy, went to Charlotte Satur day to be at his bedside. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shelton, aged about six .weeks, died at 6 o'clock yesterday morning at their home in Dallas af ter only a few hours serious illness. The funeral and burial took place to day. Interment being in the Presby terian cemetery at Dallas. Mr. J. F. Bradley, of Gastonia, and Rev. J. B. Hood, pastor of Pis gah Associate Reformed Presbyte rian church, attended the fall meet ing of the First Presbytery which was' held last week at Coddle Creek church In Iredell county, near Statesville. The spring meeting, next May, will be held with the Clo ver, 3. C, church. Columbia (S. C.) Record: Mrs. P. H. Eflrd and little Miss Mary Gray Eflrd have Joined Mr. Eflrd to make their home In Columbia, and are now occupying Prof. George Mc Cutchen's home on Pendleton street. Um ICflrri la A rhirmlnr vonnr n 1 V mmmm im v O J C " man and will receive a warm - wel come in her new home. Mr. Eflrd is manager of the Eflrd department stors- here. A Special Offer. The Gazette will be sent from now until January 1, 1917, to anyone not now a subscriber, upon payment of the subscription price for one year, namely $1.60. This Is equivalent to receiving the paper two and a half months free. Subscribe to The Gazette.- v THE LATEST FAD s Sterling Silver 25c and 50c each Torrence-Morris Company Jewelers-SIlTersmitBs Expert Repairing Artistic Enjravinr , "If it's new and the quality right we hare it" ADDITIONAL SOCIETY. (Continued from page 1.) friends. The vows were spoken in the living room in front of a group of palms and ferns and clusters of white chrysanthemums. Mrs. Henry Claude Goode, sister of the bride, rendered Mendelssohn's Wedding March and the bride entered with her sister. Miss Frances Rendleman The bridegroom was accompanied by Mr. William Cunningham who served as best man. The bride wore a tailored suit of blue cloth trim med in Bkunk with black velvet hat trimmed In Goura and carried an armful of Bride roses and ferns. Miss Frances Randleman, the maid of honor, was gowned in cream mar quisette over cream satin and car ried yellow chrysanthemums. An informal reception followed the wed ding. Mr. and Mrs. Larsen will be gin housekeeping lmmediatelv at 208 West Sixth Btraet. GILMER-SORREXTIXO RECITAL AT RALEIGH LAST WEEK. Gastonia music-lovers are looking forward with great interest to the concert to be given at the court house on Friday night of next week. November 5th, by Miss Josephine Gilmer, soprano, and Signior Umber to Sorrentino, Italian tenor, under the auspices of the William Gaston chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. In this connection the following account of their concerr given in Raleigh on Wednesday night, October 20th, will be of inter est. It is taken from The News and Observer of October 21st: "The music lovers of this city and in fact of the whole State had an op portunity to welcome one of their own last night and the reception ac corded to Miss Josephine Gilmer up on her appearance at the auditorium gave a tribute of their appreciation that she will long cherish. But It was an ovation due to her artistic attainments first. This young lady has a voice that will win for her an enviable place among the American prima donnas of her day, and she knows how to handle that voiee. It is a pleasant experience for an audi ence to listen to an artist who is giving them legitimate effort and not straining for effects. Miss Gil mer's Italian training is much in ev idence in her work and surely every note was sung with true appreciation of what is beautiful and real in tne art of singing. Her rendition or the Jewel Song was a delight her technique left nothing to be desired, and the beautiful liquid quality or her upper register was like a tin flute tone. Not only the State of North Carolina but the whole musi cal public may be proud of this ac complished young lady. It is to sucn earnest and serious talents as these that our concert rooms should be open. Her personal charm was char acteristic of the real South. 'Umberto Sorrentino is the very epitome of the virile and dramatic lyric artist. He has the surety of ample experience both in concert and opera. It is rarely that an artist can do justice to both. But Sorrentino is an actor as well as a singer of most excellent qualities. He must prove an ardent Romeo as well as an in tense Caruso and his program last night showed his mastery of a suave quality of voice that was delightful. His stage presence is electric and full of dash and go. The audience was lavish In their appreciation of his varied program. It would be diffi cult to pick out which number pleas ed most, for he had won his audience from the beginning. ADVERTISING GASTON. Booklet, "The Story of Gaston Coun ty", Being Distributed at South j Carolina State Fair by Prohibition orces. Secretary Alfred O. Lloyd of the Gastonia Chamber of Cemmerce yes terday received the following letter which is self-explanatory: Columbia, S. C, Oct. 23, 1915. Chamber of Commerce, Gastonia, N. C. Dear Sirs: The Ladies' Prohibition League de sires to distribute some literature during the State Fair week, whicn comes next week, from a booth they will have there. I have thought that if you could send a number of your booklets "The Story of Gaston County , which you kindly furnished me for use in the Prohibition campaign, they could serve their own cause, and at the same time, do some very good adver tising for your city and County, and I shall be very glad to have them do so. If you can furnish any of these booklets, send them to me, and I will turn them over to this League. Very truly, D. W. ROBINSON". It will be recalled that this pampn let was especially prepared for dis tribution at the annual meeting or the National Anti-Saloon League in Atlantic City last August and there drew quite a good deal of attention because of the marvellous transforms tion it recorded of a county from the banner whiskey county " of North Carolina to the banner cotton manu facturing county in the State and a mong the leading counties in this in dustry in the South. During the re cent prohibition campaign in South Carolina a large number of these pamphlets was distributed and this week many more will be put Into the hands of South Carolinians, Mr. Lloyd having complied with the above re quest. AD the New Styles in Middle Blouses 50c and 98c J.M. Belt Co. Gastonia's Big Buy Cash Store 50c Bungalow Aprons at 39c, 3 for $1. 2nd Floor JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER SfflPMENT OF LADIES' COAT SUITS ' These added to our already big stock make our showing worth while'and it will pay you to see our line before buy ing. Prices $9.95 to $35.00 MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS We now have on display a very complete line of all kinds of Coats for Misses and Children, prices 98c to $7.95 LADIES' COATS We are now showing several hundred Coats for Ladies'. From the cheapest to the best. Prices 98c to $25.00 SWEATERS You will find our line of Sweaters the most complete in the city. Ladies Sweaters $1.50 to $4.98 Children's Sweaters 50c to $1.98 LADIES' UNDERWEAR Ladies' heavy ribbed vest and pants for Ladies' 50c bleached underwear at Ladies' nice bleached union suits Misses' union suits, real nice quality Full line of Boys' union suits at Knit underskirts for Ladies at 25c each 38c or 75c suit 50c 48c 48c 48c and 98c A GIANT CHRYSANTHEMUM. Special Train Will Carry It to Cleve land, Ohio, snow is 17 Feet In 1 Mam Her. New York World, 22nd. Carried by a special train, tne largest single chrysanthemum plant ever transported by rail in this or any other country will start on No vember 5 from Ardsley, N." Y., for Cleveland. It will be exhibited there at the flower show to be held in conjunc tion with the annual exhibition of the Chrysanthemum SociPty of America. This plant, Vhich is now on the estate of Adolph Lewisohn at Ards ley, is second in size only to one in the possession of the Emperor of Japan, the home of chrysanthemums. It Is 17 feet in diameter, only six inches less than the Mikado's largest plant. Several years ago Mr. Lewishon conceived the idea of producing a chrysanthemum plant which would rival the largest in the world. He consulted J. W. H. Campbell, fore man of the Ardsley green houses and John Canning, superintendent or the estate. As a result there are today two Specials in Dry Goods, Etc 36-in. 50c blue Serge forj 39c 36-in. 50c black Serge for 39c 36-in. 50c brown Serge for 39c 40-in $1 all-wool Poplin for 85c 75c colored Corduroy for 50c We have on display a great line of all kinds of Woolen Goods. Table Linens 50c mercerized table Damask for 35c mercerized table Damask for 75c, 72-in. all linen Damask for 39c 25c 50c Several very pretty pieces of 72 inch all linen Damask at 98c One beautiful piece Polka Dot at $1.25 We also have a good line of Napkins. Staple Cotton Goods on the Basis of 7 l-2c Cotton 7 l-2c, 36-in. unbleached Domestic 6c 10c, 40-in. Sea Island for 7 l-2c 8c 3-yard Sheeting for 6 l-2c 10c Chevoits for 8 l-3c 10c Hickory Shirting for 8 l-Sc Hamilton Stripes He 7 l-2c Apron and Dress Ginghams 5c Good Calicoes, short lengths 3 l-2c lfdie'f J.M.BelkCo. S 8 Corsets for Leather Shoes for 39c 12 Retail Stores $1.50 0 3C Prepare For Cold Weather This little Cadet Heater is a regular "money saver." Will heat the regulation boiler of from 30 to 120 gal lons of water in a very few minutes. Will heat your room at the same time, be used in cooking thus saving gas bills. Can also A handful of chips and a few lumps of coal is all the fuel needed for this little heater. Let us show you this stove you'll like it Standard Hardware Co. On the Square . ' ' Phone 252 marvellous plants in the green houses, one the yellow chrysanthe mum, which will be sent to Cleve land, the other, a variety called Wells s Late Pink." which is six feet high and fourteen feet nine inch es across. Mr. Lewisohn's exhibits at the New York flower shows have been famous for years, but the great size of the chrysanthemum plants has prevented their being shown in dis tant cities. This year Mr. M. Vin son, Secretary of the Cleveland Flower Show, decided that he would have one of the big chrysantbe- mums. He obtained from the New York Central Railroad what is call ed a "pit car," and after planning with railroad men it was decided that if Mr. Lewisohn would consent to reduce the sire of the plant by 12 inces the railroad would undertake its transportation. ' To make the trip possible the chrysanthemum will be placed on its side on a specially constructed frame. This will be revolved by a mechanical device which will prevent the lower leaves from being crushed during transit. The whole plant will be covered with glass. J. W. H. Campbell of Ardsley and an assist ant will accompany the chrysanthe mum on its journey. On arrival in Cleveland the great plant will be placed on a motor truck and will be driven through the prin cipal streets of the city, escorted by mounted police. The tour of the giant chrysanthe mum will be expensive, the charges of the railroad being $853 each way. Owing to the height of the glass covering the trip will not be made by the direct route, so as to avoid sev eral low bridges, the special train will go from Dobbs Ferry to Depew via the main line, thence by the Gar denville Branch to Ben View and then toCleveland over the Now York Central. P 1 OTftMl t iff rrttti nt www . CJ vjwi um muiUAL AINU LOAN ASSOCIATION ASSETS --- - $150,000.00 Average monthly disbursement to Stockholders $5,000.00 Average monthly profits $700.00 It is MUTUAL in fact as well as in name. STOCK FOR SALE AT ALL TIMES E. G. McLURD, Sec and Treat. OFFICE AT GASTON LOAN & TRUST CO. rJ 1 H Banquet at Belmont. The Belmont Lodge, A. F. ft A. M., Is to give a banquet and do work in the third degree tonight. A number of Gastonia Mason's wiU attend and take part In the ceremonies. Death of Infant. Robert Lee. the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Parker, died last Thursday at their home. No. 313 Vo dena street.- The funeral was con ducted Friday by Rev. E. W. Black, pastor of the Wesleyan church, and Interment was In Hollywood ceme tery. - Subscribe to Ths Gazette. Accident Division FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY of MARYLAND, Baltimore This is to certify that J. WHITE WARE ranked THIRD on the list of leading Accident and Health producers for the month of September, 1915. T. C. BEAU, Supt. J. WHITE WARE INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Citizens National Bank Building' Represented by V.E. Long Phone 201 A Hallowe'en Party. The Gazette is requested to state that the Modena Woman's Better ment Association will giro a Hal lowe'en party at the Modena school house Saturday night of this week. No admission will be charged but cream, cake and salad will be offer ed for sale. The public is cordially invited to attend. Mr. D. 8cott Poole, editor of The Hoke County Journal, arrived this morning to attend the Presbyterian Synod as a delegate from the Rae ford church. Mr. Poole was a pleas ant visitor at The Gazette office this morning. This is his first visit to Gastonia and he is most fsvorably impressed with the town. "I dldnt know Gastonia was anything like as large as it is, he remarked. Mr. Pool is an enthusiastic Sand-hiller and thinks Hoke is decidedly the best county in North Carolina. GASTONIA LODGE NO. 323 A. F. A a.IL Called MeetJnr . Friday Night Oct. 29, 7:30 p.m. Work in 3rd Degree POCAHONTAS LODGE NO. 19 Improved Order of Red Men Regular Meeting Thursday Night October 28 at 7:SO o'Oovfc. All members are sored to be present. No. 188 I.0.0.F Regular Meeting Thursday Night Oct. 2?, WIS, 7:30 p. m. . Hall in Armory Building GASTON CONCLAVE, WO. 991, , Improved Order Heptasophs - Regular Meeting Tuesday knight 1 October 28, 1915. Advertise la The Gazette. - - 7