FRIDAY, APRIL 2S, 1916. TUB GASTONIA GAZETTE., Penny Column; ONE CENT A WORD, fry 'Em Tkey Brinf Results. WANTED WANTED: Clean wheat straw bal ed. Gastonla Mattress Co. 2c4 WANTED: Good pair males, wagon and harness. J. 3. Torrence. 5 MEN WANTED for new plant. Eight and ten hours per day. Good wages. Apply Employment Bureau, Tal!assee"Power .Company. Wihtoeyi N. C. 2c3 WANTED: A copy of a circular ad dress issued by me to the voters of Gaston county during the cam paign of 1898. Address Asheville. N. C. L. L. Jenkins. 9c4 FOB 8 ALE. FOR HIGH-GRADE re-rooted veget able and flower plants, call at Tor rence Drug Company's. tf FOR SALE: House and lot South street. Modern conveniences. Easy terms. W. C. Abernethy. 28c4 FOR SALE: Slightly used Wales Adding Machine. Cheap for cash. Machine, care of Gazette. M-2p FOR SALE OR RENT: Desirable six-room residence on East Third avenue, with modern conveniences. Apply at Gazette office. tt FOR SALE: Practically new gas range at a bargain. Mrs. E. P. Rankin. 28p3 FOR SALE: Letters of dismissal and reception for Baptist church a. On good bond paper, SO In pad for 60 cents. By mall 5 oentt extra. Send orders to Gazette Pub Co.. Gastonla. N. C. tt FOR SALE: Desiring to change my business will sell my stock of gro ceries and fixtures at a bargain. T. A. LITTLE. 2-p4 I0R SALE: Manilla Second-sheets t Gaxett office. Attractive prices la large lota. . . -9jj-ST: FOR RENT: May 1 new six.-room house, all conveniences, 312 South Oakland. W. . Davis. tf FOUND. FOUND: Automebile license tag No. 16,442. Owner can get same at Gazette office. tf FOUND: On Main avenue Wednes day, bunch of keys. Owner can get same at Gazette office. 28c FOUND: Friday a pig. Owner can get same by identifying and pay ing for ad. R. S. Barkley, Holland Mill. 28c MISCELLANEOUS. FOR ICE AND COAL the year round, call Gastonla Ice & Coal Company. Phone 281. tf FIFTY CENTS in stamps will bring you "THE GAZETTE twice a week for four months. Subscribe today. W. P. COWAN, expert piano tuner and repairer. All work fully guaranteed. Orders left at A. J. Klrby & Co's. will receive prompt at tention, tf LADIES mark your linen with a rub ber stamp, using Indelible ink. Complete outfit 50 cents. Saves lot of trouble and insures prompt return of articles from laundry or washer woman. Gazette Publishing Co. tf. IF YOU HAVE any cotton to gin bring it In Saturday, April 29. Af ter that date we wIM unable to gin any more this season. Southern Cotton Oil Co. 28c2 STANDARD HARDWARE CO. calls attention special demonstration Kor-Ker puncture cure all day to morrow, April 29th. See their ad in today's Gazette. 28c1 Dr. Prewdey to Lecture. We are requested to announce that Dr. E. W. Pressley, of Clover, will deliver a lecture on Scott and Barns in the chapel at Linwood Col 1am tomorrow nieht at 8 o'clock. There will be no charge for admis-'l slon and everybody is coraiaiiy in vited to attend. Bay It In Gastoni. Fire Wednesday afternoon in the vicinitv of the Mecklenburg Mills, Charlotte, destroyed five cottages, entailing a loss of $10,000. Hirrv R fitnkPB. an attorney of Nashville, Tenn., was shot and kill- f hv Charles A. Trabue. another lawyer, in the former's tffice In Nashville Wednesday morning. The men were closeted In conference at the time of the tragedy and there was no eye witness. Trabue was re leased on 125,000 bond. He has not made any statement as yet re garding the affair. The lawyers were ah nnnnaitA nidcw in a taxDavers' in vestigation of city affairs. They had had several clashes during me iriai of the case. HUM tfallara 'fcMSMfc wwta W 14 d lmj lm) rnr. icrl nmt RAT CORN aafa m n. Daadty te irj aa. K fer immt H-Ajv VahaaMtWa MHacattaa. jjt ' 2S. SO. mm tl .00. h&fc?- .-i h Seat Haiavan, Dias GASTONIA HARDWARE CO. WOULDN'T THIS LOOK NICE IN YOUR HOME? In addition to being a handsome piece of furni ture one of the famous E d i s o n s or Grafonolas would aswist in making your home ho attractive that your boy or girl would not geek entertain ment elsewhere. Bring . the Grand Opera and re. fined entertainment home to your family instead of having them seek the coarser entertainment else. where. You are welcome in our eHpecially arranged Talk ing Machine department. Ask to hear your favo rite music. Torrence-Morris Company, jewelers GASTONIA GIRL Willie MISS MYRTLE WARREN GETS $5IN GOLD Second Prize of 62.50 in Gold for Second Bewt Article on "Why Gas ton People Should Trade at Home" Won by Miss Alma Wil liams of Ileflsemer City High Kchool Ten Excellent KeaHons for Trading at Home. A few weeks ago The Gazette of fered a prize of $5 in gold for the best ten reasons on the subject "Why Gaston People Should Trade at. Home" submitted by any high school pupil In the county. A sec ond prize of $2.50 In gold for the next best article on the same sub ject was offered. The publishers are frank to say that they were a little disappointed because more did not enter the contest. The lack of inter est, however, is attributable, we think, to the fact that for weeks prior to the first of April the high scbool pupils were busily engaged in making preparations for the county commencement and for the triangu lar debates and since' that time have been engaged in making prepara tions for the several commence ments. Quite a number entered the contest and the publishers only re gret that a prize was not forthcom ing for each and every one of the contestants. In the nature of the case, however, this could not be. Miss Myrtle Warren, of Gastonla, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. War ren and one of the Gastonia high school's brightest pupils, won the first prize while the second went to Miss Alma Williams, a popular stud ent in the Bessemer City high schools. Below the prize-winning articles are reprinted and others entered in the contest will be published later: "WHY GASTON COUNTY PEOPLE SHOULD TRADE IN THEIR HOME TOWN." By Miss Myrtle Warren, Winner of Firs Prise If Gastonia is ever to become the city that its founders dreamed of and planned for, then we will have to pull long and strong: all must GASTONIA LODGE NO. 53 KNIGHTS of PYTHIAS ARMORY BUILDING, WEST LONG AVE. Regular Meeting, Monday May 1 Degree Work. PROVIDENCE CAMP NO. S82 Regalar Meeting Tuesday Night, May 2 7:30 p. m. GASTONIA LODGE NO. 369 A. P. A. M. Called Meeting Friday Night, April 28,8 p.m. Work la 2nd Degree. t pull together. . ' -; ,In the first place 'we. must be united people. - "In union there Is strength." We must stand united commercially, If we would grow. Fecond: We should have town pride enough to want to see our mer chants succeed in their businesses. It will be Impossible for them to do so if we don't give them our trade. Third: We should want to trade where we know the merchants and have confidence in them. Fourth: It is easier and cheaper to do our trading at home and there by help home industries. ' Fifth: We should trade at home because the merchants help us in all financial affairs. When we want help on charity, schools or any public work, we do not run to another town to get it. I believe in feeding the horse that pulls' the' load. Sixth: Tou get the worth of your money and keep your money at home at the same time. Seventh: It is a reflection on our merchants' tastes and ability to buy the right things to be running to an other town to trade. Eighth: If we ever ask credit, it is at home. Ninth: Because we have nice stores and up-to-date goods, polite and efficient clerks. Tenth: If we trade at home it will increase business and thereby give employment to more people. One class cannot prosper, without benefitting some one else. Then let's trade at home, the place where we are treated the best and have the privilege of grumbling the most. WHY WE SHOULD TRADE AT HOME. By Alma Williams, Bessemer City, Winner of Second Prize To receive Justice yourself and to help in the prosperity of your town, qne of the most essential things is to do your trading at home. No one will go into the mercan tile business in your town if the peo ple go to some other place to trade. Thus the town doesn't prosper. You say you cannot get the class of goods you want at home. This is because you go elsewhere to trade. If you would always trade at. home, and the merchant was aware of this, he could afford to keep every class of &pods; otherwise be cannot do this... To trade at home is in keeping with the golden rule. Help the home merchant, then you help one that helps you. He must pay tax for carrying on busi ness, so his money is used for the benefit of the citizens. He owns personal property, is in terested in the public welfare and the growth of the town, because your town is his town. He keeps his goods on display; you don't buy before you see, and he is ever ready to tell you what is best and will always take back unsatisfac tory goods. He will not have you buy anything to his knowledge which is a fake. Why? Because he expects to live in the community and must depend on the citizens for patronage. If you want to see your town prosper, then spend your dollar at home. When you get your merchandise from mail order houses you can't see what you get until it arrives; then, if some article is unsatisfactory, you must have the trouble of returning It. This is a waste of time and also a great disadvantage. When a merchant has an excellent sale for his goods, he can afford to sell cheaper; therefore trade at honje, and by doing bo. help mer chant, town and yourself. USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, The antiseptic powder to be shaken into t be sboee and used in tbe foot-bath. If you want rett and comfort for tired, aching, swollen, sweating feet, line Allen's Foot-Eaae. It relieves corns ana bunions of ail pain and prevents blisters, sore and callous spots. Just tbe thing for Dancing Parties, Patent Leather Hhoes, and for Breaking in New Shoe. Try it to-dau. Sold everywhere, 8"c. Don't uecrpt any ntbttittitt. For FRRR trial package, address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy,N. Y. Most Complete Line of Millinery In Gastonia Co ML IBslk Gastonia, N. C. New 33-inch , Navy Taffeta Sub Now on Display , We Are Still Offering Some Big Bargains In Women's Spring - Suits Every Women's Spring Suit in Our Store is Greatly Reduced Read These Reductions They Should Interest You Women's $10.00 all wool blue serge suits reduced to $7.95 Women's $12.50 Sheppard Check Suits reduced to $9.95 Women's $15.00 All Wool Serge ' Suits reduced to - $10.95 Women's $12.50 to $15.00 Silk Pop lin Suits reduced to $9.95 Women's $20.00 Taffeta Suits re duced to $14.95 Women's $25.00 Suits in Taffetas, Serges and Poplins reduced to $19.95 Women's Dress Skirt We (have just received a new line of Ladies Dress Skirts in Serges and Pop lins. New styles, old prices. All Wool Serges Skirts, $2.50 value for S1-98 Extra good values in Ladies Skirts at.--- $3.50 $3.98 and $4.98 Shirt Waists We are showing a beautiful line of Ladies' Shirt Waist at 98c, $1.98, $2.98 to $4.98. New Wash Skirts We have just received a beautiful line of Ladies' Wash Skirts in White Garbadine and Pique, prices 98c to $1.48 paTcaIfS0AP J. M. BELK CO. FIVE SEE OUR BIG CENTS COUNTER 'Robert Bratton Lowry. for many years a prominent citizen of York and since 1907 agent at that place for the Southern Express Company, died at his home there Wednesday, aged 64 years. He Is survived by his widow and three children. XOTICK. The undersigned hereby notify the public that they have sold the business of the Clemmer Vukanizing Company to R. D. Lewis and R. C. This 18th day of April, 1916. H. M. CLEMMER, V. H. ROBINSON, J. R. DURHAM. GASTONIA'S LEADING CLOTHIERS THE Business or Professional Man of Today Must Keep Pace in Personal Appearance with his Associates. Shabbiness of wearing ap parel Is never construed as an Indication of success. To at tract success you must ap pear to be already successful. This Is possible without un due extravagance If you come to us for clothes. Quality, Style, Service and Price are always combined at our store. Our Extensive Stock of HABERDASHERY IS COM PLETE. STRAW HATS, XOBBY CAJS SOFT SHIRTS, ATTRACT IVE NECKWEAR, E T C, ETC. ETC. CHLOSS V' BIOS. CO. r" I' A cww. vn Bait im ii v SWAN - SLATER CO. THE HOME OF GOOD CLOTHES 8AL-VET 8AL-VET SAL-VET 8AUVST When You Trade at This Store Y OU may be sure of getting the fullest value for your money and the best goods the market affords. In buying drugs, medicines and chemicals, the pur chaser must necessarily rely upon the seller for a square deal, as few ieople can determine the qual-' Itv of the goods purchased. When you trade at our store you can put absolute confi dence in every purchase you make. We have been in busi ness long enough to know that a pleased customer is our best advertisement, and we have also learned that the on ly way to build up a trade of pleased customers is to sell only goods that satisfy, and at reasonable prices. We Appreciate Your Patronage Everything will be done here to win and hold your confidence and to prove to you that our store is the BEST store at which to buy anything in the drug line. Come in for any of the leaders the popular and well-known drug store specialties, such as Toilet Goods, Rubber Goods, Soaps, Perfumes, Face Creams and Powders, Proprietary Medicines, etc. We carry also the best of veterinary and live stock preparations such as The Great Chi 17I7T The Great Worm N Zi I - V F. 1 Li ve Stock Destroyer V 1-1 - Conditioner A Complete Line of Sal-Vet Brand Stock and Poultry Remedies The unequaled merit onhis remarkable remedy has won for It the reputation of being the biggest seller in Its line. This is only one Illustration that this is the store for the new and good things, that this store always handles the best to be obtained. J. H. KENNEDY & CO. THE REXALL DRUGGISTS GASTONIA, N. C. We Make a Specialty of Filling Physician's Prescriptions SOLE AGENTS FOR GASTON COUNTY FOR SAL-VET CARD OF THANKS. I take this method to express my hearty thanks to the good people of Gastonla, both men and women, for their generous and hearty re sponse to the request for assistance In building the tabernacle In a day, especially those of the other church es. We trust that this is but an In dication of the fine response and co operation that we shall have In our meeting which In to begin May 7th. I also desire to thank the good la dies for the sumotuous dinner serv ed at the noon hour. REV. H. H. JORDAN, Pastor Main Street Methodist Church. Buy It la Gastonia. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of Wil liam R. Blackwood, late of Gaston county, 'North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present tie same duly verified, to the undersign ed on or before May 1, 1017 or ths notice will be pleaded In sat of any recovery thereon. All per sons indebted to the said estate will please make prompt settlement with the undersigned. This 28th day of April. 191. JACOB- KISER, Executor of William R. Blackwood. F-J2c9 Trade With Gaaecte AberUseTsT

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