FRIDAY, JUSTt 10, 1018. TUB GASTOXIA GAZETTE. PAGE ELEVEN. -, J - TOOK 3 BOTTLES : GAINED 20 LBS. BBBasaBBBaMPB , r WAS SICK IN BED AND C0ULCX1 BEAR EGGS OR KILK BEFORE TAKING JANLAC. , ... . mv ABERrlATHY "' We Believe the Maxwell is Greatest Motor Car Value on the Market BUT our opinion would not be of any particular importance to you i( it did not coincide with the facts. We only want you to look the market over carefully. Then we absolutely know that you will agree with us. In the first place there is the remarkable Maxwell engine. No four cylinder motor of its size has more "pep" or go to it regardless of the price of the car-it drives. It will climb hills on high gear in a manner that will astonish you. It is quiet and works day in and day out with a sound, business like hum that is good to hear. Any engineer will compliment the design of the chassis. And those who are not engineers cannot fail to note its simplicity and staunch construc tion. As for what it is made of, we can truthfully say that better material cannot be bought. The operation of the car is simplicity itself the brakes are powerful the springs are long and flexible Uie axles are strong and the steering apparatus, like the rest of the chassis, is built to stand the most severe service the car may ever have to face, wherever or however it is used. Then if you consider looks important, and most people do, you will not find a more attractive car than the Maxwell at anywhere near the price. And it comes to you fully equipped with all the attachments you will ever want or need; electric starter and lights, demountable rims, one man top, self-ventilating, rain-vision windshield, etc All for $655 (five passenger touring car) or $635 (two passenger roadster). We know you can't beat it Touring Car $655 Roadster $635 F. O. B. DETROIT Gastonia Garage Co. 114 E. Airline Ave. Phones 193 and 201 Time Payments if Desired "After the la grippe I was so, weak and rundown that even to eat eggs or milk caused me great dis- ,. tress. I was nervous and could a t sleep and finally had to take to bed again despite the fact that I tried ev erything prescribed for me. Miss : Ida Abernathy, of Seversville, Char lotte, said. "Then I heard about Tanlac. -.The first bottle gave me an appeitite. and I got strength to leave bed.., The second bottle put me in such shape that I could eat anything I wanted and enabled me to sleep all sight. I have finished my third bottle - and have gained 20 pounds and feel as well as I ever did in my life. "I am so tickled to be out of bed again and to be strong and hearty that I am glad to tell other sick peo ple how good Tanlac really is. Tanlac is sold in Gastonia by, the Adams Drug Co.; Lowell, Robinson Drug Co.; Cherryville, II. H. Allen: Belmont, Stowe & Sanders; Dallas, P. D. Summey; Bessemer City. Thtg- pen Drug Co.r'Huntersville, 8. . Iv Mulling; Lenoir, Ballew's Cash Phar macy; Grover, C. F. Hambrlght. Adv. ItAILWAY CONFERENCE. I UMiM N Ideal Christian Home School.. Preparatory and Colleslate courses. Art, t Enmsslon. Physical Culture. Pedagogy. Domestic Science. Busmen, rtr Can. tervatory of Music High standard maintained by large staff of experienced, college crainea instructors, i axes onty w Hoarders and teacbes trie tndtvtduai. unsur pasted neatth record. Brick buildings. Steam heat. Electric lights. Excellent table. Good Gymnasium. Park-like campus. Concerts, lectures, tennis, basket ball Write for our catalog before selecting the college for your daughter. MISS MARY OWEN GRAHAM, President. Raleigh, N. C tCOKTRIGHT Metal, Shingles Xeta)5tte fli el Shi. I With thla variety of da-rign-, either galvanised, or tin-plate Panted red or Iwwutoo can find just the right style of Cortright MetaJ Smrli for wuTbuffi. Look for traWk" "Cortright" Reg. U. 8. Pat. Oft SpsricerLumb The Value of a Good Name. The Progressive Farmer. Along with the value of good soils, good seed, good livestock, and good farming methods, the young farmer who would achieve success must ever bear in mind the value of a good name. The man of his word, the man of honor whose reputation for square dealing is known to all the countryside, has an asset of incalcpl abla value. Most of the world's business to day is done on credit, or confidence in the ability and willingness to pay, and were credit abolished business of all kinds would of necessity large ly stop. And Just so it is with the young fanner straggling to get on tn the world. Very frequently without capital of his own, if credit is denied him he labors at a sore disadvantage. He may need credit to bny. clear ana drain land; to build a home; to bny improved stock; but without capital and without credit these things must be gone without, and a possibly ex cellent farmer badly handicapped. To all of our young; men we would say, then, diligently as yon cultivate your prize acre of corn, look even more carefully to your good same; fine and famous as your prize pig may be, strive ever that the fame of your good name may spread farther. Your crop may fail or your pig may die, and still the loss would not be irreparable; but once a young man's good name is gone something is lost that a whole life's work may never replace. Make debts, if you need to In or der to better your business, in order that you may become a better farm er; but when you give your promise either verbally or in writing, make it an iron rule to let nothing on earth keep you from fulfilling it. The good name you will win will be more priceless than gold. Stomach Troubles and GmstipaUom. "I will' cheerfully' say that Cham berlain's Tablets are the most satis factory remedy for stomach troubles aad constipation that I have sold in thirty-four years' drug store serv ice." writes 8. H." Murphy, druggist, Wellsburg, N. Y. -Obtainable every where AdV.--,- - ,--,-; .-..-.,. I k EOS Cantata no add and Urns keep Ike bather soft, protecting It against . ' cracking. - They combine liquid end paste In a paste form and require) ecJy katf that effort far a brilliant lasting, shin. Eaay to ae for all the f and rduldreo and adults. Shine year shoes at bone aad ' keep thean 7 BLAClt-WHtTE-TATJ 'KEERYDinSfiCESf'HAT Meeting of Railway Representative and Jtrotherhmxl Chiefs lletng Held In New York Negotiations Marked by ood Feeling on lioth Hides. Special to The Gazette. NEW YORK, June 13. Negotia tions between the committee of man- ., agers, representing the railways of : the entire country, and the Brother hood chiefs, representing the engl- - neers, firemen, conductors, trainmen and switchmen who are demanding .' increased wages, were resumed yes terday after a recess from Thursday of last week.- The conference is the first in- which the railways of the entire country have met representatives of their employees to discuss a demand for increased wages and has set a new record in the amount of capi talization and the number of men involved. The conference is also re markable in that its sessions are be ing held in the open, both sides thus giving emphatic recognition to the right of the public to take a nana in the controversy. The negotiations have been mark ed by good nature and frankness. President A. B. Garretson of the Or der of Railway Conductors stated that the Brotherhoods recognized that it is impossible to establish an actual eight-hour day in road serv ice, but that they desire an eight hour basic day under which the men will be paid for 12 1-2 miles for each hour worked. During the ne gotiations the Brotherhood chiefs have repeatedly stated that the men are willing to work any number of hours up to the limit allowed by. Federal law, 16, so long as they are paid on this basis. Questions asked during the nego tiations have all dealt with compen sation rather than with the number of hours the men are kept in service. That even in yards where the eight hour day is now in effect increased wages should be paid under their demands is the claim of the Broth erhood officials. Both sides have asked a great, many questions to sound the views of the other side and with these an swered the conference can get down to the important work of endeavor ing to settle the controversy without resort to a strike which would t:e up all the railways of the Country. Adv. If ! Detroit Free Press. Loud and angry had waxed the discussion in the'local St. George so ciety on the usual topic the war.. Mr. Meek was getting quite tired of the subject. So presently he rose from his easy chair and picked up. his hat. Just then another member said, authoritatively, that in his opin ion the war would last another 18 months. "Ah." said Mr. Meek, pausing at the door, "that may be. But if an other country I know of would only come in on our side, the war would end in a couple of weeks." "What country's that?" asked several in surprise. "Germany!" replied Meek, as he faded through the door. Thirty-6ix women in Kansas City were overcome and carried from the tabernacle by ushers who waited outside the building for that pur pose, during Billy Sunday's sermon several days ago for women only. More Rheumatism Than Ever Before Clergymen, Lawyers, Brokers, Me chanics and Merchants Stricken. Our old friend Rheumatlz Is hav ing his inning this year, and few words of caution from one wno knows all about it may not be 1 amiss. Wear rubbers in damp weather; i keep your feet dry; drink plenty of lemonade, and avoid strong alcohol ic drinks. If rheumatism gets you, or scia tica, and you have sharp twinges, gnawing pain or swollen joints or muscles, you can get rid of all ago ny In just a few days by taking one half teaspoonful of Rheuma once a day. - . . All druggists know about Rheu ma; it's harmless, yet powerful; cheap, yet sure, and a. 60-cent bottle will last & long .time. Ask ; J- IL Kennedy or any druggist. Adv. ' 13-16-27-3 D J