It Is money that" of right should have helped feed and clothe th poor drunkard's family. , Let us take courage from the mu nicipal election of Charlotte ana elsewhere and press the enemy to the wall and over it. Our mayor and commissioners have passed the right kind of ordi nances and they are sworn to pro tect them. Let us aid them in tne proper discharge of their duties. let us see to it then that no whis key is dispensed here on tbe sly tn dark places. "So mote it be," "N'il desperau dum.' (To be Continued.) MYKItS IUX HIM CLOSE KACT. For Sale More Lots In OOOOOOO cc A Q & Today Tuesday af I I IT Valentine Grant "AN INNOCENT LIE" CHESTERPLACE cSaved PARAMOUNT t x hm I i t. j a. -M m. zr r-jw THURSDAY Edytli Storey IN "THE PRICE VITIGRAFrl BLUE FRIDAY Geraldine Farrar and Wallace Reid IN "MARIA ROSA" ADMISSION FOR THIS WONDERFUL PRODUCTION WILL BE :-: :-: :-: 10 and 15c GASTON IN Interesting Event In the County Thirty-Odd Years Ago as Recorded In the Gazette To Which is Added State and General Xews Notes and Some General Heading Mattel That Proved of Inerest a Third of a Centurp Ago. . PORTY-EIGHTH INSTALLMENT. Local IKK J. (Prom The Gazette or May 14, '81. ) Mr. C. M. Nolen, agent, has sold 112 Weed sewing machines in Gas- ; ton county. We went to Spartanburg Wednes- i day to, witness the unveiling of the monument, a short account of which ,"we publish. There- was only one young lady from Gaston represented. We are informed of the death or Mrs. K. J. Kennedy, of Crowders Mountain township, which took place about two weeks ago, but no one has furnished us with any of the partic ulars. i We had a pleasant call this week from Mr. W. F. Buchanan, editor of the Chester, S. C, Reporter. Louis Littlejhon, colored, was found dead Thursday morning near Cowpens, on the Air-Line, with a bullet bole through his head. We were pleased to have a call last week from Col. M. H. Hand, or Garibaldi. He informs us that be has planted a new variety of oats which promises to make a very large yield. There is more talk of establishing a commercial school of high grade at -Gastonia. The gentleman who pro poses to undertake the work at some point is thoroughly competent ror the enterprise. We acknowledge through com pliments of Mr. J. Lee Love the re ceipt of an invitation to the com mencement exercises of tbe State University, which comes off on tne 1st and 2nd of June next. Senator M. W. Ransom will deliver the ad dress. The train of the Chester and Le noir railroad from Lincolnton' never reached this place Thursday until 9 o'clock owing to a small accident to the engine on the temporary track near Lincolnton. The merchants of Gastonia are of , ferlng good inducements during tne next 20 days on various lines or goods. Ladies especially from all portions of the county may be ex pected here In thousands during tne time of low prices. CoL T. Stabo Farrow was selected as one of the managing committee for the celebration at Spartanburg and the people of that town certain ly owe thanks to him for his courte ous and persevering spirit in making it a success. He is a capital worker In such enterprises. " We were the recipient of a very pleasant serenade from the Gastonia band Thursday night. The Band has improved wonderfully and is now SAVES DAUGHTER Aorice of Mother no Doubt Pre : Tent Dsnjhter'i Untimely End. r Ready, Ky. " I was not able to do tnything for nearly six months," writes Mrs. Laura Bratcher, of this place, "and was down in bed for three months. I cannot tell you how I suffered with my. head, and with nervousness and womanly troubles. Our family doctor told my husband he could not do me any good, and he had to give it up. We tried another doctor, but he did not heln me. ?At last, my mother advised tne to take rdiri, the woman's tonic 1 thought was bo use for 1 was nearly dead and othing seemed to do me any good. But 1 took eleven bottles, and now 1 am able to do all of my work and my own washing. : I think Cardui is the best medicine in fce wrtL My weight has increased, and I look the picture of health. " i tub suiicr irom any or ine ailments peculiar to women, get a bottle of Cardui today. Delay is dangerous. We know it Wi3 help you, for it has helped so r-r thousands of other weak women la t:.e past 50 years. ; At ill druggists. ' . ' Wri ft Coartaneoc Madletna C. Ladles f wy DmeL. CnattiMetm, Tenth, for gfriml uuA for omen." is pleia wrjwtrjL& i&f 99 RIBBON FEATURE THE EIGHTIES under the tutorship of Prof. R. J. Herndon, of Yorkville. They are re ceiving many calls this season. The faculty of Franklin Academy, Lancaster county, S. C, with their happy school band and many other Lancastrians, crowded the coach fa cilities on the Cheraw Railroad Fri day morning of the 6th inst., and went to Fort Lawn, Chester county, where they spent the day in jubilant pic-nicing and other social amuse ments. The Lancaster school bids fair, since placed in the hands of its new principal, Prof A. J. Clark, to do much for education. Gastonia and Her Business. (From The Gazette of May 14, 81.) We called on the most of our bus iness men this week 'found them in good spirits and all spoke of being well pleased with the trade of the present year. It will be remember ed five years ago there was only one one store in Gastonia, doing a mod erate amount of business. It has de cided business advantages and is fast becoming the trading point for this section west of the Ctawba river. The early history of Atlanta is somewhat similar to that of Gasto nia, except the latter has grown fast er than Atlanta did in the first seven years of its history. Atlanta was founded in Dekalb county, about five miles from Decatur (the courthouse) and in five years after its birth it be came the rival of Decatur when great jealousy sprang up which in creased and prejudice became so strong that a division of the county became necessary. Marietta, whicn was a thriving town only about 25 miles distant on the north, Jonesboro and N'ewnan on the south, and Cov ington on the east at the time never dreamed that Atlanta would become theirj-ival, but in a few years more these"two towns began to cry down "the shell" as they termed it. The war came and left it In ashes, but as soon as peace was declared she as sumed her former energies and building and population increased to a remarkable extent and today sne is the pride of the south. Those cit ies who once despised her have learned to profit by her and feei proud of their great city. Decatur, which was supposed to be ruined by Atlanta it is true, lost her trade but real estate sells today in Decatur at fancy prices, because many business men of Atlanta prefer to have homes in the quiet town. Gastonia is mov ing on in the same style, being near her court house, her first growth was not as rapid as some other towns on the Air-Line, but' now she has be come the most important trading point in the county and her rapid growth is prescribed on all sides. Prohibition Ilooming. (From The Gazette of May 14, '81.) There never has been such a uni versal sentiment far reform, as is now engaging the minds of this great republic. It is the all-absorbing question of the day and well may it claim the attention of all. For the use of spirituous liquors has be come one of the greatest curses of the land; and tbe only effectual way to end it is to stop the fountain head the distilleries. Let every one, both great and small, go to work and leave nothing undone that human skill and energy can do from now until tbe election is over; and by the help of an invisible and unseen pow er, we' will demolish and annihilate one of the strongholds of his Satan ic MJeety. There is but one moral Side to this question and you will find all good men arrayed on the side of honor and fighting the mighty monster. No one can vote for the continua tion of distilleries and grog-shops ra this day of enlightenment, unless it is to gain money, and this money has to come from the poor families who are cursed by drunken husband's. FOR FOLLY ALIEN'S FOOT-EASE DOES IT. Wben your hoMplocher roar eornt t&4bao loot ach to that roa er th-ed all oyer, get Attest Toot-Kmc, the antiseptic powder to be shakes toto the BhoM and osed in the foot-bath. It wU tato the atinxofrt of cents aad bmiooa ana eirt Instant relief to Tired, Aching, Swollen, Tender fee- Orwl0MmndueesarolBiaBmdbTth Genua and Allied troop at the Trent. Bold ererywhere, Wc Dm I tceft ay tubttUuU, . .. - - ' Kocky Mount Man Defeats Gastonia Hanker in Spirited Contest ror (Ml Ice in Hankers Association. Greensboro News. Asheville, June 1.-The 20th an nual session of the North Carolina Bankers' association adjourned here this afternoon, after having been in session for three days. W. S. Blankeney, of Monroe, was elected president; W. B. Drake, or Raleigh, vice president; James A. Gray, Jr., of Winston-Salem, second vice president; and in a spirited contest J. B. Ramsey, of Rocky Mount, defeated Albert Myers, or Gastonia, for third vice president. William A. Hunt, of Henderson, continues as secretary and treasurer. The executive committee is as fol lows: T. C. Turnage. J. H. Alexan der, J. B. Blades, Graham H. An drews, Neil Ellington, E. F. Powell, Hinton James, F. B. Bunch, Geo. Blanton and Erwin Sluder. The association went on record as opposing sections 13 and 16 of the federal reserve bank art, it being the sense of the convention that each member of the association and all stock-holders of the banks affili ated with the association take tne matter up at once with the N'ortn Carolina senators and congressmen to have them to vote to modify these sections. LIVING TtX) FAST. Galveston Tribune. Americans, in their feverish quest for efficiency, have been living alto gether too fast. The burden of fast life tells most heavily upon the heart New York has succeeded in reducing its death from tuberculosis from 421 in each 100,000 to 169 in 19H; but during this same period Its deaths from heart disease have in creased from 74 to 169 and the ena is not yet in sight. In Worcester Mass., no less than 21.5 per cent of all deaths in the industrial popula tion are caused by organic heart dis ease; 15.2 per cent is the propor tion for the entire city. The best cure for either heart trouble or tuberculosis is the preventive method. It is so much easier to pre vent than it is to cure. And the best way to prevent tubercu losis is to see that the child has consitution to begin with, that his physique is developed by systematic and rational training, and that he learns to keep bis exertions well within the limit of his capacity. A LARGE JOB. Dallas Evening Journal. The historian 'of the future, par ticularly that interepid one who at tempts a reliable record of the great war, will essay a staggering. if not impossible task. The scope or operations are sufficient in themse; ves to deter, but the chief deter rent, one may well believe will oe the censors suppression and dlstor tion of results on field and water There may be a way some day to get at the official reports, but It grows more evident daily that most of these have been and are being shaped for home consumption. For that reason the historian who ar rives at correct conclusions must be gifted with a capacity to delve deep ly and to eliminate and accept with a certainly little short of infallibi lity. Perhaps no genuine history of the war will be written until a century after its conclusion. At that time the perspective may be clear of con fusing and conflicting statements and records and the nations now at strife may be so strongly allied in the bonds of peace as to be ready to unite on facts. If nothing better results, a record may be shaped in accordance witn the old definition, "History is a lie. generally agreed upon." Rocking chairs at one dollar each at Gastonia Furniture Co. dollar iay sale. William L. Caldwell of Chicago was two hours late to work one day recently because his rooster, that called him at 6 o'clock each morn ing, died during the night. Get Rid of Tan, Sunburn and Freckles by using HAGAN-S Magnolia Balm. Acts insTantly. Stops the burning. Clears your complexion of Tan and Blemishes. You cannot know how good it is until you try it Thous ands of women say it is belt of all beautinera and heals Sunburn quickest. Don't be without it a day longer. Gel a bottle now. At your Druggist or by mail direct. 75 cento for either color, White. Pink. Rose-Red. L YON MPfi. CO, 40 So. St. Su SWUrRT. yir K , Lei Buy Now Prices Right and Terms Easy Gastonia Insurance and Realty Company Real Estate Dept. Phone 89. Gastonia, N. C W. T. Rankin, Pres.-Treas. R. G. Rankin, Andrew R Moork. Virp-Prpsts. E. B. Brittian, Secretary ;B The soundness of insur same as quality of any pro- ance polices varies just the tection, service, merchandise, etc., so have YOUR FIRE IN SURANCE from this agency which represents only tried and sound companies that settle losses promptly and fairly. Insurance costs, the same irrespective of company why not then have OURS? Just call J. WHITE WARE INSURANCE Represented by V. E. Long Phone 201. Cit Nat Bank Bid. DR. PETERSON CHRONIC DISEASE NERVE AND FOOD SPECIALIST WOMAN'S BEST DOCTOR All Medicines Furnished At uttice GASTONIA, N. C. PROFESSIONAL CASDi Frank L. Costner REGISTERED PHARMACIST (14TB TEAR) It. H. Jordan A Co., Charlotte, N. O. Telephone and mall orders recelvs prompt attention. Nurses' Register. W. B. MORRIS REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Eyes examined and glasses properly fitted at Torrence-Morrls Oo's. Dr. J. M. Caldwell it now located in Gastonia for the practice of medicine. Residence, 311 S. York St, Phone 104. Gastonia retail merchants haVa large and raried stocks and always Over mSM atore sell at the very lowest prices. 0G 0 69 Every Spent here will pay for $1.25 worth of merchandise purchased here "DOLLAR DAY", June 22nd. EVERYTHING in the house to go at the same Reduction. Many "Dollar Specials" H0WELL-GR0VES SHOE CO. New Series Opens On July 1st the Gastonia Mutual Building & Loan Association opens its 24th and matures its 11th series. SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN NOW A souvenir for the first subscriptions of 10 or more shares. We are now making loans on appli cations less than 1 year old. $6,000 to v $7,000 disbursed every month. Cost to mature stock amounts to $83. 50. E. G. McLURD, Secretary & Treasurer Office at Gaston Loan & Trust Co. Gaston Loan and Gastonia, N. G 4xv -n "sil AN Meal OirbtUo Home School. Pitcpintoty and CeDegiats coono. Art " EmraMkm. Physical Culture, Pedagogy, Domwtlc SdenceBusimu, etc. Con. ervatory ot MikIc Highotaarfar wiintaliws bylaiUoOKpcrtenotd,collg Riinw liwniciora. i axel omy " naratniM teacnea ine inarviauaL unsur. patMd health record. Brick bulling. Staam heat. Electric lights. Excellent tabia. Good Gymnasium. Park-like campus. Concerts, lectures, tennis, basket. -bail. Wrttl tot our catalof before selecting tha collegt for your daughter. . . MISS. MARY OWEN. GRAHAM; Prsssdent. Raleigh, N. C Subccriba cr Tha IS A o G Made" O AX EASY PROBLEM. It requires no hrains to solve it, but It requires will power to make the start. Take our advice and come in our bank today with whatever money you have on your person. Get one of our books, start saving and you're on the way to success. Trust C ompany -im: v Gazette $1.50 Year Dollar :Oac

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