a y;:ai: r V , . - I -. to A 4 ft v - - ..... - with". the situation that IS hours will find the water its normal level. , or "1." at about . . -.-, j - . . s . - heaviest Slns'.e Loss Was Tlmt of A noon S:':i t Mountain IsUnj " V.'Uch" V.'as Cosrr! tt' AVa&l.ed Away IlnUJlhe Ixss of iJ00,C03 All Tfjrea KiUjs at -Blount "J lolly i Also New if 100,000 -t.' a of I'1 ail Ouir ..tircly Concrete l"rlj,,3 ft I ? ' .uy V..ou if i , rnde laid' I'i-t. IV.'ver-lAU: r '. to North Ci t C I V.:IU Not Be Nor, ,1 for Y.h.h.. Crops Orer Oa-ston tutl 'C;V er Cbuntic Badly D , I Tj t 1 Ixss la Count J Upwar.N f Dollars Water on Cataw ba Rose Sixty Feet, Goic; lar Ce- t nd Any Previous' Recorded Rec- v ; . , - . . - : ; crda. --. l ,r. estimates" rLie OotiMTvatlve Caton cou' 'j's ! it Lti , s and iwuii ! ne a ; :. .),(."'..; : .The f.--' n'. : I ' 1 1 i-'s. ton county w tie sl and destroyed as tl.e r- . t the re rnt floods. vlJcIi f veil the tvo cLij'8 of raH: , ' . ' " Moan's l'erry 1 1 ! ' Lows fo. i.iston county, $J5,iJ0.''. '.. . KozzeUe'ii bridge a total' loi, ..",ooo. '. '. ' ' New Mount Holly briOe a total $fO,()(K). ' ?:-Adcnvi:io trl,-6 total loss, ?-:;,ooo. , ; ',.'- Vewtal Ford bridge low,' "?, Sadler's Creek bridge, 'loss, Armstrong's Ford bridge, loss, $300. . ,'-f "-;-'';- Armstrong britfe, ; 'Uanwsed, $300. - - - . '' : Long Creek bridge, Oamaged, ?:.-,oo. , --' . ' .; . ' ; IliKh Bboals bridge, C au;;- 1, C-:hi. y :: - .-" . , 1 lardln. bridge, t, C 3,000.',. There re alm J r brlj 9 which spanned r aller stir h and were !-.!. I cor .! -- Lly, whiih wUl i ... 5 fro;a , to 1,000- a eKii of il.' sj' bridges. ,. ' - , f ; v';', ; " The above figures are not ac curate but are estimated as approximately what each bridge has been damaged. rtenty ' Following1 more', na-rtenty- Tight hours of vconsecutivfl ''.rain . which begaa at 4 o'clock Friday af ternoon and continued until eight o'clock Saturday night, the rivers and creeks la the county were swell zed until H high-water marks were eclipsed v Sunday. Three , railroad bridges in the county, the Seaboard, , Piedmont & Northern and the Sou thern across the Catawba river were washed down as were about ten or twelve county bridges including, the new Mount Holly t ridge ;. and - tr.e magnificent $100,000 ; . concrete bridge, at sfoan's Ferry. . A deatu . toll which has not at this time, been accurately deterr uied but which !3 estimated at about ' ten, occurred Sunday night when twenty woru nea were thrown into the ewoll-n Catawba river by( the collapse of the (5ou(hern Railway1 bridge at ' -. Bel t"''nt. Ten of the twenty men wers f nd clinging tff'tree tops' below , . ere the bridge collapsed and were brought to safety by rescuing par; Jies. :x ",?::. 'Rising with an alarming rapidity both . the Catawba and South" Fork rivers as well as Dutchman's creek and numerous other smaller streams In the county reached unprecedent ed heights some time Sunday night and with" this rise ' of water. there were hundreds of . people driven from their, homes, scores of ' lives threatened, bouses washed "away, crops ruined, cotton mills damaged, tele; hone, telegraph and train serv lo paralyzed as. never before in the I tory of the 'county.'". At Mountain Island, four miles above Mt. Holly on the Catawba river, practically the entire, mill village was 'swept away slang with the Mountain Island cot ton mill at a total loss of approxl r atelyt $350,000. One thousand tales of cotton, which was stored in t;. 3 warehouse of. this mill, . were event Into the .swollen, streams with the mill end houses and sent swlrl- i: r down the stream. The manage nui.t of the mill is offering a . ten dollar salvage for every bale recov er. -Several bales have been - re ported brought to land, . seme- of I jvhicu was at a n&K.ot uves. , j . V Coming at a time when least ex Southern'-' : Power Company was switched off about 9:30 o'clock un- dar night, leaving Gastonia and the surrounding towns over-the county la darknesav Those who had both fas and electric lights in their homes were fortunate as the gas ;. lights Were welcomed by many. Five .or tiJt o! Uastonla's cotton mills 5 are standing idle' as the result of the Southern Power Company's Inability to manipulate : its 'numerous;1 power rlants over the two Carolinas.-, . I Nine mills in the city are running either full or part 'time on poorer ft rnished by - their' own ' steam t xnta. The , Modena Cotton Mill's i ; int ave to the city last night ana tonight Its only electric current which was turned on at 8:30 o'cIocK nd off again at 6 in the morning. It is reported that the surrounding twns of Belmont,. Lowell, McAdem lille, Mount Holly, Bessemer. City, Kings Mountain and Shelby, are rn uarkness and without' a sufflclent supply of water. Gastonia a auxil iary, plant furnished a; regular amount of. city water,-but it is not known how long this supply will last. ' Reports are to the effect that the iSouthern Power, plant at Mount Holly' Is now above "water and will probably furnish current within 2 hours. . This, however, is only prob lematical and there. Is ho manner of learning Just, when. the current will be resumed. ;-"" i.'i "V ;.: -; 1 - r- " : , Isolated as If on an island is the condition Gastonia and the county found itself in since (Sunday night wbcu all means of communication was swept away with the collapse of the six. bridges along the Catawba river. Only from the South la there any telegraphic or telephone service available. Tassenger train service has be n cut until there are only two tries' from Atlanta a -day. Freight traffic , has been completely I ra'..' 1. . ''. ' ;'-'.''? Lei vi ; in its wale a trail of, rum and di. n r-tho waters of the Ca tavibaar. .1 'Jou :i Fork rivers are re rrd:r,?.wUl.in teir banks and it Is thought by thope who are acquainted MOUNT HOLLY'S L033 " 7 HEAVY. : Mount' Hollyfwa3 fiit' vzrkz; i harder than any 'ether town in the county. . Just what the t:l.l property losa'is in the town Lni that irnmedhta '.vicinity cr.:.ot yet ba estimated. The brt ::t :r.!a loc3 was tl.it cf the At.. . -:n. Manufacturins1 Company's p!:r.t at Mountain Island, up the ri . ' nijht t!i P. & N., the largest and most expensive cf the three, went down and was followed about thirty minutes later by the new county bridge. . From per . sons who claim to Jiave been on the , bank and watched all three of these bridges w ash away it Is learned that no one of them went as a whole but in sections. All are agreed that the last t go was the middle section of the new ' county bridge.' This was opened about two years ago, having been built joint ly by Gaston and Mecklenburg counties at cost of $18,000. The water ' at thij point was about CO feet above normal. The old . Mount .Holly Mill on Dutch man's creek was flooded in. the second a short dhtace 1. from m ! I Holly. Thia mill is- known as the 'Mountain I! -A Mill ''Mr. Ci TL Hutchin n, f story. The Woodlawn Mill was submerg ed to the eaves of the roof. ; It js a one story' structure. -The Nims Mill was submerged , to t. considerable "depth. The, water was oyer the Seaboad tracks fie president End treasurer- cf t!. 3S t points between the Seaboard depot company, infprmed Tha , Gactta I d " business section of town. A J(j j u jieu or mora residences , were sud- few of the houses were washed from their foundations. The water wasfcix Inches deep on tbefloor of the pavilion at Riverside Park and that structure was entire' y cut off from the town. A kin 2 i . .... . T: I-:' 1' r C ' 1 : 1 t '- " I F T3 I's : ! Here's my'p'i.trnr.! C t" try !r store and r t f) --.t b.-;.: f L'. pirn's Liver To: Ti ' f i"-' ! a if it dvn't f - ': i yoa r t i I r .' y i f i f r1 I r- . war t y-u t f 1 - k t tl tvore t - t your rnor;. y. lv.' i.n's Liver 1 ii d ."i-troyir tl.e f ' f c!r. I t . it is rral liver ec r.t;r ?y v ti!.l, therefore it c u i. 'j (..'.. ' rr.ftke you sitk. - I t" orarii-x that c-ro f '.;1 f I" - ti' Live r Tone wil i . t ' :r ' ; i Monday afternoon that the had made a clean sweep", t: the entire mill,, the warehou:?, compariy't store and practically all of the tenant houses. In . aJiit ion to. these the ; company :zt aboul.000 bales 'of cotton, which was swept dqwn the, river, f nd will perhaps never be recovered. It; was' ''worth $Gp,CC0 or mere. All that was saved of the entire lot was three bales which were fished out of the river at Mount Holly by employes of the South ern Power Company. ' A reward of $10 per bale was offered by the management for every bale saved but the current ' was eo swift that there "wa3 ( no,' chance to save any of it; .The total loss to the Armon Company . is . esti mated : at about JCOO, 000. The company was capitalized at $150,-. 000 and manufactured twines and hose cords. Ult had 10,000 - spin ning spindles and 2,500 ? twister spindles. This is the oldest mill in the county, having been estab lished, as the Mountain Island Mill inlSia Mr.CE. Hutchinson is president and treasurer, Mr; J. Holland is secretary and R. F. 'Craig i3 superintendent It employed 35 people. It i3 un derstood .that the Southern Pover Company oCcil3 were heavy stockholders. . MOUNT HOLLY SUBMERGED All three of the bridges over the Ca tawba at Mount Holly were washed away. The first to go was the Seaboard Railroad bridge which was about half way between - the new county bridge and the P. & N. Railway bridge. ' A sectionjof it went .but at 8:30 Sunday section of the tj of the iron bridge over Dutchman's creek on the road to Mountain, Island was visible Monday afternoon and it was the general belief that this 1 bridge ", , was uninjured. The big $250, 000. subsidiary plant of the Southern Power Company was flooded to a depth of several feet and had to be abandoned. The employees' houses were also in watar several feet deep. It was a case of , "water, water every where" :with Mount Holly. All day Monday the hundreds of id! mill oper atives of Mount Holly, together with hundreds of people from . Castonia and all oyer tha county lined the banks of Jthe riverain the vicinity of Riverside Park anfthe bridge sites 'toVatclT&e raging torrent, while on the opposite shore, "so near and yet so far" were .gathered ; hundreds of ' Mecklenburg county folks engaged in the same pas time, . So swift and turbulent was the stream that there was; no possibility Monday evening of a boat making its way across. '.. ;.'''' ,; '' ' work of . the , bri ie may be in j net total over 1,C such shape that it can be utilized in part. All day Sunday there was a continuous stream of autos and vehicles of every description pouring into I.IcAdenvil! carry ing people who wished to see the river at this point. C McADENVILLE BRIDGE : ; -Z . GONE ;.'.. '. Saturday ' ; afternoon at 3 :20 o'clock' the county bridge at ,Mc Adenville went down. Itwa3 an iron bridge constructed ten or twelve years ago at cost of about $15,000. Reliable information se cured yesterday afternoon frcm Mr. R, RRay is to the effect that all the' stone piers of this bridge reman intact with the ex ception of one,, that being the second one from the western ap proach to the bridge.- It is also' generally believed that the frame DAMAGE TO MILLS SMALL , The Gazette ha3 authentic in formation with refercr.23 to the damage to the McAd:n mills. It 13 most encouraging and indicate 3 that the loss to thesa milli i3 ccn siderably les3 than wa3 anticipat ed even by the management. It was found yesterday, TuceJ zy, that the dam, concerning which there wa3 considerable uneas iness Sunday is intact and un damaged. The only los3Suta:ncd of any consequence was to ths race.' This entire damage can be' restored for not exceeding 53,000. Two section 3 of tha race washed out, one about fifty feet long above the bridge ap proach and another section about the same length Kelow the bridge approach. The washout below the bridge approach wa3 in real ity a fortunate one a3 it did away with. the possibility r of water reaching the mill baildings. In fact the management va3 con sidering the matter of of dyna miting the race at this point at the time it washed out. The headgates of the race are intact. About twenty feet of the brick construction connecting the dam with the race proper was washed out This will be replaced with concrete .', construction,' T h e first sections washed out will also be replaced with concrete and this work can be ; completed in a very short time. Mr. Ray estimates that the race can be repaired and the water power restored within two weeks.'. In the meantime an effort i3 being made to secure ' second hand motors ' with which to equipp milU'nos. 1 and 2 temporarily with electric power. Mill No. 3 is already electric-driven Six or seven houses belonging to the mill; and occupied were submerged. - Of this number one, on the eastern side of the river was washed away and one other was washed ; off its foundation. The damage to the houses ' will the entire ci:z t mills at th:3 p!e.c3 . ; at the out:'J3 rr.cro t' sad will prclally L 3 . J5.000. The . mi'j t and all of ths machir. tirely intact and ur.ir.j Southern's K.l cnt V:'. .: Away. From our IV... t c received TuesJ ,:y, ii t ' reference to t'.e v, : Southern's tri.'j over ; at that point: V The Sloan's ferry 1 : ' e l with p! ; ;a all Lj: Tha c. . .J.i had i . 1 the briJe but rry their own risk. About & day afternoon t1 e t ' heard a lou I f ; ! .; i a tha cc'.rc' tr: ' :? s dry l.ind. i I. a f . '.i 1 y t' a ! ; i' n cf t Li. ' 1 ' , . It t v . t t! ' . i a i - 1 r ( :" -rr.zr.y r.o a kr. -. -t. run all t ty-f.ve. ti c!.' sri i 1. - May fii t t i tJ f x 4 i c the iziii th.it ' J : the slrui tu-'. .n i rick were t i t' I bales of cctt,.a f 11 strain. It la t 11 orders to Lave t j Li . sixns of wt . ' i r;; the time 11 c engineer ca.. ,1 tha mf" t n ge and et c'.ce 1 and derri k (j.T. Ii lievei of this vd-lt, ver an 1 settle. As f,y rcacht'd the t p cf the 1 ti with a u ? into a tex. One 1 ; 1 y. ' -went to the botto;a, carry,, down l'.ke so r: tny pnts. was" the force V it it C rails ties o f the for aliaU:.ce cf i:.ty f. t ; the bank into the waters. . tance was lined with .' slow was the movement 1 thev stepped over into snff ty. ment ' later he ids bean t and down in the waves I ,t was the force of the vat i two men were able to r the scene. The section f ; Kirurs Mountain mar.;"; : ! t the raft held up by the x.. ter a time ws rescued i i a t tor boat. The other was a hand who succeeded in h a tree. Some distance ' stream spectators saw a r !; it three men. They ra e 1 t and waved their nan " i a t J r ' " Ax;:.y, C s Plant at Mountain Island Swept ,:3 of C on down the stream. In t. the Btream were eeveral t: . these c: ,e the cries of f men ho! -.iinrr on for dear 1 '.: r in? for help. . Tha terror stricken crr ' dumb. There was no s'n ' anywhere. Only a;very f boat was near and it mevr.t i anyone to venture out i ' rent Nizht was fa.-t e. ; -the frightened victims i ;m cries. Small bnats were I from Riverside Park and l.t toward the trees in which t were perched, only H le ? by the swirlin? waters n I t to the bottom. Slowly the tr wav one bv one and by 1 ' I at nis-ht the cries were h'i: ' '( river was doin? its fastest ri H-tbi time. . . .. Desolation reigmed over t ? he whole niht. With day! r. cue parties formed :, and search the streams. Mr. T.. Lowell, took especially prr- - in hi3 efforts at rescu. composfd of Jr."John Dave Wright and his t . John Armstrong and -Mr. took grave Tlsks in steer, to a clump of trees en I from which they recuf ! ; who was almost exhau 1 ; ed through, havin? t i r i It was a mater of r against life in these t cue. ; The most euccf were two negro men, 1'cta . Fons Ross, cf telmor.t. h cued six meil fro mtree? ii i where the current was s-r : t.. these were men who hd cue four who were mare were themselves forced ti : the trees when their 1' t -away. One cf tha r-' i r this party, was Mr. Ti. , . -r- r 3 Continue I ca i f 1 (h - C I i